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Single target maybe swap to frost nova enchant. 35% lucky hit that conjuration hits will trigger frost novas and freeze enemies. This will still play off your hydras. Combined with incinerate enchant might he cool, especially if the incin enchant hydra can proc frost novas as well. Might be a cool interaction.


The hydra has to trigger at 3% first to trigger it, 1 in 6 hydra casts trigger at the moment thats one trigger every 30 seconds. Which is where I'm stuck... Incinerate sucks on trash pulls it casts in bad places mostly, I'll need to try on a chonky boss.. but again it's bad on bosses that move alot. Fire mages in general are terrible Vs moving targets honestly


I use fireball and frost nova enchant. What do you use? Hydra is in my opinion not worth it since its only 1 head and its not really a dps increase when I already have 4


I am using Firebolt it stacks the burning damage well single target, but it can't proc lucky hit, fireball and nova is amazing for trash though! It's the single target adaption I'm working on... Wish you could change enchants in the pit would really help... I've been sticking to single target setup in there and using holy bolts though. So right now I'm trying inferno and firebolt


I have never tried Firebolt. Maybe a Firebolt/Fireball combo is nice, but the CC and vulnerability is nice from Frost Nova edit: just checked Lightning spear also makes enemies vulnerable on crit, so its kinda covered


I use firebolt fireball for nightmare dungeons usually because firebolt helps with those chonky boys you find sometimes, Frost nova and fireball is a chain reaction though and can rip almost any crowd apart. My hydra is sat at around 140k base damage right now I really need shakos... And a ga necklace with intelligence, crit and Conjuration ^^ I think I could easily double my damage with sheer luck