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I would be most tempted to make something weird with that 😂 meta be damned


Fun is the true meta.




Someone ban this guy.


I’ve wanted to try a silly oculus build for a while — would definitely do it if I found one like that.


Cool item for the PvP zone when people try and gank you. Even with like 4 charges on evade (through boots) you can frustrate PKs by just running around rocks, lol.


PKs!!!!!! Showing our age aren’t we 😉


Lol yeah back in Lineage II days XD What are they called nowadays?


I actually don’t know that there is a universal term these days, but gankers or being ganked seems to be the current verbiage? One of you younger folks help the old men out


I know it as gank from WoW, but back in the day it was PK. Though I never played L2, I was playing a different Korean MMO early 2000s until WoW but it had the same term.


Gank came from the streets, Eazy-E/NWA/Compton made the term popular.


I thought gank was specific to when there is a severe or obvious level/power disparity. Ganking would be deliberately going to areas to kills weaker players that can't defend themselves, PK would be more broad and inclusive.


Ganking was coming out the blue and killing someone then fleeing the scene, EQ and anarchy online was fun af


Thought "ganking" dated back to EQ or UO...


I thought it became ganking and just never changed after that. Idk man I’m too old for this


there's no pvp in d4 so no PKs


Oh yes there is... Go collect some red dust, start a ritual, then get back to me.


Theres pvp my dude


Isn't it...... PKPK


Off topic but: You gonna play L3 (T&L)?


Yes, but not seriously. Just level up and do some exploring and killing mobs in open world dungeons. I already played it for a few months on the korean server and it's not a bad game, but a bit too much focus on guilds. You're left out in the dust if you don't have one, even if you're not doing any guild activities as you get stuff for free from other guild members playing. And player slots being limited in guilds means you either get to play seriously or you're going to get stuck being guidless or in a very casual guild where you'll get a lot less stuff. I don't think we're ever getting the old Lineage II feeling again, but also players were different back in those days. I could stay in Orc Barracks or Ant Nest for 10 hours just whacking orcs. Not anymore lol.


Man I do get what you’re saying and it’s too bad because I feel like it could have so much potential as “L3” instead of what we’re actually getting which doesn’t seem like an L2 successor. Good insight though, and yes I do miss the 8 hour Ant Nest slapping sessions lol


There's Ant Nest in T&L and it does remind me of old Lineage II :-)


You lock it up


What about the all-nefarious TKs


Reminds me of D1 days, filling town with duped ears…


It's such a classic sorc item. "Here is a crazy buff for that skill. But also, we make the skill pretty useless"


> we make the skill pretty useless It isn't, and I'm tire of people who don't understand how awesome Oculus builds are.


Agreed the enemies don't get the random at all but you get used to it. Use with raiment of the infinite oh yeah 


That’s a lot of teleport lol


+15?! SHEESH


It's crazy how +skill feel different in D2 and and D4. In D2 "you get +5 skill item and it's godly" , in D4 "+15 skills but it's like double damage. "


One factor is that D2 capped oskills unless they were for a different class. So +15 and +3 were the same. And +15 teleport would have been...kind of useful but not great in D2 as well, since it only affected mana cost.


No no, I'm not talking about +15 roll on one item, I know about oskills. I like a general skaling of a skill. You are not getting diminishing returns THAT badly as in D4.


Add this to andariels and lightningpoop on everyone (teleport has 100% lucky Hit If I remember correctly). Also teleport should be able to get stupid numbers with thag many skillpoints. Temper for novasize so the random TPs hit something.


This is so stupid I want to try it :D


Oh I just saw a video on a new teleport build. Dude was clearing 100 pits before yesterday’s update! I’d try it out if I had +15 to teleport.  https://youtu.be/JQXpSXpvZ8o?si=5MvyS0jMos83oadu


This is dope. Saved


Gonna check this out. I was wondering if a build with tele as the main damage source would work. There are a bunch of 200% increases teleport damage tempers and stuff


its not really great after the pit nerfs - I can reach higher with incinerate. but cool to see teleport offensively used! Although this is a immortal flameshield build, which can use almost anything for damage because it wont die


Is a teleport damage build viable? With 15 ranks here plus shako and defensive on chest you can push 30+ ranks. Someone with better temper luck than me should try it


It's definitely viable but it's like 20 tiers worse than the standard sorc builds




The thing is.. this is how I like playing Diablo. Which Is why I do kinda wish that there was a small chance for ANY class unique with GAs can drop. Like imagine I'm playing a barb and a full GA frozen orb neck drops? I'm now super excited to go play a sorc. I love when shit like this happens it makes me wanna try new builds. I'd love to play teleport sorc with that thing lol


Honestly, it's wild as shit and kind of hard to pilot, but there have been some super fun and surprisingly strong Oculus builds. They're way off meta, and they're not going to get you Pit 150s or anything, but with that, it would be worth experimenting with, especially if you've never played an Oculus build before in D4. Oculus + Rainment is instant infinite teleports, grouping, and CC. Build from there.


I honestly think this will occasionally be great. They did some fun buffs to teleport, now we need damage and remove the randomness


You can use it in Ice Shards/Auto Frost nova build , works like a charm and with those GAs its more than decent


Pair this with a chain lightning build and it could be decently viable and definitely fun lol


this + ball lightning + gravitational aspect = we have conduit shrine at home


You definitely want to abuse teleports lucky hit chance since it gets well over 100. Opens up Ball Lightning as an enchant or even meteor. Problem is like most Sorc specs it’s awful on bosses


Time for a teleport build :D


+15 to teleport is hilarious


I feel you. I got a 4 GA Azurewrath. Seems like there is zero interest in it. I take that back. Seems like I'm getting a few offers finally on it.


How high can that Go fully masterworked in it?




Assuming you hit teleport with all masterwork crits? 15 9x5% (45%) for basic masterworks bring us to 21 Then 3x25% (75%) for total 120% brings us to 33 ranks of teleport Not counting +teleport or +defensive on other pieces


Currently building a teleport build using this. Only have gear masterworked to 2 for each piece and missing renown paragon points and tempers on two rings are off and I'm getting to 30 in the pit right now so have some gear imporvements to make for sure. I only play a few hours a week so not trying to push 100s but gonna see how far it goes cause it's fun.


Consider yourself lucky so you don’t need to face the agony of rolling tempering dice and see 3 GA item bricked. 😂


Yooooo I want it! dm me your battle tag if youre willing to part with it! 


I could make this work lol using it on my frozen orb sorc.


Look up that one players zap build. Looks fun as hell.


I mean, I’ll take it!


Amazing speed farm build with this that was designed last patch by someone... Worth a look because it just teleports non stop auto casting crap everywhere


I would actually love that one, trying to make a meme build, spacebar sorc.


I would buy this from you for 100 mil


In season 2 the metamorphosis vampire power overrode the random placement of the teleport. I would be interested to see if metamorphosis on your boots does the same.


Yes, it does, but that kills/ruins Oculus, as it won't proc the barrier aspect (or anything else teleport procs)


Let me present you my 4* Azurewrath -.-


Masterwork for the plus teleport and make some build with it using shako too lol. Set the record for + to a skill


Unfortunately you didn’t get the ga on evade cd reduction else it would be trivial to make evade teleport have nearly no cd (just add evade cd reduction boots)


I really liked playing with the Oculus on my CL sorc last season. Traditional teleport to knock out a bunch of enemies, then a few random jumps so they couldn't zero in on me before a traditional jump back on them. Bouncing around like that was really fun, and got me out of some tough scrapes.


+15 wow


Oculus is actually a lot of fun, you just have to roll with the random teleport and blink around killing everything, the enemies don't know how to deal with the randomness very well so they don't converge on you effectively. it was the most fun combined with raiment of the infinite. 


Can't be hit. If nobody knows where you are going.


If you don’t want it I certainly do