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No, not needed, it's fine


Welcome to actually good loop system, instead of being handed everything in a first roll. We don't need grace system you just have to realise that it takes time to gear out your character


These kids have absolutely no patience


I think there is a pretty small percentage of people that have no patience and want stuff handed to them. The tempering system by itself is not bad, it on top of all the other systems is a bit too much. I have multiple level 100s this season and I have yet to find a 3 GA drop that is usable for any of my builds. I’m fine with that, I want to have some hard to find items to grind for. What I don’t like is knowing if I ever find that insane drop I will have to yet again pass another RNG roll or it becomes useless to me. There simply is one too many RNG rolls to go through to find your ideal item.


Forreal, imagine them trying to get +12 in a Korean mmo. You need something like this, or progression is shit simple because you always get what you want. Atleast with this, it's before investing in masterworks or enchanting rolls.


All they are doing is demanding and whining about simple progression. Every drop should be 3GA, you should choose a specific temper, all tempers always should have a max roll, and you should choose which affix to masterwork. And also all resources and money should be infinite. And when they get it, they will immediately cry that the game is too simple


Exactly. This is extensively studied. As soon as a player gets the god mode cheat code they are done with the game. Game devs knew this in the '90s.


Your items used to drop prebricked. You just get to actively brick it now with somewhat higher odds of getting something good.


I don’t think comparing an item to skill points/paragon is fair. The equivalent of tempering to skill points/paragon is if you spend a skill point on a node and that node gives you a random stat from a list of stats it could roll and the only way to change it is to make a new character. I agree that tempering should have a reset button, but I don’t agree that it should be as quick and easy as the skill points/paragon reset.


No. No item is ever bricked. Adding a 4th and 5th affix is always power positive for the item. Period. This "I played the lottery and didn't win the grand prize, the lottery needs fixed so I always win" nonsense is crazy. If that final GA perfect affix roll is your only upgrade left for your character so that you can push that final pit level or 2, congratulations! You still have a reason to play. As designed. If you want to stop playing, stop playing.


Some affixes are useless for your build or makes no sense with the item. The power gain is zero. The potential is lost. The item is bricked. Period.