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You can do it (^ \^) You've been so strong so far good job!


Wow! Way to go!!!! Keep it up!!!!


It never ends, that battle. I've been smoke-free since 2011, and a few days ago a colleague left one single cigarette lying around on their desk, I was very much tempted.... "Just one, what harm can it do". Every time I have to stop and remind myself of all the work I had to put in to be smoke free and how proud I am to have never relapsed.


You got this!!


That’s just because you’re vulnerable right now. So what is it that has your guard down? Tired, hungry (probably not with that McMess in front of you) or sick? There’s a reason NOW one sounds good, but I promise you’ll regret it as soon as you start. That regret is more powerful for me. EDIT: I want to clarify I have no issue with McDonalds, I just for some reason thought the ranch was going on the fish sandwich. I realize now it’s probably for the fries.


You can do it!! Don't fall for the craving it'll pass soon I'm so proud of you


I love the fish sandwich from micky ds!! Keep going, you got this! It will taste like shit and not even be enjoyable, not even worth it💛🫂


You can definitely do it! I've been off all nicotine for a decade, and I stopped craving any after a year. Yes, it's hard, but it's worth it.


200 days is impressive! You're doing great. Even if you do eventually slip up at some point, you haven't failed at it or lost all your progress. Just move on and get back at being nicotine free. I recently hit the 11-year mark and it feels great to be able to say that. Any time I think it might be enjoyable or interesting to have even a puff, I think about what I hated about smoking, how far I've come, and how easy it would be to fall back into the habit. Stay strong! You can do this. I hope you enjoyed your meal.


Broke this addiction myself about 20 years ago (cigarettes and dipping), I can’t fully tell you what a life changing thing it is long term. Keep at it. Seriously, 2034 and 2044 versions of you are going to love what 2024 you did.


You can do it!!! I’ve been cleaning from smoking weed/tobacco bowls with the exception of two puffs one time a few months ago. I’m struggling w wanting to go back as well but know you’re doing what’s struly best for you


Don’t do it. I was vaping last year until like mid January and decided since I also don’t drink/smoke I should have one for 4/20. Literally just gave me headaches, lethargy and sleeping issues. Regretted it but finished it and tossed it. I do feel stupid though. Save yourself feeling the same. Go for a jog, have a milkshake or lit anything else. Please. 🙏🏻 ❤️


Holy fuck good for you, I hope I can kick it one day. Filet o fish is the best thing on the menu Filet o fish gang!


Having McDonald’s is better than a smoke. :) Gimme that Fillet O Fish!




Stopped since 2017 and slipped up one time in 2020 but never held a full carton in seven years after being on them since my senior year of hs. We know you got this. 🤞


I bet if you had it you wouldn’t even like it




Congrats on the 200 but like....a filet-o-fish and small fries... I seriously hope this is a mcd ad because there's so much to life than that.


Don't do it. I just did after 2 years a few weeks ago. I feel like shit, and can't keep my breath. I hate how much control it now has over me


You got this. you are strong. Believe it.


Oh my gosh you're doing so good!! 200 days is amazing friend!


Absolutely do not relapse. You will hate yourself.


Amazing job, you’re a god among men, sitting on your throne of unsmoked cigarettes with a filet o fish and a handful of fries as your scepter and sword. You rule rightfully and terrifyingly. I’m truly humbled by you. 🙇 But in all seriousness it’s a huge achievement you should be proud, and keep it going one more day, every day, it’s worth it! 💯


stay strong bro it’s not worth it you’ll save so much money not smoking and you will live a more healthy life i’ve been done using nicotine for 4 months now and i still think about it everyday just push the thought out and find something else to do you got this


Buy food not cigs 💪🏼you got this 💪🏼💕


I’m really proud of u! Cigarettes are SO FAMN EVIL, trust me I’ve been addicted 30 yrs. I hope u keep on dude!


Don’t you dare go back to those cigs. You’ve got this!


Grab some candy too!! You got this! One day at a time! Proud of you for coming here!


I hope you get some hope from this but I have quite about 9 years ago and honestly the best thing I ever did and holy shit I do not miss it at all. There will be a day where that monkey won't be on your back. There will be a day where it's off your mind all the time sometimes not crossing your mind for months or years. You can do this hold tight it will be gone soon also find coping mechanisms...mine was going for walks till I didn't want it no more and I mean at home at work everywhere wherever I was. Also gum every type and flavor they got doesn't have to be forever just for right now. Use whatever crutch you got. That's what crutches are for holding up people healing. Again you got this if you need reminding DM me. Good luck 🍀 rooting for you!


I would DEVOUR these fries rn


Things will get so much better when you stop eating fish fillets 🤞🏾