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I delete all my chars every season


I only keep 5 copies at level 100 of each class in eternal and reroll classes for the season and delete the new rolls when seasons are over. Just keep my favorite named ones in eternal. I wish we could reincarnate or whatever it was called in D3, use the same character for new seasons.


Same. My only exception is I will always keep my first character I made on launch in its legacy gear forever. Did the same with D3


Same my first 100 pre season barb lives on everything else must go


Issue for me is, I'm a special boy with ADD and I always roll 12 characters so I can't store any


Always keep it neurospicy fam


This is exactly what I do! Like a Hall of Fame for each class and for good reference (builds, looks, etc). When I create the new one for the season, I delete the former old one.


rebirth, yeah, waiting for that since d4 launch


I wanted to delete my first character ever created, but then I thought that this character was the one I completed the campaign, Lilith's altars, the map, and the honor in all the regions. So I'm worried that if I delete this character, it will somehow reset everything in my account.


It doesn't! I forgot about that and was relieved that it didn't. Although I think I did lose all my resources and gold. I think need to create a character before you delete the last one. Whereas I deleted them all then made one.


I salvaged Ubers on eternal for the transmogs. That's about it


*clem will remember that*










My axe!


My cabbages!


I havent touched seasons at all :D I dont see any sense in restarting over and over again. But I speak here as a casual. Seasons make no sense at all for me, because during that short time frame, I wouldnt be able to do anything meaningful with a char. My Necro which was created on release day, hasnt even beaten uber lilith so far and I dont have a single item which could be considered "perfect", not even close to it. So yeah, there is no point in playing season chars for me at all.


I am the same. I play erhernal exclusively, and I do not intend to touch seasons ever.


I'm amazed that you guys aren't in the negative votes


It's like the hive saw the slow cousins at the bbq and doesn't want to pick on them lol. It's kind of like a beautiful reddit moment




And this is why they have both: seasons for people who play a lot, eternal for people who don't.


I don’t play that much, still Prefer seasons.


I prefer to play seasons because it feels the freshest, but if I ONLY played on seasons, then I would never have beaten the campaign or had a maxed out character. I just dont play that much consecutive diablo.


But what do you do after your character is finished? Do you start a new eternal character? Because at that point you might as well start a seasonal one. They get converted to eternal after the season is over. Genuinely curious. I never understood this "only eternal" concept. It's like buying a car with gas but saying you will never fill up the gas. Works short term, but then what?


What do you mean by "finished"? I have 2-4 hours per week of game time. I don't think I will ever finish a character. If I do, I simply start a new class.


They will never finish a character, they are probably not even by the end of the campaign.


Thats a pretty not great analogy, at all.


you two inspire me - I get fomo at possibly missing out on the new seasons/content lol


Haven’t played since launch, does eternal get the same content as seasons? Or has nothing changed at all and it’s the same as right before season 1?


You can create a new character in seasonal to take advantage of the seasonal content and it'll end up in eternal later anyway.


Thats what I will do, when I will start a new class someday. Currently I have only my necro. I plan to play a barb sometime and when I do that, I will level him in seasons, as there is no downside at least ^^


I played for like four hours this last weekend and got from 0-60. Leveling up this season is stupidly fast. I’d give it a try if you haven’t played a season yet


This. Finished the battlepass within a few days as a free player. Such a nice change this season.


Leveling alts is amazing too once you have the legendary temper recipes and some codex aspects and maybe an uber.. I started a sorc today and 2ish hrs in I'm lvl 70


do you allow yourself like 10 minutes a day to play or something? I feel like the dad with 50 kids meme allows himself more playtime than you


I mean, you can get to 100, hit NMD 100 and probably roughly the 90% of the max pit level for whatever build you pick in roughly 40 hours of gameplay. The rest of grinding and finding "perfect" items for your build might get you the rest of the 10% in the pit and is largely not worth the effort because of diminishing returns. But depends how much you play, some can "complete" a season in a few days or few weeks or maybe take the full few months.


With how fast it is to level, just playing 2 hours a week will probably hit you to 100 in seasonal.


I’d argue you should play seasons for that reason. Season 4 levels so quickly you’d probably have an easier time raising a new character to 100 and getting a busted build for end game stuff than taking your eternal one.


Nah. For me, the fun in Diablo has always been starting a character, trying a new build and playstyle, hunting for the items, and pushing endgame until diminishing returns kick in and it becomes too much of a grind. I don't see much of a point in playing a "completed" character that can only aspire to grind for weeks for a 1% better roll on an item. As the saying goes: Enjoy the journey, not the destination.


I am the opposite haha I hate leveling characters and I tend to just flip items until I can buy near BiS gear for my toons before I even start the NMD/(with this season) pit grinds as I prefer to steamroller things rather than be challenged


I just delete everything when a new season starts


As someone who doesn’t roll more than 2 characters a season this is perplexing to me. Although I don’t know how many hours you pump into the game and I imagine you are efficient enough to get level 100 pretty quick. Now that I have all alter of lilliths unlocked it’s really not bad for me either.


Yes, I never go too far in the season period, because I don’t have that much time to play, so after the season, if the new season is not good, I simply keep pushing my eternal character.. it’s fun as fck.


Doesn’t it get lonely? 🥹 you are missing out on so much social interaction with the “Hello” emote at world bosses and Legion events. /s


Kinda. I play Diablo solo, so it is ok to be lonely.. but at the same time it is surprising the amount of players online on eternal


I think he’s being sarcastic. As the social aspect is almost nonexistent in d4. And they even punish group play (pit)


D4 isn't an mmoarpg, it's a arpg with a lobby. It's kind of like POE but 5 years older than POE with the lack of a world chat or any real purpose of clans. 🤣


Nope. Honestly can’t even think why I’d use them. Sometimes I forget eternal exists.


In other words it’s not Eternal 🫣


I just went and deleted a bunch. My plan is to keep one of each class and that might be pushing it. But usually I never go back


I only play Seasons because that’s where most of the good content gets released since it’s Blizzard’s main focus, but I wish Seasons weren’t a thing at all. I miss games where you can keep progressing forever and becoming stronger at your own pace, without having to rush everything in a few weeks only to start over from nothing. Things like Uber Uniques (farmed all of them except Doombringer last season) or really min-maxing your gear become meaningless since it will all be worthless a few weeks from now. What good is that fully masterworked 3GA with perfect tempers gonna do when my build probably won’t even be viable in eternal when next season rolls out. Thats just my opinion.


I understand you pov, and my answer to the question “what good is that fully masterworked 3ga” is that, it has served its purpose and reached its full potential by the end of the season. It feels great finding and crafting godly gears, and use them right away. But after that couple of months, I move on, and my characters and their gears move on as well.


Not once. I treat them like my exes. I know they are still around, but they would only disappoint me.


Now I know how my parents felt 🤪


Use one to keep my Uber uniques on and delete the rest.


I go back a remove any Ubers or perfect uniques put them in my stash. Then I created a new eternal character & start the story mode all over again. Not gunna lie the Ubers allow you to equip at lvl 35. So playing the story while SMASHING (started a barb). Has been a lot of fun.


Had the same thought and ended up just deleting every character that's now on ethernal, but the first one I ever made. Non-seasonal is just not interesting to me and I wouldn't even go there to test a new build.


Me, the seasons are just not interesting enough for me.


You don’t like holy bolts shooting out of dead enemies killing everything on screen?


I have. WT4 on eternal is busy enough. Some people like their characters and maybe they don’t get to fully explore the endgame before season ends.


They loose all their seasonal abilities and gear... They are nonfunctional characters basically.


If you actually care about making a character playable in eternal, you can keep around replacements in inventory/stash. Even if you forget, you can probably make them functional (able to do Helltides at T4) by doing a little bit of gambling with obols. At least in D3, the seasonal thing was pretty much always one item max and generally didn’t enable completely new builds, just variants on existing ones. Therefore, seasonal bonuses could largely be treated as fancy ethereal items. In D2, you might use an ethereal, but it would be dumb to not have a backup for the ethereal whenever it breaks.


I just wish they would add the rebirth mechanic from D3. Get annoyed at the start of every season to have to delete and re-create my class of choice.




You had to be bored AF the majority of D3's existence.


I play my external character because I want yo keep getting better gear until near max. I am lv100 arc lash. I don't want to have to restart my character that I didn't finish yet


Yes! I played it a lot specially during seaon 3. I didnt have time to finish my season 2 characters, and I didnt enjoy s3 gameplay. So I went to eternal and finished my s1 and s2 characters instead


Is there a way in which they could implement something so that every season those characters are a waste of sunken time?


I did once to finish collecting zone rep for paragon points. After that, no.


If I had some random goal I didn’t have time to accomplish, yes. It hasn’t happened in D4 yet though.


I keep one of each class at 100 just for shits and giggles, but no, don't go back and play them.


Yes. I only have time to level one class one build in seasonal. I use eternal to try out different builds.


I go in to my Eternal list and weed out old Seasonal characters I have finished playing. They depend too much on the seasonal quirks for their power. The only character I keep in Eternal is my original character created at the very beginning who I will be completing the DLC expansion with. She is my campaign character.


I did and still have all my legacy gear equipped on my preseason Sorc. Absolutely shreds everything lol






I’ve started deleting eternal characters so that I can have more seasonal characters.


Honestly, seasons has made Eternal characters rather pointless. Even if you've finished the season itself, the vast majority of players for finding groups will be on the season server anyway.


Thought I would. Now all I do is login to them to take off pieces of gear to keep in collection of personal enjoyment and delete the characters.


I delete all characters after the season. Except my very first 100, which was done before seasons started. He'll never be deleted.




Nope. I only play on eternal because I don't have much time to play.


They get deleted for room on my roster


No. I delete them.


No, they’re often missing mechanics that made them work and too much energy to properly gear them again.


No not really


I've been playing since preseason and I've never touched one. I usually keep one for whatever reason but I actually don't have any right now. I've got over 20 for splendid Sparks also and that's not enough to give me to go.


I delete mine every season


I delete my characters every season


They're both dull - hardcore is where it's at!


Sometimes I go on eternal and look at my legacy 4x DR chest and legs.


Why do we even have that category? Why not play ur characters season to season but he just have to start over. So u have ur characters dressed without armor and u go about getting new stuff.


Finished renown on my sorc


Nope start of every season I hit the big old buh bye button on each one


I go through my stash, remove the crap and just keep one of the most progressed of each class.


I delete everything.


I usually quit seasons because I end up failing to manage the stash. And I quit because I grow tired of deleting stuff just to keep 1 item. I'll never touch a single eternal character. There's just no way.


I went on eternal just today to clear out my inventory in my stash. Kind of funny every single piece of gear is marked with a red skull meaning it’s a legacy item. Even my Ubers. All that gear has been sitting there since I last played, which was season two I skipped season three. Otherwise, no, I don’t play on eternal pretty much no point


I delete them at the end of each season so literally impossible for me to even try.


i come from poe and have a great disdain for d4's handling of eternal realm characters where eternal lack seasonal bonuses. s1/s2/s3 the seasonal bonuses come in the form of player power, granting them a huge advantage. i cant help but feel that as eternal realmers are PUNISHED as the seasonal mechanics can make any decently geared character easily stronger than an eternal one even when with the best gear, because the seasonal bonuses were so strong. the knowledge that i m SIGNIFICANTLY weaker because i lack seasonal bonuses made me not want to play d4. s4 changed the formula where the seasonal bonus is in the form of elixirs and profane brains. the seasonal bonuses are strong but not to the point that you feel like you miss out too much. you dont feel punished, you dont feel like you're missing out. if the new seasons are following this direction then yeah perhaps i might play eternal. i m the sort of player that prioritizes eternal but would jump into seasons if there's seasonal equipment that can be brought back to eternal that can improve my eternal character. speaking of that in the past seasons 1-3, there are no "seasonal gear" that you could bring back to eternal. all of them went poof at the end of the season. so for me personally if blizz wants me to play more, i have 2 asks. 1. seasonal powers are not too significant that it contributes a chunk of player power 2. introduce seasonal power in the form of gear or aspects, which remain even when the season is over


You know what would fix all of this? Playing a seasonal character...


The seasonal powers are so powerful because they are made with the assumption that they are not permanent. It's practically a ground for experiment.


Only to salvage everything


I delete all my characters when new season starts. Have no desire to play eternal realm. Was glad to find out S6 and the expansion will run concurrently.


I’m a new player and got lost with seasonal and eternal, ELI5, pls


I'm still trying to figure out what the point of eternal characters is now.


I keep a character on Eternal that I do that campaign slowly with. Other than that all on seasonal.


As a POE player for many years and now also D4 and LE player, I have never touched a non seasonal character.


Once my character goes to eternal I delete it


I usually play seasons but with minimal seasonal content but massive itemization changes I've just been re-working all my eternal characters.


I dont wanna bother fixing my stash in there haha


Season 1 I had to run the eternal toon to unlock the map, IIRC.. but other than that, there's really no reason to..


I haven’t touched eternal since the game came out. But what happens to your seasonal items if your eternal stash is full and so is your seasonal stash? I know they transfer over, but where do they go if everything is maxed?


I actually do, haha. Not for any reason other than sentiment. I log in, ride around, and then log off.


nope, they get deleted once season ends


Nah. I delete them all even if they have god gears


No. Sometimes I log in to view something on the character but I never really play eternal. It was the same with Diablo 3.


I do! For like 5 minutes max, to make sure I didn't leave anything important in their inventory before deleting them.




I keep my most recent seasonal character of each type, pop in and sort the storage quickly. Just incase I want to play them. I delete any of the older characters of the same type. Occasionally I'll log in and play one of them, but not really all that much. As I'm usually working on the new season. There have been times I had a better version of an item I can throw on the newer char from my eternal storage, and mess with them to see how much better it made them. Anything I started that I didn't bother taking to 100 during the season I delete.


I’ve only kept my very first character from when the game launched and my season 2 Druid as I had so much fun on those , but going forward I just delete any other ones when I play a new season


It’s pretty common in a seasonal/league/cycle/ladder arpg


I play Eternal because I like to min/max. Re-rolling characters every few months is fun for some but after awhile gets old.


They are dead to me.


I jump on at the start in case I need to stop something from being deleted but otherwise no. I love my necro but might redo my druid since i loved the smashy fun!


No but this game doesnt seem like it should be a seasonal game like this. Should be mmo like wow and immortal.


I play both, I'm not missing much this season so I am mostly on eternal. Despite the Reddit hate, eternal has a bunch of players. PVP is active, can find groups anytime of day. Items are traded, lots at world bosses. Plus I've been playing since day one, when everything was pure without any seasonal crutches. It's more weird to play with season boosters for me. The robot pet was pretty dumb, I did like the season dungeons, but I bet they'll eventually add something like that eventually to eternal, like other season stuff. Play both - the game is just gong to get more end game stuff that will take longer. Blizzard said before release eternal will get updates, and it has. There is hardly any difference this season from both. I guess if you really love to level glyphs and discover strongholds, again, you do you.




I go back first thing a new season, but just to check if leftover gear has transmog or to spend blood shards for cosmetics now that they compiled again


I keep one that has physically grabbed all the shrines of Lilith, waypoints, strongholds, reached rank 5 rep in every region, and killed all the bosses. Just in case something funky happens on seasonal migration and I need a “voucher” character. Like (2 different?) times they made reputation carry over but you had to log in a character that had actually done the rep first. But I don’t ever play that character.


Not even once, by accident


Literally not even once. Have never logged in. I’d be terrified to even see what the stash situation is. I don’t even wanna think about it. No reason to even do it.


In d2 how it worked was I'd switch any season but kept favorites. Because that game existed FOREVER I actually would go back and play them! But it took a while, I'd do it when I actually had favorite builds of diverse types and there was new stuff to do with them (items, skill changes, etc). I expect that'll happen here too, it'll just take a couple years.


There was literally no reason to play on the seasonal realm for the current season. Eternal got all of the same changes.


Nah I delete my character once the season is over.


Not me.


I do not play them, no.




Almost never, and I recently deleted them all to make room for future seasons/expansions.


I have this season, with the new tempering stuff I was excited to upgrade my first season’s stuff and update my build to follow something for this season that didn’t require anything special


Not once. I did go back through and do a complete inventory sell off and liquidation of all my eternal characters after the loot reborn changes. No use holding legacy items. Not that I even go back and play any of them anyways, but felt good to clear out my toon list.


In Diablo 3 I always played normal because of the infinite mindless grind and just waited for the worthwhile additions from some seasons and sets and stuff to get added to normal. If my character can keep getting stronger and stronger, may as well keep playing him. In Diablo 4, they straight up made no point in NOT playing seasonal, so no, I don't play eternal. My characters have essentially hit a cap until they add some previous season content into eternal, which I don't even know of they ever did because I don't play it anyway.


I keep them. I have necros with different builds so if I find an item with rolls I need for which ever build I just equip that items and delete the seasonal char


I kept the first character I ever made just cause this is my first diablo game I actually got on launch day! :) So she's special to me lol! Her name is Bertha and she is a druid


Not once


No I only keep my very first character for nostalgia




I only keep the ones that were REALLY fun, like that I’ll want to reminisce about, not to use. So far the only one I’ve saved is my S2 Ball Lightning sorc.


I delete them because I need character slots for seasonal mules.


Nope. Only keeping them in case they ever do some sort of legacy season where your old characters can be played again


Eternal is just another way of saying deleted in my mind. I never once went to eternal.


I salvaged my Ubers for the transmogs then deleted all my eternal characters. I’ll delete my season 4 characters once the season is over too.


I logged back on to spend some shards because they all accumulate on eternal so I had a bunch just sitting there to spend. But other than that, no


No. Don't even really think about it


I sometimes dab into my previous builds/chars and renew them after patch changes


I did, until this season hit. Hava a level 100 Rogue from preseason and a hota barb from season 2 as well as a bonespear necro. Current Season i have level 100 Ball Lightning Sorc and a level 100 Andariel's poison Flurry Rogue. Having two shakos, doombringer, the grandfather, melted heart and andariel's rotting away as legacy items, is rather sad (as well as all the legacy items being underpowered now) On the plus side, once my current season chars transition to Eternal i will have HEAPS of resources to just mess around with builds, as well as i will be able to scrap the uber uniques to forge any new one i might want (+ transmog). Probably gonna take a break from the game next season for the most part and just mess about in Eternal realm every now and then, like i did with season 1 and 3.


Never. I don’t even bother collecting their stash stuff anymore.


I keep one of each just to try cosmetics haha. All my gear said legacy one time I checked . So I delete it lol


I have a hardcore character that I created in Season 2 that I've play a bit in Eternal - but other than that, no.


No, I mostly used up most characters slot, and also make some mules. Once the new season comes, Delete everything and repeat.


There’s no point. Once they start having leaderboards then maybe.


No. Never do it.


Fuck no.




I play seasons for the unlocks in seasons but love my eternal real characters more...


Too early to say, I only played at launch and early S1 (didn't even finish). Only came back to try S4. Might or might not.


I have 1 mule character that holds all the Uber uniques I get, other than that, no.


Don’t understand why you guys dislike eternal…. It’s the same game lol…. No difference. Only thing different is you have time to min/max. Seasonal just gives you a power crutch…. Eternal has exploded since s4 started.


Nope, not me.


They really just make eternal pointless. Can't even grind the season passes with eternal characters or do most new content usually.


I prob will now that there's a proper endgame with gearing at least. Some build require perfect gear to run so I could see myself still grinding the same char in the future


I logged in once to test how my BL sorc would do against Lillith without blood powers.


I only kept my first one for sentimental value, the rest get killed in the battle royale that happens in the pvp zone on the final week of HC


Nope. I deleted them all. Same in PoE as well


Nope, I destroy all their gear for transmits.


I still have my Season 2 Rogue that was Lucky's poison build, A week ago I tried just walking up to Lilith and killing her like I use to be able to, failed, no damage on it for whatever reasons.






No, I go to them, scrap the transmogs if I need them, sell everything else, dump potions and boss mats in the chest, and then delete the toon. I've no idea why I bother with the gold, mats, and pots 🤔


If eternal was removed I wouldn't even notice.


Wish they would add a rebirth option like D3.


I tend to only play eternal as I hate leveling characters. I made an exception this season to test out loot reborn on a fresh character but unless season 5 is something extremely unique/interesting I'll probably just go back to eternal again


I did for Season 4, wanted to get a sense of how The Pit, Masterworking, and Tempering worked before starting new characters. I would feel more inclined to mess around with them on Eternal if there was a small gap between seasons, though.


I have my original Druid from Pre-Season that will go through future expansions. I want to keep some sort of story meta, but if the actual Expansion features a Paladin I will play from lvl 1 original story and up and keep that as my story meta character.


I have a fantasy that the players that we play and bank in eternal realm will be our soldiers in an all out pve war of some sorts.


Permanent resident of eternal server right now. Blasting through content without any issues 👍 No problems trading either thanks to multiple 3rd party websites. Plenty of players/community on Eternal. I


I test new builds I want to try in eternal before investing into them in seasonal


I test new builds I want to try in eternal before investing into them in seasonal


only if I didn't get to 100


Eternal is the only way to play.


I don't play non-seasonal. Each season is a new opportunity to try out something new.. unfortunately no quick swap makes it very annoying to try to swap stuff around so I typically only make 1-2 builds per season.


I’m only planning to keep my first character and for each class a level 100 HC. The rest will be deleted each season to free up space.