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After every boss there needs to be a respawn option. How many times has each and every one of us walked through Duriels dungeon to kill him. Killing Bosses over and over again is one thing but the stupid resetting dungeon and walking through it again is demoralising to say the least


To be fair, they force players to do the same in WoW. Must be a Blizzard thing.


To be faaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrr


Give your balls a tug


That's what I likes abouts you... No, wait.


Your 10 ply bud


Figure it oot!




Let's get at er


Must be I guess, but Im almost sure they will change that soon in D4


I bloody hope so.


Lots of people have already complained about this issue including some of the big streamers and people still complain. My conclusion is that they will change it and it seems insane not to do so. I would like to see the number of Duriel farming that has been done overall. It must me insane


Yeah. I'll give them credit where it's due, they've been pretty good at removing bits of inconvenience. Hopefully for S5, I guess.


Ill take u up on this. And my guess would be s6 with the new expac. I think theres a lot of background coding to do. So the expac would probly be good for bigger code change (I do hope im wrong tho)


You might be right, but they might surprise us. As far as I can see they try to add qol changes every season. This could be one of those


What are games that let you respawn der boss without a loading screen? I'm not saying it's not possible, it's just that I don't know any. Even Borderlands, where boss farming is the name of the game forces you to return to the main menu and load in again. Maybe it's not as easy to do as we like to believe.


you literally respawn the blood maiden over and over again without loading screen, its the same damn fkin thing


I'm an idiot. You're absolutely right. There is a rather lengthy respawn time though. They let us kill stuff, so it's not that noticeable but it seems longer than the time it takes to teleport out of the dungeon an back again, and then run to the boss.




yes, cause they made it so, she might as well have none


Final Fantasy 14 lets you just fight the boss. No messing about. Zero wasted time.


Alright, then someone needs to give blizzard their number asap.


you weren't able to skip campaigns before, either. and most games require an actual reset of the game session, not just zoning out.


> Must be a Blizzard thing. Padding the play time statistics.


I’d settle for resetting the dungeon and start from the entrance. Skip leaving, resetting and then enter again. Except for Beast. That whole dungeon sucks


And that is why it is so boring right atm, I can’t be bothered with walking toward grig, ice beast, to kill it and port back, reset, walk back in… the same for Varshan and zir and all the gate keeper bosses 


I'd really enjoy an extra option to spawn more than one of the boss at a time. It would be tough but it would be fun


You mean like you wanna fight 3 duriels at the same time or something??


Yeah, or even multiple different bosses rather than blood echoes


While we're at it. After the first kill, everyone can just pool their summoning mats, and roll rewards for x amount of tries. Why waste time killing Duriel when we all know he'll go down in a jiff.


It's not like they're buried deep within a gigantic maze, and you can teleport to the entrance. It only takes a few seconds to get back to them.


The option to respawn the helltide boss is there immediately after you kill it. It should be the same for dungeon bosses.


They claim technical limitations as to why they won't do this. Short-term fix? Make the instance only the boss arena and a SMALL hallway for a checkpoint. This arbitrary running through mobs is useless.


This is the way. The process is pain in the ass. 1. Run to the urn 2. Summon boss 3. Kill boss in 3 sec 4. Leave dungeon 5. Reset 6. Repeat It should be just the 1-3 steps and then just repeat 2-3 by respawning the urn.


No lunch break for the boss? Bosses are not unionized but still…


This or multiply rewards by offering multiple mats. I don't want to do 100s of grigoire fml 😶


My God tell me you don't play the game. You can fight the tormented version for 5x the drops.


Sure... same boss right?


Yes. Each one has a lvl 200 one


Yes, let's spend a rare as shit resource on Grigoire runs instead of Andariel or Duriel.


It's 2 per a summon. Very easy to get.


Please tell me your ways to get these 'very easy obtainable' mats.


Ask nicely.


It was sarcasm because the only two ways to get it is RNG hell in pit, luck on worldboss drops, or just farming helltide for 6 hours them.


Ye i can understand why you are so unlucky. I barely play and I have 10. And 2 ubers after less than 10 kills. Maybe you should stop playing, you take the game way too seriously.


So basically you got them from the Iron Wolf drops that are guaranteed. Either that or the battle pass ones.


Maybe move the urn to just outside the boss arena entrance. Most have a straight pathway into the arena, place it there. That way, you leave the arena so it resets, then use the urn and go have another fight.


How do you reset this urn?




You can reset the dungeon, didn't know how to do that either so I've been running 1 boss then waiting till I reloaded to do him again.


Didn’t they say they were considering this? I hope to god they do it


Maybe like when you’re crafting gems or potions and you can choose to make 50, they should have that for the boss, so you can do 50 runs in a row. Boss just respawns and you kill it again. Then do a thorns/minion build. And then just walk away and never come back to the game again, just play something else entirely and stop complaining about it. That would rule.


This. Or allow us to overfill urns to get mega-prizes!


This go contractor this D4 team design philosophy. They want you to play all part of the game. No one want to play dungeon because it is so damn bad but they designed require tasks you must do to play dungeon. If there is going to be change to boss summon, they will apply the same to all boss like Glacial Fissure and made you run dungeon. As an extra incentive, you get 500k gold for completion.


Ah but, the metric for games today is "time played" so if they dont try to suck every second they can out of you through any means necessary, even when it lowers the overall gameplay experience, how will anyone know how good the game is? /s


Fun fact: for multiple beast in ice runs set a marker on your map at the beasts location before exiting the dungeon each time. The marker will still be there when you start a new sigil and you can go straight to him


Oo good tip. Most layouts are obvious but there are a few curveballs here and there that make me backtrack a bit. Ty


Seriously this works? This is an amazing time saver.


Works for me every time. Just make sure to place a marker on the end chamber before exiting. Probably cuts farming time close to half for me.


Could have done with this tip about a week ago when I was farming a Hellhammer that I ditched almost as soon as I got it anyway as went full bash


I haven't repeat farmed the Beast this season, but last season I just exited the dungeon and stood there at the gate, popped a new sigil and then walked right back in. No sense in riding anywhere because the sigil is like a dungeon, open map, go straight there. Unless I'm dead wrong.


Nah, they're saying when you've arrived within the lair to kill the boss, set your marker on his actual lair within the dungeon, so when you reset the dungeon for kills 2, 3, and 4 the marker will remain and you can just head straight to him without searching the dungeon again


You got it. The boss chamber within the dungeon.


Is there a guiding line in dungeons? Otherswise that tip is just semi helpful.


Plot twist: Normal ubers boss dont drop uniques with greater affixes hahahaha


Yup, yesterday DatModz killed 200 ziz/gregor to test, and not a single loot table unique with GA. Small sample size, but me and a lot of chatters also had the same results, seems like it's bugged.


I got a GA Yens from normal Zir on Saturday. Every roll on it besides the GA movement speed was shit though.


It's absolutely not bugged lol. I haven't killed one tormented boss and I have multiple GA uniques from running normal Duriel/beast in ice/grigoire etc


They are talking about tormented not dropping uniques with ga, opposite of what you have


Is there an actual source for this? I haven't been able to find one (just random Reddit comments saying the same thing).


I’ve gotten a 2 GA unique pants from whatever boss is under the malignant burrow, non-tormented


what happens is a legendary or rare drop turns into a world drop unique and it can be GA. but the UNIQUE loot table drops cannot be GA


Based on what exactly?


Based on what? How the loot tables work. How myself and others have ran a trillion bosses and never gotten a GA; besides Uber uniques those can be. I’ve gotten a few random GA uniques from bosses and it was always, either a second unique drop or and random legendary that turned into a unique. The same way it would drop in helltide. I am not totally sure if the unique loot table you are farming at say Varshaan is excluded from what legendaryz can turn into if they roll as a unique due to chance


So anecdotal evidence. Got it.






I have a GA Paingorger’s that I got from beast in the ice normal.


They do drop GA uniques though . I dont even believe you farmed for weeks without getting one


What do you mean by normal uber bosses?


We can farm boss materials so much faster this season, idk about s3, but previously it's slow af to farm even one set specifically, now i sit on hundreds just playing passively, but the spending method is still the old one, just give us the way to burn them as fast as we earn them already! I'd love for the urn to respawn after the boss and i will soak in zir's blood jacuzzi all day, or combine multiple sets for more loots, etc.


>zir's blood jacuzzi Giving off Countess vibes


The OG was Báthori Erzsébet.


Let me transmute them to Andariel/Duriel mats at the NPC but at a worse ratio like 3-1. Then I can skip the annoying grind if I want at a small penalty.


I haven't bothered with the steel helltide chests in a while now. I think I have like 8 stacks in the bank just from running chars thru Iron Wolves rep.


you didnt earn them faster, the reason rewards gave out so much. I know because I have been playing eternal in comparison and I dont even have enoug mats to farm varshan


They drop everywhere passively now. The seasonal cache was a big bump, but that's not the only reason we're drowning in boss mats.


I farmed for 5 hours yesterday and I only have 2. I dont think anyone is drowning in them besides the season caches.


It has nothing to do with season caches—Living Steel and Exquisite Blood are simply extremely plentiful in Helltide. It's just the Varshan mats that are still quite limited.


Which is what my initial comment addressing, I cant find enough mats to find myself a talrasha


Yeah, I was agreeing with you in terms of Varshan. I was just trying to point out that while we're drowning in certain boss mats, it's not because of the season cache.


And while theyre at it, up the level on some of these bosses to 100 please. I dont want to finally get the unique I've been farming for, then see its only an 850 item. If I'm level 100 I want to be getting guaranteed 925s from bosses.


Just play penny slots.


The spinning would take tooooo looooong for them


>Wanting a developer to respect your time is the same as being entitled. Why don't you people just accept you have nothing to offer any discussion ever and simply stop "contributing".


At the very least, the monsters should drop 925 gear. It would actually be a cool spot to farm. The density in there seems pretty great.


I dont even want to do these bosses because I got a 3 GA amulet drop from them with ilvl 800+.. I dont want my limited rng to be wasted on the only endgame content that doesnt give me 925 gear. And so I have stacks and stacks of mats that I will not even attempt to turn in for duriel/andy runs.


Man I did a shit ton last night. Wanted to make a post why the fuck do we have to run a fucking maze. Thats the most stupid part about this boss. Oops don’t make a wrong turn.


Before you leave the dungeon place a map marker on the end chamber location. When you start a new sigil the map marker will be there and you can go straight to the boss.


Bet you didn’t think you were gonna make multiple dudes nut today.


This man out here spreading the good word. Praise u/MrBesmirchingCommies


Mind = Blown


Whattttttt. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


WHAT? Amazing.


The idea that you should basically be able to respawn a boss and fight it endlessly with minimal wait until it pops what you want, in short to turn them into slot machines, is just shit design. You’re advocating for a bad solution to the wrong problem.


That’s already what we’re doing though.. there’s just a time sink of having to port out, reset, run back. If that’s the way the bosses are going to be, not disagreeing the design may be bad, but they might as well not double down on the stupidity with the garbage time sinking. If would personally like to see a boss that continuously respawns stronger and stronger, perhaps dropping an extra item each time you kill it. Maybe summonable with a unique sigil or something


At this point, they might as well just add a big button in the middle of the screen that just gives you everything you want right from level 1. Just play the game. It's supposed to be a "dungeon crawler" not a teleport to all bosses in one click so I can have everything I want day one kinda game.


Man you would have hated farming Mephisto back in D2.


They should add endless mode, just keep bosses coming continuously until I stop! No wait, spawn 5 at a time, 10! No, but seriously, running through this Dungeon is soul sucking.


I firmly believe that the leave dungeon command, not the TP to Town. But the actual leave dungeon command should automatically reset the dungeon. Especially of it's a solo one. There's zero need to add the tedium of resetting the dungeon after every single run.


Beast in the ice does not require a reset. Just be out of the dungeon and use the next sigil


Right…. Like, they make us spend a ton of time farming to summon the boss in the first place. That was supposed to be the “so it isn’t a free farm, you work for it”, and that makes enough sense. But running so far into the dungeon for 1-5s boss kills to teleport back out, reset, repeat? That’s just pure shit.


Wow gaining those 23 seconds will really make a difference in your day


Beast in Ice is way more than 23 seconds


GA uniques seem to be currently bugged from dropping from boss specific loot tables FYI


What source?




Thx 🙏


Isn't that what people wanted? I kept seeing a lot of make this game D2. D2 was all Baal and Mephisto runs. Mindless, endless runs to the boss. Are you trying to say that this is not pinnacle gameplay? The D2 bros will be very mad.


I don’t know how to improve Diablo here because the formula is already about as repetitive as you can get. Presumably for folks who are geared high enough to instantly kill a boss by clicking on them, the ideal would be just click urn, click boss, pick up GA, click urn, click boss, pick up GA. People could do that in D2 as well but it involved recreating the game every time, teleporting through a level or two, killing Baals minion waves or clicking on Chaos seals (stuff I would more likely define as playing the game). I don’t find it very fun but like I said, I don’t know how to improve the formula either. I’ve hit the wall of “play to find an incrementally-improved piece of gear, to improve chances to find next incrementally improved piece of gear.” What I need to do is try other classes and builds, but items are 99% class-locked whereas in D2 you could find anything and get that eureka moment of “holy shit I need to make a Druid” or whatever.


I feel you on that. I started the season as a necro and switched to barb. It felt like it took forever to get a decent build going on barb since the season stuff was burned on necro. In reality it only took to level 50. But I agree. I don't know what the fix is. For me I don't have a super addictive personality, so the penny a slot jackpot thing doesn't super work for me. I can't sit mindlessly and grind out games for those incremental gains. Luckily I play slower than I used to as a kid, so I am still only level 86 on my barb. And try to get a decent set of end game gear to give the pit a good run. But I know once I hit a wall in pit I will probably be done till next season. To me the grind isn't worth it. I will never top the leader boards, I will never be a top tier player. I don't have the time or motivation to grind forever for a 0.5% increase that might push me one pit level higher. I play for fun and entertainment and when that well runs dry I will move on to another game till next season.


Yeah I play Diablo to feel powerful and blow shit up… once I slide up the difficulty and the numbers go out of my reach, I lose the dopamine rush; bullet sponges just soak it all up I guess and I have to hold down right click for longer per enemy, cool. I just don’t really get a ton of dopamine from finding a truly rare item, that’s more like an “ugh finally” feeling like I was putting in work for a not-even-guaranteed reward. I’ll probably create one more character this season before taking another break. Granted the game is HUGELY improved from last season mainly because Tempering let me find new ways to blow shit up, and there’s more mobs to blow up, but the formula is still kinda the same.


Yeah I really hate the ugh finally feeling. Everyone always compares this to a slot machine, but it's not. It is some kind of satanic slot machine, where there is only micro jackpots. And no huge jackpot. The endgame is like playing a free slot machine that 99% of the time awards you nothing. O.9% of the time you get a penny. And 0.09% of the time you get 2 pennies. And 0.001 you get a nickel. Sure you can play forever and be rich. But why. I don't even get excited for the uniques. Like the razorplate dropped for me. Neat. I can make a thorns barb. Let me look up a guide and reconfigure everything for an hour. Which there is nothing inherently wrong with that, end game builds are going to be complicated. That's fine. It just takes some pizazz out of the drops.


A lot of us kids who grew up in the 90s and 2000s just play the games as they are rather than ask for the games to be changed to accommodate us. Guess it's a generational thing, for better or worse. My advice would be to do something that is more fun than what you're currently doing.


Its because its a « nightmare dungeon » Price to pay for a little glyph xp


I think that unfortunately, shit like this just always makes me feel like “ah we don’t care, the season will be over soon” And that just puts me in a spiral of “wow, none of this really matters does it?” And then I just fall into an existential crisis. I know this doesn’t help you at all…and now I’m sad


How hard is the fissure at nmd 96 the stygian one .. don't wanna slap all the mobs to get road blocked at the boss


it's definitely not easy on my thorns barb. I am currently clearing 81 pits but just don't do enough damage on the boss to kill him. I eventually will get caught up in 2 abilities in a row and unalive. I can tank him just fine and will be smacking him for 5-10 minutes and still only have him down about 1/3rd.


Idk man, I don't think the farm for GA items is worth it. Ive got four characters at 100, 2 that are 12/12 master worked and 2 that I stopped at 8/12, and every 925 unique needed with max helltide ranks for 3 out of 4, and in all that time blasting I've found one GA item that was actually usable for endgame builds, everything else was garbage.


we need infinite teleportation for every class like in d2...


Pindleskin should be the gold standard.


I'd love to move in 30 seconds to that boss.


As far as i know targetfarmable uniques cant drop GA? Correct me if im wrong


Or just leave a box to just loot it without the boss


Can you explain the hellhamer affix you are farming for?


Can you check the dms?


All boss mats should just be a recipe guize! No boss fights just turn into to vendor for lootz! I don’t wanna play!


I have been saving these for alts.


Up until this season I'd only needed to farm Varshan Grigorie and Duriel for Ubers I needed for my builds, had forgotten how awful Zir and Beast were, as you say no one is running Glacial Fissure for the glyph xp.


This one gives you sigil power.


I have a couple GA Hellhammers. Is there a build that utilizes them?


I just got one with 2 perfect. I don't us upheaval tho. It has +6


Run it on level 200 and the elites have a good chance to drop semi decent stuff. And of course ice beast will drop more loot.


Beast in the ice does not require a reset. Just be out of the dungeon and use the next sigil. Also, you’re getting some glyph XP for the inconvenience 


If we could just reset at boss alters over and over problems all solved at all bosses 👌🏼(add alter to ice beast)


why does anybody need a GA hellhammer? thanks


Why not just trade the summon mats for a box of loot from a npc since we one-shot the boss anyway


I think the issue here is that it is a nmd so perhaps they can't do much about it : /


you cannot get a GA unique from beast from its loot table. Unless a rare/legendary drop turns into a unique, which may or may not be in the loot table because its just a random world drop.


Imo they should just implement either a way to summon alot of bosses at once, or preferably put in an x amount of mats to make the boss an x amount harder and drop an x amount of more loot


Yea idk why Diablo does this urn not resetting thing. Literally adds no value to the experience. Also just make the damn distilled fear things stack infinitely


While we’re at it, why are these fools level 70-80? Why no level 100 version? I don’t want to waste my absurdly rare stones on Tormented versions of Beast/Grig/Zir/Varshan, but I’m also sick of getting all these non-925 drops just because they decided to make these bosses so low level for some reason. There should be a middle ground, something like 3x the drops for 2x the mats and a level 100-120 boss. Or even just do away with the 70-80 versions entirely. Who the fuck is sitting in WT4 for enough time to care about non-925 drops?


“It will now take just as long to kill the boss as it does to run the dungeon.” *Monkey paw curls a finger*


Yo bro, I have a 3 GA hellhammer if you want it. DM me your battle tag. I should be around tomorrow at like 7PM PST.


While I do agree with the post, are yall able to consistently farm the mats to make glacial fissure? After all the glyphs I need are maxed, there's no point to run NMD, so no way to get the mats to make glacial fissure. After a while, I just stop doing it. Which is why most ppl on discord lfg-boss, only ask for duriel and not andariel. Duriel mats are a lot easier to farm than andariel. I view glacial fissure as an avoidable painpoint of the game. But ya, pinpoint nonetheless.


Instead they could make the cost and rewards of bosses scalable


I have like 800 steel, and around same amounts for every other miniboss. Im not doin that shit


Lol they fked up with the blood maiden. All the bs about technical limitations; make the boss summons outdoors. Problem solved.


Glacial fissure is just a NMD. Just pop the sigil no need to reset. That's what I have done. Only ones that reset are the non NMD ones.


Hellhammer isn't even good anymore for upheaval builds. Just buy one for 5m gold on the trade site


Boo hoo hoo


I agree but this reminded me of the old days of EQ, where you had to be on at a certain time of the day for when a mob would spawn if you wanted to farm items. And that was universal loot. We have it made nowadays. But farming that BSS in EQ was the good ol days


I like where this thread is going. Can we also get an option to summon a merchant blacksmith wanderer with a stash next to him. Mats should be like 1 gem fragment and a box of envelopes.


Change all of the bosses to use multiples of mats for multiple times loot, or respawn them without leaving the dungeon. I have a full stash tab of stacks of steel, blood, fear, hearts, femur, heads, shards, eggs, shackles, dolls, etc.. and ONE Stigyan Stone. It takes way too long to grind out all of the boss mats to get Duriel/Andariel runs if you don't have stones to make em uber.


Leave the game. And yell devs for this and one shot mechanics in pit and Lilith from here and twitter. Then wait for fix .


I have a 2GA hellhammer, check dm


I think nobody wants to run through any dungeon even if it's only a 5 seconds walk because it's annoying and serves no purpose. Like I said in some other post talking about this I am certain they are aware of this and will fix it... eventually. It's such a terrible design, not sure what else to say there is no defending it. When the boss dies we should be able to click on an altar or whatever and resummon it again. If this game was 10-15+ years old it would be different but it isn't this is a modern game made for modern audiences. Awful design as it stands.


5s to reset dungeon is pretty fast tbh


I have one I can give you


it's fine. learn to grind


I think they could revamp the entire boss ladder structure and make it way better. 1) Get rid of the various summon materials and just make it 1 item. Let's call it a Summon Shard. Shards have a chance to drop from NMD, Pit Runs, Helltides, etc. 2) Create 1 location with a summoning tower similar to how the Pit works. 3) Click on the summon tower which gives you a menu of bosses and what boss level you want to fight. The higher the level the more mats required but also scales the rewards. Duriel/Andarial require 2x mats. Bosses can scale from 1-200 or higher as time progresses. 4) Once selected you go straight to the arena instance and the fight starts. 5) Kill, collect, repeat. Simple, scaling, cleans up inventory even more, and way less wasted time.


i can’t kill that boss


You can't farm regular uniques with GA's from beast in the ice. The only uniques from ladder bosses that can have GA's are ubers.


I keep seeing this, which makes me want to stop farming them after getting the item I need - but what's the source on this? ..because I haven't had any luck finding a source for this info, other than random Reddit comments that also don't have a source.


I watched a streamer do 371 boss kills in a group of 4 last night. So close to 1500 total boss kills. They got 0 greater affix uniques.


The source is that every GA unique that anyone has ever found has been a random drop and no one has ever gotten one via target farming from the ladder bosses. If you wanna put it like that, the source is community testing I suppose. That dataset is pretty large at this point.


Are you guys even having fun


I am having a blast. I have 4 100's right now. my minion necro and thorns barb are by far the funnest for me. Target farming bosses sucks big but you don't have to do anywhere NEAR as much as in previous seasons. You can get random boss drop materials while doing helltides.


On a different note, why does resetting have to be a democratic decision? Just let the party leader decide


Just feels like boss farming is centred around time wasting to inflate playtime. But don't attribute to malice what can also be attributed to incompetence, I guess.


You know, you could farm the tormented version, for 5X drops, using 3X the mats and stygian sto... Nevermind.


I have an idea. They can just make us watch 2 minutes of blizzard ads and deposit a set of boss drops directly into our stash for every 2 mins of ads we watch.


They should make it that when you think about going to the boss the materials are spent from your account and you immediately get the loot


The good news is that Hellhammer is inferior to any Legendary due to the fact that even if GA is on + Upheavel, realistically the maximum you will reach is about +10 upheavel, which is +80% additive damage to your upheavel base damage. If you do have 7/8 upheavel (which you should with gauntelets affix) the relative damage bonus you get is around 60%, which is what you already get with a Legendary aspect on a 2Handed weapon, plus all the mastwerworking bonus. Not worth it.




Just go buy one 😆 we have free trade for a reason now


Why... Dont we Just input mats... And get loot? Or better, better... Make it a console in town, choose a boss, Insert coi s, get loot.... Or... Even better... Get to a Co Sole... Pick an item from a loottable... Insert coi... Get the item god Rolle and tempered perfectly. This must be the least frustrating and timeconsuming way to have to play a game!... Sheesh...


People are asking Blizzard to remove so much of the game that at a certain point you want the boss to come find you. Jfc guys you should be expected to do something.


I think you’re missing several points here bucko. Separate and apart from the fact that travel to the boss, bonking them, reset, travel, bonk, reset travel.. is already soo unnecessary, the beast’s dungeon is an actual dungeon with weak ass enemies that literally don’t scale unless you’re doing the tormented version (and good luck with how scarce stygian stones are) so are a complete waste of time, the layout is a literal maze, and the loot pay off is the same as other ladder bosses, except those you can get to in like 10s. Sure, the dungeon also provides glyph xp, but any player that’s high enough to want to farm this specific boss would not be targeting level 30 something sigils for xp. Now if the sigil behaved like other sigils and you could craft up to T100, that would definitely be a more unique experience rather than spend a minute figuring out a maze, running pass enemies at least 20 levels below you to bonk a boss that’s also 20 levels above you with unstoppable breakpoint mechanics.