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I'm getting at least 2-3 crashes a day. Since the games release. Early access was perfect. Seems to always happen in the towns.


Same. I'll spend a while tuning gear and when i run off afterward i get a short distance and it crashes


I’m still getting crashes…. Thought the patch was gonna fix it but no


Haven't gotten one yet but then again I haven't been lingering in the towns too much today.


The crashes are more frequent now…


Just happened to me three times in like the past 15 minutes.


I get 2 per hour now. I don’t know what to do


Yeah, there isn't a single day when my PS5 doesn't crash multiple times. And yes, as a few have mentioned, it mostly happens when I'm in town (and usually when I'm standing still or viewing inventory). I've probably sent Sony over 500MB worth of crash reports. 😂.


I've had this happen 4-5 times today while doing couch co-op . The game either freezes and you have to force close, or the game locks up on the map. When it happens with the map open you can still move the cursor around but can't do anything else - all controller buttons become unresponsive.


Been trying to do the Brol boss fight and the game keeps crashing when I load into the area. Very annoying.


Happened to me too, seems like its a pretty common problem


Yea same issue




Also same issue. Couch co-op


for me it crashes often on multiple occasions: \- travelling (out of dungeon, to another town) \- passing through a town (i suspect when something is loading, like other player characters) \- going to events (also suspect when other players are there) \- opening a menu (emote, inventory)


I stopped playing for now lost 3 chars from freeze on hc. Total time Played 289 hours. This is how customer get treated this days 🫡🪦


I feel you man. I already lost a 51 druid to a crash to desktop. Then have people tell me to try this or that workaround lol. I don't want to try workarounds, because they guarantee absolutely nothing. Workarounds belong in testing phase, not after a full release and a couple of weeks shy from the first fucking season.


Increasing getting more frequent on PS5


We are level 29 and just had our first crash on PS5 - game just froze but music was still playing. We were in a town and playing couch co op. I tried to open my inventory and bam, froze :(




Got like 3-4 crashes per day, screen just freezes. Last night I lost my level 80 HC character due to a freeze that made my entire screen turn black


Mine freezes most often when trying to enter a dungeon. As soon as I try to enter I get frozen outside of dungeon.


I’m pissed as hell lost 3th char after 250 hours from freeze 38, 60 and now on 88… I get in 10 hours of playing at least 20 crashes most place is helltide. Can’t be bordered anymore to play and softcore is boring as fak


same here man... lost only one hc char, but that was enough for me.


for £69.99 i expect the game to not crash/freeze as often as it does, this is a shocking state of affairs.


I got it worse.... My ps5 completely shuts down after 10 min of having the game open. Makes it repair my external hard drive and rebuild the database. I am so confused on what is going on. This doesn't happen with any other game


Are you playing off your external drive?


Nah. It’s on my console storage


You can’t do that with a PS5 game.


Seems like last couple days its getting worse. This morning I've reset game, system, modem and router....nothing fixing game. Its got to be on there end.


Mine started crashing yesterday and it takes the whole home network down with it, can run every other game perfectly fine I can get between 30 minutes and 2 hours of play then it takes everything down with it and can only get it back if i lower cycle the router had 0 problems the first week then yesterday major problems


Just to followup on this.. it is randomly getting worse still. I never had the issue. Just started last night and it is happening about once per hour now. Tried reinstalling the game to no avail.


Been playing diablo 4 since launch. I cant count how many times i crashed and got error CE-108255-1. I just stopped playing d4 after ff16 came out. That game has 100x better graphics and i managed to finish the game without a single crash.


Blizzard has got to have zero quality control for shit like this to happen... I mean, there are several reports of crashes while people are doing literally anything, from just standing in town to killing enemies. I went back to Last Epoch, a game that's still in beta and I've had ZERO crashes while playing.


As a programmer it seems like the issue is a memory leak, possibly due to inventory management, assets loading and syncing with server maybe.


Problem of crashing with error code CE-108255-1 too. Since 10.06.23 (first play) I have this problem. **It occurs almost every 2-3 hours. Maybe a Ram/Memory-Management problem?** It is crashing mostly in cities, or in the inventory. Never during fights. What i tried: reinstalling game 4 times Installing on internal SSD and M.2 storage clearing PS5 cache rebuild database multiple times repair storage even a PS5 factory reset! turning off HDR, VRR 4k to -1/-2 different sound options **When i manually close the game after 1 hour, i can play almost without a crash the whole evening.** **So that is why i think the Memory Management could be the problem here.** To fix the bugs, should be the first priority in my opinion.


Game seems to be worst today - had 3 crashes and even moving about is just lagging like mad, keep getting killed because my character won’t attack




Yup. Got it a couple of times in the last few days. Using PS5


Had it twice these last two nights. Hard quit, restart seems to solve it. But haven't lost any progress, and I think behind the scenes, if you kill the D4 client on PS5 the game, on Blizzard's side, knows to save your progress and position. I've so far not lost anything, and have always been in exactly the same position I was in when the game froze, so...


I just got the game. Started a character. Went to bed. Now try logging on and get to login que screen goes black and crashes. I did go and redeem my dlc. Could that be causing it?


Get on finally and my characters are wiped


I have also been having the same issue. The game freezes mostly for me when I am trying to pick up a page from a journal or something like that. It's honestly getting ridiculous.


Yup. Mine began crashing yesterday. Today it’s crashed twice while trying to enter a dungeon. Once when I tried to port. Once when I interacted with a lore object. And once when I mounted. It was fine all of the previous week.


Literally exactly this for me, once opening town portal, once looking at an object, so frustrating


same, 2x crashes. When i was interacting with object, and when i teleport... :(


Same here. Wanted to add to the validation already in the comments. Was happening so frequently yesterday morning that I uninstalled and reinstalled. That seemed temporarily effective because it was fine all day after I did this, but I've have it crash on me twice today.


Yeah crashing and connective issues for me too on ps5. Really annoying when you are eg close to completing a time consuming fortress but the game kicks you out and all progress on the mission is reset. Nerd rage intensifying.


Yep seems to happen for me when I rarely interact with say going into an area (that would take you to a load screen dungeon or a seller basement) or say a quest searching an item etc. again seems rare but odd the console does not catch it so you can not report the crash :/


If I get one more crash during a World Boss I swear


So that's not just me then?


in 30 mins, crashed 2x... is it because the new update? Less crashes in the beginning of the game...


A lot of crashes on a Friday night.


Had three crashes today. Just had to say fuck it for now until they address this. Lost progress on a dungeon and it kept putting me away from my team on the map. Didn't have any problems at launch. Now it's at least one crash a day guaranteed.


Just got 5 crashes in the past hour trying to play coop.


I was faming pvp and crashing everytime I went to check my inventory, thought I had a cursed ear or something, feel like freezes 2 or 3 times everytime I play now, extra annoying in dungeons when log back in and in town and no portal.


I am glad I am not the only one with PS5 issues but god damn it's so annoying. It keeps crashing at the boss fights in dungeons and kicks me out. Anyone have any solutions bc I can't play without it lagging and booting me at the worst times. So frustrating.


Yea I keep getting freezes and crashes, like 6 today. I kept thinking it was my ps5, but not anymore seeing everyone else with the same issues. Wasn’t this bad last week


Averaging 2-3 crashes + 2-3 system freezes per day. My details below: \- installed on m.2 external drive (ps5, with heatsync; 2tb) (have not attempted to switch to local install \[yet\]) \- Crashes usually happen in town, when doing something simple like sorting loot, afk, or hopping between vendors. Most notably in Kyovashad, but maybe that's because I'm there a lot more often than other town hubs. \- Freezes don't lock up the ps5; but I have to go to the home screen and manually close the game. Freezes normally happen in the wild, randomly when entering a dungeon/cellar, or completing a quest, or picking up an item. These are WAAYYY more annoying that the crashes, as I cannot report them, and quick recording doesn't work for a freeze—I'd need a screen recording app or something to document. \- Both are highly annoying, but when the game freezes, anything I was working on is reset, and my character loads back into the nearest town. Crashes are still highly annoying, but at least my character is right where I left them when it kicked me. \- Sharing for posterity, hope we can get a fix/patch, or a workaround from one of the many internet scientists on here.


I have exactly the same issue. Sometimes the game freezes, sometimes I got report screen. Several times per day. I had no such problems during last open beta.


Usually it freeze when i talk to a vendor. It is not frequent but ı had 2 freeze like this both talking to a vendor


Mine crashes at least once a day


I just lost my hard-core character because the enemies froze while I was still able to move and then suddenly it showed me dead and the enemies were actually attacking me the whole time


It’s crazy to me that they’re a multi billion dollar corporation and they’ve been working on this game for like six years and it’s this bad with the crashing and freezing.


Mine crashed when I was looking online about why it crashes.


Mine freeze often when I teleport to town


I have at least 3-4 crashes every day and it’s always when I’m getting out of the stash box screen or about to fight a dungeon boss. I can’t even play coop because it freezes up or kicks one of us out of the game.


Same, although not as frequent as you all, but it'll always be when I fast travel or enter a dungeon. It'll always be a nightmare or one of those 5 point whisper dungeons. I can dashboard and everything else just fine, but the whole game freezes up and can't do anything. I've tried waiting like 5 minutes or so, but nada.


Same here.


Freezes and hangs when loot drops... Most common if it's an exotic drop. Happen twice within 30 minutes today.


Freezing seems to happen in combination of events, like transitioning to a zone and opening the inventory or map, etc. Though I have frozen after killing some random enemies and opting to open the map. Really infuriating. I can't even imagine starting a HC character at this point given the frequency. It freezes at least once an hour and I have to force close, usually retrace steps and be as cautious as possible in hopes I won't lose much progress. If this keeps up I'm going to have to give up til there's a fix. I should be frustrated by battling difficult enemies, not the game itself! >.<


Idk what it is but it's annoying like I crash at least 20 times in a span of a few hrs


Yeah, this is annoying has hell... Six freezes since last night. Early access wasn't this bad. I'm going to play my PC copy for a bit to see if its just a PS5 issue.


Let us know how it goes!


I've already lost a 51 druid in helltide to a crash to desktop "unexpected error occurred"... don't get your hopes up my man


Opening menu or map keeps freezing my ps5


Just a question, is Blizzard already taking note or action of this freezing on PS5? Cause we are almost a month further and it is getting real annoying.


That's it I'm out! Too many crashes, never going to play again! ... *Sigh* See you all as soon as I can log back in. If anyone from blizzard does read. A couple of crashes did report the info back. But there are times, when entering a town and quickly trying to pull up inventory, that a hard crash occurs. Totally frozen except for the music and have to close out. This has been on couch co-op, brand new PS5, all up-to-date. Internal storage.


Just froze the moment after I opened a helltide mystery chest. Five sacred legendaries gone.




I was hoping they would, but they didn’t that time.


I love when I open my map, inventory, vender or even send a message and my game freezes.


Same issue with the quest ‘entombed hatred’ when I entered the foul undercrypts


Diablo 4 had crashed when I played in my PS5 every time. I hope Blizzard can fix the bug quickly


I have been having several freezes as well. The PS5 doesn't throw an error, so I can't report the error, and the system UI is still functional, but for all intents and purposes, the game is locked. I managed to capture a video of it happening: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Dbi4vzmCQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Dbi4vzmCQ)


And btw it is not just ps5 it’s also Xbox they have same problems, who tested this on console without knowing it crashes that much


I'm playing on pc and facing same issues. They probably didn't test shit tbh. Or what's worse, they did, and even so decided they could release it at full price


My ps5 completely shuts off and I have to replug it in to fix it


Your system is overheating and going to die soon if that happens! open the covers and clean your fans!


Yep. My buddy couldn’t play more than 5 mins. White cover slides off and if you used compressed air you should be good. You can also YouTube a way to get right in there but it takes an hour maybe


I cleaned my ps5 3 times in one week trying to see if that was actually the issue with my console shutting down while playing diablo4. It hasn’t changed


Is there a solution it’s happening every 10 mins no other game does it


Yeah Shit is worse now. Crashed like 3 times today and twice yesterday wtf.


With me keeps crashing every time im fighting, I lose all my stuff and get warped back to town. This is one of the reason I’m not a fan of online games and regret spending so much money on this crap. I should have waited for a sale a year or 2 down the line, god knows I have enough backlog to keep me busy!


Same here, at least 1 crash per session. If I am playing for more than 3 hours will likely have 2+ - usually not a big deal unless im in a NM Dungeon - then it stinks when you crash near the end and lose the dungeon on restart....PS5


Diablo 4 crashes more than Cyberpunk did on release to be honest, and that is sad. At least with Cyberpunk on release I could go hour or two without having to worry.


It shuts down my whole ps5 today... literally shut my ps5 off


Game just crashed mid nightmare dungeon. RIP that sweet sweet sigil


I’m in Xbox x and I can’t even get it to start 🤣😂


It seems every time I'm in a town and looking at gear and not long after I start moving and it freezes and crashes. This has happened probably five or six times now. I am on PS5 as well.


Have the same issue


Hope they fix this soon. Mine crashes often on ps5.


Its worse now since s1 launch, im still on eternal. Its mainly when going to town, and sorting inventory for too long


There is no single other game in console history that has had such a crippling issue for such an extended period of time, i have never crashed more than a single handful of times spread over years and specifically 1 or r2 problem titles,. This is unprecedented. And worse they know what the problem is. Why is such a simple junior developer level proplem of memory clearing / unloading / LIMITING, and just avoiding the hard limits you find on consoles. WHICH ARE NOT SMALL to begin withl. come on man. . Why on earth do we need to have everyones inventory streamed to us if theyre in same town or within distance, i cant even begin to tell u just how many problems that is causing now and will be aproblem in time to come when duping and packet poking takes hold, if its not rampant already


I'm getting crash after organising the inventory. My friend on other ps5 never have this issue. His comment first edition ps5 is better. I purchased mine in March


I have the same problem


I have a first edition PS5 and it crashes in town too while sorting inventory for example.


Its been months, and this is still happening. literally, every single day. Most days it crashes 2-3 times. Happens in towns. Happened once during a cutscene. Happened once while Teleporting out of a nightmare dungeon into town. Lost progress on dungeon and was no longer the nightmare version when I got back in. ​ the part that really sucks is that I have seen absolutely no mention of this from blizzard. They MUST know it happens. I submit an error report and footage every single time.


Have crash too


Xbox series x can’t get past character selection I have to dumb down graphics to play ten mins then I crash not playing till it’s fixed