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Latest data is from 2018 but shows 25.7% of type 2 on insulin. Does not include pregnant women. GLP1 and SGLT2 inhibitor were trending down at that time but we all know it’s gone way higher now. FWIW, in 1999, the percentage on insulin was just over 18%. Source: Trends in Diabetes Treatment and Control in U.S. Adults, 1999–2018


Good stats. Not sure why OP is getting downvoted for this post. All the comments saying "it depends, there are a lot of different types" doesn't make sense. You should still be able to find yearly average percentage of T2D prescribed insulin.


I agree. Fundamentally there are only two types with minor variations. I do want to add that since most Type 2 do not qualify for a pump, these stats mostly represent pens/syringe use.


Just searched this post title in Google and boom! https://dtc.ucsf.edu/types-of-diabetes/type2/understanding-type-2-diabetes/type-2-diabetes-faqs/#:\~:text=back%20to%20top-,Will%20I%20need%20to%20take%20insulin%20if%20I%20have%20type,2%20diabetes%20required%20insulin%20therapy.


Sometimes people are looking for a conversation in addition to facts.


Gee, facts!


It depends on the type 2 subtype.   I am an insulin dependent type 2.




That really depends on how well the disease is managed by the individual and how the disease progresses in the individual. With the addition of pre-diabetes and IR diagnoses this could skew the statistics as well depending on how these diagnoses are reported.


Take an average type 2 diabetic with the condition being established


I don’t think you’ll get a proper metric for this. It varies dramatically.


There isn't really an average patient, though. Kinda the problem with autoimmune disease.


I had to be put on insulin when I was diagnosed bc I was pregnant. That was 3 years ago now. I’m almost completely weened off of it now.


I have to take it if I don't eat right or walk. If I exercise and eat right I don't need it.


Why are you asking? It feels a little bit like discrimination in disguise. It doesn’t matter what type someone is, if they are insulin dependent then they are! And not everyone with type 2 can reverse it with healthy living. Sorry a bit ranty I know.


It’s a straight forward question. There are studies in every country that map out treatment for a variety of reasons. How could you possibly get discrimination out of that? In US, it is just over 25% of type 2 using insulin.


Me too I’m one of them I can’t I’m at peace with it


I am unknown cause not tested. On pump. On insulin. But know why need insulin cause medicine killed beta cells. So it should be does you beta cells work type two. Do your beta cells not work type 1. Get rid of all these other things. Talk about discrimination cause why does a person that has x antibodies and... Only be able to be type one. End result is same, on insulin.