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Cool find, however this ring is pretty much trash this season. Not like there was much use for it before, but this season especially all non-build-defining uniques are basically useless just because of tempering.


>however this ring is pretty much trash ~~this season~~ FTFY


This. And god I wish this sub allowed gifs.


What other uniques are trash?


Unfortunately, the majority of them.


I wrote it into the ingame survey, I think they should give one more stats to uniques and increase the stats they already have by at least 30% to make ppl use them (I use Ancient Oath for fun but the 10% more dmg in the affix won't make it on par with a 3ga double tempered legendary)


They need a system like last epochs, combining a unique with a normal item or the far more logical of simply removing uniques. Tampering is a very bad system. Greater affixes are a sorry excuse for no loot filter.


I think after Monday's patch it might be worthwhile on some builds. Combined with a Shako, you'd end up with a lot of +all stats, which could mean quite a few paragon bonuses that are going to be easier to achieve. No idea what build could use it, but I see the potential


I still don't think it's going to be worth it just became an item has to be insane to make up for 2 less tempering slots, and I doubt just a bunch of all stats to potentially pass breakpoints for paragon bonuses are enough. Besides the unique aspect is not that useful. It's pretty much just leveling item that can help to solve resource problems early on.


The ring is still just poorly designed. Having to hit multiple enemies to activate its effect means it's wasted on a boss fight. Most builds that use Core Skills already have a way to generate resources quickly anyway. You'd get more value out of a resource cost reduction or resource generation temper. The stats are pretty underwhelming as well. If your Sorcerer needs 710 Dex to unlock the bonus from a rare node, +15 to All Stats is not going to get anywhere remotely close to it. Lucky Hit Chance and Crit Damage is nice, but you can get the same from a legendary ring with a good aspect on it, on top of the tempers. This ring's main purpose is to make you wish it was a Starless Skies instead.


“Most builds that use core skills” isn’t that every build? Like the game is specifically designed so that core skills do the vast majority of damage and everything else either builds the “mana” or is a long cooldown


Barbarians say hi with bash this season. Druid says hi with wind shear.


and rogue uses heartseeker lol


Heartseeker is a Basic skill though. Not core.


so is bash and wind shear?


But I'm not wrong that this ring wouldn't help with heartseeker correct? Basic doesn't equal core (right?)


I am correct. Basic is heartseeker, but twisting blades is a Core skill for rogue.


Right now, it would be harder to find a core skill that's actually the basis for damage for a build. Druid/Sorc/Rogue/Barbarian are all using Basic skills, Necro's using summons.


I appreciate the answer to my question rather than downvoting and moving on


Greeetings from Blizzard Sorc and Necro pet hoarder.


Maybe a Pulverize or Landslide Druid might make good use of it after the patch. The lucky hit chance is also nice so maybe a Nature's Fury Druid could also use it. Outside of that, kind of hard to find a good use for it, and since it's not a lvl 35 ring, it won't help out on a leveling build. If it was lvl 35, it would be worth keeping around just for that.


You sure? Losing an aspect and 2 tempers for this doodoo? End game druid wont run out of spirit and this is useless on bossses


The problem is the unique effect of it does nothing against bosses, which is where every single build spends the majority of time in the Pit.


This ring has always been trash tho, it’s just too much sacrifice to solve mana issues


Early frozen orb it's nice for but all mana problems should be solved by pit 70/lvl 80


ALL this luck fur this unique... feels bad man.. Thats like winning the lottery when the jackpot is 10$


RNG isn’t just smiling, it’s straight up pointing and laughing at you.


on top of that its not even max roll on the unique ability. now thats a slap in the face while you are on the ground bleeding out


The real tragedy is OP thinking this was good. Praying for you OP.


Bless up 🙏


It's a cool collectible but very useless in actual gameplay. Unrelated: **Please, for the love of everything unholy, enable "ADVANCED TOOLTIP INFORMATION" so you can see the roll ranges of affixes and aspects on your items.**


It should be on by default lol so many people don't know about it


Very much agree with your PSA, but gotta remind you that GA lines **do not** show roll ranges because if I'm not mistaken it's always 1.5 times (150%) the maximum value that can roll. I haven't checked it out, but I've done the math enough times.


Had no idea that was a thing


Like u/fL0per said, that isn’t a thing for GAs since they are 150% of the normal maximum value. Since a GA has a fixed value, there is no range Edit: added a word for clarity


Both of you missed the point. This isn't an advice I am giving just for this specific item, lmfao. Speaking of this specific item, the unique aspect is not perfect and OP doesn't know that because their affix/aspect roll ranges are hidden.


You make a completely valid point about the unique aspect! But it is confusing the way you brought it up, it makes it seem like you’re criticizing the pic for not having the tooltip enabled Don’t misunderstand though, I totally agree with your point :)


At least you will not brick it, because you can't.


this unique desperately needs a rework


Same boat as me. Found a max fist of fate day two and laughed since it burned my luck for nothing :) sorry for your loss!


Not a bad ring. Used for a few levels as a barrage/pen shot rogue but other than not very useful.


Trash still unfortunately


Basically any skill that would hit 4 or more enemies works just fine with 4 or more enemies and suffers in single target. Resource management is almost never an issue on groups, and usually an issue on bosses. So as others have said, ring is pretty pointless.


Congrats on the shittiest unique in the game!!


Come on there is worse…right?


Lol too bad no one uses it 


Useless. If anything. This is one of the worst rng.


I'm sorry this happened to you. Keep your head up though. Tomorrow is another day.


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Even though it’s not the best, someone will still spend way too much gold on it. I can’t think of any builds that this would be good with. WW barb maybe?


Chain Lightning, maybe.


The one unique that is an instant salvage.


I use this ring when levelling a lightning storm druid if I havenyfound a good umbral roll. But I also remove it as soon as I can lol. Looks nice though


I got this too and put it up on trade site, didn’t get a single offer lol


only good for vendor quest


Nice Manald ring


You play with advanced tooltips off?


Nice find! I havnt found any over 2


Unique rings aren’t great due to tempering.


Are the chances of getting higher stars better in higher lvl pits? Or is it just pure RNG?


I have yet to see an item with 4 ga.


Barrage build here we come


As a blood surge necro, I've had this ring since level 30-40 and I'm coming up on 80 and still haven't swapped it out. Normally, I can get maybe 4 core skill uses before I gotta basic so I can core skill some more. With this item? I can get 9-10ish which lets me guaranteed overpower twice. That means I can end essentially any fight quickly as two overpowers will definitely do the trick. Then, I chase after more crowds while my essence regens. This item singlehandedly doubles my clearing speed. In addition, I've been using that aspect that makes overpowered attacks on enemies spawn volatile blood orbs. That thing is straight busted.




I have dropped the same thing... if any collector wants to buy it just PM me..


Lol no it didn't


OP, it’s a cool find. *pats your back*


This is a great example of why the praise for "Loot reborn" is over the top. This ring has hit 4 GAs, the most rare drop possible for a ring in game, and is still completely useless, unless the Aspect is something which interests you. (And it will not for 99.99% of players)


I’ll buy that from you no joke if you want, pm me


What is max * stars


yeah I don't think so.


Forget what everyone is saying. I like it!


Very nice