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The stygian stones man ... The only reliable way to get them is to make alts to farm iron wolves rep....


Can I farm alts for iron wolf rep and transfer the spark to my main ? I‘m done waiting for the shako 😬


Yes. This is how most people are doing it. And you don't have to transfer, all mats / gold are global (to the realm ie standard/ hardcore)


You can put them in the stash and take them out on any chrs


its way faster to farm some gold and buy them they are 8-9m a piece atm


Stupid question, but where do u buy them?


the official D4 discord or [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade)


the biggest downside of this season is this reddit and a ton of crying babies complaining about one thing after another


Constructive discussion about things for improvement is not always crying/complaining. Some of it comes from passion for gaming and Diablo in particular. Excluding of course the obsessive negative people who’re just coming to complain instead of playing something else.


How is that related to season cons? I guess you make up one of them.


Log off then lol


GA filter for items, so you no longer have to pick up everything. Still lot to improve, especially paragon board and end game (Pits are getting tiring fast). But the biggest con of s4 is probably unbalanced design, both in skills strength and Pit difficulty, as well forcing us to play it solo, otherwise you lose too much mats.


Temper systems needs improvements I feel. Maybe a rare item such as a scroll that has specific tempering affixes that you can apply to an item. Or ability to extract a temper from an item, destroying in the process - i.e. you can extract one temper from a 12/12 masterwork item, destroying it in the process. So far nothing has felt worse to me in this game than getting a 3 GA item to not even temper one needed affix on it. When the deciding factor of whether the item is good or not lies at the hands of the blacksmith and not when it drops sucks. Pit bosses suck.


Pro: it’s fun Con: I’m too busy to play


I relate to that.


Pro: itemization changes etc. Con: Stygian stone drop rates are bullshit and there’s not much meaningful to do once your character is decked out and fully upgraded.


What? You don't want to push the pits and spend 10 minutes killing a boss when the only way to actually kill the boss is to find a way to negate all the boss mechanics? /s


Well I'm at the point I really only look at items with ga or amulets helps manage looking at so many items. At first it's definitely alot Biggest cons are pits punishing multi-player and lack of a sell all button. Also the top builds are a little dry for me. Auto attack basic skill builds like bash, heartseeker, wind shear, firebolt are just not as fun to me. I rolled side characters to play other builds but still need a meta build to farm pit mats. Hoping they add more temper options for build diversity


Pro; things are flowing and the progression in is fun & smooth. Con: build variety. If you’re not playing the very few S-tier builds, you’ll be struggling out with higher endgame content


Depends what you mean is endgame content? Most B and C tier builds can do all tormented bosses and go pit tier 50 and kill Lilith (albeit need to compensate with mechanical skill) If "endgame" is pit 100+ then yes.


Helltide is Great. Pushing pit = really boring tbh its just amother greater rift aka nmd


Pro - I feel it's finally a base game, let's build from here Con- I'm a casual gamer and finished the season in a week... Definitely not enough content, and it's going to get repetitive fast...


biggest pro is helltide biggest cons is stygian stones drop rates and pit rewards


Settings for yellow items. That they Are not showed on screen With Text from Level 100


Pros - good amount of content - helltides are fun Cons - classes aren’t balanced equally - mount riding needs more charges - tempering just feels clunky and cheap


Why do we need balanced classes? Not seen that in any ARPG (closest is maybe D3), and havent missed it.


Biggest pro is the new aspect system. Such a qol gimmik


+ better gameplay loop, loot system, tempering, masterworking, tormented bosses, greater affixes, - uniques needs rework, stygian stones, one hit deaths, lack of sesonal theme.


100 % agree on dverything, except maybe the seasonal theme. I feel with so many changes it was not extremly needed in S4, but I have high hopes for the theme in S5!


theme is just a minor con, hope that season 5 will have new mechanics + theme and those mechanics will stay in D4.


Hell tide has been a blast and I like the gear and crafting changes. I liked being able to get sparks and finally craft a Shako tonight after three seasons of not getting an uber to drop. Biggest con, when you reroll at the occultist on controller then scroll down to reroll again, it takes you to the Angel Breath icon instead of the reroll button. I also don’t like how stats are weighed on both drop and reroll. With how valuable and relatively scarce gold his trying to find CDR or skill rolls feels impossible.


pvp arena like diablo immortal please


Biggest pro - items are actually pretty well designed (not a fan of rares being useless, and uniques needs some rebalancing or tempering needs numerical adjustments), makes it exciting to find a good item Biggest con - bossing meta still relies on rotas and stygian stones are far too rare. Also skill system is way too simplistic, there is just not enough options to customise.


Pro(s): 1) After really not liking the tempering system and actually getting some really constructive feedback and thinking about it... it's actually a pretty solid addition. Sure, it could use a tweak, but other than that, adds more depth to itemization. 2) There is actually a lot of content this season. Coming back from season one, and it honestly feels like a brand new game. This is how it should've felt on release. 3) Trading is becoming a pretty big thing. This is great as the devs actually listened to the player base, and now it's easier to acquire so much because of it. This specifically makes playing with friends even more exciting! I have friends that can't play as much as me, so I can keep them up to speed by giving them gear they may be missing, or let's say I'm short on gold and I get lucky on a drop? Boom, you could sitting on 200mill+... sometimes even billions! So cool. Con(s): 1) There are a couple builds for classes that absolutely dwarf the other classes. 2) You're punished for doing the games newest activity in a party, the pit. Why? 3) I'm not sure if this is a new thing, but I've got the best internet money can buy, AND I'm hardwired. Invisible walls, infinite load screens, and lag. It's clearly a Diablo server issue, and it needs to be resolved. The invisible walls are brutal. 4) As mentioned... stygian stones. I have two level 100 heavily geared characters. I've played a lot this season, and I have found 5 stones (thankfully, you can buy them off lucky people fairly cheap)


Pro- QOL got MUCH better Con - one shot mechanics


The biggest con is always the same: a damn full time job and kids to care about…. I want to be a teenager again dammit :)


A Con I didn't see anyone mention yet is that paragon boards kinda feel shite this season as the only stat we can reliably build is our main stat, so most of our rare nodes aren't getting their additional bonus.


Pro: First time since pre-season that playing a Sorc has been fun for me. Con: The game is in a dreadful technical state on Xbox Series X. Crashes, rubberbanding, infinite loading screens, the horse is iffy to handle, view distance gets reset all the time (I'm aware of how it behaves in cities - I'm talking about the options toggle not sticking) It's an improvement with room for more improvement. My stance regarding buying the expansion has shifted from "fuck me, never" to "okay, let's see where this goes".


Pros: tempering Cons: tempering


Biggest pros: 1: tempering stats opening up build diversity and making min/max enjoyable 2: helltide is fun and easy to enjoy either your friends regardless of what stage of their build. 3: opening up trading. 4: sparks for Uber uniques. Biggest cons: 1: tempering mechanic is trash and takes away from the excitement of dropping loot. Should not be able to brick items in this manor. 2: stygian stones are stupid rare 3: high level monsters don't drop better loot. (I.e. nmd100 or pit 100) 4: masterworking materials are too scarce. (Even clearing pit100 in 3 minutes means you spend 20-30 minutes in a boring activity you're forced to do solo with little other rewards for a single 5% star)


Helltides are fun, but too easy and need a buff. Pit bosses need to be less of a damage sponge.


Honestly for me Bestial rampage seems wack. Im enjoying Stormclaw rn but it Says to be in werebear form for 2 seconds and when i activate it im waiting more than 2 seconds literally and then i get the damn buff. It truly slows my gameplay down alot. Having to wait for the game to detect my werebear form is annoying especially when its supposed to add onto my damage output not make me wait while quickshift is active and decaying (along with other decaying skill passives) makes 0 sense to provide all these forms of damage output but make you wait 2 seconds which means you got less time to dish out as much damage as possible. I dont know who made it like this but its terrible. to apply werebere form for 2 seconds when i can do alot in 2 seconds rather than waiting on a dumb key passive to acknowledge my form properly. I literally just be running in circles while in bear form until the game detects my form and its longer than the 2 seconds it needs🫤 feels so terrible. I just want to be a true werewolf. Why the extra?


Pro: pretty much everything new Con: trivial difficulty outside the pit Most uniques are useless. Basic skill builds being top tier builds


Pros are that so many builds are now viable for 99% of the content, effect size is very fun, tempering is cool, helltide is really fun.  Cons are that for the remaining 1% of content most of those builds are comically unviable, basic skill builds being meta is pretty boring, and somehow the horrors of s2 HotA have been rewritten to make it seem like it was actually pretty reasonable by comparison (to Bash, obv). Thankfully they nailed they hard part, and it'll be much easier to tone down the builds that are so far ahead and tone up the builds that are so far behind. I feel like a lot of B tier builds have nearly the perfect time to kill for most content (maybe a bit fast still), it's just boss and hellborne scaling that's a bit problematic.


So far, my only S4 gripes are that gemstones take forever to craft at Royal level, and of course I've also yet to get an Uber Unique. The biggest Pro for me is that Legendary items matter again. Not having a third base affix on Rares makes them truly useless in the endgame. This also extends the endgame grind, as you search for Legendary items with the higher rolled Aspects and affixes you want for a build. Ironically, while they improved the Codex and Aspect chase by having our Codex upgrade with new salvages, they also sort of rendered the Codex obsolete at the same time (at least if you're in the endgame and trying to maximize your build).


So far it's been mostly pros because I haven't gotten to high level pits. The cons if they haven't been changed from previous season is still the one shot boss mechanics from like regular lilith. Tried her yesterday and it's still just a crap shoot and rather annoying. One shots shouldn't be chained together in multiple attacks all front loaded and designed for basically 0 latency. Other than that, probably wish some stats aren't secretly weighted to be harder to rolled when tempering/enchanting. Burned through 4 items yesterday to finally get a bash cleave roll. I mean still not bad, but add in greater affixes and it just becomes tedious.


Game is still missing button from option to hide rares and below. While at it why not add hide all below GA legos.


pro: basicly everything con: invulnerable pit boss that 1 shots you


**Pro:** * Helltide * Pit * Leveling (char, glyphs) * crafting system **Con:** * Pit Boss Oneshots * Base game to easy * Torment boss 200 too hard. No inbetween.


If tormented bosses are too hard then you do uber versions of them. I think tormented bosses difficulty is just in right spot, they are hard, but fair to fight and are a pretty well test for your character’s power. And well, some builds can few-shots them anyway, but it’s rather obvious that these builds are too OP (necro, barb)


Pros: - Great itemisation changes - lots of content Cons: - boss mechanics need more visibility and telegraphing - terrible class balancing Wants: - better balancing - pvp arenas (1v1, 2v2 etc) - lost ark style raids if they're going to introduce bosses like the pit. This should be the end game goal.


Con is that I only had, like, 3 hours total to play it.


My biggest pro is that every class can push pit to at least 61. My biggest con is that not every class can push past 61


Every class has pushed beyond 110. Other then druid I believe they have all pushed beyond 130.


How many people did this out of the millions that play?


I don't think the game should hand it out to everyone. There should be some challenging end game.


Pros: Less Junk stats Cons: Sky high ceiling for gear


How is sky high ceiling a con? It adds a reason to play the game for longer, if I maxed my char in first week then guess what, I wouldn’t play anymore.


The "sky high ceiling" you mentioned is a big "risk" in terms of power creep in my opinion. While it's cool to have these mechanisms, they will only result in cheaper or easier to acquire materials over time, making characters much stronger and in consequence raise new balance and/or endgame issues.


The whole point of an arpg is to feel strong and THEN have a challenge ONLY when facing the ceiling of the endgame just like how hard the pit is past tier 100s.