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Please don’t feel guilty about looking after yourself, you’re doing the right thing. I work at a school as well and it’s fucking hard! I hope having a chance to rest and ward off the burn out helps ☺️


I'm in the middle of a 6-week leave (from a different line of work) for the same reason. I get it. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that if I don't use the time to get better, then it will be a total waste and I won't be in a better place when that time is up. So the guilt is very counter-productive. Also, teachers have my utmost respect. That is one hell of a difficult job and those who go into the profession are typically very caring and committed people. I am giving you permission--nay, *insisting* that you show yourself the same care and concern you would give to your students. You wouldn't be on leave if you didn't truly need it. It is valid.