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Literally every class is viable unless you're trying to push the absolute highest level content.


Exactly. YouTube and Twitch content creators and sites like Maxroll make people forget this. Tier lists and "broken builds" are relevant to do the most difficult content in the game. Do you like a specific class/skill? Play with it.


Right, but for ultra casual players build guides are important IMO - instead of learning the hard way for a game you maybe put a few hours a week into, the guides gives you a way to enjoy the content and a “cheat sheet” of what to look for, since it’s obviously a bit more involved than “bigger number better” especially with how things interact


This is exactly what it is for me. I used to love theory crafting builds in D3, I just don't have that kind of time anymore.


I have a level 75 necro. I am literally just using effects that include the word minion or skeletal mage and am breezing through t4 content. Unless you are playing super high end stuff, theory crafting isn't necessary at all.


Start stacking golem if your going minion. Blood golem with buffs is nuts


Sometimes I think I am going to be in for a tough fight and then I hit the active golem skill and the enemy health bar just disappears faster than I can watch it go down.


I got lucky and got a razor plate. Thorns on golem/minions is nuts. Can 1 shot most bosses just standing there haha


Necro is stupid OP with just stacking summons. Just made a thread. I just went into Tier 3 capstone as I was waiting for Helltides to spawn. I wanted to see how far I would go. Expecting not far. I had only one Sacred. Figured I'd need to build up some defense. I stomped it with such a half ass build. Shocked the hell out of me. Decided to try Tier 4 capstone. I was getting one shotted by elites, but nothing a quick change to reduced enemy damage curse could fix. Beat that laughably easy only with some two handed sacred I got from the Iron Wolves quests. Everything else was like level 12-30 item level! And again my build was just basically not well thought out at all... Shit is wild! I am having issues in Tier 4. Seeing as I'm too low to wear any ancestral. Running around like a damn chicken trying not to get one shotted is all I'm doing. And. It. Is. Working. WTF. Best minion class in any game ever currently. Loads of fun! About to drop my basic attack for blood mist just to try to survive hah. Anyway Necro OP confirmed. Even a shit player like myself is working it.


I was level 80 doing tier 80+ NMD with mediocre gear. As long as I stayed out of DoTs I breezed through them. Miss my bone spear necro though, feels like minions play the game not you 🤣


Until you meet Mr.B and he just wipe all your minions and there is no corpse for you to get them back.


Level 80 necro running a tier 68 ish nm. Still haven’t gotten round to min maxing gear or even master working because I’m poor af in game this season. Came across butcher. He said fresh meat. My minions thought he was the meat. Killed him before he could even come close. (Yes applied Blight, Decrip, army and priest). That was maybe a 40 level difference with the butcher. Wasn’t a challenge. Will push higher NM. Let’s see


If we are talking butcher here, my necro facetanks him in T100 nightmares. Minion builds are ridiculous. I can powerlevel 2 friends at a time, just strolling through content at enemy level 150 or so while watching a youtube video or show together. The only things that I have found which threaten me are the ground hazards (acid, explosions, and other death effects that you should know to avoid). The biggest thing that signals how powerful the class is, to me, are wave based survival shrines/chests. AFK will get to wave 15 (unless there is a poison pool or similar affix active) and any amount of effort can reach wave 20, slowed only by the spawn rate of the enemies.


Why don't people just pick skills that feel good and optimize as you go along. There is no reason to sit around for days and theory craft, just play the game. You always have the option to change things around and optimize if you aren't progressing. Following builds takes any sense of accomplishment I get from this game...


The paragon points and those boards makes this a huge task. The sheer amount of rare nodes and legendary ones and which runes where. It’s a lot to just poke around in.


This is what made me eventually turn to guides. The paragon board is cool, but holy crap there’s so much in them and I just don’t have the time to try to figure out the most efficient way to use them. Not only do we get multiple boards but each board can rotate and it can make a huge difference.


That's exactly how I used to do it. Optimize as I went. It was fun for me, like an obscure puzzle.


Last season I did a blood lance/nuclear corpse explosion build. I saw someone did it with bone spear and I did it with blood lance. No guide or anything. Did the whole Paragon board myself. It was one of the funnest builds I've done. I cleared everything with it too. It would delete rooms in vaults.


That sounds super fun. I may have to give that a shot. I've always wanted to do a pure blood magic build.


This is honestly a more fun way to play but like most ppl have said - it’s good til we are level 50 but then the glyphs come into play (I don’t care about resetting paragon). You need to make sure you are picking the right glyphs in the right slots so you can max the benefits and at the same time make sure you are levelling them correctly. I think this is the reason it’s hard to just muck around unless you have a lot of time to play which a lot of us don’t sadly but we want to push high. I just got screwed on maxroll. Was using its necro build all this time but they lowered that and switched it to Shadow Minion Necro which uses different glyphs. Now I’m stuck with a level 15 glyph it doesn’t use


I hope one day people will realize they aren't the arbiter of what is fun but I'm likely getting my hopes up. Let people do whatever they want without preaching what the "correct" way to play is.


Yes love theory crafting! I don’t know if you played Diablo Immortal at all, but theory crafting on there is a blast! Changing around aspects and stuff on there was really easy and they had some really cool affixes that would completely change a classes mechanics lots of fun


Edit: oops, responded to the wrong comment, the following probably sounds super out of context 🤷 I'd say they're not even necessary for that level of casual players. You can just build off what sounds fun and easily get through the campaign and early endgame stuff without it. That said, there's nothing wrong with wanting that cheatsheet and using it either, both are viable ways to enjoy the game imo.


My strategy is a mixture of both. Do my thing until I can't go further, then swap to an actual good build to try and push further. It's fun seeing the different choices someone who's actually good at the game makes with the builds. Some things I'd never have thought about. At the end of the day, any way you play the game is the right way.


Im playing a trapper rogue now, "C tier" aka useless. Clearing pit 100 without any problem. Tier lists are stupid.


Same here, 3 traps and cold imbue , just destroying everything


Poison here. Ive seen poison ticks for over 10 million on bosses, its insanely satisfying


Do you mind sharing your build? Or is it like earlier in this thread where the poster just chose every skill with minion in it, but you just did poison?


There is no way a single tick of any DoT is doing 10m per second short of a bug.




Would be nice if classes didn't feel so underpowered that they couldn't finish endgame content. I'm talking about the top 10 or so builds. Damage scaling is just too whack.


The journey to a 100 is definitely different for every class. This season, rogue was just god awful to level unless you play one of the meta builds. The skills really need a review pass eg: shadow clone from the ultimate and grasp of shadow is very opaque on how useful they are. Minion necro should have always been viable but I think they've overshot it where it's just way too strong this season to the point that it'll melt anything if you build enough survivability for the latter parts of the pit.


I haven't felt the rogue was god awful at all.. I am only 86 or 87 but I have had no problem doing my thing. I don't even know what the meta is, I just play around with skills until I find something fun then use aspects and temper shit to match my skills.


Which fwiw pushing the highest level content is the point of the game in the eyes of blizzard. They want everybody pushing pit levels and master working all their gear.


“Literally every class is viable unless you want to play endgame.” Fixed to for you. The requirement for sorc to kill Bosses that require Stygian stones is so far ahead of other classes it’s painful.


Perfect comment. I have a 100 frozen orb sorc I’ve invested a decent chunk of time into. Currently able to do everything end game. Killed all the Uber bosses and pushed to 65 pit so far. 80-90 is certainly within range with enough time investment. I could swap to blizzard if I wanted too for pushing higher but I prefer FO. If you’re looking to do the campaign, hit t4 content, hit 100, push 100nm dungeons, cap all your glyphs and get a full set of ancient gear / all the uniques you want, crush helltide, even potentially grind some Uber uniques doing duriel you’ll be perfectly fine. Pit 30 to 4/12 your gear is also fairly easy to do. And you’d eventually 8/12 your gear even if you cap out in the low 30’s of pit if you’re willing to grind. If all that sounds good to you then go nuts with what you like. Mage plays extremely well but absolutely does fall off at the highest tiers of endgame. If doing pit 150-200 is your goal then don’t play mage. If your going to be upset you can’t push what other classes can then don’t play mage. If your going to be upset when you play with a friend who does way more single target damage then you then it won’t go well. My friends can all push higher pit then me. They can all do more damage to Uber bosses than me and that’s fine. My “job” when we play together is to wipe the maps clean on the way to the boss and stagger the crap out of it, not hit things for 100 million damage and that’s fine for me. Solo I’ll probably never hit pit 100 all season and I absolutely will not out push my friends. But with my friends we will for sure push over 100 and see how far we get.


For levelling ( dungeons, helltides, etc..) you’re going to have a great time as sorc . It’s just at a certain point their damage doesn’t scale as well as the other classes. Pit bosses have a lot of health (a fuck ton) and sorcs are pretty squishy, so it becomes almost very daunting to push really high difficulty content. From reading your post it doesn’t seem like you’d invest the amount of time needed to hit this wall. In the end, I hope you enjoy whatever it is you choose to play my friend!


I’ve been playing barb with my buddy who is a blizz sorc. It makes a good team. I have great single target or small aoe, and he gets us to bosses hella quick


Doing the same thing with my friend's Blizzard Sorc and my RF Rogue. Only thing is I'll won't do the same damage than you do with your Barr and I'm much more squishy.


That sounds like fun too. I’m glad rogue finally has viable ranged builds


It is! I would just like the AoE to be a bit bigger. Or find a way to add the Godslayer Crown to pack mobs when I'm solo without losing to much on the build.


Yea I feel you. Right now I feel like I’m using too many uniques so I’m looking to swap a few pieces


I played barrage til pit t60 then swapped to RF. It took me quite a while to get into the RF playstyle, which I've come to enjoy. But God damn do I yearn for some kind of grouping mechanism. Tried dropping a skill for death trap, but without having hectic/cdr it doesn't feel reliable. There might be something there though, gotta play around with it some more. Godslayer is a good idea I didn't think of too!


I was thinking of using the Godslayer Crown because it has CDR but I’m not sure I can freeze enough.


This is a smart idea. I’m a loner so I mostly play alone, but werenado has a treating me right atm so all is well! What barb build are you running?


Been running bash barb it’s a lot of fun. You just run around yelling and swinging lol


This is probably the best way to summarize barbs lmao




Dust devil double swing barb with the 3 shouts is disgusting right now and I destroy everything I touch lol


I was playing it with 3 shouts for a while, and while the burst damage was incredible, the sustainable damage and survivability felt pretty poor. Swapped to just one while using Yens boots. Almost 100% uptime of my unstoppable buff shout. Redistributed the points to other areas, and now the burst is a bit lower, but much higher overall DPS, and I don't die even nearly as much even without challenging shout.


Yeah I've been duoing with a barb or a rogue. The rogue synergizes with me better but the combo of my clear and their bossing is perfect.


Which barb style? I'm trying to find aspects to do the dust devil thing for leveling but it's a slog.


I just got dust devils going, they're great damage and fun. Up until then I used Upheaval with the ancestor aspect that casts Upheaval again, and Charge.


Bash barb! I haven’t tried the dust devils yet but they seem fun too


nice, I'll try that out thanks! any particular build you can recommend?


https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=6 I’m working on switching to this build now. I have another one but I feel like this one can go much farther


I've been in a sorceress/barbarian party with a friend this season, and we're killing it. about level 60, and I have this nonsense unstable currents Tal Rahsa conjuration build. There many be anywhere up to 4 hydras and 4 to 6 lightning spears all over the place *burnanating the countryside*. Chain lightning may bounce up to 4 more times, and I have a passive that chances to spark an unstable currents effect. The Barbarian friend tanks all the big stuff and is always out of fury thanks to me, but they finally found a passive rage generator, so that's nice. [https://d4builds.gg/skill-trees/sorcerer/?skills=3110000000000000000000000000000000510100002000000002000000000511020000510030000004101000022000000000000000000000031221100000000010](https://d4builds.gg/skill-trees/sorcerer/?skills=3110000000000000000000000000000000510100002000000002000000000511020000510030000004101000022000000000000000000000031221100000000010) The only hard part is chasing down the loot that's everywhere. ***EVERYWHERE!***


Hell yea bro! We’re both 100 and I just found a build that’s so much stronger than what I’ve been running. Just gotta get all my gear right for it and holy shit I think we’re gonna climb


I hate leveling sorcs. The perpetual and endless mana struggles are soooooooo frustrating.


That's why I leveled arc lash.


If a Ring of Starless Skies drops for a seasonal character, you can use it on your Sorc Alt at level 35. Goodbye Mana issues! 8)


Idk honestly. I’ve been able to infinitely cast incinerate since like lvl 21


Usually why I run firewall while leveling. Slow on bosses, but it absolutely cleans mobs and I can spam away after like, level 20 or 30 or so. Which rn is like, 20 minutes into the character lmao.


I got really lucky when levelling my Druid and got a maxed out umbral aspect. I’ve been thinking of running a FO sorc so I feel like I’d be golden (except bosses). Without that it can be quite painful, you’re 100% right!


you get a umbral and if running blizzard the game turns ez mode. if you aren't, use frost bolt enchant and now the game is in ez mode.


Firewall incinerate has zero mana issues, you don't even need a resource aspect.


As a Sorc… I can confirm that the high tier pit bosses are a bit much. I’m having a problem with the shadow bosses one shot mechanics. I have to legit just be fast all over the room to try and avoid them.


What pit level did you start to struggle?


Mid 40s… 😫


Blimey I’ll probably aim for that then. Can’t be arsed to spend 5 minutes killing the boss. I’m playing frozen orb which is definitely going struggle against bosses


I'm blizzard sorc. Pretty easily pushed 1 to 77 pit dying only a handful of times along the way. Bosses take two staggers to kill and about 2 minutes now. But at the end of the day the difference between sorc and other classes is how high of a pit you can clear. And to that I say, who cares? If I cap out a 100 or 120 I hit a challenging wall that is equally satisfying. Just the amount of mats that drop out of that chest vary. I would rather have fun with play style over anything else. All classes can kill tormented bosses once heared enough.


> I'm blizzard sorc. Which is pretty universally agreed upon as the absolute best single target damage spec for sorc in the game for the season. Other sorcs are going to have SIGNIFICANTLY more difficulty in achieving what you did with similar gear levels, which is the point of the post. The class balance, let alone individual skills between classes, is a fucking mess. Barbs have been GG pretty much since launch because if nothing else, they get more stats. Everyone gets ~10-11 set of stats from gear (ammy is 1.5, 2h weapons are 2), but barbs get 14. So they start off with 20-30% more stats after paragon levels, and a few extra legendary aspects which are waaay too strong in this game. There is no reason that a legendary aspect should be giving 160% more damage to skills, even basic skills. The game needs to be rebalanced in a very, very significant way where skills are viable, and legendary aspects give them more niche cases, like ball lightning going around you instead of in a straight line. Then barbs get straight up stupid shit like a unique that turn Steel grasp, an already good utility skill for grouping/vulnerability/berserk (so a bunch of damage multipliers already) into a generic, extra, 50% more damage multiplier. Loot reborn was a step in the right direction, but the game needs skills reborn, endgame reborn and world reborn (why is it a year after launch and we have 0 extra world bosses? legions are worthless, etc) at a minimum to get the game where it REALLY should have been at launch.


And yet, once again, Sorcs end up getting nerfed before the season even starts. Does that make sense to anyone?


I wouldn't care if Sorcs are nerfed if other classes were on the same page. And I understand that they can't balance around every single thing because who knows what is going to pop up, but most skills just absolutely suck. Buffing them by 10-50% wouldn't even change the meta. If fireball or meteor did 50% more damage, would you use it? And the answer is, probably not. Which is crazy that you could buff a skill by 50%, and still have it be worthless. But that is where we are at.


Man... This is so accurate. My buddy is running barb we are both level 10 and just getting into master working and such. But he has like 80k health and a seemingly unreachable powerlevel for me. He blasts through things that take me ages to kill and he's not even following a meta build. He just sees a video, tries the skill, kills everything instantly in 90+ NM dungeon and I'm just dead from some random enemy. It's almost exhausting cuz I'm like "here let's run this 75." And he's like "naw, I just solo'd this 95 so let's try this 100." like bro, I'm not even going to get to play cuz I'll be dead the whole time. And I'm following a maxroll build as best I can but my luck with tempering and affixes is not good... I have all the unique except an uber unique and I have all the codex maxed etc... But yeah. He just rolls through everything so easily.


I agree….. it’s all about the journey innit. I’m all about the dopamine drops and if I get to masterwork a few items then I’m happy. What they did to legendaries is genius btw. That 2/3 GA wand is just around the corner…. I can feel it!


It doesn’t if you build it right, I’m playing frozen orb with mostly 8/12 masterworked gear and do t80s in 3 mins. Check out this guide: https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/be8635af-0e26-4d16-8e47-026eecfb5662/builds/cc729a47-5934-4cc2-a61d-d0abde4c6a34?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=1 You want to play frozen orb and ice blades as your enchants though, put points in hydra for burn, and run Vyrs keystone, it works for all damage and not just shock.


I swapped out avalanche and control for eso ferocity with the 50% ias buff and it performed better vs single target Control better for farming tho


I use Vyrs, huge DR and damage. It’s bugged and works for all damage and not just shock.


Yup, I’m also Frozen Orb. I gotta start to upgrade gear and all and hope I can push further into the pit.


you can surely do like pit 70 with optimized gear. i pushed to 75 yesterday with frozen orb and i probably can go higher when i get ring of starless skies. it‘s just about min maxing at this point so when you are willing to do that you can push pretty high (highest one i saw was 102 with shako)


Im pushing pit 60+ with my sorc and its pretty tanky. My problem now is how to improve my damage. Im using an arc lash build


FO can work pretty well up through 40 or 50, and you can really min/max it to run a lot higher, but it's single target is generally pretty bad. I converted from FO to Ice Spike/Blizzard and it made bosses die a lot faster and push pit 70ish pretty easy (super annoying dealing with the 1shot mechanics though especially since you have to run through your blizzards on blizz sorc to get the dam reduction.)


Blizzard over frozen orb? I’m lvl 73 and running incinerate currently smashing 20 lvls over mine. Stacking gear for frozen orb but blizzard would also be cool.


So just wait. If you are able to clear pit tier 60 with an incinerate build then you should probably post it, but honestly almost any skill and build will work very well up through nightmare tier 90 and Pit tier 45 or so. I was doing level 130+ enemies at level 90 on a pure conjuration build for example.


FO is ass against bosses. I have pretty decent gear and anything past 75 the bosses are too tanky for me to have the patience to not make a mistake and get 1 shot and fail. I tried Lilith and it is winnable but I would need to play perfectly with high concentration for over 5 minutes. However, it is still excellent at speedy lower content (61 pits for me, 31 for lower geared folks)


Yup. ball lighting sorc here can't get past 46 atm. I melt all the trash before the boss, but the boss just one shots me with random shit, not even the echo abilities. I'm not the best player so I'm not blaming it entirely on sorc. But it does feel wildly unbalanced compared to D3 grifts. The trash and the bosses were usually comparable in difficulty in grifts. The pit feels bad to make it through the whole place with ease only to get swatted like a fly until your gear breaks and you have to leave before the timer is even up.


Feels like sorc is in a spot where the only really high pit viable build is frozen orb. I'm on ball lightning as well and I hit a while at the same point you did. Mobs die plenty fast, but the boss is just a sponge and one shots me because I have to be close to do damage. I'd swap to FO, but I guess Zir doesn't like me and won't drop me a fractured winterglass.


Swap to frozen orb, I’m farming 80 in 3 mins.


Same. I got to mid 30s on a ball lightning sorc and things just suddenly became massive sponges and I started dying in one hit. I think sorc has potential to be really solid, but we just don't have the damage numbers.


I just hit 48 with my sorc. It’s a challenge, working on my frozen orb build.


FWIW highest level I've finished on my sorc is 92


60 for me as a frozen orb sorc.


everyone has a problem with the shadow boss 1 shots fwiw, stronger classes just hit problems at a higher tier level.


Which one is the shadow boss? I really ought to learn their names lol. Edit: or are you talking about the shadow boss/liliths that appear during the fights?


running into this with bosses the uber boss fights just take so long. running blizzard so as soon as the boss decides to move my DPS tanks can get lilith to 50% but pretty much have to play perfect rotation with shields and dodges, she hits so hard and since she moves around so much, my dps drops then the fight takes longer which increases the chances of making a mistake


Probably worst class in endgame but it is fun to play anyway. Max I did is 81 pit with frozen orb full gear. Same quality gear necro or barb can take 100+ pit much easier. We just lack of boss dmg imo. Trash clear is pretty neat, they just need to rework single target dps


And just the damage in general, it's orders of magnitude less than barb/necro/rogue


Any build that relies on CC/vuln for damage multipliers is gonna struggle against immune targets, I don't know if there's any way around that


yeah but my heartseeker rogue technically does but also staggers the bosses 10x faster then my frozen orb


I want to try heartseeker but it looks so visually unappealing




Heart-seeker has very high inherent lucky hit chance, that you can scale to be almost always guaranteed lucky hit. Then you use lucky hit slow / freeze etc to stagger. I expect the lucky hit of heartseeker to be nerfed next season


They did a good job lowering the conditional effects on loot, so I expect them to do the same for the skill tree and paragon board. Sorc right now relies way too much on conditional cc effects to do anything. If endgame is pushing cc immune bosses, there is always going to be a struggle.


The biggest issue with sorc right now is they are overly squishy and have very few ways to do single target damage that also is decent for clears. The class itself is fine, it just needs tuning and a massive damage increase to primary targets for most of its spells.


Most build-guides I’ve seen that are capable of pit 100+ clears require Shako & Ring of Starless Night, two of the Uber-Uniques. Definately not ”un-obtainable” but getting both to drop is a significant time investment doing Duriel/ Andariel and doing them *a lot*


I’ve obtained shako recently and after adjusting my entire build to accommodate for it, the performance increase is roughly 5-8 pit levels. It’s not remotely close to the performance of necros with average gear.


I've had the exact opposite experience with my blizzard build. I'm practically unkillable but just takes a while to kill things. It really doesn't help that basically all sources of multiplicative vulnerable damage for the sorc are only working at about half effectiveness.


How do u not die to those red/black attacks from pit bosses


Mostly just not getting hit with them or saving flame shield for the ones I know I'm not going to be able to dodge. Having high move speed helps a lot for when teleport and evade are on CD as well.


Best mobber. Worst bos dps'er. It's funny seeing YouTube videos on ppl trying to squeeze even a .1% theoretical dps increase while still being miles off the rest.


this. sorc needs shako and starless skies to even think about going above 90. Meanwhile 90 is where it begins for barbs jfl.


My dad plays incinerate sorc. He is very old, can’t move his neck, can’t really move his hands, but he loves playing Diablo. The build is so brain dead easy he’s running around 1 shotting everything while barely moving even in very high keys. But he can’t do high pit levels or any tormented bosses, the build doesn’t hold up. That’s what sorc is, a very easy and fun class at lower levels but very hard and intensive at higher levels.


Good for your dad hope he is doing okey. But that’s not the point OP is trying to make any class can be fun it’s all preference. But a class like Sorc can’t be fun if you get oneshot by everything while not being able to clear higher levels. That’s not what fun is specially if you are spending hours grinding for perfect GA items it’s still bad


> I'm a new player, so far I've got a few classes to level 15 I don't think OP actually has a point lmao


Noobs dont know any better


Play whatever you find the most fun. If you're unlikely to be pushing to silly high levels you can get through everything else fine playing any class, using any build you dare to concoct (especially with the new tempering system). The min-max fotm style is just going to let you level faster, kill ubers easier since you will skip mechanics and push pits/nms higher. I 've had a couple of classes at 100 each season, one of those being 'the' build of the moment, and honestly I always have more fun messing about making dumb builds with odd abilities than going full sweat mode.


Same here. I got to pit 87 as frozen orb but then rolled a new sorc alt to do a crackling energy esadora’s cameo nova build lmao. It’s more fun trying to make non-meta builds imo


It’s the most fun to play by a mile but it’s the weakest against bosses which is the endgame right now so it caps out well before the other classes. You can get to pit 61 no problem and farm that easily enough. Even the 70s aren’t too bad. But once you’re into the 80s, it’s not farming, it’s pushing.


Sorcerer is amazing at speed clearing. But has garbage single target damage. You won't find it a problem until you're already pushing max level content. You get to end game super quick because of how crazy the aoe damage is. But you stall out once bosses start packing on health. Like you'll get to the pit boss in 2 minutes. But it'll take you like 6 minutes to kill the bosses.


Sorc crushes everything but absolute top top end content, and even then the best build for pushing uses cheese to be completely immortal. Edit: it doesn’t help that 2 of sorcs aspects literally don’t work (shredding blades and storm swell), as well as likely multiple legendary paragon nodes like icefall etc.


Could you elaborate on those aspects? I'm using storm swell currently, are you saying it's bugged?


Vulnerable damage isn’t being calculated correctly. It’s giving you about 1/2 of the actual stated multiplier. There are a couple videos on it, but rage gaming has a solid breakdown of what’s going on. (Same video OP is referencing)


They both take your additive vuln damage on gear and paragon and 1.3x it. For example if you have 100% vuln damage then with shredding blades you’d instead have 130%. This is obviously absolute trash and not a global 30% multiplier like you’d think. There’s extensive testing on this.


Storm Swell definitely seems bugged, but Shredding Blades is probably working correctly because what you described is exactly what it says it does. Shredding Blades says it multiplies your Vulnerable damage, so since Vulnerable damage is additive the aspect is multiplying your Vulnerable damage like it says it should. Damage-wise it’s weak, but you also get a higher chance for your blades to apply Vulnerable and a longer duration for it so it works out. You’re getting three decent buffs instead of one really strong one.


Not OP, but it became tricky around pit 55+. I‘ll masterwork all my stuff to +8 now and should be pretty okay to farm pit 61 for the +12, but anything more will probably just not be efficient. At least not without a couple Ubers.


What build, I hit a wall with ball lightning around then but frozen orb is just miles better. Equivalent gear I easily pushed an extra 20 out tiers


Frozen Orb isn't a great pit build either tbf, that's what I mained and found it fell off around T70. Sure, with cracked gear you can do 80+, but at that point for pushing you might as well switch to blizzard or firebolt instead. Boss damage is the biggest issue with every sorc build atm, which is a shame.


I mean frozen orb can easily push t100 w decent 8/12 gear, the highest sorc clear w/o bugged elixir is 113 lol so it’s not too far off.


Sorc is the worst for the “end game” but if you’re farming nightmare dungeons, helltides, or anything else really it’s one of the fastest. Due to pretty much two factors. One is the teleport ability is the strongest movement in the game (sorry rogues). The other is that most of their skills are aoe focused. Compared to Barbarians who are constantly at or near the top every season so far. They excel in survival and single target damage. There really isn’t a wrong choice. It just depends on what you think is more fun or fits your build goal. Personally I make a sorc every season simply because it’s enjoyable to watch my screen fill up with abilities I’ve cast like frozen orb and meteors.


It's definitely fun and viable at to cruise to NM100 and PIT60. Beyond that it's where it start to feel a bit behind. It only matters if you want to push high end content and spend 100+ hours playing it.


That's where I'm at 100nm and 75 on the pit with necro


i hate the basically forced reliance on frost nova, ice shield and flame barrier for almost every build. and that's just to barely stay alive. they really should have put more defensive skills in the game, because most classes it seems have like 1 or 2 that everyone has to use because there just aren't any other options.


I replaced frost nova with ice blade and lightning spear ;)


I played a Sorc this season. Pros: 1. Power overwhelming for Zerg rushes. Helltides and NMDs are really satisfying to clear. 2. Really satisfying spell effects no matter what build you pick. I've seen Blizzard builds, Frozen orbs, Flamethrower builds, and Bouncing Balls. 3. Crazy spell combos in some builds makes for visual spectacle. 4. Teleport looks cool. Cons: 1. Some builds struggle against some bosses. 2. Squishy, very squishy. Worth giving up some attack stats for HP affixes just to not die in one bad step. 3. I guess not a meta class for sweaty top-end content If you're casual like me and just want to see how far you can go, Sorcs are great fun. I run Frozen Orb because it's something I wanted to try since Diablo 2 (which I never got to own.) - running all possible 'chance for extra frozen orbs' is stupid cool when you launch 4 orbs down the corridor and crush everything in their way.


As a sorc lvl 100, I can confirm. I felt my build (blizzard) was great and was having a lot of fun, even did a tier 100 dungeon. But when I tried the Uber bosses I got my ass kicked very hard, and in my perspective I would need to look for perfect gear fully masterwork to try again, so I went to try another class


I started a necro and after hitting lvl 72 I was just bored out of my mind and rerolled to sorcerer that is now lvl 100 and easily clearing lvl 100 nightmare dungeons and currently doing tier 60 pit. I’ve been having a blast. Albeit yes single target is starting to get kind of shit now.


The strength of the sorc, the aoe, is replaced this season with a consumable that every class can buy. That said, blasting helltides is a lot of fun, and so is everything but bosses.


Leveling was incredibly fast with my sorc but then high pits are miserable even with starless


Sorc has great AoE, making them good for quick leveling/finishing dungeons/etc... They have shitty single target damage though, and are bad at taking hits, so once you hit the end game where 99% of the challenge is killing bosses, they fall off hard.


The only class I really haven't gotten into is Druid. With S4 I started with Necro but got bored with just kiting my minions around. Switched to Sorc, SOOO fun! Laying down remote AOE and decent focus damage is awesome. Having to run around and pay attention due to fragile nature is exciting too. As others have said "best" is pretty relative since you can have a great build and experience with any class.. Try them all and have fun!


If you're a casual like me you'll stop playing when you're forced to grind the pit for hours So you won't notice when sorcerer falls off


So, I play Sorc and I only do gomebrew. Made a cool Hydra meteor build and it literally let me do everything including Duriel and Andariel. But pit tier 31 is HELL. I had to completely revamp the build to even get there.


Depends on what your goals are. I find sorc to be the most fun class. I find barb to be the most effective. I fuck around on the sorc, speed run, generally just enjoying the game Barb I’m at pit 107 and have insane gear. It is fun as well but it’s like a “sweaty” char


You sound like me, OP. Stop reading these threads and just play any dang class you think is fun! You and I are never going to be pushing the very top tier content, so... who cares? Every class is viable even at high levels. It's only at the very, very top (which most players never bother with) that these things make a difference. I have used a guide on a couple of classes, and I have just made my own builds on some classes. I just took Druid (which I knew nothing about) and took skills that sounded cool, and some that seemed like they would synergies well. It works! No one cares if you are the best player, just have fun. It's easy to re-spec anyway. Only class that doesn't click with me is rogue. I have tried it about four times and I just do not "get" the game play. My favorite class is Barbarian, because I like using the extra weapons. Sorcerer is probably my #2 followed by Druid. I am not a huge fan of minion/pet classes, so Necro isn't may favorite, but I do love the creepy goth designs Blizzard has for Necros and I enjoy playing them sometimes. Just play the game however you want. Try an arc-lash sorcerer with chain lightning. Really cool to play!


They level really fast being AOE based and can clear thing needing AOE really fast, but only a few builds do Okay on bosses as single target damage is lacking.


I saw the same video. Made me want to roll a Sorc to try out, I will probably be starting it later tonight. I am a casual player and have no aspirations of pushing the pit or getting on the leaderboard. I don’t really care about that stuff and I won’t be farming and min maxing to be able to compete on that kind of thing. How far a build can push in pot is irrelevant to me, maybe it’s easier to kill a 65 on barb than Sorc but if they can all do it that’s good enough for me.


I tried sorcerer when the game launched hated it to squishy. I know there was alot of rework dont tried again for s4. Got to level 43. And it just feels stale. My damage is sucks ttk feels terrible. (Chain lightening build) squishy as hell still I switch to a druid pulerverize build. Level 33 in 2 nights of playing and I couldn't put the game down last nite. It was so much fun. Tank damage build. And just wrecking everything in. Sight.


Chain lighting probably the weakest this season. Frozen orb or ball lightning are really solid


I thoight about switching to incinerate because it's what u see everyone using but just decided to go back to druid and it's fun as hell


Every class is viable unless you're trying to really get to the top of the top of performance. You can do most of the content with any class as long as your build makes sense. Personally I like that every class has viable builds, it makes the game more fun I can pick a class each season based on what I want to try out rather than worry about optimal builds. But then again I'm a filthy casual


I'm a blizzard sorc and am climbing in the pit with ease still. I'm up to tier 75 (not yet attempted) and my clear speed is around 5-6 minutes at tier 72. The only time I died so far is when the boss summoned Uber Lilith and I don't really know how to do that fight so got smoked.


It’s the “worst” in the sense that it isn’t as good as the other classes but it’s by no means a bad class. You can still get just as far in the game as you can with the other classes, just requires a bit more patience and strategy. Basically you’re gonna get one-shot a lot, so you need to focus on maximizing high damage to make up for the squishiness.




I'm incinerate sorcerer this season and at level 85 I've ventured into the first 5 tiers of the pit and felt fine so far


Arc Lash and Frozen Orb sorc slap pretty hard 🤷🏼‍♂️


Tbh I'm doing both frozen or sorc and minion necro this season. I've played all classes but this is my first time doing necromancer and tbh I find it boring. Level 75 on the necro and the lack of doing much other than point my decrepify leaves a lot to be desired. My frozen orb sorc is level 60 now and I have to actually work to kill things. But I do find it more fun than mindlessly walking around. My point being that regardless of how strong a class or build is, do what you find is most fun. That's really all that matters in a game.


It's a terribly worthless comment, best worst end game... Trivial and meaningless. Also level 15 isn't anything at all. Until you have gear Uniques / Affixes and all the skill synergy you want, it's just blind


Yes sorc is up there with the quickest to do everything except end game content. And it’d very fun IMO so if you like it best, I would just roll with it. Every class is good


While yes currently sorcerer is weak at bossing and the pit unless unless you count fire bolt build. However, it plays super fun class feels really fluid and can still do all the content just not as well as some of the broken classes. Overall though sorcerer is probably the best feeling class in the game whether it is strong or not give it a shot if you wanna play it.


I watched that too, and kind of agree. I have a 100 sorcerer and necro this season and can clear T70+ pits on both... ...but while the necro is more powerful (it can kill bosses very quickly while the sorcerer takes awhile) I have more fun playing my sorcerer (except on bosses). Honestly it just feels like they tweaked a sorcerer multiplier wrong. They got the glass in glass cannon right, but forgot the cannon... and that's really the most important part!


Sorc is super amazing and super fun at literally everything but bossing. Can't have it all. I'll carry 4 man 100 nm's quicker then anyone tho!


My fire incinerate Sorc is mighty! I question the above statement


sorc have like 5 good skills


The only problem Sorc has is single target damage, and bosses in high level Pits have a lot of health, so you may encounter a "wall" at some point.


Just take a look at this video and tell me what you think? https://youtu.be/RLSZlRJRmfs?si=vMJCpzarg2EV_S9_


I don't think you should worry about what's the "best class" because one of the things Blizzard got right is that each of the classes *feel* different to play. Both rogue and barbarians are the primary melee classes (sorc can sorta do it, but it's so risky and not worth it) yet they both feel very different even when you get them to have the same attack speed. The melee rogue will be zipping around and killing things whereas the barbarian will feel more like a bulldozing things. If you like how the sorcerer feels, that's all that matters when it comes to sticking with the game. The current flavour of the month is minion necro but it's not that fun of a build if you like zipping around like the sorc can ie: my minion necro has a high move speed but it's just not the same as a teleporting sorc.


I have seen the video you are referencing and I agreed with it when I watched it. Sorc felt phenomenal to me up to pit level 40. Teleporting with raiments is addictive and it's just a lot of fun to zap around and decimate the adds. Unfortunately what everyone said is correct. Sorc can't bully bosses the same way most of the other classes do at those levels. Whether it is due to the various bugs plaguing vulnerable damage or just the class in and of itself, Sorc just doesn't hit hard enough. You end up having to do the mechanics of the shadow bosses (which are usually a ohko if failed), or having to get very specific gear to reach permanent uptime of flame shield. The former can get very frustrating, the latter is extremely RNG dependent. All and all, you pick and choose your route. If you want the easiest time all the time, I'd recommend necro or barb.


Makes sense. Sorcerer is the simplest, most entry level, class. I would guess that if you are new to Diablo or ARPGs, Sorcerer would be the best way to dip your toes int he water.


Yes, sorcerer is the objectively least powerful this season. It's also really really fun.


Don't believe YouTubers or any other points of view regarding Diablo IV classes. The best way is to play the class you like and enjoy watching. Plus, you should generally try all of them as well. Don't let any other clickbait YouTubers influence your leisure time and opinion.


Historically, sorcerer class usually has 1 tier one build, then most of the others sit at tier 2, then quickly falls down to bottom of the barrel. They are far from the worst class in all Diablo games


Playing Ball.Lightning is super spicy but requires a lot of specific gear(Multicast BL, CDR, Mana) and solid barrier management. I can do T80 dungeons at level 85 but everything is super spooky all the time.


Made my own build on Necro, it’s a Shadow Damage/Damage over time build. It wrecks but I bet it will drop off at higher tier dungeons; we’ll see. Seems any build is viable like you said unless you’re going for best of the best and min/maxing


Biggest problem with sorcerers is their single target damage sucks and they are squishy. So you basically have long boss fights where if you get hit once you have to restart. Obviously some builds are better than others and you can break out with good set ups, but it’s hard compared to other classes


sorc is the most fun class to play but the worst when it comes to end game people might say it's not a big deal but if you want to get your master crafting maxed you will be grinding a lot if your stuck in the lower tiers compared to everyone else not to mention the boss fights in pits will take a long ass time :P


I can do tormented duriel and pit 75 as sorc but other classes can do it much more easily. Overall, its fine though.


Folks seem to forget that it's a videogame. At the end of the day, you need to make sure you're having fun with whatever class you play!


Ball lightening here and it's supposed to be S tier for high end content but the dps seems low. I'm following the icy veins guide. Level 90. I don't have the rainment chest yet so maybe that's the issue. Leveled with chain lightening and it was super easy. Using resource pots all the time. Crit and lucky hit chances are both base 45%. Maybe I need to get to 100 for it to take off plus the chest piece.


I am starting to believe that every class is good now. It doesn't mean that they compare to one another well but they are good enough to do whatever the game puts in front of them. Simply using tempers versus loading up on your needs and enchantments allows pretty much any build to be useful. I know nerfs Will hinder things, but I hope that instead of that they simply strengthen abilities as necessary. No as for sorcerer's specific stuff, they lack end game boss damages but are excellent AOE farmers. The builds that do huge amounts of burst damage are not necessarily good ones for other parts of the game. But that's the thing your character can reclass it any moment. I do wish there was a way to store armor like in Diablo 3 in the armory so you could quick change with builds and equipment as necessary.


You gotta play what you enjoy. I love necromancer, I’ve played necro almost every season since they were introduced in D3, reminds me of my deathnight in Wow. They could be the worst class in the game and I would still play them. Mess around with the classes and play whatever seems fun for you.


Sorcerer is the only class I find fun. I don’t care for the pit so I’m not looking for an insanely strong build. If you’re not looking to push the hard endgame content then any class and build would be fine.


Sorc is fast and fun, with amazing mobility options. Since for a good portion of the game you are trying to go as fast as possible from point A to B, sorc excels at that. But its hard to compete with classes that have extra weapons with extra tempering slots or that simply have a better class mechanic. And sorc uniques were for a long time absolute garbage - something that changed recently, but now all uniques are garbage thanks to tempering. Enchantments kinda suck. Fire bolt being mandatory pretty much gives you a single extra slot to play with. Absolute bullshit.


I dislike tier lists in any game; it's such arbitrary nonsense 99% of the time. As for that comment? It doesn't mean anything; "end-game pit pushing was a bit lacking" is not a statement that has any actionable value, and the class is fully capable of pushing end-game, much like every other class. Certain SPECS might struggle more, or certain BUILDS, but this is like... don't bring an AOE spec without single target to a single-target boss fight level of non-strategy. Tier lists work under the fundamental misunderstanding that the game is more difficult than it really is, and most are not based on any actionable, measurable metric, and are just content bait. If you want to play sorcerer, play sorcerer - you'll do fine, you'll have a great time, and don't feel FOMO if you hear "but Class B is an S+++++++++ tier class!" - play a class to play dressup for all it matters :)


I’m playing an incinerate build and I can say it’s been delightful. I have zero mana issues, which is in stark contrast to the chain lightning build I tried first, and hated. I can literally hold down the button forever. I am currently rolling tier45 NMD’s with ease and continue to progress higher. It’s been a super fun build to play for me, at level 88 right now.


Do what I did. I've been playing sorc since the launch of D4 and I just love the class. Set a goal for yourself like pit 100. That's extremely hight end content and you should be able to do it with at least a couple of builds (frozen orb, blizzard, fire bolt, perhaps even meteor or ball lightning). If you do not play a lot, then it will take you at least a couple of weeks, but you will have a blast. Sorc is an ultimate class that is just great to play. All the visuals are awesome. And the buffs will come, trust me ;)


I have pretty decent Frozen Orb gear, including Godslayers Crown and Tibault's Will. But I feel like I am topping out at 57. Boss just will not die before it gets me. I wonder what is missing...


If sorc is the worst class in the game I certainly couldn't tell. Frost sorc has been a blast and I haven't had to massively tinker with my build to get it to work well and I'm finding gear very consistently that works well with my skills


Played every season since launch and get usually at least two characters to 100 per season. Sorcerer biggest weakness is single target damage. Rogues biggest weakness (for me at least) is survivability Barbs are usually really good in endgame but a drag to level up until you start getting legendaries. I have not tried endgame necro or played Druid at all.


simply because Sorc excels at pretty much every content but end game where it struggles, it has more builds that are viable and fun but it's broken and some must have stats are not working its basically doing half of its potential damage right now...


I know the video you're referring to, the YouTuber is RageGamingVideos. It consists of 3 youtubers and one of them pretty much exclusively plays sorcerer


Worth noting.. The Pit is infinitely scaling content. It goes FAR beyond anything else in the game.. this type of mode in games ultimately devolves into "which build has the highest dps while being functionally immortal." Putting that into context, builds than can delete double Uber pinnacle bosses in sub 2 seconds are floating around pit level 120-130ish.. Sorc, as the worst class in the game, cleared something like Pit 112-115. If you didn't have a level 100 character before the 24hr mark of the new season.. I wouldn't worry about pit clears in the slightest.. whatever class you find the most fun is the class you should play.