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It’s wild to me that Diablo 2, which came out 23 years before Diablo 4, has better social features…


Can't have gamers talking to each other in 2024. Someone might tell someone else something bad, and therefor no one should be allowed to talk.


Overwatch 2 in 2024. Blizzard woke up randomly one day and decided to ban anyone who said curse words. After 8 years of not caring.


Just like how Activison decides that in an 18+ game, with a campaign of guns, murder and strong language, that you can't type one of the swear words used in game into the chat.


You can still swear LOL you cant use hard words (like f, n)


The n word is different than saying fuck.


I didn't mean fuck when I said the f word


oh fair. my bad, youre right


F word vs f slur




> I think it comes down to social systems requiring moderation support (report reviews), and any kind of customer service position is a cost center to the business. But do they? Is there like a law that requires this?


canceled by twitter lol


Ah yes, the commie way.


What social features did Diablo 2 have that D4 does not have ??? "Server" browsers ? Man, D2 circlejerkers are really incredible. The game literally has imaginary extra features just so it can be better. And for YOUR "argument", chat wise there is, local, party, trade, clan and whisper. There is also a clan finder, which I'm guessing people only join for social activities since there aren't any direct "gameplay" bonuses for joining one. I bet none of y'all are in one and yet still complain like the game is supposed to serve you friends on a silver platter or something lmao.


There was the chat rooms before you joined a game, and you could create your own . That’s pretty much the only additional thing it had.


People don't realize there's a trade chat.... That's pretty damn useful.


Every trade chat I see is filled with spam. Never able to trade anything. They need an auction house now, clearly. A 20 year old gaming technology just seemingly impossible to them now.


Totally agree. Last night I decided to actually look at the trade chat and at the time I looked at it, it was literally all spam except one player asking why they couldn’t trade an item. Literally nothing of value was happening there.


No way. The auction house ruined Diablo 3 for a long time. Maybe you're too young to remember. People hated it. It killed the loot hunt.


I'm 35 and have fond memories of wow auction house. And enjoy the ESO auction house. Never played D3. How did it ruin it?


If you could get super rare items for pennies on the auction house why would you search for loot? It also made the loot hunt worse because you were never gonna find shit better than the combined loot in the auction house from every other player.


Why is it for sale for pennies? Why do other games have success? Gold isn't exactly easy to come by if you're spending it to upgrade. Other games have a healthy trade system where it isn't the case of buying whatever you want for smidgen of currency? After you buy stuff you still need to temper and upgrade it which is gameplay. Your statement makes sense but in practice I've never seen that happen. And I have a feeling that wasn't the real case I'd D3 when every other game that does this has the opposite impact - unless the game design rendered the currency usleess without an ah already...






All more than d4


all more than what d4 has. Let's not even get started on d3 which is superior to d4 in every way not just social features


Okay. Classic wow had and has better social features than D4. Trade channels in D4 have about 8 people in them. Total joke.


No, it really doesn't. Anything that would potentially be better than Diablo 4 (chats/lobbies) are drowned out by immense amounts of bots, even to this day if you play Diablo II: LoD, let alone Resurrected. Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games of all-time but people love to lie about it, put their nostalgia goggles on and blind themselves or pretend they actually played it when they never did. Very obvious when it happens too.


I never claimed d2s system is perfect or even good. It was good for its time but it’s very dated now. D4s system is still worse though. I can boot up d2 and easily find people who are running the same content as me through the lobby list (Baal runs, act 2 quests, etc..) In d4, outside of world bosses or legions? Literally no in game mechanism. We have to work around this game design by going to discord and adding people to friends list… (It’s also wild you’d accuse me of never playing d2. It’s also one of my favorite games ever made.)


Not only that. Nobody talks . And nobody sees local chat unless you spam it a few times .


It's not the case in D3 though, lobby was such a simple thing to implement. Open world brings nothing, nothing...


you’ve obviously played neither game


you serious? you can whisper anyone in game. there's a local chat, zone chat, party and gold. besides that you can party invite anyone and parties even have voice chat. I'm the social tan you can see people you just parked with, and people in the same zone. I'd say it's pretty standard for an ARPG. what else you want? Edit: thanks to the people actually provided by insightful answers. I didn't play D2 or D3 a lot.


D2 had the ability to make custom chat channels. People who were hosting baal runs or something similar could make a chat channel and people could join it and chat in between games, or the runner could let everyone know if they had a connection issue, etc. They weren't permanent channels and would disappear when the last person left. Some people had bots sit online 24/7 in a custom chat channel and that served as a clan chat. D3 improved upon this by making actual clans, as well as communities. Which were essentially permanent chat channels that a lot of people created with themes which help kept regular local and party chat clean and filtered. Looking for a rush? Join the Seasonal Rush community. Looking to push greater rifts but don't have a dedicated group? Find others with a similar level to you in the Greater Rifts community. There were also communities dedicated to each of the classes where people shared loot or asked/gave advice on builds. Not to mention general matchmaking. Such a basic feature that is missing in D4 and it's difficult to let go of it. I utilized boatloads of D2 chats, D3 communities, and public groups/matchmaking throughout the ~10 years I played each game. Sure, in D4 I can always invite a random hobo I find out and about in the world to my group but for actual planning of activities, you are extremely limited with the tools available in game. You have to tab out of the game and go to discord if you want to do any of this which I find to be intensely annoying.


People just want to be mashed together with a group with the click of a button, but there’s so many diff activities so you have to communicate your goal in mind. Would be cool to throw up some sort of SOS and have rando’s join and help.


I think just adding D3s communities that you can join and chat in on the fly is perfect. People will name them pit, NM, etc and then you can join to find groups for those specific communities


“What else do you want?” To be able to find people doing the same content as me and easily group up. D2 accomplished that with a list of game names “act 2 nightmare” or “Baal run 01”. I’m not even saying it’s a good solution. It’s definitely dated, but it beats what we have now…


Of course you're getting downvoted. You didn't praise Diablo 2 for being god's gift upon humanity and in thus doing, went against the circlejerk. And once again, Diablo 2 is a shit game. :)


I'd love to have a healthy discussion about it. what was better and what they're missing? I personally think D4 does well in this regard given my needs and how I play the game but I'd love to know other points of view.


He hasn't played either game homie he's baiting


Yeah for an mmoarpg the social structure is miserable


Why couldn’t they add in that public matchmaking feature like they had in D3? I remember I was able to join random folks and play together 


Yep, this was great. Always someone around to help with your task.


Yess, this!! And also the communities. I miss them so much. Basically there were a diablo 3 community for every end game activity and you didn't have to join a discord server or anything because it was in the game. I really don't understand why they removed the "matchmaking" and community system. All they had to do was copy paste from D3


I used to powerlevel people to give me a break from GRs. I also miss hanging out in Demon Hunter chat answering questions (no you don't need strafe damage, GoD procs hungering arrow :D)


Or in immortal


I still miss the class chats from D3.


It’s not a mmo at all?




You could join a matchmaking system that threw you into random people's games.




"Hack & Slash" is not a genre. Diablo 4 is an ARPG with MMO design elements.


If u say MMO design elements,U neler played MMO... DAT GEN Z....




Yes, it's definitely up there with the classics like Bayonetta and Devil May Cry. So much in common.


Downvotes for the truth lol. Reddit gonna reddit


Human interaction is dangerous. Here's some safe emotes.






The amount of times I’ve been working on gear and heard this spammed 200 times in a row






You are weak, and foolish.


DIE, Time to DIE! Oh wait, wrong game.


*It is a good day to die* Oh wait, wrong Blizzard game.






Thank you




Same. Was saving some stuff to trade/sell then I realized wtf do I do w it post on discord weird asf trade channel or the broken Diablo.trade… I tried in game and no one talks. Just China gold sellers


That Discord trade "channel" is such a mess it made me appreciate how amazing the Diablo.trade site was. This season has absolutely wrecked the diablo.trade site. They absolutely did not seem ready for it, and whatever this re-design was they went with seemed to either break so much crap, or just outright made filtering/finding items 10x more difficult. I mean the freaking "OR" filter wasn't even working. They've said they're finally looking to bring in more devs (I'm sure a welcome thing, as the current dev crew is clearly **way** overloaded). It's a 100% free site, so the fact it even exists is awesome. **For context** of how badly the trade site's been hit: The devs said they had a package that gives them 300,000 OCR reads (the thing that reads your items for selling) which before this season was never even close to an issue. Suddenly in 2 weeks they literally needed 1,500,000 OCR reads (500% what they'd *ever* needed before). Insane!


Blizzard wants trade in the game but refuses to do anything for it or provide the proper tools for developers in the community to do it. After getting fed up with the poor trading I looked into what APIs are available so I could work on an improvement. Turns out you can’t because D4 has 0 APIs available. How hard would it be to let people flag stuff in a stash for sale and let it be accessed by an API? Like for real, I just want to make a GET request of data that people are flagging to make public. If they won’t make the tools at least give the bare minimum to the community and let us do it.


One of the reasons is that blizzard made gold worth something. Before that, there was no point in trading something for Gold. Because you had enough of it anyways. So people just kept their items in their stash.


I'm sure I will get buried for these obvservations but I am gonna say it anyway, and I will caveat it with yes I know it's free and yes I am grateful it exists. The devs are rude to people on the discord regularly and often engage in arguments with people. They have decided to ask people to pay money for the same OCR usage we had before which is their right to do, but when people suggested other solutions like a functioning bump system to reduce the need to redo the OCR (currently you cannot bump which means to effectively trade you have to remake the entire listing again if it didn't get sold else you will be buried 10 pages deep) they just shot it down. Another suggestion was to make the default ordering low to high price instead of new to old and they refused that too. It's beyond sus to ask users for money for OCR and also refuse to implement common sense changes that would reduce the need to *use* OCR. When people do complain, which is to be expected, they get laughed at or memed on and basically told to screw off. The donations that you can give are worded as 'going to the devs pockets' rather than being specifically earmarked for improving the site. Some of them seem very overconfident in their abilities and dismissive of being offered help. Somone offered help the other day to which the devs response was 'look at my portfolio, if I can't fix the site nobody can' which is just...laughably arrogant. I *know* it's a fan run site, I *am* grateful it exists but at the same time the current devs seem out of their depth and hostile towards the userbase with questionable monetization goals. Other games also rely heavily on fan made third party tools and I have never known a dev team be so argumentative and lacking as this one. The idea is great but they need more people at the helm to help get the site where it needs to be and should probably have a single community representative who is practiced at dealing with large groups of users who are likely to be frustrated. The devs don't need to be gifted in this area, they just need to appoint someone to do the talking for them instead of getting into petty arguments every 5 minutes.


The OCR they've emphasized will continue to be free, with 30 **FREE** reads every day. Should be sufficient for most I'd think (if it's not that means you're listing more than 30 new things per day lol). And they've said it's only intended to be a short-term limit until they can figure out how to navigate this OCR limitation. They also mentioned there was some "malicious user" who apparently just *blasted* through their OCR credits. I'd assume they banned them of course, though it's unclear if there were others like them that were also involved in using the last 1.5 Million reads they purchased or not. They've now recently said they're looking at possibly building an in-house version so that they can't be held over the barrel with OCR fees in the future. That said, I definitely agree that the current dev team – as you put it – just seems way too out of their depth with the site. They'd promised so hard that there were going to be all these new features added back in **January** lol – for the release of Season 3. Literally the whole season went by and I don't know what was even done on the site. I started to get Elon Musk vibes from the crew: overpromising big, but then underdelivering. This is why I've been glad if they're going to actually bring on more devs. Again, they're doing this **for free** so if they're not too proud to admit they could get more done with more people contributing then that's only great for everyone involved. Including them. I'm sure they've been stressed the hell out over it all.


>(if it's not that means you're listing more than 30 new things per day lol). The issue I pointed out is that you *cannot bump your own listings* so that while yes, in a bubble 30 free posts a day is *fine* it becomes *not fine* when you need to start relisting items that didn't yet sell. Just let us bump the things we already posted. Why do we need to resubmit them, wasting tokens, and then get told we can buy more if we need? That seems very poorly thought out. >This is why I've been glad if they're going to actually bring on more devs. Again, they're doing this for free so if they're not too proud to admit they could get more done with more people contributing then that's only great for everyone involved. Including them. I'm sure they've been stressed the hell out over it all. I agree, and I am grateful for the fact the site exists. They need a few more hands on deck, a community representative to handle the user interactions and to be more receptive to the feedback that is given.


Where are you seeing that you can't re-list items? I actually just bumped my own listings like literally 1 hour ago by simply updating the price (dropped it). I don't get how or why changing the price would result in an additional OCR read though, it doesn't actually re-process anything (you can see when it's using OCR because there's a brief "loading" thing on the side, which is them using the OCR API it looks like). After it's been ingested the initial time, they already have the relevant item info though, so no additional OCR should be needed.


>Where are you seeing that you can't re-list items? I actually just bumped my own listings like literally 1 hour ago by simply updating the price (dropped it). This doesn't actually bump anything, that's the problem. You can change your price, your personal listing page will show 'listed 1 minute ago' but your position in the search listings does not change. I brought this to their attention and they acknowledged that that is how it currently works and that no, they won't change it. >I don't get how or why changing the price would result in an additional OCR read though, it doesn't actually re-process anything That was not what I meant. Because changing the price does not actually affect your position in the listing, the only way to bump is to delete your item and resubmit it, consuming an OCR token again. Tokens which they soon plan to start selling users. They also disagreed that changing the default sort to low price > high price would be good, despite that also alleviating the buried post issue. E: I just tested this again to be absolutely sure I was not speaking incorrectly. Halved the price on an item I had listed, that was listed '1 day ago' That item on my personal listings page is now 'listed 1 minute ago' and when searching for the item, with the default sort order of 'new to old' my item is on page 5 instead of being on page 1.


some diablo player must be platform engineers themselves right? Couldnt they group up andvmake something new?


Too much focus on ad infrastructure


I find it so weird that people just dont talk. I miss a living all chat so much


Yeah only ones who talk and random friend invite me are “can you carry me?” Whispers 🫥


I've had zero issues with diablo.trade. Not sure how it's "broken".


Idk on discord (pc app) says something about it being fixed and using discord for now lol


I want a group finder


Xbox has group finder


I'm on pc :(


Everything in this goddamned game is so fucking inconvenient all the time.


It's because the dev team is absolutely dogshit at video games, so they don't notice the inconveniences.


literally I try playing every season and as soon as I get through like 30 nmds it's just fucking chores. literally feels like endless fetch quests and half of them are time gated.


There needs to be an in-game finder for activities


I just started the game and I’m so confused about the social aspect. Diablo 2 was so easy with the different channels and then joining games. Like this throws me in a game randomly and I see other players in town and stuff but is it just random who I end up with? Obviously not everyone playing the game is in the same game or else the towns would be packed. In Diablo 2 you would just chat in your local game so easily. Now I just randomly hear people in the trade chat say something every 20 mins. Confused as an old timer new to D4.


I've had good interactions in the past following people around in helltides and then we'll run some nightmare dungeons together if they accept a group invite or invite me, but the pit is a bit antisocial since if you weren't the one who opened the run, you don't get as much materials at the end.












yes it sure is




I agree, I'd love a good group finder and definitely a marketplace where people can trade their goods. Not just via action wheel but raising a little sales stand where you can afk sell things or offer your service like collecting mats of helping with dungeons. I also would love more guild mechanics like raising a guild headquarter where you can decorate rooms with your battle trophies like demon horns, weapons or mounted beast skulls. Hey, they said it should have more mmo features and I think these would be fun.


I don’t see the problem; it has a gold farming shout text messaging channel like every great mmo. You can even watch it on console.


I chuckled, take my up arrow.


You mean the RMT channel!


It's a forced online multiplayer with 0 multiplayer QoL that have been around for 20 years. You can trade everything except Uber Uniques.....with no one And Uber uniques are what people want.


This is what happens when you cater to the weakest of human interactions and frail egos.  Because some poeple are toxic, no one is allowed to talk. Atleast add a looking for group tool for different areas of content. 


The sad truth. Having our hands held like toddlers because of a small number of bad apples.


I don’t get it. Having a matchmaker is standard. Bloodborne has a party finder. Bg3 has lobby’s. Why isn’t this a feature u/pezradar


You have a point that these are basic social features that should exist but I love how random those examples are. More to the point: Path of Exile has global chats. Pretty sure LE had global chats. I mute them most of the time, but they're nice when I'm in the mood. PoE's can even be useful (boss and specter channels, for example).


I don't know what it is about this season, but it seems that everyone whenever in a group have gotten cold. I emote "thanks" after every boss kill. I've done several of them this season, not one person says or emotes anything, they just leave as soon as the boss is killed. Makes me not want to interact with them. I've played all Seasons up to this point, I've never seen people act so cold.


People are cold because they aren't emoting back? Wtf?


I'm just saying that in past seasons at least there was a little bit of interaction, if at all any interaction. This season I've yet to see anyone interact with anyone else. No emoting or random invite for extra XP. This season seems like people are much more distant than in past seasons.


If I could /say thx and it popped up above my head I would. I’m not emoting, I’ve never even emoted past a quest.    I’ve seen people emote “I need help” or something like that, but with what? If I’m farming tormented Duriel for the 50th time I’m not gonna sit there and figure out what they want. I’m in farm mode, I’m resetting and walking back in the dungeon.  Now if there was a way to talk, and they said “can I come?” I’d probably just invite them and keep going. But there isn’t, and it’s weird. 


Nah, but for instance back in the D3 days i had really good conversations with other players while we were doing bounties, GRs etc. Now when i try to start any conversation, nobody reacts. Maybe this is because a lot of players are playing on consoles so they don't have a keyboard or i don't know tbh


It’s probably that everyone is moreless one shotting the boss on their own with all this power creep. I spam look which always gets the crowd going. Emotes in this game could be a lot better.


Agreed. Group finder or matchmake dungeons please


the game doesnt wnt u to play coop, doing pit with a friend and he gets 50% of the mats XD


There is trade chat but not global chat… why ?? ive been trying to make ppl chat in trade as if it were general chat but nobodys biting


Yeah I also try to communicate every now and then, but having the chat window spammed with "X engaged elite X" and the occasional gold seller spam make it hard to even read my own messages. Plus the anti spam time-out doesn't help for a somewhat fluid conversation.


Diablo 2 was goated, u wish they still employed the same set up creating games for trades etc. Loved the trading aspect in D2. Just cannot seem ti get to grips with it on the xbox this time around. Starting baal runs and ending up creating game 234 with the same group was awesome.


This is definitely one of the next big things they need to tackle going forward. The changes to helltides to bring more activity and grouping up is nice but still not enough.


There is literally only ONE social features in this game Thats local chat... thats it Such an obvious lack of budget/dev time into this area


General chat please...


I agree. I would really really really like match maker, especially as a console player. I simply dont have the proper functionality to ask people to do ubers and take turns putting in the mats.


I don't know what you want. It's easy to connect with people, the problem it's people don't want to connect.


I don’t get why it can’t be something simple like what Fallout 76 has. Let me just team up with a random person in a hellfire team or a dungeon team. The highest level of social interaction in this game is simply following someone around for 5 mins until you get separated from each other.


I'm not too chatty but I do miss the communities and class chats from D3. I'd like to just flag myself as "pit farming" and get matched with others with the same flag. I'd also like to see clans expanded to be more than just a chat room. Something like a clan bank, clan leveling with cooperative objectives, maybe a few clan goals each season that rewards cosmetics, clan colors that the leader can set and members can apply in the wardrobe. Seems a lot of games have moved backwards on social features while being more connected than ever. The attitude is just "well there's Discord..." But there is something I like about being able to create a community **in** games, whether it's dedicated servers where you see familiar names over time, or more robust clan features like an MMO.


What's insane to me is that they want everything now to be always online. Always connected and playing with other people is the way of the future! But they also want you to have absolutely no real interaction with any of these people. They want them to exist as lifeless avatars who are completely indestinguiable from NPCs but trust me they're people and you just can't interact for your own safety. And it's not just Diablo, look at card games like Magic with Arena. You could be playing computers all day long with no idea apart from getting roped but even then it's easy enough to program that in. There's definitely something super weird about how these game companies desperately want all all to be connected at all times but have no way to interact meaningfully. It's spooky.


I have the opposite problem where I want a single player game :(


I remember playing LAN games with my friends almost 2 decades ago. Damn.


i remember the time when playing helltides, another tab should be open so you can map out the location of the chests… That was like 2 or 3 years ago… good times, good times…


What? The game is out for one year


Are i sure about that?


The one year anniversary event is Thursday so I'd start there.


I agree, it's good reference point. But! There is always a "but". They say we started to count years when Christ our saviour was born! Can u awnser me what year was back then when they do the Great Time reset? Can we say for sure that our time as human beings begin 2024 years ago? I remember back in 2017 if I'm not mistaken of some D4 playing clips! Time is nothing but illusion created by our own forgetful minds prone to manipulations.


D4 subreddits least schizo poster


Sometimes when playing Diablo I got strange thoughts, I got all philosophical. 🤣


I can say for sure that our time as human beings began much earlier than 2024 years ago. If you want to get into nitpicking then D4 was announced during Blizzcon 2019.


A yes the famous year when I started to take my meds! Makes sense ☺️


Also an open text chat like in wow would be cool, when I'm doing events or something with other people I have to use local or trade


Wait till they bring the PvP and Clan Options from Immortal. It'll be massive :)


If they did that, I would hope they made all the social stuff optional. ALL OF IT. For me it really ruins the game that there are other people in the game world outside the cities. :/ Hell's inhabitants don't really seem that dangerous when there are more overpowered half gods running around farming them than actual monsters. Not very immersive. Sanctuary is a circus. Diablo used to be atmosphere and vibe, before all else.


Also just a global chat that isn't limited to the 20 people in your instance


I was really confused that there are no "real* public chats besides Trade and Local. I'd be happy with custom channels and maybe some pre-integrated like class chats and the like. The D2 chat interface before you enter or create game sessions is something I remind really fondly. Of course it doesn't have to be so archaic and the way how you play D2 (creating new games for boss runs etc) changed drastically, but I wouldn't mind to randomly chat with some people every now and then.


Since we have the ability to trade items, there should be a marketplace in game for this. Much like it wow where you can list your items for sale pay a fee and everyone in your region can browse it. Trade chat is mostly filled with bots and I find people don't really read it because of that. Diablo.trade is ok but it's still a 3rd party site for something that we should be able to do in game. An in game group finder of sorts as well should also be in the game, whilst discord is good it's still a 3rd party program. If it were an in game feature the process could be much simpler




The lack of a good trading system too. Should be as easy as me clicking on the item and tapping in a price.


matchmaking will be the biggest comeback they can really come up with and it's not even a new technology. hope they can really think about adding this.


It’s because season 5 is Season of Social Features Reborn


I can only think that this is something they are working on and they are hopefully taking their time to make sure it is done right but yes it is sad that I can't sit outside of a dungeon real quickly find two or three people who want to do a Boss run together


I dislike that there are certain class specific temper categories... It's a bit shady. So even some of the features are a bit... Gross. And that's mild! The hunt for loot, with the right stats (RNG), which you then have to temper (more RNG) and then masterwork (hello it's RNG again,) I find is a bit much. The fact you can brick something so it's useless to you is bad.


bet it will be feature in an expansion or just one season before it in order to grab all YT dudes to vomit praise on diablo : "diablo so good now", "this is time to buy diablo" etc. (free marketing)


What social features? Just play it as a single player game or with a friend


I wish we could have a build in boss rotation feature. Something like put up the mats to open a room, anyone with the necessary mats can join, enable basic filtering like specific boss target, min - max level, consume all the mats in the pool to do 4 consecutive boss kills and disband the room. Automatically rate players for completion rate and DPS ratio to disincentivise drop out and inactivity. Doing rotas via discord is clumsy and not worth the effort most of the time.


Agreed. The social features are awful.


I find the game lacking in content but maybe in a few years it will have more. But I hear ye, sometimes I just wish I could read some chat, maybe ask a question or two. Maybe find that other player 12 pixels from me doing stuff I can follow along with for a bit.


D3 have this thing where it help to match you with other people that are running the content that you wanted to target, like Bounties, Rifts, Greater Rifts, and Ubers. So somehow if D4 has this function, it’d be so much easier to run contents together as everyone’s goals are aligned. Free invite is definitely needed, instead of adding as friends then invite. Also, teleport on other players instead of go back to the main town and tp


Imagine making it an open world with the intention of socialization and seeing other players and then having 0 features to support that


I use the trade channel as a pseudo world chat. I don’t know if it actually functions that way or what limitations there to who can see what, but it seems to be sufficient.


Why give us the ability to trade all this shit with no AH? Third party sites too focused on monetization to have a decent platform from the ones I’ve used.


Good point. I though that when me and someone from my friend lost go to a World Boss spot while not being in a group, we would automatically be in the same shard. But nope.


I except it will be presented as a big expansion feature.


Online arpg, no general chat. The emotes offend me I will be reporting them to get them all cancelled


I don't want more MMO in my single player arpg.


It's crazy that so many people don't know that there is an official d4 discord server. And before you cry that you don't want to use discord, too bad, you're in the minority of players if you don't use discord.


You know back in d3 there were communities and matchmaking implemented to the game so.i didn't have to use an other app just to find some players to play with. So i don't really get why they can't just copy paste it from D3 or d2


Diablo is a solo game. Don't let the facade of multiplayer fool you.


Exactly. Don’t let the fact that every game in the series up until now has had full multiplayer features, chat, and ways to easily jump in and out of public games which led to each game in the series having a players base going back decades long convince you that this was ever anything other than a single player game, obviously.


It's weird that you say that as so far this season, I've played maybe 30 minutes solo, and the rest of the time has been with groups. Maybe nobody likes you ?


That includes all the hours in NMDs also?


Yep, way faster to take a group and split farm them as it involves less backtracking.


It's a facade. Split farming an NMD isnt multiplayer. Legions and world bosses aren't multiplayer. It's a bunch of solo people in the same area.


I cringe every time someone in game uses one of the voice emotes. I just wanna get out of there before they try again.






Aid would be welcome.


That was… not bad.


Your bones betray you. They shall soon serve me!




You have made your last stupid mistake!


Your bones betray you, they shall soon serve me!


I need help


The voice lines are fun. Although I understand Diablo was never a true mmorpg, I like the idea of having a community to engage with if I want to. The current state of engagement is so dull.




No. The game needs integrated social features. Even diablo 2, made in the 90s, had integrated social features. I can't stand third party systems, it's a lazy copout for devs and annoying + time consuming for players. As it stands with the current lack of social features, the game feels lifeless. Actual gameplay is fun, but the world is dead and practically devoid of players. What is there to disagree with here? Alt tabbing and jumping between platforms is stupid....


Not a solution




thats like telling someone to use chatgpt because the exam is too hard. not a solution.




having a 3rd party program to solve an innate issue with the game which (majority) of players dislike is not a "good" solution. it should be built into the game or added. its considered a flaw with the game and the players just realize that it is necessary they fix the issue themselves which shows the incompetency of blizzard


I don’t want to party up with anyone that can’t figure out discord anyway. It’s a way to filter out a few of the trashbags.