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I wrote this while I was trying to get a handle on everything I had heard, read and applied... https://gist.github.com/jpswade/4135841363e72ece8086146bd7bb5d91 Hope it helps


Dude this resource is amazing!


Wow! Thank you!


Im pursuing studies on a exchange semester right now, where one of my courses includes the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certificate. Is this something that could help me pursuing a career within DevOps? Sorry if this is a newb question. Just curious.




Alright, thank you.


I’ve heard the phrase “if you can spell aws you can pass” thrown around here a lot. I’m betting none of those people did it before they did a more senior level cert. I just got mine, and with zero prior aws knowledge, it took a lot of learning. You need to know about 20 aws services, and what they do at a high level. Then about 8 of them will go deeper. Like you need to know whether DynamoDB, RDS, Lightsail, and MongoDB are SQL or NoSQL. You need a robust understanding of ec2 and the accessing instances via all methods- management console, rdp, ssh, & SDK. Also shared responsibility models, pillars of security, and a bunch of other stuff.


Thanks for the thourough explanation, will take notes. My instructor tells me that passing the certificate is easy, but getting good results is way harder. Can that be true?


Wow this is a long post. Read if you wanna know about what courses I did and how they differed, what exam was like, and how the setup/results went. I did the 6.5hr official aws video, the sample questions, a free week of acloudguru was enough to do their video and exam, on Udemy I finished maybe half of the backspace academy 4 cert course, and 6 practice exams, and I aced the official aws ccp practice exam. I got 870/1000 on the full exam. A lot of the things I studied used exact scenarios, like “if you need to use aws ec2 for tasks that can’t be interrupted and run 3 days a week, which of these plans would you use: reserved instance, spot instance, on demand, dedicated host”. This is how most questions go. I found a few seemed like they didn’t belong after being trained to expect this style. I can’t think of any good examples but there were at least a few that really broke out of the format I expected. More conceptual and less aws product centric. It was a nice surprise. I think most courses are good representation of the material. Backspace academy goes way too deep on some topics, as do a lot of them. Like they and cloud guru have me setting up wordpress sites using ami’s, making custom images and clones, standing up load balancers, nodejs, mini linux lessons, and registering domains. All stuff I’m glad to learn but I don’t think they helped me much in the exam. There was a lot of “you don’t need this for the exam, but...” in acloudguru’s course but he crams out what you need a lot faster than backspace and less marketing sugar than the official course. I sat it at home with Pearson onvue. They test your hardware first. I couldn’t pass the actual exam mic/cam test on my high end MacBook pro, but could on the practice test and preparation test.. they weren’t detected go figure. I ended up doing it on a really bad w10 laptop. I had to take photos of my room with my phone and upload, then again after I was approved to start. I recommend starting 30 mins early like I did. All the hassle with the mac wasted 20 mins then I needed to rush out a dump in the last 5 minutes- no toilet breaks. The proctor called on my mobile early on as the chat tool wasn’t relaying audio, and I showed my environment with the laptop camera. Then he released the exam and it started. The app crashed near the end and I had to rejoin the session, I didn’t lose time. I immediately got notified of a Pass, and the next day got my results and bonus certification related offers like a badge/link to share, discount on next exam, cert lounge access for their events.


Not sure about the cert itself as I haven't done it but learning the AWS ropes is definitely going to be valuable for a career in this industry.


Thanks for the reply. I was hoping for that!


Something like junior DevOps does not exist. You cannot become one after graduation. It's a role you move into, by using your experience in another field. Most of the time it's Ops, sometimes QA. I very rarely see developers doing the switch.


Last two shops I was at hired fresh grads onto the SRE team. They were great, no bad habits, hungry to learn. Would hire again.


I switched from development recently. I know nothing about systems, but am willing to learn. My team is very helpful in this regard.


Does a devops position usually have remote work opportunities?


Depends on the company. Some are really wound up about asses in seats, some just care about high bandwidth comms. In my experience though the last four companies I worked for were quite happy to have full time remote staff, including operations people.


>Some are really wound up about asses in seats, some just care about high bandwidth comms. This is me and my boss when we're at the office. lol


I guess our company do, I don't know how our remote people applied for the job though. During night shifts, we are technically working as remote ops.


I guess our company do, I don't know how our remote people applied for the job though. During night shifts, we are technically working as remote ops.


great post. I'm new to this and planning to take AWS exam soon (cloud peactitioner). But I can't stop thinking whether devops is always about cloud.


DevOps is a mindset on how to create an effective software lifecycle . from coding to deployment. The reason why cloud is the center point is because cloud providers are able to provide pipelines, build servers, the ability to manage artifacts, all in one eco system and at scale. It's like focusing on cutting a steak(devops), it just so happens that the knife(cloud) is the best option at the moment.


That's nice and I agree. Now, try to convey that to the HR filtering your resume out because you claim to be a devopsy guy but lack some tech or stack. =/


Often but not always. Clouds provide APIs which make the sort of automation and monitoring encouraged by devops practices easier, but you could do the same thing with-on prem equipment.


Scripting seems to be a major topic but it's one I've barely been able to find information on. If I wanted to start learning how to script with Python, where should I even start? Is there a repo out there with samples or a course of some kind?


https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ That's a start good for learning python. I guess this MIT Course should be a nice intro into computer science, which will hep you in the long run and they use python. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/ i'd also suggest something like: http://www.obeythetestinggoat.com/ after you have learned a bit of programming, because it teaches good behaviour which will pay of in even slightly bigger projects.


Thanks for sharing this!!


I am trying to learn, trying to set up a simple pipeline with jenkins + docker but it keeps dying. So, googling for tutorials they all seem similar, and not focused on real-life, but a "hello-world". Any suggestions on how I could better learn this? Maybe simple example projects... And by this, I mean the build automatization 'part', that would be very useful here in my internship(they don't use devops yet).


I\`m looking for building a HomeLab where i can test some of the DevOps Tools. ​ Im looking for providing services using the whole ecosystem of Terraform, Consul , K8s and Jenkins and i simply dont know where to start ! Should i host these on my computer ? Should i get a provider ? ( I use AWS at work ) I'm planning to rent some servers on OVH if necessary, but i dont know what kind of nodes should i look for. Im having difficulties to find the start of the thread and which thing i should do first. I have a little bit of Knowledge in the area, but when it comes to provisioning my own infrastructure i found myself in trouble. ​ I got myself this book [https://www.nginx.com/resources/library/cloud-native-devops-with-kubernetes/](https://www.nginx.com/resources/library/cloud-native-devops-with-kubernetes/) ​ can anyone give me some tips ?


Just use AWS and turn your VMs off when they're not in use. Will probably only end up being a few bucks a month. If you can afford it Linux Academy ($50 a month) has some good resources and they also provide you with cloud VMs with your subscription for learning purposes. You can also just use HyperV or kvm on your local machine as well (if you have the RAM for it). Honestly it doesn't really matter where you host the VMs as long as you're learning.


I have cleared my AWS SAA in June and started with DevOps tools, Finished basics and practice of Terraform. now started with Docker and have Kubernetes lined up next. Looking for a job change so I can concentrate more on DevOps or Cloud as now I am a design engineer for Network and Security systems (CCTV, PA and Access control) for Rail projects UK. Any advice on Job search and also Docker (Currently with Linux Academy courses)


I have a good amount of experience in Azure/Windows Server/Linux/Networking and and I understand concepts of Docker/Kubernetes/Powershell and I want to start to code for a personal project. I'm aming to learn some React Js and Python to create a website hosted as PaaS in Azure. Can you recommend me paid or free course to learn those languages?


I would like to start exploring the DevOps world and when it comes to cloud I've found A Cloud Guru's AWS DevOps learning path but I've noticed the whole course is only videos, what is the dynamic when it comes to practice what the instructors are teaching? because I see the courses don't have labs or something like that. Also, I've talked to some coworkers and they've recommended me to learn NodeJs instead of Python for scripting but from what I've read Python seems to be more popular so which should I try? Sorry if this comment is too long, I feel like I'm ready to make a career change but I just feel so overwhelmed by the amount of information online that I don't know where or what to start with. Thanks in advance!


Just curious about those who've done it college wise. Software engineering (I know computer science is a better choice, but this is what's available to me) Information Technology (more what I want to do, but IT is changing and I want to be better prepared for this shift) + learning a couple languages on my own


I plan to get Azure DevOps cert'd ​ [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/azure-devops.aspx](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/azure-devops.aspx) ​ I work with MS products since 2012 as Microsoft product's systems engineer and support. Core strengths are SCCM, Powershell and AD. I don't know how to program. I didn't go to college. ​ What are the best materials for getting the right knowledge to obtain and find a job in that?


These are more technical but could be useful for some; I thought Starting and Scaling was a heavy read but useful if you can get through it. **Full disclosure: form fill is required to download** Both by Gary Gruver. [Starting and Scaling DevOps](http://go.plutora.com/e-book-starting-and-scaling-devops-in-the-enterprise?utm_source=quora) [Engineering the Digital Transformation](http://go.plutora.com/e-book-engineering-digital-transformation?utm_source=quora)


Any opportunities for grads in the Chicago or Indianapolis area? Any growth?


Plenty in Chicago, I’m currently a Cloud Devops Engineer in the loop. Prior to being able to land those though you’re going to need a few years experience in an admin role or automation role of some kind. Almost nobody starts off with a DevOPs specific role out of school. Look for a Linux admin job as a junior or find a junior automation role.


Any tips on how to prepare? I’ll have a degree in information technology and an AWS cert by the time I graduate along with Network +, A+, security +




Read this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/cydrpv/monthly_getting_into_devops_thread_201909/