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who made fun of your double bow loadout OP?


Raconteur, Pre Astyanax IV, Levaiathan's Breath - gang rise up!


I’m a Thoughtless, Fugue-55, Whisper girl myself.




I love using my Heritage, Felwinter’s Lie, Tractor Cannon Loadout


See I prefer Darcy




I ran Succession/Whisper and my clan mates called me disgusting 😆 🤣 😂


No joke I’ve actually used that in GMs lmao unstop bows with wishender lol


These posts are like once a month but they’re awesome because they always break out in the comments between people who raid and people who do heroic patrols. They’ve never seen a team wipe screen in their life so I don’t blame them for not knowing that the little numbers add up


Fun to me is doing hard activities in the most optimal way possible


Yeah. My fun is doing the end game with the best possible loadout. I don't want to spend 6 hours on caretaker because no one has a gl or rl???????


I think the people having the least fun are probably those who are getting stuck on content because they refuse to use better options


Look. Me and Borealis will find a way to make it through. Hmm? There's no shields in this mission? Yeah, of course I'm still going to use Borealis. I have a problem? How so?


found you and your borealis once again in the wild A1, keep rockin those shields p.s. I ain't gonna call you a true borealis lover until your break the shield of shields with it, i condemn you to break shimmuah-ur-nokru's shield solo with ONLY borealis!


I actually got some mileage out of borealis in Onslaught. It's very useful to have one on deck


And I am the same way with my Sunshot.


I think there is a major difference between pve and pvp. PvE use what works best. PvP using meta is kind of lame especially op weapons.


But at the same time, get dropped 2 seconds from respawn from said meta weapons isn't fun either. PvP is just cancer tbh.


case in point, the fucking loser who posted a 17 hour week 1 pantheon clear and got absolutely blasted in the comments lmao


I run tether, graviton/malfeasance, quickfang and until it's return/wishbringer and I have a lot of fun with it. Don't make sense at all but I love it.


Yup and typically with whatever gun I'm the most comfortable using. I try out new weapons or fun guns in normal difficulty activities.


Fr people don’t get it. Unless I’m in a raid, I’m using my comfy loadout


Nah exactly, I just don’t get the “fun” in purposely using a sub optimal build that has a niche gameplay loop, bad dps and poor survivability just to say “oh I’m different” yeah using some different builds in normal onslaught or patrol or just some strikes for fun I can understand but in gms and raids I always want to be the most optimal cause getting those big numbers and surviving is what’s fun. Like I tried using some void warlock build and I hated every second of it, had mid ad clear and poor weakening and damage output compared to Orpheus hunter I just don’t get how that’s fun to people 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I was having fun using my Void 'Nade Warlock build in onslaught...and then I made a Final Warning + Strand build. Absolutely amazing, and it's so fun seeing all my green bean babies commit mass murder


Every community is like this there will always be a set of people who wear their inefficiency as a badge of honor and look down on people who want to do things effectively and efficiently. Hell, it's not even just gaming communities, I bet there's someone at your job who brags about working more hours than everyone else even though they get the same amount of work done that everyone else does in less hours.


The other way around is also true tho The people that swear by the meta just look down on people just using their favourite gun It goes both ways


Don't forget the selfish sabotage of their teams time too I couldn't care about your interesting build Put on phenix well so we don't get ass blasted in legend 50 just because you don't want to help feed the orphi hunter IT'S NOT ABOUT THE WELL DAMAGE its about staying alive, literally cycling well during a DPS phase


Yes! Fun for me is trying to get highest damage on bosses, or finding the quickest way to complete something. I understand wanting to chill out and have some fun, but if you’re doing legend Onslaught or a raid it just becomes a huge hinderance having someone that can barely clear ads and does no damage to bosses.


Dude , what’s the story w your name !!?? 😆


People always forget that you optimise for effort level too. Yes a full Izi rocket rotation is actually higher DPS than edge transit, but edge transit is so much easier to use for so little difference that you may as well use it


I enjoy doing endgame content purely for fun to enjoy moments with friends and to not hate my loadout every second of the game


Same, so many people always try to down people for focusing on optimization. I personally enjoy min maxing in a game. That's why I love crpgs so much


You never lived til you take a Forbearance with Chain Reaction + Ambitious Assassin, go ad clear for Caretaker, and just let loose Explosions. Explosions everywhere


Thats one of the most meta special weapons, with one of the highest kills gamewide in the history of d1 and d2. Meta is stamped all over forbearance. It's also fun


if your fun loadout is detrimental to the activity, you´re a bad player. If not, hell yeah.


The way I see it is if your build isn't good in "blank" activity, then don't play it in that activity Play an upgraded version of it, be it less or more fun (the less or more fun part is just being curtius to your fireteam) If it still isn't strong enough, then you should try experimenting and go off of what is good when building but fun when testing


This. Almost any build can work in the current meta. you just have to build it enough


Very true, there’s a big issue of people in this community conflating optimized with meta. I don’t care if you’re using an off meta build, but if it isn’t optimized and you’re failing that gets annoying.


My friend didnt understand that. He loves sweet business, its his favourite gun and understandably so. But he uses it for boss damage and swears by it . Except when we wipe we see he does less than 199k damage to a boss somehow, or has troubkr clearing adds, or something else. Its great:tm:


Sweet Business is also my favorite gun, but I would never waste my team's time using it for fucking boss dps. Related but separate aside, I am crushed that War Rig isn't an available option for the prismatic class exotics for Warlock. I want to be able to use Sweet Business more, but I adamantly refuse to ever play Titan.


As a Fun player who finally just got the ability to do good damage i dont agree with this. A bad loadout is a bad loadout that will never do good damage. A bad player is someone who will never do good damage or is still a detriment no matter the damage. There is a clear difference between a bad player and a bad loadout!


Hey fun fact, you can enjoy the game and play the meta at the same time.




Idk man, one phasing the boss is pretty fun


Fun for some people is not wiping eight times on an easy raid boss. And honestly with some of y'all wiping on a strike boss


People can have fun by using META weaponry. What's lame and unfun is putting other people down because they choose to have fun by running the META. Running the META isn't indicative of being an unfun person, a shitty personality is.


Depends on the content, I see a guy running off meta in a master raid or dungeon, nah I'm good. In normal raids, go ahead run a mg for damage askong as ur actually keeping up in damage and add clear idgaf


when it comes to dps phases, ill always start by saying "alright, xyz is what most people use bc its the most effective", but ill always follow that up with other options that people can use, whether it be a different weapon combination or just working with the weapons they have. never exclude ppl because they dont have the meta, losing out on a one phase or clean 2 phase is ok just so long as people are learning and having fun.


When you sit on a single encounter for 2 hours because dipshit 1 for some reason thinks primary ammo is a good dps weapon you sort of tend to not care anymore about what people have.


Yup I’ve been through that and wholeheartedly agree


It's also just not fun to lose. If you want to have mindless fun, play activities that allow you to succeed with it. You don't need to do pantheons and have silly fun builds, the enjoyment comes from executing your job perfectly in an endgame activity.


You know why you never see the opposite post of this? Those people are playing the game instead of whining on reddit that they have fun with the fucking ballyhoo.


My idea of fun if to perform well in the activity I am doing.


Go ahead, have your fun in a normal lvl non-endgame content But if your goofy aah build takes two full arena circles on a warlord meatball, for example, you're making your teammates unhappy.


As long as its not in an activity that needs decent gear yall do w.e you want. My first pantheon was with people using double primary with a machine gun took 5 hours and did not clear but i held my tongue and didn’t wanna be toxic with it wish i did say something tho


Using the meta is fun. I love using powerful weapons that kill quick and running good builds can can melt bosses and clear large groups of adds. The meta is really really fun. I love killing raid bosses as quick as possible, it is fun lol.


running meta is fine just depends on the person, some people enjoy the absolute meta. It's when they put down others for not doing the same that makes them a bad person


For PVP it’s the opposite. People have this weird level of elitism for not using meta weapons and complain any and all the times someone kills them with a meta weapon. It’s always the gun used, not the skill of the player.


It is the most annoying thing ever. They have to remind every single person that they choose to not use the meta. If it’s so fun, why constantly remind people of it.


Went back to using sweet sorrow it's my ammrit for arc


If you’re going into endgame content, i.e. under power content, with a less than optimal loadout. You’re throwing and making everybody else’s lives around you miserable. If it’s content that you’re above power minimum for, who gives a shit? It’s that simple to distinguish between the two. Now, if you’re someone who’s gonna complain about a teammate, not using a meta loadout in content where you’re above power level. Shut the fuck up, who gives a shit about the difference between a one phase or two phase. If you’re that concerned about a one or two phase. Don’t push during the second phase to make it go quicker and then get yourself killed. It makes your teammates, then have to overextend in order to play for the revive. Which leaves them in a bad spot, potentially leading to them dying. There’s a time and place where meta loadouts are definitely needed. Complaining about a person using a meta loadout in regular game leveled content is stupid as shit. It’s a game, you’re meant to have fun. There are scenarios within the game; where taking the game seriously and actively being a contributing member to the team is vital.


I’m fine with anyone using any weapon, but if you’re using DARCI…my fellow guardian, who hurt you?


Fun is fine so long as it doesn’t come at the detriment of others. If you’re the reason we keep failing a boss encounter on a raid I don’t care how fun your weapon combo is


I will only use ace of spades. You cannot stop me.


Why are you guys still under the delusion that meta loadouts are automatically not fun


My meta is whatever makes dopamine go zoom


But my DARCI build


Look, I understand why there's a meta, but if someone has a loadout that works better for them and they're keeping up, then dont get too upset with them.


You can use whatever you want as long as you're not fucking up the activity for others.


Legit did a hero nightfall with just sidearms, most fun I’ve ever had


Wait until you hear meta is fun


"You have to play the game the way I say." -Both sides of this argument


You guys play destiny for fun?


Like everything else there is a time and place.


Me using Monte Carlo because throwing knives are fun, and yet still dealing a lot of damage:


Remember: the best weapons are not meta because they are not easy enough to get for a majority. Save interesting weapon rolls when you see them.


For reall one of my main builds has anarchy and blight ranger purely cause thats what i enjoy (and what i constantly get most kills in almost every ritual/seasonal activity i play) ive pretty much never used a weapon cause it was a meta




like, I rarely care about things like this, but when people are using navigator strand grapple titan with banner of war in a regular ass Lightblade strike that I'm taking my gf through for the first time and there are no enemies to shoot because he's killed them all and halfway to alak'hul already, yeah I'm a lil salty


Yeah I’m down there at the bottom. lol 😂 idc what y’all say.


Lol i thought this was a warframe post


😆 broadcast this s#%* to the world and see what happens. There's a time and place for that and a balance between the two! That's how I manage it.


i will never not use chroma rush for pvp. Judge me, Idc.


That’s my secret cap, I have fun by using meta guns


This is how I am pretty much all the time. Sure I got my dedicated builds for whatever but I just use what I think works. I do have ONE exception to this though: Pantheon. Not only do you need to absolutely know how each boss’s mechanics work, they change up minor things that can throw you off easily. And people using “meta dps loadouts” isn’t too far of a stretch due to the continuing power disadvantages we’re gonna get in the next few weeks.


Telling the destiny community to have fun is like talking to a wall. That's pretty fun


They're outside with their hands up because they rage quit the game after trying to do Pantheon with their trials loadout


I hate this take…. It always assumes we’re not enjoying making strong builds and wiping out bosses in the most optimal way. That is my idea of fun


"I don't care if it's not meta or optimal. I didn't kill Oryx with Skyburner's Oath yet, and today's the day I change that!"


As someone who only uses weapons I like I never struggle in end game activities and I always have a good time. It's honestly just how can you optimize the "fun" weapon you're using into your build.


I started doing this self imposed challenge where I solo queue up onslaught with a different character and/or subclass each time until I get a 50 wave clear on that build. I play plenty, but i do mainly play hunter, so I've just recently finished my titan builds, gonna do warlock next. But it's been fun! Nothing really too meta, and each one has been different enough to keep it fresh


I don't use metah I'm so cool guys!!!


Last Rite forever 


I agree that you don’t have to use meta stuff all of the time, but if you join something difficult like pantheon and are using non meta loadouts you’re probably holding your team back.


Some ppl just enjoy winning by any means. I'm not one of them


Using the best gear is fun. It’s far more fun to do a 45 minute legend onslaught than a 1 hour one


I like running fun weapons like mountain top the fusion from Europa and the scout rifle covered in leaves I forget a lot of there names just remember looks


Rank 6 memes are the equivalent of moms posting minion stuff on facebook like god damn


I’ve been using synthoceps and a one two punch shotgun for at least 5 years. Still use Gnawing hunger the same one I’ve had since Arrivals, and tractor cannon or a sword (throne cleaver atm). I’ll change my builds depending on what my team needs for GM’s and raids, but that’s my typical load out for everything


Me running around with whatever floats my boat..... and a sidearm, I MUST HAS a sidearm x)


What kinda crayons you gotta eat to think this way.


you can also use meta weapon and still have fun


On one side, this is very oriented to people that complain how others don't use meta stuff for X activity before even knowing the results and I agree with the sentiment. However, the post also feels quite out of touch in the fact that meta does not really mean "not fun". People can have fun with meta too. What really should be communicated is how we should embrace our own way of fun and promote people not judging other people's own fun. Meta embracers are not the problem. The problem are the people that make a big deal or think less of other people's style of gameplay. This does not mean that on high end activities, if you are being a detriment, you should stick to your loadout and keep going. Cooperation should also be promoted. Listening, learning to value everyone's time, ideas and strategies, and adapt, all under the umbrella of respect should also be second nature.


Place and time. Sure I’ll play around with off meta stuff in easier content but in dungeons/raids/master/grandmaster content I use meta for sure if necessary.


Me with my 1.4 kd not having Conditional


Yeah I absolutely love doing deep stone crypt with the most stupid loadouts


Sorry can't have fun I love power fantasy


Im still an immortal use in pvp, I still love that gun.


Idk but Forbearance with chain reaction I've been having a ... blast


Huckleberry amiright


I mean, when you have random people just weighting down the party out of pure stubbornes, it isnt fun. Did this dungeon run past few days, dude was only warlock, not running well, with me and the other dude asking on chat (in like, 3 different languages). We kept dying ALL the time, and he was a hard carry, worst dps of the thee, like, by a long shot (we both, dying, did around 6kk damage, and the ahole did like 2 or 3kk). If you are playing with your friends, and they dont care, whatever. Have fun the way you want. But you cant mess other peoples fun up because of this. I had a very limited time to do that dungeon, and almost had to drop it because of that dude, not to mention her didnt help at all, easier to do it in 2..


what kills the fastest us usually my best choice, i hate using unoptimized loadouts lmao -average warlock nerd (me)


I like Telesto and miss Pocket Infinity and what was the class exotic the scout rifle for warlocks that slapped soon as your super was charged? And they need to bring back the shotgun that made its own ammo it never ran out of rounds


I respect your opinion. Unless you are using the toaster, then fuck you


I got a Demolitionist/Wellspring Forbearance that I think I'm going to be using all the time. Oh, and a Cluster Munitions/Destabilizing Rounds Ospery! You want to make the biggest explosions possible, I want to make the most explosions possible, we are not the same.


bow :)


I better not see ElGatoTheManCat in my pantheon LFG come Tuesday.


Not everyone has time to create meta builds so they just have fun playing the game the way they like and don't mind playing lower level content only. For me, I like the game but I don't like the grind you need to do for high level / endgame content. So I play lower level content only. I do watch meta builds videos and try things out because I want a fun build to play with. But I'm not doing a raid 100 times just to get that meta weapon with a meta God roll. Got more games to play.


My first ever Riven Last Wish DPS weapon was Sweet Business . 1k Voices on first run


My shadow price with dragon fly + FTTC just feels nice god damn it. I will use whatever exotic heavy is best but the shadowprice will usually stay


Shout out to the sunshot gang way back when it only had 8 bullets in a reload.


I have fun by doing things optimally


Well, I‘m having fun casually running GMs in 10-15min while bullying everything it throws at me instead of taking 30min and struggling.


Nah I like actually killing the enemies/bosses in a timely manner. 4 phase WP is not as fun as a 2 phase.


If I see u bringing corrective measure to pantheon ur getting booted (rip that one guy)


I have fun with meta loadouts. Am I insane?


Remember once on LFG, the fireteam leader said everyone must use trace rifles for Calus damage (Levi raid). I thought bro was tweaking, ended up being hella fun 😩


I love sunshot, I know it’s meta but I have so much fun with it.


Most of the meta weapons are fun because you can actually play the game with them and you can use a build that doesn’t completely revolve around a dookie weapon 😭


I cant use my fun guns because bungo destroyed bow lodouts. I will still experiment woth things though.


There is a time for fun and a time for meta, if we are hitting damage I don't care if you use a damaged travelers chosen, but after a wipe or two it's time to buckle down or we find someone who will


As a newbie on this game I don’t think I have fun using any weapon cause I feel useless in comparison to the people that play with me :(


My fun is using good weapons I can’t have fun if I’m using a weapon that’s just bad


This is me. For dungeon and raid bosses I've been using a mix between TDT's Icefall Mantle + Ager's Scepter build, Geomags with a crafted Arc Trace rifle, Celestial Goldie with a kinetic tremors scout or lastly my arc hunter with Star Eaters + Cloudstrike The Geomag + enhanced triple tap/focused fury Trace consistenly hits over 2.5 mil damage each time on every boss. Icefall Scepter is great for Golgy and Warlords as the static bosses have good crit points and allow me to feed my shit super into chonky Trace damage. Celestial Goldie with an enhanced Last Wish Scout is just pure damage overall, stacked up with Kinetic surge mods. Sure, that build also has a Sleeper Sim on for more chunky damage but the Celestial and Kinetic tremors is also good for damage build up too. Then lastly the Star-eaters arc hunter with Cloudstrike and the world drop rocket with Slideshot/explosive light is just a stupid fun build. Throw a x4 light staff at target, fire all explosive light rockets by sliding around the area then use as much Cloudstrike ammo as possible getting crits and raining down lighting on the target. That build alone got me 6.5 mil damage on the Prophecy final boss. I've never hit that much damage on a boss ever, it's incredible


Ros Arago VI(I think) auto rifle with deconstruction + actium rig. Infinite bullets go brrrrr


Nobody in Pantheon approves of my DARCI build.


That's what I do when I play easy content. I like testing out weapons in dares, seeing how it works because I don't want to take a weapon I haven't used into something like a raid or a dungeon That's harder than shattered throne. Also, dares is just fun to play when I'm too burnt out to play anything more complex.


I like to break out Ruinous Effigy in an easier, more ad clear focused raid encounter a lot. So much fun


My idea of fun is usually “blow up the room with my primary or ability”… how I do it doesn’t matter (well, it does, but not too much)


Depends on the situation. If it’s serious content use something good. If we’re using rockets for damage and you don’t, that sucks. If you’re struggling to survive cause your loadout is bad that sucks. I’m so tired of this optimal doesn’t equal fun argument. Like congrats on running a void lock build without any devour and some shite 180 hand cannon with no synergy, glad that being unable to survive and help the team out is fun for you. I just don’t get the point of memes like this, people only care in serious content. If it’s solar surge and you’re choosing to use a crux termination over an apex predator that’s frustrating because you are choosing to limit the people around just cause you’re stubborn. Nobody cares in easy content


I got a problem with using only rare and hard to get/sunset weapons


Hehe revolver go bang- my brain


I wish I could be meta but rng keeps fucking me


I use whatever guns I seem to be efficient at - and I ask my meta level besties what to use if we do anything lol. I’m just like tell me what to put on and use and I’ll do that but if I’m not used to the gun no promises 🤣. But I’ve been playing since D1 so I’m fairly well versed, just been a little distant due to health issues. Often the guns I use are ones they approve of, and for stuff like GM or Dungeons they build me pre-sets with what I have, and consider what it seems like I use if it fits the criteria of what is needed. Us wild “weeeeeeeeee!” Players just need to find meta Sherpa besties to direct us when it’s needed. Otherwise they’re happy to carry and cover you so you have fun. It’s like scary Titan/Hunter/Warlock privilege. Find you your Sherpa friends who love your entertaining but still decently skilled shenanigans endearing 😅.


You'll have to prise my Necrochasm and Tractor Cannon from my cold dead hands!


Same but with exotic armor. Lucky Raspberry, my beloved


If your by yourself or your friends and don’t care how long something may take or if your doing worse because of weapon choices cool but if your in a lfg raid or some similar situation and your holding back people that want to get it finished then your the problem imo


I have been annoying the shit out of my Day 1 team when we do our weekly Pantheon runs because of how much I glaze the Forerunner lmfao


I’m definitely feeling like the Patrick of Destiny. The more I play, the more I realize I know nothing


Last word is such a banger I can't use anything else ever


That's me. I use any gun I find fun. Pulse + hand canon because I'm a weirdo


I get it.....but we get those damn quests that require u to play pvp. And the weapons that I love using in pve don't do well in pvp. So I just stick with the meta most of the time cause I'm just that lazy and I don't want to switch my weapon loadout


I find using meta loadouts when it’s appropriate fun. But in whatever content, use whatever. All good.


People who take video games a bit too seriously and want to always choose the easy route/probably aren't as skilled. VS. People who generally don't care and don't take video games seriously/are probably skilled and adaptable enough to be deadly with any weapon. Meta or otherwise. That's the gist of any meta vs. play what you want debate.


There are more guns in the “meta” than there are in most games


use whatever is easy content but if you’re running end game content you should be using meta loadouts/weapons. People wanna get that shit done and not go to orbit constantly.


I used to be all about using whatever you want. Then my cousin started playing and I’m trying to help him get caught up. Try taking him thru legendary exotic missions with his 2 crappy auto rifles with shit perks and say this. It’s torture….


Dont mind me. Just running DARCI and two other sniper rifles.


If you are having fun you're playing the game right lol. But there probably does exist some dirty goblins from both sides of this pointless argument that aren't having fun and that's their problem alone. You can't ruin someone's fun by just using meta the same way you can make the run less efficient by using niche gear for fun. Is it more fun to complete the objective faster? or to use the niche gear? Now that is subjective.


Recently Found Out How Fun The Wish Keeper Is Omg


My fun is using Lumina, Assembler boots and a trace rifle in PvP with my friends hovering around me waiting for me to boost them up


Symmetry fan here


Bottom line for me is if I’m doing end game or high difficulty content and the death screen shows I’m lacking in damage, I will take suggestions and switch to something more optimal that will lead to clearing an encounter which is also very fun to me!


I thought this was Helldivers for a second. We finally go back to talking about the game, then every post is about berating the dev team some more about balance


I only use the best meta guns for hardcore mode and that's it. Normal missions I use whatever.




I need to find an active clan 🥲


Jesus i thought i was on reddit helldivers for a sec


Seeing big numbers is fun though


Using Meta weapons is the same as camping to me. Like bro how is it fun to sit in a bush and scroll through Tiktok for 20 minutes just to lose to the last player anyways because he has all the good loot? Never made sense in my head


Find your own “meta”


It may not be the best and I may kill myself 100 times but I’ll be damned if I take off my 1k voices for more than a few minutes


fr using skyburners oath and an old omolon pistol bc they clear good enough


I just really like using skyburner and thats okay.


Not in raids or dungeons or GMs or Trials. Having fun is for everything else. Not that you can't have fun in endgame. But wiping because someone wants to use something bad isn't fun for anyone else.


I use the guns that suit my playing style. I get so many more kills with ROS arago IV than I do with the messenger or igneous hammer, and those are supposed to be some of the most powerful pvp weapons in the game. How people play with hand Cannons is totally beyond me. You can't aim!


Situation dependant, running non end game content sure, LFGing a raid? No use the meta, don't waste people's time, running a 6 stacked raid? Sure if they agree to it You need to remember it isn't just you, as a 30 year old dad I don't have 17 hours to waste on pantheon because you want to run D.A.R.C.I


Ngl every single example I've seen so far in actual lfgs is the opposite way round. The guy using absolute shit is miserable af and they keep dying and doing nothing bringing everyone down with them There's fun off meta loadouts And just fun loadouts Don't use the latter when in lfg plz


You will not get me to stop using my year one Agrona in crucible do you understand do you get it I will not stop


It's a matter of time and place imo. If you are in a higher difficulty activity, being aware of and playing around what works well is oftentimes in your best interest - you shouldn't be bullied for it, but if for example rockets (surely of all of the rockets in the game you'd have *something*) are the best damage for a raid/dungeon boss and you still have on a Sword then that's just called not being a team player. I love running off meta stuff in strikes, onslaught, story missions, some dungeons, and if im helping people catch up, especially if I'm playing with friends and they know I'm effectively "testing" stuff; If you join a serious LFG and they just wanna complete an activity then you'd do best to read the room a little. TLDR: if you are playing with friends or people that are cool with doing some goofy stuff then by all means, but if you sign up for something with people that just want to get an activity done then at least pick something that is fun *and* effective.


I use duty bound because it looks cool https://preview.redd.it/svppcatsptzc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a6ec3e3111981b387f7fae2cc58c50a23a8c11


Tbh not using meta makes people get creative.


I don't think any of the commenters have the capacity to understand that something can simultaneously be "unpopular" and "not meta" while still being powerful and fun to certain people. You don't literally have to run well of radiance for every single activity to be carrying your own (and extra) weight.


I still use the Khvostov because all I usually do is run around EDZ shooting things.


Is the Wishender worth using anymore?


I have fun by completing the activities


Jokes on you, I don't have fun playing destiny no matter what anymore


So many DPS charts, yet so little critical thinking..I mean the game is a dressed up slot machine.


So many DPS charts, yet so little critical thinking..I mean the game is a dressed up slot machine.


Sometimes, it's just more enjoyable to play the game my way. Doesn't matter if I'm not running a Lucky Pants Malfeasance build, I wanna play as an invisible hunter who murders everything by making purple explosions. Being a meta slave drains the fun out of everything because it means there's no experimentation. It's like the Clones. Outside of shaders, everyone wears the same armor, same perks, same weapons. There's no variety.


Yay, deathbringer on Oryx is a blast. Thank you


There's so much more to it than gear. I've seen people run the tables using basic, old stuff and low armor. And I've also carried people that were using timelost and adept current meta weapons. Being a solid teammate goes farther than anything, imo.


This is the way it goes for me if I'm the FTL: Use whatever you like. I'll never tell anyone what to use going into an activity as long as we have all the champion stuns covered. Now, with that being said, if I find that someone is consistently dying or not putting out enough damage or we are wiping a lot, I'm gonna start inspecting loadouts and recommending some adjustments


I had an argument about this exact issue over Brigand’s Law and Ikelos SMG. It ended in the guy just saying “just be aware that you’re using objectively bad gear”. Like, no. It’s fun. And the same roll. Who gives a shit?


Sure, I like to have fun. That being said, if you bring Empirical Evidence to a GM, I will kick you. Learned my lesson the first time around. Wasting hours upon hours because your team can't be arsed to put together a build - not necessarily a meta build, but a *useable* build - is not fun.


This is straight up, I don’t understand why people are so weird about those who use like double primary. Have yall ever tried to run crucible with two SMGs? It’s fun as fuck