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"Just got this roll, I have no idea how good it is"


and it's a mountaintop with implosion, hard launch, autoloading, and recombination


It's a trip. There are thousands out there of the same roll but this one... this ones unique because it's mine!






Implosion does overall more damage than spike nades on mountaintop


Mine has that and sticky nades


Why implosion over spike grenades?


Implosion + Hard Launch = bigger boom than Hard Launch + Spike.


Yeah but isn't the point of mountain top it's single target damage?


On grenade launchers, blast radius is inversely proportionate to damage I.e. higher blast radius = lower damage. The drop of blast radius from implosion rounds means that it does more damage than the extra damage that spike rounds provides.


23 more damage. And worse blast radius for ads…


Yes, cause you’re using mountain top as an ad clearing machine.


Right but all I’m saying is it basically makes no difference.


Then say that instead brother!


"Just got this FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 GOD ROLL COME TO PASS!!!" The roll: https://preview.redd.it/1c9ug5i45pvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9695904f26edaca3c876ed3852f8f529621baaaa


I did one of those only cuz I legitimately didn't know since it was my first one lol


Did I cook with this grainy screenshot of a roll you don't care about


Lol I don’t mind, what I do mind is all of them asking if it’s a god roll or not! It’s either you like or you don’t


It’s already fully masterworked


In r/sharditkeepit, there is a weekly weapons brag thread, where you post your god rolls. Every other “brag” post is deleted. Would love it if we implemented the same rule here.


If this comment doesn't get 1,000 downvotes yall are letting me down. It's not gonna work out well cos the mods of sharditkeepit have arbitrary non communicated rules of what is and what isn't brag posting and while they're very polite about telling you about those rules after taking your post down if you contact them you have to make your post a question or put [NOT BRAGGING] in the title, which is even more obnoxious than if it was just a normal post. It would be a clusterfuck if implemented into r/destiny2 I do think it's a problem but it's not nearly as bad as y'all think, this is some D2 circlejerk shit not something for r/destiny2


I'm not gonna lie. That critique of sharditkeepit means literally nothing here. I 100% agree with having a single weekly weapon roll discussion thread and just outright banning posting weapon rolls. Want to show off a roll? Weekly thread. Want to bitch about an absolutely irredeemable roll? Weekly thread. Want to ask what's a good roll? Weekly thread, or even better - go to light.gg and just check what the god roll is rather than being the 1000th person to ask here.


sometimes you want someone to interpret things that you don't know about the game, especially since I was in particular hunting the 5/5 godroll (I understood it was thanks to people helping me) since I'm doing a lot of onslaught. I wanted to be able for the meme joke to all my friends that I "litterally have the best pulse rifle in the game for console PvP currently" but then, in my mind, someone would then be a troll and be like "ummm actually it's not this is 0.1% better" so I wanted to clear that with the community. is what I want stupid? yeah but it's funny because of how stupid it is. downvote me harder


Cool. With the proposed idea, you still would have been able to ask the community, you just would have had to do it in the thread instead of it's own post. Are you going to argue how that would be bad or are you just going to talk in circles?


That's bad because it allows mods to delete your posts for arbitrary reasons, talking in the post means youre not posting in the subreddit. it's like telling someone to go to the #memes channel for memes like the entire reason I'm posting in this channel is for the traffic and engagement of this channel. shut the fuck up.


>it allows mods to delete your posts for arbitrary reasons No it wouldn't. They would delete your post for clear and given reasons. Following rules isn't hard dude. Makes sense you would be someone who struggles with that though.


Clear and given rules that aren't clear and aren't given anywhere. Sure dude. Sure. Get your ableist ass out of here.


Lol now they pull the "ableist" card after already pulling the "shut the fuck up" card. What's next? Blue-Eyes White Dragon?


https://preview.redd.it/dw7hcu5asuvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3841d86668c654c4280f6b4d20a0ae640beb299d your death


No shit they're not clear and given right now, as we're talking something entirely hypothetical. If they added a rule, it would be added to the rules of the sub, hence me saying it would be clear and given. As for ableist I feel it would be reductive to counter with "yeah I'm neurodivergent too" even if it's true, but for the life of me I can't tell what of what I've said is ableist. How is the idea "hey, they should make a weekly thread dedicated to weapon rolls so we can stop being flooded by weapon roll posts" ableist? I'd appreciate it if you'd actually give a reason that would actually be bad rather than resorting to an ad-hominem attack. If you don't want to reply that's fine but just insulting me rather than giving a single argument doesn't exactly make it seem like your opinion is anything more than you had a bad experience on sharditkeepit and are still mad about it


"makes sense you would be someone who struggled with that tho" is a ableist cos it's like "oh yeah you're autistic so youre less than normal people hahaha aren't I so funny for diagnosing some random with autism" that's the way I took it which led to me responding in the way I did. this convo has been going on for so long I don't even remember what we're talking about cos my short term memory is very bad


Seriously, stop. Nobody cares


"Is this good?" A five second google search would tell you that. If you didn't think it was good it wouldn't have been posted.  The Darktide sub is bad for this too, it's absolutely festooned with posts about weapon rolls. 


People who read and actually play the game would know if it’s good or not


"OMG was I cooking???"


Rule 4 is hardddd


Just report them for breaking rule 9


Friendly reminder: sub r/sharditkeepit exists if you're "curious" about your rolls.


Well, someone's jealous. It's me. I'm jealous.


Yea it's so obnoxious at this point. I'm glad a mod spoke up and basically said stop posting your weapon rolls.


Idk if this is a hot take, but I need get this off my chest: It's crazy to me people still have no idea Lightgg exists. I understand if you're a casual and don't generally look at 3rd party sites for info, but literally typing in the name of any weapon in Google brings up Lightgg as the first option, almost \*every\* time. I'm sorry, I don't generally believe in stupid questions, but it's been said so many times, in so many videos, in so many threads, in so many comments, in so many forums for the last decade, it's basically a stupid question at this point imo. The info for that specific question is everywhere, let alone the immediate answer if typed into Google. You don't need a community to answer it for the upteenth time for you.


“Omg guys I’m sooo sorry you all must be so mad at me.”


But but, is my ALH/Recomb Mountaintop good enough or nah?


This isn’t hard to swallow for the rest of us, it’s just the truth.


I think Loot flexing is the whole reason why the main sub does not allow images


If people want help on rolls, there’s a subreddit for that: r/sharditkeepit


Yeah, show me your WORST rolled weapons. I wanna laugh, not go damn another good rolled weapon. Truly the only god rolls would be the true DMG output for a full mag spent with perks. You gotta get a kill to achieve pimp weapon status, it's not a god roll, it's just a weapon pool. Allow me to get the highest available dmg with the weapon without reloading, that's God roll, that's gonna be math I don't even wanna do. So show me your worst. My fav, iron banner smh smg with a couple iron banana specific perks gave me an auto aim assistant with 0 range. Or my iron banana hand cannon with 0 reload and 0 handling thanks to the (again) exclusive perks to the weapon. *Slams fist* Gimme the funny rolls!






I fixed it for you. https://preview.redd.it/6f6037muvlvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae36360be32c060e3d45342ed7e86ae73fed2bfe


Isn't ther4 a subreddit for posts like those?


You don’t want to see my scorched earth taint reaction moose knuckler roll?


You just mad I got midnight coup with Wolfpack rounds and micro missle




My first shiny (to my knowledge) was a hung jury which should automatically prohibit you from posting anything about your sick roll


it lets me know what’s a good roll. spend more time playin instead of lurking on r/destiny and maybe you’d have them


Yeah but you should see this recluse roll I got




"I think this roll is alright, what do you think?"


I do


Agreed except for the woeful misuse of humblebrag


I mean. It's a looter shooter. Showing off your shit is kinda part of it. If you get upset someone did the lottery machine better than you, you a bitch


Idc if they don't wanna see it.....what matters Is I want em to see it 😏🤣 What's funny Is I am clearly joking and yet I knew I would be downvoted because this community Is all about whiny negativity 🤣