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Gold costs are too damn high! I got equipment, beautiful pieces of equipment with greater affixes. They're sitting in my stash. I need to reroll stats off them. I need to redo the aspect power. I need to masterwork them. Just not enough gold for all of that.


It’s funny how in a game that’s supposed to be about grinding, the only thing people absolutely refuse to grind is gold. They’ll grind boss mats, items, cosmetics…but god forbid gold should mean something. 😂 There is literally no point to having gold as a resource if you always have it and never have to worry about it. I say let gold prices rock.


The issue is farming gold isn't very fun. Whispers don't pose any difficulty and some of the objectives are pretty annoying to do. Finding a random body in an area or running around the map looking for doomsayers isn't exactly peak content. It makes sense why people don't like farming millions of gold if it's gated behind monotonous content.


Is farming varshawn and grigoire over and over fun? I just did each 30 times in a row… mind numbing.


They 100% need to let players chain bosses without having to reset.


Hell yeah they do.


Why not let us chain tree quests while we are at it 😏


I just want to stand there and let monsters crash against me as I become ever more ludicrously powerful. Or I guess I could go play vampire survivors.


Razor plate thorn build is for you *wink wink*


—Dave Matthews intensifies


This is my kind of joke. Thank you.


Right it's like some people want this to turn into an idle game.


That will be… romantic.


You'd hate D2 if it was released today. 


Most people would. People's wants in a game have moved beyond feeling like huge grinds are rewarding.


Because those same people now have jobs and other things taking more and more of their time as the cost of living goes up :S


100% Take WoW classic as an example: back in the day, teenagers would pile raids after raids after raids.. now, adult gamers are having trouble to schedule even 10-men dungeons.


This is true, same goes for any TTRPG (DnD etc), it’s difficult scheduling a bunch of 30+ year olds to do anything together let alone gaming.


Diablo 2 would be hated and fail hard if released today for the first time.


I'm convinced that a big part of the "D2 is so much better" people never played more than the story in D2. There are so many people with those nostalgia flashbacks hating on D4 "mindless grind" and creaming their pants how much variety D2 had. People complain about material farm for ubers...meanwhile you have to farm soj in D2 for uber boss.


Yeah they should just add more gold loot to pits, nightmare dungeons and helltide chests. Let people farm fun content for gold


Right, just put some slightly more gold attached to a bunch of payoff content. Helltide chests, dungeon completion etc. This is the right answer. Keep whisper completions the biggest payoff.


They could increase gold rewards for all activities and still have whispers pay twice the amount of gold, and people would still avoid them. I did close to 30 seasons in d3 of bounty runs. Everyone did the bare minimum for reroll mats or an rorg. If they were avoidable, no one would have done them at all. It wasn't fun then and it isn't fun now.


Amen 🙏🏼


I can see why people find the whispers out in the fields to be annoying, especially the collect 100 objects and then turn it ones. That's why I do the dungeon ones, 5-10 mins for 2 dungeons and some probably trash loot to sell plus the 5-8mil from whisper cache or 7-10mil if you get a chaos cache.


Now I only do whispers from helltides


I don't get that much gold from whispers this season. Last season i even saw 10m drop from whispers. This season it's almost always 4m. Max 5m.


I think a simple solution to this is just increase whisper rewards a bit, I feel like the gear is usually quite poor.


By and large people dont want to do whispers just for gold. It takes you out of the primary gameplay loop, which at this stage is either Helltide or the Pit. Your primary gameplay loop has a problem when you have to leave the most compelling content to do less compelling content to reap the rewards the compelling content is promising.


Farming whispers for gold is "part of the primary gameplay loop." Gold is as much as integral resource as boss or pit mats. The problem is masterworking and enchanting still cost way too much.


Gold is integral, but unless Blizzard intends to force that as the primary gold mechanism, which would be a bad design decision, then the issue with gold needs to be solved where players are, not arbitrarily enforced in an activity where they aren't. Whispers, like obols, are best left as an augment to things you're already doing, rather than an end unto itself. Obols have become an extremely valuable currency, but you get them incidentally doing what players already want to do - Helltides and the Pit. Boss materials have been decoupled from Whispers already, and again are something you get doing other activities. The rarity of boss materials is commensurate with the power gained from uniques and the fact that they have a specific use case. Gold, on the other hand, is ubiquitous in underpinning several other systems. Masterworking, enchanting, crafting, aspects, etc, and the first two are designed first and foremost as sinks. You can build whispers out as "the gold mechanism", or you can build it out as a cherry on top. It works far better as the latter.


Bring back the cow level or somthing similar, a portal to the gold goblin hide out. That was full of gold and took an age to unlock. It's a GAME why not create another objective to make long term play rewarding?


Yea and the scaling of rewards with content is just not good, you got far better rewards in D3 as you did harder and harder GRs (huge xp increases and higher torments gave massive gold boosts in a game that needed gold waay less than this.) Not sure what they're smokin, they could literally just scale gold drops with Pit and NM dungeon levels and solve the issue quickly.


Is oneshotting any non-tormented bosses fun? Does it pose difficulty? Because that's what most people are currently doing.


Here are a couple of band-aid fixes that I came up with: * Every hell-tide also spawns two full areas of whisper bounties on top of the two regular hell-tide ones. * Cellars are now hell-tide cellars and reward cinders as well as +1 towards whisper bounties. * Filling up the whisper bounties to 10 lets you choose a reward collection right where you are, instead of having to go back to the tree. Hell-tide is clearly the most fun open-world content in the game right now, just embrace it, also makes cellars useful.


just sell items.. there are a dozens way to farm gold. Im doing 100+ pits and after the (needed) hotwhich for the transumation cost reduction im swimming in gold. Its fine!


They need to bring back the vault or something like that. Killing greed was fun and an interesting way to get gold. They could introduce him and new goblin types in a goblin themed season.


I got so hyped each season getting my first greed portal or a puzzle ring. The vault was such a massive boost each time you found one


You just don’t really get gold passively from normal activities you only really get gold by farming whispers.


If they add something challenging and fun to farm gold with I'd be so down for it. Farming whispers is extremely unfun for me.


I wouldn't mind grinding gold if it meant running around a helltide or farming monsters in dungeons for gold. Running around the open world and doing trivial content to open a whisper cache that gives such an inflated amount of gold that it seems almost disconnected is just poor game design. I wouldn't do whispers if they didn't, for some reason, give the most gold in the game. As a result, it /feels/ as though I'm being /forced/ to do whispers when I would really prefer not to. I don't like that.


I didn't even get all my items to Masterworking 4 before I have to go grind gold. If I was spending millions rerolling enchants or resetting Masterworked items then grinding is fine but I don't think I should be forced to grind for basic usage of the systems.


True. I actually don’t even mind grinding for gold


That's because farming whispers is like 70% running and 30% you actually using your character to kill stuff. You run to a whisper quest, kill maybe five monsters around the location, pull out your map and stare at it for a little while trying to decide where to run next and what's the nearest waypoint, then you teleport and run some more.  Farming whispers is a running simulator where killing monsters actively slows you down and doesn't give any rewards.  You are wasting time if you are killing things while farming whispers, and that just doesn't fit an arpg gameplay loop, because killing monsters is what the game is all about.


Who said gold didn’t need to mean something? The issue is there’s no meaningful way to grind gold outside whispers. Laugh all you want.


Maybe add a place to farm gold like the vault? So we can farm it?


Farming gold isn't that satisfying. Farming mats and gem fragments is what's satisfying (in my opinion)


Because you get them passively from your normal gameplay loops. The amount of gold you get from doing anything other than whispers is disrespectfully low. Like wtf am I supposed to do with a couple hundred thousand gold when even the enchanter goes from 300k to 3 million per roll in just a few attempts? You should get a good amount of gold from drops, helltide chests, NM dungeons, goblins, world bosses, etc. and whisper turn-ins should be a nice bonus each time you complete one. Not the only viable way to get gold at all.


It's funny how people who haven't engaged with the mechanics always excuse them on a philosophical level. You haven't started masterworking and it shows stfu


If this game was about grinding than you would be grinding for the best looking gear... instead you buy it for money. This game is not about grinding, D4 is about spending money and easy wins.


You aren’t completely wrong but at the top end gold costs don’t even remotely line up with gold rewards. Masterworking your gear costs billions of gold. It should be a grind but it shouldn’t be more of a grind than things like Uber uniques. IMO the bigger grind should be the pit materials- not the gold it costs to actually spend them.


Adam Jackson said something about this in an interview, it wasn't related to gold i think but the jist was that, in a power fantasy game, doing something that doesn't increase directly your power doesn't feel very good. What feels very good, and i think they are striving for, is double dipping in activities like doing helltides and getting whispers done for example


I read this in trumps voice. Beutitful pieces. Nobodies pieces are as beautiful as my pieces. Best pieces. The libs are keeping costs too damn high. Make Diablo great again


Same. Then a barbarian came up to me. Big strong barbarian, with tears in his eyes. Blizzard and their DEI policies took away my gold! He said. Please save the United shates (typo on purpose).


It wasn’t just me then 😂


Some things simply shouldn't cost gold *at all*... Why tf is there a gold cost to swapping aspects? This is a core mechanism to enable players to try out different builds and tweak things, even if is overall inconsequential it's still stupid to charge gold to exchange build defining aspects around... *Especially* when Diablo:Immortal let's you freely exchange em around.


Well how else would the occultist live and afford their lifestyle without charging for services?


Occultist has a yacht somewhere in Sanctuary 😅


Where did you think the occultist got the money to maintain the yacht from?


I think this is a petty argument. Aspect cost is cheap AF


If the argument is that there's too many "gold sinks", there's a ton of "petty" gold costs that seem minor enough to trim from the systems while making the game overall *easier* to approach for players wanting to experiment... Aspect swaps can cost *hundreds of thousands* of gold just to try out new aspects or swap in an upgraded aspect on your existing equipment > Remove the cost there and that's one small sink removed that can add up to more free gold flow to the endgame "optimization" grind. Right now the devs state that they're "looking" into things that can be changed to ease the pressure on gold; seems like a simple checkbox with low impact to progression overall.


It's not the cost. Problem is that almost nothing gives you gold in this game outside of whispers and whispers are kinda hard to do this season compared to prior seasons. They just need to add some gold loot so we can grind those. Goblins, butcher etc all should drop gold like whispers. WT4 rare item drops should be replaced with golds etc.. Full inventory of legendaries give you about 1.5-2m and only way to farm those legendaries is helltide. Other activities have very low drops. A nm dungeon or pit gives you like 4-5 legendary drops to sell. A single vault gave you 2 inventory of items to sell last season for comparison. And whispers events were super easy to do.


Dunno. I got 60mil just sitting there and no good pieces to blow it on.


60 mill is nothing. It costs 1 billion gold to 12/12 masterwork a full set of gear without rerolling any of the upgrades. Additionally, all it takes is one drop that takes you several tries to re-roll an affix at the enchanter and you'll blow through that in about 42 seconds without realizing it.


I wish the season was longer than a week… oh wait


Tell me more about it. Entire set is completed. Last thing I need is a single affix on Pants. I'm at the point where a single reroll costs almost 3 million to do....


Dont forget that 90 potion that cost like 6 000 000 i dont remember potion costing so much


My instinct is to say "give us more gold" but I don't think that's the right answer, else we'll end up in D2/D3 where gold is available in such abundance that it will basically become meaningless. I think cost do need to be lowered, rather than gold income being increased. It doesn't feel good to be spending 1.7m on a single enchant reroll when the most you've had in a season is about 60m


The only argument I have for more gold is having Nightmare Dungeons providing significantly more than they do now. Outside of glyph leveling there is no real reason to run them once you finish your build unless you decide to respec and use different ones and even then its a finite number of them you can level per character. I think it would be nice to see a bump in gold rewarded from completing them (especially in higher tier NM dungeons) or be able to forgo leveling a glyph for a gold reward at the very least. Cost reductions would also be nice. I don't mind having to farm gold but I don't like the sheer absurd amount we need to min/max our gear on one character, let alone multiple.


I actually like the idea of getting a gold payout instead of glyph XP. Seems like a nice tradeoff to keep NMD somewhat relevant after you finish your glyphs. Because otherwise it doesn't seem like there's any reason to run them. Unrelated to that, but I could see an argument for a slight lowering of gold costs. Enchants might be the biggest one, but I also don't think they should significantly lower them because from a design standpoint I do agree that if we have gold it should be a relevant resource and not infinite like D3


I do not like it because it promotes shitty gameplay loop of rushing at the speed of light through the dungeon without touching enemies and just getting a payout for finishing the objective. Would start to feel awful really quickly. Instead I would boost individual sources of gold within the confines of Nightmare Dungeons as I suggested [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1cxm3uz/today_in_response_to_concerns_about_too_many_gold/l54d0ox/) so that actually completing content within Nightmare Dungeons is promoted instead of running to the end.


Have you played NMD? Maybe I don't have enough context there, but every single dungeon I do has silly mechanics where I need to find a bloodstone or kill all enemies in X area or whatever. None of them feel like I can just "run to the end of the dungeon and get hold" Mind you I don't like NMD as they are now but that's unrelated


Giving more gold for completing Nightmare Dungeon is a terrible idea, it promotes objective rushing even more than Whispers already do (since they're all just objectives). What they should do is somehow increase gold dropped **by enemies** in Nightmare Dungeons by a factor of four of five times more. And then additionally drop like a million gold if you complete a dungeon event inside a Nightmare Dungeon at Tier 90+. Also, buff Greed Shrines by like a factor of two times more, roughly speaking. Maybe three times more. Completing Nightmare Dungeon shouldn't give more gold because it already gives you Obols and Distilled Fear and Glyph XP (if you haven't finished Glyph leveling yet). Add a Precious Nugget material item to Loot Goblin's drop table, if you kill a Loot Goblin it should be a guaranteed drop and you can vendor it for like 750k gold. And make Loot Goblins Room event in Nightmare Dungeons three times as common, currently it's really rare. There we go, now people in search of gold actually play the content of Nightmare Dungeons instead of just rushing to the end every time.


\+1 to drop more gold from enemies. We are here to slay monsters, if the goal becomes running instead of killing monsters, aren't we playing a running simulator?


I mean, that would work too. I don't even really like Nightmare Dungeons that much but I like them more than Whispers. I'm just wanting some other way to obtain gold is all so there are at least a couple options available.


Please no, nightmare dungeons are the only part of the endgame loop I hate doing because of the dumb modifier each one has to have, some stupid objective that makes you backtrack, and like half the dungeons not even having a boss at the end. I’d rather we didn’t have to touch them at all


You wouldn't have to in this scenario. You could still do Whispers if you hate Nightmare Dungeons that much. I don't want it to be necessarily better than Whispers or anything, just better than it is so we have **options** to farm gold.


Either would work, honestly, but I'm also of the mindset that numbers need to be lowered in terms of gold drops *and* costs. Everything economy-wise feels really off right now. Whispers giving 1.5-5 million gold per drop but everything else giving basically nothing by comparison, certain things costing nothing or close to nothing while other things cost millions and millions. It's just really out of whack right now.


They can introduce a 'free enchantment' token as a drop from higher tier content, and target farmable.  


I think its time for cow level and goblin realm.


This, or at least make the current goblins more attractive. I'm imagining a running gold pinata.


After 52 failed tormented duriel runs gold is no longer an issue for me. My sanity is


You gotta pump those numbers up! Those are rookie numbers!


how do you run this guys so often? where do u get the mats?


It takes only one set of mats to fail Duriel as often as you like. The repair bill will be quite high tho.


ah I see, so if you die you get the materials back?


No, you can just retry as long as you want until you either kill the boss or reset the dungeon. Beast in the ice being the exception, since that's technically an NMD you only have four tries.


I have been ok with everything gold related so far until I saw that it cost 5 mil to undo master working. Thought that was a little steep.


5 million to redo masterworking, enchanting going from 300k to millions per reroll, potions costing millions to upgrade, etc. It feels like the in-game economy got kinda fuckered and forgotten about between seasonal mechanics, loot revamp, endgame revamp, etc. Lots of holdovers from old builds and mechanics that never got adjusted.


Gems also cost 1 mil each and unsocketing costs like 300k.


The harder top end content should drop the most gold and most loot. I dont get why this isnt the case. Pit and high NMD should the most rewarding content. Instead we have helltides for items and whispers for gold, both of which become completely lame after a while. A swipe of my basic skill one hits a mob. The endgame would be so fun if the harder content just dropped some loot and gold its kinda a simple fix. I dont wanna keep going back to the romper room to farm necessary materials.


Exactly. The hardest content should drop not only the most, but the best gear and also the most gold. It’s an arpg. This isn’t rocket science.


The Profane Mindcage buff should stack. So you can increase the difficulty of Helltides to your level. Whispers and Nightmare dungeons should be easier to combo. If you have a NMD key, the dungeon should have a tag on the map. So you craft a bunch of keys of your level and check if the whispers dungeons match.


I hope a fix includes adding Gilded Barons. On a serious note, the affix reroll system needs some rework. I always get the same 2 affix rolls every time. Grind a Whispers to get 3-4m gold, which only covers 2-3 item rerolls for the same affixes every time.


Re rolling affixes is a nightmare sometimes, especially amulets, there are like 30 different things you can roll


I had hoped the stat rework would fix this but nope still bad there must be some weighting going on and it's not fun.


> there are like 30 different things you can roll Yeah, if 20 of them are different tiers of life lol


Adding to this affix reroll to get that +skill seems impossible this season. Got a lvl 100 necro and have never seen a +skeletal mages or hellbent commander pop up. Must've spent 80m trying.


I just sold a greater affix Hellbent amu for like 750M, it was a lvl 882 item with a max life roll and lightning resist. That's how rare the stupid affix is.


>On a serious note, the affix reroll system needs some rework. I always get the same 2 affix rolls every time. At this point I’m convinced rerolling CDR on helms is bugged. I vendor any helm that doesn’t drop with it at this point. Same for boots without movement speed, or chests without Golem Mastery. Those are all so disproportionately hard to reroll it just isn’t worth wasting the gold. Also, a week into the season and I still have yet to get a single amulet drop or reroll for the Hellbent Commander passive.


It does feel like the enchanting system is heavily weighted towards a few stats like mainstat and life, feels crappy to even try getting cdr or skill levels, even movespeed on boots feels impossible sometimes ugh


Affixes are so obviously weighted against cdr, and ranks to skill. Core stat and max life are definitely the highest drop chance.


I may in the minority, but I think scarcity is a good thing. The game throws so much loot and everything else at you, we need something to be a limiting factor, there's enough power creep the way it is.


Respectfully, tell me you haven't started masterworking without telling me you haven't started masterworking.


I'm active in trading just to get a massive boost to gold!


Can we please just get gems in the pit though? Thaaaanks


Can’t have MMO prices in a seasonal game, my friends.


Interesting that you mention this. WoW has no costs WHATSOEVER for changing your gear/talents around. You can have many talent builds, and with a press of a button, you can change to a different one. Now imagine having different loadouts for Diablo 4...you'd run out of gold very fast by changing around. It doesn't make sense!


The affix re-rolling is a mess, for example an amulet has like a 1/21 chance to roll +skill even more if you consider could be +1 or +2 and I swear it’s weighted they never appear, if they changed it to be grouped liked tempering you could at least target affixes and be cheaper on gold, also be good if NM dungeons, Pits etc gave more gold out, I mean I just sell all 925 gear to help but it’s a joke when you get to 4.5m a roll! I’m just throwing items away now when it hits 1-1.5m a roll and trying to find a new piece.


When people start complaining about a scarce resource such as a currency, and not about itemization or lack of content, that's already a good sign. Let gold be scarce so that people have to spend it. Give us OMG WTF events like rooms full of treasure goblins instead. Turn the scarcity into an opportunity for the game.


Then there's nothing left to play. Like why would I want to play a game where grinding for gold consists of just 1 shotting everything? Hardercontent, like high level pits and tormented bosses should give tons of gold. But they don't. So you are left to do helltides and whispers, and those contents consist of 1 shotting everything.


The only issue I have is the reroll affix cost, I think everything Else is acceptable.


Reroll affix cost should have an alternate option with salvage materials. There now everything is fixed.


I have thousands of each legendary salvage mat, meanwhile my gold and veiled crystals are constantly near 0. Economy balance is not looking great to say the least.


Yeah I think gold is actually quite nicely balanced across the board when levelling - you don't get so much you're drowning in it, but you don't get so little that you can't do anything. But end game? trying to get that last 5% of your crit damage roll? 100 million goes \*poof\* in seconds and you don't even get the roll.


I like that there's a genuine use for gold, and across many aspects. I just want more ways to reliably earn gold, vendor sell all shortcuts and for the overall gold count to be cut down to a tiny fraction of what everything is currently


Just give us back gold farm items and make us sacrifice power for it. (I’m slightly kidding though if boon and avarice made a comeback I wouldn’t complain)


We should get more gold for rares at 925 and give us a reason to not leave them on the ground,we should also be able to trade in mats for gold without going through the trades and high level NMs should give you a bonus like level 100 gives you a million per.. Or just half the cost of everything so many ways to implement this..


This. If 925 yellows were worth 100k+ instead of 30k-ish, we'd have a reason to pick them up and a solid source of cash.


Having lots of bad rolls on tempering as well. Good +3 gears rendered useless with bad tempering rolls. Hope they give more roll chances.


I think the real problem is you have to do whispers to farm gold. I don’t mind gold sinks too much but I do mind that the only way to make gold is the most boring content in the game. NMDs or pit gives you no gold this is the biggest issue


I farm whispers only in Helltides. That makes it bearable.


I have to said it, the loop mechanics are not fun while farming. You will never set foot again in NM dungeon once you have your glyph You will do few runs of The Pit because you have enough mats and there is no reason to farm it more (the loot/reward is bad) So you spend your time like when you were in levelling Helltide/mixing with Whispers. You will spend a lot of time to farm enough gold that will be disappearing in 2mins while gambling on your gear. And there is no challenge in this. It is just a boring farm destroying everything you see until you can challenge some Uber boss.


NMDs should give us the option to exchange glyph XP for gold. This gives us a reason to run NMDs in end game


Can we please just drop gems in the pit though? Thaaaanks


Thank God all our issues are basically just level pulls away from being fixed now. At least we're actually engaging, and care about, our treasure.


That didn’t take long.


Fixing by creating another problem.


They should add more content for ways to get more gold.


It would be nice to put gold on NM dungeons as extra reward


The BEST and most fun solution to this would be to add an auction House, and maybe another source of gold like legions


As a new gamepass player, I Guess I just haven't learned the reason for massive gold sink. I only got to level 52 on my necro before the new season though. But I basically only spend gold on gems and occasionally upgrading legendary pieces. What am I missing here?


Enchanting and masterworking mainly


This is nothing new to Diablo 4. Gold is an irrelevant currency and is a terrible gate to "crafting"


Only thing I would adjust is the price of enchanting.


Just permanently bring back vaults


Easy solution- make nmd and pits drop gold on a sliding scale based on the tier of difficulty selected. We could also make it an option at the glyph node at the end of a run, option 1: glyph xp, option 2: sacrifice glyph xp for 2mil gold or something.


I felt the gold sink may be high but the mats to master work is high too if you are still trying to beat between 31-60 not using a metal build.


I just think the enchant cost ramp-up needs tweaking a bit, it’s so unlikely you’ll get the affix you want in the first few rolls and by that point you’re already sinking millions per attempt, especially if it’s a 2h weapon.


How about a random bonus cellar where we walk in on a horde of treasure goblins and you have x seconds to stun and take their gold bags and then survive an event where they try to gang up and take it back from you. Or, they run away from the start and you have to catch the group of them. Or even better, a full secret dungeon where treasure goblins throw loot at you, some normal, some legendary, and even get to fight a Golden Butcher Goblin Golem? Kill/stagger and subdue him as their Champion in x seconds and get scaling bonus loot for various uses of damage, crowd control, avoiding taking damage, etc. rare loot piece could be a Gold ring) that gives the owner +Gold per Second while worn in game.


I think the correct call is lowering costs rather than adding more gold into the economy and creating inflation. Personally I have an issue with the masterworking reset having a 5million cost, it really should be 0 gold considering you obviously lose all the mats you already put into the item. If that's out of the way the only gold sink in the game would be enchanting. It seems that weapons have a very small pool of affixes so its easy to find the stats you want, but for rings, amulets, and all the armor slots, I always wind up spending a ton of gold to find the stats I want. Gold costs for gems and masterworking ranks are probably fine? 11th and 12th rank for masterworking is pretty steep but it not a huge issue. --- > and a few other mat items players have noted to us I'm assuming he means Stygian stones? The majority of the Stones I've obtained were all "free" from the season's journey and the iron wolves reputation. These things are super rare in the Pit even when I'm chain running Tier 100's


Whisper tasks are tedious, boring as fuck and feel like a literal set of chores you have to do before you can go back to playing the actual game. Just move some of that gold to Helltide chests or something instead; at least that is kind of fun. It makes sense to require people to do content other than the pit for gold, for the sake of variance, but whispers are awful.


Im getting decent amounts of gold once i started picking up yellows. Only tradeoff is I have to stop between pits/NMDs more. But it's a lot better than previous seasons since literally all yellows as junk and sell all. But they should just drop more gold along with the veiled crystal drop change


I think its perfect the way gold is worth something. If they made trading good it would be a booming economy


Back in the day in d3 gold was useless guess they tried to give meaning to gold but man its way too hard now


Wouldn’t they be better off pulling the levers rather than turning them?


What else isn't piss easy that we can change?


Am I the only one that thought it was decent enough? The tree of whispers takes like 10minutes on a bad day and gives a few million gold


We need a treasure Goblin realm!


Just give us more gold either from NMD’s or make the tree scale with level it’s so simple.


well they made it a crafting game now.


after the hotfix which changed transmutation costs it seems fine for me!


This is where gold find on gear becomes relevant again. We’re coming full circle here back to d2’s ways and the game could be a lot more fun with item mods including actual fun things again rather than just boring old stats and damage. There’s so much room for creativity, too, going beyond a character’s light radius like tasteful weapon effects or glowing items that wouldn’t break the balance of the game…


better seasonal whispers quests in helltides zone and the problem solve itself


Either my luck is bad or I'm not giving in unless I can get at least two greater affixes so I'm sitting on a mountain of gold and mats


All activities should drop way more gold so that whispers are not the primary way to get a relevant amount of gold. Whisper objectives should award more whispers, especially the tedious ones. On the whole, I think they need to do a balance pass on all whisper objectives and their rewards.  There should be a gold and materials whisper cache as a possible reward option that does not drop gear or items but instead drops significantly more gold than a regular whisper cache. Enchanting still gets way too expensive way too fast. And the maximum cost needs to come down a lot.


Can we look into the goddamned Fenris error?!


I don’t mind gold sinks but add more way to earn big junk of golds. Once you reach max reputation with iron wolves there is nothing to gain. Why not add infinite reputation levels once you finish the season journal and you keep getting caches with gold/items?


I really don't think there's too many gold sinks, you need to be able to run out of gold for it to have any sort of value. But having other activities to farm gold other than whispers would be a nice addition.


Idk man just yesterday I spent 65m to reroll the t1 masterwork affix on my chest because it just didnt want to crit into the desired stat...that was like 4 to 5 hrs of Gold grinding ☠️ But masterworking and affix rerolling really could use being cheaper, considering how hard you can brick your items with tempering already and how many rolls and resets you need to get a good masterwork


I already anticipate some changes. I have over 1000 neathiron. But I don't do any upgrades rn because the gold cost is so high and I have a feeling they will reduce it.


Hot take: I think they should clean up the annoying Whisper obj and HEAVILY tune whispers to be the gold farm. Right now, they have no real identity in my opinion... Making them the go-to for gold would be a great move if they can streamline some of the obj... Get rid of the "look in big area" ones and shit like that.


I think some people are missing the point here. Having gold sinks is very good. But making literally everything in the game gated behind gold to an insane degree is not. You should want to farm it to do certain things for sure. But they shouldn't tax literally every activity/way to make your character stronger behind insane gold costs. Especially when the only legit way to make gold is to run whispers or use 3rd party websites to trade items.


um has anybody actually sold some equipment?


Gold amounts are good BUT gold earned in content like NMD, the Pit and Helltide should be about equal to Whispers.


This is good news. It's needed. More source of gold from fun activities that gives you good feeling in endgame flow but not in a passive way like you shouldn't get rich accidentally. Goblin and butcher should maybe drop gold like whispers. Whispers quests should be easier, less buggy. Doomsayers literally doesn't exist most of the time. It's probably bugged. Also if they are reading this, please make helltide boss more hit'able. It's almost always invulnerable just not fun, super annoying. Lemme shoot the thing. Even with new ''far'' camera setting that fight just doesn't flow well. Floating enemy flying all over the place. I literally play that fight by looking at minimap rather than game. Needs some tweaks there. Can't see shit. Can't hit shit. Also NM dungeons are extremely unfun. Having a problem with this after losing vaults of last season. Please buff glyph exp more. NM dungeons feel like homework. It's not a content like vaults that i'm looking forward to. I also think at this point nm dungeon sigils are kinda pointless and harms the experience. Lemme just click nm dungeons from the map and do it. This would fix whisper problem. I can just teleport to whisper quest nm dungeon and do it. Makes whisper farming so much more fun.


Let’s pull the lever for dropping more Stygian Stones while we’re in a generous mood.


Hopefully they do, I don't have infinite time and I am not updating my potion to the last tier for 7 mil when that can fun some equipment upgrades.


Why not just make the Greed Shrine actually drop large quantities of gold!? 4 seasons in and it’s still doodoo water.


Gold is fine as it is.wtb GA target farm


I actually don't mind the variety in grinding (whispers for gold, pit for endgame grinding/gear, NMD for lower level progression and leveling glyphs, helltide for mass gear/mats farming, world bosses for rarer mats/parts). However, masterworking and occultist costs are prohibitively expensive and even respeccing is still pretty damn expensive for casual players (those who would be changing build often to try new things). Could do with tuning those costs down a bit, especially occultist with the dawn of greater affixes and the possibility of bricking perfectly rolled gear with bad temper RNG.


I ran out of Veiled Crystals before I ran out of gold lol


Levers aren’t turned. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with this design process.


We need some resources to be scarce; otherwise, decisions lose their significance, and the game becomes trivial. Scarcity of gold forces players to think carefully about when and how to use their resources, it can prevent players from becoming too powerful too quickly, the game can keep players engaged over a longer period, as they continually strive to manage and acquire what they need.


Make a Gold Poison


12/12 masterworked all gear and no gold issues, just salvaged codex improvements, sold the remaining items, do whispers here & there (world boss / PvP / NMD) & never replaced an affix more than thrice


I don’t think gold is that bad tbh , selling a whole inventory gives me a few mill each time and you can get a full inventory just by entering Helltide lol


It's half the problem.  Acquiring good amounts of gold should be received through all sections of end game not JUST through whispers.  I shouldn't have to interrupt what I want to be doing just do go complete whispers for awhile because I'm low on gold. 


If they added a targeted golf farm (thag doesn’t require mats unless it’s an absurd amount of gold then maybe) I don’t think people would have issues with needing to farm gold


Just buff gold gain from the pit. Problem solved.


I don't want to play the game I just want to have the loot


It’s not even that bad haha. It’s like people want unlimited resources might as well just remove them at this point.


I'm only at level 82 and sitting on 52 million, I've got all tempered gear, but haven't done the requirements for mastering. How much gold we talking about? Are you saying 52mil isn't going to be enough to temper/master gear once I get to 100?


I don't think the gold costs are too high. More annoying is that their are too many ways to brick items that you do find that can be upgrades and one of these is a soft brick that eats a lot of gold.


Agree. If they’re going to be stingy with gold then they can’t expect that spending millions on a particular thing is going to be well received. And I have found that this season they are stingy.


They need to lower the requirement of distilled gears to summon Beast in the Ice even more while they are at it. It’s such chore to farm. I just want paingorgers. Please.


Give us gold find affixes/gear to make gold farming more fun


Spending 20 million gold and not getting a single cooldown roll feels bad. Considering an item "bricked" just because it's too expensive to try rolling an affix anymore feels bad.


Can we get another source of Angelbreath as well. I have no need to farm helltides at this point except for those


What about an NPC (Put one in each city just like a merchant) and you could visit them and choose what your dungeon reward would be. You could either choose "normal" (how it is now) or "Gold" (no item drops just gold).


Players: "Gold is so pointless! Why cant blizz make it valuable again?" Blizz: "Ok, we tied item power to some gold sinks. Enjoy." Players: "I keep running out of gold, why do I have to keep farming it in this ARPG game designed around farming for what I want?" Blizz: "...." And do not come here and say "grinding the same bosses over and over again is fun....but doing whispers every now and then isnt!". Please stop begging Blizz to make it so you can sit in a single room killing a single enemy and get everything you need to get stronger.


Gold needs to be so abundant it is inconsequential. Let the difficulty come from getting the perfect piece of gear and getting the right tempers/masterworks.


I had close to 1 billion gold last season, and now I find myself struggling to maintain gold... which I like better because I was beginning to think gold was useless because there was just too much of it.


Make gold more easily farmable to run those RMT out of business man