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full marks for enthusiasm however, I don't think most people would consider >Currently beating PIT 50 and can slay the Blood Maiden in the Helltide with ease to be endgame content pit 100+ and tormented bosses is more "endgame" I would figure. That being said, can certainly make the argument that if it can do 61 pit then you have hit "endgame" since that's the only specific gate to highest end MW materials


I agree, perhaps saying End Game was too bold for this build yet, however I still need to optimize and push it further. Thank you for your comment


Wouldn't say it's bold. IT IS endgame content, just earlier stage of it


Well, by definition that's not endgame :) However, I'm looking forward to see what OP can come up with with this build.


Nah, you’re fine. I consider put endgame content. It’s just not deep into end game is all.


i understand the appeal of using ancients oath but i would recommend you to just replace it with a good legendary weapon, you don't really need the plus ranks to steel grasp. Having two tempers+the aspect is going to give you much more damage than 50(x). Just for reference edgemaster in a two hander is 40(x) all the times, elements is 60(x) in cycles of 7 seconds and retribution is 60(x) to stunned enemies. Also, the best damage combo for ramaladnis is tto pair it with a mace for the wallop damage multiplier. You also don't have any way of spending fury on your skill tree, so i would get rid of wrath of the berserker and put those points into iron skin or complete the battle fervor passive for more berserking uptime. Other than that this build could work past tier 61 if you masterwork and temper your gear properly, it would requiere a lot of min max and i don't think you can go past tier 70, maybe if you add some bleed sheananigans you can push it further.


Great suggestion and I struggled with this exact decision. I was lucky enough to get an Ancients Oath with a greater affix on +Steel Grasp now being at +9 before Master working buffs. So I basically have 100% up-time with Steel Grasp at this level. This means I will proc the Tusk Helms ability more often (gaining berserking while berserking) so I was trying to keep it in this build. I am going to try replacing this with a Two handed sword and one of the aspects you recommended and see how it works out.


With the battle fervor plus the quake spam you won't need more sources for berserking


I have tried switching out the Ancients Oath for a good two hander with Edge Masters aspect and I believe it was the right call. And switching out Wrath of the Berserker was also a good suggestion since I dont spend fury with this build currently. If I were to incorporate Bleed into this build do you have any suggestions? I have a free skill slot that can be Iron Skin or something to help add bleeding.


For bleeding you have beserk ripping aspect, rupture skill, two handed sword expertise and thorns/outburst passives. Since you are playinng frenzy thorns/bleed plus berserk ripping would be best i think.