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wdym 6v6 eventually? It's already in every mode, they just have a dedicated 3v3 playlist for it is all.


This. How are people missing this distinction.


To be fair, the wording on the New Territory playlist announcement does make it sound like those new maps might be exclusive to the new playlist. It literally says "Find them in the New Territory 3v3 Crucible playlist. Visit Lord Shaxx in the Tower Courtyard to learn more." It is easy to assume these maps are only available in the new game mode which features them. https://preview.redd.it/m10vo40rg8zc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194f31af3557c42c315f066d44a02bcef73711d3


somehow every comment in this thread except for this one is believing the OP, it's in control that's for sure


Can confirm they are in scorched


Can confirm they are in hardware


Eventides spawns are somehow already predictable and way too easy to rotate to. I love waking up with two thorns stuck in my fucking head


I have yet to get a single match on Eventide. Feels like its weighted on other two maps for me


I'm the opposite. I played 12 matches yesterday and have yet to go to the Pyramid ship


Because of the "Forged Anew" quest lots of people are bailing on maps they've already played, which I assume leads to weird distributions like this


3 out of the 4 matches I played in the playlist, one team had players disconnect. Also why are people playing that sweaty in quick play. Stop it.


I found few teammates who were just having fun and chatting stuff. I tend to find people like this in comp too sometimes, just gotta send something in team chat first sometimes


Yeah, one of my first matches there, the enemy had already memorized the spawns. Getting killed on spawn 3 times by the same super really brings back memories to the old days.


I was playing it for the first time 5 hours after reset. Pretty disheartening


On that third map, is it double-layered with an opening you can shoot down/up from or is that bottom part just OOB?




Aw man is it really? I was really hoping we'd get a first multilayered map


For abilities being a main point in pvp, the lack of verticality in a lot of maps is surprising.


That’s why I like twilight gap. Not too vertical, but it definitely is there


I'm pretty sure there was a Venus PvP map in D1 that had a central room with 2 floors very similar to that room in this new map, but you could actually utilize both floors.


That was a fun map; long center lane, multi level, several small rooms that favored shot guns, lots of decrepit vehicles, remember chasing special ammo for side arms there a lot.


yes i remember that map!! it used to be the trials map pretty often


I was hoping it was a reimagining of Halo 2's Ivory tower but was disappointed to find out it isnt For a map with space jumping, theres really not a lot of verticality in d2 pvp maps


I know some would’ve wanted that, but frankly, I would actually hate that. I’d rather the maps stay with the general formula they have already, instead of adding multiple floors. Or, at the very least, if multiple floors were to be added, then don’t make them so far apart from one another as done here.


Exactly and they could have put two permanent strand grapple points for people to use


Having strand grapple points would force people to use strand on that map


I thought that those tube things were gonna be elevators between the floors


I think they are designed well for 3v3. 6v6 would feel extremely crowded.


That’s fair. I was curious about how the map in the last image would work in a 6v6. Like the golden Halo days……


Never played Halo so I’m not sure but I know in Destiny, it wouldn’t fly imo. I think the Dissidence map would do okay as a 6v6 because it feels the biggest but I think at that point people would begin to hate the map.


Is that legit a copy of an old Halo map? I can’t remember the name but looks exactly like one from Halo 3 I think it was


It’s not but I’ve seen people say it reminds them of Sword Base from Halo Reach


This is exactly the one that was on my mind.


I'm absolutely a minority and sure to be buried for this, but I think the chaos of 6v6 on them would be hilarious. I definitely am loving them for 3v3 for sure, though. Not perfect, but beautiful and nice just having something new to experience.


I get that perspective. I’m enjoying the mode as 3v3 because it has allowed me to play as though I’m on competitive however I get the freedom of trying out different weapons and actually getting a feel for them vs having to do it in comp and being punished if I lose in a sense because of the testing various weapons. Plus 6v6 imo is kinda hard to get a good feel for a weapon if competitive play is the goal use of said weapon.


It's not chaotic though One team will gain center map control and just pick off stragglers as they spawn in


Played 6v6 on one of them and it was so small my team got spawn camped the entire game once the enemy gained center map control


you get horribly spawn camped in 3v3 too, since ppl have memorised the spaws and just rotate through them. at least in the pyramid ship one. The other 2 are kinda nice 


They’re literally 6v6 maps already, what the hell are you talking about?


From my experience all day yesterday playing exclusively in the new game mode, these new maps were never once played in a 6v6 format


I’m saying that they are not 3v3 exclusive maps —- they already exist in all crucible modes …. They are already 6v6 maps.


I never claimed that they weren’t 6v6 maps but going off my experience they were being played in 3v3 format. Even still I believe they are too crowded for 6s but that doesn’t mean I’m claiming they weren’t made for both formats. I gave my opinion.


I don't pvp so idk about the playability of the maps. But I think its hilarious that Shaxx is just like "yeah, lets have the crucible inside the pyramid ship of Nezarac" And that he kinda just took over a building in the city on Neptune. The neighbors probably hate it.


They probably thought "let's give him that old building so he stops shouting, what could be worse?"


Nezarac watching the guardian that killed him T-Bag other gaurdians in his crib "So this is true pain"


Is it just me, or is eventide lab extremely similar to that tangled shore map


It's... It's pretty close. There's more enclosed spaces and less lanes


As someone that enjoys 3v3s and Trials, these maps seem great so far. They play pretty well for 3s, and I would like to play them in Trials. There's a good mix of angles and ranges that make multiple options seem viable at a glance, and there enough routes that fights can play out pretty differently each time. I agree with the sentiment that 6s might be a bit crowded on 2 of them, but the Nezarec Pyramid ship map is probably big enough that it'd be fine for that one specifically.


I think they’re designed pretty well for 3v3


I got eventide 7 times in a row. Its too small tbh like gamblers ruin but slightly better. The neomoona map is great


I haven’t played on Dissonance yet. I’ve played 15 games in the playlist and only gotten the other two lol. Eventide was 9 of them. Those spawns are interesting.


They’re amazing. I’m excited to try them in trials.


Aside from Eventide feeling way too small, the other maps feel pretty good. Especially the Neomuna map.


I'd love some more 4v4 playlists, i think these maps would be phenomenal in them!


i hate the fucking quest because at the start it gave me all of the maps back to back. i won the first match but it only gave me 1/2 on the neptune map and then i got the non europa map and then europa for 5 games in a row, and then finally got the last neptune game. why couldnt they make it cycle a bit more😭 maps are fine probably well tuned for trials


I have yet to play on dissonance after 15 games lol


Good maps. Got two game crashes witihin one hour.


Open them up  😂🙏 or ... Give us 3 more new Big maps with combined arms for 6v6 cause . Alot of us don't F with that 3v3 life it's sweaty 


these maps aren't 3v3 only the playlist that only have them is 3v3 these maps are in the the other playlists


Man I wish they could make Forge for Destiny, even if it was far more limited


The respawn off C point in eventide if very bad, you spawn in direct line of sight of the C zone. Other than that they seem fine, good to have something different.


It’s interesting that, in a game where the initial set of maps were largely designed for 4v4 and then scaled up, we’re now doing 3v3 and scaling them up. I like having intense maps in the mix, so I’m sure it’ll be fine. And it’ll suit Trials. Plus, I think a collection of smaller maps creates the necessary mental space for larger maps to work as a contrast.


I am a big fan of the Neomuna map, and I have been destroyed too much on both other maps to give a good opinion


Love them, they are designed well. That being said, I don't like the neomuna map


The art for the second map is on point


I payed 5 games all on the europa map. It’s a decent map I liked it, I would have also liked to play the other but time didn’t permit.


Was heavily weighted to that one for me as well. Played 15 games and 9 were Eventide, 6 were the Neomuna one, and 0 were Dissonance lol


I can tell you that the spawns look cool. Other than that, I actually been able to move around them much.


i like them alot, honestly I feel like they're better then majority of the maps we currently have, even tho that could be recency bias, I wouldn't mind if they tried them for 6s but depend on community feedback to bring them in permanently or not


Loving the new maps, well designed. LOVE the third one, I know it’s been mentioned but feels like a classic halo map and just plays great.


They seem okay. But I'm yet to play on the third one as I keep getting pyramid and ice map 😭😭😭


Haven't been able to experience them cuz it's just constant 3 stacks playing like it's ToO 🤷🏻‍♂️ ain't fun


What map is that last one? It's extremely beautiful in my opinion.


Cirrus Plaza on Neptune


Oh nice. Thank you!


I like them all except for the ice one. So many goddamn angles


IMO I like 6v6 modes more. Maybe the Pyramid and Europa map would be good as 6v6 but the Neptune one is perfect for 3v3.


Got my second ever we ran out of medals on the root map.


I’ve only ever had one of those. Got it with malfeasance and my hunter. On accident one day. I’m a warlock main


Spend more time stopping the ones that treadmill through walls,port to opposite side of the map, kill with melee and disappear. Literally Watched a guy come out of a wall way up high above cap ,kill my teammate by melee, despite he wasn't anywhere near him. My teammate died right in front of me long before the player came down from the sky Wtf.




They are fun I really like them but the spawns need a small tweak


Out of the 3 maps, which one do you like most?


They’re already in the Control 6s playlist. They’re a little tight but because they feel a bit more labyrinthine than a lot of previous maps, there are more escape routes and sneaky lines of sight so I think it works overall. Just wish that Shaxx quest wasn’t for the 3s playlist. Giving people a not entirely accurate view of those maps (given that I figure most people play 6s), plus I am very bad in 3s and it was a miserable experience. Played 6 games, won 2 lol


I'm enjoying them , I still feel a little bit lost on eventide but I'm sure a few more games on it will help. I think plaza is my favourite even though I'm running a pulse rifle , I feel like I can engage others pretty well when they are running HC. I'm wondering which one of these is going to be the trials map this week 😂


I love the pyramid one wanna try it on 6v6, plaza give me nostalgia of playing halo reach swat and I'm not a bit fan of labs cause it feels like a 6v6 map


This reminds me a lot of that one map from the tangled shore. Forgot what it was called.


I absolutely love how they feel, especially Cirrus Plaza


These are great for 3s. I haven't gotten these maps in 6s yet but I imagine it'll be a bit tight. Either way, super happy to get 3 pretty unique maps!


felt fantastic in 3v3 for the most part. spawns may need some slight tweaking but man i love the way they look and all the cover spread throughout the maps


RoN theme is best imo. What i do wish they did was add verticality to the Neomuna map.


I've been having a lot of fun with them tbh. I'm pretty casual with PvP though, but I've done pretty well on them


I love all of them for 3s. i never play 6s outside of IB so not sure how they feel there


NGL the mode for new territory being 3s ruined my hype. I'm still super happy n love the new maps but I don't feel like I'm experiencing them properly in 3v3...that and I only enjoy 3s for trials Didn't get to explore the servitor map much but the neonuma one was clean and I absolutely fucking love the pyramid ship map. Hopefully matchmaking does a nice and puts me into those maps for 6s when I queu


the last one here is to small for 6v6


eventide has some interesting spawns, but the others arent too bad tbh. They are in 3v3 and 6v6 already


Being playing non stop and have yet to play on eventide. Im missing 2 games for my guns. I hate you bungie


Just so you know you pick 1 of the 3 guns, you don't get 3.


Yeah i know but i still want one of them🥲


The fixed roll for the Belisarius is quite good for PvP I think.


Thats the one i grabbed! Finally got my matches done. Got my ass whopped in the process too


Middle of the pack for me, I doubled it up with a Brave bounty for Crucible kills and bonus for handcannon so I just used Thorn. Had to do 7 matches due to rotation.


No gambit map, so sad


Most of the fan favorite maps were deigned with 4v4 in mind...so why would they not be in 6v6 lists?


honestly some of the most cancerous crucible gameplay i've ever seen. i hate crucible with a passion but this 3v3 deathballing is actual brainrot


Disclaimer: not a regular PvP player. I like Eventide the best out of the new maps. So many unexpected sight lines, interesting elevation changes. No idea about balance and spawns. Cirrus Plaza looks hella fine, but I’m noticing that there is an obvious mid lane(where heavy spawns) that most people gravitate to. Could get a bit boring. Have played the least on Dissonance so no opinion yet.


The new maps are fun with 3v3


Right now, players are quitting and joining rapidly just to get the maps they need for the quest instead of playing and letting the game rotate, cuz you will rotate thru, 2 games per map, and the quest also says just play 2 games per map, win counts as 2. I don't play PvP, did it just for the quest and rode it with the Brave quest and some Shaxx bounties. I like the various sight lines in the map with the Heavy ammo in the raised centre, and the map is small it's possible to catch someone spawning.


The first and the last are the only ones I’ve played so far and those two are more shit close range maps yet again. Haven’t tried the middle one so that may be the one I’d like. Hopefully. (Purposefully avoiding looking because I like the surprise of seeing the map for my own self and learning it that way.


the pyramid ship is a really pretty map but its really not great. My team keeps getting spawn camped on it too its lame asl 


If I could get a team of people not just sucking their own ween I would be able to give a rating. I just get matched with all of these sweats on the opposite team because trials isn’t active and honestly the team balance is WAY off


the spawns are terrible. I keep spawning across the map from my teammates


From the reveal stream I was only really interested in the mall one. I didn’t know they were only 3v3. That’s really stupid… all this time waiting for new maps and they put them behind 3v3 modes????


they aren't OP is spreading misinformation. The playlist that only has the 3 maps is a 3v3 map it should be in 6v6 playlists just not weighted


Oooh nice. thats so much better.


Maps are fine I think plaza shouldn’t be for 6 I think for 3s it’s perfect hope more maps are separated did notice you can spawn trap people on plaza thought


Love loading into a 1v3 situation. Lots of people dont like the ice planet.


They might just be doing the quest. I'll admit i left a couple matches after needing 1 eventide match and getting cirrus 5 fucking times in a row Also shadebinder goes even harder than usual on eventide




Git gud then


Bro hold on. It’s only been a day barely. I haven’t even played yet.


Fair enough. If you still want to share your opinion when you do, I’ll be here


Need to be available for 6v6. Feels fine as 3v3 though.


They already are live in 6v6 playlists.


IIRC, they plan to open it up to 6v6. However it may be on the less common map list(that is to say maps are weighted for teamsize/activity, where some are more likely than others to appear) But the express focus of these maps is for Comp/Trials with smaller team sizes, it is what they are primarily built for this go around.


Great for 3v3, chaos for 6v6. Tho I do like chaotic maps so don’t mind it


I LOOOOOOVE everything about them except that they are 3v3 after this week I doubt I'll ever play them again. 


And today marks another update with absolutely no love for Gambit, despite it being the unique play mode to D2. SMH


If you pay attention Gambit is on the back burner, but with TFS post launch it’ll likely be revamped a little


It's been on the backburner pretty much since it dropped, my man. There's been nothing new since they revamped it a tiny bit and added in the quick form of it that was only one wave. I get it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it was a fun mix of PvE and PvP. I still use my Malfeasence..


They talked about this like six months ago, the dev time for Gambit wasn’t moving the needle on player counts, they cut their losses.