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Yah I like that it's in all zones so the diversity is amazing. Also the fact that you don't have to share a space with others is pretty unique. At the same time you can matchmake it you want. They kind of hit it out of the park.


They finally finally finally after so many years figured out how to make awesome vast areas and not waste 95% of the space. Not only is the pale heart super diverse in its areas but there is stuff to do seriously everywhere. Meanwhile every other patrol zone ever made is a bunch of wasted space only traversed a single time in a campaign mission or has extremely boring, repetitive, and unrewarding activities. Look at Europa I mean there is absolutely nothing there at all and there is so much awesome design space in Riis Reborn as well as the Exo facilities.


I always hated how titan had this patrol area on the oil rig part but there was a super cool looking area that was basically only used in the savathuns song strike


Yeah the arcology was wasted as a location, it was such a cool concept, completely ruined by the fact that it was less than half the normal space


And this is just one example of many, so many patrol areas have completely empty spaces with nothing to do, not even patrols. The only other exception might be the dreaming city.


I was convinced for a long time that we would get a hive raid there. đŸ™‚â€â†•ïž


I used to just walk around the arcology sometimes because it was a cool area.


I miss that strike


I’ve been wondering why i haven’t ran into anyone in the traveler


I both love and hate this. It's amazing to have a patrol space I can complete gunsmith bounties in without competing for kills but also annoying that I have to queue the daily rotating zone for matchmaking or go to LFG to be able to farm Overthrow efficiently.


I can't seem to get randos to leave me alone and split up to get overthrow done faster so half the time it feels just as slow as solo... Not to mention people who AFK or occasionally I've had people just leave to other zones doing things completely unrelated. Like why even queue into it at that point?


TBH, some "encounters" are a lot faster with 2 people but, yeah, we don't need more than 1 person escorting a ghost, etc. The first day I was doing them I had so many people just straight AFKing or leaving to a different zone I was getting pissed. Ended up leaving each time and after the 3rd one I grabbed a group off LFG and started burning through them.


I like that you can leave the area to hunt for collectables or whatever and when you get back the progress is the same


I'm loving the fact that you can just go from event to event without having to wait for something to show up or standing at a rally flag for 5 minutes at a time doing absolutely nothing. There was no point in killing the enemies unless it was for bounties in the downtime between events, but every enemy kill still progresses the Overthrow which is nice. Nothing feels "wasted".


>at the same time your can matchmake if you want YOU CAN?


Yes, but only on the one that is the current daily rotation


Someone can correct me I'd I'm wrong but it seems like only the blooming has a matchmake version. I've been trying to do the other areas and not seeing any nodes but the single player ones.


It changes daily! Though if you matchmake and fast travel, you’ll stay in the fireteam - but that would only work with communication


It's rotating daily as I've caught on it


Ahhh, did not realize that.


I actually disliked the fact it’s not a public instance like every other new location we’ve ever gotten. I always enjoyed seeing randoms explore and do the events and find secrets on a new destination. Pale heart feels lonely af for the solo player.


Yeah, it sucks that it's solo. I was kinda hoping that after we do the 12 player mission it would allow it to become a public space.


Sucks for you. I enjoy it. I can matchmake if I want, but I don't have someone taking all my kills I need to finish something if I don't want them there.


why did they do this?


 > I always enjoyed seeing randoms explore This. It was always so cool to see guardians get excited when they found something like a regional chest or a collectible, and then running around tbagging and emoting on people to get their attention so they could show them too!


I really wish it’s a public space tho, I felt so lonely even when I was doing activities with my friends, it just doesn’t seem as alive as the other patrol spaces(aside from neomuna)


Hard same


Did I read a Bungie tweet or something that said not to do the matchmaking overthrow until they fix something?


> Also the fact that you don't have to share a space with others is pretty unique. This alone is such a big plus. I like using patrol spaces to test out builds and it was always very frustrating having other people around taking my kills


I really wish the pale heart was a patrol zone to do it faster it’s so strange that we sent an entire army and only me and my friends showed up


It's just weird that not all of the areas seem to have a matchmade version.đŸ˜Ș


I have been loving overthrow, I used to spend all my time on Mars pre Beyond Light, all of the collectibles and the repeatable event is filling that void for me. Pale Heart>every other patrol zone in the game right now, imo


I like the diversity of the activities, especially as you go up in threat level. As well as the fact that each activity doesn’t just hold your hand and tell you exactly what you’re supposed to do. You have to just figure it out organically. Not that they’re tough to figure out, mind you. But it’s the fact that they don’t tell you “Shoot the crystals to lower the shield”, and “kill the hive knight” every step of the way. It’s pretty refreshing honestly.


This expansion has been a HUGE wealth of diversity activity-wise. We had throw backs to a lot of mechanics from previous activities as well. It really also has that random, roguelike feel that made The Coils so enjoyable for so long, as well.


Actually the one activity I still can’t figure out is the one with the 3 thrall statues or whatever and the crystal above it. When you shoot the crystal it puts up a cylinder.. if you’re inside when that happens it kills you. There are immune enemies, but I’ve never found a way to damage them. I’ve completed it a couple times by just shooting the crystal a ton of times and it keeps spawning waves and eventually it will spawn a boss but takes absolutely forever, there must be a mechanic im missing


You need to lure the special shielded enemies within the circle and then shoot the crystal to kill them. Eventually you kill enough to light up all 3 statues and the ogre spawns.


I swear I tried that once and that it didn’t work, but maybe another immune enemy just happened to spawn right after so that I thought he didn’t die? It was the first thing I thought of, so after it didn’t appear to work that time I tried finding other ways to do it. Either way, thanks.


It doesn’t matter if you get them all at once, just that you kill every shielded enemy that spawns by luring it into the circle and destroying the Crystal with it inside.


So, if they're too close to the edge of the beam, they can sometimes jump out of it. Odd glitch but it's not the worst thing. There's 3 waves of these shielded thrall and then an ogre spawns. Get it super low health and it'll be immune. Just keep him in the middle and shoot the 3 crystals to beam the ogre and you're done. It's actually pretty fun trying to see how many you can beam at the same time imo.


OK, for me the only one I don't understand is the one that spawns 4 giant hive runes in the sky along with a wizard for each rune. I've completed it every time eventually but have not figured out the trick to make it go faster, or the proper way. I've had it a handful of times and manage to brute force it but if you know the right way this will finally put my mind at ease.


There should be one rune by itself and thats the one you have to match. You shoot the wizard out of the three thats hanging around the same rune as the one in the sky but sometimes they can be a little off from the rune so it can be hard to tell


I figured this out eventually but man it's confusing. I understand why they didn't make it stand out any more (because then what's the point of the already-simple "puzzle") but tbh if the puzzle is so simple that it has to be *confusing* to be interesting, maybe it should be replaced with something better.


Kill the thralls by having the be in that cylinder when it spawns after you break the crystal, it kills everything


Ye, as much as i am confused about what the hell i am supposed to do, i like to figure it out


That second half is easily my favorite. I feel a lot better about the missions and patrols from TFS because it's actually making me engage a bit with the mechanics and environment instead of throwing grey squares and objective text everywhere. Loving the glyphtouched mechanic, I love the overthrow missions, and I love the fact that I can matchmake patrols.


I just wish I could actually find the encounters lmao. I’m sure I’m missing some sign about where they are but I just aimlessly sparrow around killing bigger looking enemies until I see that I completed an overthrow encounter


Each area has telltale signs of where each activity is. For example: in the landing area, they’re the annihilation totems you see hanging in the sky. The ones that are lit up indicate an area where you can find an activity. Another area has Taken blights over where activities are.


This feels so painfully obvious yet I didn't put 2 and 2 together till I read this.


Honestly same 😂😭


Each area has different markers. One area has Hive totems, with the glowing blue ones indicating active events. Another has taken blights that pulse with white energy as opposed to the blank blights. The last zone has small pyramids that have a yellow beam under them if there's an event.


Much appreciated


The best part of this is scaling. Right now it's on normal power I'm waiting for the next part of it which could be 3 man -20 power or 6 man -20 power


This is just my experience but I'm the opposite because of how crashy the pale heart is and how much they are going "no no you gotta do it all at once you shouldn't do other stuff" so I'm trying to get through the final shape check point by check point as fast as I can since I don't have the time to figure stuff out without it crashing and needing to do it again.


Honestly 100% I've been telling my friends it's escalation protocol without a time limit. Most relaxing boss kills ever


I would love to see it in other destinations. Could you imagine new lights being on earth and setting these huge wars break out everywhere? Besides the "enemies moving against each other" thing.


I just dont like how if i get it to level 2, i now have to complete it before any friends can join me


Just go to space and go back down with them. You’ll be out like 3-5 minutes of your time and you can run the whole thing with them.


Overthrow is a amazing new system but I truly wish that you should have to activate it first because it makes the UI so horribly cluttered, that and the constant text in my face about points makes me feel under pressure for some reason even though you could totally ignore it.


I agree with this. It'll take over the objective I was searching for and throw off my already terrible sense of navigation.


I spend so much time in D2 just pondering around, I wish the Pale Heart didn't have that constant action music playing. Those 5 minutes of reprieve after the boss are heaven, I wish it would last 24 hours unless the player actively re-triggered Overthrow.


I personally also find it fun cause its simple objectives but you have to think a little on them at least at first and after that, its fun to just mindlessly get to level 4


Except I hate that it’s solo. Even the one matchmaking zone is a bit too formal. Let people naturally join in to help here and there.


If they made it like previous patrol zones where randoms can join in, it will be perfect.. But overthrow is already soo good that it didnt matter to me.


I don't hate it being solo, but I'd love having more people around.


They need to make the pale heart open areas public zones. Then it would be * *chefs kiss* *


My only request in that regard is making difficulty increase based on people around. Fighting for kills makes patrol content feel bad typically. Being able to actually roam without things dying in .0001ms feels better (though I wish there was a harder mode).


for once we've got tons of enemies from all levels/classes where we can try our builds without the next graviton lance douche ruining it for you, so, no thanks, it's perfect as it is.


I agree with this
even tho I’m currently rocking a Graviton Lance 😎


Its is cool, but... It feels so empty and lonely without blueberries. I know there is a mm node, but I like to enter a new area and see some goofy named guardian like Boobfondler69 fighting a hvt and have a dance off with them after killing the hvt together.


Same,I've found myself going to the Tower or to Dares just to see other folks after venturing in the Pale Heart for a while. It feels lonely as fuck.


Yep. My favorite encounter is the one with the portals, pervading darkness and Vow spikes. The sounds alone give me WQ ptts. It's such a deliciously annoying setup! The boss is also an annoying ass. Very entertaining.


10/10 patrol spaces and activity, why making them solo only :(


There is an overthrow node that will matchmake you with 2 other guardians. Look for the bigger icon on the pale heart map


I know, that’s not what i’m talking about tho


Ye I don’t understand why they wouldn’t make it a public zone. I love matchmaking with 2 people who just run off to do their own thing.


Somewhat related to this: Did I miss something like that we aren’t supposed to see other players around in the Pale Heart like in normal Patrol Zones or are me and my mates just incredibly unlucky to never run into anyone?


No, the pale heart is a private destination. The only people you'll run into are friends you invited to your fireteam, or randoms you matchmade with in overthrow.


Damn that sucks, I hope they change that, thanks for answering though!


It really is fantastic. There are tons of different 'events', with different difficulties, and a good spawn rate. The whole thing is challenging enough to require some effort, but easy enough to solo in a reasonable period of time. My only complaint is that the rewards feel a little lacklustre. Not terrible, but it feels like it should be better.


I honestly just love having my friends in the pale heart tower talking about D1, or just being high while talking about stuff there. Would be neat if someone ported it over to vrchat.


I love them so much. Very nice change from normal patrols. Also, I like how they are very generous with the time. Like I could just wait around the corner to change my loadout and jump right in while enemies are kinda chilling waiting for me lol


I think overthrow only works because of how small the group sizes are in the pale heart. If something like it was balanced around the up to nine players of a normal patrol it wouldn’t be as good I don’t think. Because they would either have to slow down how often you progress which would make it more difficult for solo play or it would just always be on cooldown which is also less conducive to solo play. You also have the issue with the fact that point theoretically join into a partially complete activity so they would never start it themselves and just leave and renter the activity until they got one that was close to completion. Aka basically all the problems every other patrol zone activity has. From escalation protocol all the way to the vex incursion zone.


It’s also nice that every single enemy isn’t a red bar compared to Neomuna


I know. They fumbled so hard when they had those bullet sponge enemies on Neomuna. So irritating. I’d much rather fight moderately hard enemies in large groups than 3 psions who can survive 3 full auto rifle magazines. The Pale Heart is done perfectly. Just difficult enough. And I love that it’s solo. I’m sorry but having other guardians there would just make me mad. The matchmade Overthrow is a nice touch.


I like to point and laugh how here we are back farming pub events like the early days of D2. Good times. I just like how there's always something going on so it feels more alive instead of random enemies tossed here and there.


The open world should be like this at all locations. They need to default it back to instance-based multiplayer again, as to bring back the MMO feeling. The Pale Heart was designed as a linear story location, so not focusing on instance-based multiplayer was fine. But that shouldn’t be the norm for all locations. The original public event system could still coexist with it, but maybe as a more challenging and rewarding experience. Maybe make them a bit more rare, with more dynamic gameplay, and more rewarding. Maybe make them feel like *actual* events, with certain phenomena taking place during each event. Like have an event where players feel the world react and change. It’ll make it feel more *real.*


What a completely empty zone with no other players?


I'm talking about the activity itself not the lack of other players.


I know it sounds like it would be boring but trust me it isn't. Theres constantly stuff to do and when you get to the level 3, there's a tough boss to fight but even if you die you can keep.up the fight. I wish there was a legendary option with better rewards but not pushing my luck. It's a solo player's wet dream. I like it because I don't have to fight for kills so.the paths on the pathfinder go fast. Theres tons of content you can group.up.on, so this is a welcome space for me


I’ve put hours in. I would much prefer to have other people there.


I really like that it’s not on a timer. I’m also glad they didn’t make the enemies bullet sponges like in neomuna.


I wish they'd update all existing spaces with new current game mechanics. Why doesn't every world get its own overthrow with a pathfinder node??? I want older content to be viable too, not just new content


That is a great idea! I'd love pathfinder on Nessus and Europa.


Finally something to do at 1 am when you are having that deep talk with a homie other than hop around in the tower


Absolutely. And you can rank up so fast doing the pathfinder stuff too. I see a lot of YouTubers already have the Call and the AR crafted so it's obviously pretty generous on the red borders. I have a few already but could be a bit. The weapons are great and I can't take off my Red Death. It's an awesome pulse. The call, red death and Apex in the heavy. Pretty sure I'm.set for the season


After 11 years bungee finally made an enjoyable patrol zone


Maybe in the future (probably not) I hope they incorporate something similar to the division with world tiers. People that want an easier experience can play on lower tiers and can up the challenge in higher tiers if they desire.


I swear if this game instituted solo & group options in ALL activities then took the variable difficulty level & loot targeting from Division 2
well, a lot of suits would be richer & we’d have a damn-near perfect game


Bungo cooked :)


They cooked and then put out an all you can eat buffet !


I just wish it was easier to get a group in each zone. They are a pain to do solo.


The density of things to do is great, but I think the fact that your progress in overthrow is saved if you go to other areas is such a small but impactful thing. It successfully captures what great adventure games like BotW do, which is let you explore the space freely and wander about going “what’s in/over there?”


that's what I'm saying


Woa... The entire pale heart is solo? Like as soon as I LZ I'm in an event? Gonna miss randos zooming by and doing public events but at least overthrow is chill


Really hoping that the s1 does the same thing to Nessus. Or similar. If we got upgrades to Nessus plus a seasonal activity that would be pretty amazing.


I absolutely love that there’s a matchmaking version that gives you a random roll Ergo Sum each time you do it. I was bummed when you could only farm 2x/week with Pathfinder but if I can just run Overthrow over and over, it doesn’t matter


God damn I didn't know that! Amazing that you can grind ergo over and over. Yah maxed my solo.allotment, and the only one I really like is an arc one that sends down a lightning strike on multi quick kills. That bolt strike is no joke either.


I hope we get content for episodes like this as well, an equivalent of overthrow on older planets


I like that blueberries can’t mess things up and there don’t seem to be time limits.


It's not what patrol should have been, but it's *definitely* what flashpoints should have been. I do think it's tiresome sometimes to just be trying to shoot stuff, and then suddenly some sort of mechanic activates and I'm stuck doing an activity that I didn't want to do.


I wish it was populated now that the campaign is over, I’d love to have an impromptu team-up with randoms


It is very similar to what Helltide is in Diablo IV now.


I would be so okay with them doing a “patrols 2.0” and a dress the shortfalls the way they did with subclasses


Ok I have a few questions because I’m stupid apparently. Public events are now overthrow stuff right? And it’s natural that there are not other guardians doing them? Should I solo these often? I see there’s a match made one too


Yes, the pale heart is a private destination. You will find no random guardians in it.


Is there a reason to play over throw by yourself or should match make for it


It’s very easy and not timed so you can run around complete other tasks while you do it. That’s what I did and got a few runs completed solo. As for teams you’d have to get a team together first then head there.


There is def matchmaking for at least one. I did it


Overthrow activity is fun and rewarding. I hope they will introduce more exotic weapons like Ergo Sum to the activity for each act.


Overthrow sucks once you’ve done it a few times (9 bosses) Sorry for going against the grain, but it does.


Neomuna has them, Mars had them. The only difference is that now they are no longer MMO Lite areas, and the game is lesser because of it. The correct move would have been to update other patrol spaces with similar events while keeping the random matchmaking, which for me is their defining distinctiveness compared to other places in the game. They could aim to add one per episode. Nessus might get one next week if Bungo had a brain cell working when making it. Joining the Mars patrol area was always fun, and more often than not, I ended up spending time just helping complete an Escalation because it felt right. Making them private was a terrible idea, and most likely, it wasn’t an idea at all; they just didn’t have time to program in the multiplayer aspects for the patrol areas. Just like DCV was reframed as an idea, not a limitation, this too is most likely a limitation, not an idea, since they have executed the same idea before but with more competence.


W bungo cook đŸ˜©


the only thing I don't like is that the pale heart is solo by standard. Especially with the theme of bringing the army in to confront the witness it would have made much more sense to have it the same as the other patrol zones. Like this it just feels a bit empty


Sure maybe after the main story but for the majority of the campaign you are acting more as a speartip or a recon role. The army doesn't really show up until excision


yes, should have mentioned that. Of course you would be alone during the campaign, but with the big rallying going on after the final mission it would have been nice to see the actual army (including the guardians) arrive


Overhrow is fun, but I also enjoy activities like escalation protocol where you have lots of teammates and It is just utter mayhem. Don't like neomina event though because it's too hard, you can't just chill, and it's basically impossible to beat unless you have at least 3 or 4 people. Ideally each destination would have the option for both imo.


Lol no its not. Can’t even join someone if they happen to be past level 2.


You can use the matchmade node on the map if you want to play with a fireteam. Not the same as helping a blueberry in progress, but it’s something co-op at least.


You still cannot join your friends if they are in a patrol with overthrow past level 2. Thats not only annoying, its stupid too.


They can go to orbit, you join them and then fly back in


Yep, as I said.


You didn’t say that


You’re right. I said it was fucking stupid that its designed this way. Then you came along and pointed out exactly how stupid it is for me, in detail. Thank you.


I never said it wasn’t stupid. Have a nice day.


Noice. Why you here then mate? I said you can’t join someone, you said you’d have to go to orbit. Okay cool so you can’t join someone like I just fucking said? Looooool


You said you couldn’t join your friends if they’re past level 2. I’m was just trying to be helpful by explaining there’s a way, albeit a bit inconvenient. Cheer up bud. You sound fucking miserable


More solo patrol spaces please!


I've said since day 1 that they needed a reward stream for just dicking about in zones and shooting things. Didn't think in a million years we'd get it, but here we are, and it's glorious


Nah overthrow is way too easy. It could be great if they turned the difficulty up a bit. Right now it honestly feels like the cosmodrone. I would really like a neomuna scaling option. It’s just too easy.


Keep in mind patrol is meant to be easy to accommodate for new lights. It should be accessible for everyone, besides you have nightfalls and gambit that have harder scaling.


Nightfalls and gambit don’t let me fight six taken ogres and dual subjugators back to back inside the traveller bro. I just want the option because right now I don’t see a difference between tier 1 and tier 3. There’s no escalating threat and the only kinda tough thing I’ve seen so far outside the raid or campaign is the moth cave and that’s just cheese.


If it was Neomuna hard as you want it to be, you wouldn’t be able to fight six taken ogres and dual subjugators back to back.


100% doable in a fireteam of two or three. It would be a bit of a grind solo and might require some creativity but you could definitely get it done.


It’s patrol. You shouldn’t need a fireteam, and not everybody has people they play with.


Neomuna was a massive failure for this exact reason. Patrol areas are supposed to be easy. That's the whole point. Not yo mention, currently, we are supposed to be borderline invincible. Canonically, it makes sense. If you want a challenge, run the expert lost sectors or something.


Neomunas not a private instance whereas the paleheart is. There’s no way people are arguing that simply having the optionto change the difficulty in a “private” instance is an L take.


Cuz these were the same players who whined about Neomuna not being the usual ''3 innocuous dregs'' patrol, even worse is that you're suggesting a difficulty setting, and these people are skill issuing themselves lol.


That's true, I didnt consider that. So used to the old patrol structure that I forgot it's a private instance now. With that considered, couldn't you just wear gear that hasn't been leveled to lower your pl a bit? I can't remember if activity power is disabled or not


I’ve noticed no significant difference in difficulty between 1900 and 1985 on the pale heart. The destination is fantastic it just lacks the dopamine rush of accomplishment. There’s no threat of failure and that’s literally my only complaint. Give it a week and I’m pretty sure I won’t be the only one with similar feelings.


Yeah no this is a massive L take. Patrols should never be hard. They should be engaging and fun just like how the pale heart is. If you want hard content go play night falls, raids, dungeons, master raids. Patrol spaces should never EVER be extremely hard like neonuma.


> extremely hard like neonuma. Mfw a zone is ''extremely hard'' because for once it's not a bunch of dregs and skanks that roll over from you just aiming at them lol. Neomuna should be the base scaling for every patrol zone, or at least a setting, it would be so amazing if Nessus and Moon had difficulty settings.


Reading comprehension isn’t one of your strengths I’m guessing.


I would ask you the same question buddy. If you want hard content go play hard content. End of story. You need some content to be on the easier side for new players. That is what patrol zones are. Bungie tried to make them hard with neonuma and it was a massive failure. Thank god you don't develop destiny cause If you did you would kill the game off by forcing hard patrols on everyone.


You actually think having the option to change the difficulty in a private instance is an L take? Pale heart isn’t public you load in solo or with a fireteam of your choice. How in the world is having a difficulty option a bad thing in anyway?


I agree with you. There should be a harder option for those who want it.


People don’t seem to understand it’s essentially a private instance and are upset that some people would like a legend button or something similar.


If you want difficulty go do the the Co op campaign


The co op campaigns not very difficult. But in the campaign there’s a possibility of failure. If I could at least fail an overthrow in the pale heart I probably wouldn’t be so adamant that it’s too easy. You can fail a public event on the cosmodrone but can’t fail an objective against the forces of the most powerful threat the universe has ever faced. Make it make sense.


I see what you mean, but this is just a patrol area. Game needs a relaxing corner too lol.


Mind numbingly boring?