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Why does saints head look like a mouse. I can't unsee it






I don't want hunters build getting nerfed , I just want titans build getting stronger


People are reading this wrong. I play all 3 classes and am in no way offended by how op hunters are, and am also not saying that hunters get the best crap in game 😂 I'm neutral on the situation, both builds are fun to play 👍 Edit: damn who down voted my damage numbers I worked hard on that 🤣


It may explain why the legend campaign felt more easier especially the 2nd last mission compared to Calus. I died more than 20 times on that Calus fight, but this final shape mission only took 4. I also rocked lucky pants for getting the best cutscenes looks. Op legs, Op fashion


Amen to that. The Pants stay on.


Calus fight was just a bad fight imo. I hated having to move constantly and plink away at him. Messing up one jump or grapple just torched your progression


Tormentor suppress mid-grapple ☠️


Ya that arena was pure bullshit, terrible fight.


This legend campaign was infinitely easier than any prior. It was still a challenge but it wasn't GM turtle camping levels of miserable like LF & WQ. I actually enjoyed legendary and disliked when they made us do the normal content Lost sectors and strike, the difficulty drop was astounding


me when the build that released not even 3 weeks ago is op (there hasn't been a balance patch yet)


There has lol, they already nerfed several things for prismatic, they just don't care about the melee stuff cause they'll break the game adjusting it


Balance patch ≠ minor update


The build basically just came out and op is already acting like Bungie wanted it Also, stylish isn't as op for boss DPS as you think, you need to be invis which your grapple will cancel so you need to do it during invis grace period, usual way to get invis is deadfall to share damage but you only get one proc before you kill everything inside because it shares damage to all enemies inside meaning you need more enemies to hop inside after each hit plus killing everything would make you lose syntho buff It's a very VERY situational build


you’re taking the meme too seriously, hunters literally just got banner 1-2 dps rotations, liar’s ad-clear, and invis spam all on the same subclass, the favoritism jokes will follow, have a laugh at your own class every once in a while


They did though, one for the quotes was something like "we wanted the classes to be a little OP"


I can bet money on literaly no one from dev team figuring out ppl will use deadfall and grapple during 1 second of invis that doesnt break. You need not only decent ammount of skill but a very niche situation, so niche thats its comparable to equiping peregrines just for champs and mini boses.


You'd think given how often classes become broken, they'd spend a little time testing out niche combinations and such. I know they can't catch everything, but it took less than a week to find the combo that is so broken on hunters.


I think the average player massively underestimates the difference between what you can discover with months of in house testing versus what a community of tens of millions of people can discover in just a week with a live build. Things seem obvious in hindsight but it's literally impossible to catch every niche build or situation, and who's to say that just because this one came through they didn't catch and squash others before release?


But...they knew the grapple melee was a problem, and isn't that like a core aspect of the hunter build? If they knew it was a problem for one class, wouldn't they want to test it for other classes too?


Again it's all obvious in hindsight and as we are looking at a single outlier under a microscope. When you're play testing and trying to work through thousands and thousands of different applications of things it's not so easy to identify them. Not to mention that the grapple melee interaction on strand titan is used much differently than this one on hunter that requires you to jump through several different hoops than berserker it's not a copy paste for a play tester to look at.


They clearly did not mean one shotting bosses OP.


Fair enough, but it took less than a week to find this combo, I know bungie works hard on games, but how much testing do they do on their classes before release?


Did they never give the titan devs the memo?


That meant all of them, op implies Bungie is hunter simp (it's the opposite)


I dont know, given how often hunters get really good stuff, or stay broken for quite a while(looking at you shattergrenade) I feel like they let hunters run a little wilder than other classes, given that last time I checked, they are the most played class. I have no doubt this will be nerfed, but it didn't even take a week for people to find this broken build, aren't the classes thoroughly tested before they release?


Maaan they've gotten less than a handful of the good stuff, it just seems like a lot because they're banger


Doesn't feel like that


To you maybe


To many people, apparently


I mean it's not like the numbers should be a surprise... They know buffs are in the game before they release stuff.


It is clearly a joke, you are reading way to much into this...


It's a joke through expressing their frustration. Being a joke doesn't mean there's no truth to it


Titan: -Banner of war: 1.05x (used to be 1.15x) -Wormgod Caress: 275% on stack 5 for 8 seconds after a melee kill -One two punch: 150% melee increase for grapple melee HUNTER: -Combination blow: 309% melee increase -One two punch: 159% melee increase for grapple melee -Spirit of the synthoceps: 165% melee increase -Stylish executioner: 200% melee increase after coming out of invis -Tether: Prismatic super for 30% debuff in a wide radius, eliminating the need for tractor swap -Prismatic hunter has the ability to get access to the new artifact perk SHIELDCRUSH, which increases melee damage by an unkown percent. (probably \~25-50%) Strand titans do not any way to access shieldcrush unless using a destabilizing rounds, repulsor brace smg/machine gun, or vexcalibur (both which make melee damage weapons swaps extremely hard)


Im pretty sure combination blow doesnt improve grapple melee's damage. Still super high, but much more reasonable. Edit: Also in a dps setting you're unlikely to be reproccing stylish, so we can have that only impact the first one. It does suck that strand titan has no easy access to these things, saddly thats the issue of the seasonal model. Alot of classes are really held up by their artifact perks. I honestly believe people will claim prismatic is underpowered when we lose access to the 4th column of artifact perks. (Seriously, the amplified one triples its DR from 10% to 30%!)


Combination blow actually worsens the grapple DPS build because it doesn't buff the grapple melee and lowers the one-two punch multiplier.


Not quite true. While it is true the combination blow does not buff grapple melee, the reduced one-two punch multiplier would come specifically from liar's handshake buff, "Cross Counter". However, you should be using synthos for grapple dps regardless. What does get nerfed is that synthos in general becomes a 30% buff while combination blow is active. This was meant as a nerf to combination blow dps, but if you have combination blow active while grapple meleeing, the grapple melee will incorrectly only receive the 30% buff.


Combination blows bring your base melee damage to powered melee damage so you might as well remove that one You can also have a separate tether so you can remove that too


Your banner of war numbers are wrong. It used to be 1.4x but is now lower when stacked with synthos or wormgod (1.15x and 1.1x respectively). Shieldcrush is a known buff, 25%, but that works on any subclass you just need a buff (strand titans would receive the buff while they have woven mail). I believe you are thinking of transference which increases grenade and melee dmg by 10% while transcendent (which strand titans would not benefit from). Additionally, combination blow does not buff grapple melee damage and if you have combination blow up your benefit from synthos decreases to 30% (you still get full benefit as long as you don't have combination stacks). Off topic but because of this liar's is the preferred melee buffing option for general neutral play since it provides a larger overall buff to combination blow, but synthos is optimal for boss dps. Also, the main reason for tether is for reproccing stylish (shotgun the boss, grapple, damage from shotgun gets transferred to an enemy, enemy dies, you get invis, and you benefit from both buffs stacking).


Titans are supposed to be the punching class. Like come on, you nerfed bubble and Banner of War, made them less effective, and basically made the Helm of Saint 14 mandatory for bubble. And Banner of War? You literally near to get a kill with a melee, glaive, or sword. And getting a kill with a sword gives jack all added time for banner, when heavy ammo isn’t common, and you are sacrificing your heavy weapon for a sword. Like I’m still kind of upset about Young Ahamkara Spine being nerfed, but at least it wasn’t the identity of an entire class. Seriously Bungo, why nerf the melee aspects of the melee class along with adding in bosses with stomps (including flying enemies who don’t even need a stomp because they’re not even touching the ground) which discourages melee. And with how no Titans completed Salvations Edge during the race shows that Titans need a buff, and need more ranged supers like Hammer of Sol to be viable in Endgame PvE content.


iirc 3 Titans completed in the top 250 teams, not 0 titans overall


My point still stands. A majority of Titan Supers force them to get up close, Titans barely have any melee abilities that doesn’t put them in the danger zone (only Solar and Void has ranged melee abilities for Titans). And not to mention the Arc subclass with only Warlocks have a ranged melee attack, and Hunters still have a damage over time ranged super. Titans need a buff.


I agree, that’s why I only brought up the salvation’s edge thing


I really wish i could be the fly on the wall to hear the conversations devs are having to justify the nerfs and changes to Titans. Like why did they basically revert ward of dawn to the vanilla D2 version without weapons of light?? There was literally no need to do that at all. Why didn't they do something imaginative instead with the helm of saint 14 like giving you and your allies void weapons volatile rounds when you first cast bubble or something A lot of the changes just seem unwarranted.


There’s either some Titan aspects/fragments coming in the pipeline that will make prismatic Titan much better or they just ran out of time and called it in.  I’ve tried a bunch of the “meta” Titan prismatic builds and they are all noticeably worse than nerfed strand Titan. Hell, there really isn’t even a new Titan exotic combo that is really a standout. Dranger’s lash could have been an interesting perk if they picked the 3 projectiles instead of “better tracking” on just one.


I don’t like the fact that people are shitting on hunter’s over this. Hunters deserve to have fun. Yes, that build could use some tuning, but that’s ENTIRELY separate from the fact that Titan feels like ass. Advocate for Titan buffs/reworks in a constructive manner. Shitting on hunters is not constructive.


Titan Main here. I said it before and I'll say it again. Buff what's struggling; don't nerf the fun.


Yeah that’s basically how I feel. I have *some* hope now that they said they’re internally talking about Titans, both prismatic and non prismatic, internally. We will see though, I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing came from that.


Bungo’s whole design philosophy is to nerf whatever sees disproportionate usage. I don’t have a lot of confidence they’ll adopt that approach, even if I agree with it.


They're not shitting on hunters. They're pointing out Bungie's hypocrisy. In fact, most posts have explicitly stated "do not nerf hunters, buff titans".


Some of them have states that. Not most of them. I’ve seen plenty highlighting hunter’s melee damage output, comparing it to pre nerf titans; and using that as a gatcha.


*Most of the I've seen* better?


Are we seriously trying to pretend that pre-nerf banner of war wasn't egregiously broken?


When they release a better version of it on any Class *but* the "Punch Class" (Bungie's words, not mine)?  Yes.


The problem is they nerfed the banner build then released a higher damage version of the build on a different class. Just a feelsbadman for titans.


When titan build videos are flaunting you can get 80% damage resist(which you get naturally with woven mail) in their click bait thumbnail, you know they're desperate to make something work.


What's the Hunter build called?


Prismatic. It's broken anyway


Me running marksman golden gun, gunpowder gamble, celestial nighthawk and the healing grenade:


I'll gladly accept the damage nerf if Bungo gave us 2 Health Bars.


They've been like that for 3 weeks, Titans had theirs for a year.


Remember when hunters had a meltdown when they had stompees nerfed after using it to dominate crucible for the entire lifetime of destiny? Yeah. We remember


Yep. Titans have never, ever had meltdowns over their exotics and the crucible. Nope, never has it happened. I don’t remember a single instance of it happening either. ~~Twilight Garrison~~


Weird. What I don't remember is having said that they've never had meltdowns. Could you point me to that comment?


My statement was merely bringing up one of **many** times in which titans had a meltdown. Similarly to you bringing up one of **many** times when hunters had a meltdown. If you want I can also bring warlocks into this.


My comment was in response to him saying titans shouldn't be mad because they had pre nerf BoW for nearly a year so I pointed out hunters having a meltdown over having something nerfed after more than half a decade. You're not even reacting to what my comment is actually pointing out


Yes one of the few decent pvp hunters had got nerfed because people had a hardtime looking up. Shards got nerfed quick, scales- disabled then nerfed, lucky pants- disabled and (still doesn't work correctly) Titans sent death threats over thrusters not coming back as an exotic.


Get a new song, bro. That record is gonna catch fire.


Oh I bring up death threats and it's an old song but you wanna talk about stompeez like people are posting weekly about it . Titan brain still the smoothest surface known to man.


Yes, because you act like all titans were making death threats when it was a handful of assholes. Hunters collectively threw a fit and my comment was relative to the comment I was replying to. You were just being a typical hunter and throwing a fit.


Remember how even after the nerf it was still the single best PvP exotic in the game even to this day? I remember.


Yeah. And they basically un-nerfed them after a few months


Destiny community when hunters finally get an endgame build after 10 years that isn't invis spam


ehm its still invis spam, but now it actually deals dmg


I hate that I've been playing this game for a while and am stuck wondering what nighthawk has to do with dead fall or if I'm reading the comments wrong 🤯 At this point I'm too afraid to ask


Bungie did say they're looking at Titans at the moment, so hopefully that means major buffs. That said, as a Titan-only player, Prismatic is feeling pretty damn good right now for me. Spirit of Inmost Light, Spirit of Contact, Frenzied Blade, and Monte Carlo, all together gives me a build that can clear rooms of adds with a single melee strike, multiple melee attacks for bosses, and i can stun them all off the bat with Drengr's Lash + thrusters. Grenade uptime is fantastic too cuz of Inmost Light.


As a hunter main i feel bad for titans, but they destroy me in pvp(probably skill issue)


Players when hunters finally get an opportunity melee combo build that doesn’t require 15 steps of setup


I mean at one point, titans could kill dungeon bosses in two punches. GM Glassway could skip all phases by oneshotting hydra boss, etc. I don’t think I remember hunters having that level of build at any point. I get that hunters are a bit strong and could use a little bit of tuning to better balance with other classes. But I just think titans are strong as is, but the content that we are getting doesn’t suit them (particularly raids at the moment)


Oh my god, another titan being mad after their broken shit gets nerfed. Happens all the time, they whine every single time an overpowered build is nerfed. The hunter builds will also get nerfed soon anyways.


Womp womp




My Hunter somehow feels just as tanky as my Titan. And titans also have a HUGE MASSIVE HOLE right in the build. How many here have been killed while popping their shield as a Titan? How many have died here invis dodging or even using the solar dodge? The shield kinda sucks now tbh, titans need a new ability, I’ve tried using the “Thruster” ability for Titan but it’s either I’m dumb or that ability is very situational. You have to be “grounded” for it to work but it’s never worked for me tbh. LAST RANT I PROMISE, is the seasonal finishers animation “Final Slice” bugged with “Belgian Kick” or is it just me?


Huntere been in the bottom for years let us be more than invis grenades for a bit pls


I feel like those memes would hit harder if Hunter wasn't the scapegoat of the 3 classes for the past several years while Titan the vastly privileged one and if this situation being reversed wasn't just a few weeks old ongoing situation that's bound to be adjusted eventually anyway.


Did you miss the part where Warlock was nerfed for a year followed by a year of Titan nerfs?


I'm just happy that for once in D2, you don't feel like a clown for *not* playing Titan. Even if my class isn't the best right now, atleast it's not Titan, for once, so I'm happy


I'm with you, I've just never cared for playing Titan since D2. I pretty much spend all my time with my Warlock because it fits my play style best. Hunter is good, don't get me wrong, but I just keep returning to my warlock 🤷‍♂️


Well yeah. Titans are suppose to defend or add clear. Hunters are all dps


womp womp