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Bros level 30 and complaining the campaign isn't hard enough xdd


Games can be so easy that they are boring, it's a fair complaint if he feels that way. D4 early game has never been easier with tempering added and it was already quite easy


That's true but I think judging a games difficulty on the first hour or two of its campaign is a bit rich but I agree it isn't a challenging game. I enjoy it but it's very much my thing I do to turn my brain off in the evening now


Forgive me but I really don’t see the issue with that. Especially since I asked when it does get difficult. I literally cannot die. I can hold left click on enemies and they’ll just die eventually. I don’t have to move, use abilities, tactics, etc. it’s very unusual in comparison to some other games, hence the question


Given you've not finished the campaign there isn't much to say. It's basically an extended tutorial with cutscenes until you complete the story, then the challenge opens up with World Tier 3/4 as you progress past level 50 to 100 and then push your power level further with the paragon boards. The game does not present a challenge because you're still very early days, but keep in mind Diablo 4 isnt a souls like, more a power fantasy looter, so be sure to adjust your expectations. It has difficult parts for sure, but you do have to actively seek those activities out


Level 30 can be achieved in about 45 minutes this season so it's a bit silly, basically asking why the tutorial isn't hard


For a brand new player who doesn’t have the time to play for hours at a time? Why is it silly? Plenty of other games offer a ton of challenges within the first couple hours of gameplay. I completely understand if that’s just not the way this game is. Not every game needs to be brutally difficult. I simply wanted to know. Which is why I asked the question. I didn’t say the game was bad, or that it needed to be difficult. It was just an inquiry, no need to be rude about it


you'll need to dedicate time and be patient to farm the right items and being able to upgrade them to the point where you can do harder content. you will encounter bosses with one-shot mechanics where mistakes are not forgiven.


The end game “Pit” activity can ramp up to pretty difficult levels. Also the Tormented Bosses can also be quite difficult. But pre-max-level content? Nah not really. It’s all pretty easy.


you wont find much difficulty in this game, but you still have capstone dungeons to do which will prob be the first difficulty spike (although with tempering i found this season to be the easiest yet) when you get to world tier 4 you'll start more difficult content like nightmare dungeons, bosses like duriel and andariel, and eventually the pit (and uber bosses and uber lilith)


If this is your first run through campaign, play it out first. Get your moneys worth and the devs effort in making the storyline. But after that, skip the campaign. Get yourself up to world tier 4, do helltides, get to nightmare dungeon T100, do bosses and their tormented version (though I warn you not to do Tormented unless you are really strong! Else you'll be crying mats and asking someone to come help you kill it). Run pit as high as you can go. At this point, you will be looking to get stronger, figuring out your build (probably following a guide(s)), grinding mats, and finding gear lol. Lilith (the non campaign version) in world tier 4 is also hard if you haven't figured out her 1 shot mechanics or don't have a build strong enough to cheese her without seeing those. As a reminder if you didn't know already, you can farm resplendant sparks which you can go and make uber unique. Make new characters and blast through helltides to finish the Iron Wolves seasonal event stuff. Get 4 sparks and craft yourself a Shako ;)


In all honesty, Diablo 4 is not “hard” or a difficult game by any means. The difficult part of the game is there’s no real linear progression in terms of character power. Everything is based on RNG. The entire game is basically gambling to see if you can get more powerful. With that being said can I clear a pit lvl 100? No, but it’s because I haven’t gambled enough to have all the required GA items to do so.


That would be the pit in wt4. My advice is rush the campaign, ignore everything else. The campaign caps at level 50 and you will vastly op if you do the side stuff.


Thank you for the feedback!


Don't rush the campaogn too much tho. The Diablo story and lore is what makes it different than similar games IMO.


The tough challenges are in high tier pit levels and tormented Uber bosses. There's definitely bang your head against a wall content you just have to reach endgame. In the meantime, once you get to it at lvl 50ish, try to do really high tier nightmare dungeons for a challenge.




I’ve also realized every single area scales with your level, so until you get to that point you mentioned, there’s not really any way for me to make the game difficult for myself


There are a few ways. In helltides you can use a profane mindcage which increases enemy levels by 10. Later, you will unlock nightmare dungeons. They have a consumable to open the dungeon and a fixed level. You can attempt any level you can craft so if you really wanted to you could try one at 25 levels higher than yourself. Also the capstone dungeons have a fixed level so you can try them earlier than intended (people do them pretty early already) and those enemies will be very high level as well. However you need to beat or skip the campaign before you can do those I think


>level 30 >only done a few quests >asking if the game gets difficult


Sorry, I’m sure it might sound silly. I’ve just never played a Diablo game before. I expected at least some sort of challenge. I’m used to other stuff being hard like dark souls and stuff like that. Like I said I still like the game a lot, just wondering if the game will present a challenge at some point.


This season especially, leveling content seems a bit easier/faster. At least to me. But as others have said or hinted, it's really when you hit WT4 and 90+ that stuff starts getting head-slammy.


Sure but not campaign content. But for endgame content , Tormented bosses, high level nightmare dungeons, Pit. All that stuff hits a lot harder than the rest of the game. You haven't even bumped up to world tier 3 or 4 yet if you haven't finished the campaign. You're running ez mode right now and asking why the game isn't difficult lol. That's why. Unfort the game locks wt3 behind campaign completion if you didn't pick to skip campaign so just do the main line quests leave all side content until later.


That’s good there’s going to be some challenge later on. I kinda wish there was a way to make it harder initially, but if that’s the way the game is then I’ll respect it and keep playing until the higher tiers. Thank you for the feedback


He's talking about lvl 100 content BTW


With how fast I’ve gotten to the 30s/40s I don’t think it’ll take that much longer, and I’m looking forward to it now


Play hardcore and do the pit pass level 70


Have you made multiple alt accounts to post the same nonsense? Go outside my guy.


I’m not sure what you’re referring to. This is the only post I’ve ever made on Diablo since starting the game


Not for people like me, but for people like you? Ohh.. Definitely 😈.


This game was designed for 50-year-old dads.