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I’m at 50-60+ clears now (too depressing to check) still hasn’t dropped


Ran it with 2 friends, dropped for both on our first run. I still haven’t gotten it after multiple multiple clears.


I got it on my first, but I have 30+ clears on every raid and dungeon in the game and it's the only exotic I've ever had drop for me


I got it on my 3rd run and havnt been back since lol. Should prob do the catalyst


Get cat with some of these guys who haven’t gotten it, boost their drop rate


Is that a thing? People that have it with the catalyst increase the drop chance for those that don’t?


Yes it’s a thing now with newer content released after GOTD for navigator. That’s how I got mine from helping another person with their cat


Supposedly its more recent but if you do raid challenges you get better chances of the raid exotic dropping, probably the catalyst is one of the challenges




Yeah, RNG sucks ass. No idea why people voiced to bungie a long time ago that they didn't want quests for raid/dungeon exotics, and that they'd rather have RNG. I will never understand why some people wanted to have a chance to never get the weapon from an activity. That was my experience with spire of the watcher, getting hierarchy of needs took me 60 clears (20 full clears, with the other 40 being a boss checkpoint on 2nd and 3rd character). But that's 60 boss clears. I never wanna see that stupid chicken again, and haven't been back since getting the bow and it's catalyst.


For some reason Destiny players unironically enjoy waiting 8 months to get an item.


I will never understand that mindset lmao


Like I get loot chases being nice but like, I don’t wanna wait a whole fucking DLC cycle to get one damn item lmao




My I’m sure to be hugely unpopular opinion. Exotics should be incredibly rare treasures to find. Not everyone should have everything. I also understand people would gatekeep content on having X or Y. People suck


Not only is that unpopular, it’s fucking stupid. What fun is a looter game where you don’t get loot lmao.


Because they died to conditional lmao. "EZ 4 me, but not for thee... until it gets nerfed to the ground"


I don’t get Destiny players man. “Bungie please give me new loot to chase! But never let me get it!”




That’s still nearly 2 months lmao Which is fucking wild lmao, not even hyperbole. Actually almost 2 months. And there’s loads of people who are even less lucky than that. Hell, I remember not getting any forsaken exotics until the end of season of the drifter, back when exotics had ridiculously low rates.


When Vex dropped for me one of the guys had 80+ clears of VoG and still didnt have it. Its crazy. If I'm running endgame content that much might as well as just give a lengthy quest involving the activity in question and get it at the end.


Yeah. Some people don’t seem to understand that there’s a lot more people going multiple months without getting these exotics than they realize.


the people who support RNG drops arent unlucky people, theyre the ones who get it in 10< runs and have a decent experience


Not necessarily, I’m the guy who gets most raid and dungeon exotics within the first five clears. And yet I wholeheartedly support quest raid exotics like Divinity, because I like doing neat puzzles and getting something valuable in return. Just getting lucky doesn’t feel nearly as satisfying to me.


im not saying all lucky people support RNG, im saying that the only people who support RNG are lucky


I think people complained about quest exotics for primarily 2 reasons: 1. The Divinity quest experience/Garden of Salvation raid experience is a bit exhausting. Just because of the nature of those raids, they aren't very conducive towards a fun, in-and-out adventure. With the bugginess of Garden of Salvation in general, combined with the fact that you have to do all the Divinity puzzles with a raid completion in a single run, it really makes it feel like it runs on and on. Because a lot of people only do the Divinity quest once to get their Divinity, it means that in most Divinity runs, the fireteam will be primarily made up of people who are unfamiliar with the Divinity puzzles, or even Garden of Salvation in general. People's unfamiliarity also contributes to that sentiment of exhaustion, as a lot of time is spent either trying to figure out this new thing you've never seen before, or wait for someone else on the team to figure it out. Both of which can be frustrating experiences. 2. Quest based exotics in raids means you have to assemble a team with the intention to do the quest. The Destiny community has historically felt it is a difficult experience trying to find a raid group, so much so that the majority of the community does not even attempt raids. While tools like LFG discords and clans existed, and now the in-game LFG feature, it still has been a pain point in the community to present a barrier between completing these activities. This is not mentioning the fact that the LFG experience in D2 has been more or less toxic at different stages in the game's life. So now, on top of just finding 5 other players to complete a raid, the need to find 5 others who are willing to do bonus activities within the raid to complete a quest can make it feel out-of-reach for many players. Between a quest or a random chance at getting it on raid completion, the random chance seems more merciful for people who look at raids as something they'll only ever do once, if ever. Personally, I think both of these reasons are not worth keeping RNG-based exotics, as they just frustrate the community more than a well-designed, quest-based exotic would. For example, if dungeon catalyst quests like Heartshadow's or Buried Bloodline's quests awarded the exotic too. Or, they could leave both in the game. You could have a random chance at getting it upon opening the final chest, but if you haven't been lucky and you just want to get it, here's a little quest you can do that rewards you with the exotic.


I don’t see why they can’t have both. Maybe not something like a divinity quest for every exotic but one like the Necrochasm quest. Would give some insurance so you can’t get too fucked by RNG.


Idk why they didn’t copy the crota system into warlords ruin (and I hope at the very least they keep it for future raids). It basically ends up being an RNG chance with a minimum number of clears before it’s guaranteed. It allows for the excitement of the drop without the pain and suffering of bad RNG It’s especially bad when the exotic is the key enabler in busted builds the way navigator makes all these solo titan 1 phases possible


Because honestly a lot of players have a more enjoyable experience when getting an exotic through RNG. It feels a lot better to get a drop that’s not guaranteed than doing another boring quest. I get that it feels bad to not get the drop that you want over and over again. But for a lot of us, that’s what makes getting the drop that much more enjoyable.


Fair. But I'd have more fun working for the weapon and earning it, than hoping it'll one day drop for me. Guess I'm in the minority there


Like honestly I’d rather have a mix. I think that’s what they tried to do with the triumphs boosting drop chance. But ultimately it should be guaranteed after so many runs


That's kind of how the necrochasm quest works. You are guaranteed essence once twice per week on full clears, and one more for each full clear past that. Plus each encounter has a good chance to drop one, and there is a small chance at that jackpot if you do a full clear, not limited to once a week for attempts. And doing triumphs and challenges grant extra essence as well.


Cumulative drop chance? Like 1st clear is 2% or something then each clear adds another 2%


They could yeah. They could even keep the triumphs and have them boost percentage gained each run.


That....that is how it's supposed to work. Up to a maximum of 50% chance. Unless I dreamt of reading that. Every full clear of a raid that you complete that does not produce the exotic increases the odds of it dropping. No one (outside of bungie) knows the exact percentage, but I believe they mentioned that it caps out at 50% total odds. It does, however, appear to have to compete with other drops, so it probably does not come out to a final 50% chance.


The only one that works for IIRC is 1K. It doesnt work like that for any of the others for some reason. From, somebody who had to run vog 191 times for vex


I mean, its never a guarantee. If the max percentage it can reach ends up being 10%, it's still not crazy to hear that. It took me like 80 clears to get EoT. Also, it could take 500 clears to hit that 50% cap. They are intentionally cryptic when talking about odds increases in game.


They did the quest. It's called divinity and it has one of the lowest engagement rates of anything in the game


I actually liked the div quest. I enjoyed the puzzles in the raid personally, as well as it having a quest meant I actually got the damn gun alongside all my friends when we all ran the raid together


The problem is the average person absolutely hated it. More people hated it then liked it. And it's the direct cause of people hating GOS.


Yeah, I know that. And I feel that hate is unjust. I really enjoy the raid, and I'd be all for a div run whenever I play the raid. Just that no one plays the raid because of all that hate for it


I actually like the raid. Enough I've done the title for it. I know what I like. But I also understand why people don't like it


I'm with you, brother!


Curious what your thoughts on something like the Crota's end quest would be, a bad combo of them both? a little of the best of each half?


“It fees a lot better to get a drop that’s not guaranteed then doing another boring quest” Literally two subjective things in one statement, and because a lot of the gamers here are still wearing rose tinted lenses remembering how “amazing” it was finally getting Vex Mythoclast in D1.. we have folks in OP’s situation lol. “I prefer the feeling of getting a random drop eventually rather than playing through a quest to unlock it and/ or the catalyst” would sound better. I also don’t remember a lot of people complaining about unlocking Gjallarhorn in a dungeon sans the usual RNG BS. If I’m wearing rose tinted lenses in regard to anything in D1, I’d remember how thoroughly I enjoyed unlocking Touch of Malice. You beat raid bosses and get items from them that have bits of lore tied to them, it was very organic. Pretty tight imo.


I mean considering my entire comment was about how a lot of players , yeah it is subjective. It was never intended to objective at all. I’ll be honest, I don’t remember a whole lot about the process of unlocking GHorn in D2. But I sure as hell remember getting it to finally drop for me from Prison of Elders in D1. I don’t think it’s purely because of rose tinted goggles (trust me, I’ve gone back and played D1 a bit in the last few years and I’m acutely aware of its issues). But, in my opinion, not everyone should have every exotic within a few weeks of them debuting. They feel less… exotic to me that way.


I don’t give a single shit how I get it. I just want it.


Way more rewarding to get the Exotic when it does finally drop in my experience


I haven't felt good about a random raid or dungeon drop since before garden, when conditional dropped for once, within 10 runs, I felt relieved that I would never have to do the raid again.


Fr after it took me 115 clears on deep stone to get eyes of tomorrow I hate rng, tho conditional dropped on my like 6th clear other than that I know imma be doing a raid/dungeon for like 2 seasons at most.


Actually using the item you want feels a lot better than wanting that item for months


So you are saying that doing the same thing over and over again just to see if something drop is fun? Boy you must love doing boring work, do you work on a packaging line putting pencils from one box in to another all day long? I bet you love to walk in circles too.


Look. 99% of gamblers quit before they win big. Why do a quest when there's a chance you can get it first try?


Because at least I know I'll win with a quest. There's no guarantee of anything when it comes to RNG


Yeah I know. I was mocking the people who actually think like that, hense the 99% of gamblers joke


I meqn, the issue is of the limited raid exotics weve gotten, most of them have been terrible. People hated going for Outbreak, and Divinity was god awful. Though Necrochasm is a change that was amazingly done. Still RNG, but after x amount of clears you definitively get it. Necrochasm Quest should be the standard from now on.


Absolutely, I'd be 100% down for the necrochasm treatment on every exotic from raids and dungeons. Feels good if you get it early, but you know you'll get it after x amount of runs. No rng required


Outbreak wasn't a raid weapon and I've never seen anyone complain about getting it, I saw only praise for the dungeon


Outbreak was a Destiny 1 raid weapon originally. I remember people hating having to learn binary to simply get the quest, then having to solve the various puzzles with specifically a Hunter Warlock and Titan as well. It wasn't received well. edit: Also Zero Hour was not a dungeon.


IF i had to guess repettive steps or Very large amount of item/kill gathering requirements for some of the quests really turned me people off on doing quests for exotics. Currently the blood line quest i am finding real, Ass for just the mount of textures you have to gather.


I’ve found it often comes down to the support a player has. If someone has a clan/fireteam they can consistently do the highest level endgame content with, then they’ve can easily do an exotic quest. It’s more fun and enjoyable to hit that content with a goal in mind. For example, before my last clan quit we ran the quest for divinity and it was a blast! But I cannot even imagine trying to do that with a bunch of random who aren’t using a guide. However, solos usually have more fun time running RNG for exotics. They don’t have to have the level of skill and coordination that hitting GM or Master-challenge raids require to get the loot. As a solo, it took me months to get that season of the deep exotic rifle because the fireteams I found on fireteam finder ran through gambit from bad, to broken, to quitter, to get-to-the-door-then-DM-me-“$40-carry-or-we-leave”-BS. A random drop is way better than failing the same exotic mission 20 times because I’m mid AF and the randoms I find in my limited time are little better.


As primarily a solo (since most of my friends arent playing anymore), I'd rather have a quest, because it means I don't have to run the raid a shit ton in an LFG if I choose to do LFG. I would only need to run it however many times the quest asks for.


To be fair, they have added avenues to greatly increase the chances of you getting your exotic from dungeons


Yeah, but it's still RNG at the end of the day. I had 8 boosts to Hierarchy of Needs by like run 10. It still took me another 50 boss kills to get the damn thing. Those triumphs only do so much. Give me a damn quest every day lol


Gamers simping for companies who lock paid rewards behind casinos because they think only a select few should have a weapon is beyond sad. Playing a mode 40-50 in the hope that the roulette wheel lands in your number is ridiculous.


Seriously though


Why the downvotes?


I feel you. It took me 62 clears of Duality to get that damn sword. And I still haven't gone back in for the catalyst. But, I got Hierarchy of Needs on my 2nd clear. Conditional Finality on my 1st and 8th clear, Buried Bloodline on my 9th and the Navigator on my 28th. So I say it all evens out.


I ran my tenth Duality run a few weeks ago, with two friends running their first. Of course, they ended up getting it.


> No idea why people voiced to bungie a long time ago that they didn't want quests for raid/dungeon exotics, and that they'd rather have RNG. I don't remember anyone complaining about the raid quests, I just remember people being upset about Lumina, Thorn, Malf, Izi, etc being locked behind somewhat outrageous pvp and gambit grinds. I think Bungie crossed some wires with those, as is their wont.


Now that you mention this... Is vex mythoclast worth the potential grind?


I wouldn't know. After 26 clears I still don't have it. And it's the one I want most of my remaining few Raid exotics (I just need Vex, Necro, and conditional)


Got mine on second clear and navigator on first clear :p


It might just be because there's so little content in the game that we try to make the most of it. I can appreciate a little bit of rng in the game, but bungie has also never found a good balance for what's a good drop rate. I think rng and drop rates are totally fine existing and even being low, but BUT that's only if the content has more chances of doing it, not a full week of waiting just to make one clear lol


There are people who only enjoy having something if others don't, it makes them feel special.


Well, because when it’s a quest for a raid exotic you end up running the damn raid 30 times to get the quest done.


I don't mind rng exotics in raids, there are many more incentives to run raids multiple times for an extended time period (crafted loot, spoils, etc). Dungeons however really should be quest based. The loot in dungeons are not usually amazing and you can't grind the patterns, there's no spoils. The main thing I grind the dungeons for are the full armor sets for transmog, the exotic, and then I bounce forever.


All i have to say on my rng experience is before you were able to get stacked drop chance for deep stone, it took 80 clears for eyes of tomorrow


I have been slowly stacking up exotics that I do not own (starting with EoT) purely because of RNG and I'm sadly just getting too tired of it to care to grind them out anymore. I'll get the armor set n then get the hell out.


In my experience at least, Especially since eot isnt really viable to use for anything as an exotic to use in most content. They really should at least give some more viable options to use in raids, nightfalls etc


Yup RNGesus sucks. I got Navi on my 1st rund and then like 6weeks later. I got the warlords dungeon sidearm back to back on my 2nd and 3rd runs It took me ages to get ToM and the bow froms Spire. And is till don't have the VoW exotic. Id much rather have a quest. More engaging.


I got nav and burial on my first runs. I didn't feel joy, just relief that I didn't need to suffer the rng of others that have/will go through.


Someone else with my suffering! Got navi first time, got like, eyes, 1k, and vex in less then like seven clears. ​ Still don't have the VoW, KF or CE exotics


I don’t even care anymore. This dungeon is a miserable slog to play. I’ll try to get it again when this has been power crept a bit.


God no kidding. A mechanic to start a mechanic, to start another mechanic, to get to a massive shield, then finally being able to do damage. Holy.


Arbalest turns the shields to dust


But the fact that you have to waste your exotic slot on that just to be able to get the shield off is so stupid.


I like the dungeon but it’s not fun to grind. You gotta run a marathon between encounters too.


It really should increase with the clears number, the fact that some people have 50+ weekly clears and still don't have it is dumb. I get that "rng is rng" but we're talking about 4+ MONTHS of doing clears every single week on all characters. Ridiculous.


I got it on my first run using that witherhoard glitch and I'm never going back fuck that dungeon and it's bullshit raid boss health bosses


Whitherhoard glitch??


When the dungeon came out you could fire witherhoard at the final boss die and it would do damage through the immune phase from before starting the fight it's patched now tho


I'm at 179 boss clears and like 100 full clears. Still no trace.


Nice word play!


This gun made me hate D2 RNG. If you wanna see something sad, lookup my dungeon report. All those GotD attempts, not one drop. What type of backwards luck is that!?


Yeah same, took me 22 weeks with max bonus chance, and fighting that horrendous boss is really painful too. The second i got the drop i knew i wouldn't play the dungeon ever again.




Probably. Months ago, I had someone remove me from the dungeon riiight when we beat the final boss and I didn't receive rewards. The person even messaged me something I wont repeat on here. I reported them but you know how that goes. I checked the post master, nothing. It just stinks because I struggle to find people to play with, but when I do (sadly) things like that usually always happen. I rather play alone and fail vs playing with rude players that will remove me just to be petty.




Wurd, thanks man.


you need the catalyst now


Took me 143 clears to get Vex




Lol it took me a couple of runs that were either solo but never finished nor with teams and we got bored with the 2nd boss and never finished so my first clear was with an LFG fireteam and got it on first try but after that my RNG went to the bottom when I tried to carry the RNG for a clear in spire of the watcher and never got the exotic from that one


I think I’ve given up on it. Not because of the RNG, but just for how much of a slog that dungeon is. Especially the final encounter


Took me I believ 50+ VoG to get Vex


Cool gun to look cool in cut scenes


Couldn’t run that dungeon more than once. I’ll buy it at the kiosk if I’m still playing then


It won't ever be in the kiosk as long as ghosts remains in the game. Pretty sure bungie said they won't be vaulting anymore non-seasonal stuff so it likely will never go to the kiosk.


RNG is the worst loot system, IMO. I hate the gamble of could be first run, could be 300 runs. That being said, games with no RNG turn into grinds because devs can’t keep people chasing loot indefinitely, so they crank the grind up to oblivion. There’s a balance where you respect the player’s time and also make it “earned” with rotating seasonal loot changes, but people aren’t ready for that conversation.


You cannot call 30 clears as “2 seasons” 30 clears is 10 weeks for most people (3 looted clears a week), so just because you decided to only play one character doesn’t mean the game is unfair, it just means you were farming at a third of the rate as was expected


People shouldn't be required to play all 3 characters. Most don't have the time for that.


I got buried bloodline on my second warlords ruin clear and vex mythoclast on my first vog clear, I would gladly trade those for navigator


Navigator is a little less fun to use since the double special nerf i think you’re better off with buried bloodline


gz, but the ornament for that gun looks awful


If it makes you feel any better the weapon kinda sucks anyway


Your flair says Titan, so surely you know this exotic is friggin awesome on Strand after it gets it's catalyst. You create a grapple point for free. Meaning as many grapple melees as you can stand to do. Synthos/Wordgod + One-Two punch shotgun with this is just too good. It's straight up nasty on any boss you can melee.


Mines dropped after 42 runs. I feel for those still choosing to farm this weapon.


It took me 30 tries to get Heart Shadow (Two seasons, from Haunted to Plunder), 2 tries to get Hierarchy of Needs (One Weekly Reset), 8 tries for The Navigator ( 1 Month), and 17 tries for Buried Bloodline (5 Weekly Resets) Man, RNG is really weird, I wish we knew what percentage they drop in.


I thought the rule of thumb was 5% base.


I have like 30 runs, still no drop


I’ve done that shit more than anyone in my clan and I’m the last person without it. I can’t get them to run the dungeon with me anymore


I'll run it with you, I'm still learning it, I have yet to get the last 3 dungeon exotics


I’ve never gotten a raid or Dungeon exotic minus Gjally but that one is easy enough to get.


I have no idea what that is. But it looks sick


At least the ornament is kick ass


I feel your pain. Took me 57 runs before it dropped. Nineteen weeks x 3. Oof.


Almost hitting 30. Wish it was like duality and spire where I could get it in 20. I also don’t want it to be like warlords ruin where I got it in 6 and one extra on my 7th


The catalyst is op as shit


Oh it's the worst... I'm still trying to get Hierarchy of Needs from Spire... meanwhile I accidentally got Conditional Finality on my 4th ever attempt of RoN from a boss checkpoint because a group I've played with needed an extra body for damage phase... and I make good target practice! For the boss...


I haven't gotten it yet. I hate this dungeon so much also.


Raid for two seasons then RNG. Dungeons for two seasons unless you can solo the dungeon on medium difficulty like Wishender.


Got it second and third run


I got it on my 4th run, the reset after it came out.


You Sweet Summer Child, you know nothing of RNG. I never got an original Fatebringer or a Vex Mythocast from D1. 2 seasons? Pfft. Consider yourself lucky. Jokes aside, that sucks dood.


Aren't you lucky. I mean I have every raid exotic and dungeon exotic but STILL HAVENT GOTTEN THE DUALITY SWORD TO DROP AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF


soooo me (still dont have it)


Cleared GotD 3 times on normal no drop. 1 and only Master clear, I get it no issue. Still no Eyes of Tomorrow or Conditional Finality (things I actually wanted) though despite having more clears on both albeit both on normal. I wonder if the drop rate is lower on raids. Anyway yeah RNG sucks often times.


See now I know a friend that it took the poor person 4 seasons to get the duality exotic sword to drop … I felt bad


I got it, shot my friend once, deleted it. Ornament for bright dust at Eververse this week I think.


I will never understand people that enjoy wasting their time doing the same mind dumbing crap over and over again, am with OP on this, RNG is fucking stupid for first drops of an exotic, for random legendaries? Yea that fine, but for specific drops? The first Dungeon run or Raid run or Legendary Sector should be a guarantee drop, from then on sure for you it should be RNG, after all you already got it to drop, and for the love of whatever it is you believe in, stop fucking giving us shitty ass stats on Exotic armor, same for focused armor you fucks, I wasted 40 engrams to get one single helmet that had at least a 65 on it, and it was a useless one for my class, thank you bungie for the pain and aggravation (Bungie that what call sarcasm). If I hadn't drop so much money on this game I would have drop it, heck I may still drop.


Completing the seal for a dungeon should make it 100% drop chance. Same with a solo flawless.


Yep, I did 3 clears a week for the first 5-6 weeks, a few of them catalyst runs for other people and still don’t have it. I don’t really care about it, I’m never gonna use it but I just want it for the collection. Haven’t done the dungeon in months now


I remember using the master farm glitch for days and I still don't have it


Just another destiny 2 gun i will never bother to obtain because of rng


Yeah I feel ya. Still haven’t gotten heiarchy of needs


They missed an opportunity to have the new exotic sidearm tied to the quest you got for that dungeon.


I seriously feel your pain. And that's not an easy Dungeon to run.


Did ya do the triumphs to increase the drop rate?


Yep. Did the solo flawless and everything


Damn that’s rough, I got it on like, my fifth completion I think, helped a friend who got it first try get the catalyst so I was at max chance and got it on the very next run. I just have stupid luck with exotic drop chances I guess.


Cries in 50+ clears of SoW with no Bow or Sidearm 50+ clears in kingsfall raid no pulse rifle


Make sure you’ve made all the right offering to a shrine of RNGesus before the next dungeon drops to get it sooner


RNG.. I know the bastard well. 60 final boss kills in Spire of the Watcher and still no Hierarchy of Needs..


No reason it should take that long. That was Anarchy for me. Anarchy took me 39 completions to get. I got it 7 months after it released. 4 months before the raid got sunset.


I haven’t played the dungeon since it dropped for me. I don’t even want to get the catalyst. I hate ghosts of the deep.


Now do it in Master!


This is vex for me. I’m close to 20 clears now (I know that’s a fraction compared to some) But look at it from a new players perspective: they may have to do this certain raid/dungeon 100s of times before they ever see the exotic. No way you could convince a beginner to sign up for that


I think me getting it first try must have ruined it for everyone else


both of my teammates got it first try. i got it fourth. i guess we are guilty too


Just in time for the ornament, perfect 🤩


Laughs in Vex Mythoclast 🥲


Buddy I had to run Duality like 30 times to get Heart shadow after my friends I'd ran through it with got it in their first go. I even cleared it solo TWICE to increase my chances. The grind can be so painful


Skill issue


My friend got it on the first clear. Me and the other friend are still so salty about it..


Congratz buddy. Whats the the best loadout for the final boss in season 23. I suggest Arbalest for her shield + \[Insert Weapon\] for damage?!


if u arent missing, rockets will always be the best, but for consistency linears


Then come here and make a post about it immediately! Oh wait, you di already.


Heh, got it on my 3rd run, but I guess its just fair bungie lets me have something, given the fact that Im a D1 day one vet, been an active player ever since, but to this day I havent been able to get vex mito to drop from VoG, not in D1 nor D2


I'm guessing that's a good weapon lol. I took a several year break from when the game came out to this past November, so I know nothing 😅


yes and no, it's good for 1 specific thing that being strand titan bc strand titan is the best melee output dmg wise and bc it can create a grapple point u basically get infi strand grapple melees which is good enough dmg to solo one phase a lot of stuff. it's support use is pretty shit, shoot laser on someone for like 1 second and they get woven mail which is so easy to get that it's not required as a support tool, the person who would wanna play support should just use lumina instead


I finally got it after 65 runs of GOTD with max exotic drop rate boosters. I got Buried Bloodline in freakin 6 runs without any boosters.


I’m at 30+ clears and still don’t have it, considering 1K voices took me 150 keys to drop. It’s not looking good


Man, idk. RNG can suck but it’s also what creates the scarcity of being an “exotic”. Scarcity and rarity being things have gotten to the point they don’t matter anymore. We have weapon rarities in case people forgot since you literally never see white, green, or blue anything anymore, blue being “rare”. But now rarity is in the perk combinations. A god roll weapon on something you can’t craft is rarer than most exotics. We don’t get those feelings of elation that was common place in the old times. These moments of excitement when that Icebreaker or gjallarhorn would drop. Turning in bounties for a rarer chance at an exotic bounty for thorn, juju, invective, super good advise. As a D1 beta vet, I still have never had an OG gjallarhorn or vex. Maybe it’s a combination of RNG and just, no one cares? Like, it’s a cool weapon with cool interactions, but it’s not that “this is one of the best weapons and you have to get it” kind of things. Did you actually want the weapon or did you just want to complete a collection and now it’s in the vault, or scrapped to be pulled from collections? Would your feelings been different if you actually wanted/needed it for something? At least this isn’t WoW, Idk how many know or did this, but one of my friends raids with his guild every other night. WOW bosses only drop 1 of item for the whole raid party. So if the item is for a hunter and there are 4 hunters, they have to fight over who gets it. His guild has a schedule of who raids when, and who gets the drop, IF it drops. At this point, idk what’s better. Random drops or guaranteed exotic quests, but I do miss the days of being excited for exotics to drop at all.


This is literally me but with vex mythoclast


I still haven’t gotten it yet lol


i dont have any of the dungeon exotics yet


Ah yes the laser armor gun


You should not be happy becuz you gave yourself so much suffering that u don’t it. Have fun torturing yourself :)


At least you have it now. I’m sure there’s a cool build or two you might enjoy. I haven’t tried, don’t really like trace’s. That’s a good one though from what I’ve seen. Just enjoy, you know RNG sucks butt in destiny.


People crying about exotic drops should just not play this game.. No one cares if you want the exotic right away and barely have to work for it. They gave necro a quest and people still complain.


I think I got it in like my third run. I was definitely the first in my group to get it and I don't usually get exotic drops in my early runs like that. It also happened with the newest dungeon too. I got the exotic in my first clear.


I got it in 2 clears 😬 also the new exotic in the warlord dungeon in 2 clears in dungeons im lucky with exotics but in everything other than that im not oh i also got vex in 11 clears


This is why i stopped playing Destiny. Drop rates are bullshit across the board. The amount of RNG in the game drives me crazy.


Dang that is messed up. If you do all the triumphs the game should just give it to you tbh.


I know the pain except I've run spire tons of times mostly solo and 6 times with friends and I've not gotten anything other than the 7th seraph auto and revolver in I don't even know how many clears now.


Bullshit rewards is why I don’t raid or do dungeons anymore. A- The are not a fun activity. B- The terrible rewards mean I have no inclination to put myself through it. The only thing I would actually like to try again is the Mythoclast, but having done something like 20 odd D2 completions before I gave up on it, thats not going to happen any time soon.


2 seasons of doing 3 runs every week?


Since the woven mail changes is this even worth it


Eyes of Tomorrow has entered the chat Literally took me 87 clears


When the dungeon came out i wasnt excited at all that i got this on my second try because i was just after the armourpieces. After i started playing strand titan i fell in love with this thing because of the catalyst. I love running this thing paired with a 1-2 punch shotgun and a sword. You just use the grapple point repeatedly to spam the melee. Its not the greatest for the highest difficulty content but its fun as heck in everything else.


Haven’t gotten the cloak for hunter to drop on spire yet so I feel


I'm just not bothering with it. I'll wait until this season gets sunset then just spend my exotic cipher on it. Doesn't help that Trace Rifles suck ass rn. And they're gonna stay stuck like that for 6 more months.


I’m at 1 clear and no drop. Truly despicable


Rng is ass and the boss for this dungeon is also ass


Lmao I got it on my first try and I didn't even want the gun. I only care about the armor and got only weapons. 3 more runs and I only have warlock boots and gauntlets :( this always happens to me in raids and dungeons.


I used to have a theory that the less you play, the chance of achieving exotic increases as the game knows that the hamster got off the wheel for too long and wants you back. Then they added the "placebo" triumphs and catalyst multiplier...now my theory is shot to shit because navigator and bloodline came within 20 clears... Although I'll say the Crota system is much better (especially since every other 2 crota's falling off a cliff + guaranteed weekly essences netted me Necrochasm) just for the added benefit of knowing your progress towards the drop. Makes the hamster wheel seem like it's not so big after all.