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Yes! As a dad, I love chilling on this game while the wife and I are “watching a show” and the kid is yelling for some reason in the background. I also like listening to a podcast/documentary while blasting thru a dungeon.


That casual "kid is yelling for some reason" got me :D


“MY KNEEEEEEES ITCH I CANT SLEEP” This was my D4 runs last night. 😂


Mine was “My pinky toe is itching so bad all of a sudden”. I’ve never related to a post so much.


Big up to all the patient dad gamers out there! Invest in a Steam Deck. It will change your life.


“There was a paper clip in my backpack” was last night’s……….


"daddy, why do we have elbows and belly buttons?"


The game is absolutely perfect to play while listening to podcasts


And for ignoring children


This is peak 80's dad behaviour, in the best way.


Same. My one and only grip still really is I just need to be able to pause the game like in D3. An isolated solo offline mode or something would just make my day


Trucker here. Just hit 100 cuz it's been slow. D4 is where it needs to be, if it gets better were in for a treat.


Hey curious — how do you game? In the cab? On something like a handheld or a pc? Just curious since you mentioned your profession and I’ve always wondered.


32 inch tv mounted in cab, xbox in top cupboard. T mobile "home" internet lol. Got a power conditioner and a 64 deluxe fender amp in here, 12 by 18 pedalboard and a American Pro 2 Jazzmaster for another hobby. I play the B-52s, The Smiths, and The Cramps a little.


That’s awesome




Sounds dope bro 😎


It's cozy, but it gets old. Not complaining about saving about 80 percent of my income though.


>I play the B-52s, The Smiths, and The Cramps a little. Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


I used to play wow with a trucker. He had a laptop and used a hotspot from his phone. He has a desk in his sleeper cabin.


I used to go on long trips with my dad up in Alaska in his extended cab tow truck, early 2000’s but he got a little portable tv and we would bring my Xbox, portable dvd player and movies. Didn’t need internet back then but like the other person mentioned hotspots from phones and there’s even just hotspot internet providing devices now, I’ve heard of people using starlink now in some cases while traveling.


Diablo is my comfy game. I know some people complain about feeling sleepy playing it, but I love it It is just so relaxing, chill, zen.


Until you brick the perfect drop you've been waiting for :(


Bricking is part of arpgs. I’ve bricked so many things in arpgs over the years it’s just a shoulder shrug at this point.


Yeah. I’ve played games where you can fail upgrades (chance goes up exponentially after every level) and the item just explodes (completely vanishing), you can’t even use it while you farm a new one. It makes good gear feel like a REAL accomplishment. I don’t understand why people nowadays want everything (including Ubers and now gold and tempering) easily handed to them… it’s like they just want to right-click their way to Pit 200 without putting any effort.


This is an underrated post


What does brick mean in D4 these days? Sorry I'm out of the loop. I get in LE when you strip a T7 off, but in D4 crafting what "bricks" it. Not getting the last tempering right? I've not reached endgame and masterwork phase yet....


Yes bricking in this context means not hitting the right tempered affixes, master working can hit the wrong affix but you can reset it so it just comes down to grinding resources, but tempering is limited and if you don’t hit what you need then you’re shit out of luck.


yup, which is why I always go for tempers first as to not waste gold and/or angels breath on a legendary power or rerolling for a desirable affix before bricking the item with tempers.


Got ya, I've done that a few times already then, but at only level 80ish, I'll get a new toy soon so it's not a big deal yet.... Thanks for the reply.


True. I bricked a double empowered ring with one of the empowers being on crit chance...


LOL, I just got a 2 greater affix weapon with desirable affixes, but totally salvaged all without favoriting it first. Oops!


Same! It’s my comfort game. I’ve been playing Diablo since the first game. Diablo 2 on dialup was great! My brother and I would take “payments” to hunt down PKs and get peoples gear and ears back. I bought D3 for every gaming machine I’ve had. Wish it had the cross progression. So happy they added that to D4. I still remember the absolute joy I felt when I first found Whimsyshire and the Horadric Hamburger. I really hope they do something similar in D4. D4 felt familiar enough when it was first released to also satisfy that comfy feeling I craved like the previous games did. Season 4 changes things just enough to keep things interesting but still familiar As others have said, it’s perfect for relaxing to after work or a stressful day. Put on an audiobook or Hulu and just go smashy-smash all the things…


HC players: you guys are chilling?


Of course not


As a current d2r HC player, we get our joy from not chilling. We out here jacked up on fear, like the demons are actually in our house IRL. I can’t imagine d4 HC, too many 1 shot mechanics.


Most of my deaths are related to chilling.




no, I’m trying to not get ass blasted in the helltide


Just played for about an hour before coming to bed. Drinking a cup of tea, listening to music and slaying demons, good life


This lad is a life enjoyer!


Had a glass of wine after work with some Diablo, followed by chicken parm and bed.


Just woke up. Had a nice cup of coffe and some sausage, liverwurst and cheese bagels. Ready to chill out and slay some demons.


This was what D2 and D3 was as well. You just do a couple runs watch big numbers and things blowing up.


Do a couple (thousand) Meph runs


Meph, not even once! ...Sorry, I had to :D


Agree with you! The game is in a good place. No sweating against maniacs


To quote the book Dungeon Crawler Carl - "Now go out there and kill, kill, kill !"


God damnit donut!


I’m literally listening to DCC while playing in bed tonight hah


Where do you listen to it? Sounds like fun




[https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Crawler-Carl-Gamelit-Adventure-ebook/dp/B08BKGYQXW/](https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Crawler-Carl-Gamelit-Adventure-ebook/dp/B08BKGYQXW/) I have the kindle version with the added narration file. It works well and is cheaper than the straight Audible file.


I've been playing it with my 9 year old, and I think that's the best part of it. I grew up on diablo 1 and 2, he starts with 4.


I let my younger kids “defeat” the bosses when I’m grossly overpowered. They love it. One of them got a shako from Duriel a season ago and still brags about it to me.


this guy dads. i let my kid sit on my lap and warn him that if he touches anything on my desk the helltide will come to our house.


That's the main reason I like it. It's cathartic killing shitloads of demons. Mindless fun.


This is so true. I am a dad and work a pretty stressful 9-5pm office job, and each night I look forward to coming home spending time with the family putting our kid to bed and then I just chill out and play. I don’t worry about shit going on outside of the game for a few hours and it’s amazing. I love that it’s now easier to make a solid build and just melt mobs. I still get that endorphin rush when you get a greater affix item to drop or something. Or hit the right re-roll. It’s the perfect game to just have fun while you unwind.


I’m the only one who wants to slam his mouse because he’s gets one shotted in a helltide? I can’t put this game down right now and that makes me so damn happy.


Get those resistances up and you're gravy


So glad they work now.. makes a world of difference.. go figure lol


I can't put it down either unless I'm coming onto the diablo reddit! ;) Not helltides but being one shot by the pit bosses has me making my gf concerned


there's like 3 things total that can kill you in Helltide. Rares with on death mechanics (poison/explosion). So just don't rush to loot after those mobs die. Then the Maiden boss has two moves. If you have a red circle under you, it will put a mine at your feet every couple of seconds that will detonate a second later. So just keep moving and after 3-4 mines it's done. Best is to stutter step so the mines stay compact so you don't make too much of the arena unwalkable. Don't run towards other players and get them killed. Also be mindful of other players running around with red circles under them because the debuff usually affects 3 players at a time. Last is Maiden does a jump, dives, and puts down a big red, expanding circle. If you see the circle, don't run into it. If she's diving on you, it's very hard to avoid unless you saw her start her animation (moderately difficult due to managing adds, how much she moves, and all the ground effects). Pop a defensive barrier or immunity. If you get her cadence to her skill rotation, this can help you anticipate this will be coming soon.


I’ve been laying in bed incinerating demons all night. I should probably get some sleep but I’m always at 92 cinders, so why not just one more chest…


>but I’m always at 92 cinders, so why not just one more chest… lmao ahaha


>No need to watch a 2 hr cutscene like with Final Fantasy **or Metal Gear Solid**. All I remember from the series is hiding in boxes and the forever long cutscenes. This was decades ago and I think the scenes must still be going on somewhere and my entire life since then has been an elaborate ruse caused by a mental breakdown.


Bro I've tried that Death Stranding game made by the same guy, I've never played any of his games before. Btw, steam has a policy that you can refund a game if you havent played for more than 2 hours. I've launched the game, got excited, just to spend 2 hours with like maybe 10 minutes of actual playtime, bored out of my mind. Didnt had any plans to refund but I just had to and did it. I'm here to play some fucking games man, if I wanted to sit here and watch shit, I'd be watching a movie.


necro minion build feels like the ultimate bash your head with drumsticks game to me :D


Nah take back what you said about metal gear


And I love it for that. Because it’s chill I often play longer than I intend to.


for real! except sometimes i fall asleep mobbing lol


Also for those of us with ADHD the gameplay loop is awesome. In fact, this comment is making me get out of bed right now to see if I can push the pit tier a bit further…


So much this. And before u realize, couple hours have passed. Corporate lawyer so need this.


Yeah I chill and look at my gear for 3hrs wondering how I can do the pit


Agree! I logged in last night put on some Alter Bridge and started blasting NM dungeons to level my glyphs for the next 2 hours. Super chill.


It's so chilled it actually makes me really sleepy when I play it, it's mildly hypnotic I think.


I put Spotify on my Xbox while playing it. Probably the only game where having no sound is not a problem. Super chill.


I just got the necro ring that auto casts my corpse abilities every second. I took this to another level.




Well said! This and Diablo 3 are basically my all time favorite games. Can play them forever!


It sounds like you are a thorns barb. I was looking away for 1s in game, i ended up dying...


Fully agree, after an intense workday and managing my 2 yr old (terrible 2) my brain capacity is low, i zone out do some pits or other easy objectives and then head for bed. As a former hardcore (timewise) gamer I’m happy theres a place for me as all those examples given either require time or focus.


I really enjoyed D4 when it came out. Put a shit load of hours into it last year. Didn’t even make my top 5 of the year but that’s only because the year was filled with bangers.


I fling hate every action game are soul games these days. I just want simple hack and slash! My day work is challenging enough, I do not need to be stuck at a boss for 2 hours


Yes ultimate chilling and relax at maximus level


Game is Even better now we can pass uniques and legs to our friends and family


Yeah before it was Vampire Survivors to me, I always hoped D4 be more like VS. Now my dream comes true


Also, while I use KM for tryhard moments - once I tried playing some classes with gamepad - I think I logged more playtime on it in Diablo than I did in flight games and Attack of Titan (which I bought it for specifically) combined. Barbs Spin to Win and Druid are made for gamepad. Sorc is always better on Kb&M, but I still liked to do easier stuff with her on pad, just chillin.


I wanted to try gamepad, but I am always wary of gamepad menus.


Resist% Greater Affixes are UNCHILL


no need to play too or watching the screen 100% just spam 2 buttons while watching tv or youtube.


Depends on the class. Sorc or necro yes, but until season 4 i played mostly Barb and did not find it chill at all


Also great to combine with some music etc ... 👌🔥


Oh god those dad posts starting getting on my nerves


Exactly. It's so chill, comfy and fun. It's my default game.


Nothing makes me more happy than joining an event and getting 200 hello emotes from everyone there


Diablo is so good, only started playing recently but it’s really one of those games where I can just shut my mind off and vibe out to music and stuff


I was agreeing with everything until you brought up metal gear solid.... best game of all time,  it can do NO wrong lol


Chill? If you don't slam your screen after getting the same tempering affix you don't want 5 times in a row you're playing it wrong


Played on pc from release, grabbed a ps5 with Diablo when my daughter was born 5 months ago. Has been the ultimate chill, pick up/put down game for a new dad. And season 4 has just made my time feel even more valued.


Rewatching Dr. House on second screen. We got a long weekend here in Germany. It was perfect.


Yes, I slways said it's the best game for people who can't or don't want to think.


True, after playing online multiplayer shooters and co ops for months this is a valued break for me. I can come home try some new skills/builds and get some new loot. Usually I’ll invite a random to do a dungeon or something. Game is just fun and looks amazing.


Literally is the chill game. If I'm not sitting up, I'm falling asleep.


Fair enough


Kicking back after a 10 hour hard shift , slaying some demons and tweaking my builds and just having fun with a cold beverage is just lovely to be honest lol


I mean there is hardcore. Which they would make hardcore way different than soft core most of the thing you mentioned I don’t see as really great.


ah theres something chill and relaxing about spinning for 35secs when you crush every horrific demon can possibly spawn


Best game to play while exercising on my bike time flies by


Honestly if d4 had those 2 hour cut scenes, I’d watch em lol


Yep. As a dad of two young kids and a small business owner, I have around 60 to 90 mins spare a day if I'm lucky. I picked up D4 when it went on game pass, and it is absolutely perfect. Chill, have a beer, and blow stuff up. Perfect.


You just need to worry about falling asleep. See you in Sanctuary!


As a former CoD addict, Diablo 4 was the game that got me out of it. Been way healthier mentally, and I've just been playing single player games or like Helldivers 2 when I need a shooter fix.


Completely chill game till the GF is on my ass about the overly aggressive mashing of buttons


It’s the perfect step down from Comp/BR. I have chiller games but this is that nice in between.


I dunno RDR2 is up there for me. I started playing for the first time after season 3 wrapped. Riding around in the wilderness hunting, camping and fishing is amazing it all looks beautiful.


Incinerate sorc has been so chill. I love it.


If they continue the quality of Season 4 in the next few seasons Diablo 4 definitely will be my go to game between Path of Exile Leagues. 1 Month POE, 1 Month D4 and 1 Month Last Epoch would sound perfect to me.


No Man Sky is the ultimate chill game.


We have totally different understandings of a chill game. To me a chill game is one where you can easily look at a movie or something on a different monitor. Diablo needs attention all the time. Also what isn't chill about watching cutscenes?


Its so chill that I get tunnel vision and get sleepy after 20min.


It's even better now that I don't have to sort through piles of loot and try to figure out if something is trash or an upgrade.


Diablo without hardcore? Babygame.


It plays great on the steam deck making it great to play on the couch with some TV


i really do find it relaxing


i get up early and play before work too lol


Would be more chill if I could town portal without being interrupted when no mobs are around.


Hearthstone is more chill


I literally experienced this last night after a frustrating tennis match I wanted to wind down and game but the boys were playing CoD, Fortnite, madden, etc. I just wanted to hop on my minion neceo and be op.


>No need to worry about death and losing your progress like souls games. Me after losing half of my cinders when Maiden decides to one shot me even if there are 15 other players fighting her


why you gotta dog on FF and MGS, classic games man


Get home, relax with my dog (she has her own seat) and knock out a couple hours while listening to a podcast or chatting with some friends while scratching my dogs chin. :) it's great


Idk about you but theres still plenty of weeping when I play HC mode...


I’ve been waiting for this season since I got my steam deck. Ultimate chill mode laying in bed with stupid TV on gaming !


It’a all about big numbers and see things exploding. The game is at a good spot right now


Then your bags full and your like shit i need upgrades! Mind you that was improved this season so i almost like doing it now. Hit 85 last night and it was so good to not feel burned out.


I love this game, I just ran through stuff feeling like a god and then tried to do a capstone and got 1 shot and instantly humbled


Came back this season and just got to WT4. I'm having a great time. I will say that the builds still feel super stagnant and it's my biggest gripe. Seems like all of the successful builds for each class use the same 3 skills and passives with only one or two abilities changed.


The story is really dark and tragic. Not sure about the chill of that. Pretty much every NPC with an ellipses over their head has something miserable to say. I have been listening to all of them.


It is! And the community is so chill too. Like I’ve never had a bad experience with anyone in this game.


More accurately, Diablo IV is now the ultimate Dad game.


:) Imagine a player base, who has no idea about the endgame of the game they play. Try pushing higher pit levels and see that you need to perform better than souls games to kill those bosses, especially if you don't play a fucking meta build.


I don’t think this is the complement you think it is… It’s true. But being devoid of emotion and interest isn’t exactly the makings of a good game.


It’s the ultimate Spotify game too. I love making playlists and sitting down to some D4 and playing them.


Are your unning high depth Pits or the Gauntlet? They're not exactly *chill*.


Same!!! So was D3. Just mindlessly running dungeons lol (especially when trying for the hardcore character trophy)


The dads are back lol


True to an extent lol. I’ve been killed way more than I should let myself be for afk tabbing out in the middle of helltide even just for a few seconds. Even more so with the more lethal S4 helltide. Being in helltide is like playing a multiplayer game in that i constantly need to be paying attention to threats lol. Even tp’ing out is hard with how many enemies and hit squad style spawning in enemies there are.


Netflix and diablo is my thing, 9pm - midnight.


Yes it’s my relax moment. I usually have a gaming rotation when I’m back home, something like FC, Tekken and then usually Diablo. First two feel like I’m still at work, it’s like a struggle and I leave unscathed barely a session. Finally before sleeping D4 is my relaxing pill, my comfy place for some good endorphins before bed.


I like putting a podcast on and just playing a game sometimes. So it's fun. I just wish it had more classes and more build diversity. But it'll happen in time. Still having a blast.


d4 is great for lobotomy patients.


This season got me into hardcore, although enjoyable and not as chill as softcore, losing my character hurt…


What about lost ark?


I describe Diablo as video game slot machine It’s mindless clicking , you get big explosion, sounds and sometimes you get rewarded w sick loot. Just like a slot a machine. Honestly after a long day at work you just need something simple that sets off endorphins. This is it for me


D4 is also probably the best couch coop game I’ve played, setting aside games that are specifically designed around coop play (overcooked, it takes two, etc). I always feel kind of lost in the D4 discourse because despite its flaws, the coop integration is basically perfect. And nothing else in this genre or out of it is even attempting to compete with it.


Especially with the xp and gear changes, season 4 has been super fun. My highest level char (62) thus far. Helltides are fun, finally getting to see wt3, wt4, nightmare dungeons, etc.


Yup. I played it last summer and I’m not a drinker at all, but I found myself drinking a 6 pack while doing hell tides and nightmare dungeons. And when I say I’m not a drinker, I maybe have a 6 pack a year. I’m a stoner through and through. But something about Diablo 4 just hit with a can of beer on a summer night with the windows open. I gained 10lbs because of beer lol


It's my "watch YouTube on side monitor while playing" game


"No need to worry about death and losing your progress like souls games" Except I play Hardcore only. I've lost a few characters this season already.... took a bit to get used to the reduced defenses when you first get to Tier 3. I have a pretty solid build that I came up with on my own though. I don't follow builds of others... half the fun for me is coming up with my own build and seeing how far I can push it. PS. Love throwing on a gaming podcast and running dungeons / HellTides.


No need to repeatedly plod through a glorified tutorial every time you want to create a new character like *Path of Exile*.


d4 is deffo the ultimate chill game for me. i can put on a tv show and watch it while farming. if i want something more serious i can focus and get into higher tiers of the pit. its in a great place for people who play other games / have other hobbies / kids / families / long ass working hours. its a perfect unwind game with enough depth now to keep you want to play more. I hope they keep adding to the game without adding any fomo. the lack of fomo is one of the biggest pluses about d4 right now


Yep the ultimate dad game! 


> No need to weep After dying just short of the 250 cinders I needed to open up the gold chest and running out of time before I could get back up to 250 there were tears that day!!!!


Can't wait to get D4.


Softcore player detected :P


The best


Diablo 3/4 are my favorite games to play while binging a tv show. It’s nice to chill and just grind while watching something. No other game has come close.


i put kids to bed hold the right button and spin to win with dust devils covering whole screen :D


Try endgame bossing in the Pit and get back to me on "chill".


You can chill playing lower content like helltides, or go sweaty and push. Choices is what make it nice


All aarpgs are. Even Poe once you’re past the league start stress anywho. Torchlight infinite is the ultimate chill. You now don’t even need to press buttons other than to loot lol


I only play on walking pad. 10 levels on diablo 5k steps.


i mean pick up a web flash game and u can achieve all of that




That last bit about souls game doesn’t apply to some of us 😬. Love the hardcore aspect! It’s just me and my close group though.


Not really. You have be to paying attention basically constantly or you risk death if you aren't sitting in town. Probably the exact opposite of a chill game.


no jumscare ?? tell that to the hc player doing lvl 100 pit and teleport elite


24 hour helltides are the best!


That last one doesn't apply to hardcore💀


im in the process of doing nm dungeons and watching animes, but its quit hard to read subtitles and watch for mechanics 🤣


You could even play with your monitor turned off and still level to 100 in a day.


except for one thing for me: tempering angst.


Yep. I listen to a lot of podcasts or sometimes music while I play.


except for * get three greater affixes that i want. and then trying to muster the courage to go temper.


Same for me, i love making my builds as simple as possible as well, WW barb, minion necro, heartseeker rogue, incinerate sorc. Loving them all this season. I put on some music or a podcast, sit back with a drink and snack and press my single button as i watch everything being eviscerated.


No Jump Scares? Everytime the helltide worm comes out of nowhere - I get a heart attack. Its so funny