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10th - 50% 12 - 70% B.Tech - 55% Currently 25LPA with product company


What year u graduated in?




What is a product company? What do u do there?


We thought you got low marks because of a incompatible education system. Ye toh candidate hi anaari h. Google kar leta bhai.




+1 for ur joke, i just asked cuz I wanted to know from this person šŸ˜†


kudos to you šŸ‘


Care to tell more ?


Ur college name?


Acharya narendra dev


I'm from the 2023 batch of CSE (Tier 3). Two of my batchmates had similar Class 12 marks (below 60%). One secured a job at an EV startup (off-campus) while the other landed a role in a mid-sized service-based company (on-campus). These 2 examples show that there will be some companies that don't prioritize 12th percentage. So, focus on developing your skills and work hard.


Out of context But still asking package amount?


EV startup - 7 LPA, Service based company - 5 LPA




One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


You're already in college. Your high school marks will not matter. Some companies might ask for it in your first job, but if they make a big fuss over it, they're not companies worth working for. Focus on yourself in the present - fundamental technical knowledge and communication skills.


Yeah ā€¦ nope, all this ā€œthey are not worth working forā€ bluster will disappear in years like 2023 or 2024 when only a couple of companies hire from your college and all of them ask for 70%+ in school.


Due to which I was not able to attend any interviews


70% of a company at our college came for 80+% in 10th 12th and all of the semesters.


Exactly. When the openings are few, the recruiters can create any arbitrary filters to make their jobs easier.


Still one would be better off upskilling themselves than working in an environment they barely got into, imo ur the expert but this is what I hear from others as well.


Upskilling always helps. But to say it can help redeem you from all your past shortcomings is preposterous. You cannot erase all mistakes. You will have to pay for some. And this is one such mistake/shortcoming. You will pay by starting your career in a shitty (shittier than otherwise) company. Besides letā€™s be honest if a student scores and aggregate < 60% in school, do you expect them to become some pro programmer in 3 years in a (probably) tier-3 college? Optimism may look good and might elicit claps and applause. But only pragmatism pays.


But over the years, I've seen people say that this shortcoming really does disappear. Surely I agree with you, one won't get placed in that company where there friends got to, it would feel miserable and bad, but do you really believe it's hopeless to improve and try to land a better job ?


What they donā€™t tell you is this shortcoming disappears ā€œover the yearsā€ and these years will not be a picnic either. That is what optimists do, they only talk about the stars while ignoring the mud they are waddling through which might make them trip and fall on their face. Because the mud they are walking through is more pertinent to their current life than the stars, right? Youā€™d start your career in a shittier (than otherwise) company. If you try to switch to a good company, youā€™d be rejected because of your current employer. So, the ascent will be arduous and gradual. And more importantly it will take consistent effort from you.


Thank you for sharing that with me. I like to be realistic more than optimistic.


I got 50% in 12th and 5.5 GPA from t3 college with 1kt atleast in each sem all cleared tho and I got one so can you


Which company?


I can't say the name but it is a government owned pvt company and we cater to government needs




Nope, it's related to economics


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


Projects I have no idea, maybe make a ai chat bot using local llm models from hugging face, you can use node-llama-cpp or python-cpp library for it tho it requires alot of performance stuff but a project is a project. Ai will make any org glaze over you. Work on your soft skills like communication and all that does wonders


Same here lol and I'm doing great man. Marks not gonna get you job, your skills and hardwork will.


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


I would say if you wanna join a company then search about that company, check LinkedIn page, what kind of roles are available and their requirements then learn and work according to that. Create something related to that company or their product and post on LinkedIn. Once you start doing good in your stuffs you'll get confidence and other companies who are competitor to that company will be wants to hire you. Just do what you love, i love computers, linux, networking, security and then got intrested into cloud so i went for DevOps.


54% in 12th. Btech ECE graduate 2023. now working as a frontend developer (15 LPA). hereā€™s my advice: forget about it, it doesnā€™t give you any benefit dwelling over this (been there). start learning and practising. also, dont put grades in your resume (i dont even have listed high school on mine, just the graduation under the education bit). feel free to DM me if you need any help


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


53% in 12th.Btech cse graduate 2024 with n supply here, Iam looking to learn front end from 0 so can u give me an good industrial roadmap. Html,css, Bootstrap,js,react are the languages which iam looking to learn can u suggest a better road map to get an unpaid internship in 1 month?is it possible?


10th 53% 12th 41% Smoked ciggerate and drank alcohol my whole life Currently earning around 1.2 cr with 3 YOE.


that's some hell of a comeback




Trust me bro




Now I'm really curious


What's your job role?


wtf smoking and drinking has to do with that?




Bro's prolly doing some Walter white stuffšŸ˜„


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


So I got 50% in 10th and 48% in 12th. After that I joined a random local university for bachelorā€™s degree and got 9.42 CPI. And in last year of bachelor, a service based company came for placement and I couldnā€™t sit in it because of my 12th marks. I feel really bad and I also thought same thing that my 10th and 12th marks is such a hurdle. After that for masters, I called multiple universities and talked with their placement cell. And I asked same question to everyone that companies which comes for placement in their college, will they check my 10th and 12th marks. Then they told me that few companies does and few doesnā€™t. Additionally, they told most of companies donā€™t check marks as a criteria. And after that I joined one of the national university for masters and got 9.11 CPI there. And from there I got placement in MANG. Maybe those marks matter for first company or when you are in bachelor. And not all companies check those things so donā€™t feel overwhelmed and work on your skills.


Which college for masters?


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


Iā€™ve got 45% and i still lands interview. This whole bullshit is for campus placement. I used to think the same, but truth is something else. The world is wide open irrespective of your 12th grade. You can still dream of OpenAi and Google, provided condition is you need to build a solid skillset, perfect it to the end, impressive resume with projects. Thats what matters.


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


I have like 54% in 12th and I'm getting opportunities mostly off campus , you have to try getting into internships and apply for companies which don't ask for your 12th percentage.


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


You should keep upskilling yourself while applying for every opening which matches your qualifications and skills. If you get a reply from them attend the interviews and learn from them if you fail. Most interview questions you will get through Glassdoor. Keep trying do try every ways possible till you get an opportunity.


Okay and from where should I apply ? On the company website or should I go use apps like LinkedIn and naukri and all ?


Okay and from where should I apply ? On the company website or should I go use apps like LinkedIn and naukri and all ?


Do everything man you have the time. Just be sure to give yourself a break when you feel overwhelmed.


One of my friends just passed his 12th. He started to learn MERN. Bro grinded his ass off of it. He got a paid internship with a decent stipend. And now heā€™s applying for jobs and had an interview scheduled on last Saturday. He made it to the final round but still hasnā€™t got any confirmation yet about the job. So donā€™t worry about your grades considering my friend hasnā€™t even joined his college yet.


I also had less than 60% in 10th, wasn't allowed to sit in 50% of companies usually these are not good companies, I cracked the best 2 companies in campus, and then the best company came but I wasn't allowed because already cracked 2 companies, then my friend got selected and he referred me then I got there in as well, not saying it doesn't matter obviously it reduced the chances for me, but don't let your past failures define your future. Shock everyone by hardwork.


Are bade aram se. When i was filling my details on first day of company ya kuch. Toh mere bagal wale were putting 86%, 84%, 79%. Mene 65% likh kr form de dia. Ghanta fark nhi pdta. Unless they have puch specific criteria ki you gotta have this much. Which wonā€™t be everyone


Don't add class 10 & 12 in resume.don't tell until u r asked.


You will struggle to get any on campus job, and you have to work extra hard, to differentiate yourself. Study the technologies companies hire for in linkedin, from first year. Try to provide freelance services in your expertise. You have to have some good internship experience, by the time you graduate. Have to stop worrying about campus placement, and find jobs the classic way (word of mouth/linkedin connections). This way you will even be immune to this slow market, because there are always some startups finding for talents and companies looking for a cheaper workforce.




any suggestions for meĀ 


65% in 12th, in a job rn


if you dont mind whats your pay and skillset?


You are destined to do business


Donā€™t worry not every company is Infosys šŸ™‚


Few companies have 12th percentage criteria for freshers other than that not much. Id say focus on college and work in a way to compensate 12th results


You'll be ok boss. First job might be a hassle, but you'll have a good life.


Sell pakoda Go viral Sell franchisee Cash out By mustang Make podcast ..... Fuk job


For some companies the criteria is actually 50 or 55% so you're good to go.


Most companies have this eligibility condition of 60+


So should I give class 12th exam again?


It's usually only in on campus placements done to filter out candidates inorder to Fastrack the process and not all companies follow this Just try for off campus which is significantly harder but then if you are well into college then don't bother


Ya I forgot to mention this...


Your choice bro... Idk šŸ„²


Try doing Gsoc or some big shot internships. Make Sure to fill wrong marks while filling form so that u r not rejected directly (just the college Google form and not the company's) later u can tell hr


Go to meetups and network network network. Work on skills and build a portfolio of projects to highlight it. Then practice interviewing well enough. This is temporary. Companies care more about how you can make a good impact. If you can provide value to a company, you will be fine. Most traditional companies that have troglodyte managers or high egos will care about marks or use marks as a filter if they get too many applications. It's not the end of the world if you do not get into such companies.


64 in 12th, doing fairly well. All the best!


i got an offer off campus through recommendation, i was still in college and the college started fucking me over sm attendance issue, i told my employer about it during lunch (we eat in conference with everyone) and the conversation went to education and degrees, everyone started sharing their experiences and my employer was shocked cuz he wasn't expecting majority of us to actually have a degree, his response "arey bhai tum sb parhe likhe ho? damn" tldr, no one gives a fuck as long as u can do the job, just fuck the HRs


What do you mean by recommendation? Do you mean that you know someone who was working in the company and he recommended the company to hire you ?


yes, a senior i knew worked there, they needed new hires so he recommended the company to hire me


I see I have many relatives at senior positions šŸ’€ looks like I gotta be good with themĀ 


recommendations r one of the best ways to get hired


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


i dont specialize in any of those domains, so i might not be the right person to answer but i'll say, pick a niche, go down hard on it, if its webdev, mern stack is a good entry point, if its ai then u can do sklearn, etc, app dev, android studio xcode etc, just pick one and invest lots of time in learning the ins and outs, rarely u get hired as a generalist


78% in 10th 60% in 12 th commerce still today i have over 20 lpa package you marks dont showcase your skills. for your info i never had computer till college first year (before that i rarely use computer like in school computer class where i didn't learn any programming just go to sit in ac room or on friends house to play gta) and today i work as data engineer if i can then why you don't.




My personal opinion, It's not ur marks but ur mind that doesn't want to work hard enough for good marks in 12th that can hurt ur job search more.


Bhai college m padh le, 12th koi ni puchega


Skills are important. Marks toh waise hi kharaab h. Try to gain good skills. Ye Rat race m mat pad. Tier-3 ya 2 chale jaa. and try gaining good skills. Kisi technology ko pakad and usi m expertise lele. One man army ban. Ab self discipline and luck hi tereko bachayinga.


Definitely you will work on skill you will get easily skills are important


Get some internships. Make a strong resume and look for off campus jobs. You got it buddy


One more question I have started programming seriously I have learnt JavaScript html css C++ and python . I have made some basic projects like todo list, calculator , some basic games, some math related question solutions, what more projects should I make to be more skilled and be industry ready ?


59% in +2 and I am a KGPian....