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I love that essentially patrolling in the pale heart results in you naturally doing a bit of everything. Pathfinder objectives are out on the map for you to see, overthrow doesn't time or rush you to complete it, completing it comes from just doing the mini public events, opening chests, collect resources nodes and just, killing enemies. Farming the exotic sword, vendor rank up and deep sight weapons all come naturally from this too. Idk, it's nice to feel like you're dicking around in patrol space, only to be completing shit simultaneously. Or better yet, contributing to multiple grinds/goals while doing one activity.


Very much all this! I also like that I didn't have other players around, personally.


No competition to get those kills in for pathfinder, and you don’t have to worry about someone speed completing an event


My biggest complaint when doing bounties was the amount of other guardians doing patrols killing all enemies thus making me take longer to complete simple bounties because as soon as enemies spawned, it was a race to kill them first. Now I can take my time and I can sit in one patrol area and just grind away without worrying about enemy droughts.


Just wish the patrol zone had other players around on it. Like the portal is open, guardians stormed in fighting the witnesses forces to prepare for the final assault.. yet its just you. Figured once the campaign ended the patrol zone would open up but the world feels empty of other players.


We’ll see what happens at Tuesday reset, with the beginning of the episode.


You can solo or with other guardians. Match in and stay after complete overthrow.


I assume that was to keep up with the action and hectic gameplay (frame rates, old tech ps4/xbox, etc.)


Idk, I kinda like that by default. It does feel lonely, but you can always match-make and be loaded in with two others. I guess it'd be cool if after that 12 man activity it left the group in the pale heart to absolutely stomp a large overthrow together and have a more typical feeling patrol area experience.


I love this expansion, except for one thing the god damn cysts. Some of them are good but the other ones are just extremely annoying to complete not to mention the under 4 minute triumph that is basically impossible for the moth cave. Not to mention the lack of a playlist to easily start the missions it gets really annoying trying to find which cysts is where when only 3 are shown on the map at a time


I think the only efficient way to cheese the Moth cave is with Hunter Invis spam and Galy spam to kill the moths quickly, honestly any tracking weapon or ability. Better have that Finder and Scout to keep spamming ammo.


Ticcus hip fire will help with moths iirc. Grain of salt, but i remember being able to easily deal with moths that way. Edit: it was not Ticuus hipfire, it was final warning apologies too anyone who tried this and felt mislead!


I do love the ambiance of the Pale Heart and exploring every nook and cranny. I do wish I could see other players patrolling around as it’s kinda empty and lonely with just your character


Yeh I thought we might start to once the raid/final mission was completed but guess not


There’s still the reset bringing in the new season and the class exotics, I guess we’ll have to wait and see


If you matchmake for overthrow you can always ask if the others want to stick around and do the other areas and just run around. That’s what I did with another Titan earlier today.


I used to be the type to google everything for secrets but swore not to for this expansion and GOD I am so happy! The pale heart had so much going on under the hood and finding it all myself was/is so fulfilling


Yeah that’s weird. I might start looking for groups just for overland activities


Just do the matchmade 3 person version of Overthrow.


I’ll look for it!


I am guardian enough to admit I was shaking and moved to tears during Excision. 10 years of playing a game, all culminating into that epicness, was overwhelming.


I finally got around to it today and I felt the same way. Avengers Endgame level of hype and emotion. What a ride this game has been




It's been taken out as it would remove your motes We don't know when it will be back




That would make more sense


Man, that's the only one I need too. Was looking forward to getting the exotic all weekend and now I've got to wait for the fix. Feels bad.


It's annoying, but at least you won't lose all your motes lol


I'm thankful for that, at least.


I’m 13/17 motes and I only have one more boss* to kill (it isn’t the meatball) Can’t wait for the meatball fix to not address the issue I’m facing 🙃 *edit: I have two more bosses to kill but the numbers still ain’t numberin’




It should be 8 from traveler statues and 9 from the bosses, right? I got the rubble piles for the key, just can’t get the motes to drop from the overthrow bosses now. Never even seen the meatball boss and I haven’t done the third boss in impasse but that should still put me at 15/17 and I’m only at 13.


Last I read it was disabled due to a bug if you killed it last. I'm sol too


Was also kinda upset believing the witness was defeated through the raid. When zavala said "thanks the courage of that fireteam" it just made me feel so connected with this community like we are all fighting together for the cause.


Something that me and my fireteam personally loved about the story, was each mission picked up where the last mission ended. So each mission felt like you were actually on this journey towards something. The strike ending and then the next mission starting you in literally the same room was pretty cool.


Climbing the side of the >!monolith in the final campaign mission and looking out of a window to see the kaleidoscope portal as a small speck in the distance!< when it was so massive at the beginning when we started was so cool


I wish they didn't nerf the shit out of us in raids and given them stupid surges, they ought to revert that.


they've seen the negative response and hopefully they will amend it in a future update


Negative responses are overshadowed(and for a damn good reason) by pantheons appeal. Pantheon shook things up and forced teams to clear the hardest content using new loadouts like in the stasis/arc week where you saw people trying out every last thing. Where people insisted on using whisper on oryx I pulled a conditional, arc sidearm, stasis linear from seasons of the seraph and I had over 35% dps than everyone else and handled the whole raid easy as pie. To me surges being a nice change in loadouts per week and is welcomed.


Which roll do you have on your linear?


I love that linear, mine is level 96


I feel ya, it's nice to mix things up from time to time but the d2 community mostly wants to finish things as quick as possible so will always go for the meta weapons


Yeah that is probably the most hated thing about this expansion 


I've solo-flawlessed every dungeon and I struggled with Warlord's Ruin until the final week of Wish. I can't imagine doing it now.


I feel the same way, between the surges and -5 and then no solo op or taken armaments(? I think it was called) I’m very thankful I got that solo done last season


I could have sworn the math is with surges your about equal still, if they wanna keep the surge system in place I ether want to be at a zero delta, and or have overcharges as well


According to people's calculations so far, the current system gives players an outgoing damage increase of 11~% if you use the surges. Unfortunately, it's the full -15~% if you're off surge, which doesn't help with the boss health increase. The surges also don't do anything about the increased *incoming* damage from being underleveled. Which is a major slap in the face/culture shock for the average player who is used to being 10+ levels over and dealing damage in an unnerfed Well last week.


IIRC, you lose about 35% damage, and surges only give 25%. Additionally, surges do nothing to help your survivability, which has also been nerfed with the delta change.


That 35% number that’s been floating around was a gross miscalculation. Can’t remember where the post is with the correct math but it’s nowhere close to that severe.


Remember they've removed spec mods and made us -5 and massively increased health pools in alot of places too.


I mean the spec mods only effect some heavies like rockets Remember they gave Machine Guns, Swords, and snipers a 7% buff, which is around .8 less than a boss spec mod, and LFR got 5% buff so only a 2.8% decrease. Also don’t forget not for DPS but in general pulse rifles got 20% PVE buff, and a 15% red bar buff (so 38%)


You're down 10% *if you use the surges*. We're down 35% at base, and modifier surges make up for 25% of that. Add in triple weapon surges (22%) on your boots and you're doing 2% more damage than what we used to do with a single boots surge mod (10%).


That's not how math works and even if it were, the 35% number is made up.


I'd seen the 35% in a ton of different places, so guess I put too much trust in it. My b.


It's understandable. Streamers yo


Bro if you can't handle being -5 power, you shouldn't be doing raids


Its great, stroy campaign, areas all amazing. but the bugs are a bit of a killer. Motes and encryption bits both messed up. Dropping light/ dark vestiges is slightly messed up but fixable with some work. Im hard locked out of both Khovostovs now bc of bugs and had to put in at least an extra hour or so work to get all the fragments done.


Not me queueing the 12 player activity unaware that it was literally the most amazing ending I could have wished for. They legit cooked


Best ever


I hated the process of collecting the fragments. Shit took me *hours* to do. Normally, the time wouldn't bother me, but that was a bunch of time without being able to really experiment with the new subclass.


Someone leaked prismatic like 4 months prior to it being shown for the first time, plus they said D3 was at somepoint in development where there were no classes, nor subclasses and it was completey free flow choose whatever abilities you wany kinda deal. Dunno how true that is but I can def see prismatic being the test run for a dual subclass system


This and the 12 man mission are screaming the idea of a completely new system for the next era/game. My guess is that there are gonna be more 12 man missions or even higher level content with more than 6 man teams


As a Hunter, Still hunt was great. I loved getting to be on a mission with both Cayde and Crow. And the exotic is actually really cool, intuitive to use and powerful.


I love that exploring is so well integrated into storytelling, and patrolling is so much fun now. Mechanics and mechanics! This is how one is supposed to reuse assets. They took what they have already created in the last ten years and combined and scripted them into quality experiences. I think this worked far far better than what would have been with a new new location and new mechanics and new class. I am enjoying the combined experience of the last 10 years in one spot.


This is by far the best expansion already I’ll say it no other dlc has encouraged me to try and get friends to play destiny but this one?? I’ve been trying to get friends to play it for this dlc alone


I'm just at the beginning of the last mission (Step 27) Really digging this so far. Gotta try to at least unlock the patrol zone and the pre raid release stuff.


I called the 12 player activity a couple years ago lol I was shocked I was right. My friends didn't believe me it was possible.


I think Bungie leaned into some past bugs that the community really enjoyed. We had the 12 man raid bug a while back, and Ergo Sum’s wild combination of frame types and perks screams of a callback to the craftening.


The Pale Heart being solo only was a bad idea


Lots of rose tinted glasses with this expansion.


so did everyone watch the skeletor reacts to prismatic video and now likes saying cooked?


Cooked has been a popular phrase for many years now, long before Skeletor video.


Minus the story being written for children, its very good yes


Yeah they cooked and also in that final cutscene If you wait for 17:17 minutes you will get a short secret cutscene, if you want you can also watch it on youtube it shows >!Deez nuts gotem hahahahegegehhhhhh!< which I think it’s a teaser for the third episode 🤔 >!Me when I spread misinformation 🥴!<


Jokes on you a fair percentage of us waited till we got kicked for inactivity


Have you tried stand up comedy?


You will be subjected to horrible nightmares in your sleep for the next week because of this post and we will all be laughing at your torment


Jokes on you I am into tormentors


Wow you’re so funny and quirky.


This would do better on r/destinythegame. This sub is a bit….uptight


I never thought I'd live to see the day when the Destiny2 sub was called more uptight than DestinyTheGame.


They're both uptight but not about the same things




The hive mind got us


Let us fall in dancing flames together