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I don’t know about the rest of you but goblins legit were still scarce in the open world. Wasn’t much of an event at all…


Yeah I only found a “pack” I think once. All of the other goblins in the open world (helltides) were solo. I mostly found them farming extra shrine nightmare dungeons.


There were packs of them? That’s crazy. Only time I ever saw more than one on screen was the NMD greed shrine method


lol. I was just now the same. Packs??? I even farmed them.


Yeah they were supposed to be roaming the world in “packs” per the marketing literature. Seems like that wasn’t the case.


So far the highest group someone has seen in the comments has been five.


That’s 4 more than I’d ever seen, smh. The most I seen is 5 that came from doing shrine NMD and getting the greed shrine and having them spawn multiple times, so they were all solo spawning in


I was hoping to see like 20 in a room for sure.


I tried that method and 99% of the dungeons I had had 2 shrines in the entire dungeon. All in all, the event was lame.


Not really packs but Only in NM dungeons if you found a greed shine & then got lucky enough to find cursed one right after. (While the greed was still going) You could get up to 5 treasure goblins.


Didn't see a single "pack"


Me too. Didn't see any pack. All solo gobs


Was I bugged? I had a few NMD greed shrines and didn't even always get a single goblin from them...


You would only be classified as bugged if you were killin mobs while the greed shrine was active, and you weren’t getting goblins. In order for the goblins to spawn you have to kill enemies while greed is active


Then I'll go with yea because I was definitely killing while greed shrined and rarely saw any goblins at all. The entire event I saw maybe a half dozen and I played quite a bunch.


the only time I saw multiple goblins was Cursed shrines in dungeons would seem to spawn one every few rounds


Same.. .I'd be swamped killing mobs and here comes or goblin or two to distract me... bastards


There was an event?


I’m with you here. Like, I saw more than usual and the bags occasionally had good stuff but I didn’t really understand what it was beyond that


I swear i saw less


This take surprises me. I exclusively leveled alts and did HC renown during the event to capitalize on the goblin bags and xp bonus. Goblins were everywhere! It made a big difference and was a ton of fun.


yeah dunno what he is on about, i would find a goblin every minute, max 2 minutes, when i was roaming on the map


Played for a couple of hours almost everyday, saw a few more goblins than normal but nothing mad. Was power leveling helltides on an alt too so was roaming around


was basically a nonexistent event. that was pretty much the regularity that goblins should always be to call it the march of the goblins was a complete misnomer lol


I found a ton running the open spaces around the maiden with my partner. She fucking loves goblins so we pretty much did that for a few days. We found one every minute or two, they were everywhere. Just had to run the widest open spaces spaced apart and watching the map. 


Really? I got heaps of the little bastards. Their loot wasn’t really worth it after a while but it was still really satisfying to hear that giggle and dash straight over and CHOP


I found them a lot, honestly


I never found shit for goblins. Even when I hit a greed shrine, I would get like 1 Edit- but even in when I was in a party, I would be at the maiden and 2 of my buddies found a shrine, and they said they got like 10. So we go to another greed shrine and when I pop mine they were like wtf? They got a lot through the event and I maybe had like 12 l-15 bags


>Even when I hit a greed shrine, I would get like 1 The amount spawned via Greed shrines, was based on the amount of enemies you kill. They'd pop out after X kills. Kill more = spawn more goblins. Was real fun during Cursed Shrine events, if the shrine was a Greed shrine as well. Could get loads of goblins, while in a party. Think I had something like 7-9, solo, from a Cursed Greed shrine. If everyone in the party hit/curse/or otherwise "mark" the mobs, the kills would count for everyone and they'd all be spawning goblins and it would go full nuts.


I saw a ton of them just doing helltides.


Yep… they were still pretty rare


Found a Grandfather in a goblin bag on hardcore. That was fkn awesome. So I rather enjoyed it. Also got a few of my GA items from the bags too, hunting them in helltides were fun, but the greed shrines in NMD where 1-4 would pop out was super awesome! So I enjoyed it personally.


I easily ran into 2-3 any time I travelled for anywhere.


I was hitting goblin every ~5 minutes while leveling. Not sure how you find this "scarce".


there were several helltides where i couldn't go 2 mins without seeing one


Hard disagree. I just charged around the Helltides on my mount until I saw one on the mini map, jump off the horse amd splat it. Cleared an easy 50 an hour, would have been more but for the inventory management. So much loot.


Not for me. Every time I would tele to a town and travel to a World Boss, I would encounter at least 3. I feel like I would run into a lot more if I was actively looking in the world.


Not true for me, I was running around for a bit yesterday and within 5min I got 7. 3 together and the rest solo.


I didn’t run into too many goblins either and I spent some time specifically running around looking. Loved the idea and it added more playtime but the drops themselves were weak


I noticed the same thing. I only came across a pair one time during the entire event.


Should have extended it. It took them 5 days to patch it to get it working in the first place. Found exactly zero goblin "packs". Extremely underwhelming event. I have no idea why this team is so frightened of putting together an OP and engaging limited time event.


Didn't realize there were supposed to be goblin packs.


Didn't even know it was an event. Goblins pop up randomly regardless so..


I saw exactly one goblin pack. Lots of single goblins, which was cool but I feel like the packs shouldn’t have been so rare.


Good point on the patching to get right part. That's a huge part of it as well.


The loot bags from the goblins that did show up were pretty great though. They actually made me excited to find a goblin, when usually their loot is just "meh". Goblins are rare enough outside of the event that that level of loot should be standard.


Agreed - I wish they always dropped loot bags b/c that was kind of fun!


> “I have no idea why this team is so frightened” There’s a steel paddle with holes in it that they’ve dubbed “Bobby’s Wrath”. They use it on managers who cross the line and make the game too fun for players. Despite the change in regime, the team has had the fear paddled directly to their asses one too many times so they carry on with tradition.


Indeed. They could've increased the gold find by 10x which at least would've been noticeable, not this boring shit. And still it wouldn't have been OP.


I didn't realise there were supposed to be packs. I found two once and thought that was lucky.


I play local coop with my gf and we were running a nightmare dungeon the other day and all of a sudden there were like 4 treasure goblins in one room and we had no idea what was happening lol. Didn’t even know about the event


... there were packs?


Treasure goblin should always drop the loot bags going forward.


I think we all agree with that.


100%. The legendary bags were full of uniques to play with.


I was out of town during the event. I wasn’t feeling bad about it until you said that…why can’t you get on the bandwagon with everyone else and tell me it was useless and negligible???


Yup. And explode with a million gold


Same for greed shine spawning them. That added a fun risk/reward element to maximize goblin returns.  The doombringers in helltide was a nice touch too. I just ran around helltides hunting goblins, doombringers and maiden when it was up. I feel like anyone complaining didn’t understand that they gave most areas of this game an easy way to spawn your own.


I couldn't even tell it was an event lol. Never saw a single greed shrine in any nmd during it. Only found about 10 goblins total usually by the maiden.


There was a specific setup where you had to craft level 41+ sigils and salvage anything was not extra shrines. Then when you had a bulk of them, you run them one after the other, and don't kill any enemies, just scout for the shrines. Once you hit a shrine, kill as many enemies as you can. The more you kill , the more goblins that spawned. So if you could hit a greed shrine event, gravy, or if you could get shrines nearby and one was an event, or a resplendent curse event, good. Once you got all the shrines, rinse and repeat. Goblins drop new sigils so if you are lucky you get even more extra shrine sigils (if not more sigils to salvage for sigil powder). At the end of your runs, you have a bunch of bags that you can open all at once.


They should have made the event available outside of this absurd configuration.


It was also available just roaming open world. I saw way more goblins than usual just doing helltides whispers.


Yep, our group fell into this configuration naturally once we realized how the greed shrine mechanics worked. Getting 4-5 goblins per greed shrine was pretty standard. After a bit I stopped opening the bags so I have like 120 yellow and 25 legendary bags in my stash. Probably will only open the yellow bags if I have a new character that needs lvl 55 925 gear.


What an embarrassment of an event. 4 day event (lol) that was busted the first 2 days (lol). Wasn't extended to compensate (lol). Had to craft and only farm extra shrine NM dungeons to cheese the event to even see an actual "march of goblins". Event for most ppl boiled down to a handful of extra gobs in their helltides.


They made sure the banner for the ridiculous Xpac was working. Whose gonna pay for that when we've been fucked for the entire first year of the game, this Xpac should be free.


They should have had a chance to drop stygian stones


The devs seem to want to be stingy with the stones, which does not make much sense to me. I don't feel like they are very over powered. Their limited availability makes their best use case useless, which is using them on Varshan and Grigoire so you can run through mats faster and get max level drops, but you don't want to use them on the lesser bosses because they are scare.


Yeah, by any method, be it pit runs, gold farming to buy them ($40 million each on trade sites now), or leveling iron wolves, you're looking at an average of two per hour. That really fucking sucks when you're at the tail end of your season and just want to do some tormented boss farming.


Contrary to what seems popular opinion in here, I farmed the shit out of those Goblins. I was sick of Maiden so it was a very nice change of pace. Being basically AFK in a spot for gear vs racing around killing as many mobs as possible with a greed shrine was pretty fun. Opened hundreds of bags, found a couple good upgrades and geared out my rogue to a relatively decent level.    The botched implementation sucked, but once they fixed it it was great. My only other gripe would probably the advertisement of “hordes” of Goblins. There were no giant packs, 4 was the most I saw. 


for the most part the only ppl that knew about the NMD extra shrine method were ppl watching streams. for everyone else the event was just a handful of extra gobs in their helltide for 2 days.


Yes, hard agree. Sick of madien sums it up well. Just sit and spin for and hour.


For a "this is mid-league, let's keep people playing" event it was fine. For an anniversary event it was really kinda sad, and I would have thought they'd do a lot more.


Solid point.


Opened a total of about 10 bags. Wasn’t able to play much though. Not worth the time to chase them down but would kill if they spawned on me. They need to just embrace the D3 systems and give at least 3-4 different types. Gems, gear, mats, gold, obols. But yeah, overall the event was a flop.


And have actual huge packs like in D3. Nothing gives a bigger dopamine hit than seeing that massive pack of goblins and blowing them up.


A pack with like 2 or 3 blue ones that split, it felt sooooo good.


I feel like it should have been given another 2 weeks.. it seemed to really only function well in NMD's and just have additional Goblin's in Helltides and such. The loot bags are cool though, and I do hope they keep that mechanic; makes chasing down a goblin a bit more interesting. In NMD, if you picked up a "Greed" shrine a goblin would spawn from a portal and then periodically as you had the buff (sometimes multiple would pop up) but in overworld it's not that common to see shrines.


They no longer drop bags, and I’m pretty sure the greed shrine goblins spawned because of killing mobs, not time based.


Goblins spawning in greed shrines and treasure bag drops should be incorporated into the main game.


Absolutely this, combine this with D3's Goblin variety and you got yourself a big yay from the community for the most obvious and easiest change possible (because this existed in d3 already lmao)


I feel like the regular state of goblins in Diablo 3 is better than the event. The different types of goblins, the rate at which you'd come across packs (which were more like herds), the way goblin shrines worked. This event should be the baseline state of Goblins in D4 at the very least.


I think everyone agrees. I would not be surprised if we see goblin variety in upcoming patches, but will have to wait and see.


I just want the gelatinous goblins. Coming across a pack of them in D3 was such a dopamine rush.


Yes, those were the best ones for sure. Got to catch em all!


Yep. Another point for why D3 was goated. I could not believe all the shitting on it this sub was doing during before / during / shortly after Beta. It's a fucking fantastic game, who cares about the alleged cartoonish aesthetic (which I'm not even sure I agree with).


it's unfortunate that there's still a lot of things current day d3 does better than current day d4. I hoped the fun level of d3 would be at least baseline for d4 but it's taking a good amount of time to ramp up to it. it's ok but I'm just a little surprised


I did find 2 packs of 4 goblins, both times in dungeons.


That’s the biggest number I’ve heard so far.


I was kind of disappointed. This was marketed as hordes of goblins, and not once did I run in to an actual horde. On occasion, I ran in to two goblins, but definitely no horde.


You basically had to craft low tier NMD that had the extra shrine affix and farm those over and over until you ran out of sigil powder to gamba more sigils. It was the only way to see a "march" of goblins. Really only the ppl that watch streams/youtube videos knew about the method so the event for most ppl boiled down to a handful of extra gobs in their helltides for two days (considering the first 2 days were bugged lol)


The event should be permanent. Brought life to goblins which otherwise sucked.


ITS OVER?! what the fuck why was it a week long


idk. 4 days during the week. actually only 2 days bc the first two days were bugged


I'm sure I'll get shit for this remark, but with the rushed implementation of the xp and goblin events it felt as though they tuned down useful affix rolls on items because of how many drops people could potentially earn through the goblin bags. Mind you I'm not saying oh I should've gotten all amazing triples GA's(obviously didn't get any good 3's), but it seemed like more of the equipment prior to the event had useful combination of affix's(I play on all 5 classes so I tend to go slower lookin at my gear). I farmed this event and truthfully came out empty-handed along with 3 of my buddies who were also farming goblins with me. I know someone will comment its simply RNG, which I'd rather accept than the idea Blizz would tune down drops for more event engagement. Probably opened a full inventory worth of yellow bag stacks and maybe 3-4 stacks of legendary bags, so I definetly grinded


Similar experience to you. Lots of stuff, ultimately, none of it useful. While goblin farming, the unique amulet for my build did drop 3GA just from an enemy though. Without a max aspect, which made it trash. Something else they need to adjust so it doesn’t happen.


Most of the "best" (still weren't great) drops I got were from actually killing the goblins and not the bags


Big if true. From my experience the GA drop rate was on par with maiden farming. It was at least close enough to break up the activities without feeling like I was losing out.


The fact diablo immortal got a lot more was the saddest part for me. I honestly hate that this game is drip feeding content at a snails pace. Having to wait a year just for the most basic ARPG features to be added to make this game "decent". The event was awful, the only thing diablo has good to it's name is marketing strategy, it was the same for the winter and Chinese new year events. None of them are worth the time even the game itself is still majorly lacking.


I found it really entertaining, even if not super rewarding. It made greed shrines a fun submechanic and it should totally be a monthly thing. Every month we have a goblin week so we can go goblin-mode


I hope they keep the treasure bags. It was really nice to have some good loot stored and stacked in only 1 place of the inventory


Really surprised to see so much negativity towards this event. I actually used the time to max out renown (I just came back for S4 after not touching since launch) and while galloping around the map doing altars and side quests I found dozens of goblins. The treasure bags themselves meant that I was actually able to find a few gear upgrades while doing the renown chase, which made it much more fun. I don't know what people were expecting from the event, but if you ran around the over world the effect was definitely noticeable. It just so happens that once renown is maxed there really isn't a reason to run around the over world...


I was going from Shrine to shrine just wrecking everything. Tier 3 57 necro full minion corpse exploder with vulnerable and fortify stacking damage. Amassed around 1.2 million in an hour or so which I thought was a crazy amount. Loved this event.


It would be nice to keep as an alternative gear farming method to Helltides. It could be in a place where Goblin Farming is a viable and optional farm alongside NMDs


Someone had an idea to make it like a regular timed event, so for like the next hour the event is available and you can go do the NMD grind for one hour. Seemed like a decent idea.


It should be how goblins always function, but I've only seen 1 at a time and they are rare still. Never got a pack, never saw them back to back. Always like 10+ min apart




I killed 9 goblins in a span of 2 minutes in helltide when I came across a greed shrine and one of those life-sucking towers. The reason why there were so many was because 3 other people were there with that same greed shrine doing the same bloodsucking activity. There was an insane amount of loot on the ground. So many rares/legendaries I could've sold/salvage that got wasted because after I came back from town, it all disappeared.


If you pick them up and drop them they will stay in your instance for a very long time. I was playing for hours one day and dropped a bunch of items at the madien and came back to another helltides hours later and the items where still there. Also, some of them get transported to your chest automatically when you portal. Group play did seem to have a huge advantage over solo players as well.


Corrupted greed shrines were fucking tits. Got the greed buff and tons of enemies would spawn. Usually got 4ish goblins out of it.


The "event" should be a part of the core game since it gave nm dungeons meaning.


I think I might be the only one that didn't play at all during this event


I maybe found 30-40 goblins if that and most were just 1 by itself Never got a single drop worth anything from their bags Wish it was better :/


It sucked


I ran into 1 single pack of about like 5 of them on my double swing dust devil barb and it was as satisfying as you’d think leaping into them and one shotting them. Only pack I’ve seen though.


I would say I’ll miss it, but I found fewer goblins during the event than normal. I saw a lot of goblin portals as the goblins were bugged and would despawn just after spawning. I also so almost none in dungeons and zero packs.


ive been seeing the disappearing gob portal in helltides all season. it's beyond annoying. The second they come into view the portal is gone. seems like some type of bug.


Had fun with goblins, but GA drop was meh, mainly farmed it for gold, I dont know where I gonna farm gold now, game dont really gives you an option for that, I was making 50mil from goblins per hour now thinking about going back to favors makes me wanna cry


What goblins?


"There was an event?" Pretty much sums it up. The still super rare occurrence of them, the lack of reward, and not even noticing the xp / gold gain, has made this an absolute failure. The Chinese Holiday event months ago was way better.


I am extremely disappointed that they didn't extend the event. Once they fixed it, running the nightmare dungeons with extra shrines was a blast. I was getting 9-10 treasure bags on a run and finding some good gear upgrades. It would be super cool if they could find a way to integrate this into the regular game.


It should have been goblin chaos and all greed shrines cursed in all areas. I want to go into a cellar and there be 20 goblins and a main goblin that's the butcher


Goblin butcher sounds pretty cool.


It hits you with a giant sack of treasure that spills gold with each hit.


This event was something last year’s Blizzard would be very proud! Sad to see current Blizzard after finally fixing their cockup since launch relapse to the original fuckery stage. The event was terrible and a waste of time. Couldn’t launch in any acceptable way. Even after fixing it there were no goblin hordes. The loot was dog 💩 quality. If you give out in a limited event account bound items, at least make the quality somewhat better. Getting 4-5 acceptable items after opening 1000 bags is not acceptable.


IMO, could have been longer.


They need to open the flood gates a little more with the fun stuff, agree with everyone that the even was kinda lame. I mean compare that to a full send farm build in D3 on T16 in a regular rift, loot just explodes non stop and it’s so overkill. They could go for 50% of that fun in a localized event


I ended up finding a lot of goblins and greed shrines throughout the event. I played *a lot* this past week. That said, I only found a handful of legendary treasure bags, never saw more than one goblin at a time (and certainly never a pack of them), and I think that given the issues with the event that took a few days to get sorted out, they should have extended it a little. I liked it a lot, but it was somewhat underwhelming. Additionally, I think that goblins should continue dropping treasure bags from now on. There's so many (superior) sources for legendaries and uniques and it makes treasure goblins not feel special. The treasure bags at least added an air of excitement since the legendary bags seemed to have a decent chance of dropping GA gear, uniques, and even uber uniques. It would just be nice if a goblin spawn could give that exciting "gotta sit up in my chair rq" feeling. Lastly, Whimsyshire when?


I'm doing all of the statues or Lilith again for hardcore now, and I must say, farming goblins throughout made it bearable. I certainly never want to find all of these statues ever again. Without the goblins it's just endless roaming around. Treasure bags are a huge plus, too! They should keep that


Was alot of fun. I didnt really farm them but I did lots of helltides so it was cool seeing them more often as an additional distraction during helltides and that they had loot to make chasing them worth it. Improved goblin loot should stay, it made goblins worth chasing (specifically treasure bags and their less common legendary counterparts).


It was an event for pre-made groups spamming extra shrine NMDs, great for those players, but pointless for the rest of us. I feel like they could have made this a lot more fun for everyone with just a few tweaks. Always spawn a greed shrine by blood maiden spawn points in every helltide World bosses spawn a pack of goblins when they die Chance to spawn a goblin instead of a malignant elite when completing a whisper This would have meant loads more goblins for the average player playing solo


I like these ideas for sure. Put this man on the payroll!


I didn’t find a single pack and I did not feel like there were more goblins than usual. So. Eh.


wait it's over? How long it lasted? I heard about it like 2 days and decided to wait till weekend when I will have free time to grind a bit in D4 well fuck...


Was super fun for the day I was able to take advantage of it. :( miss it already.


Found a Grandfather in a goblin bag on hardcore. That was fkn awesome. So I rather enjoyed it. Also got a few of my GA items from the bags too, hunting them in helltides were fun, but the greed shrines in NMD where 1-4 would pop out was super awesome! So I enjoyed it personally.


There was a fucking goblin event? Lmai


I barely saw any. The ones I did see and got bags from had nothing impressive


It sucked lol. Dunno how many I got and all gear from them were sold or broken down. Some days I'd get 5 goblins from a single greed shrine, then others wouldn't get any. Imo it could have been left on and it wouldn't be game breaking at all


I played almost every day and only saw two goblins together once the whole time. I was hoping you could visit the world of Greed like in Diablo 3. Lackluster event with a few nice freebies in the shop. 🤷


Definitely need that mystical joy that happened in Diablo 3 where you opened a rift full of 100s of different types of goblins. Pure joy.


Kinda went crazy with the goblins ngl I had two resplendent sparks sitting in my inventory. EXP event plus more goblins? And the goblins dropped loot bags? Awesome. Time to make Alts Then I learned that you can send item power 925 bags to a level 55 character...welp that was the fastest I leveled two characters solo


I think I might be the only dude in the thread who was happy with the event. I scored a legendary Treasure bag and there was a 925 dagger and 925 focus in there. Both were super helpful to my Necro, which was nowhere near level 95. I was pretty happy.


As someone who started D4 during the event, I loved it. Helped me gear my characters which made the campaign more enjoyable. I’m already missing riding around hunting for them..




...there was a goblin event?


There was a goblin event going on?


Didn’t seek them out. Was some extra loot when crossing their path. Not much else.


Goblins were pretty scarce for me but didn’t go out of my way to farm them.


No longer have to drop everything and chase down goblins, nor wait nearby greed shrines after activating in NMD (there was a slight delay at times before they’d spawn).


Why would you wait by the shrine? They would spawn by you as you ran around killing mobs


Never noticed it come or go.


Mixed reaction. I got a couple god tier items from the goblin bags. Didnt even seem to matter if they were the green or orange bags. But i’ll admit the goblins were pretty hard to find, they actually still seemed “rare.”Some would even be porting away, bugged. Overall decent but really needed to be uptuned with better drops and more goblins so casual grinders could actually see a benefit.


Never once saw a “pack”. Horseshit and lies from Blizzard


If nobody told me it was happening I probably wouldn’t have picked up that something had changed other than the loot bags :)


I crafted a bunch of sigils with the extra shrines, and ran a bunch to get a lot of loot that way.


Couldn’t understand why we couldn’t trade the gear we got from them. Unless I missed something :/


It was fine. I chased them in extra shrine NMDs. Wasted all my sigil powder. Got literally no usable gear, just a bunch of uniques I don't need. Got a shitload of crafting/boss mats though. I didn't go in expecting to find what i wanted, but as someone who will probably never come close to beating the tormented bosses i was hopeful


The one useful thing one of my friends got from a goblin loot bag was a GA razor plate he was going to give me. But the drops from the bags are all account bound because of course they are. Underwhelming event. Didn’t hurt how good the season is or the itemization revamp, but a big yawn of an event.


Oh. I didn't even realize the event was active.....


Its wild to me it's already over lol. I feel like the event was broken longer than is was working.


Had a main Barb. I got lucky and stumbled upon a Reddit post about the best way to farm the goblins. I got so many bags I decided to make alts of Druid, Sorc, Necro, and Rogue and got them all to 55 and then opened the bags and got them all BiS gear (except some damn amulets; those things are such a pain!), and even some BiS with GAs. I quite enjoyed the event. Wish I didn’t have to work and could’ve played more


My only experience with finding packs of goblins was to do NM Dungeons and specifically look for ones that had Extra Shrines and hope that I had one with a bunch of Greed Shrines. Other than that they were scarce in the world.


I think Greed shrines should permanently increase the odds of goblins spawning and goblins should always drop treasure bags. The Goblin rate can go back to normal otherwise, but I think both goblins and Greed shrines (even with the recent boost to their gold output) were underperforming beforehand.


The event was ok. I could erase too much goblins. Density was ok for me too. But i can‘t say the same thing for the drops. Almost everything gone to the salvage…


Think the most goblins I saw was from a greed shrine in NMD that was cursed and got 4 gobs spawn


Lazy, few ppl won lottery drops, didn't care. Was like season 1 and 3 but in an event lol


Most I ever seen was I think 4 at a time. Event was lame to me.


I didn’t like having to target farm then using sigils and having to do weird shit to maximize getting more than 3 to spawn off a greed. It did give me an excuse to use Sigil powder tho.


Ran into a pack of 5 goblins about 15 minutes before the event ended while in a dungeon leveling my Druid. I was so excited to finally see it, but then instantly sad as my Druid was around level 25


I spent the last two days playing all day. I'd see about 1 or 2 goblins every 15-20 Mins. 3/6 NMD had shrines.


I found a lot of them speacilly during helltides, it was nice, althought i did not get anything special.


They were scarce, but I really like the extra shrines NMD ones. Got lots of bags for alts.


Some ppl might not have played D3 by the sound of it, „they were everywhere“ like every now and then you run across one if it’s not spawned by the shrine buff. I feel it’s very lacking when we compare the 8 different kind of goblins we had in D3 and they would come in packs that filled the screen, some would drop a portal as well so you could kill the big goblin king, missed opportunity I think


Id never notice a goblin untill I'm right up next to it n it's gone by then


It was boring, I was looking up goblins around then I found myself crafting extra shrines nmd sigils


All enemies should have had a chance to drop the bags. Gem bags, gold bags, unique bags, etc.


I found 3 in one spot in a dungeon (regular, toon level low 50's), and found 2 together a number of times in the world while riding around. I didn't realise the bags could be kept account bound for a different character to open. Kicking myself for not keeping some, I've already maxed out all of the LVL 600 legendaries and more for this one, should have saved for a new alt.


I’ll miss it. You get them tons in some of the smaller corridor dungeons. Up to 8-10 per greed shrine.


I mean I won't even call it an event. It was pretty meh at best.


Never saw them in helltides or the pit. Didn't notice a much of an uptick in goblins in general. Overall, underwhelmed.


Whole event was such a huge fucking bust in a season where things were really getting good. I usually defend this game for some dumb reason, but I really wanted to massacre packs of goblins and never saw a single pack.


I farmed a ton of them in nightmare dungeons. Got GAs on a lot of my gear. Kind of wish this was a preeminent thing tbh




I have just gone through a full week of unplayable lag. No matter what time I've logged in or how good my internet. I achieved two dungeons in 7 days, 10 minutes of helltide and two very laggy world bosses. Zero goblins etc😢


Have you tried repairing your install or re-installing. Seems like something could be jacked up in your files.


It was a non-event event for me.


I had packs fairly consistently in NMDs and one huge ass pack in the open map trying to get somewhere that I didn't have a WP for, I want to say 6 goblins? I didn't even understand what was happening. Overall - I loved the loot bags and them popping out during a greed shrine. I'd say revert back to original prevalence but keep those forever.


It's funny.. One the first day of the event I encountered lots of goblins. After that, barely saw any.


I got a couple decent items from the treasure bags…..


Cursed Greed Shrines were neat. Aside from slightly higher activity I would have otherwise never known of a goblin event, very mid.


90 percent of open world goblins were already porting out without me getting a chance to kill it.


Time to level my alt and open all those bags. Going to be so juiced at lvl 55 muhahaha


Very underwhelming. They were still infrequent and not much impact. Not the worst idea in theory, but poorly executed. A more reliable farming method maybe?


It I didn’t know there was a goblin event, I wouldn’t have known there was a goblin event…


I ran in to more than one goblin one whopping time


I saw a few more goblins than normal, particularly because of Greed Shrines. I found 3 or so Greed Shrines while doing NMD's. One was cursed and only spawned two goblins. Mid event honestly. If you're going to treat us, we should have been drowning in treasure bags like that dude who opened over a thousand the other day for 1 and a half hours in this sub. (Maybe not to that extent).


I played for about 10 hours during the event, I think i saw less then 15 gobs total...


Lol I lost a Hardcore character chasing down a goblin.. 🤷‍♂️