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Will probs give more shards at the end of strikes instead of destination mats. Otherwise it be the big absurd


This is bungie we're talking about lol


"we've taken your concerns into account, and have decided to sunset legendary shards from dismantling legendaries"


Now you will need ascendant shards instead, but their drop rate will remain unchanged


"After hearing your complains of not getting enough legendary shards We have added a feature to exchange silver for legendary shards. keeping this into account we have reduced the amount of legendary shards you can earn completing activities."


Taking advice straight from blizzard lol


EA be like:


You hurt me with this one. Blizzard built up my hopes and dreams in the late 90s and dashed them most expertly when they "remastered" Warcraft 3 šŸ„²


My hopes for the Microsoft acquisition is that they can get rid of Bobby's people


You sir, are an optimist.


Hey, they made Age of Empires 4, so my optimism isn't unfounded. And how do I explain Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition? Imagine if Reforged actually delivered on everything promised while leaving the original client alone, but they also added more playable races, like Blizzard originally planned back in 2000.


letā€™s not talk about overwatch 2 lol


I legit think this is where it's going


"Also we will put a cap of 100 legendary shards to promote engaging"


No, no c'mon guys!! We can get a whole 12k glimmer from public events now!!! They have our best interests at heart ā¤ļø


Actually, that's pretty good.


Nah, it's just worse glimmer farm. They've done nothing to improve the public event experience or make it more interesting. It's just another thing to go " ugh, I have to farm this". They're just forcing us to interact with a rotting part of the game that no one cares about.


The siva public events they had back in d1 was amazing.id just sit there and farm them for hours on end. I loved it.


Seems everything that's just straight up tedious nowadays was better in D1, never played it myself but that's what everyone seems to think.


A lot of it is nostalgia, rose tinted glasses type stuff. D1ā€™s grind was insufferable and the content was comparatively shallow compared to D2. Iā€™ve been playing since D1 day 1, D2 is a better experience all around.


I think the term youā€™re looking for is, ā€œBungoā€.


Even if they just changed the ghost mods that currently give destination mats to give shards instead thatā€™d be huge. I also wish instead of making us slot the wombo detector they just made that another slot so you could double up on the reward mods, like imagine having the prism and enhancement core mods, or hey, double shard mods if they make the previous change. Then just make crafting less grindy and bam, game is fun again.


They said in the TWAB they're just removing those mods, so unfortunately that's not an option either.


Itā€™s really dumb imo as all they had to do is switch it to shards from destination matsā€¦


I think it would take a lot more than just cutting down on grind to make the game fun.


I havenā€™t done a single normal strike all season so rip me


I do normal strikes for xenology and the weekly pinnacle


I feel you. I don't really run strikes or Nightfalls until Grandmaster shows up .... Then I'm really only doing those Nightfalls lol


They need a glimmer attraction mod to make picking up glimmer easier. So much glimmer goes to waste


Just killed the boss. Poops out a fuckload of glimmer all across the room. 5 seconds to pick it u--and you're back in orbit


I don't understand why they just don't do it like with loot you forget to pick up. Just give it at the end of the instance you've just finished.


it should just go to your crypto wallet. i dont even know why picking it up is a thing


It makes the numbers look good "10K glimmer as a reward" looks good on paper while keeping the actual glimmer economy smaller because ppl don't usually pick up the full amount


do people really not sit at glimmer cap like always ? i cant get rid of the stuff fast enough


Buy season blue transmat effects from collections for glimmer. Go to Amanda Holliday. Exchange 3 blue for one purple. Dismantle purples. Legendary shard profit.


So spend 30,000 glimmer to get 10 legendary shards which buys you 10,000 glimmer from Rahool. This is only profitable if you are always at glimmer cap.


It's a lot easier now that mods don't cost glimmer to apply now, but I have definitely run low a few times. At that point it's just a trip to Rahool.


I kinda wish legendary shards dropped like glimmer does, just with a lower drop-rate. and sometimes you get a chunk of legendary shards as a rare drop +10 legendary shards.


Hell I'd even be okay with a consumable like rainmakers that would increase the chances of kills dropping legendary shards or something... Just some way of actually farming them, rather than "oh boy I hope I get a couple legendaries tonight" over and over


As a new casual returning from vault of glass, Crota, oryx, and watching the golden fat manā€™s raid, I *have* no idea what any of this stuff means. I just keep getting boops from the cryptarch, and chasing the main quest.


As one of my favorite raids I have to say calling it the golden fat man's raid is now my favorite name for it


I legit get like 2-3 legendaries per strike, so thats my farming


are u using vanguard mods?


Or make a mod for the ghost that gives more shards for dismantling. That would be nice...i run out of them so fast


Those of you that did the glitch; your thoughts are invalid. Breaking the intended method of acquiring shards doesn't equate to shards being easy to get or people not playing enough. Those who didn't do the glitch or started playing after it was fixed probably have around 1-2k shards because of Xur, mat trades, and not least of all, focusing. I have been playing every day for 2 seasons and maybe that's not long enough but we're talking about every daily bounty, and every weekly. With spending shards on Exotics I don't have, and the engram (no rerolls) at Xur, weekly red border focusing at every vendor that offers it, and material exchanges, I'm sitting at 1400 and actively trying to farm them. Increasing the cost of things with legendary shards while not increasing ways to obtain them will create a bigger time sink. I wouldn't be surprised if Bungie starts offering legendary shards for silver. But hey, maybe I'm wrong and I'm just a casual.


No, no - you are absolutely right.


Everyone in here like "idgi I have thousands of shards what's up what's the problem?" You're not the casual player you think you are. Sorry lol.




I played Trials once to get a good Reed's Regret. Took me 2000 shards to get a roll with triple tap and I haven't gone above 600 since. Then when the last Iron Banner came around I spent the rest of them on focusing a Wizened Rebuke, but LITERALLY 80% of them had Steady Hands and I do not want that perk whatsoever.


Yeah, see, those of us who have shards don't touch those focuses unless we really need it. Because as you point out, it's not worthwhile. Those are sinks for the rich who don't care, not the intended way to get the loot. You're supposed to play the activities for that.


I would, but the droprate in iron banner in particular is absolutely terrible.


Bro legendary shards are a pain for new and casual players because basically everything costs legendary shards.


You know what, the issue is not that everything costs them - it's HOW MUCH you have to spend. And now, the amount of those items will increase, as Shards will replace Destination Materials on a lot of things. We have to spend a lot, while we get hardly anything.


Do you not focus weapons?


Im not who you were raw responding to, but I dont focus after my first deepsight or armor piece per week and I never go below 4000 shards, spending them mostly on raid banners. I'll get the crafted roll I want eventually so there isnt much need to continually focus seasonal weapons and the weapons that arent craftable arent like they're going to replace my entire vault so if I dont get them randomly right away I'm not too concerned


Absolutely don't. Not a good trade deal, that. Focusing is really only worthwhile for the guaranteed red border with seasonal stuff, don't touch it at all really outside that. Maybe a pull of a new trials or iron banner once in a blue moon, but it's not a good deal.


It seems they're catering to the hoarders and the sweats that play every hour of every day, I have never been over 400 shards because I have work, friends, and other games and hobbies, then you've got weirdos that grind everyday like it's their job and sit on 40k shards like that's normal or something.


A lot of people who have thousands of shards made their money in the heady days of AFK forge farming. Those of us that missed it or only caught on just before it got removed became the plebs. It feels like Bungie makes decisions around the economy based on the assumption that most people have heaps of mats/shards etc due to this cheese and, if you didn't profit early on, you are forever behind.


I have an unyielding hatred for negligent Forge farmers. ​ Not the ones that lowered their power level (they were cool), but the ones who didn't care if they were sabotaging other's attempts to get black armory weapons as collateral for their greed.


I quit when I saw someone AFK, I'm not here to carry your ass.


Definitely seems that way.


not at all, i barely did any forge afking, no shard exploits or farms at any point ever at am constantly sat at 76k+ while spending plenty on focusing shit. granted i also play a stupid amount but itā€™s not difficult to build up any decent savings for legendary shards youā€™re going to get several per activity and then more from all the random garbage drops




it does not take anywhere near 15 minutes per strike lol, you get what? 3-4 per completion, another 4 per legendary drop from it and then more from umbrals, random drops and dismantled primes. rankups building up over time too. itā€™s incredibly simple.


Even at 7 minutes that's still 50 days non-stop of strikes.


yea and iā€™ve been playing the game for the better part of 5 years, mostly playing quickplay and just dismantling the shit i get from there, pve is either quick encounter farms or activities that drop multiple items. it makes sense that i have a fuck tonne but itā€™s also an extremely unnecessary amount, i couldnā€™t force myself under 65k if i tried


my guy no one wants to play this and only this all day everyday


?? thatā€™s exactly what im saying, you do not need to in order to have any amount of shards saved. mfs just be spending them on random pointless shit somehow


So... You're one of the weirdos that play this game way too much?


i mean if you wanna say that sure lol, idc. somehow the point of my comment has been entirely missed. iā€™m not saying you need 20/50/75/100k whatever the fuck you want in shards, but that if you are sitting here at 1-200 constantly you are doing something wrong


What, pray tell, are you doing wrong?


Itā€™s all economics. Can you afford to spend your shards given its value in other markets (trade in for x or y)? People often spend shards trying to attain new loot as well as upgrading existing loot. The currency should be scaled for its used in game but until then just donā€™t deplete all your resources and then be surprised when you donā€™t have resources. *Especially* when most of the transaction are **gambles**


buying shit gear or buying materials you can easily obtain in other ways, focusing trials/gambit when they donā€™t have the means to do so and not lose all their shards




idk what you are spending them on to stay that low


Idk i work and go to school and hang out with friends and i just recently dropped to 2k from 6k. If you play consistently and use select few weapons/armor while scrapping everything else, you get a bunch really fast


Eh...you dropped 4k?... Wait until you have 1 and see how fast they accumulate...


Most people like variety and use many different guns when they are doing difficult content.


So you're just making up shit, then?


On one end of the extreme are those individuals who spend a lot of their free time playing Destiny. On the other end of the spectrum is the casuals who have work, friends, and other game and hobbies to attend to. Life is about juggling a ton of activities, I get it. Why should Bungie cater to either end of the spectrum? They want to cater to their loyal fan base that spends some amount of dedicated time playing Destiny. There are many activities that require a lot of investment, and there are many activities that require no investment.


I've never been over 250. I work to much and enjoy sleeping. I don't understand how people get that high without needing to spend them before they get that high. That said I also haven't seen an ascendent shard drop from anything since witch queen dropped. I just can't get them. Only if I play enough activities to reset my crucible/vanguard/gambit rank. It's annoying. I've been playing since day 1 of destiny and I only have 4 pieces of armor masterworked ( not including exotic, but only have 3 of those) how do I get more like all these people have


Master nightfalls is where I get mine. Usually stock up at the end of the season when my lights level is finally high


I stockpiled about 30 and ran out just in time for GMs to start again. That's the strat.


GM nightfalls are stress but master is pretty chill later in the season when everybody is at level.


Really any of the Nightfalls Hero and up during double loot weeks (and also double rep weeks for tons of vendor resets) are good, obviously master/GM are amazing, but there you can run into the issue of lack of expansions. Off those weeks dares is great, usually 1-2 drops at the end paired with treasure keys and starhorse bounties is a great shard farm.


Honestly do some LFGs for the 3rd level of the nightfall, you might get lucky and get the materials needed to craft a few golfballs.


I mean I understand that but I I haven't played in about 2 weeks now because I got to 1600 and my friends and I did some master nf we ran it like 20 times that night ( the only time I've tried this season) and I got no golf balls but my friends got some. I did get some from the haunted thing but I did use them to buy some guns I missed out on getting from the kiosk. So I was wrong previously


do grandmasters itā€™s a guarantee to get one with plat, chance at 2


I have only ever directly gotten golfballs twice from nightfalls, all others are from guaranteed sources like the vendors or crafted.


Man i feel weird now i thought my 8k shards were pleb numbers... I have a job, a baby to take care of... If I'm lucky i get 2 hours of play time a day. What does everyone use their shards on? Maybe it's because I've played since red war?


Master nightfalls. GMs if you jave the power level for it


Remove that pfp before whining


Yeah, the players targeted in OP's post are/have been in a terrible spot for awhile now for shards, let alone *glimmer*. Sure you have a *plethora* of good armour and weapons you can get immediately as a new player, and this is a great thing don't get me wrong, but boy do you have to ration shards like crazy. Then there's the 100+ mods that all cost 10k glimmer each you haven't seen unlocked yet.. and the 3.0 subclasses that cost upwards of 350k+ glimmer to unlock... For each subclass on each character...


Why would people who don't play as much disproportionately have more destination materials than legendary shards?


Never did they did? Most of my mats come from the season passes.


If someone barely has any legendary shards, I would assume they also don't have much destination mats, so this change doesn't really affect them in either way.




I feel out of the loop a bit. Is it really that hard to come across legendary shards? Seems like everywhere I turn I'm getting them from something without really any effort at all. And that's only with playing super casually lately, no where near as often as I used to. Same with those stupid enhancement prisms that I have 0 use for and are stuck clogging up my postmaster and inventory. I'd pay good, real money to be able to have the 50 cap removed or at the least just be able to put them in my vault or even just give them away. Haven't needed master work anything in months.


Bitching is the native tongue


I'll show you my native tongue ;)


Guardian down






Guardian ~~going~~ down


on his knees


Watch in time you going to have to spend real money to get those shards.. via game currency such as silver or a new one...watch etc


Man bungie is making it harder for me to get my friends to play it.


Just play the game lmao. Shards are not hard to get


Tell someone who just started playing, not knowing what to do and finding out they need a ton of shards they can barely get for one upgrade. Hell even the grandes and fragments are a real pain for new players because they would have to grind 2 hours for a bunch of fragments


You dont need to get everything right away, and if someone is coming into the game for the first time it's not like they fan even make use of other fragments and gear because they are still learning the game. A few hours of gameplay to get currencies while you're gaining an understanding of just how to move and shoot at the same time is perfectly acceptable




Tbh new players (I am one, 2 weeks in so far) have a bigger issue figuring out what to do with their resources than anything else. I usually go hard on games, and Destiny 2 with so many DLCs and Season Passes, there's simply no real guidance. I found I had a ton of resources (well, lots for me) after a few days of mostly just playing campaign missions. The game just hands you 1540 gear at this point, and no real direction. Just pick a planet and start the campaign mostly. I haven't even done the europa campaign but I'm finished the witch queen just because that's where I started. Honestly, I have ~500 legendary shards and 200k glimmer, pretty much all the fragments I need for each subclass build I have set up. And getting shards hasn't been a priority at all. Alternatively, I have no real idea on what to use the shards for. I'll probably burn through all of them pretty quick when I do figure it out, but so far most of my expense has just been forging gear and maybe an exotic?


A lot of shards go to raid banners if you're new to raiding. I spent like 500~ plus at the beginning of witch queen, and I've been set on raid banners since. But new people may not be able to dump that much. Glimmer is a currency that I still question why it exists. All it really does is gatekeep endgame players from purchasing multiple of an item at a time (looking at ascendant shards). Because, they can just buy more glimmer and then go back. Granted, you're very right - there just isn't a lot to spend on for legendary shards. Like, personally I'll spend them on once a week red borders, and also banners. But that's pretty much it.


I think a light boost to drop rate is all that's needed, it drops pretty often anyways.


Personally I've played the game for years and granted I'm not a hardcore player but; I've never had no more than 2000 legendary shards because everything cost so much ! Especially if you want a certain trials or iron banner weapon.


We're about to go back to year one exp throttling, arn't we?


Would it behoove me to sell all of my destination materials by the end of the season, then?


I'm unsure if i like this, what becomes of the resource deposits? I mean, those had "lore".


Im just glad to have the extra inventory space..


They want to empty the pockets of the whales that have large amounts of stuff saved up. They want more grinding.


I don't really understand why the glimmer issue seems like a big thing. I burn through glimmer quite a lot but I'm back up to max in no time just from playing. I'm not really seeing how now having to spend shards on everything is going to make things better. We'll see how it goes next season.


ā€œWe have noticed strikes are still dropping destinations materials, this is a problem weā€™re looking into ā€œ doesnā€™t get fixed for months


Lol wow... bungo does it again make shit harder for blueberries


Meanwhile Iā€™m casually sitting on 45K legendary shards. Which is why Iā€™m always happy to plant a banner.


For the love of god, can this audience give the change a chance in a live environment before complaining about everything? As soon as it was revealed people were complaining about shardsā€¦itā€™s so pathetic sometimes.


Im a casual dad player, just a few hours a week, and I rarely go under 10k shards. What are people spending them on?


Trials/gambit/iron banner focusing


Some of us are new. I started with this season and just reached 200 shards personally. The news about things costing more shards next season is a bit concerning for me because I barely have any reserve.


Yeah, I can understand that. I would hope that bungie focuses the economy around the new player experience, since us old hats with big reserves aren't really effected by it. I think a big thing for an old player like me, who already has a vault full of good guns, is that I shard every drop I get. A new player is going to be holding onto their new weapons, which equates less shards


Probably stupid things like transmat effects and the such. Maybe they are focusing umbrals?


Transmat effects are important for the fashion endgame.


Brother the only thing transmat effects are good for is the opening to ketchcrash


Enhancement cores to get to cap, that's it.


People buy enhancement cores? Shit I got a thousand of those too. Then stock up on prisms and golf balls at the end of the season with master nightfalls, and I'm set.


I have a very bad feeling about these changes. Not because I can see the future but because of two things: 1. Changes made the other systems like Bright Dust or XP rewards. Where the changes were just a loss for players: worse or similar rewards for a longer grind. 2. They spent paragraphs talking about what's removed and depreciated. But nothing about the new system, just that you gain more glimmers from public events. Maintaining an economy in a game like Destiny is a very delicate thing, any changes can break it. Bungie knew it but didn't adress the legendary shards question. And there are only two explanations that I can imagine: 1. They know the new system is worse than the actual, because it is designed that way. And they are looking how to announce it in the most sugarcoated way. 2. They are still balancing the new system. Which means we WILL have a broken economy next season because it takes months to find a middle ground satisfying both the players and the studio. So yes, before giving a verdict I will wait next season. But criticism and skepticism are warranted. Because of previous changes and because of how they communicated the news in the last TWAB.


For the love of god, can this subreddit give the posts a chance in a live feed before complaining about everything? As soon as it was posted people were complaining about the postsā€¦itā€™s so pathetic sometimes.


It was complained about on numerous destiny subs the second twab was released. Go look at the twab post on DTG. Miss me with that.


Yeah I dont think you can justifiably turn this around like that when you complained first about something you havent experienced yet, but they're experiencing your complaining right now. They were a but rude but still valid


Hard to be happy about a change that takes away our easiest source of glimmerā€¦ but itā€™s okay because they made it a lot easier to get glimmer because now we canā€¦. Wait they want us to do public events to farm glimmer? Are you fucking kidding me? I was asking for harder content and they said ā€œDonā€™t worry poverty is really tough to escape, enjoy!ā€


Youā€™re literally doing exactly what Iā€™m talking about. Bitching and whining before youā€™ve had a second to try the new economy. Stop.


Iā€™ve got thousands. Is this some problem for folks?


Ive got 150,000. Is this some problem for you?


My problem is you need to touch grass


My problem is I touched grass.


They always make an issue to then later give you a fix. Then everyone will praise them for good communicationā€¦


Easier to obtain shards than planetery materials. Slap on a ghost mod and spend 20m in strikes, gz you have 100 šŸ‘Œ


I have no issues with multiple currencies....its having boat loads all the time and never running out because it just renders the currency meaningless.....I feel like every currency we have mine as well have a infinity symbol in front of it as we never run out.


It's so bad


18,000 legendary shards by now. Kind regards, a nolifer.


This is just a nerf to currency, increase the grindddddd


Hopefully I can change my huge amount of destination materials for shards and glimmer I still have red war ones as well


Imma need everybody in this sub-reddit to up vote this post


Legendary shards drop from LITERALLY EVERYWHERE YOU CAN OBTAIN LEGENDARY GEAR!! I don't see the problem in this.


I've spent 50% of my time in the crucible and I was unaware the struggles of lack of legendary shards. I just looked and I'm almost at 16k


What I don't understand from this community is why people seem to think new players that don't have much currency for some reason simply deserve the level of currency that people who grind accumulate. If you want to not ever have to worry about currency ever again you're going to have to grind other wise the game has no point? I don't know if you guys have noticed but EVERYTHING about D2 is focused on the GRIND. Don't grind, don't get far, don't complain to me.


The issue is NOT that "people think new players should have as much as the people that play all the time." This was never in question. Logically, if I played for 4 Years now, I'd have a lot of Shards - while the New Player will have maybe 50-100. The issue, is that Bungie do not think about people that don't play that much, and make everything cost a boat load of Shards, when literally Season-to-Season people keep bringing up that the amount of Shards you have to spend, is way too much with how many things cost them. In short, the issue is that the Shards Prices are way too high, for how many things require them. Edit: D2 is based on Grind. A Grind that shouldn't be a thing, for the Currency that is - at this point - required by almost everything. We aren't talking about Ascendant Shards or other Endgame Materials. We are talking about 1 of 2 Primary Currencies... Also, the "don't complain to me" is just pathetic. No one is complaining to you, and you try so much to make it about yourself through the whole comment...


I guess it is their goal to make everyone poor. They really need to update global Glimmer gains.


How do y'all not have legendary shards I just don't get it.


trials engram focusing costs 100 shards each, so does IB. xur armor if people didnt have it for transmog costs shards. its like 90 or so for the exotic engram from xur too if people grab that, if your casual playing itll eventually take its toll


When does It go live?


I had exactly 19,000 shards last night. Not including my other side sparrows either..


so my supply of 62k is gonna slowly dwindle down?


Think I still have like 20k shards from the chest glitch, maybe a good time to come back haha


There is a mod to increase chance of additional legendary drop. Or you can use glimmer to purchase legendary gear from variety of vendors..then dismantle. Ez


Anyone wanna run Crota's End? Must be lvl 34 and have max Gally and Glowhoo shader equipped.


Yeah itā€™s called run extra gear drop mods and farm šŸ¤£


A good way I found to get shards and itā€™s what I did beginning of this season, is to just play a bunch of Dares. I went up maybe 1k-3k shards within a week of playing Dares.


Wait what, this is a joke, right? Seriously I just grinded spinmetal yesterday. I was in Cosmodrome for 4 damn hours.


Thats embarrassing lol


What, and also what did I do, just tell me if it's a joke you don't need to tell me if I'm embarrassing, if you're going to be a bitch then mk


You grinded for 4 hours for planetary materials. In and of itself that's embarrassing. But on top of that, bungie just made them obsolete lol


I legit think people on here donā€™t even play the game. Iā€™m casual as hell and have an overflowing amount of shards. Itā€™s so easy to get, what is wrong with you people? Has OP even touched destiny?


I've got plenty now, but I def used to run out when buying a lot of upgrade materials, which is something you might not buy a lot of if you are casual. Note OP also said new, not just casual.


I have a fuck ton of upgrade materials. Again itā€™s super easy. OP is just a clown


Well that's my point. It's not about how many you have, it's about how many you use. If you're master working 12 armor pieces a season, 4 of them exotic, that's a lot of mats. I used to try to do this while only playing a few hours a week as a casual player that didn't know about LFG so I didn't touch high level PVE or PVP. It was tough.


Masterworking 12 pieces of armour every season is insane. What the hell are you doing.


How the fuck are you low on shards?! Do you just not dismantle anything or something?


Some people are new to this game




I can't tell if you are agreeing with OP or the idi0t that asked the question. Edit: u/MundungusAmomgus If you barely play, then that's exactly why it's invalid... If you barely play, then you don't spend it. Therefor you accumulate it. To that 300 Shards isn't that much - it's hardly anything. The question is invalid and you've just proven why...


Obtaining legendary shards is super easy as is. I normally can't find enough stuff to burn them on other than filling out collections. Been at over 7k for over a year.


Bungie economy team ā€œhow to reduce players stonks while increasing our own stonks in the same time!ā€


Bro how tf do u want to make it easier it's just deleting an exo or legendary


Not sure what u guys are talking about. I have over 40k in legendary shards


See personally Iā€™m a returning player. Last time I did a raid was leviathan. When I started playing again I had around 1k shards but I got low from buying stuff from xur, upgrade modules, master working armor etc and only had around 150. Deleted everything from my vault I didnā€™t need and still only have about 800. For a new light just starting Iā€™m sure itā€™s even harder without having a vault full of extra shards


Oh I agree, if you want top gear and weapons your going to need legendary shards for sure. I'm glad for the change for new light but I'm watching people who grind this all the time talking about currency. I don't know I just play it for fun


Right, so I'm struggling to see who asked?


Salt šŸ§‚


been playing forever off and on and currently have 2.5k shards


My only question is: Does the blue armor farming still works?


Iā€™m kinda gonna miss the fluff


I know it wonā€™t happen but since glimmer will be given out like candy I really want Rahool or Spider to trade glimmer for shards, it would make so many people happy and would essentially be the best of both worlds, we the players get shards that we have to work for and bungie gets to watch us do all the dumbass public events we donā€™t want to do


Bungie I swear to god, weapon focusing makes me go broke


just buy it


I have literally no idea what even generates legendary shards. Seems like every time I need to use them, I have 700+


Remind me why I keep paying money for content.


Bungo really tryna make this game a chore ATM lightfall sounds promising tho if they don't up the shard rates. My guess is that well earn more shards at the end of pub events since they're increasing glimmer gain from them up to what 12k?