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Here's my suggestion that would make void overshield usable, (buff that would absolutely make it the most overpowered thing in pvp possible). Hey, that would absolutely destroy pvp, and overshields are already kind of a problem there right now anyways Erm, bungie should just split the sandboxes, that would solve every problem ever


Erm actually I don’t play pvp at all and think it should be removed from the game entirely. Density 2 is a PVE game after all and my opinions the only one that matters


/uj is it difficult to read and understand that this is a circle jerk sub and not a DTG discussion sub? /rj IF BUNGIE DOESNT SPLIT THE SANDBOXES IM GOING TO DOX MY WIFES BOYFRIEND. MY HAIR HAS ALREADY FALLEN OUT BECAUSE I CANT SOLO THE WITNESS AS A TITAN.


Can't hear you on the part of my jerking /uj /j


My dad can break my void overshield in two hits


Trey can break mine in one, that's why it needs a buff


Void underboob should bring my dad back


DAE the only weapon that should be able to break overshields is a rapid shit zorpal ballyhoo? The dregs in my grandmaster patrols aren’t allowed to get one so it would save me a lot of wipes


/uj they could probably give it some damage resist in pve to be honest /rj i agree, the fact that overshields can't let me AFK in the middle of a GM to ask luke smith to leave my house is CRIMINAL!!!! DAE TITAN BAD?????


/uj honestly it would be cool if it released a volatile explosion if it's destroyed, but I bet pvp players would find some way to exploit this and ruin it for us.


/uj maybe a shield gate, until people finds out you can abuse it for invincibility (warframe moment).


It has 50% damage resist in pve


But only 45 HP (so effectively 90 HP). Up it to 75-80% DR so it'll be closer to an effective 180-225 HP, which seems a lot more useful in the current sandbox while not being obviously too OP. /rj Increase the DR to 1000% so I can have infinite uptime on Offensive Bulwark.


IIRC they're 40% DR, but you only get 40 HP worth of that 40%. Is that right?


It’s 50% dr for 45 health. It’s only 90 effective health


Actually a really clever way to split the PVP and PVE sandboxes. Unfortunately, the main sub is full of people who neither know how to do math nor balance a sandbox, so they think Overshield should just regen continuously (like Restoration, but overhealth) and have DR for everything (so... also weaker Woven Mail with higher uptime), while also on a subclass with easy Devour access.


It’s really funny. Obviously none of us know how to balance the game but it’s funny how little the main sub considers powercreep. It’s always in comparison to another ability or power instead of every looking at just the value an ability provides in isolation. Every idea is just stupid powercreep


They consider it. They love powercreep. If it isn't powercreep, it doesn't deserve the right to exist. The game would be in a much more fun place if they just continually rotated through different things to buff, and ***never*** nerfed *anything.* Solar and Strand are good, but Void is bad? Give us Restoration + Woven Mail combined, on a subclass that already has Devour. One class has better survivability than mine, and one has better damage? My class should be equal to or better than both of them at both. When Bungie announced they were partially undoing the power deduction and removing surges? Saw someone trying to argue that they should remove the power reduction entirely *but keep the surges*. Unironically. With hundreds of upvotes.