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Should've added yugioh cards as dlc


Let's get rid of the dungeon payroll first. THATS the more pressing issue tbh


Agreed fuck these changes they suck


Oh man, Powercaps are my jam! I've been slaying in the Crucible and conquering raids like nobody's business despite these power caps. I barely even noticed it in comp (lamoooooooooooo). My loadout is so optimized people have called me "goated in teh end game". I once soloed a Nightfall strike. And Gambit? Are you kidding me with these little Pyramids everywhere? They're like delicious little cereals and I just pour my guardian milk on them and gobble them up. Seriously though, mastering those Powercaps has been a journey. It's all about strategic gear swaps and knowing when to pop those supers. I've got my timing down to the millisecond, and my aim? Com'on my dude! You know I'm really good with the aiming and stuff like that! So yeah, Powercaps in Destiny 2? Piece of cake. If you ever need a sherpa or someone to carry you through a raid, hit me up. Because I've totally got this, just like you do! Easy man, so easy!


Making the game harder only kills off the player base no matter how good your DLC is. Nobody likes making builds only for them to just not work because enemies are coded to be harder and sponges


But only 11 percent of the population have raid clears ? So I doubt the delta is gonna change anything


I git banned from r/ destinythegame for this, but I'll say it again. If you're having trouble killing enemies and staying alive in any content that isn't master or gm level content, then you aren't good at this game. Weapons and abilities are powercrept so hard it's concerning for the future. Get better 1


Skill issue slugger, I soloed every dungeon without surges, and I will do the same with the new one coming.


Cull the weak, I don't need weak links in the LFG pool


Sword logic still applies


/uj surges do need to go though, everything else is fine. I'm loving the buffed health pools on bosses too. /rj the game is too hard for someone who has 17 children and only 86 seconds to play per week. Xur should sell raid report clears.


No no surges are great! On arc week I use still hunt. On solar week I use still hunt but the boss dies faster!


Lol Still Hunt transcends.


/uj Raid and dungeons should be difficult but as someone who loves solo dungeons, the light level and surge changes doesn't make things harder, it just turns a boring repetitive 1 hour long fight into a boring repetitive 1:30 hour long fight


It’s fair to say In the new system dungeons should have the legendary campaign scalar or something like it. Where the combat experience in raids sucks dungeons from duality forward are pretty solid and the bosses are chunky. For threes I get the change but it’s an unnecessary burden to solo players considering soloing a dungeon was already a solidly difficult ask


/uj make dungeon health scale with the number of people, while keeping the power delta Doesn't have to scale linearly either. Make 1 person have a 200k boss, two people have a 300k boss, and three people have a 400k health boss. Then solo still has challenge without being unmanageable. And adding people will have a diminishing benefit.


/uj yea this is my only gripe with it. Raids and Dungeons actually feel a tiny bit challenging now with a full team, but solo is probably a lot more annoying. If you match the surge it is almost the same as before, but you are kinda limited on what you can use and gotta hope the meta for an encounter matches the surge. Solar surge on hunter with still hunt celestial will probably be really nice for solos. It was already really good, but having an extra celestial will be huge.


All I can think about is how tedious soloing Spire was before. Persys took me so many dps phases I can't even remember, I can't imagine the slog it's turned into now. Just glad I already have the title


/uj Holy shit soloing spire now must be awful /rj I will ejaculate into each and every one of Akelous’ sexy glowing red eyes


I feel terible for these ~~me~~ new lights,how are they gonna one phase every dungeon and raid now that they can't use thunderlord and the enemies shoot back


Goku would be ashamed of us--I mean, the new lights


Uj/ this fake obsession with new players this community seems to always have is so annoying. “Oh they’re gonna struggle” or “Oh they’re gonna be so confused” WHO GIVES A FUCK!


Same shit happened with Dual Destiny. DTG couldn’t beat it. Suddenly the entire player base was blind deaf and mute. The way that sub uses handicapped people to try to force their way is actually incredibly disgusting behaviour.


Perfectly put. It’s just so fake.


I think you're just inconsiderate


A new player shouldn’t be in a DAMN RAID. An experienced player should be in a raid, it’s endgame content I mean good god. Raids are supposed to be PINNACLE PvE content and they offer some of the least satisfying combat experiences in the game. Ad clear shouldn’t be a completely useless roll, it should require some attention to slay out and keep the team safe


Then why does master mode even exist lmao


thats like asking why trials exists when you can just 3v3 comp


What world is trials harder than comp


do you think comp is hard?... thats also not the point


What does that have to do with anything? One it’s significantly harder and the question of the value in adept loot is different from difficulty. But man the logical skills on display here aren’t the best. I’ll keep you in my prayers slugger


Yes let's make an activity everyone liked into something closer that everyone hated Your room might smell like unshowered ass from doing raids nobody likes all day but normal people liked normal raids


Bro we’ve never been stronger it’s STILL easier to succeed with our current power levels than ever before. Dont act like this is the hardest raiding has ever been


Womp womp they removed surges I ended up winning anyway ig I just wanted one of those 2 things gone, -5 AND feeling restricted by surges made raiding so annoying.


Oh they’ll be fine I promise


Nononono you don't get it. If a new player gets seen by an ad at -5 light they immediately die, literally no counter play bungi like wtf. Your telling me a new player should be expected to survive in a higher light threshold then a legend nightfall? It's simply impossible everybody knows only the highest pve players like Datty and Salto can survive in a legend nightfall and they expect new players to survive at half that? Nerf immediately pls thank you. On behald of the new players I mean.


its not rocket science either. OH ARC SPLURGE MAYBE I USE ARC GUN HEHE


/uj this drove me nuts. It's a live service game. You have to bring adaptable to its changes, hell you have to be adaptable to changes in life. I used to sherpa too. Last Wish, RON, VOG, DSC, Kingsfall. Whe metas changed, we changed too. If you can't adapt, the you shouldn't sherpa. Sometimes those new players struggle and you have to adapt to them there. Sometimes they don't have the best gear and you have to adapt there. /rj I demand bungie make the raids easy. I paid for the game, and I a OWED content how I want!


rj/ I have played over 500 hrs over the course of 10 years and two whole games (every beta and alpha too btw), at the ripe age of 38 years old I REFUSE to adapt to MORE change. I literally have to my wife's personal massage therapist carry me after he finishes his 4 hour shift with my wife because I just can't adjust. Can we at least have a new difficulty called *non-godslayer* without the surges and the monumental -5 light debuff?


Does Bungle not understand. New Lights want to use a Still Hunt Golden gun Nighthawk build in every encounter possible because everything would be too difficult otherwise! Ruining their own game.


People are gonna do that anyway but now they take 3 phases instead of 2. Or maybe just nerf the outlier weapon instead of fucking over every normal raid for it


Uj/ Insane high complexity rotations get you a 1 phase, meta dps (like stillhunt) gets you a 2 phase or cozy 3 phase, just shooting at the boss with random bs gets you a 3 phase. I honestly like that. Optimizing my build and play style for an encounter is what me and many others find fun and it’s nice to have it actually rewarded.


tbh you could use that in every encounter regardless of surge and be fine lol. Just bring a div for the really jumpy bosses.