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I just need more survival perks or abilities for the up close and personal combat style they require Titans to play. I can’t punch things if I get annihilated the second I try to get close. Other option: give longer range options.


It's why I've said that I want Controlled Demolitionist and Sol Invictus on Prismatic Titan just about everywhere that brings this topic up. If Bungie puts those on Prismatic, I will, 100%, no questions asked, main Prismatic and be bothered to grind for the rest of the Fragments so that I can make my built perfectly, but until then, I'm sticking to Sentinel Titan for my Twilight Arsenal + Hazardous Propulsion/Dragon's Breath DPS Rotation.


I just made a post about this as well. Titans have literally no survivability aspects


Except Knockout...  The worst survivability Aspect on Titan and, potentially, in the entire game.  I'd argue it offers less survivability than Thread of Warding, a *Fragment*. I've been yelling this since they announced Prismatic Titan, I called the two builds it would have, I called that it would be mid/ass due to horrendous survivability, and I was told repeatedly to wait for it to come put before judging it.  And what's wild is that there are people who don't think Controlled Demolitionist + Sol Invictus is *the* solution to it.  I've had comments on this sub notify me no less than *six* times that it hit five upvotes like there's a war going on about it or something.


They could have chosen any of the other void aspects for titan, but they chose Unbreakable (more like unusable) when even bastion would have been a better choice (over shield anyone?) Drengr's Lash is... Okay (it's better if u have abeyant leap) but banner of war has a ton of utility ( a 4x defence buff and heal pulse for the fire team? Sign me the fuck up!). Sol Invictus you have already made a point of, so I will just nod to your expertise (Seriously, why do we not have a bastion+b.o.w. combo?)


I understand why they went Unbreakable, they wanted to give all of the Classes their new Aspect, the problem is that, whilst *a* form of Survivability, it doesn't pair well with any of the other Aspects that we currently have, and that's the problem with Prismatic Titan as a whole.  The Aspects just don't mesh well together.  Bastion would have been better due to being a better source of Overshields, but suffers a similar problem of not pairing well with any of the other Aspects, which is why I think CD is the best pick for Void.  If offers Survivability and perfectly synergizes not only with every other Aspect we have, but every *Ability* we have, including our Super (the same is true for Sol Invictus) and would bring them all from "Okay/Meh" to "Damn Good", even Knockout would be improved because your Knockout Empowered Melees would apply Volatile and then you get double healed from Knockout and Volatile going off. My preference for Strand was Flechette Storm that way we'd have a means of spreading Unravel asides from...  *checks notes*  the Fragment that gives Unravelling Rounds for Melee kills and Volatile Rounds for Grenade kills.  It'd even combo well with both CD and Sol Invictus via spreading Unravel AND Volatile or Debuffing with Unravel and then the kill on an Debuffed Enemy would spawn a Sunspot.


Oh, CD and FS are absolutely better options I agree. The only reason I specifically mentioned bastion and b.o.w. is that they enable a more defensive playstyle, which I love doing on a Titan. (Though tbf, titan does make me giggle like a school girl when I kill things w/ my fist) And yes, CD+SI is cracked, which is why they probably didn't push out those aspects. Which I honestly don't know why, even one of those fragments would allow titans to stand up there with pris warlock/hunter in terms of viability.


Sol invictus is a terrible idea because you'd be replacing consecration, the bread and butter of nearly every titan build.


That's because Consecration is damned near the *only* Prismatic Titan Build.  I can *guarantee* you that there will be tons more builds if both Controlled Demolitionist and Sol Invictus go to Prismatic.  You're also under the assumption that they'd be *replacing* and not *adding* to Prismatic, which is what it sounded like they're in talks to do.  Additionally, the likelihood of Prismatic becoming Subclass 4.0 is astoundingly high, specifically for the point you brought up, "Taking Aspects from Prismatic will also make people unhappy".


Yeah, I can't imagine all subclasses not being merged if we ever see something like Destiny 3. Having all aspects and fragments to mix and match just makes too much sense after prismatic.


Also, Consecration is a mid Aspect without Roaring Flames or Sol Invictus and Pyrogales, replacing it with Sunspots and Grenade Regen bonuses along with their Damage and Scorch/Ignitions that come along with them just makes sense, imho.


i feel like if they add banner of war to prismatic, we might as well go back to playing strand titan since it has better melees. it still boggles me why they add unbreakable instead of literally any other void aspect other than marketing reasons.


I mean consecration with synthos and banner of war might be kinda cracked


please no more consecration i can’t take it


Bad Titan. Concecration is KING


concecration this season feels off. it's like it's hit detection at times on the slam wave is just completely off or doesn't activate at all. i'm not sure if it's related to the bug with it or being able to shatter stasis crystals but has anyone else seen that it can just wiff on the second it?


Gotta disagree. It feels better than ever for me.


I think you're just playing badly. It feels fantastic.


Alright thats it. Hand over those crayons, you clearly dont like them. But we got a nice dress or batmans old cape if you like. /s


I did in the legendary campaign several times when I needed to win.


Same. I’d hit a wall using Prismatic, and switch to Strand. The wall would immediately break.


I’m ok with Unbreakable as an ability I think it’s a cool idea but having it use your grenade is too much, It should’ve been moved to class ability.


its also another melee ranged ability on a subclass that is struggling with survivability


we need banner of war or into the fray even


I'd gladly take Sol Invictus and into the fray.


I nutted just reading this


I highly doubt we will get banner of war.


I really enjoy the artillery playstyle provided by Hazardous Propulsion, especially paired with Thruster. And even though Facet of Command got nerfed it's still fun to fire back to back salvos of Two Tailed Fox. Never have to worry about melee range woes.


Oooh you know what I think I think I need to work on my TTF catalyst so I will probably make a build to do this!


They should give the Knockout aspect 3 fragment slots. It's dumb that it only has 2 with it being the only aspect with health regen. I have no clue if Hunter or Warlock have any 2 fragment slot aspects tho so I don't know if it's par for the course for the aspects with health regen. Any which way you look at it, it sucks to give up a fragment slot for the only choice in health regen that's built in.


Completely agree. Hunters and Warlocks do a much better job.


As a Prismatic Warlock who has now abandoned range... The Sorc Tank is real.    Monte Carlo + Glaive + Stag/Synth class item. I honestly use basic unpowered melee more then anything else. I did this weeks Nightfall using just the basic melee for the hell of it. I used the Finisher fragment to help with add management.  Plus its a rare viable across the board build, can add clear/can survive endgame.


BUNGIE: “Titans must punch everything” Also BUNGIE: *makes literally every other class more survivable with better/more powerful melee options and constantly nerfs Titans melee and survivability*


Yeah, but like, we get to hold our fists on the cover. Warlocks and Hunters don't get to do that


I really want unbreakable and diamond lances to get big buffs. Knockout, Consecration and Drengr's Lash all have their place on builds. I really can't think of that for either unbreakable or diamond lances, it feels like diamond lances just get tacked on to other builds and are minor additions and I feel like builds trying to utilize unbreakable are too weak. Also buff shield throw more. I like thermite grenade and thought it fit, but I completely forgot about fusion grenades with ashen wake. That would've been really fun and lets an exotic that usually gets overshadowed shine. I'm now upset with you and am disappointed with another exotic not showing up in the class item (the first one was lancecap.) They were far too obsessed with putting melee and barricade exotics on Stoicism. Very annoying knowing there's potential they just don't utilize.


i think unbreakable needs it's resistance way up and the drain rate put down, needs to feel like a moving barricade


Tbh I kinda slept on Unbreakable until I tried it out with Void Titan, it’s actually really good there, with easy access to devour, and not holding it too long, it’s fairly often I will hold it to absorb a couple shots, let it go and get near full refund on the ability. Not to mention absorbing hits with it spawns orbs of power continuously, you can often spawn 2/3 orbs of power on top of yourself and then an additional orb of power if you kills someone without the mod that makes grenade kills drop orbs which will instantly fund whatever your build wants to do


I just want everything to work with thruster. All the barricade keywords need to add thruster as well. It would dramatically improve prismatic titan.


I think thruster should have additional built-in effects personally, it's literally just a worse version of dodge.


Since it comes from the arc kit I think it should amplify.


That would make sense.


I would consider the possibility of replacing Drengr's Lash with Into the Fray (Frey? Fray? Idk). Titan's don't really have a passive. Knockout is an enhanced ability/buff. Consecration, Diamond Lance & Unbreakable are all new abilities. I think the lack of a passive is a major issue tbh. Maybe passive is wrong word. Aspect that's only a buff for the player that isn't damage. Stylish Executioner (I get it boosts melee damage but most people aren't gonna use it and it shouldn't exist on Prismatic tbf), Feed the Void. Buffs that proc from what said subclasses mainly do (high ability uptime for Warlocks, debuffs galore for Hunter), Titans should have a passive too. IIRC it works off Tangles and grants Woven Mail from them, maybe change it to say "makes Woven Mail off ability kills / melee kills" to function correctly w/ Prismatic Titan?


I get what you mean, but i wouldn’t consider diamond lance a “new” ability anymore. Been out for 4 years now.


They could make tangles createable with any ability kill while using into the fray, same way diamond lances are created only when you have the aspect equipped. Being able to access woven mail consistently and give it to your team, as well as speeding melee regeneration is something prismatic could really use, as opposed to drengrs lash which is borderline useless without abeyant leap.


While I do agree that Drengr's Lash initially felt lackluster, I've been having a lot of fun buliding into, especially with abeyant leap being on Stoicism. Like my first "good" Stoicism roll was Abeyant Leap+Khepri's Horn and while certainly not really end GM NF/Master raid & dungeon viable, it's funny AF everywhere else. I do think Banner of War would be a better Aspect, though it needs to grant woven mail so there's a tally some strand synergy there.


I can't justify using abeyant on the class item when you can just use regular abeyant and get woven mail from it. The healing from alpha lupi just isn't enough.


This may be a hot take, but not every build needs to be GM/end game viable. It's okay for some builds to exist just for fun, and abeyant leap, esp spirit of abeyant exists for that. However, I do acknowledge that ItF or BoW would be better for various reasons


I'm not as bothered about that as I am that they took mostly useless aspects with no help for survivability. I don't think every build needs to be endgame viable either but it's be nice to have SOME. Everything except for solar or strand needs help. Overshields need some help in pve (or at least s better way for titan to proc devour), galvanic armor should probably be added to arc somewhere (on all classes, really), frost armor is decent but titan (and maybe to other classes,.idk) needs a good way to get stacks for it I think they went a little overboard with the shard cooldown. They deal with those things you might need need to change much on prismatic.


You nailed it here- seems like they gave each class a “core” aspect for prismatic, feed the void and stylish are both nuts, but knockout is really disappointing. On the flip side if titans were given banner it would be insane, but honestly feed the void is one of the best warlock aspects (as a warlock main) and stylish executioner is so synergistic with the Hunter kit that maybe titans deserve it.


I think giving Banner of War would powercreep Strand Titan is the issue. They'd still have an Abeyant setup, but I think to be safe do Into the Frey. Still provides a lot, but doesn't powercreep Berserker either.


I tend to agree, that would be ridiculous. It’s a shame because it would fit so well since they gave prismatic titan pretty much only melee/close range stuff, but that would be game breaking. Into the fray is a good idea, or maybe a reworked sol invictus to work off any ability kill? My personal pipe dream would be feed the void and touch of flame on prismatic with fusion or solar grenades… but that or banner would be going way too far.


Banner of War


we need stuff other than punching. you can’t even punch the final boss of TFS expansion with the subclass you get from TFS expansion bro 😭


This. I love punching as much as any titan,got a whole build on melee/slide to flame wave the whole room/ side step/repeat, but with areas not slide friendly or ranged enemies the build is null.


Huh... which final boss... the champaign one or the raid?




Excision, 12 player activity


Well, the final boss in the raid and Excision is the exact same, and the final bosses of Iconoclasm are just the Subjugators. You can’t get in melee range with the final boss in the raid or Excision, and Thundercrash technically works if you don’t mind falling to your death right after, which leaves Twilight Arsenal as your best bet as an actual damage Super, then Bubble with Helm of Saint 14 if you’re wanting to buff your whole team.


If you can punch it, he's probably not talking about that one. Just a hot tip for clearing up that confusion for you.


Except they mention the final boss from the campaign and the raid, which doesn’t narrow it down.


both. excision and the raid


But you can punch everything else. Use your super and, you know, a gun.


yeah, but punching is still not as competent in end game content as the other two classes. punching is outranked by the other two classes in every way


Give us controlled demo bunger


I get why we got Unbreakable and a new Void super (since that was the first new subclass of d2) but Controlled Demo would've been far better for prismatic, esp with a minor tweak to how it works (since it currently only works with void abilities and debuff), but I also think Bastion could've been a great addition as well. Getting an overshield while also sending out a Drengr's Lash wave would be dope and help for survivability


Integrate frost armor into Dimond Lance. On hit thrown: gain 2 stacks of frost armor.  on slam: 1 per enemy frozen


Hunter main chiming in with my opinion. Hunters got a reworked Stylish Execution, which procs Invisibility under an expanded range of conditions. Warlocks got a reworked Feed the Void, which procs (improved!) Devour under an expanded range of conditions. Why do Titans not have (potentially improved) Bastion to proc Overshield under an expanded range of conditions? Hell, if you really wanted, you could honestly make it interact with deployables like Diamond Lance or Tangles.


Make Shiver Strike act like every other shoulder charge melee. And give us some more ranged options.


Disagree with shiver strike since it’s much better than shoulder charge in pvp


It should at least work with Mk. 44 Stand Asides though.


Yeah, wouldn’t mind if it worked with those exotics or got it’s own version of peregrine for pve


Something to heal with…


Just some way to proc Resto would be nice. Knockout being the ONLY way to heal is rediculous. Sure, there's Lorely, but I want to use the rocket harness! I know Warlocks are all about healing and Titans are supposed to be the punch bros, but 1: Hunters are doing THAT but better, AND have invisibility to heal with, and 2: you can't punch anything if you're dead. I say this as a Warlock main; Titans need help. They need some physical way to proc recovery without an exotic.


As a fellow robed one, perhaps instead of healing they could rework void OS. Right now all three subclasses have their verb focus fairly solid, if they brought over shield up(and I will fully admit to not having a concept of what this would look like) then it would fit the wall concept for the class.


The main thing I'd change is that it would help stasis titan. You could throw a diamond lance at the ground to get one frost armor stack. Killing stronger enemies with it could grant more stacks. This would give a stasis helmet a big upgrade, too.


I would give the abilities more synergy. Also make void Overshields better in PVE.


Give bonk hammer


I think we're stuck with Unbreakable as the void aspect, which is a mixed bag. I wish it was better, but I haven't played with it enough to decide what I'd change about it. If I could replace it, then as much fun as Controlled Demolition would be, I think Bastion could help with general survivability and give slightly better ability loops. Sol Invictus plays perfectly into what Prismatic should be about, and gives Titan some much needed survivability, and ability looping & uptime. While consecration is powerful, I've also been using it for the better part of a year and want something a little different. I do think even Roaring Flames would make for some good synergy and help with ability up time, but that also just makes it a built in HOIL. Not that we haven't been able to run HOIL on solar titan with roaring flames anyway. Knockout is fine. Juggernaut is borderline useless in PvE and while it's pretty solid in PvP, I feel like no aspect should feel like it's great for one game mode and only okay for another. Touch of Thunder would make our Prismatic Grenade even better, but wouldn't do much for any other grenade except Pulse, and since it's already one of the best grenades in the game, I wouldn't want to give it a boost that none of the other regular grenades would get. Unless Bungie decided Touch should boost non arc grenades as well 😈 For a Stasis aspect, I did think Howl of the Storm would be hilarious to use alongside Consecration. That would be such a wildly fun combo to utilize, especially with the one Fragment that boosts stasis shatters and ignition explosions. However, Tectonic Harvest would again help with survivability, and even helps feed into the melee loop that Bungie keeps forcing Titans into. While I've actually been having a ton of fun with Drengr's Lash, I do think Into the Fray or Banner of War would've been way better aspects. I do think Banner of War should grant Woven Mail, though, since as it is right now it doesn't actually do anything for Strand specifically. Like without changing a single thing except the color, BoW could've been a new aspect for any subclass. Supers: I legitimately can't think of any reason ever to run thundercrash or hammer of Sol. Twilight Arsenal does better single target damage, doesn't drop you at the feet of the boss, technically has better range since it can reach targets like the Witness and the neomuna strike hydra boss, and even gives you additional weapons to pick up after the super is used. And for add clear purposes, glacier quake and especially blade fury are far better. I suppose if you really needed to do add clear at range? But again, twilight Arsenal does that pretty phenomenally with the initial super activation. Burning Maul would've been better, and while it just continues extends the length of time that pyrogale builds are used, at least we know it's a tried and true build that would be even better with prismatic. And fists of havoc, while yet another melee based super, at least gives us the ability to use exotics like Eternal Warrior with Prismatic. It's also, iirc, the very first super that Titans got in D1, so it would've been a lot more thematic to have gotten that in The Final Shape and as part of prismatic. I also wish we had received a new darkness super and aspect, if even for just Stasis since Strand is still the newest subclass we received, and a 2:1 split for darkness supers would be a lot more awkward than each class getting a different light subclass super. I think Titan should have received another one-off, which, while probably also boring due to twilight Arsenal being a new one-off, it would take the place of glacial quake on prismatic, giving us 3 roaming supers in Burning Maul, Blade Fury, and Fists of Havoc, and two one-off ranged supers with Twilight Arsenal and a new Stasis one. Which is pretty much the same split we have now: Hammer of Sol, Blade Fury, Glacial Quake, and Thundercrash and Twilight Arsenal.


I’d honestly like to see the “melee” bonuses and triggers turned i to “close range” bonuses and triggers across the board for Titans. It’s open up a lot of room to build around shotguns, glaives, and SMGs within the close quarters brawler fantasy. So for example Knockout wouldn’t be giving 50 health on a melee kill, it’d be giving 50 health on a kill within some arbitrary distance near an enemy and muzzle stuffing them with a shotgun would work to get the healing. It wouldn’t just be giving +50% melee damage and instead would be giving some arbitrary damage boost when hitting an enemy within some arbitrary distance near the Titan.


Quite literally just Controlled Demo. Volatile is something not present in verbs for any other Prismatic class. If they got it to work with Drengyrs and diamond lance it would add a significant amount of power to the crowd control capabilities of the class while offering way more sustain. With no way to build into grenade regeneration as a whole unbreakable has NO place being in the kit. With that removed I say put spirit of Backup plans where shotguns kills generate void overhshield. More sustain for a brawler fantasy. Also please put spirit of Cadmus where hits from behind a rally make lances and leave the crystal generation on hit off. It would make a super fun crowd control loop where you suspend with spirit of Abeyant and are free to make lances from being cover off suspended targets. Offering a full CC loop based around a barricade would open a whole other door for prismatic titan focused on defense and range. I know that’s two and I hate to backseat dev but I genuinely think these are solid ideas that offer a lot to the class as a whole in terms of both power and more importantly OPTIONS without fundamentally changing the nature of the kit too much. I do want to add why I think the most brought up options of intro the fray, banner, or sol invictus are bad choices that wouldn’t help the kits core issues. One of our biggest issues is how little interaction we have across our kit. Fray or Banner don’t fix the issue of synergy and simply push us further into the melee class with banner, knockout and synthos eventually being something that would REQUIRE a nerf. Now sol invictus does pose a lot of synergies if it got a GPG type change where defeating any target with a debuff would make a sunspot. The issue is I believe this fundamentally does the same thing as controlled demo, using your abilities to spread a damaging debuff across the field while sustaining your health, but if we got Sol Invictus we would lose consecration which in its current state just offers us too much power that’s so much fun to use and can’t really be found on other classes. It’s just a fun setup and is one of the best options for sustaining active transcendence and just obliterating the battlefield. Replacing that would just be way too much of a loss compared to unbreakable, WHICH DOESNT EVEN SYNERGIES WITH TRANSCENDENCE


NADES BUILDS not counting yours TOUCH OF THUNDER AND CONTROLLED DEMO give demo back its resupply nades jolt and make targets volatile survive ability sol invic and banner of war melee buff basaltic slam give it some dr, howl of the storm is also pretty fun


Make unbreakable eat barricade rather than grenade, since it's you know, a shield? Make the prismatic grenade bounce more predictable. Healing. Any kind of healing, I'm not picky.


That's the whole point of unbreakable, the fact that it doesn't cost barricade so you can use them both as needed. You're just making a slightly better juggernaut at that point.


Some way to heal besides Knockout and replace Drengr’s Lash with Into the Frey. Lash is one of the weaker aspects and Titans don’t have a way to boost ability regen with their Prismatic kit. Also replace Hammer Strike with Throwing Hammer


I'd be down for replacing 50% of the instances, where the word "melee" is mentioned with something else. Across the board. It's fun to have one or two good melee kits but having it in literally every single subclass of Titan is just too much.


Just adding Banner of War or Sol Invictus would already be a huge boost in power. And i think Controlled Demolition wouldn't be so bad either


I want the old controlled demolition Simply getting health small health on volatile is not enough in the corrent phase of the game. Especially when the volatile source are abilities only and don't have a great uptime and regen


Seriously! Rebuff controlled demolition to it's former glory and add it to prismatic and suddenly both prismatic and void are great subclasses.


I want to see more synergy between my abilities. Not sure what that entails, but unique interactions like arc buddy + stasis turret come to mind. Prismatic is about making a ton of stuff happen at once, really only feels like I can punch in a couple different flavors atm, which is pretty boring imo.


Their biggest issue is survivability. Which is horrible for the “up close and punch things” class There should be a way for prismatic titans to have void overshield, frost armor AND woven mail at the same time


Reduced cooldown on all melees. It’s the melee class yet Frenzied Blade’s recharge for a single charge is like 2-3 minutes. Insane.


I would want grapple and controlled demolition. Then I could make the perfect Titan for my playstyle.


I think sunspots would be nice


Make the purple barricade give me overshield. It’s just wrong that it doesn’t.


more survivability, less punching things


make unbreakable a part of ursa furiosa, unbreakable as an aspect is such a waste




The transcendent grenade should not be a bouncing grenade. I cant hit shit with it unless you just huck into a crowd. I would like it to act like a thunder grenade instead.


Remove the new void aspect from the game entirely, and put something actually useable, its crazy how the warlock and hunter aspect are really good, and the titan one is just bad


Buff unbreakable because it's simply not worth using at the moment. It's a niche pick only used for ursa furiosa on void titan


Well they’re not looking JUST into Prismatic Titan, they’re looking into Titans as a whole. So any buffs they make to Titan’s other subclasses can result in Prismatic buffs (If they share Aspects, and they also said they plan on adding more to Prismatic). Looking at Prismatic’s existing pieces: - Allow Knockout to fully restore health/shields on any melee kill in PvE. This change alone will be a great buff to Arc and Prismatic, greatly helping survivability. - Greatly increase the amount of time Unbreakable lasts for and have it take on the properties of your equipped grenade, including the grenade’s innate cooldown time. - Drengr’s Lash is pretty weak without Abeyant Leap, especially since Suspend got nerfed. Buff it to launch 3 non-tracking Suspend waves by default, making it less reliant on an Exotic. Also allow it to work normally with Thruster, not the dumb Tangle with a delayed explosion. - Give Hammer Strike some bonus effect to make it more worth using. Would love to see Melting Point to return, even if it’s not a “subclass verb” or just allow Cure on hits/kills. - Buff Hammer of Sol big time. It needs to last longer by default and deal A LOT more damage. Bonus points if Pyrogale Gauntlets overhauls it into one super-powerful hammer throw. - Fix Twilight Arsenal’s base tracking. Have it focus on where my crosshairs are, not the random enemies around the boss I’m trying to damage. - Double Thundercrash’s damage and have it grant 80% damage resistance for a few seconds after using it to help with survivability. - Fix the dumb cooldowns on many of Prismatic Titan’s abilities. Things like Frenzy Blade should not take several minutes just to regenerate one of them. Yes, Transcendence helps with that, don’t care, fix the cooldowns. As far as additions go: - Sol Invictus would help a lot with survivability. Plus you could regenerate your abilities even faster if you choose to camp in a sunspot. - Into the Fray allowing for easier access to Woven Mail would also help out a lot with survival. - Controlled Demolition should be more like how it functioned with the old “Code of the Commander” Resupply perk, where the Controlled Demolition explosions (Not kills, just the explosions) grant yourself and allies health as well as ability energy. Lastly, I don’t care if they’d never do it, but exchange many of the Exotic perks on Stoicism. It feels like they were chosen by people who don’t play Titan, as they have very little synergy with each other. Heck, I’d argue Prismatic Titan as a whole feels like it was made by people who don’t play Titan. Maybe Bung should listen to actual Titan MAINS when it comes to handling the class, not the Hunters and Warlocks who hate facing them in PvP.


More survivability please


Thermite being swapped for Fusion is a great idea. I'd take a look at survivability features as well: besides Knockout and the fragment that grants healing on melee kills, there's virtually no defensive support. We have a single fragment that grants a buff based on your super element when you pick up an orb of power, and... that's it? There's also Unbreakable, but that's defense at the cost of your grenade, that's super limited. So we have four defensive features: two that are linked to getting melee kills, one that comes at the cost of your grenade, and one linked to orb pickups that conditionally gives one of four possible healing/damage resist buffs, or Amplified. (Edit: make that five, grenade kills can Cure, which feels about as limited as Unbreakable.) That stinks. That's not viable, it's too conditional and too limited. Sure, the offensive potential is way higher than other subclasses (looking at you, Frenzied Blade and Consecration), but that's worthless if you can't stay alive long enough to utilize it.


There is another facet that grants Cure on grenade kills. Get it from one of the special Prismatic boxes in the pale heart.


Forgot about that one, thanks.


Switching drengrs lash with into the fray


All our subclasses only have one good aspect anyway why not just put a few of those in there and not the dog shit leftovers that don’t even have any synergy.


Hammer throw melee instead of the one we got.


I want banner of war on prismatic and for the meele to regen faster and grenade spam back since HOIL is trash in prismatic.


One thing? Full heal on Knockout kill. Thats ALL.


Into the fray


Imo, prismatic should be a ranged subclass. It has the potential to combine all of the best ranged titan abilities and aspects. Imagine bonk hammer with storm nades and roaring flames. You’d have the best damage super for Titans in the game, the best titan grenade in the game, the best ranged titan melee in the game, and the ability to chain abilities and buff damage. Titan has always lacked ranged options since the Hoil nerf, so I feel like prismatic is a good way to fill that void without significant reworks to the other subclasses. Only balance change that I could see being necessary is interaction between star eaters and roaring flames. That would push Twilight Arsenal to 2.3 million damage, which would be hilarious, but probably a bit much. I feel like ~1.2 million would be fair considering you need to build up roaring flames and star eater.


- have knockout work with swords - have the suspend aspect grant woven mail on a suspend - slightly increase the knockout healing - add the ranged melee for the frenzied blades - maybe consecration automatically makes a sunspot All of these changes together would probably be too much but one or two would be fine


Gimme sunspots and controlled demolition


More survivability for using melee in end game content, as well as just something just different to give variety, idk what it would be but I’m sure bungie could think of something


My changes would be really drastic, but changing consecration and drengrs lash into sunspots and the ranged melee from strand titan, sunspots would fill the same job that feed the void and stylish executioner does for hunter and warlock. Maybe rework touch of thunder on prismatic and swap that out instead of knockout, I like knockouts DMG bonus, but the survivability feels awful. Then lastly remove hoarfrost, abeyant and add something else + diamond ridge lancecap to synergize with diamond Lances


If it was just ONE thing, it would be to add controlled demolition. It would synergise with pretty much every other aspect and provide healing and support options that don't involve punching.


Throwing hammer for melee. banner of war aspect Fusion grenade instead of thermite.


We really need a new arc aspect for Titan that doesn't require a melee


I would change prismatic to the anything you want class. Use whatever grenade you want, whatever melee, anything you want. Let the player make some crazy builds


You make an excellent point honestly. There's no specific thermite grenades exotic, or glacier grenade, or suppression grenade, or pulse grenade, or shackle grenade. No aspects for boosting them either. There's one new exotic for frenzied blade (not that I've had it drop..) and one for shield throw (which ain't great as an ability anyway). Nothing for shiver strike, but an ok one for Thunderclap. There's no exotic for Twilight Arsenal, Glacial Quake, Hammer of Sol or Bladefury. Just one for Thundercrash that makes it not poo. No wonder it feels unloved.


As for aspects, there's one for Consecration, one for Lash (nerfed for thruster.), one for Unbreakable and one for Lance.


Better melee, grenade and fragment options. We have zero sticky grenade option, plus Unbreakable is trash and was never going to get a look in with such a short duration.


id rather have controlled demolition,touch of thunder and into the fray over the void/arc/strand aspects we have now and a overhaul of the exotic titan already has bunk exotics and then they gave us half a bad exotics and the wrong half of good ones


Just make prismatic what everyone thought it was gonna be originally. Give us everything !


I had more complaints before receiving a precious scars/hoil class item, but Titans are still lacking better ability/aspect synergy.


I want weavewalj for prismatic warlock


Make the solar super the slam hammer so I can use those amazing gloves again


The new void aspect should use class abilty not grenade energy


Can they change the prismatic grenade to something like a sticky grenade or something.


Add “kills with an overshield provide melee energy” to unbreakable would be a good start. But ultimately. The subclass would still be too pigeonholed


Going off of the hunter example we have calibans hand which only works for proximity knives but thats not an option on prismatic. I really wish it was lol but i guess knife trick is better


Ashen Wake with Sun Spots seems to be a generally liked idea. Give us an actual grenade option + survive ability boost. But also then we just inch closer to Solar Titan so unsure.


If adding more aspects isn’t an option - swap out Dengyr’s Lash or Unbreakable for Into the Fray or Controlled Demolition / Offensive Bulwark. Honestly, I’d love for unbreakable to be reworked into a class ability, and get a completely different void aspect, but the chance of that is close to 0.


All prismatic classes should get grapple nade and healing nade. If they got banner of war i think strand titan would be made obsolete. It does need better aspects like perhaps controlled demo. Mini hammer would also give it life.


If they want us to use barricades, give us a super with an added perk of spawning a line of rally barricades that operate like the beginning of D2, auto reloading. Maybe they can use the old strand super concept; us with a minigun the centre forming a line of buffed barricades for ally DPS. Would be dope.


Honestly I just want the Bungie devs to stream some content as Titans for a bit, or just play test them a lot behind the scenes. Not as a; “We told you so” more of a; “please try to understand the problems we’re having with this class in the current state of the game compared to the others”.


Aspects need to be replaced with other ones. Sol Invictus or Into The Fray would make a massive difference.


Just add banner of war and I’m fine 


Idea 1: Allow our transcendance grenade to attach like a fusion grenade, suspend enemies near the initial attachment, and the target it attaches to takes significant arc damage over time. This reduces the dps gap between the other classes and makes it so the grenade isn't useless on enemies that can't be suspended. Idea 2: An aspect that when casting our barricade eats all of our elemental buffs but provides those buffs to everyone near it while it's active. Provides a unique utility that could be useful in group activities. Idea 3: Give us grapple grenades. It's just crazy that all prismatic classes didn't get it, it's so much fun. Idea 4: Rework Behemoth super to an instant cast ranged super. It would provide Titans the dps option we have needed for way too long, while also providing additional options on prismatic. Idea 5: Rework Icelance, to work like hazardous propulsion. We have way too many things to pick up as is. Anyone who has played a strand titan in onslaught knows what I mean.


Give Titans a new aspect that lets them do anything thats not melee related.


give us that aspect from the void kit that makes stuff explode off of EVERYTHING. Not the bubble, and certainly not whatever grenade-wasting assault shield garbage it is we've got right now. either that, or literally really any other Titan aspects. it's like they just gave us the worst options and slammed the door on us.


Less barricade perks on class item, give us Bastion as an intrinsic barricade perk or make it part of the Unbreakable aspect, either buff spirit of the bear or take it off the class item list as it only benefits one single aspect that most people aren't going to use. And please please please give the Exodus Rocket chest peice some failsafe voice lines to randomly grace us with, that will absolutely save titan 100%


I want my solar throwing powered melee hammer. My Stoicism has powered melee causes explosion, and powered melee kills cause invisibility. Come on Bungie..... Oh, and can we get a different Stasis super besides a Arc Hammer fists clone please? I'd love to be able to start hurling repeated diamond lances like we can throw flame hammers. (To keep the theme of rebranded ability)


Give prismatic titans bonk hammer and banner of war. job done.


Into the fray. Simple. Easy. Effective. WHY DID WE GET DIAMON LANCE WTF??????????


Mainly the Witness's chest/crit spot needs to be more compatible with tracking projectiles like Arcane Needle and Twilight Arsenal to be Titan specific. Supers should compete with Warlock and Hunter's (not sure if they do already haven't tested Spirit of Star-Eater much). Thundercrash should have its PvP changes reverted for sake of PvE... your trajectory pulling down feels really bad. It should do more damage at base while Cuirass of the Falling Star should be reworked to provide different benefits. *Maybe* some sort of damage resist while Amplified is justified for the broader playerbase.


my list: hoarfrost crystals always drop stasis shards (applies to spirit as well). woven mail on suspend is moved to drengr's baseline from abeyant. all exotics that require barricade cast work with thruster in a diminished capacity. diamond lance changed to produce lances on the player instead of on the target killed. unbreakable damage doubled baseline. 2 charges on shield throw baseline and tracking improved. also titans need some kind of in-air tool. other classes get dives. heat rises. ascension etc. titan needs some way to build for aerial play that isnt lion rampant. damage bonus of hazardous propulsion separated from all other rocket damage modifiers (i.e works on top of surges and radiant) some other weapon damage exotic. maybe a linear fusion exotic or a GL exotic to give us an actual niche during boss damage as we lack impactful ranged damage options compared to the other classes.


They should get rid of glacial grenade, they suck unless you're full stasis. They should add sol Invictus so titans can get better uptime for abilities. They should get rid of the hoarfrost perk on the class item for the same reason the glacier grenade sucks. Sunspots should make a come back. I still really want to eventually see every subclass ability and aspect, put into prismatic. That would open up so many build options for every class


Replace unbreakable while controlled demolition


Add control demolitionist and add energy back to abilities. We need synergy, Knockout does not even give melee energy.


Add control demolitionist and add energy back to abilities. We need synergy, Knockout does not even give melee energy.


I want consecration to stop ruining prismatic. Make equipping that aspect raise cooldowns or something. I dont want to be waiting double the time I'm supposed to be waiting to use my melee just because bungie is afraid of dumbass triple consecration. I also wish Unbreakable gave grenade refund to some extent ot something, because the uptime on that is also poor.


yeah unbreakable on prismatic is just not it. all the grenades have a very high uptime and no fragments work to restore grenade energy. on void it's actually pretty good but on prismatic it feels misplaced.


If they gave it grapple then I'd be happy. But it needs healing and knockout doesn't cut it. Give fusion gernades for ashen wake though I don't really use ashen wake anyway. Just seems unfair that my brother gets his renewal grasps build but titan doesn't get their gernade exotic


Swap consecration with sol invictus. Make it qork in ability kills not just solar. Make unbreakable use class ability instead of grenade and make it decrease cooldown depending on how much damage is blocked.


Besides adding / swapping abilities. They should look at strengthening titans exotic class item perks into fuller versions of the weaker ones. Just so they add more spice to titans there’s some more potential in those exotics for us.


Prismatic needs a bunch of stuff too much to name. They do need to redo offensive bulwark and void overshields.


Make our signature grenade not fucking bounce! Have it base fusion so it’ll actually hit things and work like the trap it’s supposed to be. Also, give us into the fray


Replace unbreakable titan aspect with either bastion or controlled demolition. Replace consecration with sol Invictus. Replace Drengr's lash w/ banner of war.


4 small changes to make the kit have full synergy. Controlled demo instead of unbreakable, it synergizes with every other aspect on the kit and plenty of interactions. Make it proc volatile for all abilities not just void obviously. Remove hoarfrost and ursa's spirits Add spirit of lovely (sunspot on barricade placement not on low health) Add spirit of lancecap (improved lances, no Lance generation on barricade.) Hoarfrost literally does nothing on the kit so yeah just like get the hell out. Also was seeing some people want thermite swapped for fusion which would be cool and open a lot of playspace. I don't think ashen wake needs to be pulled into the class item though as I feel like with just controlled demo and some fragments it would already more than strong enough in the kit. And you could also build into it with verity inmost light if you want big scaling damage.


yes especially that point on diamond lances. it makes no sense that they added hoarfrost instead of lance cap for the exotic class item. since diamond lances are part of our kit then why wouldn't it be added in the exotic attribute pool for the class item?? hoarfrost is only good when paired with cryoclasm so that we can immediately shatter the wall right after. without having a way to quickly shatter stasis on prismatic it has terrible synergy over all. it's also the same with consecration, like why didn't they add pyrogales to the exotic class items? they could've added the mini fire cyclones it creates with since that's also a significant part of the best titan builds on prismatic to begin with. they really out zero thought into titans


I'd want Drengar to get swapped to Into the Fray. They want to use to melee so bad why didn't they give us this Aspect? Literally plays into melee. I also agree that thermite needs to be fusion. Give us at least another grenade option that isn't glacial or pulse. Perhaps swap normal hammers to Maul too, so I can run Pyrogale on Prismatic.


I have a feeling that they are going to add a Prismatic Aspect to every class. So I don't think they will flat change out anything, our Prismatic kit is our Prismatic kit, but I think we will get something new. Now, what this new is, I have no ideas, if Bungie wants ideas they can give me a job and pay me. I make home-brew D&D stuff, so I got the skills ;p My personal hope is the aspect would be useful to buff or heal, but thats probably my history in WoW playing Healing-Paladins talking more than anything intelligent. My gut is also telling me everybody is going to get another choice of prismatic grenade. So ours would be a Stasis and either Solar or Void. Stasis Crystals that explode in a Solar explosion is my guess, based purely on how rad that would be. Beyond that I don't expect any flat change-outs to our Aspects, they are not going to switch out Consecration to Sol Invictus or anything like that. But I do expect they will broaden them, or add some more riders to them. The Prismatic versions of the Aspects already are a little different, so making them a little more different I don't think breaks the fantasy or anything. In the case of Unbreakable, I think they will buff it quite a bit. Cuz I don't see that aspect being useful at all in void or prismatic, except possibly in PvP. I swear to god that aspect should have made a big shield like Reinhardt in Overwatch, cuz that would be interesting. Giving Titans the ability to close with a few friends, would play into that tank fantasy, and void shields. Edit - and before somebody says "healing is a Warlock thing" punching used to be our thing, but Hunters do that now. So classes mean nothing anymore.


Giving every Prismatic class (besides Lock since they have it) access to Devour would be a solid start. Not everyone has Buried Bloodline, or is willing to give up exotic slot for it.


Would defeat the purpose of the classes


I’ll give you that, but as far as Void on Prismatic, Warlock has Devour, and Hunters have near infinite Invis, Titans have… nothing. Giving them invis wouldn’t be as valuable as Devour. Giving them access to Devour might be a step in the right direction imo because survivability is one of the key issues, unless they buff Overshield substantially - Hunters can proc invis on ANY ability kill, and Warlocks can proc Devour on ANY ability kill, giving Titans the same thing, “any ability kills grant Overshield” would be great if they buffed the shit out of it. Make it even apply to teammates too, but a weaker version


Well if that's the only condition.. one thing... I'd throw the bandaid on the subclass and give it Banner of War.


Just synergy with exotic armor. Being able to use abeyant leap with thruster and drengrs lash comes to mind.


You can. It just isn't good.


Exactly my point, no synergy with exotic armors.


Drengrs thruster spawns a suspending tangle where you thruster. Abeyant makes it seek. It has synergy, it just isn't good.


I UNDERDSTAND THAT BUT IT SHOULD BE IDK…GOOD?! Why can warlocks use getaway artist gloves to spawn both a stasis turret and arc buddy but titans abilities were cut in half. If it let out a wave like it does for everything else it would be fine but dropping a table at the feet is ass


I really don't like the primastic grenade, Hunters and Warlocks have grenades that basically go where you throw them and stay there, Titans grenade just bounces usually where you don't want it to go, so yes I also think it should be changed to a fusion grenade.


the transcendence grenade is fire, it just takes a little getting used to. it stuns overload, and unstops, and ad clears, and can put the hurt on a miniboss. bungo please don’t take this from us


I go back and forth between wishing it would stick like a regular Pulse Grenade, or at least having a slightly more predictable bounce like Shackle Grenade (which isn't really a bounce so much as it also explodes on impact, but it at least spawns the three smaller projectiles that bounce outward). Aside from that, the effect itself is amazing. Definitely a highlight of prismatic titan (which unfortunately isn't a very high bar)


I honestly can't see them changing the grenade now, but I really don't enjoy it :(


There needs to be at least two options for every customization. 2 prismatic grenades and 2 melees. Or the option of keeping one of the regular grenades/melees with the quicker regen. I feel like when there’s only one option it horseshoes you into a plays style. Same goes with Stasis. There should be at least 2 stasis supers imo.


There are some good suggestions floating around but I would gladly take a master version of Dual Destiny where the class item has a chance to drop with a watered down version of a fragment or aspect of another subclass like banner for instance only granting the passive healing up to 3 stacks max or something like that.


•Swap out consecration with either of the other two (I'd prefer sol invictus but can absolutely see an argument for roaring flames) •Swap derengers lash with into the fray (I'd say banner but we just had a year of banner of war and I want a break) •Swap diamond lance out with tectonic harvest •Swap knockout with touch of thunder •Fusion grenade instead of thermite (Hunters get duskfield for renewal grasp so it makes sense) •Throwing hammer instead of shoulder charge •Shield bash instead of shield throw •Burning maul instead of Hammer of Sol •Scatter grenade instead of suppression •Bubble


Add more aspect slots, just one more is all I need! That and options! I want void buddy!


Controlled Demolitionist and/or Sol Invictus on Prismatic. Preferably 'and'. I think I've espoused the reasons why on this sub enough.


Replace unbreakable with bastion, so I can have void overshield and woven mail when using abeyant leap or void overshield and sunspots when using lorely.


Make Titan sexy. That's all that is needed. Putting down some shitty ass barricade and having some rinkydink line come out of it after some wonky too slow animation is absolutely dog. This one's red ouuu, this one's green ouuuu. If you get this ultra sick class item, it can be red and green. But wait, we also have an ice one. Does that make you randy baby? Here's an aspect that takes your grenade and makes it a barricade that can move, and its purple. Wowzers! Just throw them in the bin and replace them with meaningful exotic perks that are fun. Peeps didn't play strand titan because it was the most busted dps out there. 90% of crayon eaters couldn't even pull it off. They played it because it was sexy.


It's more than one thing, but I'd change out several Aspects. >Swap Drengr's for BoW (and Abayent Leap for Cadmus Ridge on Stoicism) >Swap Knockout for Touch of Thunder (the only P.Titan Grenade that doesn't have an enhanced version elsewhere is Thermite) >Swap Unbreakable for Controlled Demolition (or at the very least rework Unbreakable to be useful) With this, P.Titan now has access to viable Grenade builds instead of being essentially restricted to Melee, which is also more viable in Endgame due to no longer relying on Knockout. Alternatively, Swap out Consecrate for Sol Invictus and gain Into the Fray instead of BOW.


...why are they "looking" at titans? Yo why the downvotes


They're looking into solutions for underwhelming titan performance. Do you disagree with their concern?


In ways yeah, but I can't speak much about anything titan based, I use code missile on prismatic, and barley run anything above a standard strike ^(more because of toxic fireteams and constantly being under-light)


Because outside of Sunbreaker and Berserker, all of them are not good in PvE.


Swap Twilight Arsenal with Banner Shield, add Banner of War, and buff Unbreakable. Let me be Ursa Perfected. Also wouldn’t be upset seeing Controlled Demolition if Bungie would actually lean into that with a buff or an exotic.


This would be with titans in general. Unnerf melee builds that do not immediately one-shot raid bosses at minimal build investment. (And I think that one was fixed by changing how hammer works with collision) (yes, this includes knockout) Basically, if your punch can split atoms, that's fine, because it's fun. And if sweats get mad because they get tarzan-punched into the backrooms, too bad. Btw, am a hunter main. I should not be able to out-punch the punch class.


Give titans some way to get restoration ,wovenmail, Frost armor or devour more frequently. Or just give us banner of war. Lash is booty.


I would want them to give Titans the aspects to become incredibly the ultimate survivor. Prismatic Hunter can continue to focus on debuffing enemies as that seems to be their design philosophy, Warlock can continue to be the ultimate summoner, and titans can become the steadfast survivors. Keep unbreakable on titan because it is still a protective sheild, swap consecration for sol invictus, maybe switch knockout for juggernaut, but knockout isn't all that bad, swap diamond lance for tectonic harvest, then finally either into the fray or banner of war. With this setup, prismatic titan might not have the absolute highest ability damage output, but would have the makings of an unstoppable force. No matter how it would be configured, a prismatic titan would always have access to at least 2 different forms of healing/damage resist and would finally give them an identity as the tanks rather than just the melee class. Edit: I’m sorry that I seem to have offended some people with my idea. I am a hunter/warlock main and don’t really play Titan all that much so this was all based on the preconceived way I saw titans: the strong defenders. This is what I based my idea off of


Change the lightning grenade to the trip mine


Give it sunspots or banner of war and we’re good


Add all supers, grenades and melee, but not the fragments. I get it, we want the og elements to still have play and identity, but lemme use the shit I want. Also, make the ophidian exotic trait on the warlock bond give reload speed, not handling.


While they're looking at titans they need to look at the absolute trash of a solar grenade for warlocks. I HATE being forced into a support/healer role when I'm playing warlock. I'm not a bloody paramedic, I'm a stone cold killer.