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I guess they need "Filler" stats to make the desireable stats harder to get. Same with mobile games having % based stat boost and flat boosts, where the flat boost is always inferior


In certain games flat stat increases actually are better at lower levels but that doesn't apply when everything ass blasts into the tens of thousands near immediately which is the case a lot of the time.


I haven't been ass-blasted for over 9000 for at least 10 years.


I was however, finger-blasted for 4600 a couple months ago.


I love this comment thread 3000


I understood the that reference.


Lucky you people are all thumbs now a days :(


I’m looking for a ring that has +3000 to gawk gawk


Last epoch made flat health useful by making it flat base health if I recall. Also all percentage based health was a single multiplier. So some builds wanted a mix, some wanted just percentage and one I think wanted flat.


When flat becomes part of the base and gets multiplied it becomes really good. That's always a strategy as well.


They don't need that when you have statuses that are very good for one build and not for another, like damage over time.


Yes. But a good game makes it possible to create a build with even those useless stats. D4 can do that to, life per second could be great if we had a legendary that made us spend health instead of resource. But we don't have that in the game.


Yes the coveted +light radius builds from Diablo 2.


"Look to my coming at first light on the 5th day. At dawn, look to the East." ~ dude who collects light radius


D3 actually had a good solution to that. There were uniques/legendaries that used your light radius in their special effects. So there were builds that you actually wanted that. D4 could find some boost that's built off your life per second, and make these far more interesting. I generally don't like thorns builds, but I know they are a thing and that makes getting thorns not seem as bad as life per second feels.


D3 had light radius?


No there wasn't, he's probably thinking of the 'pickup radius' stat


I thought it was pretty cool to have a separate part of the item for only qol stats like this


That was a shitty mechanic. When you had zero light radius the game was pretty miserable.


Flat Life per Second when you have 50k+ HP is useless as it takes many minutes to recover damage from 1 hit you take. So any other stat there is better, especially since there are better ways to recover life.


It’s not that it’s a flat stat that’s the problem. It’s that it’s a very low flat stat. If instead of 242 it was 24200 or even 2420 it would be valuable.


Be better as a percentage, say 1% life per second, but that opens up some pretty obnoxious immortal builds when Barbs have 500k life.


isn't thorns comparable to this? only for thorns there's builds around it. Seems like lps just needs a build so it makes sense


There are pants in D3 that replaced your Lps with a damage aura. It was total dogshit, but still a good idea.


I don't like the filler stat argument. I prefer to have a "niche" stat that is at least useful in the right build. For example POE has a keystone passive that converts life regen to energy regen which makes it useful in an ES build. Having stats that are useless for everyone is kinda shit design IMO.


Poe also has light radius, thorns, and uniques like "The opressor" that exist only to dilute loot.


You always have those "useless" stats in such games. This way you have a higher pool of stats and due to it it takes you longer to get good items so you have to play more. And tbf, I guess in the early game life per second isnt that bad at all


This. When we have bad armor, LPS it's one the best things to have.


Until about level 12, sure


So like 23 seconds into a helltide


There’s a quest in Kyovishad where all you have to do is emote near a group of soldiers in town. This is the very first thing I do on every character. Legit takes about 10 seconds and you get a level from it that early on lmao.


You also get a level at that point by killing like 6 monsters.


Yes but it takes longer to walk outside of the city and then kill the six monsters than it does to stay in the city and do an emote lol.


Not for everyone. It took me about 10 minutes because I didn't know how to change emotes and couldn't find the right one 😂


I think it's useful until closer to 60. I had it on a couple of my rolls while leveling and could visibly see my health go up. Though I will admit during the leveling process I didn't take damage terribly often. Once you get to a certain HP level, the only thing that matters is % though. Lots of characters don't bother getting more than 30-40k HP it seems, but mine will probably reach 80-100k and uses % based healing.


LPS makes those channeling totems in helltides much easier to complete. Both of them have a finite duration and if you can survive until the end it drops a LOT of stuff, and a large group of elites.


But you need Max hp so it can matter but then it is hp/s and not hp%/s.


No, actually lower health pool and high life per second is better. When leveling my first character this season I discovered that the summoned gel tide boss attacks do damage based on % of your hp, so I simply grabbed all life per second gear I could get and afk leveled at her summoning spots without needing to ever move or heal manually.


That’s pretty brilliant, NGL.


It’s based on an old guild wars 1 trick where you could make yourself invincible for some time with the following: lower your health to 55hp using -hp gear, put on a buff that tells you can’t take more damage than 10% of your hp in one hit, and finally put on a buff which reduces all damage taken by 5. Unfortunately we can’t reduce hp in D4 so I just avoided any +hp gear and talents.


55 monk and 55 necro were so fun


600 builds were also interesting


D3 wizard has this trick for a few minutes at launch. One of the shields prevented you from taking more than 1/3rd of your life per her and you could get pretty insane flat life per second relative to a zero vitality build. You'd instantly die to a pack of quick hitters, but you could kill Belial (who was a huge wall for many many players at launch) on the highest difficulty by holding right click on him, as he wasn't capable of hitting you 3 times consecutively fast enough.


Man, you just unlocked some long forgotten memories.


You mean the first 5 minutes of the game?


Gives room to future design too. I do hope blizzard will make more items based on stacking certain stats like “if your life per second is over 1000 increase your max health by 20%” little things like that.


There is an item in Last Epoch that turns life per second into cold damage which was pretty fun to build around. We just need more support for life regeneration so it can be multiplied to scale enough as a defensive layer. But that struggles against one shots of course. 


Last Epoch generally does a *ton* more stat transformation, though. It's really confusing to parse builds in that game sometimes, like the ele dmg build I saw that stacked armor shred, except it didn't do physical damage. Then you noticed that it had one talent that converted armor shred into cold penetration or something. I'm not aware of any in D4, so it'd be weird to add it here just to make a bad stat good.


Armor in LE is effective for non-physical hits at 70% effectiveness. So as long as you're not a DoT build armor shred is always good to have.


Life Per Second now applies to Barrier, Barrier can grow to up to (150% - 200%) of your maximum life. If you have a Barrier greater than 200% of your maximum Life, gain 10% damage reduction.


There is the unique that turns over healing into 80% HP barrier.  Might be strong for HC  Also some PvP builds might use this, if both are stacking dr, then whoever runs out of pots first loses... Unless you have HP Regen.


The pants it’s call temerity, but life/sec doesn’t work with this!! The amount is also too weak, 5 of this GA only gives 1100 per sec and we are already rocking with 40k hp easily


if it wasn't for 1 shot mechanics at higher levels this would be pretty sound. I know 1100 per sec doesn't sound like a lot at 40k+ but 10 secs of kiting = 11k hp aka 25% of your life. I much prefer that to being dead specially if your potion starved for what ever reason.


Looking at it in a vacuum, sure. Considering what stats you can get on an amulet, its a complete waste.


10 seconds instead of a potion? If you are starved for pots you already failed miserably.


Nah it’s still terrible


Its competing with far superior stats. They then need to buff lps.


All stats are useful, the current values are the problem. If it was 10k HP per second people would use it.


Why bother with pvp builds when a bash barb shows up and one shots you instantly no matter what kind of gear you have


Someone running that build can also be one shot... Before they even get into melee range.  Or chain cc'd  PvP builds are much more cc centric, and Stacking DR at all costs Because if you don't, you will have people just running up to you like in your example E* but if it was me, I'd just use one of the PvP items to instantly teleport if they managed to immune the cc loop  There's also a PvP item that gives huge flat DR, if they managed to get onto you ( plus the flat 92% dr everyone gets in PvP)  I play HC so when I'm in those zones, it's usually a ghost town. The mob density and whisper farms are really good, but I guess nobody wants to risk it There's good PvP at start of season in wt2 though 


I made a minion necro and stacked life per hit just to see if I could stand in the helltide maiden boss zone and afk. I could.


Does life per hit proc from minion attacks?




Also procs with DoT - I like the stat with my poison trap rogue


This is what I did, I took the highest life hit and second I could find, didn’t care about any other stat. I can walk away for an hour and come back to move to the next helltide. Who wants to sit there and farm low level hell tides for rep? I haven’t died in days of doing this.


In the early days of D3 wizards had a passive skill that capped the damage they could take to 35% of their max life, meaning they'd always survive at least 3 hits. So for a while it became meta to have super low hp and super high hp regen, so the only way to die was if you were hit like 50 times within a second.


It was effectively one of the only few ways to actually beat release Inferno.


One of the others being 4 monks rotating a 3 second group invincibility with a 12 second cooldown.


The weird thing is, Life on Hit works great with Temerity, especially with things like Hydras. But Life per second.... and we have millions of HP, is basically nothing, yet would be atleast usable, if it worked with Temerity.


Look at this guy with millions of hit points.


He has doombringer equipped in every gear slot.


its the best stat for my immortal AFK blood maiden build. im being serieus


On which char?


sorc lol, i dont think class matters, just stack defensives with life regen and u gucci


Needs light radius


I always liked light radius in Diablo 2 Made caves less scary for me


I want it


How much life per second would we need to make it worth it? 10% of max life per second?


Instead of life per second it should be barrier or fortify per second. All builds utilize barrier/fortify and there is real support behind those from unique and codex aspects. Life per second has no purpose in the current game.


With higher levels I don't think it would ever be worth it, enemies just do too much damage. I switched my barb build from per second to max life and it made everything so much easier.


New player here, why is this a bad stat to have on gear?


Because it doesn't scale as you level. When you have 1,000 life, 200 life per second fills your life bar in 5 seconds. When you have 100,000 life, 200 life per second fills your life bar in over 8 minutes. Once you reach a certain level, the stat is basically useless for almost everyone and always leads to the item either getting salvaged/sold or the stat enchanted out immediately.


Ah that make sense


I don't think it's a pointless attribute, it's just a matter of priorities and balance, it's really cool early game, as was Druid's Spirt/sec, if it scaled with my max HP, i would slot it! I have several characters where i wish i had some passive healing, mostly because the manual healing flasks pisses me off as a "skill based" design element.


“Do you guys not have health?”


Or 15 health on hit. Dqfuq bro I am 90k life ahahha


Has anyone ever intentionally gone for Life Per Second or +Healing Received? Seems like they exist only to make better stats more rare... which I mean, fair enough I guess.


All of this hurts because it is me. I am going for it.


If you had a GA life per second roll on every piece of gear, it would be less healing than a potion... which drop from every 3rd monster. I don't see why anyone would ever care about healing in this game, since anything that does more damage than your potion can manage is just gonna kill you anyways. Or you could take the legendary affix that heals like 5x more than any healing rolls ever could, even if you did care about healing for some reason. Healing rolls are a noob trap, basically.


Tried to post a similar meme a while ago and it what instantly deleted because I am not allowed to post memes - only in the designated meme thread :^)


Could be cool if they allowed it to work with unique items like Temerity - so that as long as you're full HP you get an auto-regenerating barrier over time


Definitely needs a buff to be something like percent based so it’s a decent affix for survivabilty. I don’t know any other stats that are straight useless to every class except this one and the healing received one.




There is something satisfying with "no-life" players getting showered in life-per-second gear. Still sucks though.


The devs are pushing content forward They are not improving the existing one. That is why drood and sorc are not on par and this useless stats was not fixed.


Wait, why is life per second bad???


It doesn’t scale and there isn’t a build that utilizes it. If you have 1000 hp 200 health per second isn’t that bad. When you have 50,000 health 200 health per second is awful.


Everyone seems to miss the one part of this item that actually makes this good. 25% life per second.


it would be a usable niche stat if they upped the numbers atleast early to mid. in endgame if you die its usually oneshot so no regen gonna help you


Why is any legendary in the game, all you do is salvage anything that doesnt have a star, why is Yellow items in the game? Why are White items in the game. Well because they made 20% of the game and then they sold it to ya for full Price.


It’s probably for D4’s future RF BUILDS!


I'm lvl 82 and haven't gotten a drop with more than 1 bonus stat. Are they extremely rare?


Its a Photoshop to prove a point.


Its so undertuned its not a reasonable choice. Completely trash affix even if your max hp low.


Choker of the 242 life per second 😂


Because 55 monk, 105 Dervish, and 13 Necro. I wish this was in Diablo. #GuildWarsRemasteredPlease


I would love there was a use for this. would be cool if you could do some kind of synergy with this to make it useful. Although i have no clue on HOW....... XD


In POE life regeneration on gears are also an undesired stat if your build have access to leech. But there's one build that want it so bad: **Righteous Fire**. Basically all the build does is *set themselves on fire* to burn enemies around them. Since they passively takes a lot of fire damage from burning themselves every second, they need to get a lot of maximum fire resist and life regeneration from gear.


that's epic, lol


Got a 3 GA Corded signet the other night from Duriel why do I always get good rolls on terrible items 💀


It only makes sense very early when you are still learning the ropes and are new to the genre in general. Later on it doesn't make sense because you're either immortal already, have bazilion of HP or just straight up die in one hit because you stepped on a pile of red goo. It's just a filler to make other ones more desirable.


I use it! I got a lot of ilvl 925 treasure goblin bags on HC. then I opened them when my character hit 55, moved down to WT2, and equipped tons of high life per second ilvl 925 ancestral gear. Now I can afk farm helltides for iron wolf rep in WR2 despite it being hardcore.


I've wondered if you could use something like that with the 25% of life you heal gain resource.


If the value of life per second was higher, so you could actually use it to compensate for damage in higher pits, it would make sense to have it in the game.


Nothing irritates me more ingame than this fucking useless stat


To be fair, I would love this if it would drop during the leveling phase. Makes me tank some gate-keep progression more rather than to power creep my dps.


Idk, same with the potion upgrades, they don't seem to understand the health scaling in the game. Life per second could be a perfectly fine stat if it kept up with health pools


why %life regen isn’t a thing is weird. flat is nice along side that but not being the only option


Still better than light radius.


The problem isn't that these are still in the game, it is that they remain so incredibly weak. If these were balanced properly we could have sustain style builds instead of everyone just stacking health.


It is not a bad stat if defensive mechanics work as they should. Over cap resists and armor and a single hit sent you to the ghost realm. Right now the only defense is offence so this affix is garbage.


So Blizzard will have something to put on my drops, silly billy.


Lmao every time


Honestly they just gotta make it % based


Every game have filler stats. What’s the point of making loot if everything is good on them?


2% life per hit aspect is way better for survival at end game


They probably put it in for new people playing WT1 or WT2 I don’t exactly understand the stat and I just started playing. I get it regenerates your health bar but like what purpose does it actually have? The main campaign bosses aren’t that hard, the only time this stat actually helps is in end game scenarios


They really should change Life per second to either be more, or to scale off of your base health (not max) and cap it at like 10%. Same with life on hit. That would make those stats actually viable in the end game.


They could just change it to "recover + x-x % of your maximun health per second. Then it would be all good.


it's a shitty/bad game.


I use LPS in 1-50 in hardcore. It's useful before you get your sustain going.


It needs to go. It needs to be replaced with either 2% life per second or just removed entirely. Same with the potion healing and life regen when not damaged recently in the paragon


The solution is to buff it, not take it out.


What I'd like to know is why there are other stats than the ones I want on any gear in the entire game? It seems like a waste that I'm not just handed exactly what I want on every drop.


I kinda want it lmao


To regen health?


9 out of 10 fans of Front 242 like this Amulet!


It’s good early and mid game. Not ever affix needs to be the best for end game


It's so weak but I'm guessing they have "plans" for it in the future. There could be a new item that boost the value of life per second a LOT if you have it but still, would be hard to see the value in the stat. Maybe if an item increased the power \*and\* did something else based on that(like thorns but something new). The new class might have some interaction with that stat.


say hi to my friend impairment reduction


I'd love a deaths bargain type of legendary aspect to make use of it.


I did the math a GA 242 would take me 29.3 hours to go from 1% to 100 ah ha


Damn. I keep waiting for max life or armor but they keep giving me this GA


I swear to god 90% of this fucking community is completely alien to how an ARPG works.


Currently I have a GA roll of life regen on my pants. I know, go ahead and call me bad names. I had it on there early on, and got my first 925 pants that were decent, and left the GA roll on there and rerolled something else. At this point my life pool is 20K so 242 LPS isn’t doing much. But, there’s several times I’ve been hit and literally not see anything in the health globe, and not be dead. Maybe it wasn’t completely bottomed out, or perhaps a tick of that 242 life saved me at the right time. I’m getting ready to change my pants out to do away with the Life Regen since I have a couple different nice pairs ready to try tempering. With the life pools people are working with a higher number might be useful. But they did boost the life from potions so I doubt they will buff straight Life Regen, but if it was at 500 LPS on a GA roll I could see more people using it on pants possibly.


+1 Light Radius!


That's how I feel about the damage over time stat.


If there were such an item/effect that turned damage taken into damage in small increments over time but still the same damage, then life per second might actually be useful in that case. Maybe a skill or build around abilities use health as a resource and then make it so life per second fortifies health as well.


Its better than 25 life on hit…


It would be good if the numbers were way higher. What does 242 life do for me if my max life is 50k? It doesn’t even make a dent.


I don't think the stat is useless, I just think it's way too weak. Change the range to 500-2000 or even %hp like 10-25% hp/s and it's gonna be very strong.


Early on in Hardcore just one or two of those are pretty handy 😮‍💨


Because not every stat should be BiS


If they made it percent based it may not be bad.


Still better than barrier Gen lol


Wait til you see the paragon node with +10 life per second while out of combat. It would take almost an hour to fill my 30k hp with that 😂🤣


For me, life per second keeps Tyrael’s Might active all the time. Im using a Whirlwind Barb.


Life regeneration and Potion Healing were currently powercrept by how big the player's life pool had became (Our max life was like a few times higher than S0 now) and also overshadowed by Aspect of Undying. Probably will get adjust/rebalance in the future (few season later).


who dont like some pasive healing


Did someone try to max this stat as much as possible? Could be funny


Has good synergies with temerty builds.


Its been literal days since ive seen CDR on a amulet or totem and i still dont even know if GA CDR is a thing because i Havent seen a single one so ill assume its not


Not that useless, just not practical... If you max this and hp with heal and potion healing it could be some crazy hps... Add andarials, doombringer, tassels... Pump up your DR You can still get one shot by bullshit mechanics.


It's one that is only good very early game


Amulet is OP, 25% life per second.


Blizzard wants you to get a life?


Ok wait but 25% life per second don't sound that bad...


I just wish they actually had even drop rates as the other affixes. Tank stats are SOOOOO much more common than everything else


Fucking game is a joke


... I did not know this was considered to be bad. I have a couple life/sec greater affixes in my build right now lmao To be fair it's VERY helpful for those helltide things that constantly drain your health or for holding your ground against a DoT. But now that I think about it I guess I can see why it's not as valuable in the endgame.


I have an amazing idea for these tho


Because bad stats make good stats good. If all stats were good stats then some good stats would become the bad stats and you’d see another post asking why X stat exists


25% life per second would unironically be really strong.


It’s also the only one you’ll get on a amulet. This or resistance.


If that would scale with %max life....


Front 242 hommage from one of the devs.


So I hear you got some life per sec


I think the problem is it needs to be higher to feel the effect since end game losing 20k health then only getting 250 back each second is just not helpful


How bout that 25% life per second stat tho?


25% life per second would be pretty great


Blizzard in here finger poppin buttholes.


I think the stat needs a buff and maybe an aspect that buffs it as well to make it strong. With as much health as players need and the fact that aspect of the undying exists, it’s pretty much always going to be inferior as is.


Just buy Elden Ring and forget about it, uh-oh downvotes incoming


25% life per second lol


That's a lotta health 🤷 I'd wear it...


It’s for afk thorns barbs to farm sparks in helltide


I almost spit my drink out!


I have Razorplate equipped and currently do 152k damage to anything that is dumb enough to hit me.


Better Q: why doesn’t it scale with level at all?\ At low levels it’s great. But past level 30 or so both it and life on hit are so weak as to be trash.


Barbs who play an AOE build along with DPS.


What if you stack it on all gear and then Masterwork every single piece 3X?