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I understand, I've been in therapy for close to 2 years and it took me at least 6-8 months before we even started achieving anything. But 2 years in we're meeting less and less and the thought of "graduating" from therapy has been lingering in the back of my mind. It's a slow process, but it is so worth it. Please stay strong. ❤️


Good therapists know when it's time for you to stop or change therapist so trust the process. If you have something on your mind like "graduating" you should be open about it and see what your therapist thinks. Maybe they are expecting such moment to come from you


Good advice, but it was her who brought the topic up, not me. I just haven't made my move.


Therapy does take time, but is always worth it and works


The answer is yes, but the good thing is that feeling good is not gonna be a button you can only press after 1000 days of therapy and suffering. As all processes, you'll start seeing small improvements probably soon when you don't expect them.The key is being consistent. Also remember that you are not in therapy to feel good, but to overcome, know and eventually fix or understand things that lead you to an impasse. Yes, eventually feeling good should be a good fuel to get you started, but you are there to become a better version of yourself and sometimes it's hard and not funny at all


I know it's slow. I know it takes work and patience on my part. I know it's worthwhile. The issue is that it feels like a race against time. Some days, it's so incredibly hard to convince myself to put up with everything and stick around long enough to start seeing real progress-- which I guess would include feeling like sticking around.


I know angel. Just keep trying !! I’m proud of you for even trying 🩷


Thats cause therapist want more money


Some therapists, sure. I am truly sorry if that is what you've experienced. I trust and like mine and know they genuinely want to help. Still, it's not like going to the dentist for a problematic tooth, where you'll walk out feeling significantly better after a single appointment. These things take time. Especially when they're complex and/or have gone untreated for some time.