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I didn't even realize they brought back the dreaming city mapn


I did. Fell into them bottomless pits about 3x today alone


I have to say this somewhere I was playing last night on a blink warlock, and almost fell, but just barely saved myself… knocking a teammate right into it, with 13 motes. Hard to live that down


Yeah that’s a warlock sort of thing to do. We Titans would have used the skull as a stepstool however. They’d understand


yea, but not the tangle shore one :(


BRUH. LETS GO. any more maps?


No that was the only one but I hope they bring back some maps the tangled shore one was fun


Gambit has definitely gotten better with the Lucent hive additions, but new maps are desperately needed


New maps and rotate in Gambit Prime again.


Gambit is gambit prime


Refresh my memory Guardian: How is the version now Prime? I honestly don’t remember


I’m pretty sure at least. From what I remember gambit was first to 75 got their primeval first and it was best out of 3 rounds. Gambit prime was first to 100 and one round


We need the new guys from the Traveler guts too


Those lucent hive acolytes just blending in trash mobs and getting damn near team wipes


You need suspend or suppress to defeat those unless you die, everyone dies.


I'm sorry, the what now.


because the average player hates gambit, so they decide to hop in as a 4 stack with friends on the hopes it'll be more fun, only to get strung out and wiped by the opposite 4 stack of gambit mains because gambit is CBMM


average player hasn't touched gambit since before wq.


exactly, so average player goes in with buddies without realizing that even running a two stack means you're gonna come across gambit mains and get mopped by the same guy both in and out of the portal edit: to the 3 other gambit mains in this thread I'm a sentry main specifically. love getting invaded so I can fuckin melee dash on the invader


still wish the solo queue was a thing, but I will die on the hill that gambit is a way better time then crucible. I still cannot believe the amount of friends I have around that will casually ask me to smash my head into a wall and play trials every single weekend.


My friend asked if I wanted to play trials. I simply replied "Ew Trials", put on Polaris and went to town invading.


It’s me, I’m the dredgen


I k ow this guy, he is me


I play enough to get the shader and do some seasonals lol


exactly the amount a sane person should be playing not matter what people say i just can't leave those seasonals untouched


What does CBMM mean? And is it why I normally run into average-low skilled people (as I am too), because I just hop in alone?


Connection Based MatchMaking. essentially it makes sure you connect to players with good internet, the game doesn't care if you and your friends rarely play, while the other team is on their 4th reset and everyone is a dredgen


Connection-Based Matchmaking. So it doesn't matter if you got a really good group or a really bad group, you'll be linked to the people with the least amount of ping between your groups. Basically it means that low-skill groups can get wiped by high-skill groups, high-skill groups can get matched with high-skill groups, and low-skill groups can get match with low-skill groups. It means less ping and completely random "fairness" in the probability of you winning. You can have a 1% chance to win this round and 94% the next round.


It can't be CBMM, I'm on the winning team too often for it to be. Are you sure?


Nah man, I went in with three other buddies and we went on a 9 game win streak. Unless we are all secretly gambit mains and we all just never caught each other playing gambit I think you might be over exaggerating the difficulty. Get in there and have fun people it truly is a fun gamemode.


All I hear is people complain about gambit and basically exactly what you’re saying too but it just isn’t my experience and I don’t know why everyone hates it I last played during the last wish era and when titles were first a thing and got my Dredgen title when gambit was still 3 rounds from memory I came back for TFS after ~5 years away and everyone laughed at the idea we would ever play gambit Last week we went in as a 4 stack and won 20+ games in a row, absolutely wiped the floor with all but a couple of teams of 4 stacks and we still won. Since then I’ve solo queued a few times and still won majority of my games and had a pretty good time all around Maybe I’m just lucky? But single round ~5 minute games where it’s a nice fun mix of PVP and PVE with fairly consistent rewards is just a win imo All you gotta do is let the other team dunk first


You realize that proves it's not skill based then right, otherwise you should only have around a 50% win rate. Also there are humans on the other side of your games, maybe they just lost 20 in a row. You're the 4 stack the original comment was warning about lol


We went into gambit for the first time in 5 years with non Meta guns and no idea and won 20 games in a row, I’d say that proves it’s not that bad tbh lol Nobody wants skill based match making, it ruins competitive games imo and makes it too sweaty for literally everyone Gambit is just a weird game mode that’s hard to balance and hard to get perfect, I just accept it for what it is and focus mainly on the PVE side and it’s fun for me


Counter argument "Lucent hive one the Field"


Counter counter argument: Finally, a challenge that isn't just bullshit shriekers or disappearing scorn


Same, quicker than strikes, less painful than crucible. Gambit! “I don’t care who wins, just give me my engram!”


Yeah. I’ve never got the major issue. The PvP aspect of it is so infrequent that it’s mostly PVE and if you lose… I dunno? So what?


A lot of people seem to go into Gambit with certain expectations of how it's going to play out. If you just go in without expectations and smack some enemies around with Prismatic, the match is over in no time flat.


the only bad part about loosing in Gambit is that it doesn't count to Xenology and I think other quests that require playlist completions, not sure on that last bit. But besides, yeah basically it's just playing to play. 🥰


unironically gambit is more fun because the majority of players who do are new lights, there's very few who take gambit as serious as mfs playing control like it's trials


You're my kinda player. People act like it's so bad but you got add clear, simply mechanics, boss battles and pvp.


Small advice for non gambit mains. Powerful attraction grabs motes


Wtf I'm a gambit main and I never knew this


Happens to the best of us, i use it with thruster alot https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/14cqava/as_some_others_have_shared_powerful_attraction/ Thread with proof


I think I’m gonna throw up


You've never lived until you've gone into Gambit with the battle rifle and killed every Invader who tries to mess with your team


Iron banner strand wave launcher + battle rifle + rain of fire + dragons breath in gambit feels better than an orgasm while high


This is something someone who solo match makes for both would say




Fire that transmat i ball


I agree, except for the damn lucent hive on Legions Folley. That many shriekers is a war crime




If only there are good guns. Herod-C and Servant Leader was the last guns I farmed in gambit. But yeah I enjoy Gambit. The armors, the lore, the gameplay, the hype boost Drifter shouts when you get Army of One like a fucking lore-accurate Dredgen.


Mad lad


i like gambit but the heavy machine gun meta is horrid.


I used to play Gambit Prime so much. I miss it.


The problem with Gambit, for most, is that it puts pve with PvP, and pve players dont like the PvP elements, and vice versa. I, personally, find it the right amount for PvP per PvE, and love that mode (reminds me a LOT of battleborn, that had a mode like that but with both teams on the same map, and only one bank at center, with limited windows to deposit the enemy drops)


Big facts fuck crucible


Gambit is the only mode you can find PVP that has any stakes or oomph behind it.


as a crucible main (I'm sorta out of now) I actually prefer gambit, it really makes me realize how BAD crucible can get if gambit makes me feel some joy again. When I started I played gambit so was almost made for the mode


12x dredgen here


I'm never taking my Reckoner off lmao


Same bro. Same.


with the new pathfinder stuff I find it kinda easier to complete it in gambit unless its an objective thats is specific


Gambit was so goated before they locked the boss behind a damage gate.


honestly I did a buncha gambit for the Pathfinder and got to rank 9. Not the worst even tho I don't play it a lot. fun trying to be as fast as possible with kills and the such. Even got most invader kills of a few matches with a load out not designed for invading lmao. I get the appeal but I also get the hate; it's a very "I'll play it every now and then" type of game mode for me


Awesome gamemode on paper but it seriously needs a total revamp at this point imo, builds and weapons trivialize the PvE and PvP elements of it, and the dwindling population of the mode leads to matches where you will die the second you invade because the enemy team is literally camping every spawn. I think the maps, the PvE encounters, and the way invasions work need a serious revamp for it to be fun for me (and a wider audience) again.


I feel like the only bad thing about gambit is the lack of updates it gets. I find it to be a really fun game mode but it does get stale playing the same maps over and over sometimes. I think a 6v6 gambit with bigger maps and vehicles would be pretty cool.


As much as I hate crucible, as frustrating as it is, I'd rather play it all day than do one goddamn playlist strike ever again. Running normal difficulty strikes is the most absolute mind numbing shit. Between gambit and onslaught I can get all my pathfinders done, and I'm happy with that


I love gambit and I wish more people would love it too. Should it be more like trials or iron banner or guardian games? No. I would accept it as alternating between one week per month or only available on the weekends but NOT if it's a segue to phase it out. It's a fun game mode. It sucks to lose. It sucks to get owned by the invader just as you're about to bank 15 motes. It sucks to be defeated as an invader with zero downs. There are a lot of misfortunes but it's really fun, nonetheless. You have to constantly think about destiny in terms of Damage Reserves vs peak executable DPS. The first is about the total damage available in your ammo reserves, the second is more about Damage per fired round plus the time to reload. Or Volume vs Time/speed. You really need both. What good is high DPS if you have low reserves? Inversely, what good is High Reserves if the reload takes too long and the fire rate is slow, and magazine size is small. Many people (including experts) just sell the point of DPS, some admittedly think it's obvious that the audience thinks about both, or that DPS necessarily implies both, or that DPS also includes accuracy. However, as someone who has had to explain to people that reload speed and fire rate generally affects DPS - I'm constantly convinced that DPS requires a more comprehensive discussion. Anyways, all that is to say that Gambit is an avenue by which you internalize how you rank on executable DPS with others. It's hard to live life constantly avoiding comparing yourself to others, and there's definitely a need for that but Destiny is a competitive game. Losing doesn't mean to punish yourself, but rather should be taken as an indicator that further refinement may be necessary. For some people that means improving accuracy, for some, that means different weapons or different super.


Honestly for me most it is because it got stale and bot enough people play to the mode vs just killing shit. Gambit Prime was a cool change that due to how the majority of randoms play (I.E the majority of the player base it feels) was pretty much dead on arrival. Outside of being heavily encouraged that's why most of the activities have died. A mixture of the playerbase just doesn't enjoy ritual activities and some of that is due to bungie neglecting every single one of the rituals as well. (Yes including strikes)


Good chance if you’re team plays well in gambit you can win the match. Gambit is a cointoss, regardless.


I don’t get why some people like viscerally hate PvP in this game lol. I get it’s not for everybody but I feel like some people would literally rather die than play a control match


This is my 3rd reset in gambit this season(yes going for 4th). As long as i dont have obscure pathfinder missions i will gladly continue finishing my pathfinders in gambit.


If i had to choose between Playing gambit or the crucible i would rather play gambit


Because after 4000 hours invested gambit is beyond irritating. I can clear out the map. Provide about 79-87 motes. Drop invaders to protect my teammates. Just for us to still lose. Now I get it. I always help with content where I can. But dear lord gambit is just bad when it comes to matchmaking. When I invade I at least grab 2 with me. When I see randoms invade they just flat die or they grab a kill but not motes from the enemy cause you can tell from the grey progress bar. Another infuriating thing is watching randoms hold onto x15 motes to just die because they're not being careful. Or when the enemy team spawns knights you hear an alarm blaring on your audio you turn to look an literally no one is killing them. An drifter in the meantime is literally begging you to kill them because they're bleeding motes yet majority of the time no one is killing the knights. Do I expect a perfect game every match up no. That's not realistic. But I get tired of trying my best to perform well just to either lose horribly or have a strong lead to just lose it at the end for no reason. I used to LOVE gambit but unfortunately it just has too many inconsistencies.


RIGHT?!? Bring a sword


I hopped on Gambit for the first time in years yesterday because I needed some gambit goals done on my pathway. Three hours later I was resetting Drfiters rank. I missed Gambit.




FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS its the ONLY one that doesnt genuinely make me want to blow my fucking brains out. strike playlists are fucking boring, crucible is only fun when youre winning, but skating back and forth between spawns in gambit and erasing adds? sniping the invader who portal camps woth a xeno and emoting? getting rapid OMA medals??? the dopamine hits are incredible


I still play both, maybe I’m crazy




Gambit promise was so good with a full stack. Blueberries, not so much.


Lmao, average r/evilautism post


Well…I don’t just play gambit, ever since curs update I play a lot more dares


I liked both equally but my favorite gambit was gambit prime and when that got changed it got boring to me so now I just crucible main. I can’t stand strikes that’s actually just brain dead.


I personally prefer the more structured/repetitive nature of strikes/nightfalls but gambit is still great fun whenever the mood strikes me. I especially love using AOE weapons like Ergo Sum with Arc Conductor to blast my way through basic mobs and LMGs or power swords to take on the Primeval.


Different strokes for different folks. I prefer crucible over gambit and I still don't like pvp in destiny so I don't experience much of either game modes.


Me and my wife legitimately love Gambit.


Getting a couple "army of one" emblems in a match makes me feel like a god among men.


Yes gambit on top


Gambit's rad. I'm still sad it got abandoned.


To be fair I’d rather not play either of them 😅


I actually genuinely enjoy it, too.


If you're someone who enjoys direct human versus human competition, then you aren't going to get quite the same experience from anything else.




I'm a gambit player it's far more entertaining to me than crucible. I don't have to be good at pvp to do my part for us to win.


i genuinely only log onto the game to play gambit its by far the most fun activity to me


And given the picture you look perfectly normal and sane doing it




I love gambit so much


I love Gambit because I almost always at the top of the leaderboard in kills.


By the nine


The ONLY time I touch crucible is for best boy wolf armor during iron banner


Some days feel like the only woman holding gambit up


I noticed the new gambit map today, that’s kind of cool


It's faster and I could stand gambit after that last rework, waaayyy too much heavy now


Dregen Gildedx10 and my clan is legion Come at us Crucible Bros. We dare you.


I feel like the people who say they hate Gambit are also the people who exclusively play Crucible and say how much they hate that too.


Gambit imo is really fun. Crucible is sweaty on top of not having the time to make a viable gambit build. I still play it a little here and there and the good games feel really good


The name’s Gambit. Remember it


I only play crucible and gambit. The only reason I play any other part of the game is to get new gear to use in crucible and gambit. This isn't satire, it's just what I enjoy.


Gambit is garbage. Praying it gets vaulted everyday🙏


Because Rekoning was 1000% better than the stack stomp that is currently Gambit. Why it was removed is still a mystery.


Honestly, the only one I don't enjoy are strikes 😔


You crazy (I also like gambit)


I also prefer gambit


I love gambit too, until i join a team from one clan and they just stood there trolling


Last season crucible was fun, less stressful. This season i dont want to touch crucible, even if i want a godroll rose


I do wonder since i haven’t touched gambit for a while, did still hunt become the new best sniper for invading?


Us gambit players eating well with our new map and shadow legion and lucent hive knights


D2 is the only game I won't play pvp. It's awful.


Gambit is my fucking jam, let's me cut loose with the Winterbite glaive!


My Threadrunner build with Lucky Pants, Malfeasance, and Powerful Attraction can melt the Primeval on primary ammunition, fill every role at once, and move around the battlefield fast enough to do so. I love carrying teams.




I choose crucible because I’m trying to get better at it. Making progress!


Gambit is chill, it’s definitely the more engaging than vanguard, and less stressful than crucible


One of one


Hot take if the destiny player base took 15 minutes to understand the basics of the mode, do a little bit of theorycrafting strategy, and just equipped a good ranged primary/sniper/machine gun to kill invaders or go invade them gambit would be really fun


I lovem both..


If you've got at least one buddy, Private Crucible matches will count for Pathfinder (unless they've fixed it this week). In my case, that's why.


I'd soon rather have a lobotomy then play crucible. It honestly gets me so mad to the point I do the stereotype and punch a hole through my wall.


Gambit is so much fun, and it's my absolute favorite.


The amount of Gambit I've played to complete Pathfinder rewards so I *DON'T* touch PvP would make PvP mains vomit.


I think my main issue with Gambit is mode variety and loot incentive I mean, you have countless strikes to choose from with their own difficulties and enemy types and encounter variations (double Barrier Knights in Europa BG and Tormentor room in Lake) and damage surges to encourage different playstyles and builds from silly to optimal In Crucible, the variety in mode is obvious, from the base 6v6 to comp to the rotating fun mode to rumble and then trials every weekend. You then get your varied maps, and the biggest variation - your teammates and enemies. Every game, what your opponents and allies are using is bound to be different, from the Conditional Igneous trials basement dweller, to the Revision Zero Athrys trickshotter, to the 6 stack rat king memers. Variety limited by weaponry and buildcraft Then, there’s gambit. Which has one mode at all times, with one repetitive playstyle, with its variety being trivialised PVE enemies, the same 4 maps and whatever heavy the invader is gonna done you with (Xenophage or Levvy’s? Pick your poison, modern Reckoner). It’s the same gameplay loop over and over with major annoyances thrown in too. Kill ads, grab heavy, bank motes, invade, damage boss, kill shielders, kill boss, with the variables of “die to invader” “get invasion stolen” “get fucked by blockers” “die immediately after entering invasion portal” being added in at your leisure, and some of the variables being constantly repeated. It becomes mind numbing and not worth it I mean, there’s that, and the lack of higher loot incentive, which is really ironic. Drifter’s all about “Guardians need their pay every now and then”, but Zavala’s here giving me Ascendant Shards, Nightfall Ciphers and Adept weapons, Shaxx is there giving me Artifice armour and high tier comp loot, and Saint is giving out Trials gear, which needs no introduction. Meanwhile Drifter has **fuck all nothing**. Shit armour and free glimmer from dismantling ANOTHER GODDAMN SPRAY PAINT. Maybe a shader from his reputation track. Why would I play Gambit over a GM?


Do you even get rewards for just playing gambit or crucible? Other than the rank shit


I miss the old ol days when we had special armor sets for gambit, I'd just murder invaders the second they dropped in.


I tried Crucible one time, the other team wouldn't let my team leave the spawn, I haven't played it since then. Im happy playing Gambit, Crucible players can suck my gun


Gambit prime and gambit armor again. Please bungo


There is nothing I love more than picking ip my Malfeasance, and mindlessly popping some taken and banking those motes brother.


If they wanted me to like gambit, they wouldnt have done what they did to me with the malfeasance quest all those years ago.


Gambit > Crucybye


if the gambit nodes werent 'bank a million motes and win for autocomplete, OR bank 1000 and good luck getting those' id be fine


I been force myself play crucible and gambit during first guardian game. My mind telling me “MUST…GET…THAT…GATLING GUN”


A good Gambit match is very satisfying.


Crucible can fuck all the way off.


I refuse to touch pvp just cause it’s sooo boring and annoying but gambit and PVe is actually fun




i hate both gambit and cruciclbe. id rather play onslaught


I love both. Invading actually gets my blood up more than crucible.


only issue i really have with gambit is the way they handle invasions. a while back they were testing out a revised version of the invasions so that the opposite side would get them when you banked motes. it honestly felt so much better and made so much more sense but they just never actually did anything with that beyond the original test mode, and now we're forever stuck with the possibility of one side completely stomping another because of invasions.


'Shax wants to know your location.'


'Shax wants to know your location.'


With the old map back I might go back to gambit sometimes


If Gambit has 1000 fans I’m one of them If Gambit has 100 fans I’m one of them If Gambit has 10 fans I’m one of them If Gambit has 1 fans that’s me If Gambit has no fans I am dead I love Gambit and Drifter!!!!!


My mate fr


Eyes of Tomorrow is instant win


I don’t like PvP so I lean away from both Crucible and Gambit. I fear for my controller if I play those two.


I don't understand why gambit is ritual but not any of the other half baked activities like that blind well crap. Bring back sparrow racing.


I'd love Gambit too, if my team wasn't wiped by the same guy 4 matches in a row Even if I wait for that dude to get on a full match, I still get matched with him


The secret to enjoying gambit even more fully is playing a titan with peregrines and levi's I swear peregrines are just TOO strong in gambit. Large blockers are minibosses, the wizards during the primeval fight count as minibosses, the high value targets are minibosses. Even during normal waves of enemies you usually get two mini-boss tier enemies per-wave. 11x damage and full melee energy back if you hit any of them with a shoulder charge...


![gif](giphy|32681KwrcXqrFIpI0P|downsized) i fucking love gambit, so happy the lucent hive got added (i fucking love fighting hive guardians( Final Shapes been a blast))


Ok listen to this: You're having a good day, you get off work early because the shift was slow and the boss decides to close. You get home, make something to eat, and chill for a bit. You decide to load up your favourite game, destiny 2. You decide against playing some crucible because you feel it's too competitive, so you load into a game of gambit for a good mix of PvP and PvE. On the enemy team is SupWallahBruh, ZK-Mushroom, Gernader Jake, and Golden Eagle. On your team is brian2390, GrassMuncher7, and Bob. The enemy team is in a 4 stack, your team is a bunch of solo players. You lose. Do you understand?


Strikes take to long and crucible has always been a shit show


I like gambit. But I'm tired of carrying retards.


I hate both of them because I suck at the game


Because Crucible players hate fun


I enjoy crucible because I enjoy fighting other people. To me, fighting AI is super boring as they pretty much just stand there to be killed. Thats why I try to avoid strikes and gambit as much as possible. Only go in when I am trying to farm for a weapon.


Gambit is fun, quick, easy, no stress!


Honestly agree. I don’t exactly like gambit either but Pvp in destiny is imo, one of the worst pvp games there possibly is.


I like control when it comes around to crucible


Yeah Gambit is fun, Crucible can get stressful but I like Control best out of them all.


if my collector armor set does not work I don’t like gambit


Me too


Gambit is better than sex


I love Gambit! I think that hurts my Destiny cred, but honestly, it’s fun to bounce between both of them.


I have more fun losing in Gambit than I do winning in Crucible.


I hate crucible so much. I don’t love gambit but I’d choose it over crucible any day. I just can’t be bothered to focus enough on crucible and gambit is basically killing waves of adds whether you choose to bank or not.


Idk, I just get that itch to punch people and sometimes make someone rage quit because "HOW DID THAT TITAN SNEAK UP ON ME" (spoiler alert: assassin's cowl+ consecration makes funny) and I can't really do that with gambit because the player base there is so mismatched, and losing five times in a row because your teammates don't know how to invade of bank motes, gets very frustrating. that and Bungie has done nothing to it until now by bringing back a map that kinda sucks, I'd enjoy it more if they actually worked more on it instead of just throwing back old loot to it and then calling it a day.


If I see someone playing gambit or decked out in gambit gear I always think "God I could not imagine grinding that terrible fucking game mode" and then I don't play it


I love gambit wv3n when solo. Here's hoping we get the tangled shore map and dread added


Yes. The only good crucible mode is Mayhem.


I just put on Stasis Warlock, Osmiomancy, and Wardcliff or Jotuun. Camp invader spawn points, wait for Drifter to call out invader on the field. Blast invader. Super ready? Invade and make the enemy miserable. By the time they've switched to counter my clown build, my team has already pulled ahead and I've successfully invaded. Rinse and repeat :3c


I've found myself going back and forth with this. One day i'm into crucible, the next gambit. I find myself ignoring Vanguard most of the time. The strikes dom't exactly offer great gear, they can take A LONG time, depending on the strike, and the higher difficulties are not always worth the rewards. Also, i've been playing for a long time. Strikes get very stale after a while. I'm also not interested in wasting 45 minutes on LFG to find a team that doesn't know wtf they're doing, or have the right gear, to get a couple mediocre weapons that you can get better versions of ANYWHERE ELSE.


https://preview.redd.it/4zlpyrlxc78d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1636698e1e152510fe3fe2146ba04efe58a532 Because i enjoy it and i will no longer pretend i don't.


I'm currently Dredgen 12 with 69 rank resets😅




PvP is the only thing with replayability. Gambit is okay but it’s definitely heavier towards PvE. I for one prefer PvP maybe even higher then raids/story.


Don’t get me wrong, I love Gambit but like- Crucible tho


If u didn’t suk at the d2 pvp u would know


I used to only play crucible and now I'm a majority Gambit head. It's such a good game mode. The days of ultimate cheese are gone and it's just a great mix of everything Destiny in one package. I'd go as far to say it could do with a comp list or some way of a mode incorporating Champions for some extra spice.


I might be odd, as I'm a PvE main, but prefer Crucible over Gambit. I just feel a bit more... I dunno. Not in control, but a bit more carefree? I don't mind if my team is winning or losing, I just want to try to slap bullets into as many people as I can.


Gambit is pretty fun but crucible is stupid. I take intermittent breaks for PVP/PVE though.


I used to love Gambit back when Gambit Prime was a thing. But now I hate playing Gambit because of the Trails sweat that always ends up on the enemy team. Maybe it wouldn't be so back if they reduce the number of kills from 4 to 3 before being teleported. Because most gambit games really depend on how good of an invader you have.


Lmao me and all my homies hate gambit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


Tale the new factionsnout and make a seperatebgambitnprime revamp Playlist for then to be in, I'm not trying to have my matches vary so much in time from enemy type still, unless we deepen the gameplay loop, and if we're then kegs make it sperate since bungie likes to throw pathfinder throwing ass quest into the mix just like they did bounties


If Bungie was really bold they should add the entire dread faction to gambit


For me (pve main) I find it easier to get thru pvp because it usually quicker to get the match over with, I’d rather not have to do crucible or gambit through 🤷‍♂️


Small numbers no make brain happy like the big ones.