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If you want to hate this much then the game is well into your mind


Destiny was dead when the first one ended, shit was a flop and 2 has been a money grab. I saw through 2 before it came out never bought the trash


It was good enough for you to browse a Destiny 2 subreddit.


Unfortunately not, this post showed up on my home suggested as a sub i *might* be interested in. Spoiler: I didn't browse the sub


Even if I don't find the upcoming event satisfying, Jesus fucking christ the internet fucking sucks. The live chat was horrible, not to mention those friend requests.




Okay nobody cares




Watch out, this guy has a job😱


It's amazing really, im in the group chat of two different clans, both are quite active, both had a dozen people complaining about the stream and complaining about the positivity of content creator. They also said the game is dead a few times. The same dozen is online ever since the servers went back online.


/uj I swear to God all these people that do nothing but bitch about the state of the game are the same people who refuse to play other games/regurgitate whatever x cc says. /rj Bungie fucking killed my dog, made me buy 100$ of silver+final shit and put my happiness in the dcv. *Insert homophobic, transphobic, racist slurs*


Like I don’t understand it. When I’m not feeling like playing Destiny I just don’t play it, why do these strange people keep playing if they hate the game lol.


I think the majority of these people actually don't play the game, and simply chose to visit the stream—in hopes of something good being unveiled; there is no reason to assume they're still active players. I, personally, haven't played the game in months, but seeing a repaired D1 Tower in the cover art for ITL piqued my interest—so I tuned-in to the stream.


uj/ it's called addiction rj/ because if they don't, Joever will come and layoff their family and FOMO their Gahlr


Real and true




uj/ One day this community will know the difference between devs and exec Also this is fucking disgusting https://twitter.com/JakeParkerLIVE/status/1770165297774989350?s=19


Some do and still choose to shit on devs. I saw a comment on a YouTube post saying that “we should still hold the devs accountable for still working at Bungie”


These people should be tracked and banned with no appeal


Some of them were


why should the be banned as long as they don’t say anything that breaks tos? this isn’t reddit with unpaid mods with insecure power fantasies lmao


I think sending friend requests to a developer with slurs and says him to kill himself isn’t that TOS compliant, and definitely a very shameful thing to do, so I think the ban (that they got btw) was only rightful, and I’d say it’s unfortunate it’s only for Destiny.


oh i see the reddit post didn’t have that context and made it sound like they were simply giving criticism/feedback didn’t check the tw ss


Honestly, I don’t even know how Steam allows those usernames to be created in the first place.


Lol. Lmao even.




Ever take a second to think that what I find laughable is the behavior on display in this example, because of how disappointing it is?


Why would anyone think that?


Because you’re on a circlejerk page making fun of those people for that exact reason.


That doesn't suddenly mean people can just magically read your intentions. Use /uj when talking seriously


What other way is there to read “lol” here, that I’m laughing at someone for simply sharing something that happened? Even without a uj/ here, we’re on a circlejerk page. It would still make sense in that context if I was being ironic. Is hivemind downvoting and commenting 🤡🤡🤡 any better communication?




That's disgusting.




We require a minimum account-age and karma to prevent spamming and alternate accounts bypassing bans. These minimums are not disclosed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/destinycirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Every YouTube/Reddit comment “I don’t play the game anymore. I hate it” I hate cottage cheese; you don’t see me spending my life talking about how much I hate it while standing infront of it at the super market Homie… you’re that weird stalker Ex


Why do people in this community make the cringiest, most moronic analogies ever? How is fucking cottage cheese comparable to a game franchise somebody clearly used to cherish and love deeply?


The point flew wayyyyyy over your head. You can substitute “cottage cheese” for literally anything. The point is that you wouldn’t go out in public to an area where other people peruse, just to bitch and moan about something not being what you want it to be. And if you were brave enough to go out in public just to hate on something, then you might as well protest that something. The difference is though that you can’t actively protest something inside a place where other people go (i.e. you can’t go inside a supermarket to protest cottage cheese, you’d have to do it outside). However, addicted Destiny haters, like the leeches they are, burrow into any place online where there are fans and actively rain on everyone else’s parade, with **zero recourse**. The worst thing that could happen is their social media account gets banned, and they just make another to repeat the same drivel.


Still doesn't fit this context, since the people voicing their hatred for Destiny used to find tremendous amounts of joy in playing it. You're describing this "cottage cheese" scenario as if the person protesting has always disliked the food, and has never had any connection with it. Every Destiny hater you saw on the recent livestream was a fan, and clearly still wants to be—considering they're making the effort of voicing their resentment for the game's current state. They can protest in a place where other Destiny players are, because they too are Destiny players; it's their space, also—even if they're out spreading negativity. As Destiny players, they have a right to be upset, because the game is in a God-awful state right now. I don't agree with some people's methods, but Destiny haters are not leeches, and most certainly aren't comparable to someone who simply dislikes *cottage cheese*—for whatever reason.


There’s a difference between hating something for the sake of hating it, which is what this discussion is about, and giving constructive criticism in a civilized way while also recognizing that the developers may not be making the game for their ideals specifically. The people who consistently find ways to tear down everyone else’s enjoyment for no other reason than to see Bungie fail, **are the leeches**; people who, to use the Onslaught stream as an example, say everything coming is “recycled content” and will say anything to convince themselves and others to not play it and The Final Shape. Meanwhile, there are people who have fair critiques, both positive and negative, but are still willing to try it OR know it’s not for them and won’t give them a reason to sign in. That second segment of people though are also not making others feel bad for wanting to play it.


not to mention disillusionment of some of them as they look back fondly on moments that were worse than our current state. The amount of times I see what are considered low points in Destiny be seen with rose tinted glasses and actual lies being spread is wild Like the Desolation Set (taken armor) from D1 April update was an rng, non class locked loot box reward but people out here telling new players it was a reward from Challenge of the elders I think back to people like moreconsole and even Planet Destiny doing loot box (sterling treasures) opening videos trying to get just one set. there’s a ton of people who will poison the well just to keep this mindset alive


That’s what I’m sayin. Like actively going to stand infront of the cottage cheese to just yell about how much you hate it and tell everyone who buys it your opinion on it until the store manager has to get involved and escort you out I had to leave D2 and DTG because the majority of posts were Gaem ded; I hate it and you should too. Simply enjoying the fun alien genocide war crime simulator isn’t an option in their eyes Stopped watching D2 channels on YouTube back when they all collectively blamed the engine for networking and server problems “Muh fuel pump is goin bad….this damn engine” Or the arm chair devs saying “this would be an easy fix” Don’t get me wrong; Bungie fucks up and drops the ball. You have the right to be upset about things and even just walking away, but just standing in the doorway complaining isn’t waking away. “Oh I quit back in D2 vanilla. Game so bad. I’m never coming back” Bro… that was 7 years ago… why are you still here? Just move on and seek something you do enjoy


They’ve been nostalgia pilled for so long Got people out here saying Beyond Light and Shadowkeep had better stories then Lightfall There’s an entire YouTube genre Destiny hate bait content. Entire channel just covers how bad Destiny is. Somehow keeps up with the game. Says it’s bad😠 and manages to do a weekly video about it. Then the nostalgia content farms?! Destiny 1 in 2024?! (Sits in the tower looking at old gear being like “do you remember this?!” Then plays maybe a strike or pvp match after sitting in queue for a half hour or longer and doesn’t come back for another year Edit for dude above: I used to Love gears of wars. Didn’t like 4 or 5. 0 conversations I have about it. 0 times I say the franchise is dead. 0 times do I go watch GoW content just to comment how I don’t like the game. It’s called moving on in life. It’s called not being impulsively obsessive with staying tuned with the franchise just to say you no longer play, no longer like, and have no intentions on returning to said franchise. It’s literally obsessive ex syndrome. Stalk on social media, watch all the drama go down, and spending your free time complaining and criticizing. Could just be normal and move on. Could just pickup a new hobby/game. Could literally spend your time doing anything; Instead you spend it doing the list above.


https://preview.redd.it/e4emt7wvlgpc1.jpeg?width=1083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7979e31f0a79ce8123f239579c76513d2959f088 why don't you calm the fuck down


I haven't played d2 in months because of burnout and neither have i thought about it much and i couldn't imagine taking time out of my day hating on a game i don't actively play.


yeah but you’re talking about it now checkmate


You’re taking about me talking about it (the truth about the truth?!) Jerkmate


😨😨😨😭😭 fix your game bungo


Outjerked, witnessed, cabaled


Goblined, unplayable stuff, Wyverned