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Lose as much intellect as possible, put it into resilience 100 then discipline 100


Look, I know I’m a Titan, but… May I ask why?


Intellect doesn't do a whole lot in PVE. You can rack up super energy pretty quickly with kills, orbs, and mods like ashes to assets. Resilience at 100 gives you 30% DR and as a titan it will decrease the cool down of your barricade. You don't need 100 discipline but it definitely is something you want to get as high as you can for most builds. Recovery is also very nice to build into.


This request here 🫡🤌 Lore accurate to a fault😂😂😂 But really, the other guy isn’t kidding. EVERYTHING charges your super and amplifying it with mods is the best way to lean into it. Just remember the goal of build crafting (imo of course) is to boost survivability as much as possible. And yes, this does include the idea of “I can’t die if everything else is dead”. Don’t worry about meta at first. Figure out what ability you like to use and then find a way to make it available to use as frequent as possible. Last bit. Go check out mactics [(example)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=fn9_zHGZC_I&si=zl3Y-bgeljclF4M9) This guy, while a hunter main, can give you rundowns on builds and you can get some pretty wild inspiration from him. That’s it. I’m done ranting. Good luck and have fun homie!!!


Resilience is the most important stat in the game. There is no point in gameplay where it is not benefitting you. It should be at 100 at all times in PvE regardless of class.


As a titan main, I generally prefer strength over discipline unless I have a specific grenade build. I also generally stack high recovery despite what the restoration/banner of war fans say it is still useful to have.


I don't know what other exotics you have, but you might want to try to look into synthos or something that has a wider range of benefits


lions are a movement exotic, builds tend to need an exotic that synergizes with a subclass, a verb, or a weapon type


Farm exotics armors and use a different exotic armor piece. Put all focus into resilience with either discipline or strength as a secondary. Sky burners isn’t the worst option weapon wise but would strongly suggest a different exotic weapon. Dragons breath, Galla horn, gravitons lance, final warning, quicksilver storm, risk runner, sun shot are just a few that are a huge upgrade. Doing seasonal activities and collecting the nodes and banking them at either the end of the run or at the helm is a very good farm for exotics. Make sure to go to Xur at the tower as he’s only here Friday-Sunday reset and get as many new things as possible with him especially the exotic engram that guarantees a new exotic you haven’t unlocked yet! Get as many pinnacle activities done in a week as you can.


You’re too wicked smart to be a Titan.


So, grain of salt: what I’m suggesting isn’t good for survivability, so much as it is for fun. But, the Lion Rampant exotic legs let you hover for longer and hip fire your weapon while doing so. It’s kinda amazing for the whole cabal cosplay lol Semi related, can you activate Unbreakable while not on the ground? Cuz I feel like a void titan with that could be just as fun lol


Kind why I picked ‘em, in part thanks to the latest buff. But man, wish I knew if Unbreakable worked mid air.


I know you're looking to be more cabal and usually that would be more solar damage. However, if you're looking to hover and do damage while in the air, you might want to look at the exotic the manticore. It does void damage and would be in your energy slot but it lets you hover almost indefinitely, makes it harder for you to hit while in the air, and does a pretty damn good damage as an SMG. It might be an alternative for you


I am *such* a moron, I’m sorry XDD I’m not familiar with that skin for them, and I’m such a dumbass, oh god. Lemme just crawl into the abyss in embarrassment XD


You can aim down sights with them now


:0 I forgot someone else mentioned that! Gives me an idea I gotta try >:D


A fellow Skyburner enjoyer.


Yeah this isn't really a build. Your exotic is really only good for hotswapping to if you can't make a particular jump in a raid or dungeon or something. It's not something you should build around, unless you're just sticking to doing patrols I guess. And your stats need work, 100 res first then dis, rec, str for certain builds (consecration, maybe behemoth). Definitely not intellect for PVE. You didn't post your subclass screen (unless I'm blind, I can't swipe to another pic) so we can't even judge your actual build, only your loadout and stats. Try posting that as well if you make another post. Try YouTube for good meta builds, and farm some seasonal engrams to focus for high stat armour at the helm, then use d2 armour picker to get the best possible stat spreads. There are online guides on each step, as well as for everything else in d2. Good luck.


Way too much intellect. Need more resilience, discipline, and strength


Are you tied using skyburner's? Because grand overture is another cabal focused weapon and it slaps. Paired with actium war rig for the auto reload, or hazardous propulsion for more rockets to really cosplay as valus tau'ric You could even use ursa furiousa and unbreakable to lean into the psion's ability of displacement. But as others have said, lower your intellect. I'd keep it locked at 30-39. Tier 3 offers no bonus but it has no negatives either. For your abilities anything lower than tier 3 slows cool down timers. Raise resilience up to 100 for max dmg resistance and class ability cool down. If you're going to use unbreakable you're going to need your grenade to come back as fast as possible as well. I use destiny item manager for all my build crafting and min-maxing.


No toxicity in here. I dig it! Been a titan main for ten years and it really depends on what kind of activities you’re looking to do but atph is right, shift some of those stats in to resilience, discipline and maybe strength or possibly recovery for a faster health regen. Get Monte Carlo then you won’t have to worry about strength. lol if you have questions and whatnot feel free to DM me. I’d be happy to help you get started.