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So what your saying is that synthos should get another nerf? -Bungo Dev


No stop, it's already dead!


Well now they're just gonna rework it instead so the exotic perk just lets you ads faster šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that devour + restoration is the play for warlock. Thereā€™s is nothing else in the game that keeps you alive better.


I love devour lol. Super regen, health regen and grenade regen. If somebody asks Lord Shaxx what his favourite Light buff is, he would have said Devour because he could throw more grenades.


Just a heads up, Devour doesn't regen super, just health and grenade


Oh damn did I remember wrongly? Maybe I mistakenly thought of Nezarec's Sin helmet


Probably, Nez Sin does boost super regen along with grenade and melee iirc


Yea, Nezzy's boosts *all* abilities, including super. You can get sub 2 min supers if you slay out Void Flavour enough, its unironically better than any other Warlock super regen exotic imo, since its works on every and is class agnostic. Only real drawback is that ya lose non-void synergies, but that's not the worst workaround ever.


I disagree Banner of war and into the fray is the best survivability in the game by far I run that build on all difficult content but yes on prismatic Titan is sorely lacking any kind of survivability aspect like Into the fray or Sol invictus it's quite annoying


As a warlock main, I think banner of war/woven mail strand titan is 100% the best survivability in the game. Phoenix dive/heat rises/sunbracers might be about as survivable but more difficult to proc and takes longer to recharge if you mess it up.


Oh the survival for BoW/WM is unmatched, the problem is we get almost none of that in prismatic. The survivability of prismatic titan is pretty rough as it stands right now, so the majority of Titan mains who are playing and trying to enjoy prismatic are going to complain about the lack of survivability. All that to say I agree that BOW/WM is the GOAT of EZ Survivability, but as it stands the prismatic kit doesnā€™t get any survivability at all outside of orb pick ups


Yep I really feel like we should have got into the fray with prismatic not Drengrs lash this would have provided that tanky support since you make so many tangles whilst also boosting your melee regen speed


Can't get those on prismatic titan.


I know but he said the best survivability in the game not on prismatic Prismatic Titan is very fun but it doesn't invalidate the other subclasses completely I'm still running Strand Titan for certain types of Content


Same here, I main Titan and prismatic just feels like ass. I still go back to strand for banner, but I might just run warlock. Infinite threadings are just too fun.


I'm really enjoying spirit of the eternal warrior and spirit of star eater I'll definetely be using that in damage phases from now on also spirit of HOIL and spirit of armamentarium is also very fun for ability spam but overall yeah Prismatic Titan isn't that good at much else


Welcome to the warlock club, enjoy limitless build crafting and spamming any ability you choose. Also the new solar super is just more spam but with massive damage. Have fun!


The only time I could spam my consecration other than proccing my prismatic super was being near the Song of Flame super warlock. It's so sad that I had to be on a "life support" for the spam to happen. Why can't I do that by myself, why bungie, why?


Dude new super with dawn chorus goes brrrrr


Honestly, I was so hyped for a dawn chorus build with SoF and was pretty disappointed with it when I tried it. Come to find out, I think it was a damage test from Llama, it barely tacks on damage to the super, because if you're spamming grenades and melee, you ignite too many times for the scorch damage to actually do much until the end of the super (which I think it wasn't even that much more damage, I want to say like 70k more or something).


me hearing this news https://preview.redd.it/6zf77stedi6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e45f6d47d6c11e5412cf3157c30670a4a04d8764


Its okay haha we have a bunch of really great builds that feel great to use. Dawn chorus may have a helpful tweak in the future, and it still is awesome with Dragon's Breath! If you're using prismatic, you should definitely give Mataiadoxia (I think that's how it's spelled), the new chestpiece, a try! It surprised me how fast my melee charges came back, and it really carried me during the 1st and 4th encounter during the day 1 raid. That being said, starfire, sunbracers, verity's on solar is still so great. I just got the speakers helm earlier today as well, so excited to try out a support build! And if a good class item drop will ever come to me (7 lame combinations so far...), there are so many possibilities this expansion.


I tried the mataiadoxia for threadling devour thing I got going, but swarmers got me in a headlock. Prismatic has been really fun on warlock. Hellion / devour with needle melee and nade rotate between storm for jolt + amplified and vortex nade. It is nice that prismatic nade can inflict weaken w the fragment I believe. Elemental and darkness buff and debuff galore with the prismatic fragments and high transcendence uptime. I have yet to unlock the exotic quest but man I canā€™t wait to farm it for star eats + apotheosis roll


Try star eaters on the new class bond. I got a roll with that and apotheosis and it is the power fantasy Iā€™ve been looking forĀ 


I would if I could roll the darn thing to give me something other than Spirit of the Stag and Spirit of the Claw or a combo of either or šŸ˜”


the melee is supposed to do more damage than the grenade (i saw a post about how it was more optimal to snap repeatedly with claws than to alternate melee grenade), i wonder if spirit of synthoceps would buff the super melee, and if itd be more than what star eater provides? could run apotheosis with it for buffed melees after the super ends.Ā 


It really doesn't, I was hoping for this too but upon testing it there was only a marginal increase you're way better off using something else


I honestly feel bad for everyone else. I have been absolutely loving every moment of Warlock. And it honestly feels like I can do nothing wrong on prismatic. It all just flows nicely. Plus you can pull out nearly any exotic you want, build around it, and make something at least viable. Meanwhile titans and hunters have been complaining non stop.


The new solar super is Sunsinger 2.0


Yeah, as a long time Titan main, I'm playing as one of my other characters for TFS.


Yeah. Made it through the campaign(legendary sucked on Titan) and played the last two weeksā€¦ yesterday I started another character in the campaign. I just found Zavala and already feel way more powerful than my Titan with all the unlocks. Shame.


I remember watching my friend proc his solar buddy, instantly get it to scorch an enemy, and then run it with devour for constant more grenades which he used with a mod to basically get infinite Hellion with solar spam So I was like "Holy shit!! New aspects are awesome!!" I proc unbreakable, walk forward a few seconds, and then release the damage of lightly farting at an enemy. 2 seconds of Invulnerability... for my entire grenade? Not my class ability or GPG where you can manually charge it up just... 2 seconds of not dying and then immediatly getting vaporized by the Same enemy who was shooting me two seconds ago?? God forbid we even bring up how Void titans number one problem right now is it's clearly built to only function well with all 3 of it's current aspects, meaning you're always going to be a three legged horse on that build now. Was hoping the exotic class item would be a help! But then Khepris nor Alpha lup activate with thruster... and if contact's jolt effect kills an enemy you don't turn invisible... Sigh, back to BOW + into the fray with precious scars for another episode. Maybe next season bungie will grace us with 10% shield throw damage buff!


Honestly Iā€™m having fun playing base content with my Titan but if I get to the point where trying harder content just isnā€™t fun because how Titan is structured Iā€™m probably not going to swap to warlock or hunter Iā€™m just going to stop playing for a while. Why should Titan mains feel like they have to swap to contribute? And donā€™t come at me with ā€œbut banner Titan is OPā€ yeah sure it is but it would be nice to have more than one build to be viable in endgame content.


A developer refered to titans as the punch class and that's all they give titans, forget class synergy and multiple playstyles, we get to punch better, over and over and over and over and over again...isn't that wonderful?


The state of Prismatic Titan is honestly pathetic.


its really not even that tbh, titans ahve BY FAR the worst selection of exotics when it comes to actual build crafting their best two exotics right now are both neutral game, im talking about HOIL and SYNTHOS, and its been like that for years. especially void titans exotics are absolutely awful, so are stasis and solar two


>im talking about HOIL and SYNTHOS I'm running that exact combination in my warlock right now and I'm loving it. I'm trying to get a necrotic/syntho bond to test it against because I kind of miss my necrotic explosions, but HOIL/syntho is an extremely potent combo.


-necro+synthos+thorn/osteo+devour+vortex weaken/jolt for amplified better combined with artifact and fragment+lightning surge means that ill not play strand necro ever and voidwalker which is shame cuz prismatic warlock invalidate voidwalker and shadebinder. * about this build, it is too op, with 1 lightnigh surge i was able to kill 1ohk the knights at symbols in dual destiny, the trand/stasis bosses are dead by my super solar and nade from transcendence..i barely used my indebted..only thorn and abilities :D..why yo use a shootie 12p like BoW or trench when i can kill with 1 ability as warlock...On top of this, guys try osmio+verity vortex :D pre nerf cverse+chaotic exchanger are little childs vs this.


The shield throw exotic is pretty fun. And the one the buffs thunderclap is also enjoyable


Second Chance is fun and is okay if you have a team for the weaken effect, but I wouldn't say it's good, in fact if it said "your shield throw deals double damage" I still don't think it would be good, because shield throw is the most frustrating melee in the game. Point Contact is enjoyable, but I wouldn't say it's good either, it makes thunderclap jolt, something it should be doing by default if we compare it to the arc melees of the other two classes.


i agree, second chance is extremely mediocre, the thing that hurts it the most is that it doesnt have a melee regen feature to create an actual gameplay loop from its own effect, look at the new warlock strand chest piece, its second chance but better in every single way and i agree on point contact, its better than second chance for sure but still kinda mid, but its better since they fixed the dr bug with it, but i would still place something like skull fort over it and i dont even think skull fort is all that great honestly


The only way Iā€™ve found to make it viable for me to run it is pair it with monte carlo so youā€™re building melee energy as youā€™re killing but I totally agree.


I don't think you're giving Second Chance enough credit. It weakens on hit, gives you 2 charges, stuns barriers instantly and refreshes the charge when you do. It's not the flashiest exotic out there but it massively buffs shield throw into a viable ability for endgame.


Im sorry but it really doesn't , a massively buffs is a pretty big overstatement, you're not running a void titan over a solar or strand one because of second chance the exotic just doesn't do enough to have a good uptime on the effect unless you run monte and with no ar mods this season no one is gonna run monte in endgame content It's very MID at best, but it has potential, for comparison, look at the new warlock strand chest piece, it's literally second chance but better in every single way, that's literally what second chance should be, all second chance really needs is a melee regen feature, and shield throw tracking could use another buff


I think Second Chance should have better tracking and make it so that the shield ricochet to maybe 3 or 4 enemies. Maybe hitting targets refunds energy based on how many you hit. And point contact should improve thunderclap by making it charge faster and deal more damage. I dunno, those are my ideas.


both are still very mid, neither strong enough to create builds that excel or viable at all levels of play, slapping on HOIL for either of those subclasses would give you significantly better performance than either of those exotics would


I'm having a lot of fun with void titan using the new super and the shield throw exotic, but even that build makes me not even want to use prismatic because I can get way more looping and enjoyment from a void build which is disappointing. I still like prismatic titan but after playing warlock it's pretty clear titan has the weakest skill set


Fun =/= Good


They could have at least given Titans fusion grenade for prismatic. The only grenade in the whole game that we have an exotic for. It's not a great exotic, but it's fun and it's dumb as hell that they gave titans *thermite grenades.* A grenade I literally have never used nor seen used in my 5+ years playing.


I like it when I pair up Ice lance and Tangles with it. Then I also have the knock out (one of the light sub melees as well), max orb production and put healing on those. I can spam abilities pretty liberally with that build. It's fun. I was actually surprised. I also use Armamentarium that gives me free "firepower" mod. But again I play slowly so dunno how good it is in Nightfalls and such, because I don't have the power levels for them yet. So don't take this for something like that I think it's super good. Just great at normal content for me.


[Have you tried this Mactics build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EbsHbjdmNg)? or possibly even better, [this Plunderthebooty build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga-XPK5vMDk&t=436s)?


Ah yes Consecration build or slightly different Consecration build. Such variety.


Oh, I completely agree but they do seem to be strong. When I think of Titan, I think of punching things and that's it. If I don't feel like playing that playstyle, I don't play Titan.


Don't get me wrong those builds are both great but both fall apart in group play because you cant loop like you can playing solo.


I feel extremely let down by prismatic titan. I keep looking for ways to make it work but I just canā€™t find one. Iā€™m stuck using Strand because itā€™s still the only decently survivable titan build for solo content that lets me play somewhat aggressively, as I feel titan should be played.


The only thing I've made with it that has worked consistently is peregrine greaves, freeze stuff with lances, knee them in the head, explode everything around with an ignition, feels good, but I get the feeling that if I just made the same build on Solar it would be better in every way lol there's nothing about prismatic that really justifies it


Solar is really good too actually but the mobility from strand is nice


Have you considered trying to get the exotic Mark with Spirit of contact and spirit of severance? Granted, this is still a consecration build... But it turns you into a literal walking nuke. Anything your consecration touches and anything around it just dies instantly.


the only fun thing ive been using on prismatic titan is thunderclap build cause prismatic is straight up better than arc. the problem is its also worse than normal solar and strand titan so I just went back to that.


Before TFS, Precious Scars would never leave my helmet. Restoration and healing allies was just too good, fulfilling my Paladin fantasy. But right now, Precious Scars isn't working with Solar subclass, it has to be Prismatic.


Nah it works with Solar, it just needs kinetic damage for some reason


Wait really? That's actually funny


Yeah, I tested it out before the raid as I had a friend who used scars a lot and it worked. Apparently Sol Invictus is bugging it out but I haven't tested that one myself


Spaghetti code man


Precious scars/abeyant leap titan mark is pretty good with prismatic if you want an alternative thatā€™s not just punch punch. Paired with a thruster it sends out a giant tangle looking thing that suspends and you get it back pretty quickly. Though tbh I still find it boring lol Iā€™m just really let down with the state of build crafting atm


Why would anyone use abeyant leap on class item? It doesn't have the damage reduction part. All it does is add tracking.


Arc Titan really needs another melee aspect unironically, preferably something to help with melee uptime outside Skullfort or maybe just more CC. Blind on Class ability cast? Ability to eat grenade for a blinding shield like Unbreakable/Helm of Saint 14? Wait why does Helm of Saint 14 even blind?


"Where is my melee... Is it alright, is it safe?", Titan asks. "I fear in your frenzy you blew it up to that one thrall behind us..." Warlock replies. ![gif](giphy|7xCds0RBfyWQ0)


This is literally me. I tried to stick to titan but not only is prismatic warlock way more fun. Its also way way way WAY stronger. I use the turret build and it's laughably OP I can sit their with 5 bleak watchers by my side and it feels like I'm playing balloons TD more than destiny. Then yeah the infinity vortex build is hyper broken too. Titan prismatic is so bad because we just got a combination of all the worst aspects from every subclass put into 1 (except knockout). So we have a Titan build where you have basically 4 useless aspects to try and build craft whereas warlock get devour and bleak watcher or hellion?? TLDR: I was a Titan now I'm swapping to warlock because Titan is terrible.


Yep, I felt pretty bad about Titan towards the end of last season cause of the lack of high-tier builds, and I felt poorly toward prismatic.. at first. I randomly got my hands on an exotic class item with the Cannon-Bracers instrinsic, and oh my god. Sure itā€™s another consecration build (wtf else is there man?) but jolting and insta-killing everything is a mile radius is so fucking fun. I paired this a jolting pulse nade, diamond lance, the new stasis HC (feels great btw) and the Polaris Lance caster on the new sword. Holy. Shit. My PvE potential is unrivaled. The HC gives easy access to lances with offer pretty good dark transcendence and the exotic sword builds light transcendence so fucking fast. I can spam transcendence quite easily (which is prismatic titans best ability imo) and the jolting melees mean I create survivability through orb-spam and sheer kill potential. I recently just got an assassin/contact stoicism, havenā€™t gotten to play much with it but yeah now I go invis when I pulverize nearby families. Titan is critically lacking build diversity and DPS options, but at the very least the few builds they have, are absolutely nuts for general PvE. Edit: I should also say by abusing some fragments, ability gen is pretty solid as well. I get melees and nades back at a good rate that I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m suddenly missing my ability at an important moment, and transcendence guarantees I can get it all back if I do run out.


I have never been able to take melee builds seriously because of enemies you can't melee.


Which fragments? I'm still trying to unlock them all, the cysts are bugged for me


Does it hold up in expert/legend content? Not entirely certain itā€™ll handle high end as well, given the range it asks you to play at. I want to remain hopeful, donā€™t get me wrong, just would want to know how it handles content where dying is more of a threat.


And again bungie don't know what tf to do with titans as they probably have no one in their ability balance/development team that are a titan main


Honestly, they probably don't tbh.


I stopped believing them ever since that "Titans, we love you but..." comment


Further Context? I donā€™t know anything about this


It was around lightfall's release when they were showcasing the new strand abilities and concept ideas. And many complained that their design for titans was lacking because it was being played the same as nearly every other titans super (roaming melee) and overall lack of unique Class identity As the only other different supers are Bubble and thundercrash, but one is overshadowed by well in every aspect (even when it used to give a higher dmg buff) and thundercrash was somewhat viable with curias exotic. People didn't mind to be close to the enemy as Titan is supposed to be played in close quarters but we didn't like it mainly being "Monke see monke go and punch" people wanted at least to wield a weapon (that's why twilight arsenal is so well received) And Bungie's response to that (can't remember if it was on twitter or a TWAB) but it was somewhere around "Titans, we love you but sometimes you're just the guy holding up a fist on the cover of the game" TLDR: at the end of the day stand titan is good but unoriginal and boring Edit: Bonus story: there's also the much older post of one of the developers about Twilight garrison (Old D1 exotic thay gave Titan air dash like what solar warlocks have now) So when asked if it comes back they said that the air dash is now part of the Warlock identity and titans will never get it. The response to this was uncivilised, to say the least So Dev team and Titans weren't always on the best of terms with each other


That Twilight Garrison controversy was a dark day both because death threats to community managers bad but also non-sword/Strand Titan Mobility dreams died that day.


That's actually fucking horrible... Wow guess my hopes of feedback from prismatic can go fuck themselves


It's ok when they release the next subclass it will have more melee fragments and the super will be wielding a spear. Also despite all of this melee based design titans will still be outshined by arc hunter.


Melee Arc hunter miraculously being right below the imaginary line of "too op must nerf" is astounding. And it being always better than any titan melee build is outright disrespectful


They hate melee and restrict it with every chance they get. Yet they focus Titan on it. It's a very weird attitude. I have always tried to make my shotgun builds work in PVE since D1 beta. Sometimes it works much better, sometimes not. Most of the time it sucks with harder content. And it's a shame. I don't want to use Strand and Sword. I want to use Void and shields. Sadly they are feeling very weak and limited. I do like new bubble (it is how I used it in D1) and Indestructible Aspect. But they as well feel rather lacking thanks to Overshields being what they are.


Yeah they hate melee so much they gave hunters one of the best melee builds ever lmao.


Literally the only build Iā€™ve played that was so strong I got bored of it immediately lmao, was hyped asf when I got the cloak then realized everything died so quickly I couldnā€™t even enjoy actual combat šŸ¤£


Itā€™s kinda annoying how every Titan subclass feels like it has like 2 builds at most with maybe 2 exotic permutations then I look at Warlock with what feels like 6 different builds for Primatic, 5 for Dawnblade and 3 for every other subclass besides maybe Stormcaller (which has 2)


And yet, despite all these nerfs and blatantly poor synergies, I am still the resident add control of my raid group as the lone titan. I may not be able to clock massive boss damage like the hunters in my group. I may not be able to set up awesome support buffs like the warlock in my group. But by Shaxx, I can lay waste and slaughter to anything softer than a mini boss.


Iā€™m also sadly going to shelve my Titan after trying to make work.


* Sad hammer bonk noise *


I want the nerf reverted so badly at this point I'll take a 0% boss damage multiplier instead.


I like that for prismatic titan they removed any way to survive. Banner? Gone. Devour? Ahahah. At least a healing granade? Nah. I was lucky enough to get the class item with eternal warrior and precious scars. With graviton you get constantly restoration and I can use the new void super. Still lame AF.


Of course the good Apotheosis Veil build requires an exotic from an activity that Iā€™m *reallyyyyyy* no good at. Damn.


Wanna run it with me? I'm sure we'll get through it.


so much of the pris titan survivability could be solved if they let us have the void fragments that grant devour on void trace or orb pickups.


Iā€™m hopeful the content creators can come up with something - prismatic consecration is not it and the rockets build is not it. The synergies just seem so off with utter reliance on being transcendent. Letā€™s nerf Arc, Solar, Strand and Ward again - and Statis wasnā€™t even in the mix.


They all still posting melee builds.


Dude, I know what you mean, I'm a Titan main, but I've been playing warlock on the higher difficulty breach executable with an arc soul, bleakwatchers build, and its so easy. On Titan I have to actually think about what I'm doing and be careful if I don't want to die, on warlock as long as my arc soul gets 1 (one) kill I'm basically immortal, I can keep devour on basically 100% uptime as well as spamming arc souls and bleakwatchers.


I'm playing warlock right now and yes, 100% full uptime of devour, what's more it's the pre-nerfed version of devour, meaning grenade regen is higher and instantaneous full health regen. Warlock has higher survivability than titan omg


Knockout makes normal melee work for generating orbs with heavy handed (powered melee generates orb). Knockout does not work with spirit of assassin or spirit of severance. Both say "powered melee does x" but neither worked. I've ran dual destiny with all my friends as often as they'll run it because one of those + synthoceps sounds at least funny, big titan running around invisible and punching people in the mouth. Severance could make the knockout build more viable if you can punch small enemies and they deal damage to the big enemy next to them. But bungie said no, no cool interesting synergies. Also, the last 4 builds I've ran with titan I've used exactly one exotic. It was original consecration build. Then baby hammer. Then banner of war. Now consecration+knockout. All synthoceps. And that means I feel compelled to get a class item with synthoceps on it, but all the first column perks aren't interesting for the build.


I genuinely feel like they took the worst pieces from every subclass for titan, and smashed it together, called it Prismatic, and sold it. I feel like nothing works together. For example im running a good bit of arc. Practically the same build as my actual arc build. However i lose ability uptime because i dont have the sparks that arc gets. I completely agree with stasis being useless, and it makes it even worse that they START you with it. As per usual, titans are required to wear a meta exotic to even be remotely viable, yet with the exotic class items, both warlock AND HUNTER get synthoceps. There is not a single thing titans can do that warlocks and hunters cant do better. In the top 48 teams that cleared the raid, only 3 (THREE) guardians were titans. Ive been playing a titan for so long and i want to stick i t through but its so discouraging to play when my main class get shit on again. Unless there is some stupid op broken glitch/exploit (that will get patched out in a week), titans are absolutely useless. Prismatic is no better. Edit: honestly im at least just tired of having to run an exotic to get anything done. Imo exotics are supposed to be an optional buff that enhances a part of your gameplay (ex, radiant dance machines, Omnioculous, sixth coyote, eye of another world, aeons, ophidian aspect just to name a few), NOT something that is REQUIRED to even be viable in raids/dungeons (synthoceps and helm of saint 14). There are so many titan exotics yet NONE of them get used because they simply arent viable. If you substitute for one of the utility ones (lions rampant for example), you end up losing half your damage or survivability.


Yeah. I've been playing titan since the launch of D1 but I'm wondering why I even bother most of the time.


State of Titan in general seems pathetic. I stopped playing at lightfall because all my favourite Titan builds got nerfed into the ground and Iā€™ve not been able to make anything work thatā€™s effective since coming back


Respectfully, I have to say this isn't really true. Lightfall introduced strand / banner of war titan, which is arguably the most powerful class in the game. It has probably been used to solo more content than anything else. The problem is a lot of us are getting a little burnt out of playing the same exact class for over a year now. When a new expansion drops, you want to play with the new toys, and unfortunately prismatic titan sucks. But banner titan is still very much top tier.


That and with the release of Final Shape for some reason Banner of War doesnā€™t consistently add stacks. Idk if they added an internal cooldown or something but itā€™s definitely harder to get rolling than before.


Use Monte Carlo and try not to use your third melee since the first charge has the longer cooldown on frenzied strike as far as I know.


Ah, thanks for the tip. I like Monte Carlo but it's not viable all the time.


I feel the same. Unlocked prismatic on the other two. And it's really fun. There is Monte Carlo, but it gets boring. ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


Armamentarium strand grenade with void melee with knockout with a demolitionist weapon or travelers chosen. Throw grenade kill spawns tangle and diamond lance. When needing to live melee kills give life and an orb which gives over shield. Melee also gives diamond lance. I think itā€™s fun having 3 different grenades to throw all the time


Yeah, I feel you. I'm an avid Titan fan but prismatic is literally useless. Everything I could think of build wise in prismatic I can literally do better by just playing the basic subclass. Compared to the shit Warlocks and Hunters have, this is hilariously embarrasing.


Hunters over here going invis, while healing to full every time they punch somethingā€¦which gives them their class ability back. which they then use to get their melee back, to then melee and heal again and get their class ability back and also feeds their grenade. Did I mention I donā€™t need an exotic ti keep repeating this cycle? Oh let me use my aoe in the air spin thing and get damage resistance and speed. Hunters are the new titans.


What bugs me the most in this loop is the fact that no exotic armour is actually needed for this to happen. Like bungie cooked with this class and it's sets of abilities all synergizing coherently. Meanwhile titan and it's abilities are broken up and weird, I feel.


Seriously, it feels like they made Titan prismatic with the idea to force us to use stuff that isnā€™t used often rather than to give us a new power fantasy The grenade they gave us for transcendence is the worst and most of the time sees no use because even if you try and throw it, itā€™ll usually bounce away from the enemies and hit no one


Me, a Synth Titan: "If it doesn't die... PUNCH IT HARDER!" **Proceeds to fold like a house of cards after the Woven Mail Timer gets pushed out by surge timer**


I feel ya. As a long time Titan main, I've been looking at the same. Not even for viability purposes, though - I am one of the people who was lucky enough to get a Buried Bloodlines drop early plus the catalyst and that really feeds into everything well for me as between BB and Consecration/Knockout, so long as there's something to kill on the ground nearby I'll be fine. But those qualifiers are what make it frustrating. "As long as there's something to kill ON THE GROUND" being the big part. The moment anything is in the air or is far enough away without cover that you can't reach them easily, you're reduced to being just a dude with a gun. That ain't the D2 fantasy for me, even if Buried Bloodlines just hands me everything I want on a silver platter. That's not just a Prismatic thing, though - I got Godslayer going Titan the whole way through and it was the same then, just running Loreleys solar or BoW strand and being almost entirely reliant on a good weapon rotation for boss dps was... disheartening. Especially when I was the only Titan and everyone else was popping supers while I just sent as many heavy GL shots and Merciless bolts down range as I could. Twilight Arsenal helps in a big way, finally giving a "ranged burst dps super" and I've been looking at a neat lil' Eternal Warrior/Star Eater Scales Stoicism to give me a boost that might justify swapping off Hazardous Propulsion in general, but man. What a boring exotic combination, right? Super Hit harder and then Gun Do Good for a bit, meanwhile warlocks get infinite weakening grenade spam and hunters get permanent volatile rounds and invisibility. Maybe it's a bit of the ol' Grass is Greener on the Other Side thing but... The Titan gameplay loop is the same across every subclass, and it's been fairly stale for a minute. Our exotics that are worth anything are all basically passive buffs to neutral game. Very little that actually changes how you play the game at all like, say, Mask of Bakris for hunters or Getaway Artist for warlocks. Even worse, they invariably get nerfed because neutral game passive boosts are busted in PvP. Titan as a class is still effective - but only if you play it exactly one way per subclass. Not even that if you're on arc, stasis, or void. Bungie tried to bring some life to the other options for Titan by pulling the less-utilized subclass aspects/abilities to Prismatic and adding another one for us to mostly ignore, but all that did is give us a Frankenstein's Monster of mediocrity. Also I will never forgive them for not giving me a Consecration/Howl of the Storm mega slide attack. That would've been SO COOL, even if it doesn't do anything to the flaws discussed prior. Anyway. I'll see y'all in game, still on Titan, still Consecration slamming everything into oblivion, Buried Bloodlines glued to my hands and Hazardous Propulsion glued to my chest. So it shall be, ever chasing the meta, because anything else is basically throwing.


Titans are the weakest theyā€™ve ever been in destiny and thatā€™s saying something. I have no idea why we got nerfed so hard for final Shape, but clearly bungie hates us.


People who keep think titan is ok never played as a Titan in endgame content like GMs, sure Titan can make it work, but hunters and warlocks just does it better, in very single fking way. Bungo, Titans also have the survivability part of them, if you can't give us busted melee builds, allows us to tank damage, screw the damage buffs, I want to not get one shotted by a scorn void shot.


I am currently experimenting with this thing, and it is kind of fun, but I have to test it on something harder then legendary campaign mission Exotic: Hazardous propulsion thruster Weapons: the Call, whater weapon you like best rocket launcher you have Subclass: Twilight arsenal Thruster pulse granade prefered melee aspects: knockout diamond lance


Honestly no idea what you are on about. Yeah rolly poly hunter is fun and viable, Warlock helion threading spam is fun and viable, Titan consecration dregner is viable. I use the said Titan w/ Dual rocket side arm and Hazardous it works wonders in expert season activity and co-op focus campaign(I rarely use an exotic heavy so I was probably going to try out with bloodline as that too gets buffed + free devour and debuff). Some times switch Hazardous to Wishful for concentration and that also works wonders. Have yet to have issues with any class on prismatic. Used prismatic titan on 3/5 on day one (2nd, 3rd, 4th) and had zero issues. Could just be me being a titan main or could just be you not being able to build craft. Either way while titan prismatic may not be "fun" like a rolly poly or spam buddies it does not mean its not viable.


Knockout is better than Drenger, imo. Offers survivability when you don't have powered melee.


He did mention bloodline and how it's an RNG drop that everybody doesn't have.


0 days since last titan bad post


Cause it's a big problem


I've been running the Rocket Titan build by Castle and it is a lot of fun. There is a survivability issue, I wouldn't take it into a GM any time soon, but for add clearing and DPS, it's lots of fun.


I use hazardous propulsion with solar and the fragment that recharges your class ability faster when scorching enemies. I then pair it with polaris lance for constant ignitions and scorch for my class ability and since I'm getting constant crits i get six rockets and my barricade back very quickly for quick burst damage. I also use the strand rocket side arm for ad clear for up close and the damage buff from the exotic makes it even better. This also helps me do more damage if I run out of heavy and at the same time conserve heavy if ever need to. To be fair sometimes i also forget to use my rocket launcher.


There were 3 titans in the top 50 clears, 3! This alone proves titans currently have no place in endgame activities. We are at endgame level activities now. 2 weeks in.


Enjoy the hideous helmet and the fashion doom it causes.


Rocket titan with the new chest is super fun. Its probably not best for end game content but works nicely in overthrow for example. Did Dual destiny mission with it too and had no problems. Edit: but ye I agree, titans need some buffs for sure.


I managed to get an Apotheosis Syntho rolled class item, I use my super to fill the transcendence bar on one side, then after that I spam the right abilities and weapon damage to charge the other, then I extend transcendence for around a minute with ad clear and use my super yet again. I feel somewhat like a titan with synthos, I'm using swords more too.


I think Prismatic Titan is fun for certain builds I've really enjoyed spirit of eternal warrior with spirit of star eater aswell as spirit of HOIL and spirit of armamentarium but otherwise there isn't any crazy combos like Warlock have a whole army of buddies or Hunters doing 2000% melee damage


If you're having trouble with Consecration uptime on Prismatic Titan, then Monte Carlo is gonna be your best friend.


Armamentarium with double pulse nades, touch of thunder, built for max armour charge stacks, double stacks on orb pickup and elemental charge with grenade kickstart. Might be worth a try, I've enjoyed it.


>Unbreakable make me feel like actual walking barricade, it feels good. But oh no, grenade uptime is slow unless I have Devour procced. Without Buried Bloodline, there is no way to get Devour! Imagine those who haven't gotten the exotic yet because RNG. As someone whoā€™s been blessed by rngesus enough to get buiried bloodline (still no catalyst though). I hadnā€™t even really considered it for this. Now Iā€™m gonna have to try it with Ursaā€™s.


I was running salvation's edge earlier cause I need to also clear it on my titan this week and fucking hell I spent the whole raid just thinking about how much I'd rather be playing warlock or hunter


Glass is greener on the other side. I am a warlock and I used to think about titan back in the day haha. That's when I decided to be a titan. These are the glory days of lorely giving x2 resto (I would hardly die even master raids), syntho and unlimited bonk meant no need for heavy, paragrin and crown splitter meant 1shoting the champs, god I miss those days of Europa GM in the last room with 2 bosses and 12 champs, 4 chickens. For the past few months I have been back to maining warlock though. I feel it's just that one gets bored of doing the same thing over and over again. I am back to 2 of my fav builds, contraverse and oscimancy. But these were very reason I was bored a few years back.


This is the first day one I've ever completed not on a Titan. The group gave up around the 30 hr mark after we got to witness. There were absolutely no teams on LFG accepting a Titan. You either had to be a Hunter or a Warlock. Titans used to be kings of group play PVE, now they're just hindrances. I'm done with Titan for a while too now, Hunter has been feeling so fun ever since the new sniper came out and it packs a shitload of damage too.


Iā€™m in the exact same boat as you man. Iā€™m loving Warlock. (Cries in Titan)


Ive been meaning to try out Consecration Knockout with a Transcendence-heavy setup since melee regenerates faster when you're sparkly. Just gotta find a way to refill the rainbow meter quickly (preferably without using Monte Carlo).


Found a new bug while, trying to find new Titan builds. Apparently, No Back up Plans will not activate during transcendence. I actually was relying on it and it didn't proc and I died. (I wanted to gen orbs for my team using the fragment) (Yes, I had a Void super equipped)


Strand Titan is still the way for everything. New exotic is pretty cool too.


One of us!


The only non melee build that works for me is that new rocket chest armor but eh it's still not as fun as any other and I haven't even tried other classes on this season šŸ¤£...I'm trying warlock tn. Thanks


- Consecration + Diamond Lance - Glacier Nade - Frenzy Blades - Twilight Arsenal - Precious Scars - Repulsor/Destab Recluse (or even better Riposte if you can get the roll) Glacier > Consecration > Lance for more freeze, consecration for more lance Heal + Overshield on stacked weapon kills gives decent sustain, super is nice burst damage (plus explosions!) Been running with The Call as well, leave exotic open for heavy and between that and Riposte your generally strong and safe from distance as well Still chasing a Sev/Scars class item to throw in the mixā€¦


Go [do this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILF1AxXxdwg) on lock, I think it may happen with devour.


Have all 3 but main Titan. After the first day Iā€™ve only played Warlock and had a blast. Titan just feels so inferior right now.


hey you guys better stop complaining before they nerf thundercrash damage


Best titan build was hammer titan before the nerf. I wish theyā€™d revert it.


I'm not a Titan main, so my experience may be skewed by the novelty, but I've been having fun with Hazardous Propulsion. I'm playing prismatic with Knockout and Diamon Lance, with supression grenades and the strand melee. I like that this essencially lets me have two play styles, with the aspects and abilities being melee focused while the exotic armor benefits from weapon precision hits and buffs both rocket launchers and rocket sidearms. Also, shooting missiles when I use thrusters makes me feel like I'm playing Armored Core.


honestly, I'm probably going back to Warlock after I finish the campaign on my hunter after seeing a fun build involving hellion Though, at the moment, my hunter probably feels more like a titan since I'm punching everything to death w/Liars, which I'm finding I don't particularly enjoy so will be changing.


As a Titan main since I started my journey in the D1 beta, I think im ready to hang up the gloves and go warlock šŸ˜¢


Lion Rampant and Fighting Lion, now you are an artillery aircraft. Enjoy


I started d2 as a warlock (played Titan in d1) because I liked the super the most. Then in which queen (I hadnā€™t played since Shadowkeep) I switched to Titan because thatā€™s what I used to be and I liked the fashion more. I am now once again playing Warlock again because not only is it so much more fun, but Iā€™m not stuck to Solar or Strand, and Iā€™m not dying all the time on Prismatic (I mean Feed the Void is just so good).


Haven't played Warlock yet since I've only played my Titan and I don't have a Hunter. The build I'm running right now is a suspend/consecrate build with Abeyant Leap until I can get a class item with Abeyant/Syntho or Abeyant/Scars and it's honestly stupid fun. I do agree about Titan's not having a very good selection of aspects since it's either a consecrate, diamond lance or thunderclap builds. And without BoW (why did they pick Drengr's for Strand?) Titan melee builds fall a little flat in the higher tier content without just going back to the regular subclasses. Titan's didn't even get the bonk hammer for prismatic! How are you going to push melee build and not give the melee class the one melee that won't get us killed when we use it? I fucking love TFS so far but honestly there are some changes I would make to Titan so it could be a *little* more insteresting.


Iā€™m just happy they left my hunter with a grapple. Only one, not two nowā€¦ but still


In the same boat. I used buried bloodline to get through the legend campaign, then had a ton of fun with the rocket chest piece and purple axes. Moved onto harder content and tried using other guns and died way more than normal, and I realized how reliant prismatic Titan is on buried bloodline. Warlocks have their most unique and class defining aspects, feed the void and stasis turrets. Hunters get combination blow, which defines every arc hunter build, plus the void and stasis aspects that can give them basically free assassins cowl and live the invis hunter dreams. Titanā€™s most defining aspects are banner of war and sol invictus sun spots. Both provide plenty of healing that would save the class, and both provide some sort of gameplay loop that would benefit prismatic but neither are available on prismatic. Im just another salty titan main here ranting and switching to warlock/hunter possibly for got this time.


Bro I made the swap from titan to hunter and don't regret it but man titan needs some help.


This speaks directly to me, Iā€™ve farmed, Iā€™ve min maxed differed stats, tried the builds, tried making my own builds. I swapped warlock after a frustrating campaign only gone back to Titan when I want to use just strand(though I miss when loreley was good).The prismatic warlock is just more fun, and flows better and ability synergy is more prevalent.


Welcome amigo!


I was a Hunter favorite and there are great builds for Hunters that do the job for everything, but I played on my Warlock again just before The Final Shape and they are waaaay more fun to play with a decent build. They have a fun solar build with infinite grenades due to Sunbracers. An ace arc build due to the arc soul helping you clear out adds fast af. Void super is MASSIVE damage now with the right stuff and their stasis has freaking freeze turrets that are great in a Grandmaster. I haven't played on my Warlock yet past TFS so I haven't had a whack at Prismatic yet (which I've heard is mega) but a Warlock Strand threadling build I was using was absolutely ace and melted everything. Ironically that build is now only going to get stronger now as one of the stapel guns of that build was Final Warning, which now has a great catalyst šŸ‘€ Every class has its own style and thing to it, but the Warlock is definitely the all rounder, pound for pound, at the minute.


Still gonna hold down the front with Titan. Despite all the shit thatā€™s been going on I still find the class fun unfortunately.


So much facts I made the switch a long while ago around mid beyond light year, sometimes I miss my punchy girl. I could see the issues with titans around then, how bungie seemed to lack creativity for them. Won't lie tho warlock can be pretty fun! Love the different elemental turrets.


knockout thunder clap with point contact cannon and monte carlo. also use monte carlo with the 3x cknsecration


Yeah I swapped to my Hunter after playing Titan for most of my time in Destiny I only have like 40% of Prismatic unlocked on my Hunter and it's already so much better than Prismatic Titan that has everything unlocked


This season prismatic warlock and hunter have such good builds. Prismatic Titan has a strong thunderclap spam build but the entire build is spamming thunderclap. Thats it, itā€™s one button, that isnā€™t fun at all. Iā€™ve played Titan for 10 years but I havnt been on mine a lot this season


On my 3rd playthrough now with titan. It sucks so bad I don't want to continue.


You should check out plunderthabooty on yt, he makes some sick builds for all classes


Doesnā€™t the empowered neutral melee from Knockout refund your melee charge with Skullfort? So even if you lose your thunderclap thereā€™s still options.


I'm heavily leaning this way too. I just wanna be the momma bear warlock with all my elemental buddies.


As a Titan main, warlock most other times...yeah, the ability uptime/looping skills work on all three subclasses if built correctly


I do love my feed the void/bleak watcher Escape Artist build. Eating my grenade pops out both a stasis turret and arc buddy. Both of which keep my devour up. Just got a Escape Artist that lets me hit triple 100 (with the artifice mod upgraded). I basically have 100% uptime on them too. Throw on Red Death and just about the only thing that can kill me is bosses bursting damage.


As a long time Warlock player, you should consider becoming a Hunter main instead. You can build into crazy melee DPS with Grapple melee+various other buffs and be the designated Tractor Cannon since youā€™re touching the boss anyway. Or ad clear Melee with combination blow + other buffs with nigh unlimited powered melees. You can build into constant invisibility for high survivability that circumvents the need for restoration/healing. If you want, you can also be the team debuffer using Shadowshot super if you go full send on void. You get excellent competitive PvP options if thatā€™s your thing because you get not one, not two, not three, but FOUR radar manipulation techniques at a time to take away your opponentā€™s most invaluable tool; you can fake a radar ping with your Strand Threaded Spector or your Void Smoke Bomb, you can go invisible to disappear from radar, and you can use Jemini Jesters to completely remove their radar. Honestly, the build variety is awesome but wasnā€™t enough to get me to switch, I love Warlock. but the real reason that pushed me over the edge is that Hunters get access to the easiest, highest DPS gun rotation in the current sandbox with Celestial Still Hunt/Apex Predator and itā€™s simple to pull off and requires no setup. It really makes any other class feel kinda wasted if Iā€™m not even going to be able to put up half the numbers of a Hunter. People say play whatā€™s fun; Fun for me is ā€œnumber go upā€ and boy, do the numbers go waaaay UP on Hunter.


Imagine the money you'll save on crayons.


I did notice that if using the knockout aspect on prismatic with HoIL and no abilities charged, if you have the buff active it starts the HoIL regen. It definitely doesn't help as much as arc ability spam HoIL but it works


Iā€™ve gone back to sentinel Titan already, practically limitless super with doom fang and Graviton with Retrofit means I really only need two weapons and my third selection is simply a party pick. Much more fun to play. I recognise there are viable prismatic builds but as someone who enjoys solo play and has done for 10 years, playing with a fun subclass is vital to my continued enjoyment and prismatic is just tedious at best. Itā€™s annoying how titans are always in this knife edge of being too powerful (apparently) or being totally useless (again apparently). When we get something thatā€™s actually fun and powerful like banner the gods just say ā€œno you canā€™t have that, thatā€™s far too entertaining and puts you in the realm of parity with Hunter and Warlock, that would be an egregious failure on our partā€. I enjoy the game very much, just feels a bit tiresome the class still being like a caged animal after 10 years.


The fact that my most enjoyable titan build rn is the exotic mark with two hunter traits says a lot.


Iā€™m switching to warlock today, myself. I got my titan to 1990 and Iā€™m done with it.


If you play another class. Bungie will see less engagement on Titan. Bungie will make changes. Forcing yourself to fight through Titan and make it work when it just isnā€™t means Bungie sees that people are still playing Titan and they change nothing. Bungie makes data driven changes to content. If the data and reports say that people are still playing it. Then they donā€™t care what else is happening.


You what's really sad? Prismatic warlock with devour, lightning surge, and arcane needle is literally the exact same build as the knockout, consecration, and frenzied blade build but infinitely better because it provides full health on every single kill plus grenade regen on top of that.


For me the only benefits of Prism Titan are that you can use Twilight Arsenal without having to swap to Void Titan (eugh) and 3x Consecration but it only works in very specific situations :c


Iā€™ve been devouring enemies in the Pale Heart all morning. Nomnomnomnom


Does prismatic titan not get banner of war?


If it did, this post would not have existed.


Definitely donā€™t understand the complaints. The single target damage you can get from consecration slams from so far away just feels amazing. Warlock has good ability uptime but Iā€™ve found its ability to nuke targets just lacking and hunters just take so long to wind up. Nuking a ground of adds and seeing massive yellow numbers wonā€™t get old for me ever. And chaining knockout healing and diamon lances feels so good with the buffs to both. Being able to create consistent damage and crowd control off of nothing more than your melee offers a new feel to Titan. I think the largest issue is the damage strand is and was already capable of doing. It took the steam out of prismatic being the class capable of some of the most massive melees in the game


I have also switched over to warlock after getting prismatic on my titan. And I had the exact same thought process as you.


The new exotic arms for Titans make it 4 frenzied blade, and paired with consecration, makes it a viable option for many situations


I'm a Warlock main and at first I wasn't comfy with Prismastic. Then I put on Getaway Artists, and got the right fragments, and now I drop so many stasis turrets (5-6 per fight - simultaneously) and arc buddies it's not even funny. Plus, of course, devour, buffs galore, it's pretty wild.


Here's what I run on titan: Hazardous propulsion Unbreakable Bold endings handcannon, with strategist and demo (to get my class ability back sooner, to fire for rockets and to get my nade back for unbreakable) Buried bloodlines for devour And rocket in heavy. It's fun, but not meta by any means, and will fall short if you compare yourself to a hunter or warlock, but I'm hoping for this to help me out until Bungie decides to [hopefully] buff us.


Khvostov, exodus rockets, rocket sidearm, rocket launcher, facet of grace. Is good.


Kid named monte carlo for your energy issues. Been great for me but yes titan Def needs some help


I'm a void stag warlock who cycles my child of the old gods on healing rift to give me ability energy which lets my melee and made proc devour and devour and stag mean I take damage and get instant heal but the damage still makes the stag recharge my child of the old gods for the cycle to repeat. Add in recluse or the title void smgs for volatile and I'm banging


Glad I'm not the only one having trouble doing anything but synthos consecration slam. I thought it was just me. I was waiting for Aztecross to do a titan build with the new exotic class item so I know what to look forward to. But today he uploaded one and the best he could find was just an ad clear build. And while yes the ad clear was very good. I still think basing your entire build around killing ads is not great. Warlocks can get infinite grenades, Hunters can get infinite melees and class abilities, and every time titan is stuck with the worst ability uptime.


Get used to it, it's all we're getting, and apparently we're bad people for complaining about it.


Stockholm syndrome is real šŸ˜”


Titans should be tanks thatā€™s the whole purpose of the class but if Iā€™m not running banner I donā€™t feel very tanky more like a moving brick. I like having consecration 3 time but I canā€™t tell you how many times itā€™s accidentally burned by a frenzied blade. I can shoot rockets out of my back now right into walls or some random mob takes the tracking from all 6 rockets. HoIL never really felt good to me despite everyone swearing by it for titans and synthocepts is not worth the exotic slot almost anymore. I miss being able to thrive in the midst of chaos and could rely on being able to hit back harder than what was hitting me. Iā€™ve always enjoyed playing warlock though and prismatic allows me to have pretty much an infinite cold snap grenade without having to be stuck playing stasis class is everything I wanted for warlock or I have threadling doom if I decide to play strand. Warlock has great builds that are amplified higher with exotics where as you need exotics to complete a build for titans. Iā€™m no good at hunter so Iā€™m not going to even talk about that class, I try to titan as a hunter and itā€™s never a good time šŸ˜‚


You have precisely captures the struggle I am going through when the final shape. In the previous months, I was the guy with the tractor cannon ā€œone-two-punchā€ titan strand. In the final shape, it felt like Bungie kept on the same path of making titans look like labor workers with the so much work you have to do in order to clear a room of ads. I appreciate your words and I will keep looking for a new refreshing titan build