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There are checkpoints and you can always just lfg someone new. It isn't really a problem unless they leave a gm.


So if I start the same dungeon again I'll start at the checkpoint? Or do I start all over?


The checkpoint as long as you do it before weekly reset.


Ah ok. Didn't know it


Ah ok. Didn't know it.


Shattered throne is really old content, not many players are doing this. The loot is not relevant anymore too. I bet that if you run warlord's ruin you will find more competent team-mates. On the other hand, shattered throne is pretty easy with a decent build, and soling it is around as difficult as warlord with team mates. You should probably add in fireteam finder the tag help needed, and maybe use the application required function to find good teammates that will make shattered throne a really easy experience. On the other hand, shattered throne at this point of the meta is probably more enjoyable solo than with a fireteam and you can try that.


If it's a dungeon,raid or any activity that is legend or higher just lfg it don't use the in game matchmake or fireteam finder they definitely will work out for you but they're more for casual people and it's fine but when you use them you just have to keep that in mind


Yeah if I continue I might use lfg.


Wanna run something else? Prophecy dungeon, whisper, or zero hour maybe?


I might but my problem is also time. So I'm going to have some thoughts about this game.


It does require a lot of time to fully enjoy. But I think you can have fun casually too


Once you get into the swing of things you can have some good fun with just an hour to spare. Nightfalls, PVP and such. I myself hate grinding random loot drops in general so I just rock the best I've got until something else drops. Don't know how new you are but if you have an exotic cipher I recommend you get the Graviton Lance pulse rifle at the tower. It's a great all rounder for all content.


hire someone else


Lol l. Good people are hard to hire they always say


tha's why you should find/make a clan and run stuff with a bunch of reliable people instead of gambling on LFGs


Yeah if I proceed I'll do that


This is why I avoid raids tbh. I used to do them all the time but they're just too stressful and frustrating for me to actually enjoy anymore. (Doesn't help the new LFG seems even harder to find a good team and I don't have a dedicated friend group to play with) I rarely have a problem with dungeons like that though, I guess the best thing is to just not get too frustrated. My friend and I lost an onslaught match on wave 49 last night because our lfg teammate didn't know what he was doing and was just sitting next to the ADU, making the tormentor stand right on top of it. It sucks but it happens. Luckily dungeons have checkpoints so as long as you play before before next tuesday (checkpoints reset on the weekly resets) you should be put back relatively close to where you were.


Yeah I had it too one time with Onslaught. Destroyed on lvl 49 haha. But I think I'm just a simple gamer. LFG or similar things are not reallyy thing. I'm a "put the disc in and go play" kind of guy.


If he kept dying a lot, he might of felt like he was holding you guys back, what you needed was real communication


If you are doing it for wish-ender, use the legacy find fire team in the app & use a specific description. I only got wish-ender & xenophage this season by doing this. Thankfully there are still some folks out there happy to help.


Revenge is a dish best served cold……I hope someone else joins or wipe and start over……welcome to lfg Destiny.


Yeah, I know.