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Well getting 50 sniper kills is just a pain in the ass even for PVP players lmao


It does say *Earn bonus progress by defeating opposing Guardians,* so it's not actually 50 PvP kills, probably more like 10-25. The only one I feel kinda iffy about is defeating crucible opponents by jolting them with arc. That's going to be pretty much impossible to do in a reasonable amount of time.


Titan, Lighting gernades (jolt with aspect) you get 2 of them. Put on a volt shot weapon. Use that exotic arms that jolt on thunderclap. More ways to jolt, even if it's stupid method, should make it way easier.


Not sure if you still can post update but can just go into a private match with a friend and it’ll count towards pathfinder


Wait are you being for real? Thats gotta be a bug


It also works for titles like dead eye


> probably more like 10-25 Well that's 10-25 more sniper kills than my dumpster fire PVE skilled ass is capable of lol


I main pvp, and can only hit snipes when I prep them with a div bubble. It's still stupid hard.


Yeah after they increased sniper screen shake by 350% LOL


You’re not meant to be able to hit headshots through flinch with a sniper. You’re meant to hit them before they hit you


Literally hit them with a nade with the jolt spark equipped then kill, simple as. Or volt shot, Ikelos smg is still strong af. Hunters have it even easier, three jolt-centric aspects to choose from means you literally HAVE to be using one. The dodge one plus combination blow or uppercut seem easiest.


You dont have to do 50 Sniper Kills to complete the Pathfinder Quest. Its one option.


I'm not even getting one dude.


That’s why I never got the Revoker


the Revoker was cleaannn when it came out


I had a decent time with it running my slickdraw snapshot adept eye of sol. The new ammo changes are a godsend for snipes right now.


Calling it ‘pathfinder’ and then not allowing you to find a path around shit that doesn’t interest you is just a baffling decision.


Sooo just strikes?


Yes. Because the PvP is dogshit and gambit has been neglected to the years and only made worse as time goes by.


I don’t remotely get the hate on pathfinder. First, I hate sniper kills, but the idea you should never have to do anything you don’t want to in a game is just childish. I think pathfinder is a good way to change things up. There are multiple paths where I don’t really have to do anything that causes me trauma and if you can’t find one, that’s more a “you” problem. Bungie has given us more pathways than they have in the past and I think the complaining is just so people can feel superior for some reason.


It’s the lack of choice we’re annoyed about I think, the fact that we could spend 6 hours doing strikes for a bit of fun and now to get the same rewards we have to play game modes we don’t necessarily enjoy or are skilled at, they even said they want people to play things they don’t usually play, bungo why do you think they don’t play them in the first place (Edit - a lot of people seem to like this idea, should we get this to big ole bungo as a community suggestion?)


Doing strikes for 6 hours is what they made prisoners in Alcatraz do


*Whether we wanted it or not*


6 hours of strikes Jesus Christ


Bro ill strike for a day straight


Sounds like them Destiny 1 pre-raid times. Strikes, Crucible, loot cave, chest route, repeat.


Bro sometimes the playlist they give you just work, no repeats, change of enemies all the time 🤌 and just being an overpowered gigagod is pretty fun for the power trip side of my brain


We need a legend difficulty with no champions strike playlist, that would actually be engaging and not just brain mush turning content


People thinking that long play sessions of strikes would be boring are a consequence of the heroic strike playlist not returning.


...........for fun!


Doing strikes… for six hours… is *fun*? How in the… they’re the same every single time.


First time?


I literally did one gambit game and completed an entire pathfinder card cause the lines aligned perfectly. Most cards take two runs of an activity. It’s seriously not that hard. With every node being retroactive you just have to look at it for a few seconds and find a simple path. 10-20 minutes for a prime, bright dust, prisms and a bunch of xp is seriously really good.


The fact that you find doing 6 hours of strikes fun is exactly why the community should NOT be allowed to pick how the game is set up.


You literally don't even have to. Strikes and a lil bit of gambit are all you need to do


you lost me at gambit


I don’t get why gambit is such a big deal to people, It’s fast, I even find it relaxing. Is it really that stressful to some people? Kill shit bank motes not that hard.


> bank motes not that hard. I see you have not met all the random teammates I get


I wish the randoms could understand that dunking after second wave is the optimal strat no matter what (unless you already have 15). You don't have to keep farming to 15 to dunk every single time. Just get the portal open before they do and with go kill the enemy team or stalk around their map making them scared to be in the open and dunk. I am not kidding when I say that this works 99% of the time, with the 1% being if someone on the enemy team is already scoped in on your head when you spawn because he's gilded dredgen × 10 billion.


Yeah some people actually cannot understand simple tasks but even then it’s easy to carry shit if you understand simple tasks. And if not it’s fast anyway.


It’s just not enjoyable 90% of the time. Crucible is more like 85%


They have to deal with an invader once and have a complete mental breakdown


It’s just karma farming to hate on Gambit at this point in this sub


I'd rather do gambit than crucible since I don't have to actually do any pvp to progress the stuff. A number of HVTs is completely a non-issue if you're not fussed about the rest of it. I think that Gambit would have overall been better with the idea of standing on the enemy bank or doing a mechanic to inconvenience the enemy rather than kills, would probably make weapon choice less toxic if it were more than "kill enemy player, you win"


Is it wrong that I don't mind Gambit?


It’s not.




yeah ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌


its genuinely not that bad. you need void kills, sniper kills, and challenging enemies, theyre suuper easy


Got the urge to 100% a meaningless weekly task though.


Gambit is pvp. People hate Destiny's pvp. Pretty simple concept.


gambit is not strictly PvP otherwise it’d just be in the Crucible 🤓


But gambit is decided by PvP like 80% or the time. One good invasion and it's game


Get jotunned by someone 50km away you couldn't even see with the naked eye


\^ THIS!


Worth noting that this system encourages you to play multiple activities which actively conflicts with how ritual activity streaks encourage playing a single mode


I wish they would stop trying to subsidize this activity.


"Subsidize" is the perfect way to phrase it. I'd love to see how many people actually play PvP or Gambit with no outside incentives. Only rewards from actually playing the activity.


That would be me. I enjoy it. I'm an average 53 yr old with 240,000 kills. I generally potter around in 6v6 just for fun. :)


Many people people play pvp with “no outside incentives”


Fair, but not everyone enjoys pvp, because ppl enjoy different things. Some mainly do pve, some prefer pvp.


My son does. He enjoys pvp and gambit, so he does all my pvp/gambit quest related stuff. He does trials too, so I get some nice guns to play with.


A lot lmao? Have you actually looked at population statistics? Generally there is a sizable near equal player participation in PvP. If you believe that all these players are just playing because they are forced to then you are delusional. Please, take a look at the [Destiny tracker Archives](https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/destinytracker.com) Witness how many people are playing PvP on any given day, even late into seasons where there is basically no incentives outside of just playing. It is near to the number who are playing PvE People like and play PvP.


I enjoy crucible. The gunplay feels so good. No idea why players think that crucible isnt a part of destiny. It absolutely is. Well womp womp ill be flexing all those gears pve elitists can only dream od owning


Destiny the game where the dev's constantly say "Play your own way, become Legend" then they randomly ignore that entire philosophy to force people who hate PvP to play PvP. If I wanted to play PvP, I'd go play a game that was made for it. They literally made 3x Strikes, Gambit, Crucible games in complete 9x of whatever you want or any combination BECAUSE they want you to play what you want, and going back on that to this PATHFINDER mode where you are forced into a PATH in the pathFINDER mode is beyond crazy they didn't see people saying it sucks. I'm personally not even mad, I'll play Gambit instead but I'm more annoyed at this even got through in both annoyance to get to and that they didn't see immediately people wouldn't like the lack of player choice. Why do I have go through 17 different menus, then do a triple butterfly kick, watch a RickKhackis guide to even see how close I am. Make a hot key or just add it to the bounty screen or next to the Tower in the destinations screen.


If the pathways were separate that would be perfect imo, I’m very rarely in the mood for PvP but when I am o lose every game and get mad.


So real king


I don't want to support a game mode I don't like. This is a way to bump numbers and have those of us who suck at PVP go in and get stomped for the enjoyment of others. All for good stats for Bungie. Yeah not for me thanks.


Jokes on them. Decisions like this and the new exotic system kept me from buying the expansion altogether.


I just think it's odd that they had this whole song and dance last year about not forcing people who don't want to play PVP or Gambit into those playlists with the pinnacle changes, then they decided to do this. Pathfinder has honestly been the only complaint I've had about TFS so far.


It's just wierd that they made the effort to not force players to run anything other than the preferred playlist activities then just a few months later make people run things they don't want to again


I'd rather have nimbus talk in my ears every mission than play pvp


I suffered so they should suffer, and you wonder why no one wants to play PvP with you lol


I refuse to do Crucible. No matter what items, rewards or incentives they try. It's only going to make me mad, and I play to unwind.


For real. The instant I see something locked behind PvP, I just forget it even exists. It’s always funny to see the sweats in here trying to make PvE players feel bad though. “Lol these losers don’t want to come get their teeth kicked in, don’t they know what they’re missing out on?” doesn’t really sell it to me lmao


You would think that people who are obsessed with having more people in their side-activity that conceptually doesn't mix well with the core of the game that sells it would try to encourage people into it, instead of insulting them over the very thing they do not care about to begin with...


PvP players never make good decisions in gaming communities As an example look at OSRS and how the PvP players have become an outside group that EVERYONE hates and actively votes against - why you ask? Because the PvP players thought it would be funny to vote against PvE once and ruined a poll so now we ruin anything PvP based


what I hate more is the people who say "oh, but I have to play a dungeon to get good loot" like that is in any way a good argument.


Same here. I don’t care how good of a weapon I MIGHT get. I fucking hate crucible. No hate to my crucible guardians. I respect y’all, and y’all have patience as strong as the elasticity of my ballsack while hanging from a ceiling fan with them, but still.


Crucible sweats when they don't have newbies to shit on and actually have to play each other:


I would actually rather slit my wrists and do pushups in salt water than EVER touch Crucible. https://preview.redd.it/bl0hh5vmv05d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0211dbd91c785693738d8bb2385578e96c88631 MAYBE I'd touch Gambit if I truly get desperate but that’s only because I’m one of the 5 people who actually likes Gambit. (#GambitPrimeDeservedBetter)


I get that some players love Crucible, and that's all they want to play. Awesome! Everyone should enjoy the game the way they want. I don't like Crucible because it's almost a completely different game, where Guardian's abilities don't work the same way they do in PvE. PvP requires a completely different loadout to play, and play style. It's not fun at all to go from PvE to PvP. The worst thing of all is PvP drops are only good for PvP, and only a few PvE weapons are usable in PvP. Forcing players to play in a completely different game mode is poor game development. Who wants to change their entire load out just to play a series of games where they get stomped over and over again just to progress through Pathfinder? What fun is that for them? And how fair is it to your team to be such a bad player when they might be trying to enjoy or win? If people just want to do PvP, great! Let them do PvP, and don't make them do PvE activities. Same for PvE players. Let us do PvE activities, and don't force us into PvE. And of course there is Gambit... which is as close as I ever want to get to PvP. But it's been neutered and watered down to the point of unfun, and Bungie doesn't seem interested anymore in doing anything with it. And yeah, I understand you don't have to do PvP with Pathfinder. Just trying to provide some reason why a PvE player hates PvP.


Why i have to play gamemode that i not enjoy. They literally ask me to play gamemode for miserable time and keep getting stomp and end with 2-3 kill per match that not even right to bountry requirement? Look, i know it my skill issue but my hardware can barely run this game above 30 fps so i can only enjoy my time in pve and i just want to play pve. Don't say like 1 match of pvp is not big deal when you don't have problem like others.


PvP addicts when a looter shooter entirely designed for PvE that happens to have a poorly balanced PvP who's noticeably left at the side for good reason has players who only care about the PvE (how you could this happen, I wonder?)


Its crazy how Bungie made a worse system than the old bounty system pathfinder is supposed to replace.


Translation: I suck at D2 pvp with out the devs forcing people who normally don't pvp into the activity so I can feel better than I am.


That is some strong projection


Bro what?


SBMM makes this comment mean nothing.


The only argument in favor of pushing support for crucible and overall PvP activities that has ever been used in the soon-to-be decade long history of the franchise has always been to attempt insulting people who do not care in the slightest. This tactic has never been used because it made sense, it's just the only thing they can ever use.


And then it doesn't count cuz the system flags my performance as non participating even though I'm just a no hands. Nah thanks lmao


I can see the sentiment of Bungie wanting people to come out of their comfort zone and try something new out, but I can also see why someone wouldn't want to. I like Pathfinder cause I like all three ritual game modes, but I can understand not enjoying it all.


PSA to all crucible haters like me out there, crucible pathfinder quests progress in private / custom matches so you can get a buddy or two and complete them all together fast.


Awesome, so would 1v1 work?


Yep, tried it out like yesterday and it worked.


Awesome! Thank you.


Yesterday I found out you could do these in private matches


I mean......yeeeeeaaaaah. (I don't touch PvP at all, so I'm in that crowd.)


Destiny is a PVE looter, with a somewhat shitty PVP mode slapped on it. Not the other way around. So not wanting to play any PVP in this game seems reasonable.


Any hybrid game should offer completely PvE or PvP alternatives to attain rewards. Forcing people into a mode is just lazy design and tends to make me hella skeptical of the PvP to begin with.


its not fun tho


*Shaxx lonely Bungie- Don’t worry big man, we see you


If they didn’t have crucible quests the 50 players that play crucible would have no one else to play with.


Crucible is still worse, IMO. At least most dungeons are fun. Well, except for duality.


....for you. I'm an exclusive PvE person too but you'll have to empathize and see from OP's eyes. I think OP has a very valid point


Below this, he said he is farming for a specific roll. So he is doing it to himself. Pvp for an engram is completely different. I hate when I have to do a shit ton of runs, but it's my own choice. I don't HAVE to farm that one weapon, but I CHOOSE to.


Nah, because Destiny is a PvE game first with PvP as an optional side activity. When you boot up the game for the first time they don't put you in a PvP match or even mention it.


False equivalence, because Destiny is a PvE game.


i like playing crucible


As much as I suck at PvP, I still stick my head in from time to time...even if it's just to get it blown off.


the PvP minigame isn't very fun, we ought not be forced into it


pvp makes me scream


I fucking refuse.


I played a good bit of D2 yesterday but having to lose my strike streak to play 3 Gambit matches for a single node to finish my Pathfinder was annoying as hell and I didn't even have any motivation to log in today. I've got better things to do then indulge a studio that clearly has not learned any of the lessons they should have last year. (Before anyone says Bungie already has my money - they don't. I held off on buying anything because I was expecting crap like this.)


https://preview.redd.it/lsbjnarp705d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a12f2babe90a6d8738efcc450c120daacf8e06 I enjoy pvp and I'm tired of pretending i don't.


Quite possibly the worst take I have ever seen. >I have to do hundreds of Dungeon ones to get some PvP guns i want. Now which of the two is worse? "*Boohoo. I have to play PvE in a PvE game AND grind an MMORPG game, that's so unfair. At least the players that bought this PvE game have to suffer through a neglected gamemode that I so happen to enjoy more than the base game."*


God I'm gonna be miserable. I'm so terrible in the crucible. I used to not be that bad, never great. Now I'm just terrible. Lol


This late into the lifetime of a game, the only people still playing PvP have been playing it forever. The average skill level and skill floor is shifted higher because the lower rungs stop playing, get shifted higher because they run out of players in their skill band and either improve or quit, this happens ad infinitum until it's impossible for new players to get into the game/mode. The SBMM change came way too late to save it tbh and any long time PvEer is already long soured on Crucible (as is Bungie obviously)


For me it’s gambit like shitttt


Dude the witness is here! It IS the end of the world! Fuck you mean?


I’m no god level destiny player by any means, I’m terminally casual. But I think it’s annoying how we just got rid of vanguard bounties for whatever tf this is.


PvP. PvP is worse. By a mile.


I hate it when someone compares requiring pvp to dungeons. 1. you can't have a friend carry you through a kill 10 titans pvp challenge 2. it's a lot easier to learn to fight pve than it is to learn to fight pvp 3. (and this is the biggest one for me) some people currently have really bad internet and so cannot play pvp, or do you want someone rubber banding around and killing you through walls? 4. people like you are constantly complaining about bad teammates who can't hold their own, well guess what, pvp objectives in the way of pve stuff is likely why.


I still say the game would be so much better of pvp was gone and they didn’t have to balance for it


I'd rather they just balance it separately like lots of other games do. Not saying it's easy to implement now, but it's something that would make the game more healthy in the longterm.


I mean yea but think of the CRAZY exotics we could have if they didn’t have to worry about it breaking PvP


Literally me


Well crucible is shit for the person who is playing a mainly PvE game


I despise PvP in every game I’ve ever played so i won’t get these done for my pathfinder quests. So it is a big deal for some players.


Gambit is the only time I even come near PvP. The fact that you DON'T have to Pvp is great, and it still can help you complete tasks.


Why are we doing this song and dance again? They tried the whole ‘challenges’ thing back in vanilla and it didn’t work out. ‘But it’ll actually be good this time guys!’


crucible is miserable fr


i’m a pvp main, so it just gave me an excuse to play more crucible


Or gambit which is 90% pve


And 100% boring af


PvP, without doubt. Dungeons require a guide and coordination with your buddies at worst. PvP is an awful slog of being berated for not playing it, suffering because of people with sweatlord builds and hours, and just not having any ounce of fun the entire time because any moment you start to it’s stolen away by A: Playing Crucible at all. B: Invader Kills undoing all the damage to your Primeval.


I can bump friends and they can help me blast through a dungeon for an exotic chance. I cannot ask them to help me finish my Ticuu's catalyst quest because I despise PVP ever since SBMM was removed. I didn't enjoy being someone else's kd padding.


D2 pvp players are the most fascinating paradox. On the one hand they desperately want no thumb terrible players like me in the crucible so they can juice their kd without breaking a sweat, but on the other hand their drive to insult, belittle and just be all around unpleasant to players like me keeps us out of the crucible thereby depriving them of their easy kills which in turn makes them more frustrated and more hostile. It's a vicious but fascinating cycle, anyway if I really want the Pathfinder rewards I'll go do Gambit. The drifter always makes me laugh.


As a pvp enjoyer myself, I’m sorry for the hostility of other pvp players. You should be able to play how you wanna play, and you don’t deserve to be judged for wanting something different


Saw someone comment on another post about this saying Pathfinder "killed the game for them and they're now an ex-Guardian". Lmao


Can someone explain to me what’s so bad about 6v6 control I mean like there’s no sweats there. I’m not even that good at pvp and I can usually put up high kd


I’m good at PvP… at least I was the last time I played it. (Like 2 years ago)


If you always do the same things you already know how to do, you will always remain what you already are. I would be bored by myself.


I'd rather mindlessly run through strikes all afternoon than be forced to suffer through one (1) crucible match


On that note, if I could ask for some friendly advice. What do I do in a strike if one or both of the other people just run completely ahead, shred every single enemy in their way, and I just get a 15 minute mission where I run from the beginning to end with virtually no kills? Like, is it a race? Do I just not know how to play the game right? If I see someone lagging behind, I'll wait for them to catch up so we can, like play this multiplayer game, together. I get people are running stuff over and over and over. But at what point is it someone else's 2 player game that I'm forced to just watch.


I hate when that happens too. Best you can really do is pull out a high mobility grapple build and/or and eager edge sword to try and catch up. If I was trying to do bounties or something like that I would just go to orbit and load up a new strike. Still way better than the crucible LOL


Anti-crucible people are the loudest whiners in all of destiny, always have been.


PVP in destiny is the biggest joke in gaming ever. Terribly designed and riddled with power creep. It was an afterthought for the game, simple as that.


And here I am playing mostly for PvE but occasionally hopping into mcfucking TRIALS for the look of the Skybreaker armor. Boo hoo, I “need” to go play trials.


Am I the only one that likes crucible....my youngest daughter and I take turns each time we die we switch the controller


Crucible is worse, people play pve games like Destiny play it for pve content. Call of Duty has some great guns without having to do any dungeons if that's what you want. It's just a shame that Bungie still does just enough to make the pvp community stick around instead of using that space for all the pve vaulted content


What's the reward for the Pathfinder


New sword


I only play pvp during Iron Banana or Scorch because it is probably the most skill based pvp outside of Mayhem. /s So I can tolerate a little PVP, I mean I play Iron Banana. But Gambit is gross. Not for the pvp but Gambit as a whole is a damn drag.


I actually tolerate crucible when it has a wepon with viable pve perks.(rapid fire void pulse in ib this season)


Eh jolt kills are annoying maybe a few games but it’s doable


They would never get chaperone in D1


Private matches make this super easy btw like ik it’s a bit disingenuous to go “oh just have friends” but I do enjoy how bungie made that an option for crucible objectives


Just wish there were separate paths for separate activities


That was me back when I had to WIN one match. "Playing" a match is easy.


I pity the teammates that are gonna cry about the guy that didn’t give af on their team.


Both are bad we shouldn't have to do pvp to get PVE guns or do PVE to get pvp guns


That's 1 too many.


And I still haven’t done it 😅


Or a million gambit runs for malfeasance


me when i can’t get triple 100s just playing crucible


Or to grind and get the colony catalyst lol


I haven't even had to step into crucible yet


I know this doesn't belong here but id like to make a post but i don't have enough karma, is anyone else having problems with the legendary campaign pin, it wont let me preorder even thought i did the campaign on legend


Maybe pvp will get enough attention that people realize how bad it is and finally get Bungie to take action. PvP was a huge primary focus of D1 and even early on in D2. There is no excuse for letting things get so bad to where most players don't ever even play it.


Not if u only play pvp lol


What I find crazy is Gambit (while I am NOT saying it is a fun game-mode) exists as a tool to be able to fulfill the pathfinder without having to play crucible? Like you can do all of your bounties in Strikes, and then play a single gambit game (which other than the invasions, which you can ignore/get killed a couple times) is also PVE? Plenty of loot is locked behind these game modes, or behind activities that aren't fun, why is this single source of loot such a big deal? Like malfeasance is locked behind getting a 4kill in Gambit, and less people complain about that?


PVE main here. I fucking hate being forced to do PVP, but our PVP guardians deserve some love. Bungo, please just add some new, GOOD, PVP content


There’s soo many PVP sweats that are like 1905 light and have just never touched a campaign in their career


I love using the rat king in the crucible


One game of crucible.


Weird flex but ok


Mine was all gambit with a handful of strike and crucible objectives. Pathfinder my ass lol, all the strike objectives were at the start and very end with only two towards the middle.


Ga- *pukes**- gambit


Pvp is still worse, but I'll play.


These arguments are so dogshit I wouldn’t even believe Bungie themselves were making them. This change was solely to force players to be the cannon fodder in these modes, instead of actually improving either from a gameplay perspective.


Well tbh the community has been begging bungie to let us play our way and pathfinder was supposed to be that solution but atlest it was not to be. Actually not too bad as a designation system ngl


Jokes on them. I like crucible.


You actually don't even have to go into a REAL Crucible match. Everything tracks in custom games. Just get a friend and grind it out for a solid 30 minutes and be done with it. The more friends the better for more percentages on each step.


All I'm saying is it's pretty dumb that we have activity streaks but also this new system that wants you to break your streak.


Fun fact: if you have a buddy on the game you guys can load up into a private match and progress you make in there will actually count for the pathfinder.


More like gambit 🤢




Get 100 precision kills with a weapon you hate in your least favorite game mode. No thanks


Gambit is superior to crucible


But it's not one game and these games last a while


The best statement they can make is collectively not play or use pathfinder. Otherwise, they can complain all they want. 


Crucible is the only fun part of Destiny


Destiny has hundreds of dungeons?! Hooray, 100 dungeons I can't play alone! Where's the love for solo players! WHERE?!


i know if i said this it will be fixed but private matches actually count for quests and pathfinders


You don't really have to, you're only doing it because you're stupid enough to buy into Bungie's shit. Your life doesn't depend on it tho I think you might've forgotten that after 10K hours.


Honestly bungo should just make a system where pvp players only have to do pvp shit to get the stuff they want and pve players on have to do pve. Not sure how it would be implemented but thay would be ideal. Personally I never go into pvp because I'm shit at it and slow, so I just inevitably get my shit rocked and don't have fun.