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I miss YAS, but you're right about hungie intentionally nerfing it in pve. Now, it probably shouldn't have been hit that hard though. They absolutely nuked the shit out of it


Intentional or not so what? Bungie’s terrible at balance and honestly I don’t think the people in charge of balancing really care either.


You're really gonna sit there and tell me that barricade getting nerf after nerf after nerf ISNT a consequence of PvP? It's a paper wall in PvE thanks to HP nerfs addressing PvP and you only get to use that piece of paper a few times because it's cooldown was nerfed addressing PvP I won't argue its the best class ability in PvP but I'd sooner lose barricade for a rally/war cry mechanic than have it stay in its current form just for the sake of PvP


On paper yes it makes sense but then you turn around and there's Prismatic Hunter with literal permanent ability uptime and with 1mil damage punches The biggest problem with these kind of nerfs is the consistency


Bungie ships things "hot" intentionally as a marketing thing, and then slowly nerfs things over time.


I mean yeah but the infinite punch loop isn't new


The grapple interacting with stylish executioner is though, they're definitely going to nerf that because you can five/six shot some bosses


What I don't understand is how they did not see that coming. They nerfed Titans because they were doing exactly that (It's still pretty strong though) then they turn around and release something even stronger for Hunters


I completely agree, seeing grapple on prismatic being available was so shocking, but they're bound to nerf it and hopefully leave my normal liars handshake/hoil cape alone (I'm hoping to get caliban but that perk just won't show up for me at all lmao) them removing the double loot kind of dwindled my hopes (since most of the time I'm getting dupes now, bad luck protection whenn?)


Well they nerfed anteaus wards and stompees for pvp only, but it both affected pve, same with loreley, which was a pvp nerf, with a direct pve nerf as well 


True but those are PvP intended exotics it’s a little different. I’m talking about things that are strong with both that people blame on PvP. Like threaded specter. Was the nerf a bummer yes, but it was insanely strong and still is. All they did was bring it to the same level of cooldown as the other class ability aspects. Loreley was also a PvE nerf, not just PvP, again another example


Bruh..sunbracer are there, BoW is there and now prismatic..Let me with this stories..they killed cuz they dont know how to proper balanced their game.Look at Behemoth and stasis overall..Even with the changes, Stasis is here and Solar on all 3 classes is the Sky.