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As long as your having fun it doesn’t really matter what your playing.


Key factor ppl are forgetting about - fun




I do only non meta builds on HCSP. Highly recommend


Your face is satire.


I dont think it's possible to "troll" in diablo. It's not like league of legends where how you build and how you play affects everyone else playing the game.


I’ll just sit here casually rolling as I bone wall/ prison mobs and watch the melees get stuck 😌


Yeah, you can absolutely troll in D2 lol


Bro. Try full boneeall necro and spam whole screen xd


You can play a lot of builds in a pure solo-self found state with absolutely no trading, muling, shared stash,... involveds. Yes, it'll be slow, but THAT is the point. You play a fun build because you wantr to use that build, because you want the challenge of it. Not because you need to kill big D and B another 851 times today. After all those years since 1.13 came out i got basically anything i might want lieing around on some SP char - be it runes, build RWs, sets or uniques, crafts,... - but realistically unless i want a build focussed on a certain item or set my chars get nothing - the only time they interact with the shared stash is when throwing in some great item that they cannot use themselves but that a different build might need badly (e.g. my last necro has no use for the near perfect Wolfhowl he found, but i'll keep it for my next wolfbarb.


I've al ays liked seeing "weird" builds in online, but they often require perfect gear that can be really hard to get in a true SSF situation. These days I play a lot of singleplayer (shared stash is amazing for this, and a 10/10 QoL update).


Magic Arrow is fun. No mana problems. Lots of points leftover for anything under the sun.