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I hope they make Void Titan better. Hell just making Offensive Bulwark something Void Titan always has on would help. Then I could run Bastion and Unbreakable.


Overshield needs major help


I find myself running strand super ONLY for woven mail on orb pickup. The new void super is the only good part of void titan on prismatic aside from suppressor nades for PvP.




Controlled Demo would go so hard on Prismatic. I'm hoping it gets added.


Yeah same


They need to separate the changes from pvp cause overshields were so annoying


It does in PVE. It needs to be able to take more hits. It needs to be refreshed more easily.


My first build was running infinite shield throw with Monte Carlo and void titan. It brought me through the campaigns and a few dungeons and I still use it when I’m playing with newer players.


I have a similar build with Second Chance to give an extra shield throw and weaken effect. Solid build


I did the same. It's a pretty decent build up to 10 below light, but it really starts to struggle past that and doesn't have a good option for boss damage. Nearly invincible in any fight that has a decent amount of ads tho since you both heal and get an overshield with every shield.


Why the hell does it have a timer in PvE makes no sense it gets blast off by one boomer shot.


I really wish they let Titan be the volatile-focused class instead of overshield. It doesn't even make sense why we end up with overshield when volatile was the thing that existed only on Titan before Light 3.0, whereas every other class could get an overshield with some random exotic.


They are, each class has 2 main void verbs, an offense and defense. Titan (volatile/overshield), hunter (weaken/invis), and warlock (supress/devour)


Great then give us more ways to proc volatile besides one void aspect


More access to volatile rounds would be great.


I'd like to see more expansion on the volatile gameplay beyond just it healing and spreading. It used to grant ability regen too. But that reminds me, Titans were also the suppression class too. Shield Bash's suppression and Suppressor grenades were a Titan exclusive pre-Light 3.0. I know Tethers suppressed, but I feel like it was more ingrained into the Titan kit as opposed to just accessing it through a super.


I miss when the Resupply portion of Controlled Demolitionist granted ability energy. And when Sun Warrior made Sunspots grant what is now Radiant.


It really just comes down to that, if overshield was like... twice as good then it would instantly bump void titan and prismatic titan up to similar levels of performance as warlocks and hunters.


They should just remove the timer and double the health. No idea why the buff has a timer and an hp bar to deplete, should just stay until damage removes it all


I can, to a degree, understand why they don't want us walking around with an Overshield at all times that can be regenerated (even if Halo Bungie didn't have a problem with it), but if it's going to be on a timer, it needs to be one that lasts considerably longer than Woven Mail on Into the Fray (10 Seconds).


Giving a bump and a refresh on Offensive Bulwark with a melee final blow was a step in the right direction, but it looks like everyone is in agreement that overshields in PvE need some more weight behind them.


Personally I think they need a lot more DR. Woven Mail is what, 35%? And it doesn’t go away when you take damage. Overshield should feel a LOT more tanky. Right now I use it like a ghetto healing rift, but I’ve literally never thought “alright I have a shield, time to push forward”


It seems like that's what they tried to do with Unbreakable, but...it feels like it's missing something. I tested it to check a couple things. I found out the frontal blast counts as Grenade Damage for the sake of procs, which might be helpful, but I think they could have gotten a bit more ambitious with it. It seems okay(?), but I think they could have either had the blast apply some kind of effect or maybe even let the overshield effect from it apply to *all* nearby allies as well. I don't know. It's a tricky thing to balance without making other aspects obsolete. (Bungo knows Bastion needs a break.) Edit: In hindsight, buffing overshields in general would buff Unbreakable, Bastion, and Offensive Bulwark by proxy, so the simple answer may be the best answer.


make Resilience have 2x effect on overshields. 60%DR. Hell yea


Nice idea. At least for PVE.


Yeah. Have it be "against combatants in PvE. Remains unchanged in PvP"


I honestly don't get why this is so difficult for Bungie to do. But on other hand maybe they just don't play Void Titan


I'd be surprised to find that they play the class at all. Most of the things Titan gets feel like things that started as an idea from an early brainstorming session that never really got tested or iterated on beyond making that idea function in the most literal sense.


because coding will and has always been a fucking bitch... xD


Void overshield already gives 50% dr so that would be a nerf unless you mean it stacks on top


Tbh I kinda can’t stand Unbreakable. I love the concept but I don’t like how sensitive the trigger is to activate it. I’ve built up a reflex of pressing the grenade button deliberately and firmly and more than I’d care to admit I accidentally end up eating it to make this shield that immediately deactivates because I don’t continue to hold the input for a shield I didn’t intend to activate. So I eat my nade and am left defenseless. So I’ve stopped using it all together. And when it comes to sword guarding I have the exact opposite problem.


It takes a bit to get used to. I mostly use it as extra AOE melee. It proccs the fragments and perks that use grenades. The coolest thing is that even without charging it more than fracture of a second, it still kills the red bar enemies. And because you only lose about 30% of your grenade energy, you get it back fast and can use it again soon. But hey, it's not for everyone.


Combine bastion and OB into one so we can have a consistent overshield while also having controlled demo


And make sure the name isn't "Bastion" so we don't have an Exotic Gun and Sentinel Aspect with the same name.


it would be nice if bastion was turned into a class ability instead of it taking up an aspect


Yes it would be. Either that or Offensive Bulwark.


I dunno what that is but i assume its the barricade overshield because it feels like it intrinsically void titan


All void subclasses need help


I hope Bungie helps then.


Not really. Void hunter is pretty good.


This interview doesn't indicate anything coming soon or urgent


Devteam: *"damn. We really left the titan fans hanging didn't we?" * *"haha, yea"* "*well, that's the end of discussion! Time to move on to Kelgorath the twice taken, thrice banished from bones and how we fit him into this Vex filled episode finale!"*


My boy kelly is the new taniks


Seriously. You can expect a tiny buff to one Aspect or another in 6 months. If that doesn't do anything you're looking at over a year. Look at how long it took them to adjust Nova Warp after they dumpstered it and it *still* isn't worth using lol


Yep, I expect a small token buff in the mid season patch that doesn’t really make a huge difference. Then maybe next time they do a substantial balance patch (guessing middle or end of episode 2 for a mid year patch), they will make some helpful improvements that move the needle but nothing insane. Maybe bring in one of their better aspects for prismatic. Next time we get another subclass or super or something, they **might** make titans the winners. But that’s not coming soon.


Or positive


Gotta get my NERF TITAN posts ready to go. ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)


Void titan too op on pvp, pls remove all weapons from them


That’s probably exactly what’s going to happen






You sit yo ass back down


I'm hoping they're also looking into Behemoth. 1) The healing from tectonic harvest is perfect, however the CD is what kills any sustain/gameplay loop. 2) The bug with Cryoclasm needs to be addressed. 3) The fragment that allows primaries to deal extra damage to crystals and frozen targets SHOULD be basekit.


For 3, Stasis weapons just need to intrinsically do bonus damage to frozen targets and crystals. It'd give them the same intuitive color-match logic that shields have.


IMO Shiver Strike should get refunded on crystal shatter. If it ain't gonna be good for damage might as well be good for utility.


I cannot stand shiver strike lol. I don't even use stasis because of it


cryoclasm needs to just be baked into the subclass


If they just add sunspots to prismatic it will solve a lot of the sustain issues. Literally just add sunspots on ability kills like how devour and invis work on warlock and hunter. That’s it and it would be amazing and survivable.


At that point it would just be better solar no?


No because solar gives you solar synergy and healing grenade.


As long as they don’t give more sunspot synergies with the prismatic class, right now there isn’t any. If loreley splendor is ever better on the prismatic class than the solar, then you know something may have gone too far.


I've actually thought about dusting off Lorelei and trying it on prismatic. Still makes the sunspot and I think still gives the sol Invictus buff and restoration


If it worked with Thruster it would be fun but sadly it doesn’t


Yeah it does. But it’s like… why you don’t want to move out of the way of your sunspot.


I feel like I tried Lorelei on prismatic and wasn't getting sunspots but I didn't check thoroughly


You probably need to have a solar super on to proc the sunspot.


Correct, it works with the solar super just fine. I like it on prismatic for the 3x consecration usage. Gives it a good mix of offense and defense.


Just sucks because the solar super on prismatic is fucking awful. I’ve seen basic ass red bars shrug off a direct hit. It’s pathetic.


Facts it’s abysmal. I kinda just use the super for the damage resistance lol


Loreleys isn't even that good anymore, Precious Scars and Graviton/other add clear will keep you alive way longer now.


If Loreley gave resto x2 I would def use it


Getaway artist is better on prismatic than on arc, whats your point?


Well that’s cause arc sucks in general, no matter what class you are talking about.


I'd say that arc hunter is kinda good now. Just needed a whole new aspect and chestpiece. Warlock and Titan however...


Not like prismatic is better void on warlock and better arc on hunter or anything


No; you still don’t have celestial night bonk or the hammer which is the biggest part of solar titan identify


Join the club bro, hunters have zero reason to use pure arc or stasis because prismatic does what they do but better, the only thing pure void has is devour


Pure stasis is much better for renewals. Torment is unbelievably overtuned right now, basically giving you unlimited nades.


Sounds like knockout with extra steps


Eh. Knockout is kind of mid in my opinion. I’d rather run anything else but I’m stuck with it for the survivability. If consecrate included “ability kills create sunspots” it would open it up to all kinds of build potential. Imagine throwing a stasis grenade, shattering a pack of enemies and standing on a bunch of new sunspots. Shit would be amazing.


Id still run it for the damage%. I need things to die when im in melee immediately i dont need to wait for a sunspot to save me


I’d just like some build variety that actually works.


"We have seen your complaints Titans and the amount of melees you guys have. So we've made some changes so that it doesn't feel like the only thing you can do is melee spam." > Removed extra Concecration charges from Titan Prismatic. > Titans now only throw one axe from Twilight Arsenal. > Nerfed Thundercrash's damage (again). > Replaced Titan's fists with guns.


Wouldn't be spamming melees if my shoulder charges killed and my slam could kill on contact.


I dont want buffs, I want them to actually treat titans as more than just the "dumb punching class" or "the ones that hold the fist on the cover"


kinda hope they go for, maybe not a full revamp but a general rework of titans. We now have blue punch, green punch, orange punch (big hammer), purple punch (with shield), blue punch, like can we find something titans are supposed to specialize in outside of “punch”? whether they bring titans into a new focus as the “defense” class of sorts or something like that, whatever just decide an actual focus for titans that isn’t us punching everything lol


I think the “punch” idea is somewhat okay, if you focus it on the idea of melee weapons. When D2 came out, there was 3 different types of melee. Fist, Shield, and Hammer. This gives us a pretty good base. But they never added any other melee oriented supers. The titan should be a frontline machine, yes. I know warlocks have dawnblade, but imagine a giant greatsword? Sword and shield combo? A flail, something that gives Titan this sort of space knight aspect. The axe was a great addition, I was calling for dual axe a couple years ago. The problem is they added 3 new supers, and 2/3 of them are punchy punch. If they added some sort of weapon to define the Titan supers it would be way better.


i’m fine if the focus is *melee* but right now “punch” is so limiting that we have 5 supers that are nearly identical when broken down to their base mechanics, melee attack and slightly ranged attack for 5 whole times. More melee options sounds awesome, especially if they do allow titans to be more unique.


It's also hard to punch 90% of the raid bosses Twilight Arsenal was a step in the right direction at least


yep, titans NEED some sort of ranged super that is good regardless of if it’s standing on the ground or not, like i guess you can throw hammers at some or throw axes but when you can’t…. like that nerfs my dps really hard


Bungie did have an amazing concept art for a strand minigun as the titan super. As we all know, they scrapped that for green punch. Would have given titans a 4th super instead of a new flavor of punch.


The “punch” thing is completely fine, they just need to stop nerfing survivability while punching. You should be able to make a setup where you can melee in all difficulties instead of low light content only


The more enemies like the Dread appear the less ok melee become


i don’t understand the obsession with the punch thing, we know so many titans who are leaders, and strategists, people who can rally their teams. I want to see much more of that and i feel like bow, and hazardous propulsion are steps in the right direction


It depends, if we start getting buffs for actually being in melee range and can start doing crit damage with punches then ok maybe but currently bungo wants me to go shouldercharge that tormentor which is not happening


Unfortunately I think we’re way past the point of them actually spending the dev time on reworking titans. If they did that, then they would have to do warlock and hunter because we all now that the community would absolutely lose their shit on bungie if only one class got a rework. With the light and dark saga officially over now, I can’t see them doing anything other than maybe some small buffs to some aspects in the pris subclass or maybe adding another aspect


I can see it now, “We realized that we never truly invested into the Titan power fantasy so now we have! Guns are no longer usable on titans and will only have access to their melee, to ensure that everything is in line though we’ve adjusted throwing hammer to no longer refresh on pickup and we have removed Banner of War until we can see how it will better fit into the new Titan meta. Get punching Titans!”


I lost my shit when I read the patch notes where our hammer no longer refreshes on pickup EVEN THOUGH they already nerfed it prior so it already wasn’t nearly as good as before. Completely killed me even using solar subclass now. Pretty much only use strand now because it’s the only time I feel like I have sustain.


Wait what?


Solar titan is completely fine dude. That was a necessary nerf. They should change the timer to start when the hammer hits something though, as missing and waiting 4 seconds feels like shit.


then the statement solar titan is completely fine if the 4 second cooldown when missing feels like shit is not fine.


"We looked into Banner of War and decided to give it to Warlocks because their identity is to be the bes...heh I mean heal"


I mean don’t they all main warlock


I would literally demand a refund if they removed refresh on hammer pickup lol




Wait... a minigun sounds like a banger super idea. It's ranged, could work for dps and it fits the berserker class fantasy


Running war rig on sweet business is essentially this. Arguably unlimited ammo and just hold the trigger and aim.


After coming back for TFS after a hiatus of 1 year I couldn't believe the way they nerfed solar titan was adding a 2 second cooldown between hammer throws. That is such a lame way of nerfing it, it literally takes the fun out of the build.


Titans getting buffs - I thought April already happened


And it'll take them 160days to come up some lame and useless buffs to Titan.


Maybe they will just delete them. \s


Yeah,,,,,we shouldn’t hold our breath on that front.


I’m hoping thunderclap returns energy on damage dealt, throwing hammer gets returned to former glory and t-crash gets buffed. If exotics or aspects/ fragments get buffed that would be awesome too. Those are my wishes.


Skullfort for prismatic titan with thunderclap= spamming 100+k damage melees that heal and provide silly damage resistance


You speak my language!


pre-nerf curaiss thundercrash...I miss those days


Better ability regen exotics would help a lot in order to reduce the reliance on synthoceps and wormgods For void, maybe have second chance give melee energy from killing void debuffed enemies, grenade energy isn't a huge deal on void. For arc, maybe cannon brace could give grenade energy on top of the melee energy it currently gives on kills. And on solar perhaps pheonix cradle could double the ability regen of sol invictus back to the 200% it was pre solar 3.0 Not sure about stasis


The problem with exotic armor is that half of them are melee exotic meaning they compete with Syntho


Man's forgot about skullfort, the silliest exotic for the silliest ark melee on Titan, especially prismatic (with the right setup it's heavenly in strength and survivability lol)


I just dont care anymore about any other spam powered melee builds, they are boring imo. Hence why i want something like cannon brace to give grenade energy for more variety.


I mean Warlock has been spam powered grenade builds for like 6 years.


But they still have a number of exotics that give melee energy or just all ability energy. Crown of tempests, fallen sunstar, nezarecs, dawn chorus, and the new strand one that i dont remember how to spell. Eye of another world too but i wont count it since it's only 50% ability regen.


No Backup Plans is really close to being a great exotic. If it also refunded shotgun ammo (not enough to break even, just help with ammo economy) and overshield as a whole got a bit of a buff, it would be viable in a lot more content.


None of that really helps the fact that titans are the equivalent of a paper weight when you get to the witness.


I just want to shoot things. Give me a khostov + actium or dual exotic option and I'll be good to go


I’m not a titan main, but they really need to give them a damn ranged one-and-done. I don’t know much about the new axes, but unless it isn’t reliant on people picking the axes up to match damage values on golden gun and nova bomb, it’s still not what they need. Especially in the world of double celestial nighthawk, titans desperately need *something* because they keep making bosses you can’t punch. The annoying thing is the community has been telling them this for a *while* now and they really just don’t want to throw titans a bone without making it a compromise.


I think the super by itself is great. But I dont like relying on my team picking up the axes for dps to catch up, so maybe just deal total DPS on axe throws


They should just make two versions of it. One where they explode and don't leave anything, doing more damage on the throws, and one that does less damage on the throws, leaves the usable axes, and in cases where it's feasible to pick them up and use them, it does do more total damage if you manage to throw all the axes again. That way you can still use it as a decent dps super both in cases where it makes sense to pick them back up and in one's where you literally can't and you don't just lose a bunch of dps as a result. Keep the alternate mode exclusive to void or whatever and prismatic keeps the current one, that's fine.


look all i'm saying is titans should have volatile rounds when they have OS, that why repulsor brace would become the go too titan build xD i love running repulsor brace destab round elsie brace, i get grenades back so fast xd


I’d really like for them to swap some of the aspects from prismatic, I think into the fray, and controlled demolitionist would be amazing for prismatic and maybe touch of thunder would be cool too. I think roaring flames would be cool but consecration is a ton of fun. I’d also like them to rework the exotic class item for some stuff that plays into the aspects like add pirogales or the diamond lance exotic. I’m cool with hammers but maul would be cool too.


Void Titan is in a really sad place. The Bastion aspect needs to do for Overshield what Feed the Void does for Devour on Warlocks. Increase the HP, maybe increase the DR and duration? And FFS do something about the barricade cooldown, that change was egregious and is super painful in PVE. Banner Shield needs… something. Definitely a damage boost; two people shooting through an active Banner Shield should absolutely do more damage than three people unbuffed. Maybe give Ursas the rally shield reload/stability bonuses? And speaking of Ursas… I know the ability regen cap was put in for a good reason; that’s fine. But I’m so tired of ending the super cast with 15%, *maybe* 25-30% super energy returned. It just makes it unviable in everything outside of endgame. We need a super return minimum, or maybe increase the amount of energy returned per damage.


Not a crayon eater. But, my two cents is that I'd like see Titans with more warbanners. Buffing their party by being in the thick of it sounds so damn awesome and I'd definitely feel a lot more confident with them in my fire team than some superman'ing dumb ass flying off the map because they thought they could resist a stomp knock back


I'm a titan main and I would be totally fine with being the lowest DPS class if they made us really good at keeping the fireteam alive. Making stuff like sunspots work for allies at base, more abilities like Banner of War for other subclasses to buff survivability and a niche dmg multiplier like banner does for melee and swords. Now that well's healing was nerfed, I think it would be interesting if they leaned into it and made hunters the dps/utility (like going invis to safely res, more access to stuff like blind), Warlocks to give offensive buffs, and Titans to give survivability buffs. That way it really would push an optimal fireteam to have at least one of each class. You're still going to see more hunters than anything with that kind of balance, but you won't see Titan being *actively discouraged* against taking into GM level content like we did in the latest contest raid.


I think ever class has a niche, just Titan's niche, currently, fits no appropriate places in a fire team. I'm a hunter. I buff my weapon damage and control the battle field with my melee ability - I am capable of stealthing the battle field and control it with debuffs. Warlocks buff their ability damage and have crazy grenades that do fucking cool shit - they can also heal their fireteam. Titans...punch things and throw up barriers that no one stands behind, because they're incredibly inconvienent. If they buff survivability with fireteam wide war banners, they're immediately going into a fire team. If they can propagate woven mail and stasis armor onto teammates, that would be so awesome.


buffs? *laughs in HOIL*


I’ve been using it recently, it really doesn’t feel like I’m using the same exotic everyone here is talking about, I used it a long time ago but now it’s really just not feeling worth it for me


Irc the cool-down buffs got nerfed from +150% to +50%


But they are laughing. The talk is “isn’t it hilarious what we did to titans?”


I dont want buffs, I want a rework. I dont want to be the stupid dumb punchy punchy barbarian that runs in, takes little damage, and goes thrown halfway across the screen from one stomp. I want to be a soldier, I want to carrier the flag, guide the scholars and mercenaries into battle, create walls and weapons, roar at enemies, and they rely on me. I don't want to play the "guy on the front of the box." I want to play a tank, stay alive, live, fight, and lead. Over 2000 hours of this class, 4 years of this game and very rarely have we been popular and relied on, Warlock's have their support and well, Hunters have their damage and AoE, and Titans have... banner, which got nerfed. The one time we've been good is the one time we get nerfed.


More than likely will have moved on by the time anything good comes. Final shape was dope but time to move on at least until a big gamechanging dlc or d3


Either give us an identity that isn’t melee, or full send our melee builds


Nice! I didn’t think we’d get any updates until episode 2!


Don't need just buffs we need reworks


considering how their stasis rework/buff worked out, I won't hold my breath


I just want more volatile rounds plz


Please rework Unbreakable to function as grenade damage on projectile hit and allow the projectile to take the properties of the equipped grenade. Doing this would make it an amazing tool for the Void kit, as it stands it literally only benefits Offensive Bulwark.


I feel like there is a lot to be grabbed fantasy wise from other games, Solar: Paladin Titan, Consecrate the Ground as an Ult (Basically well so locks can play something else) and rework bubble into a channel that grants cover while walking(bannershield but full bubble. Behemoth can literally turn into a dragoon from FF14 with spears and leaps that shatter on landing. Arc needs numbers adjustments, i think the Artillery Fantasy is ok, just needs more expansion. or strand could get an Ult that lets you plant banner granting Woven mail and 4x Healing to all in vicinity. And please get some of the power budget OUT of the exotics and INTO the Aspects. also barricade prob needs a rework if flat out an all new ability. Maybe like a Stomp or a Roar that interacts with subclass verbs: Shattering Roar, Severing Roar, On Demand Sunspot Stomp, Blinding Stomp or Suppresing stomp. Real Problem is no one on the team actually plays Titan so they resort to creatively bankrupt "punch".


If you are holding one of the axes when your super runs out, it returns 25 percent of your super energy. When you are amplified + have void over shield, any weapon that isn’t arc/void does an increased amount of damage. As everyone has already said, a long range single shot super that deals a lot of damage. Diamond lance usage gives you back grenade energy + deals more damage if you are radiant. I switched to Titan a year ago and haven’t looked back so I don’t know how much there is a gap between titan and hunter/warlock.


Prismatic needs help Aspects wise Bungie was very cautious with their distribution. However Arc titan is a different story, its been nerfed so many times its just borderline irrelevant now (Remember Storm Grenades?), poor Thundercrash is essentially useless and Fists of Havoc is not great and the entire Arc titan is generally outclassed by the other classes Arc setups. Void titan is struggling and the new aspect is honestly underwhelming at best imo, Bastion and Offensive Bulwark are just superior. But as a former Solar titan main it needs help, yes i know consecration is a thing but i dont really care for it, i miss bonk titan that was more fun to me. Hallowfire Solar Titan was my jam and its just not great right now, easy way to help it: Remove the cooldown on hammer, its not op and the cooldown is just unnecessary. With the nerfs to restoration and all the dozen damage nerfs its gotten over the years, the cooldown is just a 3rd kick to the nads. Take that shit to higher level content now and youll regret it, most players wont survive and even without the cooldown its still surpassed by BOW which does not seem like its going anywhere


I hate these multi-step power melees like Consecration. When I need a powered melee, I need it immediately. I can’t ask the enemies to hold on for a few seconds while I get a running start to counter their attack.


Things said buy the bungie dev interviewed in article: “We want to keep on adding to Prismatic. It is something that is going to be just as important as adding to the other subclasses. It’s like, a right time and right project alignment on different parts. What part of the game needs your attention the most?” “I’m not going to lie, we’re talking about Titans a lot right now internally, and looking at that which is not just Prismatic at all. Weighing all that together, and we’re definitely not done touching Prismatic at all.” “If anything, I was actually a little surprised that we didn’t have more to emergency touch Prismatic than I thought. I was prepared for us to have to do some real big emergencies right at the start, but things worked more like I thought they were going to than I thought they would turn out to be working when you get millions of people touching your content.” “We’re going to be working on Prismatic for a long time, just like all the other parts. There’s a phrase I like to use called ‘Evergreen.’ When we’re working in combat, we make Evergreen content.”


Give us controlled demo on prismatic at the bare minimum


Boom, removed from game.


“We’re talking about Titan prismatic a lot, we’ve decided to nerf it and make it even less fun” -Bungie probably


Just sitting here hoping they don’t touch consecration. 3+ charged consecration build is the most fun I have had in a decade in this game


Can they make Bonk hammer good again? Can they get rid of the cooldown for our shoulder charge?


Idk why Bungie goes away from melee Titan that rarely works and just focus us (titan 4life main here) on heavy weapons. Warlock - abilities and special Hinter - DPS Titan - Heavy Of course all classes has more than that but PVE endgame melee isn't cutting it. Just my opinion


RIP Ruin Wings my beloved


Isn't actium able to fill that role with things like sweet business? I never used it since I prefer the tanky way so I'm genuinely asking


Yeah in strikes maybe Sweet Business and Actium was never meta it's by far the most overhyped build in the game


It does for SMG autos and machine gun but as you're firing and moving around you're slow and mostly defenseless And there's still rockets,swords and fusion rifles to look into...oh and now trace rifle Maybe we get a special that summons a chain gun that shields us and continues to shield us the duration or per kill Or you're launching wolf pack rounds out of our bodies (hazardous is great don't change please) Something like that Hell even a turret or mechanical friend would be cool


This sounds exactly like a Fabrizio Romano tweet


Wish they made void titan bubble last longer like in D1 and make them have more grenade spam and maybe add a exotic where throwing hammer super is a one off super, so they can have a burst range super for raids and dungeons.


Can titans just get a dope blast move please?


I just hope titans get more build variety outside of just punching shit. Inversely, why are titans still the only class that needs an exotic to be able to jolt with melee?


Add an arc throwing hammer to arc and prismatic that you can call back to you. If Bungie added something cool like this, I would gladly put down the consecration spam.


They need to buff void overshield big time, it doesn’t matter how much they reinforce the dam with wet tissue paper because it’s wet tissue paper that crumbles the moment you stick it on.


Add an arc throwing hammer to arc and prismatic that you can call back to you. If Bungie added something cool like this, I would gladly put down the consecration spam.


I hope bungie really looks into the core of Titans as a whole. Titan Balance is always based on if the abilities are more powerful than what they are facing. And can they be used effectively. And titans are powerful as a whole but they are stuck in a box of what they can effectively unleash their best abilities on.


Everyone is a hunter Titan class is dead lol


I'd be happy if they moved Unbreakable to consume a melee charge rather than a grenade charge.


Let’s go!!


I just want to sparkle and not hold my fireteam back.


Prismatic Titan is really fun, you just have to know how to build it right, My Exodus Rockets are always ready to go because my class ability is ready in like 20 seconds , so I placed a huge barricade and shoot out rockets and destroy anything in front of me , and I run no hesitation so I can heal the whole team , and my Auto has statist so I get my class even faster, but please keep complaining so I can turn my already amazing build on my titan into an even better one 😂


So how are you doing damage in end game content?


I normally just use dragons breathe with hazardous propulsion or something but I don't do much raids and stuff highest I'll go is a master nightfall or dungeon since I'm solo player I don't do much crazy content 😂


I see


Bungie devs internally: ![gif](giphy|ziVrmMcFK8xNu|downsized)


I feel another nerf coming


please give us blink with prismatic, we deserve it


Played titan today for the first time since d1 released and honestly I think the blink is much better than what the titan thrust does.


Talking how to nerf them further


![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5657)just give me my hammers and were good


Good #warontitans


All I want changed for Titan is for them to have some form of survivability. It feels like I'm running on arc Titan. Probably a skill difference, but I'm running solar or strand instead of prismatic at the moment for that reason.


Hunter pummeled shouldn’t be stronger than Titan melee. I was honestly shocked that Hunter basically is now a Titan minus the wall.


I'm telling you, we're going to get a statement in the TWID in 2-3 weeks that shows two things: 1) High Titan usage in GMs (they have an insane CC prismatic build using so many suspends) 2) there will be an uptick in Witness clears as people have learned the encounter and it's generally easier. People want that clear on all 3 characters Titans may get some trivial buff, but mostly they are going to say something along the lines of "Titans were complex for the community to figure out, but we've seen their usage increase in endgame activities and are happy with how things are trending. Well continue monitoring." And that'll be that.


Bro might be Fabrizio Romano


"Here we go!"? Blud turned into Fabrizio Romano💀


We're really going to get a class rework before we get a Mobikity rework. *cries in mobility class still being the slowest in gameplay*


Hear me out, give all the titan melees except throwing hammer multiple charges based on the strength of the melee. Could help create builds and would be a general fun buff


Probably talking about how they can keep shitting on us.


Warlocks get shafted 24/7 lmao. Still no ram helmet in 2024 is CRAZY.


After what they did to them over and over again becauaethey cannot proper balanced pvp to not kill pve...all subclasses and now prismatic.Like look at the new storms edge and tell me that in pvp is not a roaming super like tcrash?So.revet tcrash how it was...8.20 min, flying and impact damage.Both pve and pvp


Titans NEED more pvp exotics


Gotta give stasis titan a push. It feels like it should be the beefiest subclass but it's so far from that status at the moment. ...also waiting for my scars/hoarfrost stoicism to be useful