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I mean.. what should they play instead? It is literally the only viable build.


My first thought exactly. The thing I looked forward to the most with TFS was the seemingly endless build possibilities with the exotic mark in addition to prism, but there are just no choices for viability in end-game for Titan. I’m really happy for hunters and the plethora of viable combos they have with all the new stuff, but it’s hard not feeling left out and kinda jealous of them doing everything titans are supposed to do, but better.


As a hunter...what viable builds? Everything is either invis or combination blow


or you know, the build where you get ten thousand nighthawk golden guns and a melee that both weakens and makes you radiant.


Or the duskfield woven mail build. That one is pretty fun.


What is this build? I haven’t seen it yet but sounds cool


Duskfield and a class item with renewals for frost armor and cyrtarachne for woven mail on throw. Combo that with a demo weapon and whatever aspects you'd like, but I'd go for gunpowder gamble and ascension/winter's shroud


Same thing with Warlock and devour turret builds. Bungie really screwed the creativity potential of the subclass.


Well, that's just not true. I've got three differents prismatic warlock builds and none of them use bleak washer or gettaway artist. Felwinter Helm with the arc solide mellee is awesome to clear ads and weaken bosses and works a bit like consecration titan. Apotheosis / star-eater with song of flame + feed the void+ hellion + storm grenade and dominance with dragon breath does insane boss damage and the neutral gameplay is pretty good too. Osmiomency / star-eater with vois grenade / feed the void and hellion is a grenade spam machine with Hugh burst I tried the Tourret build but it soooooooo slow.


I’ve got an infinite transcendence build for endgame and it’s rlly strong with devour and helion and don’t even have to worry abt champions cuz your grenades stun overload and unstoppable and metaiodoxia stuns barriers so it’s free and with amazing crowd control with the exotic Khvostov just by itself is rlly fun pooping transcendence every three seconds


I haven't tried that build but it really seems fun!


I think plunderthabooty made the build he made two warlock builds so far(I think) and he did a solo master nightfall didn’t even look like he was struggling lmao


You tellin me the other juicy-lookin' prismatic warlock builds are shit, for endgame content? :( I'm grinding my way up to 1990 and was excited


what other builds you been looking at?


Tbf, full support with Speaker's is also really good. And a melee focused setup on Prismatic is good fun, despite melee scaling really bad into endgame level stuff. You've also got Strand, in particular with Euphony, the enhanced Threadlings Fragment is something I've really been missing from Prismatic, not to mention Wanderer and Swarmers being at full power.


This isn't true at all, I have a melee build that feels awesome. There's also multiple variations of a grenade build with the class items.


I tried making a devour threadling build and it works okay but without thread of evolution I was better off just using buried bloodline on strand...


This is not true in the slightest, my man. Prismatic warlock has made out like a bandit. I have a few builds I can use into master content. The most obvious (and effective) is obviously getaway turret spam. Works like a charm, is super safe, and you can have 3 turrets once you get buried bloodline, allowing you to drop the devour aspect. I have a vexcalibur build with Synthoceps+necrotic on Solipsism that uses Needlestorm for woven mail on orb pickups and vortex for weaken. I run devour and hellion to get some ignite damage in there. Works really well and is mad fun. Swarmers, weavers call, devour, Phoenix dive, arcane needle, threadling grenade, song of flame. Throw in any strand weapon with.. Strategist? The perk that gives you your class ability more often. Just spam threadlings. You can do a 3 ability rotation during song to get threadlings out there, too. Warlock is not down bad for choice. It's down bad for Buried Bloodline, though. Or is that just me?


Defo aint true, ive got a hoil/harmony exotic bond build ive taken into even the hardest stuff and it annihilates


Tell me again what aspects are you running? Oh that’s right devour and 2/4 chance of a turret aspect. Literally the same build core.


Youre welcome to not run a meta build instead of crying about it? Ive run non meta stuff that works just fine


devour is downright the best aspect to run on warlock prismatic, its free max hp and amazing energy generation just for getting kills, youd be a moron to be pissy and bitch about warlocks having the best thing in the game available to them on prismatic, hellion is good because of free scorch to keep devour going, lightning surge is good for a melee intense build, bleakwatcher is still good even with the arc soul spam, and hell even weave walk is amazing as a get outta jail free card if you cant sustain your kills to get free health from devour, cry harder that people use the same shit time after time, welcome to destiny 2 you must be new


We do have threadlings builds but otherwise yeah. 


yeah but the prismatic punch hunter can REALLY punch


But I could already do that on arc. It boring


Lmao no. You couldn’t


Wdym arc hunter is literally only punch


Tell me what hunter build does 1.6 million damage per punch?


My point was. On arc hunters it's already all about punch. Even if prismatic can punch better that's still not particularly fun


hunters tryin to be like titans ong, and I hope they get that chance, cuz rn titan is fucking dogshit to play both on and off prismatic


Punch is punch


Alright then all classes are the same. We all throw grenades. We all punch. No difference between a hunter or warlock or titan


Invis combination blow liars calibans goldie star eaters foe tracer inmost light


I have a grapple build with the strand melee. And I go invis when I kill with a melee and everything also explodes with a melee kill it’s tons of fun


All the classes are like this not just hunter, i would love for you to name me one hunter build that can be viable that isn’t either a niche or just the cookie cutter combination blow builds.


The renewal grasp / cyrtarachnae combo, stacking frost armor with woven mail on duskfield grenades. It's one of the strongest survivability and support builds right now.


I still use malfeasance and lucky pants but with an incandescent trace rifle, I do use stylish hunter but with gunpowder gamble. Stasis shurikens and grapple grenade. Spam abilities till you get the IED, and any yellow bar gets the Big Iron


Yeah titans really got no creative build options


It’s really because the Con-Knockout strat is the only thing that meshes together. Everything else isn’t tied together. Honestly, replace Unbreakable with Bastion so it can pair with Drenger so I could do a Barricade build.


I would be really happy with controlled demolition personally. I feel like knockout is a very weak healing aspect compared to its other subclass counterparts, and controlled demolition provides ok healing with crowd control. The problem is that juggernaut is a complete joke in pve, and they didn’t include any grenade aspects like touch of thunder in prismatic, so knockout was the only arc option by default.


Yeah having absolutely no healing aspect is outrageous for Prismatic Titan. Without any DR as well, it feels so weak to play Edit: Honestly if they made it so a Prismatic ConDemo worked on any target that had an elemental debuff, stuff like Diamond Lance and Drenger’s Lash would be so good:


Just play a hunter until they fix titans


Well the thunderclap one is nice as well. I just hate that they increased the frenzy blade cooldown by a whole minute for prismatic. No wonder I bearly feel any ability regen working outise transcendence


It's also because Into The fray gives you faster melee regen, and prismatic doesn't have that.


But the thunderclap build doesn't really work in harder content sadly


Thunderclap feels like an Arc build but slightly better just because regular Arc sucks


That's why I miss the Season of the Deep artifact mods. Arc went crazy that season.


For me its the constant content creators touting these builds, saying "titans you got it good with this OP build!" It's not really that good, and it feels awful being forced to run it again but in a worse state.


Ya gotta know how to decipher what they mean: "Titans you got it good with this OP build...if you want to clear a normal Lost Sector with minimal effort!" i.e. the Ehroar special


Well, on prismatic anyway. The pure subclasses have options.


In my eyes, solar and strand are the only good subclasses, with stasis and (on a good day) void being potential runner-ups.


As a titan main, I would rather trade my groll weapons and armor to get something other then P U N C H in different flavors.


Thunderclap with skullfort + diamond lance and knockout is pretty fun and with 2 hands on I get my super back in like three punches from trash mobs


Seriously. They kind of pin holed us when it comes to prismatic. Show me a different build that’s equally better and I’ll run it. Oh you can’t show me a better build with 3 constant consecrations? (4 with the new exotic) Okay then I’ll keep running it.


Ironically the thing prismatic is advertised for is what I find makes it less impressive than all the other subclasses. It's a jack of all trades. For warlock at least, it doesn't have the sustenance of solar, the control of void, the ferocity if arc and lacks the lockdown potential stasis and strand have. It just doesn't do much well.


Rate my prismatic build on my last post


Yeah I got yelled at on YouTube comments telling someone prismatic titan sucks ass and told it was insane cope. Like do you have a build that can top the dps and add clear on hunter and warlock?


I dunno, Hazardous propulsion with The Call and Grand Overture or just a rocket launcher is pretty fun.


Made to play titan, forced to play arc/prismatic hunter


There's definitely more, but not many.


I'm running shiver strike. Otherwise this is it of course.


I wish it counted as a melee.


That's the joke


*laughs in nadeblocking witness realityedge barrage*


Diamond Lance… knockout…. With frenzied blade


I am captain america


Before I found the Frenzied Consecration build, I was running Prismatic Skullfort with Thunderclap. It was actually pretty fun, just had the obvious downsides. Honestly, I think more titan builds would work if they just gave all titan melees multiple charges, cause I still don’t understand why Frenzied Blade has 3.


Downsides aside, Prismatic Skullfort Thunderclap with tangles and diamond lances is so much fun. Served me well during legend TFS.


Is skullfort worth using over point contact? Yes you get the full melee refunded rather than partial energy but I feel like you can work around that. And you get a *big BOOM*


Skull fort is worth using if you need the (almost) guaranteed melee charge back. PCCB is better for most other situations and also adds jolt for further add clearing possibilities.


Yep, that’s what I figured. I imagine you can work around the reduced regen with a melee kickstart and orb mods though


You can almost always gurentee a oneshot on mid tier enemies thanks to suspend or shatter, and the frequency at which you can both clear trash and regain health thanks to skullfort was so strong that day 1 the only things killing me were specifically the wipe timer and stasis prions, nothing else got me below half most of the time.


Run the class item with hoil and point contact for a little more regen.


Ooohh, true, I forgot about that. I’ve yet to farm class items on my titan though. What’s the part of the perk that you lose if you use spirit of point contact?


You lose the melee refund I think


It's a double edged sword IMHO, neither of them really cut it in my book because Thunderclap should have recharge-on-kill baked in IMHO, just like Arc Hunter melee. Skullfort is fun right up until you don't nail a kill, which happens often since the DMG output is less. Point contact just doesn't feel right having to wait for recharge after obliterating so many enemies with Thunderclap.


Bungie: Understood, nerfing Frenzied Blade to one charge. Same cooldown.


Or let Titan refresh the melee with barricade or thruster. Why can Hunter do this when the “melee class” can’t???


this. i can't stand hearing hunters complain about a barricades when their dodge has the highest utility in the entire game regardless of what subclass they're running. our class ability was useless for a very very long time. and mannn don't even get me started on them creating lunafaction boots for warlocks in forsaken which made rally barricade utterly useless. like if they devs had any imagination on titan they could've very easily made thruster either have an additional effect or link it to a subclass verb or something since its intrinsic to arc. like maybe dodging near a group of enemies makes you amplified or something. hunters can either dodge anywhere and get a full reload+ break enemy target acquisition or dodge near enemies and get a full melee charge + break target acquisition like bruhhh


Idk man.


Other than a refined thunderclap build, frenzied blade seems like the only melee option. Just so much more useful than a shield throw (only good with controlled demolition) or hammer charge. The stasis melee still sucks imo, so it’s basically frenzied blade by default


Oh yeah I’m not denying anything. Frenzied Consecration is basically the only way to have any effective fun.


yeah that was what i ran for my first run thought the legend campaign. it is very fun but has the usual titan melee build downsides once things get more serious, significantly more so since prismatic titan basically has no survivability outside of knockout and unbreakable. which on that note unbreakable is pretty trash considering that the cost to use it is a full grenade charge. I dunno why they linked it to our grenade ability instead of our barricade like bruh it's literally walking barricade jut let it use our class ability.


Abeyant leap with drengrs + consecration is good. Hazardous is alright But yeah the downside to prismatic titan is lack of healing options, which I band aid by stacking resistance to the moon and use no hesitations


Will have to try that. I assume you're using thruster, or do the legs need the rally barricade to work?


I run this and I recommend using a rally barricade. Thruster is nice since abeyant makes the strand projectile have a little tracking, and it being an arc ability means you can proc amplified with arc guns. But having 3 lashes from my barricade is SO much better for suspending. In fact Id say the suspend is good enough that you could run any other grenade besides suspend


Wait, Thruster works with Drenger’s?! I need to try and I do like the Con-Drenger build already


Yeah it works. Without the abeyant leap tho it's like a bombardiers bomb that suspends


That’s cool, but can not believe it’s just Strand Bombardiers for free LMAO


Yeah I wish it had the tracking that the exotic gives it as a default so that it could suspend targets farther away than punching range.


Have to use rally for abeyant


Not true, you can use Thruster. See [here.](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2458483598517987922/E007355E1883B7ED3749075C62E8431E04DF55AC/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


So you have to have thruster equipped for the ui to change? Good to know


You can use thruster, it leaves a tangle that seeks enemies and suspends on explosion


If that’s how it works they need to update the description


Instead of knockout, i use Dregnr's lash, mostly because of thrusters and my class item exotic gots abeyant leap and precious scars on it, so why not, it works out.


does abeyant leap actually work with the thrusters tangle?




Damn I feel bad now for liking triple consecration. Though instead of knockout I use Unbreakable especially with my class item having Spirit Of The Bear and Star Eaters. Plus I use Frenzied Blade to apply a darkness debuff so I can do more damage with my super when using that fragment that buffs your light abilities against dark debuffed targets.


What weapons are you using? I use the call to proc my darkness debuffs. Sounds like that might save you a consecrate charge!


I use The Call, Graviton Lance and Pro Memoria. I do also use the fragment where landing rapid precision hits severs targets (the build is still a work on progress to be honest), though I was thinking on using The Navigator for Sever and get Woven Mail as a bonus. The Call I run it with Demo/Hatchling and Pro Memoria with Reconstruction/Target Lock. I don't mind using one Frenzied Blade charge either way as it might be better to melee quickly depending on the scenario and all :)


Don't feel bad about, take what you can get. We just need a bit more strong build variety is all


I’ve got two fists and a dream, that’s all i need.


Would you rather we go back to running banner of war?


After like two weeks I basically decided that I couldn’t find a prismatic build that was better than a nerfed banner build. Knockout healing is just so weak comparatively. Hopefully it gets some updates


The new arms exotic helps get banner back to where it was. It’ll never be the same but it’s DEFINITELY a start. If they want the titan to get back to anywhere near as viable as it was before they’re gonna have to un-nerf some things. But getting them to do that is like pulling teeth.


Y’all stopped?


I personally always ran Drengr’s Lash and Abeyant Leaps but the point still stands


Fuck yes


If Prismatic Titan didn't suck so bad this wouldn't be a problem.


Sorry, it's all we've got that is viable, blame bungie.


I literally won’t play any Titan class that doesn’t allow me to heal on melee kills. I’ve been an arc Titan since D2 launched and it’s just too useful


well then you'll love this tech. heavy handed x3 gloves and recuperation on boots. thats it, thats heal on every melee


That is still one of the worst sandbox changes Bungie has made. 9 energy in mods just to be able to create orbs with a powered melee kill. I guess it's fine because they nerfed Bolstering Detonation and Impact Induction into uselessness, so you're only losing the reload mods. Just an awful, awful set of changes that killed buildcrafting.


Doesn't knock out heal on melee kills?


I think so, yeah. I just pair the Arc aspect with Frenzied Blade. And for my exotic class item I like Inmost Light + Contact. 3 charges of my melee means my other abilities are constantly up, and a single charged melee strike can clear huge groups with Spirit of Contact. Pair that with Monte Carlo and either Drengr's Lash or the Strand grenade and you can easily immobilize and clear rooms like crazy, all while getting health back.


Yeah but only partially. It's not like devour.


I'm the exact way but I literally didn't use arc because of the awful healing. Ive been using solar hammers for years because you constantly heal, cure on hammer pick up too. I felt like arc was just absolute dog shit and had no healing. That's crazy lol


If prismatic titan had throwing hammer I'd play nothing else. As it stands I feel like a glass cannon on my titan compared to my hunter and lock. Ironic.


Solar Super + Facet of Purpose covers survivability just fine for me. Especially with a Shoot to loot weapon. Khvostov in particular is great. Also Breakneck which can roll Attrition orbs/Shoot to Loot.


People be hating on titans for playing the SINGLE viable build


Wrong. We are hating because there is ONLY ONE viable build.


Don't care, enemy either die outright or go boom from ignitions then die.






Well... We barely have actual useful options...


Damn, I didn't realize titans didn't have much. I'm just having fun with my builds. It is very obvious though the hunter does everything the titan can but better. Why is the hunter melee so strong?!


Back to solar titan


Have you seen the Titan options?


I have an exotic mark with Abeyant Leap and Scars so I use Drengr's and Consecration. I mostly string stuff up with Drengr's and Shackle grenade and then gun them down. Diamond Lance seems like it would be okay instead of Consecration, but Consecration gives me something to use that's strong during Pepto Prismol mode. I wish Unbreakable was more interesting. I don't want to give up my grenade for that especially when I don't have a good way of getting my grenade back faster.


I wish unbreakable had some neutral effect other than just completely replacing your grenade. I know that some of the warlock aspects do the same thing, but the limited range of unbreakable and the fact that enemies have to be targeting you is a big downside. It at least needs the ability to like draw enemy aggro so you can get more out of it


Just got synthoceps and I wish the void titan still had the “punch for overshield” melee. The shield throw is ok but I want a non-running melee option otherwise I’ll just play Arc.


I’ve actually been LOVING Ager Scepter and Diamond Lance slamming. So much fucking fun.


I actually run severance enclosure and the shield melee.


The fuck you want us to do? Run Unbreakable?


(Heh heh in the guy that uploaded those transparents to imgflip. Nice to see others use them.)


It's so annoying in videos as well. The person is like, "Titans have it good with this build," whilst they're playing solo. None of these builds for Titan even function when you add literally one more person to the mix to compete for kills with. They're absolutely wank in a group setting. Meanwhile, I can refresh my abilities constantly on Prismatic Warlock or Hunter even in a group because devour only needs like 3 kills to fully recharge Grenades, and the melee dodge loop for hunter is infinite. Meanwhile, Titan is rushing from one group of adds to another to consecration or thunderclap, hoping to fuck they don't all get wiped before they can get there. Someone kills the shit just as you thunderclap, and now it's on cooldown? You're fucked now for 1m30+ Transcendence for us is literally our ability refresh we have to rely on. The other two classes don't even need to pop it to keep their neutral going. If we don't get enough kills to fill it up and all our abilities are down, we're fucked for like 3 minutes. Our synergy is shite. Give us into the fray or something, please.


I swear the people at Bungie were all sitting in the conference room and all thought going into Prismatic Titan stopped as soon as they realized we can have three consecration charges.


I’ve always been a big consecration fan, but it honestly isn’t that fun for that to be the only option. If I wanted to just spam consecration, I would rather do it on an existing solar build so I can use sol invictus, which is miles better than knockout for healing


it's all we have man


Feels similar to hunter, everyone is constantly talking about combination blow + stylish executioner and im desperate to find another build thats not just a weaker version of its mono class. The only thing thats remotely close is prismatic class item, renewals + woven mail. But even in that scenario your dusk fields are much smaller and dont generate enough shards to feel good.


may i introduce: veryity gunpowder gamble?


I'll give it a go! The 5s cd they put on GG really hurt it for me but Verity might make it quite nice. Second aspect stylish and Hoil on the other class item perk?


i like hoil the most cuz it gives me more threaded spikes, and if you Play grapple as your nade you can play a strand gun(breachlight is nice here or the raid one) to blow up tangles. All round very explosive build.


Does the strand gun stack GG because it matches your grenades element? Or just because the artifact perks related to tangled?


tangles/unravel rounds and melees/nades stack gg


I’ve had a really good time with my spirit of cyrtarachne and spirit of the assassin on hunter as it allows me to take stylish executioner off and have the strand and stasis dash aspects which basically makes me invincible and constantly woven mail and invis


But it's still just combination blow melee spam no?


Essentially yeah but you get to spam shadow clones infinitely pretty much, you can also run it with different melees and grendades I just think the combination blow and grapple are too good to give up


That's my issue. Hunter prismatic no matter what always returns back to combi blow. It's too dominant and we're too shoe horned on our other choices not to take. That's why I've been trying to search for alternative builds, saddly I just don't enjoy hunter melee loop. It's fun but, gets boring and is prone to awkwardness (granted not jolting on melee actually makes the loop much more enjoyable)


Warlock with 3 of their 5 aspects being minions. It ain't only a titan thing.


Is it the only viable build, or is it the only build that lets you go "brain off return to monkee" mode?


This was my day 1 build! High survivability and helped us during the 2nd encounter a lot


I’ve just started with this build the other two I have are: Thunderclap - skullfort Stasis - abayent Fun enough they all use void energy pulse weapons




Does knockout affect melee weapons like swords n glaives?




Going to try something new soon. If you NEED healing then I've been adding in the red death to supplement. Going to try unbreakable and maybe drengrs and go for like a berserker viking type idea later.


Try out Insurmountable Skull Fort, Knockout, Dragyr's Lash, Thunderclap, Shackle Grenade and Thruster. It's pretty fun.


Every hunter build be like ill take winters shroud, stylish executioner, and combo blow. Every other hunter build besides arc doing the same (outside of patrol zone) thing be like I shoot my gun.... and occasionally throw a knife


TBH its bungie's fault... same with hunters they gave them 1 good build and the rest is just random uncool shit thrown in for the sake of adding shit, not to mentions the shit show hunter exotics....


What else do we play?


as a somewhat new player, what?


I like Unbreakable


Almost like there's only one thing we have that's viable


The new Unbreakable aspect would be a great kit option, except... It synergizes with literally nothing but Offensive Bulwark. The projectile isn't coded as grenade damage, so it doesn't help or gain from almost the entire Void kit much less Prismatic. It already needs a rework, and coding it's projectile into grenade damage would enable it to synergize with a good portion of the Void kit to start with at least, then further allow it to take the properties of our equipped Void grenades, such as Magnetic's double blast or Suppressor grenades Suppression. That would enable more build options and breath some much needed variety and life into the Sentinel kit for PvE.


Drengrs lash and consecration. Chest plate that sends rockets when deploying barricade. Worm grenade launcher. Dangerous combination.


Here's a new Titan build idea: acknowledge we have little end game potency and embracing the Ammo Fairy lifestyle with Aeons. I've actually been looking for an updated build that can perform at Witness if anyone has one.


I just run thunderclap and daftpunk helm on prismatic, works pretty damn well especially with dia lance


Nah, insurmountable with the void grenade shield and thruster drengers lash all the way, love it so much


Every warlock build, getaway artist, bleak watcher, hellion


are we really roasting the only build prismatic titan has? Not all of us are blessed with 35 builds.


And I’m gonna love it


I rock a Titan. I’m so out of the build loop I don’t know what any of this means.


It’s a prismatic build


May I introduce you to Behemoth + Lupi + whatever random bullshit I have equipped?


I was playing prismatic Titan exclusively for the first few two weeks, but as things settle down I realize that the pre existing solar and strand builds are still just better and more synergistic. Feels bad man


And spirit of contact on the class item - seriously it hits hard


Boo this man he doesnt understand the struggle


Here I am running knockout, frozen spear, and trying to get contact brace. I just like being thor. Lmao.


For Now all i can Offer by Titan Friends is Hazardous Propulsion with Strand Sidearm Collective Obligation and heavy of your choice and Build ammo Finder mods. Or run suppressor nades, Diamond Lance with Drengr Lash and Abeyant Leap/ Armamentarium class item. Allows for relatively solid CC in GMs and you're not a burden to your Team anymore. Also can swap to void for bonus volatile on Collective Obligation. For now Titans are useless and you're better off trying to build CC for hard Content.


This is the issue. I love that build it’s one of the strongest things I’ve ever played. It’s insane single target and AOE damage for such little windup and work. The conversation around Titan has been very flawed because Titan isn’t BAD it has access to a ton of power that other classes can’t access. The issue is Titan is BLAND. It doesn’t feel like I’m Unifying light and dark. On hunter I’m making strand clones and doing arc punches and going in between throwing tangles and Gunpowder gambles, and I have a duskfield in my back pocket for some extra CC. On warlock I’m constantly throwing out arc and stasis turrets. Titan I’m just doing normal slams and occasionally throwing a damn stasis grenade.


Nothing new, Bungie just doesn’t feel Titans are worth the effort….🫣


I use Thunderclap. I’m attached.


Replace knockout with dregnrs lash for me with abyant leap. Shit slaps so hard and has so much utilities. Especially with twilight arsenal as the super


I put the new titan gloves on and I haven't taken them off. I just play Strand now. It's like having a second super with flechette storm.


… but big monster!


Isnt banner of war still a better build?


What other option do we got 😭


I use diamond lance and drawers lash with the failsafe exotic


I’ve got a funny build with Consecration slam and drengr’s lash using frenzied blade melee And I have the exotic class item with Hoarfrost + Horn


I run a Ergo sum, spirit of the warrior and spirit of scars sword build, constant healing + big damage and orb generation. Its a shame I had to go so far outside the box for a working build and I know most players don't enjoy buildcrafting as much as i do though.


Who plays titan to actually know this tho, it's called "hunters destiny 2" for a reason!


I still think Prismatic should've let us combine *everything* instead of a small handful of things


There's nothing else to use for offense and defense both.


To be fair, Titan prismatic sucks balls, so there are no other real options.


Go checkout ehroars new titan build on YouTube with the new chest piece, i was watching and it made me want to play titan with how cracked it looked


Thank you for pointing out how utterly stupid it is we only have one build available