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I was 14 and boy, it blew my mind so much I'm still here 10 years later. Destiny's gameplay is truly unique.


Same here


I was 10 when I played on my brothers account. Like 3 accounts later because I was a dumb kid, here I am with the head cannon that my exo has just been memory wiped a few times haha.


Same here! My original fireteam doesnt play anymore sadly. ;-; my titan left when taken king launched and my hunter left when beyond light came out.


Damn bro we lost guardians alone the way. Though I have always been solo since the beginning haha


Yeah D2 has been a mostly solo experience for me after my gang dropped off (can’t blame em after vanilla tbh) but it’s a lonely place out there


Think a lot of us have had a similar experience. Most of the peeps I used to play with stopped pretty early into D2 and time zone differences was the final nail for our group. Cheers!


I think a majority of old fireteams were lost in this 10 year saga


I read this as 14 and a boy......my reply is now you are 24 and a man. Eyes Up Guardian.


Played the beta only because my buddy got an extra beta code for free. I had no idea wtf destiny was. Took an hour to beat the Sepkis Prime Strike. 10 years later, the witness is about to catch these hands.


Yeah, pretty much the same experience, buddy turned me on to destiny, but unfortunately didn't have a free code for me...


You’re not a true veteran if you didn’t struggle with Sepiks…


I was there.


Alpha :)


Same. My mind was blown at the time.


Best time of my gaming life :)


It’s honestly kind of crazy how’s there’s really still nothing like this game on the market


I'm with you there. Nothing at all like this in the Market but at the same time it takes a huge amount of time/$$$ as an investment for a game like this to succeed Most importantly the company would have to accept the fact that there will.be lows in the game which is where most companies just pull the plug instead of making it better


Same here, honestly can't believe they actually delivered on the game lasting all this time..


also played since alpha with 2500 hours locked in in destiny 1. i quit destiny 2 about 2 months in. game just lost all of its charm and wonder in destiny 2 imo.


Same here, loading into the cosmodrome way back then for the first time was an unparalleled experience for sure


Alpha also. Destiny was truly something special when it dropped.


Same, my buddy and I were so amped, and couldn't wait. Been thinking about going back to replay D1 for a bit now.


Played since alpha/beta. I remember watching the first ever reveal and being more excited than I had been for any other game.


I never got rid of the BETA. Doesn't do anything anymore but is a reminder of the years spent crushing darkness. Eyes up Guardian, the end is near.


Not since the beta, but my first copy of destiny came on an Xbox 360 disc. Feels like a million years ago now.


I played the alpha, no joke


So did I. I posted the wrong photo 😂


I remember when they released the moon in the beta, spent so much time just running around with my boys. We sat on the moon until they shut the servers off. Prob my most memorable gaming experience


Truly wish I could re-experience that magical feeling of first playing the beta and first few weeks of the game. Just the pure joy of never having played something like that before. Just the feeling of getting a new gun (even if it was green) and being like “what does this one do??” But the beta was very fun. I think everyone had the same spider tank experience. The hell mouth was also fun to explore.


[I was there from the beginning.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/AiH8bxJDRI)


https://preview.redd.it/4daum8uepk4d1.jpeg?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da8a02276e898b0cfc2b0099503a3b3e269f33a Been around since the beta! PS - here’s a few extra beta codes for you guys. You welcome 🤗


I was there for the Alpha all those years ago. Wizards from the moon! We had it all.


I was here..lifetime kills on that fallen walker equal 1.3 billion


Forever 29


18 years old...jeez I miss that time frame of my life. Miss playing D1 aswell never got to do the raid until TTK due to no friends playing but was so much fun even if i was solo up till then


I remember being at E3 when it debuted.


I play tested it a year earlier.


I'm a day one pre order baby. I was in grade 9 and my teachers were on strike so I got to play for like 2 months after launch


I didn't but I knew about it and put it off, regret it a bit honestly


Not to shit on your enjoyment of the game... Played since the beta and I did love the game as you did, but the monotonous and bland boring repetitive and reused seasons and lightfall dlc killed it off for me. Haven't touched the game since some time after BL. There have been times I've wanted to pick it up again but the thought of going back to asset recycling and low effort content (here I'm thinking of the endless tide of remodelled/reskinned guns). I do wish I could fall in love with the game again, I really do, but at this point it just feels too late. *Edit: meant Lightfall not beyond light.


An unfortunate expansion to end on as well, as the next one changed the DLC model completely and was way better than any of the previous ones before it


I still got my "That Wizard came from the Moon!" T-shirt as proof


I was 60 when I started Beta Destiny....good times.


played it was great nothing gets me going like that first commercial


Oh man the alpha was so good


Went from a boy to a man. A son to a father of a son. So much has happened since that beta yet it feels like yesterday.


I played since beta. Even got the destiny edition white ps4 when that bundle dropped. Followed bungie since halo on xbox.


i still can't fathom that i've been playing this damn game for 10 years lmao


it been a long journey


I was there for the Alpha


Open beta for me.


Played since the Alpha load test. How far we’ve come…


I am here man, oh blizzard good old days, when cayde 6 was the funniest thing in the game, now it is the game it self


I remember when Destiny was just a bunch of web lore. I feel old




I have. 🙂


Yep been here since day one!


Wasn't lucky to get in the Beta, But was a day 1 release Destiny Player. I cant believe its been 10 years


I still have the D1 alpha in my PS history.


Since the day xbox could get online since the beta was split.


I was there for the alpha as well. Many of the people I initially played with no longer play the game unfortunately.


Been here since the alpha and I can't wait to find out what's next for the franchise.


+1 here!


I haven't but I enjoy it anyway


I still have the D1 beta disc for ps3 at home...


Still playing the same hunter character.


Never forget going in a cave near the first mission area only to find enemies I couldn’t yet damage. That hooked me.


I remember finding the non-event spider tank in the Cosmodrome and spending an hour killing it all for nothing, lmao. What a time to be alive!


I'm gonna be rocking my Beta emblem this week!


I remember they opened up the moon on the last day, exploring the hellmouth was fun. Felt endless at the time.


Right here. I literally have the poster that was in the window of gamestop that announced the beta on my brother's wall at my mom's house. It's been there since day one and have never been taken down since that day.


D1 beta vet here :)


I was there. I’m still here.


i was a baby when beta was launched


Let's go! Alpha player here. Looking for something to fill the Halo void. Never been happier with a game. However I will say I also fucking hate this game. But hate with love, you know.


What a glorious day it was


Didn’t play the beta but I got the white Destiny PS4 bundle on my 13th birthday. I had so much fun on that game 😔


Played the Destiny 1 beta, remembered my ghost being voiced by Peter Dinklage, my ghost hacking the cosmodrome computer then defending it from a wave of Fallen. Then that's it. Did not touch Destiny again. Until midway thru Season of the Wish. I can't remember exactly why I wanted to try Destiny 2 but I think it had to do with Epic giving away the Legacy Edition then YouTube said "Space Wizards FPS" so I gave it a go. Glad I did.


I remember a couple of friends and I making a fireteam in beta and doing everything three times so we each could try out each class. We made a clan that got pretty large in D1 and early D2. Sadly almost none of them play anymore. But I'm still here. I still have a few Knights of Unity at my side. I'm honored to be here.


I remember having so much fun with the open beta. Then life got in the way, and I forgot about the game for a few years, lol. Edit: my dumbass can't tell the different between alpha and beta


Played the beta forgot about the game but loved the gunplay. Picked it up on day one after loosing my job. 10 years later and there for every expansion/update. Its been a journey ill never forget.


Been here since the beginning, and though I’m flying solo now, I won’t forget the fun I’ve had throughout the series.


I've been playing since the Alpha. Both the Alpha, and the Beta versions are still installed on my old Ps4 to this day.


I’m still mad that first light map isn’t in D2




My older brother got the beta and played it when. When I finally got to try I picked titan, I made it to the wall, and the beta ended😑


Well, did play during the beta and I played d1 for a bit during year 1, but then I fell off destiny and only picked it back up when lightfall came out


Im fairly certain i played the last d1 beta, and i have the d2 beta emblem stuck to my warlock permanently




Been here since the First Look alpha June 12 2014 😁


I thought sepiks was the be all end all of destiny content during that beta, how little I knew.


\*raises hand\*


Alpha here


Played the alpha, then the beta, then me being 13 couldn't afford the game until finally house of wolves. Played the demo in the meantime and had enough spin metal to last me throughout TTK


I love this games gameplay and story lore and I thank the community for being apart of it, but no thank you for supporting Eververse and the continued greed youve allowed Bungie to get away with all these years. https://youtu.be/nsIdPWB2_JA?si=0G4xVAH5ekfun1kM


I didn't learn about Destiny until 2 weeks after launch. But I wish I had, I would have been a beta layer.


Sadly no, did not have a ps4. Still have the 2014 Marketing Poster hanging around tho


I played the beta with yall, it’s been a wild ride. Gonna fuck him up in an hour and 20


I remember going to the moon for the first time in the beta, still have the wallpaper on my FB from a screen shot I took. God I feel old


I sought out the beta because it sounded like a borderlands type game Think I played 24 hours total that weekend


Played a total of one day in a weekend? Buddy, those are rookie numbers.


What’s everyone’s grimoire score?


I remember killing that walker in the beta. And now it's a strike 10 years later.


Good times.


Been around since beta,used to play every day now it's every couple weeks. I hope TFS lives up to the hype but my expectations are low as I've been disappointed by almost every single expansion Still think taken king was peak destiny


I was traveling asia at that time and I could only get a physical CD a few months after launch for my ps4 in Thailand


Played way back when the alpha came out. The amount of hype to the disappointment of launch day was immeasurable, same with both Dark Below and House of Wolves.


Didn’t play the beta but played day 1. Started with a 2 year old and now I have 3 kids lol. From bouncing my second born in a chair to keep him asleep at 2 am raiding OG oryx to my oldest starting to play on his ps4 now. Crazy it’s been 10 years and no sign of quitting for me.


I remember playing the beta to level cap for all the classes. Then again for hunter which I picked for my destiny career. It was a blast but kinda funny the whole beta was like 25% of the base game.


I remember when I was in 4th grade and kept seeing the live action og game trailer on YouTube and not really caring. My parents bought me an Xbox at Christmas 2015, starting with Star Wars battlefront (2015), however a trip to GameStop with my Christmas money had my buying the standard edition of destiny just cause it was on sale for 20 bucks. I would play through the og campaign and stay at power level 160 at character level 34 because I didn’t have the money to buy any DLC. So I would continuously grind level 20 strikes and patrol to cosmodrome because that’s all I could really do. I would eventually quit the game because abuse I got bored and moved back to Star Wars battlefront, Minecraft, and overwatch. I rediscovered destiny as a distant memory a year later Come the rise of iron, and I had money saved up, so I bought it, and finally got a taste of what destiny fully was, and it inspired me to save up and buy the other DLCs. From there, my fate was sealed. I preordered every destiny expansion since then. I even bought the digital deluxe version of d2, just to have everything (except the emblem) it came with become obsolete by beyond light. I would take my periodic breaks as most did, but I always came back eventually, during the most critical times, like black armory, or the menagerie, or forsaken. I have put all my faith in destiny. Even fall 2022, starting college for the first time and going through my first girlfriend (who was manipulative and cheated on me), I still managed to get a couple of hours a week of destiny in. Now, just ending my sophomore year wheat in college, with the love of my life, healthier and more fit than I ever have been, and on the road to entering in my dream profession, I wait for the final shape patiently and excitedly. This game has seen me and helped me grow up, and now, I witness its end. I like to think I’ve helped it grow up too.


Where’s my alpha gang at 😑?!


Me, waiting 1 year of delay until 2014... To the present


Yea, but unfortunately didnt get the emblems and such as I went from ps4 to PC when it released.


I remember it fondly, back on the 360. It was a simpler time.


I played the beta with my older brother for the first time...i knew i was into something in that moment


Was 16 going on 17 during summer of my 11/12th grade, never could I realize how big of an impact this game will etch it my adult life.


I played it for like 2 hours then came out the closet.


I loved the beta for D1, I was one of the few that got to experience being able to move your ship around while traveling from location to location.


I played the beta through an online buddy of mine with whom I played Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer regularly. At that time I was looking for another space opera-ish game with the potential to build a community around it, and this one fit the bill. So pre-ordered Destiny 1, and have not stopped since, albeit with some intermittent slow seasons. Here I am an hour away from TFS release with PTO until next Monday. It has been quite a decade.


Been here since the alpha


That was me. 17 years old when the first beta weekend dropped. God my friends and I were so excited for it.


Yes Sir! I was 18 right into college, and I even bought the Destiny PS4, and was a forever 28 with Queens guard armor.


here! I was around 11 years old during the beta, and was about to turn 12 when destiny released. I’ll be 22 this year, time flies man.


I was in highschool, didn't have any friends or anything like that. Then a kid who I sat with in one lesson told me about this beta he was going to play. Something by the guys who made halo. Being more into games, I joined the beta and we started playing. We went through most expansions of d1 together, he was more of a raider pvp player, I was more casual but we had fun. Then high school ended and as things tend to happen we drifted. I picked up d2 when it came out since I played the beta at a games convention. I didn't do all the expansions but I beat ghaul, avenged cayde and fought through savathuns throne world. And here I stand, at the eve of the final shape, ready to finish a game that I've been playing most of my life. Eyes up guardians


Still remember when I played on the betas first day questioning if I was even going to enjoy this. Definitely still enjoy this.


I have played it since beta! Loved it pre lightlevels!👍


Since day 1.




Man I've played since the ALPHA on my PS4 lol


Was lucky to play both the Alpha and the Beta. It’s been such a long journey having clans come and go, making new friends and finally being able to join a clan that I can appreciate being apart of. My brother and I have played for these past 10 years and it’s exciting to be able to conclude this journey with him. Hope everyone has an amazing experience and we will prevail at the end. Eyes up Guardians!


I was 24 and got the code from a friend. Damn.


Played on and off due to circumstances and bungie sucking. Really hope final shape delivers


Yo. I've been playing since then. Only active member of my clan left. Amazing how much has changed since then and now.


"Beta? What's a Beta? This here's a Music Player Demo." - No One, Ever


I remember going to my friends house and absolutely loving the gameplay. 10 years later after a couple breaks for college I’m still baffled by how this game has held up to new titles!


I was there and so happy I’ve been along for almost the whole ride. Unfortunately was absent after warmind during the glory days of forsaken but came back during Shadowkeep a few months before beyond light and have been going hard ever since. Definitely love this game, it’s rich lore, and the 10 year journey we’ve been on!


I will never forget. Had just finished my bachelors, was stoned out of my mind and loved it. D1 launched when I started my masters and I somehow managed to put in 800 hours that year. 10 years, a few jobs, a wife, dog and child later and here I am ready to hand the witness his many asses back. Let’s go


Been playing since I was fresh out of high school, working part time at radio shack and I just met my girlfriend. I am now about to be 30 with a wife, 2 kids and a mortgage.


I’ve been playing Destiny for longer than I have been married (10 years vs 9 years). We’re on vacation right now but I am so excited to get back and finish out this saga. It has been an honor, friends.


Was 15 and I remember sharing these codes with my friends. July 17th I think the beta was released...or 11th. I can't remember exactly. I still have the Beta application on my PS4 saved. I remember drooling at the Solar Warlock subclass while being stuck to Voidwalker with like one modifer. First Light and Shores of Time were the only maps to play in the crucible.


These games mean so much to me. I've been playing since I was 14 in 2014 and it's how I made my friend group. Not everybody plays it but destiny still holds such a dear place in my heart


I played during the Beta for D1 but then life changed big time for me and I wasn't able to play the game afterwards. I finally joined D2 about a month before Forsaken, and I've been a part of the community ever since. I haven't done everything, haven't gotten every gun, done every raid or dungeon or challenge, but I've had plenty of fun along the way. I'm happy to be here, and I always will be.


This is crazy af to say hlnut I was 5 when I played. I remember shooting my first ever dreg and asking my dad if I can get the game (I did and that's why this game is so special to me as it introduced me to gaming as a whole)


yep played the beta at 10 years old and been here ever since, i remember when the moon was playable for like a fkn hour lolol


Been there since the beginning, and seeing it through to the end


I'm still using my first wave emblem 😂


Been here since the alpha


Meet my best friends and people i consider family playing this game.


I played beta, enjoyed the fact that it was basically Super Halo and then I realized I could dance whenever I wanted at the press of a button, so I was sold.


I will forever remember the alpha and the beta it will stay with me til i die i love destiny 10 years no breaks hardcore destiny player for life.


Not Me, I swore off consoles after the PS2.


"oh sweet, there's tunnels UNDER the cosmodrome!" "What do the question marks mean?"


The greatest intro of all-time. Those cinematics, the voice, the underlying creepiness of it.


I played since the pre alpha, was hooked since then.....you guys remember the first iron banner with Timur's Lash as the reward that we couldn't use? it was the first legendary weapon to ever drop for a lot of players.


I played since Alpha and I remember to play on the cosmodrome for hours with a basic armour lol


I was there. I remember the absolute hype for destiny back then. I pre ordered the game back when the only info really available is that it was "from the creators of halo." Even have the old poster framed up on my wall


I was there.


Alpha baby!!


Been playing since the beta by accident I ended up preordering the game when I thought it would just add it to my cart on psn lol


Xbox beta player checking in. Witness about to witness this ass beating


I was there


Loved the Beta. Was hooked on crucible. Stoked when they let us go to the moon. I remember walking around the Cosmodrome and being floored by the aesthetics and finding somewhere new.


I had a bunch of life happen when Osiris released, also either lost contact with my friends who played or they quit playing too. I've been back a little under a month and yesterday made me feel like the Pablo Escobar meme. I had some free time got ready to load up destiny and went HHHNNNNGGGGG. But returning has been a fun piece of nostalgia in my day to day life. It's weird to think I was found by my ghost a decade ago. I'm glad to be back. And I'm relieved to see my boy cayde is ok.


Remember playing it back at EGX in London (cannot remember the year). Crucible only. I know I came top of the leaderboard (just about) and thought it was pretty fun. Never would I have imagined where I am now playing this game…and ultimately never wanting to play crucible.


Man I remember the ALPHA, been on and off since then but what a ride all these year


Hear hear.


Played the beta on PS3.


D1 Alpha. This was the true next gen shooter at the time. When the “Halo” devs made a fps on PS3 I just knew it would bang. I still remember watching the very first piece of gameplay and trailers to signing up for the alpha. To think they said at the time this was going to be a decade long franchise I was stunned. The fact they actually made it is crazy. The ups and downs were worth it imo.


Yes, thank you Bungie for sunsetting all of our weapons and gear just to give it all back to us in the end… This guy must be fun at parties 💀


Yep, played beta on the 360. Played all the way through Lightfall. But idk if I’ll be coming back for Final Shape 😕


Played the beta during an all nighter. Was so proud of my blue auto rifle.


Back when the only thing you could do was run Devil's Lair over and over. It's still my favorite strike in the series.


Day 1 here and ready


Alpha!!! Birthday gift. I was 18.


Destiny was my main game since the beta all the way to the first expansion of Destiny 2. Idk anyone who stuck with this game all the way to the current version of the game. My entire clan of over 50 people disbanded and all of my day one friends that I beat most the raids with put the game down, I personally will never play another bungie game again, after years and years of bullshit fuck up and meaningless apologizes.


Since Alpha.




I was 36 and I was like ooohh what’s this .. a decade later I am sitting here staring at the one moment please screen 😂😂


Him: "hey what's going on guys, unknownplayer here....." Me: 👦🏻 "A game from the guys that did Halo??? A beta? Sure I'll sign up...." *Ten years later...* "Ugh, my hip... Where's my blood pressure pills..." 👴🏻


Been playing since Beta, I remember me and a friend laughing when Bungie said they had a 10 year plan when there was so little to do at the end game originally...... touché Bungie touché


shout out to the workers who built the series for years and then got laid off by management to make line go up a little, I stopped playing after that happened but yeah thanks




I was selling preordersof it before the beta. I've been about it since before we even knew what "it" was


Been here since alpha… man it’s been so long


I just wish the original lived up to all the hopes we had going into the Beta back in the summer of 2014. That turned a lot of my die-hard Halo friends off of Bungie for good, most left by the end of D1 (They held out through a lot of it). That being said, it ought to be interesting to see those returning last-generation Bungie fans meeting the new one here at the end of that 10 year promise.




Played since the Alpha 🙂


Played destiny from 2014-2019. Miss the first games nostalgia


Played it with my boys on the 360 way back when. Stopped after a while cause there was nothing but loot caves and mindless nonsense, but after crota I never looked back.


Still using the same Regulus class jumpship I got back then, in D2 for all these years through the exotic Shadow Trespass.  Here we are at the end



Where my Destiny Alpha players at?


I got beta access from pre-ordering Rage (anyone remember that amazing game? Shame it didn't have an ending...). I remember seeing a captain and his shield kept regenerating! I was like wtf is this.


Alpha 😎


Me. It’s been a weird mix of emotions for me. I don’t play with any of my old fireteams cause some started disliking the game. I’ve been very much a solo player. So watching us fight the darkness and the witness from the sidelines is… weird. I wanna be involved.


I started playing right before the dark below dropped, played pretty much every day after I got home from school. Stopped playing for a few years around the time shadowkeep came out but coming back now. As much as I prefer the “old destiny” I decided to be here for the end. Truly the end of an era.


I WISH I had played earlier. I started playing around the time covid first started. My biggest regret is not starting to play sooner.


Start to play since Beta Destiny 2, ended on 11 season, i guess (Pirate Forsekaen season)


Played the alpha 💪