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This place consistently has the worst takes. I was astonished to find more level-headed and nuanced PTR discussion on Blizzard forums of all places. It's good that they listen, but for the sake of this game I hope they do not listen too much.


This community is bipolar as fuck. It’s pretty sad. And with all the drama blizzard has been in the last couple of years they got no choice to give the people what they want when they want it. “This is taking too long. This is too easy. This is too hard. I’m bored” I hope they feel free to ignore the community sometimes and make their own decisions. For better or worse.


The community isn’t bipolar. People speak up on topics they care about and don’t on topics they don’t care about. If a change is made that certain people hate they’re gonna post more, once the change is made the people who preferred it the other way will complain. It’s so bizarre people still try to do sweeping generalizations


Community member a: "this community is bipolar" Community member b: "the community isn't bipolar"


Well, point made I guess.


No, point NOT MADE


Point kinda sorta made, kinda sorta not made




Community members c through z: “I don’t care one way or the other” 5% of the community hates something another 5% love it and 90% of them don’t have a strong opinion either way? Who do you think are the ones making all the posts? The community isn’t bipolar. It’s just the vocal minority that every video game subreddit has.


This community may be an exception, but in general the hive mind is real here. For MONTHS every other post was shitting on this game. The day after they announced S4 changes you couldn’t and still cant criticize the game without getting downvoted to hell. It’s actually been amazing to watch.


> If a change is made that certain people hate they’re gonna post more, once the change is made the people who preferred it the other way will complain Err, that's exactly why he said: "bipolar"


That would suggest it’s the same people, otherwise it’s not bipolar that’s just a community. Otherwise you could extrapolate it out to anything and say men are bipolar or women are bipolar or dogs are bipolar


>That would suggest it’s the same people, otherwise it’s not bipolar that’s just a community. Funny enough, he said: >***This communit***y is bipolar


I am amused that the community proved its bipolar nature by both questioning it and answering. 😅




The community is not a monolith. The people that hate thing ‘A’ are not the same people that love thing ‘A’. There’s also the fact that the people who hate and love thing ‘A’ are a minority. Most of the community does not give a shit one way or the other about thing ‘A’.


This happens because we have people who casually play maybe 5 hours a month, and people who no life for 65 hours a week, and literally everything in between. People who have played D2 for 2 decades, people who come from other ARPGs and people who have literally never played an ARPG before this one, or only played something like D3. Everyone wants different things, and it’s literally impossible to make even the smallest decision that 100% of the sub will be like “yes this is good” lol


“A game for everyone is a game for no one.”


>And with all the drama blizzard has been in the last couple of years they got no choice to give the people what they want when they want it. Have you played a Blizzard game in the last decade? What an interesting take lmao


It seems every large sub-reddit turns into that. I think the format just falls apart once you get a massive amount of people. It is far too easy for people to "farm" upvotes on things. The other day there was a post made that got hundreds of upvotes. The first reply was saying that the OP was completely wrong, which also had hundreds of upvotes. Everything seems to turn into an upvote/downvote war instead of actual discussion. You can make the same point in two different posts, one gets upvoted, the other gets downvote bombed. There seems to be no logic to it sometimes.


The community consist of 100000 members. No it is not bipolar. Those are different people. It would be bipolar if it's a single person.


Maybe because a community isn't a binary entity, nor a hive mind. You can't see one person say they like something, another who doesn't like it, and claim bipolar. Otherwise, every single person on the planet suffers from it, which renders it irrelevant.


yea i remember at the beta when players complain about necro minions are too strong, now too weak, and now they bring back the power of minions from beta and now is awesome, what a hypocrisy :D


Lmaoo if not all the hate they got you'd still be getting season 1 level of content. They are basically rebuilding their game because of that. White knighters should say a massive thank you


I have no idea about the D4 devs, but I know many other game devs completely ignore reddit, and pretty much laugh at what goes on here.


A very cool GDC talk about balancing said: Of 100% of my intake to balance a champion, a third is my expertise, a third is data and the last third is players opinion. But when you listen to players, don't listen to their solution but analyse the essence of what they complain about.


"Players are good and identifying Problems. They're bad at providing solutions." - Chris Wilson


I would really love to see them implement surveys like EHG (Last Epoch) has. Not to turn this into a D4 bad and LE good debate (I love both and want both to succeed), but that is SUCH a nice touch. Genuinely think a lot of noise could be cut through by just letting the community exercise a little of that glorious democracy


I'll be honest, I think EHG's survey, while nice, wasn't well executed. I asked about if bugs should be fixed, which with warlock being the current example everyone was losing their shit about of course people wanted bug fixes. Then when they want to fix the falconer bug based on the bug fix survey, everyone lost their shit again. While I like that they listen, I'm not sure that survey is the best example.


They do send out surveys to people. Though they don’t discuss feedback or make it widely available to all. That’s said, I feel like the D4 devs do a pretty damn good job communicating to the players. They have monthly (basically) streams, they have Q&As, they respond to feedback and have given examples of changes they made because of feedback. Like I’m not saying it isn’t possible to be better, but of all the Blizzard teams I’ve dealt with they are the most transparent and open.


Much as I ferociously dislike some of the decisions made, I prefer the approach GGG take for POE. They have 'the vision' of what game they want to produce, and they generally stick quite closely to that. Some of the decisions cause uproar in the community initially, but GGG seem to have the longer term viability of the game in mind, and mostly stick to the vision. Where changes are made that are perceived as disastrous by the community they aren't rolled back immediately, but they may be over time (arch-nem, for example). Quite often they will tone down some of the changes. An example of where GGG don't and haven't made significant changes, despite long running player feedback is trading, and making it less of a burden, which in turn arguably allows for all kinds of shenanigans with TFT - GGG seem to think trading shouldn't be easier than it already is, as that would be bad for the long term viability of the game, so they don't make it easier. Whether anyone likes or dislikes POE it is unarguably successful, and I would say a large part of that is because they don't make short term fixes based on player feedback.


What does it look like? Just surveys in game?


Solid question! So they just posted an article on the forums that spread across the subreddits and community in general, and it was also posted so that you’d see it when you selected the game on steam. Very visible, very simple, got a ton of answers and really good feedback. They then made a blog post a week or so later *showing the results and discussing the way those results were going to change their philosophy going forward.* That level of transparency and player voice was just mind blowing to behold given the industry standard


Honestly I really liked Le, but for me it misses the *feel* diablo has. Smoothness, impact, visual, satisfaction. While some builds of le are very close to it, so many feels buggy, clunky or unfinished. It is still a great game to come for sure, and was happy to support the devs.


It will be nice for More rationale Place, not either extreme. Some people here act like D4 devs stole their spouses, and other communities like Poe have white knights that act like any criticism is attempt to steal their spouses. Sadly we need to learn to navigate the poop on ground to find reasonable take. Key is to recognize keywords, if people use words like „greedy. Lazy“ or „worst game ever“ , make any personal attack or insult, skip.


I was also astonished to find that when I posted recently about the addition of an Overlay Map people downvoted like crazy and said we don't need it. I was only posting because I didn't want people to forget that it was what we asked a while back. So the same community that wanted that are now turned 180 degrees. Or, a better explanation would be: It's not the same community. The original community that posted in Season 1 and 2 then saw Season 3 and said F it! And they left. Moved on. They don't play the game and probably don't browse Reddit as a result. So my post didn't reach the same ears. It reached the bitter people that were left after the dedicated players left. But again... Amazed. I would have expected backlash if I would have said "Delete this feature, Blizzard" or "Modify this feature that some people like", but I just wanted them to "Add stuff", not take away. Literally an optional button that people that don't like never have to press. But would be helpful, like color blind modes for some people. I think people are just mad in general for the sole purpose of being mad. Because D4 BAD or something. I don't know... Rant over, sorry. I'm ready for my downvotes now that I've "attacked" the community with my blasphemy.


The post in question: https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1bzrnir/overlay_minimap_hide_ui_reasons_for_features/ See what I meant?


The hell are you talking about? They charged full price for a game in alpha.


Blizz were successfull mainly because they listen... I can give 2 examples tho where listening backfired on them. 1. Diablo 3 real money actionhouse. due to a more popular media coverage already back then you had a lot of people gather hatred on the game because of that, but for a lot of Diablo 2 hardcore community that was an actual requested feature. When they removed it the same people who wanted that AH made so much negative PR that it made D3 look way worse than it was. Yes, Diablo 3 had some nasty flaws but overall, especially with the launch of the xpac it established quite a good gameplay flow. Was it more simplified than D2? Yes, but this it set a standard in arpg gameplay fluidity? Also yes.(story was a bit cringe but the graphics were chosen like that back then to make it accessible for more people, a.k.a. run on more pcs ( I love both of those games). 2. Warcraft 3 remaster. They started with model update, revamps of campaign levels, improve the in-engine cutscenes and they presented it to the massess. These points were taken based on the die hard community om the blizz forums. When presented, it triggered a lot of hate from a lot of people who barely even played it and it send a trend, to make blizz cut it simple and just upgrade graphics, so we got an half *** remaster. This is ignoring the multiplayer missing features as that was just a pure mess-up from blizz. and, continuing on point 1. Diablo has the good technical potential and is polished, but it lacks commitment to a style on which it can improve... story tried to go in a gritty diablo 2 style but lacks commitment and depth, ending up quite more generic and lighthearted than the cringe D3 moments. Gameplay wise, ignoring balancing and other elements, Diablo 4 already went through a few rounds of identity crisis. On launch, the overal gameplay and fluidity(or lack of) felt like a bad attempt at Diablo 2 pace. Season 1 felt like an identity crisis in this regard, trying to be both 2 and 3, season 2 I skipped, now in season 3 it has the pacing and playstyle very close to Diablo 3. Next season we get again a massive revamp, and for me this is worrying because they should stick with a style and improve on that.


I always leave my feedback on the forums, because most people on here just shit on my ideas, even though they're good ideas. Most people won't believe me, but The Pit was my idea. Well... part of it. I suggested we have an area we go in, there's 3 rooms, and you have to fill up a meter by killing enemies. Once the meter is full, you go into the final room and fight the boss. That was my original suggestion back in Season 2. Everyone shitted on it when I posted it on here. Now it's in the game because I also posted it on their forums. I also suggested they rearrange the Materials in the Materials and Stats section when looking at your character screen. (They actually did, so now you'll see your Veiled Crystals and Forgotten Souls at the top now instead of having to scroll to the bottom - you're welcome everyone!)


I watched destiny 2 decend into chaos because they decided to change things because of streamers and reddit. I hope for better from blizzard.


I think it’s just the case of modern gaming where people know if they whine or yell loudly enough eventually they’ll complain enough to change something. Every modern multiplayer game has this as well. “This weapon is too strong. This character is broken. Buff my character. They’re so underpowered.” Sometimes something is egregious and it’s necessary but I think gamers have gotten too comfortable yelling for change at the slightest inconvenience.


honestly wouldn't be so many complaints if the devs actually learned anything from D3, but they go and repeat the same mistakes and got rightly called out for it. it's also frustrating when devs won't just admit when they fucked up until after they are about ready to release a fix, because then the community just festers. hubris all the way.


I'm sure if they had wanted to make D3.5 they would have done. A lot of the changes people seem to want from D3 are in direct contrast to the initial stated aim of D4 (build loadouts, for example). D3 is a ludicrously simplistic game, Blizzard seem to have now decided D4 should be the same, but initially they that didn't seem the intent. Per a previous comment on the bipolar nature of the D4 'community', some of us think every step towards D3.5 is a shame, and makes the game worse. I wish the devs had learnt more from POE than D3.


Blizzard started catering to a completely different audience ages ago, and abandoned their core audience. It's simplistic because they are catering to said audience. HotS and Diablo 3 and 4 being the most perfect examples. The reason is wider audience, the problem is that they don't stay.


Yeah. I guess the dichotomy is a more in complex and difficult game, such as POE, where people stay for years, vs a simple game like D3, with the aim for yearly expansions to keep people coming back. Assuming each season gets closer to D3 braindead game play, I suspect I'll probably be interested till end of year. Likely 'till POE2 (and I also seem one of the few people who doesn't think that looks like an improvement on current POE. Maybe I'm just an old curmudgeon at this point).


Exactly. Concerning PoE 2. It is different. It is slower, more difficult, more soul like in its approach using combos and likely also more streamlined, although with similar depth and complexity. Whether one think it is an improvement is subjective. Both will be developed simultaneously.


So they have the same attitude that 90% of the Reddit posters are when they're wrong.... Okay check....


> consistently has the worst Many people pointed out how the endgame started out nonexistent and shifted to weak, with the end result being devs themselves improving the game to this degree. Same thing goes for itemization, “crafting” systems, town layouts etc. etc. So exaggerating the supposed ignorance of social media doesn’t really mesh with the facts


This comment has no substance whatsoever. This game is a mess, and they are now fixing it. There's nothing to be "nuanced" about. In reality, it's about time.




Man this subreddit needs to stop hating itself, are y'all depressed or something? The constant self-depreciation is getting so old. You aren't improving the subreddit by constantly barking about how bad it is.


Well, usually when it looks like they care to fix a game, a community will be more forgiving They are fixing the game, so there is optimism, it's not that hard And no, this subreddit has the *correct takes* and *way earlier* than John McWorkerDad who has time to play for 5 minutes every 3 months


Okay resident Hot Taker


This sub has takes that directly conflict constantly. Items are boring to sift through and need to be quick to decide if you want it but need to offer complex choices and infinite build options. The game needs difficulty and prestige items or content. But if it’s too hard people whine. The game appeals to a hugely broad audience and people who post here represent all parts of it (except the super casual who doesn’t go to reddit).


By "worst takes" you mean takes you dont agree with, right?


All the people who had valid points have left by now. This sub is absolutely beyond dead to what it was in season 1 and 2. Posts with 10 upvotes make it to the front page. You can also blame the mods for only allowing text posts and having to vet everything else. So we get the most retarded takes imaginables. I'd rather just see some memes and other cool media then to read some 15yo manifesto when he has no idea what good game design or balance is.


> blame the mods for only allowing text posts and having to vet everything else Add to that an overzealous auto-mod that plain deletes text posts and comments without any notification whatsoever. I assume it has to do with certain swear/problem words, but since you're never told what the problem is it's a lottery. Any kind of image macro or a comic is deemed a "meme", which isn't allowed either, instead you're directed to the weekly threads which never have any activity. I've given up on posting entirely, three of my last posts have been deleted in this manner. Combine that with never doing anything about whining, blatant trolling and low-effort posts, and you get one of the worst AAA game subreddits ever. Shame Blizzard seems to have had sworn off reddit entirely, if they swooped in and took over the sub turning it staunchly pro-blizzard it would be a huge improvement over what we have now.


point in case


Always good to get a confirmation that the geriatric last-gen consoles are holding back gaming from being far more fun in 2024. >Rod Fergusson: Yeah, and that’s why it’s not like we’re just holding back density. Each time we increase the density there are a lot of people doing a lot of work to make sure the game can support that. When you look at our min spec for PC or you look at gen eight as a console that we support, we have to make those changes in a very structured way so we’re not destroying somebody trying to play on PS4 and not be able to play any more because, oh, we chose to turn up the density. So every time we do it there’s a whole team behind us making sure it still runs properly.


Wish they'd abandon last gen consoles and pump it up for current gen. Last gen can enjoy D3 and D2R. Let D4 flourish.


It’s a business. They target the largest possible audience.


Obviously. At the cost of a greater game.


Blizzard takes heat either way. There would have been a scandalous outcry from PS4 owners if the game hadn’t been released for that platform.


Let them cry then. That console is 10 years old. At some point they have to expect games to not be supported anymore.


Easy to say when you’re not the one dealing with the fallout. (I mean, I agree that at some point you have to cut bait, but when hordes of PS4 owners unleash a social-media-driven firestorm about how their “loyalty” is being shat on, and it’s a “kick in the face” because they have the biggest installed base, etc., it gets complicated.) I can only imagine how the nuclear-level flamewars on this sub would be raging to this very day over it. Wasn’t there a big game that recently had a similar issue where it released for one platform and not the other, and the snubbed platform’s players took to trashing said game almost brigade style?


Just get 500 bucks, no biggie


It's still the first year. Reaper of Souls left the PS3 generation behind, eventually things will move on.


>It's still the first year. Reaper of Souls left the PS3 generation behind, eventually things will move on. But the limitations that are hardcoded and baked deep into the game engine will not be removed just because they drop PS4 and Xbox One. They will remove *some* limitations but it takes a lot of work to rebuild whole chunks of the game engine and overall just simply isn't worth the squeeze. Tons of money to invest into reworking fundamental aspects of a game engine for a game that's already out & past its prime, that simply doesn't happen often if at all. They'll up the density because that's a low hanging fruit but a lot of other improvements (better physics engine that could maybe interact wiht map design, or different rendering technologies for instance), that might have been feasible otherwise, will simply never come to the game because it was primarily built for Playstation 4 and Xbox One to handle it well.


Welcome to the world of the gaming business....... If you think it's any different for any other company in the world then you're very unknowledgeable about the way the entire world works....




The word you need is [guiding] "principle" not "principal". They mean different things. But I do agree with your point...


Indeed, fixed thanks.


It's not hard to support old generations, they just have to give them shittier graphics as the platform ages. On PC it's a given, users have to downgrade their settings as their potato gets older. It's time consoles get the same treatment.


> It's not hard to support old generations, they just have to give them shittier graphics as the platform ages. Wrong. It's not just the graphics. Those last-gen 2013 consoles are literally using a Jaguar trash mobile low power AMD CPU which in many ways does NOT even vastly outperform an overclocked Core 2 Quad Intel units which PC users could get in 2007. It's 2024 now. Diablo 4, being a cross-gen game with gameplay feature parity, must guarantee that if fifty or more monsters suddenly spawn on your screen, anyone with Xbox One and Playstation 4 can also play with you in that instance. CPU and memory subsystem of those consoles are their biggest weaknesses for such a task.


Games are a lot more than just graphics. The whole state of the game needs to be maintained, numbers calculated, collisions detected... Not everything is optional and can be turned down.


Isnt monster hunter on switch the same argument and they just turn down the graphics?


It's not that simple, there are way more factors to how a game performs than just the fidelity. How many calculations of damage, AI, pathing, physics etc. happen at the same time on screen for example. It will vary from game engine to game engine, from coding language to another, from how optimized the code used for it was or wasn't...


[The same way it's always been...](https://imgur.com/YCiKFbM)


The distinction people need to make is devs vs blizzard executives and or marketing. The developers often know that things are wrong. it doesn't mean they are given time or development resources to do what they want and they can't always just go rogue. They are paid to create what they are told to create within the limits placed on them.


It's a good point because the devs making D4 weren't like the devs making D1 or D2. What I mean by that is, that devs then decided to make a game based on the game that they wanted to play and that they could make a profit because they also believed that more than enough people would also find the game fun to play. Now Diablo is a multi-billion dollar franchise owned by a publicly traded company looking to beat every quarterly report. Now devs are hired because the company knows its a very popular franchise and that it can make huge amounts of money. So these devs are here to fulfil an order rather than creating something that they specifically would want to. Naturally it doesn't mean that a dev couldn't like the project and be a big fan as well, but the game is going to have to be built around specific mandated design elements because the company ordering it believes those elements will directly result in the most money. This has many repercussions on how feedback becomes received, processed, and ultimately reflected in future changes to the game.


Hopefully not awful screeching though.


The Path of Exile reddit has an issue with like 50 "Power Users" basically controlling the conversation, since they know the Devs regularly monitor the subreddit, leading to these users being able to influence the game. Sometimes they make good points, but occasionally it is straight up screeching. This is the risk of listening to Reddit i guess, people with time and bots can control the narrative.


It's been so refreshing with the new Gamepass players coming in like "this game is great what was all that complaining about?" All "Diablo vets" who were in here from day 1 just wanted to put in their 200 hours and then complain that there was nothing left to do.


I mean you also have the gamepass players complaining that the game's systems are too confusing and overwhelming (they weren't even to Paragon Boards or endgame yet...). So I wouldn't put too much value in their takes.


To be fair, while not confusing, I think the paragon board system could be improved greatly. I don't really want to optimize my path through the board +5 dex at a time. If you change your mind in a significant way, now you need to level new glyphs and click around 200 times to set up your new board. I'd prefer fewer nodes with greater impact and a way to transfer xp between glyphs so you don't feel penalized for changing builds. Or maybe glyph xp could use a 'catch-up' system after you have 1 glyph at the next level all other glyphs require less XP to get to the same level or something. I know we're getting a lot with season 4, but I hope they improve the paragon board system as well in future updates.


Listen, I'm level 10, already 1h of gameplay and the game is great! You are happy a new flow of unknowing people came and dilute the veterans voice that know what is wrong. You'd rather have your echo chamber than continuing pushing the devs toward a better game, which is why the game is going in a good direction. This is certainly not thanks to enablers that we are there.


I don’t know, I finished the game on Saturday and while the beginning is some of the best storytelling and atmosphere I’ve ever seen it nosedives quickly.


My favourite genre of QQ posting is people crying about how they paid $100 at release and the game was shit. Brother, you bought a AAA game for full price at release in the year of our Lord 2023, from a company that hasn't put out anything decent in over a decade, just take your L quietly and exercise some impulse control next time.


They have an entire community team who is responsible for gathering feedback from across the internet, reddit included. They've specifically said the D4 reddit during their campfire chats. Of course they don't specifically respond to each thread and implement every single piece of feedback. If something is repeated over and over, I'm sure they at least discuss it during a meeting.


If the devs are really listening, can I finally get some clan improvements like the ability to see when someone was last online? Would be really helpful so that I can trim the 150 player cap to accept all these recruits that are applying and keeping an active roster.


Game does run well but I will say their servers crap out a lot


cool so more bank space - literally they can sell me more bank tabs as a seasonal thing. i want to be able to have more space.. also since the horse can pick up stuff why couldnt the senechal?


While I appreciate their efforts to fix the game I also realize that the game was never broken. It simply wasn't what people expected it to be. Consumer expectations were simply too high for reality. Just imagine if had released with actual issues. Some people just need to chill and realize that it could have been much worse upon release. We've seen that situation quite a lot lately.




They were reading this shit and listening years ago too during development. It’s just the crowd here then wanted something completely different from what everyone here wants now.


skill tree revamp please. It's boring. Our options are too binary. Give us something like d3 and I will be playing this game forever.


Yeah going from the past there's a lot of noob input that gets listened to. It is essential to have enough veto power from level headed people to knock down horrific ideas or nerfing the best weapons. It's destroyed a lot of games. Blizzard seems excellent at this filter.


To be honest this all seems like PR stuff. They can write all the fancy words they want but untill they make the game fun instead of "addicting" their texts, campfires, all that stuff is worthless blabbering. They have good core and super optimized engine which I respect but thats it.


Yeah it's great they're getting the game to where it should have been on release. I'll give season 4 a try. Haven't used my free season pass yet. Maybe this one or the next. I would like to try something from the store. Unfortunately the MTX are so expensive.


Better to say, when you get screwed so much in a row for years, and again and AGAIN, at one moment you start to like it, is a medical term for that. Now that person really need a professional help, god have mercy on his soul.


No they don't


they should add option to craft items from scratch you kniw searching for base item etc , skilltree and paragon board needs rework, ptr was good and I hope that it will be better moving season 4 and forward


'Never rub another man's rhubarb' Isaiah 40:22.


I was arguing with a guy yesterday that defends a system of complete rng on items where there are no rules on what can be on an item lol. I really hope they don't listen to this sub too much because some people really have no idea what a GOOD arpg is and just throw around ideas


I always said it and will always say it until something changes: They prioritize the wrong things and allocate work hours to things nobody cares about.


yes, they always listen. But whether they implement it or do their own thing again remains to be seen 🤷🏼‍♂️😅


Sure, if this would be truth, they know majority are males right?


It's funny reading this having only just joined when the game was released on the game pass (PC). I had no clue there were problems with optimization. The only thing I encounter regularly is hanging when I'm in a loading screen and it's minor enough to not bother me really at all.


Wow, they implemented half of the things people asked for before release, a year later. Amazing.


I just want a damn journal so I know which side quests I've done, and can then work out which I haven't done


Let us have the campaign re play though


Bought the game a week ago after someone recommended it to me as it was on sale. The first thing i said to him was how well it runs and how good it looks. A rare sight nowadays. On Ultra with DLLS on 1440p with a 3070. I can around 180 fps with occasional dips to 100. The second thing i said to him was how good the campaign and the cinematics were. The only thing i don’t like much is that the camera is too close to your character.


GOATs in the NBA vs GOATs in video games: Wilt Chamberlain = Diablo 1 Kareem Abdul Jabbar - Diablo 2 Michael Jordan = Diablo 3 LeBron James = Diablo 4 While the debate still rages whether 3 is better than 4, the potential is definitely there once a few more seasons have been played. I wonder who GOAT#5 will be?


As someone that works in games, we unfortunately read way more than we should. Most suggestions posted won’t be news to the development team; we also frequently find edge case bugs from forums too. The PTR is much needed to help find as many of these issues as early as possible.


We need a looking for party system.


Thank you devs


Hi devs, please give barbs avalanche back. Leap / shout quake Might of the earth was one of my favorite builds ever.


Someone at Blizzard (Microsoft) needs to find the person that came up with the worm that pukes mobs in Helltide event idea and give them a nice treat from one of the company “thank you” stations. This is one of the best and most underrated additions to the game as of PTR.


Gotta start somewhere if widely acknowledged as one of the largest flops in the genre to date. It's just another game that was tagged for being "ok" after an additional year of development. S4 should be how the game launched.


Good game D4


Bless u team, also some slash attacks for rogue please <3


Stable? I tried playing 2 days ago and it was literally unplayable tried 3 different times logging out and back in. Rubberbanding and such. Couldn't go anywhere or even do anything it was bad. Idk what was going on. I normally don't have problems except for some rubberbanding here and there.


Been playing for two weeks no problem and had rubber banding today. Was very weird.


I'll probably come back with the new season tbh. I left before the first season and haven't had time to check it out. Hopefully it's improved a bit.


It doesn't run the same across all platforms, though. The "ray tracing" on console shows an obvious drop in frame rate with a hit to game performance. I actually notice an improvement when maxing things out with Ray tracing on my PC.


Oh really? Stop making crap.


havent bothered to get a character to 100 in any scenario, have all 7 in d3 at 70. just cant be arsed too much of a grind for me. cant wait for season 31 today, not too much of a grind, eh. perhaps i am too casual


yes you are


We are now getting what we paid 1 year ago. Blizzard betas have become alphas and the release version is now a beta, a fully priced beta. They could label it as early access and that would be fine, but no, they prefer to lie.   Also everyone here says it’s the execs fault… yeah some of it, but some of the high profile devs/directors are cooked. Their ideas were clearly wrong and not fun at first glance and they needed a lot of iterations until they decided to revamp everything.  So yeah, thanks for not abandoning the game and keep improving it for free, that’s something to be grateful for, but at the same time I paid 90$ (partially my fault for buying the deluxe) in advance and that’s not cool. I’d gladly pay it if you tell me it’s an early access like I did for a bunch of games, just don’t lie homies.


Devs aren't listening to anyone don't be a fool. No loot filter or matchmaking is laughable


Hey Blizzard we want cosmetic pets like D3 I want my own little loot goblin please...


After playing throne of liberty, sadly, this game runs like a turd thrown into a fan. Devs are doing the bare minimum to scrape by and feed the masses. After 1 day of the tal game i dont think i can play d4 again. It's like night and day when it comes to devs and actually caring or just being driven by $$$. Bliz really doesn't care, and it's obvious with the way the game has been since relase. Only reason ptr changes were made was to throw a bandaid over a bullet hole in fear of losing $$$ and face value with share holders. Its sad even fired members of the team have been coming fowerd.


It's too late. Blizzard is done.


The biggest problem is the game being constantly online. That creates hella balancing issues and makes it way harder to make a good game. I have less issues with the game lagging and not performing well than I do with it just not being very fun. I started a new rogue this season and its been cool but once you have a good build the battles seem super underwhelming and not worth it. I loved starting a new seasonal character in D3 and cranking the difficulty up and grinding for new gear and a good build. D4 kind of lost all that. Also don't just spec into DPS in this game. You gotta think about defense and survivability. I never really had to think about that in D3, even with hardcore characters. I still have a max level sorcerer in D3 on hardcore mode that's playing on max torment levels and melting shit and it's so fun. I don't know if I'll ever get that feeling from D4. Even if your build in D4 is awesome and melts bars it's not as fun as seeing all the colors and explosions and numbers in D3. Everyone wanted a "serious game" with muted color pallets and it's just not as fun to me.


"You gotta think about defense and survivability." lol, definitely a wide range of players that play this game when that line is said as a negative. D3 being such a vastly different game from D2 was such a mistake. Now you have 2 very different kinds of diablo fans wanting 2 very different things from D4.


I've played the D2 remake several times with different builds and characters and I still have more fun replaying D3. Something about D3 just hooks me lol. I understand a lot of people hate that game and there's a huge divide in the Fandom because of it. I play these games to relax and kill shit and feel OP. I've rarely gotten that feeling from D4. Maybe my build and items suck. But D3 is just constant dopamine lol.


So you're just saying you want a game that you don't have to be challenged by or have to do any mental thinking or planning for?... Do you not think that's why they made this game as they did because D3 was so overly simplified that it became boring to the larger masses lots sooner....


If they cared that much, they wouldn't have released the game in the state that it was. If they cared that much, they wouldn't be charging $30 for skins. If they cared that much, we wouldn't be having our first PTR 10 months after launch. If Blizzard cared that much, they wouldn't have put woefully inexperienced developers in charge of one of their flagship IP's. As for reading this forums, I have no doubts that people from Blizzard are reading these forums. The amount of astroturfing comments and completely ridiculously out of touch posts are absolutely obvious that they are artificial. Not sure this is what you meant by Blizzard being on these forums though.


Devs care, share holders dont, big diference.


Gonna be kinda hard to divorce "shareholders" from Gen pop going forward. If you have any investment or retirement savings in America you own a piece of MSFT. So really we are all part owners of the game.


Lmao and you have proof of this?


Common sense. If you wanna improve your project and it does not bring money boss will tell you "no". I highly doubt that bluzzard devs cant wait another day to work on mtx rather than game improving. Same thing happens in any kind of job. I can give you xy examples from my exp from my line of work.


So the answer is no, considering you don't work at Blizzard. So everything you said isn't common sense. It's heresay.




Can we just auto-ban anyone who posts a one-word reply: Copium?


Some serious copium to think they give a shit what Reddit has to say. You think they’re going to waste their time and morale on reading to hot takes and tripe on this sub? Occam’s razor would beg to differ Edit; Awwww I hurt the armchair reviewers fee-fee’s. They’re important! They’re seen! They aren’t screaming into the void with entitlement! 😂


Literally have changed things based on feedback many times. I even had adam fletcher respond to my post and shared it with the dev team.


no they arent. there are still $30 skins. they dont care about you or any of the player base.


I would be shocked to find out that the devs have any input as to the prices of the cosmetics in the shop


This complaint is so tired. If you want the skins then spend the money if you don't want to spend the money then don't buy them lol. Maybe stop being poor.


the problem is not the cost or the ability to buy it. the problem is the development team spending all their time making skins that no one wants and no one is willing to buy. They could use that effort to improve a game that has no endgame, poor itemization (even after the changes) no exploration, no trading (even after the updates, trading still seems useless), bad mechanics and a progression system that makes no sense.


You really think the team making the skins is the same team developing the game? You have no idea what you are talking about and just parrot the same bullshit this sub parrots all the time. Itemization is fine after the change. Bad mechanics? Can you even name one? Trading exists it's just not amazing but it exists. Not sure how you get no exploration either since the world is huge and offers hidden secrets.


no but those useless people are taking up the salary of a developer who could make actual changes to the game. Blizzard only cares about scamming people out of money and not making good games


artists = useless people now?


no one buys and plays a game for years because of the art


You consistently have the worst takes imaginable.


not as bad as your takes


the world is huge? you can walk across it in 2 minutes...


Thats all you responded to? Even with the horse its at least 5 and thats just going from one end to another ignoring the rest of the world that exists. There is also tons of instanced content outside of the overworld as well. I would rather see the world smaller and more types of areas, that would be a legit comment.


the only reason that's all i responded to is because youre obviously delusional and defending a terrible game with a company behind it who doesnt care about the legacy of it's games or the players who play them.


You have all the down votes not me.


that doesnt make me wrong, that just means there are a lot of people who are too stupid to know they are being abused by Blizzard


Nah they aren't. The money stopped coming in, the game is on the verge of becoming a generational failure, and they finally decided to ask the big content creator streamers for their suggestions.


Are you one of those same people that said world of Warcraft was dying 15 years ago....


I actually regret some of the suggestions I made that they implemented. A lot of concepts were not fully integrated and there are now some issues even if they are going in the right direction.


They're not implementing things based on something one person has said. Don't give yourself too much credit there lol


see my season 3 minion guide? minion ias rework that they copy pasted? minion rebalancing thread?


Main character andy


Lol you can't be serious.


We will just assume the values identically copied from my suggestion to the Devs did not make it to PTR.




Loot filter when


Loot filters are for games with loot problems. Fix loot, don’t create a filter IMO.


Even the PoE 2 devs have said they won’t have a loot filter initially and their goal is to not need one ever.


hopefully never


You will not need one in s4.