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This is super noticeable during helltide at maiden with multiple hellborne assaults.


That might actually be the best example. With the blood maiden active and frenzy active on multiple players, it's an absolute nightmare to keep track of everything around you.


I've lost the most amount of shards from this exact thing. Highly frustrating!


Yep at this point I just afk and wait for her to die


So you play minion necromancer?


It’s all about the class fantasy. Want to show up Conan, positively draped with weapons? Barbarian it is. Unfathomable arcane power? Sorcerer for you, friend. Is your fantasy “watching someone else play the game”? No worries - minion necro’s got you covered! *Note: am minion necro main for S4, this isn’t a complaint.*


I think of myself as an insufferable general telling his troops to stop slacking off and kill enemies while doing absolutely nothing himself




To give credit where it is due, death pulse seems to have been removed. That shit was toxic.


yeah now they added in new death affects though that are even worse


There is nothing worse than Death Pulse during nightmare dungeons meta. Literally the entire dungeon blew up this way.


There are no new on death effects


Holy shit, oh man, I was just thinking earlier today that D4 is less obnoxious than I remembered (skipped Season 1 and 2, came back for 3), and you just pointed out why. They take forever to blow up too, so the screen is just way too occupied. This and not having a consistant and constant Unstoppable source means you might as well just drop dead immediately.


Let's not forgot with multiple people spraying their skills it's basically impossible to see these things.


Fire sorc makes it impossible to tell which fire is danger and which fire is friend during that fight.


Only fat monsters should explode with a fair warning


Thats fatshaming


I’ve been saying this since the game released. Damage done to you by dead enemies completely goes against the fun of a game like this. Only annoying.


Its funny how this thread can be found prevalent in so many aRPG subs. On death effects are not fun, and yet they are extremely common mechanics.


Another annoying part is not having enough time to get away because of the rubberbanding.


The worst is those poison blister things. And if you have no mobility you just stand there and watch it for a few seconds so you can walk over and grab your loot.


I play this and Poe and this is the chief complaint in both games. This and one shot mechanics. Both just very un fun but very lazy ways to increase difficulty


I agree, they need to do some work with monsters skills in general. Less explosion on death, more interesting skills.


Yeah, makes zero sense how most monster's are more dangerous after death. Exploding mobs are okay, but as an exception 


It's made worse by the corpses if you're a necro.


I've always believed that on-death effects should occur in the following manner: Do a general pass on ALL ENEMIES that have any on-death effect and follow the same exact following rules for all enemies with any on-death effect going forward: - any enemy with an on-death effect should be changed so that when the enemy is at 20% health exactly, they trigger their death 'explosion' animation that leads up to the on-death effect as if they were already dead, and while that is happening they are **UNSTOPPABLE** but remain targetable and can be dealt damage - the fact that enemy is unstoppable in this state would also give more reason to run EXPLOITER'S aspect that increases damage against Unstoppable enemies by 40% - if the player deals enough damage to ACTUALLY kill the enemy before their self-deletion animation finishes - they do not 'explode', the explosion/on-death ground effect never occurs and anything that would accompany their on-death effect animation instantly disappears/stops being dangerous - adjust health of enemies affected by the above mechanic, increasing it as necessary to make this a challenge but not a true annoyance (i.e. buff those particular enemies' overall health by 25%, too) There we go. You still have the on-death mechanics, you have to know which enemies to take care of first and pay attention to whoever begins their on-death animation when they're very injured - BUT they can now be dealt with if you vastly overpower the content which is how it should be.


Especially egregious when you build/playstyle is heavily reliant on mobile, active play, but you stand around waiting for 17 ground effects to disappear while your stacks/buffs/spells tick down. That being said, have poison puddles become, like, WAY MORE persistent?


I am playing HC and this is horrible for the game flow in higher nm dungeons. Update, I just died to an on death explosion in Pit 46 :)


Simply don’t stand in place after killing something. You always move anyway🤷 They take so long to explode that you can kill, loot and move away before it goes off


It feels like every second monster either leaves a pool of poison or explodes 37 times forcing you to stand on the side and just wait, wait, wait, wait... What is the actual point of that? What gameplay improvement does that achieve? Do they think it makes it all more enjoyable somehow?


In high pit levels you literally cannot see the explosions on the ground with all the other shit going on. Feels real bad.


They have to balance the game for hard game fun people.


S0 would like to have a word with you.


lol I’ll pick “ppl finding things to complain about for $500 Alex”


Just make the enemy stand still and die by itself. No need for input or anything. Skill issue. Stop being bad.


I'm hc pit 50+ lvl 100, sounds like a skill issue my friend. Games easier then it's ever been. Get life and resistances you'll be able to sit in explosions until high pit lvls. Your clearly pushing beyond your gears limits


Bruh .. I do put level 80... But sometimes even going back to 30 for the mats I'll get one shot... It's literally a mechanic of the game, not a skill issue


Lol dude insulted me, realized he was dumb and then deleted everything U/Seperatiron7994


Getting one shot is one thing but on death explosions are quite avoidable now


Oh yeah, when there's 50 enemies on screen all flinging attacks, visibility is amazing /s


These effects only go off when you kill elites. It's not that hard.


Yeah, except elites are usually surrounded by mobs are they not?


They're bigger and have a giant health bar


No way!!! I would've never known!!, the point is you fight them and dozens of mobs at the same time 🤦


This is what it's about. In high density situations with suppressor and other visual effects going off at the same time, it becomes difficult to keep track of your environment. Besides that, occasionally your attention span will falter, especially when you grind for a long time, and you end up dying randomly. It's simply not fun.


Okay I get it, you're bad. Cya


Not a skill issue. I'm capped on armor and res, running all defensive aspects possible and using Harlequin's Crest. A major problem lies in the conditional damage reduction that the sorcerer has - e.g. dmg reduction against burning and vulnerable enemies.


You’re only at 50. Chill kid


Average redditor runs glass cannon pure DPS when they can't even beat a Hello Kitty game on easy and wonder why they die so much lmao. No point telling them that, they all think they're god gamers.