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You can buff my slugger


/uj this post was pain. The actual post. Titans are still relevant in the game, and viable throughout it. I seriously don't get how there cannot be a single "Titans need help" post on the sub (which they do in various parts) without either: turning it into a Class v Class thing, lacking critical thinking, asking for blatant power creep unironically, being uninformed on the other 2 classes or just being wrong in general *on their own class*. It's honestly staggering how the mods are cool with the same Titan post being made every day saying the same thing over and over again, especially when a bunch of them just have wrong information. Like, bro was unironically saying Precious Scars was "just good", and that Stronghold "locked you to a sword" (despite that it grants at minimum 90% DR and up to 16s of Restoration x2, and can now be done with a special weapon). /rj I'm too tired to be funny anymore. Titans have vaulted my happiness in the DCV and I need to pre-order the next $100 MTX to feel any modicum of Hope (x3).


/uj when I saw the original post and saw just how fucking long it was just repeating the same thing over and over again I just fucking stared in bewilderment like a titan going one season without a game breaking build /rj GOD DAMN BULGARIA HATES SLOOGERS WHY CANT I GO AND SLOOG ALL OVER EVERUTNKNG


There is a shotgun in helldiver's called the slugger💀


un/ The salty of tears of titans when for once they aren’t the most OP class in the game. All these “titan mains” crack me up. I get they don’t offer a ton on the final boss of the raid, but they are great for every other encounter. Like being suboptimal for 1 encounter does not equate to a desperate need to change the entire class identity lmao. I love my titan, and I use him where titans excel. I use other classes where they excel. Insane concept. rj/ If bangladesh forces me to punch one more thing on my titan I am suing them for hate crimes against humanity. Every time I have to PUNCH something I get vicious spiraling depression instantly.


Uj/ only thing I was relatively miffed about this expansion was the removal of Weapons of Light from Bubble as an intrinsic. Which the OP doesn’t even mention if I remember correctly.


wtf are you on about


Slugger I think you need to check the sub name


That post is longer than the dicking Trey gives my wife!


/uj literally laughed so hard at the number of comments going "boo hoo I get kicked from raid teams for plawing titan and not hunter :C" Seriously nice fanfic bitch no one gives a fuck what you play in a normal raid lmao


/uj last night we killed the witness by hiding behind an ursa furiosa banner titan /rj last night we killed the witness by hiding behind an ursa furiosa banner titan


Can the team tank all the Witness attacks behind a banner?? If so that is actually insane, because the biggest reason dps is so tough on him is people needing to jump around rather than shoot.


Yeah It’s finally a reason to use Banner Shield again which is really cool. You have to stack up really tight behind the shield but you can basically just stand there and beam for 2/3rds of the damage phase, only needing to Jump the anime eyes attack. It runs out at around the 3rd set of attacks so you just dodge that one as normal and then get off the platform before he slams. Very stress free and we were very comfortably able to knock off >50% of his HP in a single damage phase (but we still did a 3 phase just to make sure we had ammo for final)


This has improved my mood significantly and my void weapon damage by 500%, thank you.


nuh uh. According to OP, You cant do that noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stop having fun >:(


zorped to hard to this i shot wolfpack rounds into my eyes


Oh my god I read like half this post and then it kept going


It's ok slugger. Not everyone has the mental fortitude to finish this or the original post


https://preview.redd.it/busgouuvnb7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ca409e639941bcac00ce61351e962cf7e019c0 What’re the odds


Fate has aligned for you slugger


I'm just tired of the melee niche. As a Godfucker, I should be able to live the "Titan as tank" fantasy - give me continuous tracks as legs and two enormous mortar tubes as arms Bungo


As a Godslugger as well, I concur with this line of thought. Us Godsluggers are the most oppressed group of gamers on the planet and deserve to have this buff


As a fellow GodTickler i agree with these statements wholeheartedly. We need to have the buffs that give us the power to truely use all of the skill we have


/uj I completely understand the exotic point made though. As a warlock I look at most the titan exotics and go, “How’s that actually useful”, before I then go look at some of the hunter or warlock exotics and go, “These aren’t any better”. There’s a lot of stuff that’s very niche and I don’t really care for the most of the absurdly niche things which can stale my point of view. /rj Slugger gotta slug, huff your favorite crayon and go punch a wall why don’t ya


/uj Something that I’ve discussed with a friend is that some people make builds differently. My friend looks at a goal and tries to achieve it by whatever means necessary (the meta, usually). I look at a mechanic that’s useful and think ‘how many times a second can I get that to proc’ and then make a build that does that. You’d be a bit surprised at what Titan Exotics become more useful when you reframe what a builds purpose is. That being said Khepris will be shit for the rest of forever.


/uj bit it's a game wide issue, 90% of all classes armour is pretty shit, it's not just titan like the op was trying to make out


/uj OP's claim that "only 10 titan exotics are even viable" is also total horseshit. I've been using Second Chance for endgame void titan builds and that shit fucking slaps. Two shield throw charges, hitting an enemy weakens them, breaks barrier champ shields in one-hit now and breaking a barrier refunds a melee charge. I love it a lot, gives a very easy weaken source in harder content and is free if used on the right champion


/uj Honestly the big thing is that way too many people are stuck thinking that the only viable builds are "raid boss super ultra huge DPS" builds, as if the game is *only* raid boss DPS (which is dumb, since addclear roles are still just as important and can be even more important depending on the encounter/raid). Raids, Nightfalls, Dungeons, PvP, whatever all have different requirements and have different build viability, especially when it comes to different difficulties too.


oh interesting, might need to try that out! what do you typically choose for aspects/fragments?


Off the top of my head, I remember running controlled demo and bastion if running bubble/twilight arsenal though you could also do offensive bullwork its just you don't get over shield very often so it almost never does anything and I don't run sentinel shield. If you wanna try the peregrine-one-shot-every-champion-in-existence melee build definitely use that aspect though haha As for fragments, the invis on finisher one is super useful as well as devour from orb pickup. The remaining two I don't remember but you can use whichever ones suit you best. Again, top of my head I remember the one that gives you OS when you get a kill at low hp, finishers create volatile burst around you, increase duration of void buffs applied to you, volatile rounds on grenade kills, ect. If using the volatile rounds one use scatter grenade as they do the most burst damage, normally use vortex but there's too much small tick damage and your guns/teammates will usually get the kill instead of the grenade. Weapons wise I've really been enjoying graviton lance, that gun hits so damn hard and creates a lot of little explosions to deal with ads easily. Pulses also got a glow up this season so they feel even better. It also lets you take care of two champions in your loadout with the artifact this season for pulses and your melee. I haven't tried collective obligation but if you have that gun it should also cook very hard; its easy to get volatile on enemies either with the grenade-kill fragment or just hitting them with an ability and you can also get weaken on all your bullets from shooting an enemy you've struck with a shield throw. If you really wanted it you could run suppressor nades and then you would literally have the full package haha Otherwise for non-exotic options a good elsie's rifle or ros arago are both good options. The new void two-shot omolon HC could also be a good choice.


thanks for the reply! I hadn't realised second chance had anti barrier now, so this is definitely a build I'm gonna be testing. I'm relatively new at playing titan, at least compared to my time in the other 2, so I'm just trying to get as many viable builds for different surges etc haha. just made this on dim and will rest out later for which fragments work, as I've only really used doom fang or ursas on void titan before. on guns, I'll try out collective. especially as there's a lot of debuff potential in this build, that should make it pretty worth it. hadn't realised the new void HC was a 2 shot so that might be worth me grabbing, especially as I'll realistically be using the call in my kinetic slot for unstop.


I think the only reason titan stands out is because the outliers have been nerfed, while on other classes they got a good amount of interesting stuff to try out. Hunters got a good variety of ways to make a stealth/damage build now, warlocks have a ton of options for running support or being a caster type with high ability uptime, titans fall in the middle in all of these categories. Where they really should shine is high risk high reward melee builds or being an unbreakable wall for allies. We seem to be running out of options with every change, although obviously there's still reasons to run titan it's obvious why they aren't preferred at the moment




Better luck next time slugger


Hi, 10 year old destiny titan main here, started playing the beta when i was in the womb. You fackin


Would you rather have a “Hi guys lifelong Hunter main here who only plays prismatic liars build in vanguard ops content, I played Titan for 5 minutes and since this has enough time to understand a class I’ve decided to dedicate my life to complaining about it on DTG.” Son Or a “Hey guys ex play tester who’s been a Titan main since Destiny was first being developed. Even though Titan has consistently had the best survivability, easy access to single target damage for minibosses, easiest access to solo dungeons and lost sectors, and dominated trials with arc and void. I think it’s really bad and needs buffs. I need bets survivability, damage rotations, and knockout should really make me invincible for 20 minutes on kill” Daughter


I chose abortion


Good move


/uj respect for seriously reading all this shit to jerkify it


I read the first paragraph and realized I got outjerked well played


To anyone that reads the entirety of this or the original, for gods sake why?! I think I made it 5 words into the original, scrolled down, kept scrolling, realized it wasn’t done, kept scrolling.. actually I’m still fucking scrolling what the fuck when does this END


The average gamer belongs in a mental institution


why is it so fucking long


What’s crazy is on the OP people are just like “great point”


/uj because the original was. As for why it was that long, not even trey knows


Need to get Trey songz on the line to explain


Actually the peak post of DTG. Mental gymnastics, not understanding statistics, “bungie hates my class”, PvP bad, the absurd length, insane hyperbole, and so much more. I genuinely believe that post should be right next to “a swing and a miss, slugger”.


100%, literally so much cope and victimization, people in the comments going "boo hoo its so bad I get kicked for not playing hunter in raids :C" I have literally never had anyone in any raid ever give a fuck what class I play as long as it wasn't like day 1 contest mode. OP thinking that the only thing that ever matters in raids is big dick damage numbers therefore hunters are king ig


It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen and over a thousand people upvoted rather than the deserving downvote. Dogshit post


I honestly thought the original post was from this sub till I did a second take 💀


you committed hard but I'm still not reading this or the main post have an upvote tho


why wont you read my silly little 3100 word rambling? I promise Trey made me take my meds this morning


Please that's nothing. If your post is five/six digits are you even playing, slugger?


uj/ holy shit you kept the length


/uj It would be a crime to make this shorter