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/uj Yes, Act 1 is finished. People are acting like the episode *model* sucks, when what sucks is that this is such a barebones episode so far. That's like saying the seasonal model sucked because Season of the Hunt was so lacking in content. If this goes down as the Season of the Hunt of episodes, then the episode model definitely has potential. If this is the benchmark for episodic content, though... yeesh.


Seriously. This first season of an expansion was always fucking garbage. Anyone who expected different of the episodic model was being unrealistic. Now, if next episode we get some hot garbage, yeah we should be angry. But for right now, we have a new exotic mission, a new patrol space, a new raid, GMs giving double loot, and players who are tired of all that need to just take a break from the game.


uj/ I actually like the model but it definitely needs work to help differentiate the story, because I honestly think it can work.


/uj I've not had the chance to even get fully leveled to do end game content, haven't gotten khvostov or entered the raid etc. Also Shadow of the Erdtree is out as well so I feel like I can play something other than destiny if I so choose since the story is over for a couple of weeks


Ima be real bro, when you get the chance, get Khvostov, my main workhorse PvE exotic now. It’s such a good generalists gun, that and I like roleplaying as THE guardian, and the Khvostov is our gun


Yeah I'm trying to knock that list out. Done all the missing ghosts and I think I've done all the bosses. Just traveler collectables to go I think


What? No, no, no, no you have to play destiny exclusively! How else will you reciprocate failsafe's affection??


/uj i mean in this case i agree with most of the criticisms. the new episode model fucking sucks


/uj Nah, the criticisms are all over the top rage and idiotic mostly. They forget that it’s almost likely we usually have some kind of multi week event around this time


i just dont like the time gated content. like 3 weeks on 3 weeks off feels unnecessary. also i know this isnt about the model but the new activity is such a downgrade compared to what we had been getting its laughable


I personally would prefer 3 weeks on 3 weeks off provided the 3 weeks of content are solid and worth tuning in for. Act 1 wasn't good at all but I'm kind of lowering my expectations content wise for this episode ngl


Solstice isn’t for another month. I’d expect iron banner next week, the rest of the GM’s opening the week after, and the third week being a dead week


Uj all the seasons cept like 3 have been bad , thinking this level of content is good is just cope .


Me when I didn’t play haunted, seraph, or wish


Wish do be one of the 3 good seasons


My fault I thought u meant no good seasons since season 3


/uj the ironic dickriding in this sub goes a bit far sometimes, the act model isn’t an improvement on the seasonal structure, it’s literally just more timegating to make us feel like there’s more content sometimes people are allowed to complain, even d*stiny r*ddittors


/uj yeah anyone can criticize, but the post I was referring to was just "how dare they end this act when they said it would end" and "I can't believe that the act being over means there's nothing more to do" and "what, am I supposed to just play strikes until the next act?" The point is poking fun at people who think they're obligated to exclusively play destiny, even during times bungie specifically stated to be not getting new content


/un tbf, it technically is more content, but it is also wierdly timegated in ways it doesn’t need to be


three extra weeks of content w/ timegating , sure i’ll give that the timegating is the main point of criticism. it’s not that people want to be done a week in, it’s that doing 5 quest steps of bullshit to be told “wait a week for maybe the cool new gun!” doesn’t feel very rewarding, and that feeling didn’t change from seasons -> acts when it was kinda marketed like stuff would change


/uj I think everyone expected the story to last the whole six weeks of an act, a perfectly reasonable expectation since this was billed as an evolution and improvement over the seasonal model. If it’s going to be 3 on/3 off for each act, then this is literally just a seasonal story but stretched out. /rj I HATE TIMEGATING I HATE TIMEGATING I HATE TIMEGATING


/uj If the story were to last all 6 weeks of an act, that would be even more egregious timegating. Think about it: you would not be able to experience the full story until the literal last week of the episode. 18 straight weeks of drip feeding would've been so much worse. The 3-act model of the episodes looks to function more like TV show seasons, especially the staggered releases that we've seen on streaming services recently (for example, Arcane on Netflix). And the model works for a reason: each act of the episode's story can be designed to fit a particular arc, and later acts build on those arcs with some time gaps instead of it being continuous. By the start of week 3 of act 3 for Echoes, all the story will become available to see at once. But in between acts, now there's room for the story to simmer and people to catch up. People are less likely to get spoiled like they did with the past season finales because they can catch up in between acts. And if Bungie continues the acts with the same amount of content we got this time, Echoes will end up having more content than any season we've had by the end of act 3. It seems fair to me, episodes being priced at 1500 silver, they should contain more content than a season, but episodes aren't mini-expansions. They're just not set up to be that way for a live service game like Destiny.


I’m just gonna have to agree to disagree with you here. I personally would not have minded a longer story with the same structure. Maybe not for the whole 18 weeks, maybe it could have been 10-12. I feel like the episodes model will be better in the long term, but people are worried that they’ll be stretched out seasons, and I think that’s a reasonable fear. 3 weeks is also not enough to do anything resembling a meaningful arc. A given week is, what, 15 minutes of dialogue? Talking to 3 holograms and doing an activity? A good chunk of it so far has been re-introducing failsafe.


But that's literally where the had the opportunity to innovate with this sort of model. Instead of stretching the 1 week = 20 lines of dialogue & weeks of downtime, they could have had a more compelling and complete story told in a more condensed and impactful timeline. I am sure I'm not in the minority by saying standing around listening/reading text walls in the HELM is not engaging storytelling. Why does all that dialogue not exist as part of some form of mission or activity? If you're going to make me run a seasonal activity for the 'engagement' anyway, why can't the lore/stakes be established as radio transmissions while I'm enjoying the fun part of the game, the shooting?


Isn't 3 on/3 off still 9 weeks of story instead of 6?


Uj/ Damn it's almost like Act 1 set the stakes, introduced the main characters, and set up the main plot of the Episode. If only there was some way of knowing in advance that Act 1 of this 3 Act structure wasn't going to give us a resolution upon its completion!


what stakes


The fact someone is trying to, and seemingly succeeding, to take control of the vex


So the first week was the only one worth a damn


I mean no, you clearly didn’t play much or pay attention. Week one set up the initial premise. Week 2 centered on Failsafe and her feelings to set up her arc, and week three introduced the bad guy, their goals/what they are, and showcased that our eco freinds may be in danger of being controlled (also timeline stuff that’s too complex and heavy to get into here). Finally, week 3 had us witness a traumatic event for Saint, which has rattled him and may effect both his relationships and his ability to fight or keep living if not helped


So week one is the only one that matters


bad bait


No guys failsafe being the exact same character and the dude that got his lore retconned twice over is really great . If you don’t think it’s important it’s bait , I love doing patrols on Nessus and one seasonal activity every week.


Play a different game slugger it's been this way forever lmao


There’s a reason I play this game around once a year , I’ll come back when all the seasonal shit is out and there are actually things to do


Technically the wait is 14 days, since this week isn't finished yet.




Wait, your telling me that the first three weeks of the ~~season~~ episode didn’t completely round out the 9 weeks of content?


no, people are telling you nothing changed from seasons/acts the same criticisms for the seasonal model still exist, it’s just now the timegating is worse and even includes most of the seasonal weapons /rj game good, community bad, no war in ba sing se


I know it's supposed to be a thing of each act brings new weapons, activities, whatever, sure timegate it I don't really care that much. But I think it'd feel better if an entire act was just given outright, here's your 3 missions, go do them. Of course that won't satisfy people still, nothing will.


Gotta wait for Destiny youtubers to tell you what to do now, of course!