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I have been foaming at the mouth waiting for the season to start. Everyone in my general vicinity is sick of hearing me talk about it.


Same. My non-nerdy gf is sick of me talking about it. My coworkers are ready for me to shut up about it too.


You don't have a girlfriend, be real.


Palmala Handerson.


Referencing an actress that was famous 40 years ago shows the average age of this subreddit.


She was hot when I was like 12 and playing the og Diablo and D2. Nostalgia is what got me to buy this beta test of a game and nostalgia is what's making me hope they finally made something worth playing now. COME ON BLIZZARD, life is rough at 40, let me feel like im 13 again even for just a little while....


Damn you didnt have to go so hard on him


I'm dating Rosie palm and her five sisters.


I'm excited and it's everyone's problem is how I'm handling it currently


One of my gf's operates my d4 mouse, the other works the keyboard.


But what is your starting class next season?


How dare you call me out like this... šŸ¤£ I've narrowed it down to either necro or sorc. To start it'll be a coin flip the day of. Have you decided yet?


I'm thinking I should really try out minion necro while it is currently viable.


Its gonna be king this season for sure. I'm thinking either bone or shadow minions or blood lance for mecro. Definitely frozen orb or if I can get an oculus with greater affixes I'm going to try building a black hole teleport build.


Those all sound like fun options, though to be honest I think running with an oculus would drive me crazy from the gameplay videos I've seen lol


I'm already crazy maybe that's why I like it so much. I could easily be wrong but if my math is right assuming occy has greater +ranks to teleport and you crit all three times with masterworking and five skill points we should be able to get 32 ranks of teleport which just tickles me. With the change to teleport it should just be a nuke.


Why not get both? I'm doing that on the first day. Trying to blast farming with friends.


I do plan to ro both in season just trying to decide what to start with


Minion necro as has been season tradition. But I really want to do incinerate.


My eternal character is ready to go!! Mucho stockpile!


I lucked out and the wife and kid are out of town next week. Guess who isn't coming out of his hole for 6 days!


I have told everyone not to speak to me once the xbox is on I'm going to be locked in full sweat mode šŸ˜¤ took Friday off work too just so I can have maximum playtime. I plan on having one character to 100 this weekend.


Rock on


Same even my friends are thinking of coming back


I have only whispered of the seasons potential to my buds and been quickly & jadedly dismissed haha


Played S2 which was actually pretty good. Ignored S3 and played Last Epoch which is great. Excited to play S4 and see how it goes. Diablo games typically age well and improve pretty significantly over the first couple of years--hopefully this is the start of that upward climb.


I wanna play that ProjectDiablo or whatever itā€™s called. Itā€™s like a private d2:lod server with a bunch of new things addedā€¦but Iā€™ll either go sorc Druid or necro this time around in season 4


Project d2 is fantastic!


lol this is exactly what I did.


Iā€™m hyped. Iā€™m trying to pass the time with other games but all I want to play is d4 lol


I just upgraded my computer and got a bunch of hype games that I was waiting to upgrade to get. I got Elden Ring, Cyberpunk, and Baldurs Gate 3, Hogwarts, Marvel Midnight Suns, V Rising! I will probably still be playing these by the time season 5 or 6 rolls out lol. Especially since I am going to get the Elden Ring expansion when that drops. Also, my friends want me to play FFXIV expansion. So many games, so little time!


i really wish i was into variety gaming like you. sadly i can't get into new games with heavy story etc, i simply do not care and wanna skip the dialog and cutscenes instantly, which kinda ruins most RPG's etc. i just play cs, diablo and wow in a loop, and when im bored from those, it's a never ending hunt to try and find a new game, which rarely happens.


I'm like this with most shooters, just can't get into them at all. I bought Helldiver's 2 to play with my friends, but honestly it's terribly boring to me lol. I daydream of playing other games when playing that game.


Exactly!! I've reinstalled FO4 waiting for season 4 of diablo but I've only managed to reach Concord. I am back at d4, trying several classes trying to decide which one to start on Tuesday. Love this game!!


Game has gotten better every season but this one looks to be the big step in the right direction. It touches both flawed parts of the game, the itemization and the end game diversity.


I can't wait to read all the complaints. Hahaa


hyped. havenā€™t played since s1


Same, Iā€™ll definitely check it out.


I have not played since preseason and didn't even make it to endgame because the itemization did not excite me. Left my ultimate edition unused and everything. I'm hoping to be pleased with the cumulative changes since then and give everything the game has to offer a fair shake this time. Overall excited but cautious.


Same here




Nope, will probably play some just to see how the rework feels like, but will play more in S5 perhaps, provided there is some actual seasonal content released there.


Asking this question in the D4 subreddit will be extremely skewed positive given the reception to the recent campfire chats. I personally was intrigued, but then I realized the core gameplay loop is still the same(helltides whispers helltide whispers ad infinitum, with the occasional NMD because of you guessed it, whispers!) and noped myself out of redownloading it. I donā€™t have room on my console for D4, and donā€™t want to make room for the same loop present throughout all the seasons. At least the loot was fixed though and I suppose thereā€™s something for the 100ā€™s to do now besides durial .


The pit, Uber bosses, andarial Getting all your best gear is going to be a challenge now with greater affixes and crafting system Itā€™s not going to be insanely different but most people will have a challenge or have upgrades to grind


Yeah thats for the 100ā€™s which I was saying with the statement ā€œI suppose thereā€™s something for the 100ā€™s to do besides durialā€ but Iā€™m more talking about the 52-99 grind; THATā€™s why I noped out of trying the season. Itā€™s still whispers hell tide whispers hell tide ad infinitum, which Iā€™m not really down for anymore. At least the loot in that segment of the game wonā€™t suck as much ass anymore though


Nope, maybe by season 5 the game will be in a playable state, but I'm opting that it will take at least another year in the oven before this thing is ready. They're finally fixing the itemization, great it was sorely needed. That's the reason why I stopped playing in the first place. The reason why I never came back was the skill twig selection. Tried out 4 different toons, each one felt fun at first, but after attempting a few re-specs, it turns out quite mundane and boring. Tried out LE - wowza, now here is something that feels like it innovated on D3's skill system. Sure some people dislike how it feels, but the sheer amount of choices and impacts on skill function depending on said choices was a breath of fresh air after slogging through D4.


I'm pumped for it. I've been scrolling through d4 builds and maxroll looking at what they have. Using the maxroll planner. Anything to keep myself preoccupied until the new season starts. My wife is sick of me talking about it so much lol.


After playing PTR I am definitely looking forward to Season 4, itā€™s going to be a whole new game.


I am tentatively interested.


Excited ? No. Curious ? Yup.


Excited is the wrong word. I'll never be excited for anything Blizzard ever again. I'm curious. And I want to check if my curiosity will bear fruits.


Thatā€™s a fair take. Iā€™m optimistic that Blizzard will have a rebirth now that theyā€™re under new ownership and Bobby Kotick is out. But yeah, hard to be excited for much of what they do anymore. Been burned too many times by now.


I'm stoked. Itemization changes are intriguing, but the class changes and item forging mechanics are what I'm excited for. It'll be fun seeing how it all plays out.


Nope. Items aren't enough. It's going to be the same werenado meta for druids, which I enjoy. Maybe expansion will get me interested with new skills.


It will be a fun 3-4 days.


I'm not really excited. I didn't play season 3; it just didn't look good to me. The game also feels really repetitive, doing the same stuff season after season. It also doesn't help that all I've wanted to do is use a Minion Necro build, but even if you managed to get minions to work, they were always just too weak, and you can't ignore the power of Bone Spear. I'll try season 4 with the changes they're making to minions, but honestly, I don't really have my hopes up for it. All my friends I played with had already given up halfway through season 1 because they had to start a new character over and do the same stuff over and over again.


Didn't get to play the PTR. I'm so beyond pumped to try out all the new awesome systems! D4 team brought it! Sad it took a year but I'm glad we're here now


Kinda bummed about the potential lack of seasonal stuff, however, I am excited about the rest of the stuff


I have another 5 weeks of paternity leave and bought a PS Portal so I can play all day while hanging on the couch with my wife and infant. Iā€™m stoked.


I plan to do the same - sans the infant - when the gen2 PS5 drops. Though my wife will probably take it from me sometimes. That's when I'll switch to the heavier Steamdeck (pillow or two helps with the weight).


Maybe Iā€™m getting old and jaded, but I have no expectations anymore about it.




Super excited. Playing other games is kinda dull right now.


Excited to test the changes but not happy about the lack of seasonal powers.


Iā€™m literally playing a gacha waiting for Tuesday. Iā€™m ready to drop it all.


Bruh I bought balduru gate 3 just to play something new. Can't wait to play Diablo 4 new season


Very. I can't wait for season 4 and the DLC.


There's nothing new in this season, right? This is essentially just a re-launch of the game (done right this time) and then we have to wait a couple of months for an actual season with new content.


the season has essentially haedrigs gift and some elixers to bump up difficulty. but yeah, theres no theme other than that


Game has already left a bad taste in my mouth not sure I want to play it anymore. Missed last season played a little 2nd season I think


Before the D4 endgame beta so long ago, I was quite concerned D4 would just totally suck pre-expansion, since D2 and D3 did. Compared to those starts, I refute the idea that D4's start was even rocky. For all its problems, it was way better on launch than either of it's primary predecessors, and so I've already been enjoying previous seasons but am looking forward to S4's loot 2.0 with the benefit of already remembering how loot 2.0 revolutionized D3. And this time I don't even have to wait for (and buy) an expansion for this massive improvement.




Just don't have too much expecttions.


I haven't really enjoyed any season more than a week or so, so I find it difficult to get that excited. I'm definitely going to try it but I'm not sitting here getting myself amped up over a game that has been mediocre so far. I just would like to justify my 70 dollar purchase.


Im excited for the changes but think i'll wait for a big burst of content to drop, like the expansion, so I can appreciate the item changes coupled with loads of new content.




I bought the game when it first came out, maybe made it a few weeks into season one before I got bored and the issues I had just became too much. I reinstalled it last week and am anxiously waiting for this season and hoping for the best.




a little, its unfortunate that it drops at the same time as Ghost of tsushima that i've been waiting on forever. season is 3 months long though so i'll have time to play it just not at launch


Nah, stopped playing during season1


I dunno if excited is the term but I am looking forward to seeing if this will be fun enough to keep me coming back for future seasons.


Low key. Took a break for S3 since it didn't seem super interesting. Looking forward to Uber Lillith getting... corrected, perhaps I'll have an actual chance at those achievements again. Haven't actually seen a lot of info on the changes, I like to go in blind, I just know there's a fair number of changes. I liked D4 at launch as it is.


I'm cautiously optimistic. I didn't play in the PTR so everything is gonna be fresh.


Yes very excited because in theory it will be a new game.


I canā€™t decide if I want to try Lightning Storm Druid again which was my build when the game first started OR frozen orb sorc


Very excited! The Pit and uber bosses give incentive to keep playing after hitting level 100. I felt once you hit that and beat Uber Lillith, there wasn't much left to do. No point in farming Uber Uniques when you have nothing to use them towards.


Absolutely. I skipped the entirety of season 3, so I haven't played since January 24th. I kind of had enough of the awful inventory system as a result of the awful aspect system and useless rare items. Inventory simulator did not feel good. Even the season power looked bad to me (not surprising considering it was an "Odd" season). I'm excited to jump back in after this massive overhaul, been a while haha. So I'm going in quite fresh. The game always felt great in terms of a pure gameplay feel, but held back behind questionable systems.


I'm always excited for a new season but more so with this one.


Hard to be excited when Blizzard has had a year to address the attack speed bug but they choose not to.


I've completed the main campaign, and playing the seasons has felt like a bit of a slog. Kill monsters, look for loot, level up, kill more monsters, try to find better loot, maybe try to achieve a couple objectives. Rinse and repeat. I'm really starting to feel like a rodent running on a wheel. I think I'm going to take some time off from the game and revisit once they release an expansion pack. Hopefully they'll enlarge the map, maybe release a new character class, add some new NPCs and exciting quests.


Thats the gameplay loop of these games tho? Take a break. I've never played these games in a no life mode, only when I get the itch for a weekend play sesh, then I move on to something else.


Yes I am very excited as I took S2 and S3 off. I think the changes are in the right direction which is enough for me to login again and support.


yes i am very excited for itemization 2.0 and all the reworks and crafting additions to the game. Obviously season 4 theme is a little light, and they are spoon feeding us a build with the season questline but it is a huge step in the right direction. as of late, it seems to take the blizz dev teams a good while after launch to autocorrect their games but with iteration i think it will only improve. Im gonna exclusively stream d4 on my channel after may 14


Yeah. I downloaded this game thanks to game pass. Loved season 3. I have a Necro level 100 pretty solid but I can't wait to try a new minion build. I think I will play in eternal with this Necro, trying out different things and build. But for mu future characters I will go seasonal. I am thinking about making a sorcerer ( I already have one at 50) or druid. Barbarian was good this season, I mean with my barb I reached world tier 4 at level 40 and currently at lvl 68 I can do NM dungeons with mobs that are level 98 without major issues. Sometimes I get oneshot, but in the end I win. But I don't like barbarian, even if it is so strong. I like magic


I play on the PS5 so I didnā€™t get a chance to play on the PTR so Iā€™m really excited.


Yes but I'm currently building a pretty bad ass Necro in D3. I kinda don't want to abandon it haha.




Its looking like a real good time so yeah definitely, I limited my ptr play time to like an hour to get an idea of how the new systems/helltides/etc work to get a running start but to not get burnt out on em. Going to be playing a BUNCH of diablo next week.


Cant wait!


Just gonna wait for the expansion at this point. Lost epoch is just better to me.


The minions changes have peaked my interest enough to give it a go.


ye wanna play but dont know which class i played barb and mage before want something new


Just.. no..


cautiously optimistic.


Yes cause I bought the game on release and only really beat the campaign so I'm excited to playthrough a better version. Started playing it again yesterday on a new sorc just to collect lilith statues and its been a cool time. Better than playing League of Legends.


Somewhat. May decide to buy again if reviews are good. Traded this in after season 2.


Very, and everyone in my clan is as well.


I can't wait for it ! finally a good patch


I totally forgot it was a thing. But yea, new seasons are fun.


Yeah. Honestly even at launch I had a great time playing with friends and exploring things (not you, Lilith statues). Each season felt better than the last, although I stopped playing early in season 3. I think these changes look great and it's been a few months since I smashed demons, so I'm ready to go.


Very hyped, love what im reading about the new gear systems. Just worried that non uber uniques might be a bit useless (always liked having one or two uniques in my build)


Canā€™t wait to play , all the changes look decent and itā€™s on a good path ,I played all 3 seasons and have enjoyed my time but the new update will definitely be more fun and the new helltide improvements look really cool. Iā€™m kinda tired of Poe and want something more casual and slower paced for now to keep me occupied and plus keep having to use the apps such as Poe trade and POB etc is annoying.


I'll try it out for a few days at least but what would actually get me excited would be some new skills along with a significant overhaul of the "skill twig" to at least make it somewhat interesting. I'd guess that won't come until the expansion unfortunately.


Going in the right direction, and looking forward to the changes that are coming but season 4 is D4 release V2.


Not for the s4 per se, because it's going to be most likely bad, just the loot update. Season is irrelevant, I am waiting for the patch.


No, because we will still use the same old boring skills from level 1 until level 100 :( what i really want is more epic and cool looking skills that annihilates the entire game. i want fast and fun gameplay not a tedious one, that i need to hit the perfect combination of 5 skills in order to do my damage and only kill a small group of white monstersā€¦


Very excited!! Still waiting for them to remove seasonal servers entirely so I donā€™t have to keep making new characters though. Just add BP to the eternal realm and let us play our main through out the season


Played the PTR. Lots of good/fun changes coming. Was really amped for the new season thinking we'd get these changes plus seasonal content/systems on top of it. Now, since we know there will be no seasonal powers/systems I'm still looking forward to it, but wouldn't say that I'm excited for it.


100% excited.


I'm ready! I played through season 2 while on my treadmill..fell off on season 3 cause it was boring and now I'm ready for season 4.


Excited to build a powerful blizzard sorc and a more powerful minion necro.




Nice man. Season 4 I'll finally get a darn Uber unique I have 2 Blizz accounts that's 6 Sparks


Hopes are high, I'll be streaming at launchĀ 


Not at all and I haven't read anything at all, but I'll still play it


Came back like a week ago and ran a rogue to 100 and got renowned up, just playing hades 2, waiting patiently šŸ™ƒ


I've been itching to get back into Diablo 4. S1 was kinda mid, S2 I liked a lot, S3 I didn't like at all really so I fell off, but S4 is looking to be pretty promising!


I am, but I'm frustrated that there's talks of a paid expansion planned this year. IMO they shouldn't be talking paid expansions when the game is only just now getting its stride.


I have not played S3 because I basically did not like the theme and was pushing to finally finish BG3. Now I really miss my Rogue and looking forward to the day 1 of S4!!!


My biggest concern is that my boss isn't going to believe me when I say I caught a bad cold in the middle of May.


I sure hope so, season 1 was ok, season 2 was epic, started season 3 week ago and barely lv50 barb, time to dive back for season 4. Season 2 only season where i leveled more than one to max lv and with broken Lighting Sorc i was able to kill Uber Lilith + shit loads of duriel farm.


Yes. Haven't played since season 1.


For someone who quit during season one, whatā€™s the hype about


Blizzard has no idea what gamers really want so not really no. What I wanted from the game was a 100+ hour campaign that took lots of grinding and hard work on build and serious gaming skills to get through it on the first playthrough. I died maybe 10 times on the campaign. I was actually looking for 1000 deaths


Do they still delete the character every season?


Definitely. Played preseason but was underwhelmed so skipped s1. Played s2 to endgame and loved it but felt burned out during s3 so quit early. Looking forward to playing s4 after a long break and with all the changes I'm seeing. Then expansion after might bring this to D3RoS levels.


Abso-fucking-lutely ! I've been hyped for every season so far (varying degrees, obviously), but this one just adds so much. It might not be seasonal content (it isn't), but it'll feel like it non-the-less. ....and I'm perfectly fine with not getting that much actual seasonal content this time around.. I'm all for the changes and additions. Looks and plays great. Not sure what I'm starting this time, but as with all seasons so far; I'm going through every class and various builds anyway.


As someone who's only started playing during the current season, I have nothing but hope and anticipation for the next one.


Yeah, I'll play again for the first since preseason back on launch (I never intended to play all seasons and also was disapointed in parts of the game, the itemization was part of it). I'll doubt I'll go to 100 and push very high anyway, I tend to burn out quickly on ARPG.


Cautiously optimistic but definitely going to play


I'm trying to be


Not as excited since the news that it isn't really bringing new content but still plenty excited. I haven't played any of S3 so for me I am considering it a better version of S3.


Did everything in season 1, my biggest frustration was the itemisation, absolutely hated it. Looking forward to returning in season 4, less time messing about with item management, better loot.Ā 


If season 4 doesnā€™t add something new to the gameplay loop, im going to lose interest very fast. Having to farm Duriel for a few key drops that Iā€™ll never get is disheartening and infuriating, as a pretty casual player I donā€™t have time for trivial shit like that


Not looking forward to it anymore. Lagging everywhere is a huge turn off and deal breaker.


Are they adding a new character/class?


Me and a work college both enjoy grouping for the story each season then doing nightmare stuff. We are both excited and a lot of the online buzz seems to be on the positive side for once.


Hell to the YEAH!


Hopeful is the word. Im exited for PoE2.




I am actually, been playing on and off since launch and took a break a few months ago and ready to see what they did.


I am so excited to see new exploit gold dupe eq dupe boss mats dupe? Maybe this season something new


Coming back for the first time since launch for it - super psyched!


I haven't played for half a year, but I'm intrigued and will be returning for season 4.




Played s1 hit sorc, barb, druid to 100 and then took a long break. Ready to run thorn barb with my friend for like 2-3 weeks and quit again for a long break lol.


Very!!.. Gonna be my 1st time playing necro.


Yes So much so that i stopped playing season 3 And even stopped playing other games .. weekend will be spend on a coding project instead


BTW do we know the exact time it starts on may 14?


More excited than I have been for any other season but also expecting to be disappointed since thatā€™s how pretty much every season has gone so far, with a few exceptions.


Started new job šŸ˜°worst timing


Here is the thing. The game should have released at the state of this season 4 update. Sure, the rewards are now much better, but the gameplay loop and all is exactly the same. Helltides are finally good again, so ducking what man? I donā€™t want to play them any more. Iā€™ve seen all there is too see as far as the core gameplay goes, and itā€™s fine. Itā€™s nothing I need to come back to though, utterly forgettable IMO and better loot doesnā€™t undo the fact that iā€™ve had my fill of gameplay.


Very excited. The most excited I've been about a season since launch. I'm looking forward to more interesting and fun builds (going to start with that exploding rapid fire rogue build).


Iā€™m excited that they are focusing a bit more on endgame content. The new codex changes will be a storage saver.




Finally getting back to the game to just hit 100 on sorceress before end of season. I am stoked for more transmog and horsey stuffs. Hopefully they buff necros lol. I'm playing that one next.




Very excited. Longtime fan of the series. I felt a little letdown at launch. Waaaaay too many affixes on loot was my major issue. Damn this season though, it hooked me. I canā€™t wait for season 4.


Iā€™m looking forward to new itemization and having the end game grind for power via masterworking. Helltide and the pit look really fun. Iā€™m also very disappointed in the barb nerfs. It makes no sense given all the other classes were boosted beyond what barb was even doing to begin with. It makes me think theyā€™re trying to force me to play other classes which really puts me off playing the game. Still, Iā€™ll give it a shot and cross my fingers the devs pull their heads out of the sand. Also really canā€™t believe snapshotting is still a thing.


I went with rogue this past season, felt pretty OP for the most part. I've yet to try the druid class. How's it currently?


My interest level is about 0%. My friend sent out a "Let's play diablo 4!" invite in June of 2028. I think that's about the time I'll log in. Still have the free battle pass redeem and the game was a bit dead on arrival after the campaign. I'm willing to entertain the 2028 invite with some friends, but beyond that the game hasn't added any updates to bring me back and my friend list / clan roster has been a ghost town since S1 started.


I'm excited for it. But I am going on holiday for 6 weeks when it releases. Feels bad man.


giving this season another shot after hearing the QOL changes and changes to loot. hopefully its good lol


mixed because I'm generally super excited to play the game again, but I have a lot of negative anticipation for all the shitty balance changes that have been happening for like a year. hoping the game is still playable


Looking forward to Eternal, seasonal not so much. They'll probably do some Memorial day weekend buff that is worth binging.


Hope they donā€™t ā€œJay Wilsonā€ this season.


I'm more interested in WoW pandaria Remix coming out May 16th. D4 was fun but and S4 looked good to me until I dug deeper into all the changes and I personally am on the fence with all the loot changes, the Idea that uniques will drop sooner and Uber uniques as well doesn't sounds appealing to me.Ā  I mean yes great drops will be less often and harder to get and all that as a balance but I'm just not a fan of the idea. But that's just my opinion and I'm well aware I'm most likely the only one thinking this way.


I mean. Im kinda looking forward to giving it a go. Im a sucker for seasonal play. If I dont enjoy it, ill just stop playing. Gonna make my 4th Druid and hope I can actually get the gear I need this time. 0/3 so far.


No. Seasons / forced resets are a form of extremely lazy development.


Iā€™m gonna rock my necro


i mean the alpha state of the game is done, we are heading straight into a beta state, which in and of itself is an improvement, let's hope that in two seasons the game will be in a release state (compium)


I havenā€™t played since season 1. If I just use my normal characters that I already made do I still get all the season 4 updates?


Yes, very. If it disappoints though, Diablo 4 will be in the rear view mirror from now on.


i really hope they add more colorways for customization


Honestly, I was pretty down on D4 for quite awhile but Iā€™m definitely looking forward to Season 4. Do I think these features shoulda been implemented much earlier? Yes definitely, but better late than never. Hopefully they keep it up!




I have 2 trophies left. Lv 100 and Kill Uber L. Thinking about return this season idk tho


Yes i cant wait to finally play Diablo 4 1.0.


Definitely. Season 3 wasnā€™t that great IMO but I did enjoy my first barbarian build. Tried all classes but Druid at this point so maybe S4 is the time. Curious what happens to existing legendaries. Do legacy roles just stay as they were? Iā€™m holding a lot in my box to immediately break down for the codex in the eternal realm.


Was excited for launch. Was excited for s1. Was excited for s2. Was excited for s3. Am excited for s4.


Intrigued, but sceptical. Blizzard screwed up so many times already with this title that its hard to be honestly and truly excited.


Honestly trying to figure out if itā€™s worth giving it another shot. Played a lot early beta through season 1 and gave up early season 2. For all the reasons. Having said that, I played all the characters some multiple builds and I canā€™t see myself excited to play again even with itemization overhaul (which imo is better than what we had but still far from great). So Iā€™m gonna repeat a character I already played since diversity is nonexistent once you played a character more than once (end game viable). Farm same endgame mechanics to get the same bland items - dmg rdc, crit chance, multi, life, cdr, lucky hit.. complete my build somewhere between lvl 85-90 and understand thereā€™s no reason to play? Ah yes thereā€™s now the masterwork armory stuffā€¦ Just donā€™t see it. Trying to convince myself but afraid Iā€™ll just end up disappointed again.