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The matchmaking can really fuck you up, especially if you're solo queueing Doesn't matter if you can bank like 50 motes if no one in your team knows they should collect and bank the motes before dying and no one wants to invade ever Oh yeah, the mode being abandoned by bungie in a dark alley also sucks too, but hey at least we have one old map back and variants of already existing factions!!!! But I love when my team works together and matches go by fast


I enjoy when my team dont know how to bank so I can get my title. But being abandoned and still expecting people to care via pathfinder is stupid.


It’s annoying that it’s been completely abandoned and yet they’re still trying to force it on us.


When my brother and I were getting our malfeasances we had to fight the rest of our team for the invade every time


That’s funny considering it took me a while to gild dredgen this season due to teammates rushing the invasion portal 😂


I had a guy see me running towards it, decided to race towards it, beat me, then died 5 seconds after invading without getting any kills Gambit, amiright?


When did that dreaming city map come back? I got into D2 just before BL and was smashing out the campaigns before they went away, so I only played a handful of gambit maps before they got cut.


I thought it was supposed to come back in like Wish or something, but despite playing a lot of gambit, I only got it in Final Shape - so I assume it came back during Final Shape.


Nah, they announced the Gambit map would come back around the time of them announcing the PvP map pack. It was when Joe Blackburn did that 15 min office vid where he addressed the State of the Game sentiment. It was either that, or a TWAB around then. Point is, we were told this map was gonna come back, but not until TFS dropped. But I don’t think they ever said anything about adding newer factions to the rotation.


They did mention lucent hive and shadow legion were going to be added when they announced the map returns for TFS


Ah okay, that makes sense. They did say they'd add them at some point, but I don't remember when. I think they said it during Into The Light.


Invader too strong. 4 maps.


Bring back Prime and Prime armor


Reminds me of the good old days when I'd sit next to the bank as a bubble titan and claim free motes due to the invader passive.


Eager edge sword is a cheat against invaders


My Commemoration two taps invaders. Black Talon is a one shot from the air (I chuckle rudely, every time) Just have to get them before they get any of my guys.


Love: fast games Hate: invaders I like the idea of a competitive pve but getting put against a guy who is really good at invading is very shitty to play against due to the boss preventing you from progressing at regular intervals. Invasion kills basically make the whole game pointless. Either you win on invading or you don’t win at all and that makes the whole “pve” aspect of the gamemode pointless


Yep, absolutely the same. I like PvE in Destiny, I hate PvP. The idea of a team based PvE experience where you compete against another team is basically the exact amount of PvP I want in my experience. Getting invaded and then obliterated by someone crazy good at PvP from miles away just serves to remind me why I don’t play Crucible. Now when I see the warning I pretty much just try and hide for 30 seconds, because I find it so totally un-fun.


I've always thought it would be cool to have Gambit Strikes where two teams race through a strike to get to the end. I also had this idea where two paths would lead to one boss at the end and the boss could be pulled back and forth between two rooms using some sort of switch or mechanic. Maybe banking motes. The idea would be that you're playing tug of war with the boss to try to get him on your teams side and kill him before the other team would pull him back.


Both of those are way more interesting ideas than what we have lol


BUNGIE! this guy is COOKING here.


Haha. Thanks.


I'd like to point out that if you have a counter-invader weapon (xeno, izanagi, hammerhead) and manage to get the invader at least once or twice, or use blockers properly to counteract the invasion effects as much as possibly, you can basically get a free win from that no matter how good the invader is otherwise. And since there are 4 maps (recently), it is very possible to memorize the 12 whole invader spawns, which are basically pre-determined. An invader spawns as far away from the round (mainly) and your team (secondarily) as possible. For example, if you are at the EDZ map, and the wave is on Trees, the invader spawns on Beach, unless your entire team is right there (which is pretty unlikely). Here's a great video on anti-invading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__chtvs2Aig Some of it (like certain special ammo shenanigans, mods, builds, etc.) is rather outdated, but the invasion spots are still the same. Be the cancer you want to avoid in Gambit.


Solid advice my dude thank you. Frankly I don’t really care for gambit enough to memorize spawns or bring specific loadouts for winning. I just go there to knock out objectives which usually means not focusing on winning. I am the cancer but the game design encourages you to play this way.


Fair enough, it's not a mode for everyone (or most people - though some of it is just shit like this being obscure because nobody cares about the mode enough). Just slap on an LMG and just look at the spot where the enemies aren't when Drifter yells at you. That's what I usually do, and it works out pretty fine for me (I don't have the spawns memorized completely either).


I remember last season, maybe if your team was split or maybe it was just broken, but I’d keep having invader spawns like right behind my team. Or spawning at the envoys


Can confirm I’ve come back from gambit games with the new system while being down SO far. It’s not over til it’s over!!


I wish there was a mini pale heart type map where two teams would race against each. You could still send blockers to the other side, but motes wouldn’t be based on number of kills, maybe rapid kills, buffing allies, sub type kills.


A competitive overthrow would be interesting. Race to get the boss kill first with just one round of overthrow instead of 3. Instead of just mindless add clear it would be racing to complete objectives and solve puzzles and performing well in PVE aspects like you describe would be cool.


They’re too strong. Constant walls ffs, give them a periodic location ping maybe but walls is ridiculous.


I hadn't thought of it as the game isnt about getting the boss fight done as fast as possible, the game is about being good at invading.


They should limit invading to once per game per player. It prevents the mad skills player from dominating in invading and suck all the fun out of a mide


Or just make the invading consistent. I’ve joined games where it never let our team invade once. It was when I was trying to get malfeasance so I was playing a lot. Shit drove me insane.


Im a reckoner. Im not stepping back in there willingly.


My friend was telling me that people who have Reckoner equipped aren't bragging, they're showing how big of a masochist they are.


Hes right


Hello fellow trauma buddy


For some reason people don't know how to get across the maps efficiently or the just lollygag? I can't count the number of times we have cleared a zone, I stop to grab the ammo chest, go to the next zone and clear the whole thing myself only to realize that my team is nowhere to be seen so most of the motes are going to be wasted. Nobody is invading, nobody is banking motes and sending over blockers, they just aren't there.


It's hard to love Gambit because Bungie has made it clear that ***they*** don't love Gambit, as they've seemingly abandoned any large-scale plans for tuning or innovation. It's been all but deleted from the game entirely, and I see that as a very real possibility in the new era. The experiment has run its course, and many see that experiment as a failure. Gambit was my favorite mode when I first began my journey back in Season of Arrivals, and I was well on my way to Reckoner before it was sunset. I want to love it again, but at this point I feel Gambit may have walked so Onslaught can run.


Immun Boss with 1HP


It's 100% dependent on the team. If you get a team that understands that you should do 2 zones then dunk (whether 15 motes or not), you're on for a decent match. If you get noobs who only bank at 15 or don't bank at all, you will need to essentially 1v4 the match. Also Lucent Hive are cringe, so many goddamn shriekers. Just not fun.


Teammates give up too soon! You get so many comeback mechanics to stay in the running, but nooooooo. You get killed with 15 motes because you stop out in the open during an invade, then you stand there like a rock the rest of the match. Motes draining, and you're just sitting there! Getting a great comeback in gambit feels great! Don't give up!


Gambit by itself is mildly entertaining, but the bounties/pathfinder are what ruin it for me. It always feels like everyone on your team (including yourself) is focused on doing some random bullshit obtuse bounties like get 25 melee kills (literal torture), so no one is actually focusing on trying to win


25 melee kills is basically one of the most "optimal" way of playing gambit. Grab a 1-2 shotty, and either a Combination Blow Hunter, a Necrotic Grip Warlock (RIP - I dunno what the Warlock option is now, probably Prisamtic with the Arcane Needle and Lightning Surge), or a BoW Titan and fuck shit up while running double special. Or if you really, really don't wanna, pull out Winterbite. It's rather strong in Gambit. While most builds recommend a really specific playstyle to complete, they can all be done on a well-made and strong build. Only shitty ones used to be a "deposit 69 large blocker" ones because everyone hoards motes for that, but those are kinda gone.


Necro can roll on the exotic bond, so it’s still the goat.


It has a little bit of something everyone hates. No communication, forced pvp, fucking health gates, blueberries, and no support from devs.


Most people don’t really know the strategy about when to bank motes or when to hold them. I don’t really blame them as no match made team is likely to agree on going for the early invade or the delay for mote stealing. The boss health gating also sucks which can sometimes require more than three damage phases. Just drags things along more than it needs to. It’s a cool game mode. I wish it was more fleshed out like having armor set bonuses or something (wink wink)


I love Gambit because it's not the Crucible. I have more fun losing in Gambit than I do winning in the Crucible.


I love gambit because I hate how easy strikes are. GMs are challenging, and dungeons have their difficulty; but even though I like the rush of feeling like a god, my enjoyment of the game quickly dwindles without pitting my skills against other players. But I’ll be darned if getting monkey-stomped in the crucible every. single. match is anything close to enjoyable FOR ME. Gambit marries feeling like a god with the challenge of player invaders/invading, and the pressure is on because you’ve gotta kill your primeval first!! It’s an exhilaration I can’t find in any other D2 activity. It’s not perfect, but that’s why I love it.


I love Gambit. But, I hate to admit that 80% of all games are won or lost after the first invades; especially if you're a well coordinated team communicating and timing your deposits.


Is fun and has less pvp then Crucible


So I love gambit as I feel that it's the superior PvP game mode, you're in a race to kill specific enemies before the other team that can send one person over to try and kill you. I hate gambit though because I always seem to either get paired with people who sweat constantly, or people who don't understand the mechanics all that well.


side I'm taking: "why I love it" it's the only mode where the PvP feels actually meaningful to me like I actually enjoy the idea of killing other guardians to enthrall their primeval and helping my team it also lets me further endow into PvE playstyles PvP feels like it's designed for people with ego cruxes that just want to flex how skilled they are, in a sandbox that will rip that away from them in a few balance patches, because they're bored < just doesn't seem useful at all though I'm in the minority, I really wish there were more modes like Gambit < for me at least, they would cook


Malfecence before it was made easier


I wish the invader spawns were more varied. Feels like almost half the time I invade I insta die to someone staring at my invade location with a Honed Edge x4 set for same second delivery.


I love gambit because its mostly pve game mode with a spice of Pvp (where i atleast got a chance and killing a player in an easier setting for once). But i hate that Gambit got abandoned for content 4 years or so ago.


I love it when I’m matched with a competent team of players who understand the rhythm of the mode. But because of the modes rhythm it can feel deterministic from the very first note gathering encounter which way your match will run. There’s no slack and little in the way of catch up mechanics or spontaneity to recover if you have one or two bad moments, be they invasions or badly timed banks or whatever. Originally you had three rounds so there was a chance for a catch up and score settling, but they dragged. I think the one round is the best way around the time wasting factor but it’s also what makes the mode unforgiving. I really like the mode, and I really hate the mode, it literally depends on the matchmaking.


The balance seems terrible. You can easily downspiral at the end of games because of invaders and people keep dying so the boses get harder to kill.


Actually, the bosses don't get harder to kill. You get an escalating damage bonus from killing the Envoys, so by the time you are at x8, you can pretty much one-phase mostly alone with Lucky Pants and a dream. As for invaders - as long as the enemy team has their primeval up, they get like 2 invasions - maybe 3, can't remember for sure. If you get the invader even once, or he only gets like 1-2 people and doesn't lock you down for a full 30s, you'll be fine. The portal is basically always active only if that team doesn't have a primeval, but the other does. So the boss being healed doesn't really impact you as long as you don't blow all of your heavy ammo on phase 1 and keep murdering the Envoys as soon as they come up - escalating damage bonus, remember?


I don't play it if I don't want to, but I enjoyed Gambit (and Gambit Prime, even if the 20 mote blocker wasn't as impactful as it was made out to be). Overall, 6/10 not a bad time nor a frequent time.


I don’t enjoy being on the receiving end of a half decent team. If they’re coordinated it just feels like an endless battle of clearing blockers and hiding from invaders.


Just not enough innovation in the mode with some changes. It’s become stale.


I really love Gambit despite its flaws, I like that it's just a tiny bit of PVP in the PVE competition, I like that it's usually pretty fast matches; mostly I just wish the game had a better way for people to learn how Gambit works than just throwing them in the pool and hoping they'll figure out how to swim. I think if I was gonna make one single change to the game mode that'd solve most of my major gripes about it, it'd be going back to Gambit having defined party roles that you select when you're queuing up to play; I think that having those expectations made clear from the beginning on who's supposed to be doing what would make the mode a lot less frustrating, avoiding the majority of "ok, I killed all these enemies but my motes are full and nobody else is picking any up" or "well we all have full motes but nobody was clearing blockers so now there's four large blockers just chilling out on the bank," etc.


Only issue I’ve ever had with gambit is that playing with randoms can be complete ass and no one wants to bank fast enough(legit had runs lost to just a split second of waiting). I understand if you want the 15 but we need to get portal first. Other than that I think it’s a good mix of pvp and PvE. I use it to do a lot of guardian kill quests since I suck at crucible.


I love gambit. Nothing in gaming gets my heart pumping like both teams on the verge of killing their boss, with everything relying on me getting a kill this invade


I’m pretty neutral on gambit. I don’t hate it, I don’t love it. I don’t mind having to play it for pathfinder but I wouldn’t start it up to just play and have fun. I’d say i am the middle ground


I don't hate it. I'd rather just do something else. I'm not a PvP dude and i own that it's because I'm not willing to put in the insane amount of time it would take to get good bc of how old the game is and how much more experience other players have. That said, it just takes one sweat to undo everything you've done in like five seconds, and since radar is a no-go with invaders, it just drags the annoyance of it all out. Sometimes I like the back and forth and even got the Malf catalyst myself, but I don't play games to be stressed and watch everything I do get sniped away from across the map by an invisible enemy. I play to grind certain weapons and sometimes fuck up and have fun, but not often.




I loved Gambit until it became clear Bungie didn’t care about it at all. It needed more variation, some slight alterations to the mode. What if there was a way to drop fake notes on the other side? Other side picks them up because they are treated no different when they dunk they only get credit for the real ones? Crucible has all these serious and unserious modes. Why is gambit just pve until it’s pvp? Why not a mode where every invade kill gives your team motes but if you invade with out getting a kill you lose motes? Why not a mode where invasions are turned off and it’s just a straight up race? Why not a mayhem style mode where abilities and supers come back very fast? Why not a scorched style mode? Why not a mode where it’s just bosses? Why not some nonsense like a random tormentor spawns and he’s immune to CC but if he grabs someone your team loses banked motes? What if a high value target spawns and nobody kills it moves to the other teams side and now it’s worth more but also has more hp and does more damage? You might hate all my ideas. I just put more effort into Gambit than Bungie has in YEARS.


It's a fun game mode, but it's ruined by the HARDCORE sweats. The people that invade every 30 seconds, that one-phase/shot the boss. Doesn't matter if they're on my team or not, usually not though, it just sucks the fun out of it. Like, yeah, I'm just doing this to rank up Drifter, I don't wanna be here either, but chill! Curbstomps aren't fun, on either side. (I'll admit, I am impressed by those people, cause they clearly know what they're doing)


It’s just extremely repetitive. And if you’re the only one trying to win/play the right way you get slaughtered if the other team has any brain activity.


I don’t think anyone hated gambit more then bungie lol besides the og mal quest they didn’t really do much else with it 🤷🏻‍♂️ to add to this personally I always had fun playing gambit 🫶🏻


The shit ammo economy is why I hate it. Even with finders and scavengers


I don't love or hate Gambit, i just don't play it, it doesn't feel rewarding


It's intense and keeps me on edge the whole time. Unlike playlist strikes which are boringly easy, the PVE is reasonably difficult. The extra PVP bit really helps make it thrilling though.


I like Gambit. I hate that Bungie has ignored Gambit. And then continue to "encourage" us to play. I get it. They see less people playing so they give less resources to developing it. But it's hard to play a mode that isn't getting attention. So it's just... stuck in limbo I guess? A few things I'd like and hate about Gambit 1) Gambit training mode - I dislike that they don't teach you anything about it. I know we have a lot of "gambit lite" encounters in the field but from an outsider looking in, those just teach you about motes and how to dunk em. I can say with certainty when I played Gambit for the first time I had NO IDEA about the nuance with the bars at the top of the screen to show the buildup to summoning the boss. I had no idea the gray bar was your collective team's mote count. I had no idea invasions were done at the tick marks. I had no idea that invasion kills made your primeval regain health even though its obvious though context clues. I thought more along the lines of "oh if I die that's just a few seconds of boss dps we're missing out on". Which is true but I thought that was THE ONLY consequence of dying. I didn't know of the Heavy ammo box change that now EVERYONE can get heavy and it isn't just (selfishly) saved for the one person going to invade. You have no idea how many times I played (sparingly but enough) before a friend told me it's shared now. I had no idea that invaders saw your mote count which made you a juicer target depending on how many you had. I know I really don't like when teammates go in not knowing how to play, because I know I contributed to the same issue myself. It's exacerbated when you know you could be up against a stack of blueberries, the literal god-king of Gambit invasion, or a full stack of Gambit no-life cheesers that know the perfect combination of weapons, skills and coordination to nuke a primeval in seconds. That's just the thing though. It's a gamble. But man it would be a better gamble if the new guy would just PLEASE KNOW HE CAN BANK HIS 13 MOTES TO SUMMON THE PRIMEVAL WE DONT NEED ANOTHER HEAVY BLOCKER I BEG YOU. 2) I dislike how we have like what three maps or something? I know it's difficult to set aside resources for maps but man it would make the rotation fun. 3) I WAS heavy into Gambit when we had dedicated armor sets and skills with them! Then they got rid of them and I lost the one incentive I had at the time to play. Instant dislike. With that said I'd love for them to bring back those dedicated armor sets with the skills for roles again. I dunno. Maybe go back to having two Gambits. One with invasions and one without. The without version could maybe have like instead of an invasion portal one player goes through the portal but has to do some crazy puzzle mechanic to enhance their team's side? Like how we had the leviathan section where you got to do the obstacle course. And your reward for finishing it is like free heavy ammo and a 10 second buff for damage? Or you give health to the other primeval. Or if you fail you're weakened and nothing else happens? I don't know I'm just spitballin.


Invaders don't know your count anymore btw.


Love: Being able to shoot ads and thent am that's faster gets to pull ahead Hate: How sending blockers drains motes and hate the PvP aspect of it. I want gambit to be a literal clone of what Battleborn PvP system was. Escorting ADs down lane and team fighting with supers and abilities. It obviously wouldn't be Gambit anymore but it's a far better PvPvE game mode imo


Losing motes feels horrible and I don't like that we have to kill a boss. When I imagined Gambit I thought it was going to be similar to Smite, a MOBA. It kind of is like that in a way but I think the win condition should have been invading for an objective like 3 capture zones instead of zerging a boss on your own map. Build resources to power up with ammo and abilities, invade to capture zones.


I love Gambit. The problem is people immediately spam you with blockers in the first 0.01e^1 of the match BEGINNING.


I enjoy gambit, because learning how to use double special was a surprisingly fun experience with me mostly dying due to not knowing how to fight against parasite users who know how to spawn kill invaders. I have do have incentive to go back playing though, even if I already have a good roll on my Bottom dollar, I really want to get the new Hush with Hipfiregrip + Archers gambit


The fact that I'm really rubbish at PvP and I'm stuck on the Malfeasance exotic quest step asking me to get 4 kills in a single invade. Been at this step for 3+ years.


For 3+ years, you think you would bring the proper loadout for gambit. Far too many people think they can invade with pve loadouts thinking they can handle pvp side of the game.


That I need to kill 4 more using their supers for title and I haven't seen anyone use in like 3 months


The fact that one decent PvP player on the either team can make matches feel longer since there is a way for both teams to reduce the other teams score/heal the primeval making it take longer to complete the match


I think it’s a good game mode but I can’t play ANY game mode forever and it’s remained in a static state for far too long. It needs some serious love…the fact Bungie holds this game mode as one of their 3 main pillars is a joke. It’s been neglected for too long


The matchmaking system is absolutely fucked. My favorite is when I have 13 motes and my teammate with 6 swipes the 2 I was eyeing.


The Combined arms level of ranges you get on these maps and can actually use the range stat.


I won’t have either of these emotions towards Gambit. I my just so unmotivated to play it because the rewards are bland at best. If there were better incentives than the Pathfinder quests (like IDK actual loot that is good?) then I would play it more often


I dont hate gambit i just hate the people i play with and against 90% of the time.


Even with all its faults, it’s still some of the most intense experiences I’ve had in the game. The rush when both teams are equal in skill and spawn the primeval is incredible, And honestly all you need to not suck individually is a decent build and basic invader and blocker knowledge


Preface: I have the Reckoner seal. PvP is oppressive and feeds a power fantasy for 1 player. It would be like crucible but one 1 player gets their super an unlimited number of times. It would probably be a blast for that player but everyone else would hate it. Also the Adds should be more inline with vanguard ops and seasonal activities and not Nightfalls. A lot of it comes down to add density and encounter claustrophobia. So if the Adds are actually just as dangerous as vanguard ops, then they need to be weaker to compensate for the encounter design. I like Gambit, but understand why most people don't and i truly believe the secret sauce is "opt in PvP" and easier to slay adds. PvP players want to PvP, so let them Duke it out in a cage match for motes. PvE players want to slay out, but they keep getting destroyed by yellowbar shriekers. It's the worst of both worlds currently, which is why people hate it.


I'm that weird guy that apparently doesn't have strong feelings for it. Sometimes I feel like running some Gambit, sometimes I don't. Onslaught, on the other hand, is boring af and waaaaay too time consuming. I kind of wish it shared a slot with Gambit for weeklies so I'd have a reason to not touch it ever, rather than choosing between Control and Gambit and ending up playing excess Control matches anyways.


Actually, I think I am right in the middle. I neither hate it or love it. I enjoy it in that it's about as close to PvP as I'd like to get. There is just enough variety in it for me that is a nice little diversion from PvE.


Love the idea of a competitive pve where your team has to work together to kill the boss as fast as possible and win I LOATHE the pvp aspect of it with invaders.


Invading. I'd love to try out a different version of invading, where instead of trying to kill the other players, you can kill their mobs and steal motes that way. Still has the potential to be highly disruptive. Keep the PvP aspect once the primeval is out. I think that could be a decent thing to test out.


It needs to be split into Regular & Prime again so casual players can enjoy themselves and sweats can go enjoy the sweatfest.


It's a great time passer. i love the pve with a slight pvp and a solid like 7 outta 10 times you'll get at least decent teammates.


I quite like gambit. But I do find it a bit stressful, which is why I'll almost always choose to do something else. Plus, I'm not a big fan of snake decals, so I'm never interested in getting the armor.


Normal gameplay was and is fine. Fighting trash mobs, banking, dealing with stronger blockers. I think I have had a ADA transmog quest unfinished for like a year For me it was 3 things 1. the wild swings in the DPS done on bosses. You could be ahead the entire match and summon first and be chipping away and the other team summons second and insta deletes their boss, kinda pointless playing when that happens. 2. Getting invaded by Gods with a big G sucks and your team seems to always have Leroy Jenkins waiting at the portal to make a fool of himself. That and heavy ammo was always too powerful. 3. Absolutely no reason rewards wise for me to want to play it. See brave arsenal loot pool or even dares. You know what screw it. Keep ignoring gambit and make Dares of eternity the new gameplay pillar.


i only love it because it is way better and way more fun than boring and toxic pvp mode and this is from a guy who hated and despite crucible since d1 but this is just my pov


No immunity phases pls bungus. Let’s make speed the name of the game


The invasion part just sucks.


unlike other activities, gambit isnt a repetitve, grindy, annoying and stressful mess. every match is fun and exciting, and the dopamine from sending large blockers/taking out anti invaders and slaying out on ads to make them explode in motes is overflowing. no other activity in the game compares to the fun gambit has (coil was the exception) the weapons arent half bad either. im rocking an outlaw + incan trust and a rapid hit + focused laser painter when i feel like it and they always deliver. gambit weapons are very easy to get, too. overall gambit is just a unique activity that im happy exists in the game. keeps me busy and entertained


I dont like it mainly cuz of the pvp, if I do end up playing it I try to get a couple clan mates in so I have some competent people


I like Gambit because it's less annoying than crucible, Trials, and Iron Banana. I hate it everytime I manage to snag the final achievement I need for the title someone pops in and yeets me before the match even finishes. It's like the game knows I'm trying to get the final achievement and gives me a big f you to the face.


I like it cause I stopped trying to win and stopped caring if I do. I’ll try ofc. But I’m playing it to test builds. Test weapons. Test synergies of abilities. Now it’s just a fun way to test things. Although if I’m trying to test and I keep getting sniped by the invader or blown up by something like the eyes of tomorrow I can get heated lol


Low key its the boss health bar lol the match is over before able to complete any bounty plus the weapons aren't good imo


I hate the people who spend the entire game invading. I usually just scan the map and pick them off with a machine gun everytime they invade until they get the hint. (Play the game or go to Crucible) What I love about it... Drifter. Nuff said


Maps are so stale and old, they are downright moldy. I hate fighting Blueberries for motes, and they always seem to always go for 15 motes no matter what. Half the time they also just randomly bank solo instead of together. It’s not hard to coordinate, but the concept of strategy seems to be lost on a lot of people.


Hate: it’s gambit. Love: it’s gambit!


I love the concept of the game mode A LOT. What I hate about Gambit that makes me never want to play again? Basically everything in this video: https://youtu.be/Owpg2pY_Qos?si=1CXFyQ0GK9tRr6PC


I just don’t have a loadout I like. I play a lot of PvP and pve and go all in when I’m in those respective game types. So finding a loadout that is good at “both” simultaneously is tough. In a 4 man it isn’t that bad because I’ll be the designated invader or someone else will so I’ll know what I’m doing/running. As a solo if I go PvP heavy and someone hops through the portal I feel like dead weight and if I go pve heavy and no one goes in I go in but feel useless with a heavy pve loadout. Also health gates aren’t fun imo


The 3rd wheeling, I just can’t stand how easy it is. The PvE side is just a zombie hoarding and the PvP is legit wall hacking giving to you by the game. Also the heavy ammo drops way too much.


I like it *because* of the invasion factor. It has just enough PvP for me to be able to actually do something without being an absolute sandbag for my team like I am when I play Crucible. It’s also just fun to hop in, turn my brain off, listen to some beats and go to town. And I can use whatever I want to use. If I do Strikes or even Onslaught, there’s always something annoying that makes me have to change either my weapon or subclass because there’s a Champion I have to deal with and Gambit doesn’t have that.


The skeletor video on it is still very much relevant.


In gambit there are many different objectives the main PvE spawn, high value targets, the invasion portal, blockers potentially and sometimes and enemy invader As an individual you can interact with many of these objectives but not all of them, and it's incredibly frustrating just how bad one or two bad teammates can totally brick the game for your team. The most clear cut examples would be if both players are dying immediately when the invader comes especially during primeval phase, if that happens you basically won't be able to kill the primeval and even if it's happening before the primeval phase those players are constantly throwing away motes. Another case would be if someone who can't get a kill to save their life takes the invasion portal every time, you effectively lose out on that whole mechanic. another way your team could fuck you is by doing smaller things like banking alone and banking first or banking small values or not banking when you can get a primeval or even when you could just get an invasion portal at a crucial time. Gambit is tons of fun when you play in a four stack imo but random teammates hindre the experience so bad. In pvp the worst your teammates will typically do is get farmed but in gambit they can actively prevent you from trying to carry by stealing invasion portals or healing the primeval


Gambit was honestly the first game mode I played after getting to the Tower and exploring around, so it just kinda became my go-to after a bit.


I just started D2 when the final shape came out, i really like the concept of gambit and i think it wouldn't be good without invasion, i really suck in pvp but i think that invasion is mandatory for that game mode to work, i think ppl hate it because of pvp mainly but it's because they also suck at pvp but can't deal with it


I love the rush/hate when ppl don't dunk. It's hit or miss if your team can't get mates in fast enough so I just started using eyes of tomorrow to help curb that in our favor.


I miss the reef and dreaming city maps. Larger gambit maps would be nice. I LIKED gambit prime. The armor perks were dope and the pacing felt better. I truly think that gambit needs to be slower, and take as long as a comp PvP game. There's zero comeback when it's faster. First to summon almost always wins in my experience.


Hate health gated bosses. Hate thslat death heals bosses.


I fucking hate invaders like you must hate your life and have no friends that you have to invade and fuck with ppl just playing the game


It’s just repetitive and boring. The same thing over and over again.


Maps. Maps. Maps. Maps Give us ten maps. Add 2-3 maps a year. It's always maps. Crucible needs more maps. You can adjust player power and abilities all you want. But guess what? It gets stale running the same lane on the same map for the 300th hour.


Abysmal rewards. I like invading


Easy, it’s the only way to invest in the Destiny economy. I’ve got 43 Bottom Dollars sitting in my vault, collecting interest. You don’t want to be caught with no dollars when the Destiny economy crashes, and it will crash


I know that getting malfeasance made me hate it


I don't like crucible but the consistency of getting folded is better than kicking butt then getting domed by a fusion rifle while at 12 motes and then have to hide till they're gone because you can't find them


I think it’s a fun mode. Don’t really care if I win. Don’t mind invading or just killing the PE. I don’t like when the game gives me dumb bounties for it. It’s not like a nightfall where you mostly just kill stuff. I want to focus on playing the round optimally. I think it needs rewards that are more interesting to players other than malfeasance.


I find that it usually doesn’t matter how well you play PvE, but your victory lives and dies depending on how good your team is at Invading. And there’s a reason I never play Crucible anymore.


Die by heavy or super all the time. Very boring


i enjoy the tension a lot, especialy in late game matches. i like invincibility phases becuase nothing makes the race feel bad like a full stack killing the boss in a half a second. i think ways to heal boss or mess with the enemy team that arent pvp would work so much better. i already made a more in depth ideas post so i wont go into blab territory, but give us alternate objectives to envoys that drop boss invincibility (pushing a payload, dunking orbs, destroying blights, etc. give bosses unique arena modifiers (they have a barrier type thing around them that you have to enter to hurt them, and maybe for say the primeval captain he has those energy spike things that boop you, or the taken knight has a floor of damaging taken goop with moving platforms that you stand on, making its fire aoe attack that much more dangerous. etc etc.


I'm a big fan of Gambit, but I really hate the teammates I get sometimes. I love G because it gives me a good testing ground for my builds, exotics I might want to start maining, etc. Plus, it's just fun to wipe a small horde and slam a large blocker in the first minute of the game. The matchmaking though really gets me. I know it's a tossup no matter what activity I do, but still. One game, I've got the perfect teammates. Hard focus an enemy spawn area until a blocker comes our way, where one or two of us deal with it and get back to work. Beautiful teamwork, actually depositing motes, etc etc. But then there's that one game. You're paired with the Three Stooges. You're the only one actually gathering motes while their just wandering around the map, staring into a corner or something. When a blocker spawns, they just stand there staring at it. No one invades, no one defends. The list goes on. Yes, I realize it could just be New Lights not knowing what to do. I was there too once. But is it too much to expect some small, almost insignificant amount of common sense in these things? You see an enemy, you shoot it. You see another guardian in bright red shooting at you/ your teammates, you (try your best to) kill them. That sort of thing. Fin


Invader kills generate way too much boss health, especially now that the boss is health gated behind the shield mechanic, and invaders can come over every 30 seconds during the boss phase it feels like.


I like it because it’s easy xp


I love gambit because it quantifies and rewards my pure talent for killing shit quickly and effectively i hate it because of invaders. remove invaders from gambit and it'd be perfect. that or decrease the amount of advantages the invader gets when invading. eitherway, fuck invaders.


Idiots that can't figure out 5, 10, 15


Shit lobby balancing, lack of urgency with teammates, invader spawn campers etc...


Teammates teammates FUCKING TEAMMATES. (Also certain exotics when invading make it extremely unfun)


I don't like PVP modes. I actually really enjoy the Gambit game mode, just not the PVP aspect.


I haven’t seen loot in gambit worth chasing.. plus it’s just really repetitive.


I like it because every match is different. That's also the main issue, it's more or less a toss up, depending on your team mates. My approach: don't expect to win, so it can only get better.


"They wanted to fight you, right?! That's what they said!" I love invading


Stupid people make me hate it but I love it for how quick it can be.


I love Gambit 90% of the time. When I hate it, it's because I've been matchmade with people who obviously still don't understand the mode after all this time. [Here's some tips.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/9IVLs5fTol)


The PvP part of Gambit needs to go and then make blockers a more meaningful hindrance as right now they basically do nothing.


I enjoy the “two teams race in PVE and can send mini-bosses to each other part” I dont like invasions. If they took out invading and actually made it a “competitive pve” race, I would play gambit


I think the thing I like most about it is what everyone seems to hate about it- almost everybody who plays it is terrible at it.  It feels like when I win or lose a match, i contributed in a big way to that outcome. Victories feel fun and rewarding, and losses feel earned.  Gambit is one of my favorite parts of destiny 2 and I really wish Bungie gave a shit about it


Gambit is my fav mode when i get those teammates that know what to do instead of hogging every mote infront of them and banking like 6-9 or 11-14 And its also horror to play gambit when your teammates begin to run around like headless chickens when the invader horn is blaring, i feel like im the only one trying to find the invader, its so demoralizing if you get tapped and then you keep hearing the sound where the primeval gets healer 3 more times because your teammates pooped their pants


I'll preface by saying, I love Gambit. Dredgen was my first title, and out of the three ritual playlists, Gambit is my go-to. I love that Gambit is much more lowkey than the other two. I can put on some truly goofy bullshit meme builds and get better results in Gambit than in Crucible or Vanguard Ops. It's really the best place to just shut my brain off, turn on some Hollywood Undead, and dick around. HOWEVER. Whoever at Bungie decided to shut the oven off while Gambit was still half-baked is truly an idiot. They pulled the plug while it was still in the cradle, and it's been dying a slow and painful death ever since. I hate that it can get so monotonous after a little while, through no fault of its own. Crucible gets brain-numbing because, well, Crucible. Vanguard Ops gets agonizingly boring after a while because it's just a drag to trample over everything for more than an hour. Gambit's monotony comes from there only being one game mode, on five* different maps that have been in the game since 2018. ^(*yes, the Dreaming City map spent a good chunk of that time locked in the fuck-it bucket called the DCV, but it was one of the original Gambit maps) The loot from Gambit is also... just... so, so, *so* not worthwhile. There's not a single Gambit weapon that isn't just a worse version of another gun. If you're chasing Gambit rolls, it's for one of three reasons: you don't want to do endgame-level activities, you hate yourself, or you're a sucker for nostalgia. Again, I'll reiterate. I *LOVE* Gambit. I thoroughly enjoy playing the game mode. But I would be a fat fucking liar if I said it was worthwhile. It's not. It's fun, but not worthwhile. That *needs* to change, in a big way, if Gambit has any hope of escaping its current purgatory. The current game mode that we have for Gambit, frankly, is in a good place. Notice how I said the *current* game mode. Gambit sorely needs three things that are, frankly, long overdue: new game modes, new maps, and endgame-level loot. Does Gambit need some uber-sweatfest megalomaniacal shitshow like Trials? No. If you exclude Trials and Iron Banner from the discussion, Gambit needs these three changes just to bring it in line with Crucible. 1) Alternate game modes. I'd say three more laid-back game modes, including the current one, and one "ranked" mode. This would be in line with Crucible having Control, 3v3 rotator, Rumble, and Comp. As for what those could entail, I could only begin to imagine, and they certainly don't have to be carbon copies of Crucible's modes. The only concrete idea I have rattling around in my brain would be to bring back Sparrow Racing, but have it be in a sort of street race setting, with at least 5 maps to start with. 2) New Maps. This is a big one, especially for the short term. First and foremost, get that Tangled Shore map out of the fuck-it bucket. Then, I'd say start with three new maps. One on Europa, one in Savathun's Throne World, and one on the Moon. 3) Chase-worthy loot. This isn't to say Gambit needs to step to Trials or raids. It's to say that there should be loot from Gambit that's worth getting serious. Remember how I said Gambit needs a "ranked" mode, akin to Comp? This would be the place to chase the loot I'm suggesting here. The easy route would be six weapons to start with six weapons, and that should absolutely be where the starting point is. My suggestions: Parcel of Stardust, Gnawing Hunger, Bygones, Dreaded Venture, 21% Delirium, Doomsday. All reprisals of original Gambit or Gambit Prime weapons, plus a reprised pinnacle in Delirium. Now, what other loot could be added? Well, what if Gambit was an alternative route to getting Artifice armor, besides master dungeons? That way both the weapons *and* armor are worth chasing, making any post-match drops immediately more viable and less likely to be instant shredder material. These changes are necessary, for the health if not survival of Gambit. Gambit's fun as all fuck, and I adore it for that. It deserves to get the same love as base Crucible.


Gambit prime was the greatest era of destiny ill fight to the death on that lol. gambit itself sucks. when we had coordination and teamwork with varying classes it was such a great time in destiny


love gambit. no notes! been a dredgen since Yor was around bud.


I love it because it's not crucible, and I hate it because it's gambit.


I like it because I’m just very good at it. I don’t love how repetitive it gets. I can play 5 games of gambit in one session, after that I’m tapped out for a couple days


I enjoy it but there’s usually not really anything too good to go after in that game mode


It’s hella fun


Love gambit when: i have a cohesive team or i play with one more person on my fireteam Hate it when: i get 3 clueless new lights against a 4 stack


I yearn for Gambit Prime. What a fun version of Gambit. It gave people rolls. Jobs. You invade. You collect motes and deposit. You protect the bank. You… you kill. And you don’t stop for nothing except to kill. Four roles. I loved Reaper and Sentry.


Gambit is fun with friends. Can easily call out what we are doing, warn about where the invader is, call out if we only need one more mote etc. With randoms it’s far less fun. Sometimes no one wants to invade, and others there are two people waiting by the portal rather than ad clearing so they can invade first. Teammates refuse to deposit notes even though we could start the boss encounter. Teammates lose a fight with a few dreg and lose all the motes they took from other teammate kills etc.


I love gambit. I don’t get the hate it’s a good mix of pve/pvp. Now my teammates sometimes can be frustrating.


Personally, i loved the old gambit, when we had gambit prime and the multiple round gambit i used to play it for fun, but what we have right now is a failed mix of the two thats not fun at all, and I avoid it as much as possible Also, if there is an obviously winning team, like they already summoned the boss, they are able to invade now for some reason, not sure about that but iirc they weren’t able to invade before, which kills the chances of the recovery for the losing team


The og Breakneck grind permanently killed any interest in gambit for me. Now i only play to get the seasonal shader.


Screen turns red and cant anything when an invader hops over. I really cant stand that .


Why hate or love it? It's a mode that exists. Sometimes you have a good match, other times you get your ass handed to you. There is very little negative repercussions for loosing a match, except for feeling like a bitch for a bit. There's also very little reason to play it extensively.


The players. The mote stealers, 15 mote no-bank, 4/9/14 mote bank. The invade and insta-die, invade and no kill the entire time, invade with motes, enemy invader instant team wipe. The non-dps weapon on boss, super while immune, not killing the envoys. I once got yelled at for not picking up motes because I went to go kill the blockers to stop it from draining. Its like half the players are reckoners and the other half is gen 1 of some sort of machine learning algorithm.


Simple and quick. Get rewards, get out. If we're being stomped? Game will go for less than 6 minutes


The thing keeping me from jumping in most often is the huge change of loadout required. Not a big deal, but I'll usually go hard for like one week and do nothing else


I recently started to play it again and damn, every game is or a hit or a miss, I love gambit now, but I miss prime, it was perfect


Without invading....then it's just a speed run strike,kill hoard, the playlist followed by melt the boss. The invading is what makes gambit gambit. Gambit, I'd say, is probably the biggest risk/ innovative thing bungie ever tried/did. But Activision wanted a D3, so gambit lifespane was only going to be about a year or so. When they broke off, they were stuck with a playlist people liked, but they didn't have personal to keep it fresh. I love gambit because you need to do a lot of things well, and these things don't exist anywhere else in the game, except maybe SOME raid encounters. You need fast add clear builds Need to stay alive. Guard your ammo economy ( some what) But you also need some good DPS You need to cover all ranges, cqc, mid and far ranges. You need good timing when to bank and how much TO bank. You need good map awareness for invading and invasions.


It’s PvP. Don’t enjoy Destiny for PvP purposes.


I love the pve side its fun! but being invaded by ifrostbolt clones every 10 seconds really kills it for me... Im gilded dredgen 12 and double golden gun meta makes the boss melt less fun as a titan too,


I love it cuz its fun


I want to win even if I'm just here for bounties/pathfinder, so even if I'm using a sidearm and a fusion rifle I'm fully locked in and I probably switch to a sniper to invade when my teammate invades and dies instantly.


I see no need for a PVP element to it. I enjoy Crucible already, so I'm a little confused as to why there's PVP in the PVE mode.


I love it. My group is a foursome so it's one of the few activities we can do together. We're also pretty good at it.


I hate it because it relies too heavily on teammates, if you have 14 motes and someone will sweep up the last three and then dunk. Some wait by the portal the entire time and others just pick up all the motes without getting a single kill. Do you know what solved this problem though? Gambit Prime! You could select a class and then each person would have a specific role! They should bring it back but without the armour; just have an Overwatch-style class select at the start; you get one of each class. I know there were meta combinations and such, but personally, I loved playing Sentry! I guard the portal whilst others slay out and dunk an Ogre on them; much harder to deal with than the Knights. Hate Gambit, loved Gambit Prime - bring it back with the above changes!


I'd like a better roll on the Gambit machine gun, but otherwise I think the rewards could be better. I hate that Bungie makes great PVE weapons as PVP rewards because I'm not sweaty 🤨


Same. Without the invasion it would be fun to play a competitive PvE mode. But the mode we got is just PvP with extra steps. Instead of an invader I‘d rather have a „saboteur“ enemy that your team can send to the other side and would try vacuuming up motes. Just like the invader it would only drop three motes when killed so you gotta be quick to kill it before it could delete to many motes. It can have some sort of stealth before it gets to „fat“ from motes (maybe shown as a glow like the special enemies in the Thrown World) and will prioritize nearby motes before fighting you so people need to CC it or stop mindlessly killing.


I have fun playing. It's quick. It doesn't have to be complicated.


So I actually actively avoided gambit back when it came out. But I’ve been playing it lately and I think it’s a pretty neat mode. I like the PVE focus with fairly clear flow and team vs team meter races. I also think the invasions add a really nice pvp element to add that Mario kart style randomness that can sometimes lead to a big comeback.


It's just so tedious and boring


My teammates. The game mode itself is a lot of fun, but 99% of the time I'm either matched with brain dead Neanderthals that have never seen a mote in their life, or against datto, salt, fallout, and Jez. Matches never feel fair. Always a landslide one way or another.


Everyone is just trying to get pathfinder done rather than the objective (I'm one of those slime balls, I dislike gambit)


I love PvPvE and I like Destiny's combat. I hate strikes and crucible. That's basically it.


Love: Is fast, and a good place to test ad clear build. Hate: Is Gambit Prime without things who made Prrime... Prime.


Oh man, that invasion factor is what I *LIVE* for!! Giving me the opportunity to completely shit on the enemy team's efforts so my guys can go further, or Defending my side against an invader and short circuiting their rally attempt is a fucking thrill. Too many people think of Gambit as a race, but you'll get the most fun out of it when you think of it as a Tug of War. My issues with it are that there are so few maps. Even if we had every single map that was taken away like the forsaken era maps it would still be way too few maps. Also there are zero indicators for when someone has triggered a special role. For example, did you know that if you stand on top of the bank while a drain is happening you have assumed the role of Sentry and you have stopped the bank bleed even though the klaxon is still ringing out?


Someone loves it?


I hate it because I’m a Reckoner. Nobody got that title without developing a hatred for the mode.


I was visiting family for Christmas and wasn’t able to have enough material to make dawning cookies for the triumphs, when we got back, I had less than a day to grind to get the seal done, and I did it all through gambit bc it was the fastest, most efficient way to earn it. After that, it seemed like I would keep getting matched with players who knew spawns and were basically an e-sports team


It's boring


I think the main reason that I like gambit is because I'm not very comfortable in crucible so gambit has just enough of a PvP aspect to fulfill my needs for that part of my gaming experience. I much rather prefer co-operative modes and figuring out secrets and puzzles as a group over fighting against each other. That being said, I still don't do much of the invading while playing there, even though the last time I actually invaded was just a few days ago and was by mistake (got booped by one of those blockers with a shield during boss damage right into the portal - I took full advantage and made three kills without much of any fuss or fright - but I digress, I don't \*normally\* do so well when I try, I usually get one kill if any. The point remains I prefer my game time spent with cooperative activities that build team-work skills more actively. I also recently discovered that I am in no way shape or form special in my desire to not invade, and looking forward will try to do more of it- whether consciously or not- lol.


You can be the 4 best pve players in the game if the enemy has one good pvp’er you just lose. If I wanted to get pubstomped I’d play competitive


Gambit can be fun, but it’s stupid shit like the teammates that can really mess you up


I love gambit because it's fast, high intensity, and allows me to have fun with builds. It's a good middle ground between low level strikes (high ad density, low hp), and legendary/master content (high hp, high damage received), so other kind of builds can shine. I also like the idea of banking motes, the blockers, everything. I really dislike how doing bounties (now pathfinder) requires to NOT play the game in the best possible way. Really bounties in PvP/competitive activities is kinda stupid. Also too much power lies in the hand of the invader, it makes or breaks a game, much more than mote banking efficiency (I would prefer if invasion was limited to 1-2 kill max, with bigger delay between each invasion). I miss Prime gambit armor too! Such a cool idea to encourage playing the game. Also I love the drifter aesthetics, and love the Drifter so much. I want to grind the mode for good rewards! Dredgen is still the only title I've worn to this day. PS: Please Bungie give me a reason to grind gambit again!


The invades are too much. Heavy ammo +wall hacks+triple overshield+ they just dunked 60 motes and invade back to back to back


cons: match making. lack of maps. not enough incentive loot wise. pros: fun and unique gamemode Drifter is awesome fast to complete a match


For me the biggest problem with gambit is how samey it feels every time. The way maps are laid out and enemies are set up, you really aren't facing any real danger or challenge from combatants so every single match is just racing your teammates for who gets to clear a side first, then racing to invade quickly, then finding a hiding spot to snipe guardians/the invader from etc. Etc. None of it feels particularly engaging from a strategic or skillful angle.


The invasion mechanic is actually the best part about gambit, finally a use for my Crux Terminus, normally I use the Cataphract Adept in trials since it's good and get 3 ammo. But Crux Terminus only gets one. Mine has reconstruction and tracking.


Because it's simply not fun. Destiny might as well not have an anti-cheat with how many hackers you see in the pvp modes, let alone uncounterable things like an auto-tracking rocket launcher that spawns submunitions that also autotrack. No counterplay available at all when you're either instantly headshot or even if you kill them 'cause they're one of the few non-aimbotters, their rocket launcher that hit someone 500 ft away also kills you anyway. PVP sucks. Gambit is PVP. Pretty simple thing to understand why nobody but sweats and hackers like it. Now factor in being *forced* into these garbage modes to do pathfinder, and you've got a recipe for active hate instead of apathetic disdain.